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 It is the art and science of designing buildings, bridges and  It warps, cracks and rots.
structures to help us meet our personal and communal needs.  It is highly flammable and stirs the appetites of termites and
 It is a complex matter since it under ARTS and SCIENCE. other insects. However, modern technology has enhanced
 Aims to satisfy the aesthetic requirements of the building without the stability and strength of wood as building material.
disregarding the need for a sound structure with complete utilities. 3. CAST IRON
 Literally means "high (archi) building (lecture)," is the most  It was introduced during the 19h century industrialization. It
utilitarian of the three categories. was one of a number of structural materials that would change
 It is also a vehicle for artistic expression in three dimensions. the face of the architecture.
 More than any other firm, architecture is experienced from within  Iron has great strength, heavy and has a certain brittleness yet
as well as from without. Sculptures have fronts, back, sides and it was the first material to allow the erection of tall buildings
bottoms. Buildings have facades, foundations, roofs and variety of with slender walls.
interior spaces that must be planned.
 It is a strong metal of iron alloyed with small amounts of Carbon
and a variety of other metals.
1. POST AND LINTEL  Steel is harder than iron and more rust and fire resistant.
 This consist of two vertical post for support and a horizontal one  It is more expensive than other structural materials but its great
 An early of Post and Lintel construction is the Stonehenge strength allows it to be used in relatively small quantities.
 Two stones were set upright as supports and a third was placed
across them, creating an opening beneath.
 It is manufactured mixture of cement and water with aggregate
 "How the massive blocks of stone were transported and erected
of sand and stones which hardens rapidly by combination to a
remains a mystery."
stone-like, water and fire resisting solid with great compressive
2. THE ARCHES strength.
 Supports roofs serves as actual symbolic gateways
 Ex. Arc de triomphe in Paris
 Compares favorably with some as a structural material for its
 The bricks used to create the arched portion of a Roman arch fine and weather resisting qualities and for the ease of
are called VOUSSOIR. When properly aligned in the correct production, transportation and laying.
semi-circular arrangement, the voussoirs push downward and
outward, holding the arch in place.
 It evolved from the nipa hut which commonly found in the country
 It is any structural part projecting horizontally and anchored at side.
one end only.
 It is made of: Nipa, Palm leaves, Wood, Bamboo.
 It needs a beam with a great tensile strength which can be
 The design of Philippine Architecture is influenced by factors like
securely fastened at the supported end.
climate, weather conditions and availability of material.
 Ex, Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
 Since Philippines is a tropical country, windows are wide for free
 Used greatly in buildings with steel as a medium. Wood is also circulation of air.
fit for construction but it has the tendency to warp, sag, rot.
 These are made of wood and capiz shells.
 Modern Filipino houses are influenced by Western style of
MATERIALS USED IN ARCHITECTURE architecture. They are made of cement, wood, marbles, tiles,
1. STONE galvanized iron and glass or plastic for windows and doors.
 It is massive and virtually indestructible.
 It became the favored material for Egyptians and Greeks. SOME PROOF OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE PH ARCHITECTURE
 Today, however stone is rarely used as structural material. 1. VIGAN
 It is expensive to carry and transport and too massive to handle.  Inscribed in the World Heritage List of Cultural Properties by
 Slate Stone - Volcanic Stone  Vigan is an island which is separated from the mainland by
 Coral - Calcium carbonate that forms a hard skeleton
 Yellowstone - In the latter, it can form stalactites and stalagmites three bodies of water: the Abra River, the Mestizo River, and
 Granite  Sandstone the Govantes River.
 Limestone  Brownstones  The city is unique in the Philippines because it is one of many
2. WOOD extensive surviving Philippine historic cities, dating back to the
 PROS 16th century.
 Can be used as a structural element or as a façade. 2. UNIVERSITY OF STO. TOMAS
 It is as beautiful and versatile a material for building as it is
 It is abundant and a renewable resource.  Completed in 1891, San Sebastian Church is noted for its
 It is relatively light in weight and is capable of being worked Architectural features.
on the side with readily portable hand tools.  An example of the revival of Gothic architecture in the
 It has variety of color and grains and has the capacity to Philippines, it is the only all steel church or basilica in Asia.
accept paint and weather when left in its natural state.
 It is a Roman Catholic Church under the auspices of The Order  The most monumental expression of the Egyptian Pharaoh’s
of St. Augustine located inside the historic walled city of power, his burial place and zone of passage into the afterlife.
Intramuros in Manila. 3. The Sphinx
 Completed by 1607, it is the oldest church still standing in the  A mythical monster, with the body of a lion and the head of a
Philippines. man, hawk, ram or woman.
 It is the most famous of these churches. This unique specimen
of Filipino architecture from the Spanisih era has been included 1. Ziggurat At Ur
in the World Heritage Sites List of the Unesco.  Built at successive levels, with ramps leading from one platform
 The church was built by the Augustinian friars from 1694 until to the next in order to reach the shrine which set atop the
1710. It shows the earthquake proof baroque style architecture. Ziggurat. The base alone is some 50 ft. high, Ziggurat erected in
Babylon has a height of almost 300ft.
 It is also called the Tower of Babel.
8. FORT SANTIACO In its most characteristic form is found in the temple. Two upright
pieces or posts are surrounded by a horizontal piece the lintel, long enough to
reach from one to the other.
 Designed by National Artist for Architecture, Leonardo V. 1. Doric - The earliest, simplest and most commonly used.
Locsin. The CCP majestically rises on a 2I hectare (210,000 sqm.) - Example of this is the Parthenon.
piece of reclaimed land along Roxas Bouleward, one of the most 2. Ionic - More ornate, the column is taller and slender than Doric.
significant and beautiful landmarks of the Philippines. - It has a base and the capital is ornate with scrolls on each
 FILIPINO ARTISTS WHO CONTRIBUTED THEIR WORS AND side. It was introduced from Asia Minor for smaller temples.
SERVICES TO THE CULTURAL CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES: 3. Corinthian - The most intricate and the favorite of Roman archi.
- The distinctive feature is the capital which is much
 HERNANDO OCAMPO - Donated his painting "Genesis” with
deeper than Ionic.
tapestry weaves in Kyoto, Japan utilized as the design for
curtains of the Center's Theater for performing Arts. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE
 FERNANDO ZOBEL, ARTURO LUZ AND CEZAR LEGASPI - Did  Stylistically linked to both Greek and Etruscan's (early inhabitants
murals for various areas of the Center. of Northern Italy) precedents.
 VICENTE MANANSALA - Gave the bronze wall sculpture that  The most significant was the arch and after the 2nd Century, the
dominates the entrance of the theater. use of concrete to replace cut stone. These combination resulted in
domed and vaulted structures.
 PACITA KELLER - Designed the Philippine made capiz  Roman Architecture emphasizes space rather than solids. Roman
chandelier in the Center’s foyer area. conceptualized a certain space and then proceeded to enflame it.
 FREDERICO AGUILAR ALVAREZ - Evolved the curtains design This method is unique which served as a vital precedent for future
for the smaller experimental theatre. architecture.
 LEONARDO V. LOCSIN - The architect of the Cultural Center 1. Colosseum of Rome
of the Philippines. Known for his bold modern and vigorous  One of the most impressive and famous remains of Ancient
design which are now found in the most progressive Rome. Dedicated in A.D 80, the structure consist of two back to
business sectors of the country. back amphitheatres forming an oval arena, around which are
tiers of marble seats.
FAMOUS FILIPINO ARCHITECTS  This can hold as many as 50,000 spectators.
1. LEONARDO V. LOCSIN : Cultural Center of the Phiitppines  "The colosseum stood for Rome at its worst, but it also
2. JOSE MANOSA : San Miguel Corporation Bldg. Ortigas represented Rome at its best."
3. FRANCISCO MANOSA : Coconut Palace Monila 2. Pantheon in Rome
 A brick, concrete structure originally created to house sculpture
DIFFERENT ARCHITECTURAL STYLES of the Roman gods. Its design combines the simple geometric
Architectural styles evolved in the different periods in history because of the elements of a circle and rectangle.
needs of the times. Other factors which contribute to architectural styles are  The entrance consist of a rectangular portico, complete with
the materials and the methods in assembling them. Corinthian columns and pediments.
 The main body of the building to which the portico is attached is
ANCIENT EGYPT circular crowned by a dome equal in height to the diameter
1. The Gift of the NILE supporting a massive dome
 Egypt, in northeast Africa, was the home of one of the most  It is the most innovative ancient Roman temple
powerful and longest-lasting civilizations of the ancient world.  The interior is lavishly decorated with slabs and granite
 Egypt was defined by its most important geographical feature, columns.
the Nile, the world's longest river  The source of light in the Pantheon is the oculus, a circular
 Annual floods kept the land fertile. opening in the top of the dome.
 Characterized by a great dome which had always been a  It comes from the Greek word "dram", meaning "To do" or "to act."
traditional feature in the east.
 A play is a story acted out on stage before an audience.
 On stage, it combines many arts, those of the author, director,
 Byzantine or Byzantium was later renamed Constantinople and actor, designer or others.
now called Istanbul
 Drama is depicted as the art that represented by two masks that
1. Byzantine Churches distinguish between tragedy and comedy
 The characteristic feature was the forms of the vaults and  "Thalia", is the laughing face of the comedy mask while
domes, undisguised by any timber roof thus in Byzantine style, "Melpomene", is the crying face of the tragedy mask.
exterior closely corresponds with the interior.
 The undisputed architectural masterpiece of Justinian's reign is 1. CLASSICAL TRAGEDY
the centrally planned church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.  It tells of a high and noble person who falls because of a "tragic
 It was dedicated to Christ as the personification of Holy (Hagia) flaw", a weakness in his own character.
Wisdom (Sophia). 2. DOMESTIC TRAGEDY
 The four tall slender towers, minarets, were added when the  It is concerned with the lives of ordinary people brought low by
Turks captured Constantinople in 1453 and Hagia Sophia was circumstances beyond their control. (realistic and on the seamy
converted into a mosque. The Christian mosaics in the interior side of life)
were largely covered over and replaced by Islamic decorations.
 Today, Hagia Sophia is a state museum.
 It is a love story. The main characters are lovers; the secondary
GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE characters are comic.
 Gothic cathedrals are among the greatest and most elaborate 4. FARCE
monuments in stone.  It is comedy at its broadest.
 Example: Salisbury Cathedral, England  Much fun and horseplay enliven the action.
 Characterized primarily as a period of elaborate sculptural  Sentimental comedy mixes sentimental emotion with its humor.
ornamentation. It remained closed to that of the Renaissance, 6. MELODRAMA
although often it was far more spacious but had a profusion of  It has a plot filled with pathos and menacing threats by a villain,
carved decoration. but it does include comic relief and has a happy ending.
 Columns and entablatures were decorated with garlands of 7. TRAGIC OR COMIC
flowers and fruits, shell and waves.  The action of the play comes from conflict of characters, how
the stage people react to each other. The reactions make the
1. St. Peter’s Church in Rome
 A prominent expression of the florid Baroque building style
from its origin in Rome.
 This style spread to Spain, Austria and Southern Germany. ELEMENTS OF DRAMA
 By 1650, this lush style appeared in Spanish, Portuguese 1. PLOT - sequence of events of which the story is composed.
colonies and in America and flourished till the 19h century 2. CHARACTER - person who appears in the play and portrays the role.
MODERN ARCHITECTURE 3. THEME - The controlling idea or central insight.
 It is an attempt to interpret man's purpose through his building in 4. DIALOGUE - It provides the substance of a play. Each word uttered
a style free in relation to change and dependent of fix symmetries. by the character contributes to its effect as a whole.
 New material came to be utilized - pre stressed steel in tension, 5. SET DESIGN - The arrangement of theatrical space; the set, or
high-pressure concrete, glass block, wood, metal, chromium, setting, is the visual environment in which a play is
plastics, copper, cork, steel, gypsum lumber, real and artificial performed.
stone, all varieties of synthetic and compressed materials, and the 6. COSTUME DESIGN
versatile plywood.  Costume is whatever is worn on the performer's body.
 Modern Building are either vertical as in the case of skyscrapers or  Costume can also be wigs, masks and make-up.
horizontal like the sprawling bungalow  Costumes convey information about the character and aid in
setting the tone or mood of the production.
“GOD is the Master Builder. An Architect”.
7. MASK - A special element of costume is the mask.
- It indicates symbolically significant aspects of the character.
10. SOUND AND SOUND EFFECTS  Makeup may also function as a mask, especially in Oriental
 Sound, if required, is now generally recorded during the theater, where faces may be painted with elaborate colors and
reproduction period. images that exaggerate and distort facial features.
 Any sound that cannot be created by a performer may be 9. TECHNICAL PRODUCTION
considered a sound effect.  The technical aspects of production may be divided into
preproduction and run of production.
 Music may be defined as the organization of sounds in time.  Music has five essential elements which the composer works in
much the same way than any other artist works with his materials.
 It is an organized sound.
 Sound that moves human soul. 1. RHYTHM
 Sound begins with the vibrations of an object.  Rhythm is the basic to life.
 A complete form of music is called composition.  Rhythm is the ordered flow of music through time.
MAIN PROPERTIES OF MUSICAL SOUNDS  Meter- means measure and refers to number of beats a
rhythmic unit or measure.
 Tempo- refers to speed, whether the music moves fast or
 It refers to the relative highness or lowness we hear in a sound.
Most men speak and sing in a lower range of pitches than
women or children do. 2. MELODY
 A series of single tones that adds up to a recognizable whole.
 It begins, moves and ends.
 Degrees of loudness or softness in music.
 A melody moves by small intervals called steps (the interval
 Composers traditionally have used Italian words and
between adjacent tones as in do-re-mi scale) or larger one
abbreviations to indicate dynamics:
called leaps (interval larger than step, ex. Do-to-mi)
 Pianissisimo ppp very very soft
 Pianissimo pp very soft 3. HARMONY
 Piano p soft  Refers to the way chords (are is a combination of these or more
 Mezzo Piano mp moderately soft tones sounded at once) constructed and how they flow each
 Mezzo Forte mf moderately loud other.
 Forte f loud  Harmony is the simultaneous sounding of two or more tones.
 Fortissimo ff very loud
 Fortississimo fff very very loud 4. MUSICAL TEXTURE
 Refers to how many different layers of sounds are heard at
3. TONE COLOR /TIMBRE once, to what kind of layers they are (melody or harmony) and
 It is the quality of the sound that distinguishes them. to how they are related to each other.
 Music is painted with the harmonic palette of Timbre in much
the same way an artist uses color to give life to his painting. 5. FORM
 It is associated with shape, structure, organization, and
4. DURATION coherence
 This property of sound depends on the length of time over  Form in music is the organization of musical ideas and time.
which vibration is maintained.
 Tones are not only high or low, but also short or long. ENSEMBLES IN MEDIUM
 Medium is termed as ensemble when two or more performers are
MEDIUMS IN MUSIC engaged in playing or singing a piece of music.
1. THE VOCAL MEDIUM Combination of Instrumental Ensembles:
 Singing has been the most widespread and familiar way of 1. ORCHESTRA
making music. The song projected by the human voice is the
 It is the most spectacular of ensembles composed of any
most natural form of music.
sizeable group of instrumental performers usually under the
 Singing can make the words easier to remember and heighten direction of a conductor.
their emotional effect.
 WOMEN: MEN:  It is a large ensemble which includes all the principal
Soprano (highest) Tenor (highest) instrumental types.
Mezzo-Soprano (medium) Baritone (medium) 3. CONCERTO
Alto or Contralto (lowest) Bass (lowest)
 It is a form written for orchestra and usually one solo
2. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS instrument is given a prominent role in music.
 An instrument is any mechanism, other than voice that *Conductor- the director of the orchestra. He has to know every
produces musical sounds. Instruments produce tones more detail of the music and be able to give the most precise direction
rapidly than voice. with his baton and bands.
 String Instruments- those which are bowed or plucked. 4. BAND
 Those which are blown are grouped into:  It is an instrument ensemble, large like orchestra but consisting
Brass Instruments- usually made of brass. mainly or exclusively of wind and percussion instruments.
Woodwinds- originally made of wood.  A band usually made up of stringed instruments: Banjo,
Flutes and Piccolo- those which are made of metals. Banduria, Laud, Octavina, Piccolo, Guitarra
 Percussion Instruments- Instruments which are struck.
 It is the best-known instrumental group in the Philippines today.
 Imitative music - copies the actual sound of the subject.  All dances need to begin somewhere, build toward something,
 Descriptive program - music pictures, an event or scene. and come to a resolution (beginning, middle and end).
 Narrative music - intends to tell a story or represent a series of  When a dance builds in intensity and interest and reaches a
relative events. Ex. Don Quixote high point, the high point is called CLIMAX.
 It is the traditional and spontaneous music of a people, race,  Contrast can be achieved by combining unlike movements.
nation or region. 3. REPETITION
 It is passed down orally from one generation to another and is  Repetition of movement phrases or parts of phrases is
generally not a composer's work. reassuring for an audience.
3. ART SONG  Repetition permits an audience to see the movements in more
 It is usually composed with a piano accompaniment and is often detail, allowing them to become familiar with the movement.
 Unlike folk songs, an art song is the work of a composer who is  Sequencing and development refer to the ordering movement
trained in music. in a meaningful way.
4. JAZZ MUSIC  This creates continuity, helping the audience follow the intent
 It is a music genre that originated at the beginning of the 20th of the dance.
century in African American communities in the Southern 5. TRANSITIONS
United States from a confluence of African and European music  Needed when movements and dance phrases are connected.
 Transitional movements should promote continuity.
 Melody and Rhythm blend harmonically in jazz music.
 When all parts work together to contribute to the whole dance,
 Musical Compositions of enduring excellence felt to be the first there is unity. Every movement, no matter how brief, should
significance before modern times. work toward the intent of the composition.
 Filipino Classical music Composers are: Buencamino, Santiago
and Silos. 7. VARIETY
 Variety within a dance composition can engage and hold an
6. THE OPERA audience's interest. Variety can be incorporated in several ways.
 This is a musical drama, which for many years, has been one of
the most attractive forms of entertainment.
 It is a wonderful combination of vocal and instrumental music,
ensembles, soloist, chorus, ballet, orchestra, scenery 1. BALLET
pantomime and acting.  This type of dance has its origin in the royal courts of the middle
ages. Many ballets convey a feeling of delicate beauty and
lightness-ballet dancers' graceful motions seem airy and
DANCE effortless, and much of the movement is focused upward.
 The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and
within a given space for the purpose of expressing an idea or
 This dance is native to a particular ethnic group.
emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement
itself.  They are performed by dancers associated with national and
cultural groups.
 Folk dances are often derived from ethnic dances. Through
these, we can discover a lot more about our own heritage.
 Dancers are not just performing artists; their bodies are also the
 They are popular type of dancing usually performed by pairs.
instrument through the art is created.
 They include such forms as waltz, foxtrot, swing, cha-cha,
2. BASIC STEPS AND FORMATION boogie, tango and the latest rock dances.
 It is the art of making dances, the gathering of organization of  Sometimes called contemporary or interpretative dances.
movement into order and pattern.  They represent a rebellion against the classical formation of the
4. DANCE NOTATION ballet. The movements are based on the natural movements of
 Since dance is a performing art, the survival of any dance work the human body. The dancer stretches, drops, exaggerates,
depends either on its being presented through traditions. distorts or intensifies such movements for art's sake.
 Methods of recording dance are important in the preservation 5. THEATRICAL AND SPECTACULAR DANCE
of its history.  This type of dance is so called because it is performed for the
5. THEATRICAL ELEMENTS entertainment of spectators. Ex. Theatrical ballet, modern
 Music, design, the drama have all played important roles in the dance, musical comedy dances, and tap dancing.
evolution of dance, and in many cultures, dance has actually 6. OTHER DANCES
been inseparable from these arts.  Fire Dancing, Air Dancing, Belly Dancing, Pole Dancing

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