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Comparative Study of Models on Confinement of Concrete Cylinders with Fiber-

Reinforced Polymer Composites

Article  in  Journal of Composites for Construction · August 2003

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2003)7:3(219)


246 1,414

2 authors:

Laura De Lorenzis Ralejs Tepfers

Technische Universität Braunschweig Chalmers University of Technology


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Comparative Study of Models on Confinement of Concrete
Cylinders with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites
Laura De Lorenzis1 and Ralejs Tepfers2

Abstract: The use of fiber-reinforced polymer 共FRP兲 composites for strengthening and/or rehabilitation of concrete structures is gaining
increasing popularity in the civil engineering community. One of the most attractive applications of FRP materials is their use as confining
devices for concrete columns, which may result in remarkable increases of strength and ductility as indicated by numerous published
experimental results. Despite a large research effort, a proper analytical tool to predict the behavior of FRP-confined concrete has not yet
been established. Most of the available models are empirical in nature and have been calibrated against their own sets of experimental
data. On the other hand, the experimental results available in the literature encompass a wide range of values of the significant variables.
The objective of this work is a systematic assessment of the performance of the existing models on confinement of concrete columns with
FRP materials. The study is conducted in the following steps: the experimental data on confinement of concrete cylinders with FRP
available in the technical literature are classified according to the values of the significant variables; the existing empirical and analytical
models are reviewed, pointing out their distinct features; the whole set of available experimental results is compared with the whole set
of analytical models; and strengths and weaknesses of the various models are analyzed. Finally, a new equation is proposed to evaluate
the axial strain at peak stress of FRP-confined concrete cylinders.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0268共2003兲7:3共219兲
CE Database subject headings: Comparative studies; Columns; Fiber reinforced polymers; Ductility; Concrete structures;
Rehabilitation; Confinement.

Introduction in the circumferential direction is very large and essentially inde-

pendent from the value of the axial stress; ease and speed of
Being a frictional material, concrete is sensitive to hydrostatic application result from their light weight; their minimal thickness
pressure. As early as 1906, Considère recognized the beneficial does not produce any change in the shape and size of the strength-
effect of lateral stresses on the concrete strength and deformation ened elements; and the good corrosion behavior of FRP materials
共Considère 1906兲. Since then, further research has made generally makes them suitable for use in coastal and marine structures.
accepted the fact that, when uniaxially loaded concrete is re- After the early attempts by Kurt 共1978兲 and Fardis and Khalili
strained from dilating laterally, it exhibits increased strength and 共1981, 1982兲, a remarkable amount of experiments have been
axial deformation capacity. performed to investigate the behavior of concrete columns con-
In the last two decades, the use of fiber-reinforced polymer fined with FRP spirals 共Ahmad et al. 1991; Nanni and Bradford
共FRP兲 composites has been gaining increasing popularity in the 1995兲, wraps 共Harmon and Slattery 1992; Picher et al. 1996;
civil engineering community, due to the favorable intrinsic prop- Watanabe et al. 1997; Miyauchi et al. 1997; Kono et al. 1998;
erties possessed by these materials 共extremely high strength-to- Toutanji 1999; Matthys et al. 1999; Shahawy et al. 2000;
weight ratio, good corrosion behavior, electromagnetic neutral- Rochette and Labossiére 2000; Micelli et al. 2001; Rousakis
ity兲. One of FRPs’ most attractive applications is their use in the 2001兲, and tubes 共Mirmiran and Shahawy 1997; Saafi et al. 1999;
form of filaments, wraps, or tubes to achieve confinement of con- La Tegola and Manni 1999; Fam and Rizkalla 2000兲. Despite this
crete columns. Their use in place of steel for this application large research effort, a proper analytical tool to predict such be-
offers several advantages. If the ratio of circumferential to axial havior has not yet been established. Early investigations at-
fibers is large, the FRP axial modulus is small, allowing the con- tempted to extend to FRP confinement the analytical models pre-
crete to take essentially the entire axial load; the tensile strength viously in use for steel 共Fardis and Khalili 1981; Saadatmanesh
et al. 1994兲, but it was soon stated that this operation yielded
unaccurate and often unconservative results 共Mirmiran and Sha-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Innovation Engineering, Univ. of Lecce, hawy 1996兲. Since then, various models specifically suited for
via per Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy. FRP-confined concrete columns have been proposed 共Miyauchi
Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Building Materials, Chalmers Univ. of et al. 1997; Kono et al. 1998; Toutanji 1999; Saafi et al. 1999;
Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. Samaan et al. 1998; Spoelstra and Monti 1999; Xiao and Wu
Note. Discussion open until January 1, 2004. Separate discussions 2000兲. Most of these models are empirical in nature and have
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
been calibrated against their own sets of experimental data. On
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- the other hand, the experimental results available in the technical
sible publication on August 9, 2001; approved on March 19, 2002. This literature encompass a wide range of values of the significant
paper is part of the Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 7, No. variables and can therefore be used for a systematic assessment of
3, August 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/2003/3-219–237/$18.00. the effectiveness of the existing models.


The objective of this work is a systematic assessment of the per-
formance of the existing models on confinement of concrete col-
umns with FRP materials. For the time being, only the case of
circular columns has been considered, due to the limited set of
experimental data available for the case of noncircular columns.
Rather than ‘‘columns,’’ it would be more correct to use the term
‘‘cylinders,’’ since the large majority of the specimens tested thus
far in the laboratories have been concrete cylinders of limited size
with no internal steel longitudinal nor transverse reinforcement.
This raises two fundamental problems: the size effect, and the
interaction between internal steel reinforcement and external FRP
wraps or tubes. These two questions are not taken into consider-
ation in this study and need specific investigations. However, re-
cent studies have shown no appreciable influence of the specimen
size on performance of FRP-confined concrete 共Thériault et al. Fig. 1. Scheme of confinement action
2001; De Lorenzis et al. 2002兲.
The assessment has focused on the prediction of the ultimate
axial stress and strain of the confined concrete, rather than on its tained when the circumferential strain in the FRP reaches its ul-
whole stress-strain relationship. Ultimate stress and strain of the timate strain and the fibers rupture leading to brittle failure of the
confined columns are the most significant parameters from a de- cylinder
sign standpoint. Furthermore, accuracy in prediction of the coor- 2 f f u nt
dinates of the peak point 共which in FRP-confined concrete in p u ⫽E l •␧ f u ⫽ (3)
most cases coincides with the ultimate point兲 has a major influ-
ence on the proximity of the predicted stress-strain curve to the Steel confinement is based on the same mechanics. However, a
experimental one. fundamental difference is due to the stress-strain behavior of
This study is conducted in the following steps: the experimen- steel, which after the initial linearly elastic phase displays the
tal data on confinement of concrete cylinders with FRP available yielding plateau. Therefore, after reaching the maximum value
in the technical literature are collected and classified according to corresponding to the yielding stress, the confinement pressure re-
the values of the significant variables; the existing empirical and mains constant 共neglecting strain hardening兲. Another difference
analytical models are reviewed; the whole set of available experi- is the greater stiffness of steel when compared to FRP 关especially
mental results is compared with the whole set of analytical mod- to glass FRP 共GFRP兲, whereas carbon FRP 共CFRP兲 may reach
els; and strengths and weaknesses of the various models are ana- even higher values of elastic modulus兴. Both differences are re-
lyzed. Finally, a new equation is proposed to evaluate the axial flected in the typical axial stress-strain behavior of steel-confined
strain at peak stress of FRP-confined concrete cylinders. and FRP-confined concrete, illustrated in Fig. 2. Stresses and
strains are normalized with respect to the unconfined concrete
strength and peak strain. The steel-confined concrete follows an
Review of Experiments approximately linear trend before reaching the peak stress ( f ⬘cc )
after which it follows a gradual postpeak descending branch,
Observed Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer- ⬘ ) is lower than the peak stress.
therefore, the ultimate stress ( f cu
Confined Cylinders For columns confined with steel spirals or ties with effective con-
figurations, if the amount of ‘‘effective’’ confinement is large
The confinement action exerted by the FRP on the concrete core enough, and for steel-encased columns, the gain in strength and
is of the passive type, that is, it arises as a result of the lateral ductility over the unconfined concrete can be substantial. As pre-
expansion of concrete under axial load. As the axial stress in-
creases, the corresponding lateral strain increases and the confin-
ing device develops a tensile hoop stress balanced by a uniform
radial pressure which reacts against the concrete lateral expan-
sion. Assuming deformation compatibility between the confining
wrap or tube and the concrete surface, the lateral strain ␧ l of the
confined cylinder equals the strain ␧ f of the FRP composite. The
lateral stress p acting on the concrete as a result of the confine-
ment action can then be obtained by equilibrium of forces 共see
Fig. 1兲
p⫽E l •␧ l ⫽E l •␧ f (1)
2E f nt
E l⫽ (2)
E l , sometimes called confinement modulus or lateral modulus, is
Fig. 2. Axial stress-strain behavior of confined concrete 关from
a measure of the stiffness of the confining device. The maximum
Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲兴
value of the confinement pressure that the FRP can exert is at-


viously mentioned, the peak point corresponds to yielding of the concrete cylinders, therefore, their correct evaluation is funda-
confining device, unless high-strength concrete is confined with mental for an accurate prediction of such behavior. While some
high-strength steel ties 共Cusson and Paultre 1995兲. The FRP- authors rely upon the manufacturer specifications, others carried
confined concrete displays a distinct bilinear response with a out their own tensile or split-disk tests to measure tensile strength
sharp softening and a transition zone at the level of its unconfined and modulus of elasticity of the FRP in the hoop direction. The
strength ( f ⬘co ), after which the tangent stiffness stabilizes at a fact that, sometimes, values notably different from those declared
constant value until reaching the ultimate strength. Thus the peak by the manufacturer were found emphasizes the need for accurate
point coincides with the ultimate point and they both correspond and standardized tensile characterization of FRP laminates. The
to tensile rupture of the FRP confining device. It has been noted number of repetitions is the number of identical specimens of
that the strain measured in the confining FRP at rupture is in most which the reported values represent the average. The failure mode
cases lower than the ultimate strain of the FRP tested in uniaxial of almost all cylinders included in the survey was tensile rupture
tension 共see, for example, Matthys et al. 1999; Shahawy et al. of the FRP. In some cases, a combined FRP rupture-concrete
2000; Rousakis 2001兲. This phenomenon considerably affects the shear failure has been observed, especially in specimens with
accuracy of the existing models and will be examined later.
high strength concrete.
The ever-increasing response is associated to the absence of
yielding. The decrease in stiffness at the level of the concrete
unconfined strength is due to the lower stiffness of the FRP con-
fining device with respect to steel 共in Fig. 2 it can be seen that it Review of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Confinement
is more pronounced for GFRP than for CFRP confinement, the Models
latter being very close to the response of the steel-confined col-
umn兲. From the observed behavior, it has been noted that the Steel-Based Confinement Models
value of the confined strength is essentially dependent on the
maximum confining pressure that the FRP may apply, whereas the The steel-based confinement models extend to FRP the formula-
slope of the second branch of the stress-strain relationship 共and, tions of Richart et al. 共1928兲; Newman and Newman 共1972兲; and
as a consequence, the value of the strain at peak stress兲 is mainly Mander et al. 共1988兲. Such formulations are based on ultimate
related to the confinement stiffness. This will be reflected by most strength surfaces modeled on triaxial test data, and therefore they
of the examined models. predict the enhancement in strength of the confined concrete as a
function of one value of confining pressure, assumed to be con-
stant throughout the loading history.
Classification of the Experimental Data
Fardis and Khalili 共1981兲 applied the triaxial strength enve-
Results of about 180 tests from 17 different experimental sets lopes proposed by Richart et al. 共1928兲 and Newman and New-
documented in the published literature have been collected. Table man 共1972兲 to the case of confinement with FRP, using for p 共the
1 shows the range of variation of the variables in each experimen- constant triaxial pressure兲 the maximum confinement pressure
tal set, for a complete classification see De Lorenzis and Tepfers that the FRP can exert before rupturing in tension. The resulting
共2001兲. Other variables whose influence is either weak or ques- equations 共see Table 3兲 were checked against the experimental
tionable are discussed as follows and reported in Table 2 for com- results obtained by the authors on small size (75⫻150 and 100
pleteness. ⫻200 mm) cylinders wrapped with fiberglass balanced or unbal-
The resin type used in the various specimens should not exert anced woven rovings. Most specimens had a p u / f ⬘co ratio ranging
an appreciable influence on the confining effect, as shown for between 0.1 and 0.6. For these values of p u / f ⬘co , a reasonable
example in Nanni and Bradford 共1995兲. Inadequate length of the agreement was observed. The equation giving the axial strain at
overlap at the end of the wrapping may result in premature failure peak stress was calibrated empirically with a value of ␧ co equal to
due to debonding of the overlapped region preceding fiber rup-
0.002. No comparison was shown between experimental and the-
ture. Specimens failed by this mechanism have not been included
oretical strains. The lateral strain of the tested cylinders at failure
in the survey. The overlap length, provided that it is enough to
was shown to be in most cases within a range of plus/minus one
avoid failure by debonding, should not influence the behavior of
standard deviation around the average ultimate strain of the FRP.
the confined specimens. Friction at the loading platens is one of
the sources for the size effect. Rousakis 共2001兲 has adopted Teflon Saadatmanesh et al. 共1994兲 extended to FRP the well-known
layers to reduce such friction, whereas other researchers make confinement model by Mander et al. 共1988兲, proposed for steel-
explicit mention not to have used any antifriction device. Unfor- confined concrete. Mander’s model suggests a nonlinear relation-
tunately, most authors do not give any information on this detail. ship between the confined strength and the confinement pressure
It might be expected that, the other parameters being the same, based on the ultimate strength surface developed by Elwi and
specimens with less friction at the loading platens display lower Murray 共1979兲. The whole stress-strain relationship is based on an
strength values. The axial load may or may not be applied di- equation proposed by Popovics 共1973兲, with the ultimate strain
rectly on the FRP. Direct axial loading may result in local buck- ␧ cu determined through an energy balance approach, that is,
ling of the composite in the axial direction close to the loaded equating the additional ductility available when concrete is con-
surfaces. The buckling portions expand outward, which results in fined to the energy stored in the confining device. Saadatmanesh
less contact pressure with concrete. Therefore, direct loading of et al. applied Mander’s equations to the case of FRP confinement
the FRP should yield a lower confinement effectiveness, as re- using p given by Eq. 共3兲 共see Table 3兲, whereas ␧ cc and the stress-
cently shown by Fam and Rizkalla 共2001兲. The latter authors also strain curve are given by the same equations valid for steel con-
attribute the reduced effectiveness to the biaxial stress state 共axial finement and the ultimate strain ␧ cu is determined through the
compression and radial tension兲 to which the tube 共in their case兲 energy balance approach. This model was not compared by the
is subjected when directly loaded. The mechanical properties of authors with any experimental result but was only used for a
the confining FRP are of great influence on the behavior of the parametric study.


Table 1. Experimental Data 共Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wraps兲
Classification data Geometry Fiber-reinforced polymer properties Concrete properties
Specimen Specimen Fiber D⫻H nt Ef f fu ␧fu ⬘
f co ␧ co E co
Reference code type type 共mm兲 共mm兲 共MPa兲 共MPa兲 共%兲 共MPa兲 共%兲 共MPa兲
共a兲 Fiber-reinforced polymer wraps
Harmon and Slattery HA1-7 Wrap CFRP 51⫻102 0.089– 235,000 3,500 1.489 41.00– 0.23–0.4 N/A
共1992兲 0.689 103.00
Picher et al. 共1996兲 PI1 Wrap CFRP 153⫻305 0.36 83,000 1,266 1.525 39.70 0.25 N/A
Watanabe et al. 共1997兲 WA1-9 Wrap CFRP 100⫻200 0.14 –0.67 223,400– 2,728.5– 1.221– 30.20 0.25 22,200
611,600 1,562.7 0.256
Miyauchi et al. 共1997兲 MI1-10 Wrap CFRP 100⫻200– 0.11–0.33 230,500 3,481 1,510 31.20– 0.190– N/A
150⫻300 51.90 0.219
Kono et al. 共1998兲 KO1-17 Wrap CFRP 100⫻200 0.167– 235,000 3,820 1.626 32.30– 0.170– 24,400–
0.501 34.80 0.234 28,425
Toutanji 共1999兲 TO1 Wrap GFRP 76⫻305 0.236 72,600 1,518 2.091 30.93 0.190 N/A
TO2-3 CFRP 76⫻305 0.22–0.33 230,500– 3,485– 1.512– 30.93 0.190 N/A
372,800 2,940 0.789
Matthys et al. 共1999兲 MA1-2 Wrap CFRP 150⫻300 0.117– 220,000– 2,600– 1.182– 34.90 0.210 N/A
0.235 500,000 1,100 0.220
Shahawy et al. 共2000兲 SH1-9 Wrap CFRP 153⫻305 1.25–0.36 82,700 2,275 2.751 19.40– 0.200 16,376 –
49.00 22,409
Rochette and Labossière RL1-3 Wrap CFRP 100⫻200 0.6 82,700 1,265 1.530 42.00 N/A N/A
共2000兲 RL4-7 AFRP 150⫻300 1.26 –5.04 13,600 230 1.691 43.00 N/A N/A
Micelli et al. 共2001兲 MC1-4 Wrap GFRP 100⫻200 0.35 72,400 1,520 2.099 32.00 0.145 25,400
MC5-8 CFRP 100⫻200 0.16 227,000 3,790 1.670 37.00 0.190 30,608
Rousakis 共2001兲 RO1-48 Wrap CFRP 150⫻300 0.169– 118,340 2,024 1.710 25.15– 0.290– 16,802–
0.845 82.13 0.350 37,040
共b兲 Fiber-reinforced polymer filaments and tubes
Ahmad et al. 共1991兲 AH1-3 Filament GFRP 102⫻203 1 48,300 2,070 4.286 38.99– 0.22–0.27 N/A
Wound 64.20
Nanni and Bradford NB1-15 Filament GFRP 150⫻300 0.3–2.4 52,000 583.3 1.122 36.30 N/A N/A
共1995兲 Wound
Saafi et al. 共1999兲 SA1-3 Tube GFRP 152⫻435 0.8 –2.4 32,000– 450–560 1.406 – 35.00 0.250 30,000
36,000 1.556
SA4-6 CFRP 152⫻435 0.11–0.55 367,000– 3,300– 0.910– 35.00 0.250 30,000
415,000 3,700 0.892
Mirmiran and Shahawy MS1-22 Tube GFRP 153⫻305 1.44 –2.97 37,233– 524 – 641 1.407– 29.64 – N/A N/A
共1997兲 40,749 1.573 31.97
La Tegola and Manni LM1-10 Tube GFRP 150⫻300 4.28 –5.9 25,250– 652– 670 2.582– 25.61 N/A N/A
共1999兲 25,450 2.633
Fam and Rizkalla 共2000兲 FR1-3 Tube GFRP 219⫻438– 3.73–3.08 33,400– 548 –398 1.641– 58.00– 0.200 N/A
100⫻200 23,000 1.730 37.00

Empirical or Analytical Models were calibrated using the experimental values of ␧ co . Lateral
strains were not measured, therefore, it was not possible to check
The other models, except the one by Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲,
are empirically based: they use best fitting of experimental data to whether the FRP hoop strain at failure was equal or less than its
correlate the stress-strain behavior of confined cylinders 共particu- uniaxial ultimate tensile strain. However, it is very likely that
larly the enhancement in strength and ultimate strain兲 to the val- ‘‘premature’’ tensile failure of the FRP occurred in Miyauchi’s
ues of the parameters believed to be significant. The equations are specimens such as in most wrapped specimens of the available
reported in Table 3. literature. If so, the empirical equations incorporate such phenom-
The equation proposed by Miyauchi et al. 共1997兲 to estimate enon in themselves, since they have been calibrated using the
the strengthening effect of the FRP confinement differs from uniaxial tensile strength of the FRP. The complete axial stress-
Richart’s equation 共with the active pressure substituted by the strain relationship of the confined concrete was proposed, based
confining pressure at FRP rupture兲 by the only addition of the on the observed behavior, as consisting of a parabolic branch,
empirical ‘‘effectiveness coefficient’’ k e . Such coefficient was modeled by the same equation of the unconfined concrete, fol-
calibrated by the authors from their own experimental results and lowed by a straight line tangent to the parabola at the intersection
was set equal to 0.85. The experiments were conducted on speci- point.
mens with values of the p u / f ⬘co ratio ranging from 0.1 to 0.5. The Kono et al. 共1998兲 developed two empirical equations for the
two empirical equations suggested for the computation of ␧ cc evaluation of peak stress and corresponding strain of confined


Table 1. 共Continued兲
Confinement properties Test results
El pu ⬘ ( គf cu
f cc ⬘)
គ ␧ cc (␧គ cu
គ) ␧fr
Reference 共MPa兲 共MPa兲 ⬘
p u / f co 共MPa兲 ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ 共%兲 ␧ cc (␧គ cu
គ )/␧ co 共%兲 ␧ f r /␧ f u
共a兲 Fiber-reinforced polymer wraps
Harmon and Slattery 820– 6,350 12.22– 2.31– 86.00–303.60 5.88 –1.27 3.600–1.100 15.65–2.75 1.130– 0.76 –0.13
共1992兲 94.57 0.24 0.200
Picher et al. 共1996兲 392 5.98 0.15 55.98 1.41 1.070 4.28 0.840 0.55
Watanabe et al. 共1997兲 748 – 36.56 – 4.38 1.21– 104.60– 3.46 –1.38 4.151–0.575 16.60–2.30 1.000– 0.55–0.98
5,137 0.14 41.70 0.167
Miyauchi et al. 共1997兲 338 – 5.11– 0.11– 52.40– 1.31–2.62 0.945–2.013 4.32–10.32 N/A N/A
1,014 15.32 0.49 104.60
Kono et al. 共1998兲 785– 12.76 – 0.37– 50.70– 1.46 –3.16 0.785–2.490 4.08 –10.87 0.960– 0.59–0.38
2,355 38.28 1.19 110.10 0.610
Toutanji 共1999兲 451 9.43 0.30 60.82 1.97 1.530 8.05 1.630 0.78
1,334 – 20.18 – 0.65– 95.02– 3.07–3.04 2.450–1.550 12.89– 8.16 1.250– 0.83–0.70
3,237 25.53 0.83 94.01 0.550
Matthys et al. 共1999兲 343– 4.06 –3.45 0.12– 46.10– 1.32–1.31 0.900–0.600 4.29–2.86 1.260– 1.07–1.41
1,567 0.10 45.80 0.310
Shahawy et al. 共2000兲 1,356 – 37.30– 1.92– 33.80– 4.13–1.21 3.560–0.620 17.80–3.10 0.570– 0.21–0.27
390 10.74 0.22 112.70 0.730
Rochette and Labossière 992 15.18 0.36 67.62– 1.61–1.75 1.350–1.600 N/A 0.800– 0.52–0.62
共2000兲 73.50 0.950
228 –914 3.86 – 0.09– 47.30– 1.10–1.73 1.110–1.740 N/A 1.550– 0.92–0.70
15.46 0.36 74.39 1.180
Micelli et al. 共2001兲 507 10.64 0.33 48.00– 1.50–1.69 0.850–1.494 5.87–10.32 0.990– 0.47–0.71
54.00 1.500
726 12.13 0.33 57.00– 1.54 –1.68 0.900–1.090 4.74 –5.74 1.070– 0.64 –0.81
62.00 1.350
Rousakis 共2001兲 267– 4.56 – 0.06 – 38.75– 1.14 –2.79 0.44 共0.46兲–2.45 1.42–7.66 0.095– 0.06 –0.45
1333 22.80 0.54 137.93 0.770
共b兲 Fiber-reinforced polymer filaments and tubes
Ahmad et al. 共1991兲 951 40.75 1.05–0.63 115.30 – (109.4) 2.81–2.15 1.13 – (1.77) 8.05–7.15 N/A N/A
145.59(137.8) 1.24(1.83)
Nanni and Bradford 208 – 2.33– 0.06 –0.51 41.20–107.91 1.13–2.97 1.889– N/A N/A N/A
共1995兲 1,664 18.67 5.453
Saafi et al. 共1999兲 336 – 4.72– 0.13–0.50 52.80– 1.51–2.37 1.90–3.00 7.60–12.0 1.650– 1.21–1.09
1,134 17.64 83.00 1.700
530– 4.76 – 0.14 –0.76 55.00– 1.57–2.77 1.00–2.22 4.00– 8.88 1.300– 1.45–1.01
2,995 26.71 97.00 0.900
Mirmiran and Shahawy 703– 9.90– 0.31–0.84 53.66 – 1.74 –3.87 2.900– N/A 1.150– 1.36 –0.80
共1997兲 1,587 24.97 114.66 5.330 1.940
La Tegola and Manni 1,441– 37.21– 1.45–2.06 71.00– 2.77– 4.31 4.100– N/A N/A N/A
共1999兲 2,002 52.71 110.30 9.900
Fam and Rizkalla 1,483– 18.52– 0.32–0.66 90.00– 1.17–2.19 1.350– 6.75–5.15 1.200– 0.73–0.95
共2000兲 1,129 24.52 68.00 1.030 1.650

concrete cylinders. In these equations, the ratios f ⬘cc / f ⬘co and Saaman et al. adopted and calibrated the four-parameter stress-
␧ cc /␧ co are linearly correlated with the ultimate pressure p u strain relationship by Richard and Abbott 共1975兲 to model the
rather than with the ratio p u / f ⬘co . The equation giving the strain bilinear response of FRP-confined concrete, for more details see
at peak stress was obtained using the experimental values of ␧ co . the original paper 共Saaman et al. 1998兲. The expression of the
The experiments from which the previous equations were cali- confined strength was calibrated on experimental results obtained
brated are characterized by p u / f ⬘co ratios ranging from 0.37 to by the authors on FRP-encased specimens with p u / f ⬘co ratios
1.19, that is, rather high compared to those on which the preced- ranging from 0.31 to 0.84. The recorded FRP hoop strains at
ing models were based. The concrete unconfined strength ranged failure were very close to the ultimate tensile strain of the FRP
between 32.3 and 34.8 MPa. The lateral strains were measured tube and, therefore, the model does not incorporate the ‘‘prema-
and results indicated that only a percentage of the FRP ultimate ture’’ failure phenomenon. In this model as in those by Fardis,
strain ranging from 38 to 59% was developed at failure. There- Toutanji, and Saafi, ␧ cc depends not only on the ultimate confine-
fore, Kono’s equations incorporate such ‘‘premature’’ failure phe- ment pressure but also on the stiffness of the confining device.
nomenon in themselves. Besides, it is no more related to the unconfined strain at peak ␧ co .


Table 2. Other Variables
Resin Overlap Presence of Axial load Tensile Number Failure
Code type 共mm兲 antifriction device applied on fiber-reinforced polymer character of repetitions mode
AH1-3 Polyester N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Fiber rupture
NB1-15 Polyester/Vinyl N/A No N/A N/A 1 Fiber rupture
HA1-7 Epoxy N/A No N/A No N/A N/A
PI1 Epoxy 100 N/A N/A N/A 3 Fiber rupture
WA1-9 N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes 3 N/A
MI1-10 Epoxy 60 共outer layer兲 N/A N/A N/A 1 Fiber rupture
40 共inner layer兲
KO1-17 MMA N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Fiber rupture
TO1-3 Epoxy 76 N/A N/A N/A 4 Fiber rupture
MA1-2 Epoxy 150 N/A N/A Yes 3 Fiber rupture
SH1,6 Epoxy 50 N/A No Yes 5 Fiber rupture
SH2,7 100
SH3,8 150
SH4,9 200
SH5 250
RL1-3 Epoxy 100 N/A N/A Yes 1 Fiber rupture
RL4-7 N/A
MC1-8 Epoxy 50.8 No No No 1 Fiber rupture
RO1-48 Epoxy 150 Yes No Yes 1 Fiber rupture
SA1-3 Polyester N/A N/A N/A No 3 Fiber rupture
SA4-6 Fiber rupture/shear
MS1-22 Polyester N/A No No Yes 1 Fiber rupture
LM1-10 Polyester N/A N/A No Yes 1 Fiber rupture
FR1-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Fiber rupture

Table 3. Summary of Models

fiber-reinforced polymer
Model ⬘
Theoretical f cc Theoretical ␧ cc is incorporated?
Fardis and Khalili ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹4.1(p u / f co
⬘ ); ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹3.7(p u / f co
⬘) 0.86
␧ cc ⫽␧ co ⫹0.0005(E l / f co No

Saadatmanesh et al. f cc ⬘ ⫽2.254冑1⫹7.94(p u / f co

⬘ / f co ⬘ )⫺2(p u / f co
⬘ )⫺1.254 ␧cc No
共Mander兲 ⬘ /f co
⫽1⫹5共 f cc ⬘ ⫺1兲
Miyauchi et al. ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹3.485(p u / f co
⬘) ␧cc N/A
⬘ 兲 0.373
⫽1⫹10.6共 p u / f co ⬘ ⫽30 MPa兲
共 f co
␧ cc
⬘ 兲 0.525
⫽1⫹10.5共 p u / f co ⬘ ⫽50 MPa兲
共 f co
␧ co
Kono et al. ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹0.0572p u ␧ cc /␧ co ⫽1⫹0.280p u Yes
Saaman et al. ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹6.0(p 0.7 ⬘)
u / f co ⬘ ⫺ f o /E 2 )
␧ cc ⫽( f cc No
f 0 ⫽0.872 f co ⬘ ⫹0.371p u ⫹6.258
E 2 ⫽245.61f co ⬘ 0.2 ⫹0.6728E l
Toutanji ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹3.5(p u / f co
⬘ ) 0.85 ␧cc No
⬘ / f co
⫽1⫹共310.57␧ f u ⫹1.90兲共 f cc ⬘ ⫺1 兲
Saafi et al. ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1⫹2.2(p u / f co
⬘ ) 0.84 ␧cc No
⬘ / f co
⫽1⫹共537␧ f u ⫹2.6兲共 f cc ⬘ ⫺1 兲
Spoelstra and Monti ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽0.2⫹3(p u / f co
⬘ ) 0.5 ␧cc E co No
共approximate兲 ⫽2⫹1.25 ␧ 冑p / f ⬘
␧co ⬘ f u u co
f co
Xiao and Wu ⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘ ⫽1.1⫹ 关 4.1⫺0.75( f co
⬘ 2/E l ) 兴 p u / f co
⬘ ␧ fu⫺0.0005 No
⬘ /E l 兲 0.8
7 共 f co


The model by Toutanji 共1999兲 provides a stress-strain curve also for the ultimate stress, which is always lower than f ⬘cc corre-
characterized by two different regions. In the first region, the sponding to the maximum FRP confinement pressure. Another
behavior of the confined cylinder does not appreciably differ from distinct feature of the model is that, as opposed to the others, it is
that of the unconfined concrete. In the second region, two equa- able to predict stress-strain curves with a descending branch, and
tions 共obtained by regression analysis on results of tests con- even losses of strength with respect to the unconfined case, which
ducted by the author兲 are proposed giving the axial stress and the has actually been observed for very low FRP volumetric ratios.
axial strain as functions of the lateral strain. The axial stress-strain Closed-form expressions for the confined ultimate axial strain and
curve can be obtained by combining these equations, where the stress are obtainable from the model, see Spoelstra and Monti
lateral strain ␧ l increases from 0.002 to the ultimate strain of the 共1999兲 or De Lorenzis and Tepfers 共2001兲. From the ‘‘exact’’
composite. Assuming that failure occurs by FRP rupture, the ex- formulation of the model, the authors carried out regression
pressions of the peak stress and strain 共coinciding with the ulti- analysis to provide ‘‘approximate’’ and more readily applicable
mate stress and strain兲 follow immediately by setting the lateral expressions of the ultimate axial stress and strain, reported in
strain equal to the ultimate FRP strain. Table 3. The analysis was conducted using the assumptions that
Saafi et al. 共1999兲 proposed a model identical to that by ␧ co ⫽0.002 and that the concrete elastic modulus can display a
Toutanji, with the only exception that regression analysis was 20% variation with respect to the reference value 5,700冑 f ⬘co for a
conducted on experimental results obtained by FRP-encased range of f ⬘co ⫽30– 50 MPa.
rather than wrapped cylinders. Different values of the coefficients Xiao and Wu 共2000兲 proposed a bilinear axial stress-strain
were found and the discrepancy was attributed to the bond be- relationship for confined concrete. The equations giving confined
tween FRP sheets and concrete being stronger as compared to that strength and strain at peak stress were calibrated empirically on
of FRP tubes. The distinct feature of these two models is that the experimental results obtained by the authors on FRP-wrapped
equations giving f ⬘cc and ␧ cc as functions of the respective rel- specimens with p u / f ⬘co values ranging from 0.14 to 0.7. The re-
evant parameters have not been obtained by best fitting of the corded FRP hoop strains corresponding to failure ranged from
experimental values of f ⬘cc and ␧ cc . Instead, they have been found about 50 to 80% of the rupture strains obtained for the tensile
by extrapolating to ultimate conditions 共that is, ␧ l ⫽␧ f u ) the equa- coupons. However, calibration of the equations was based on the
tions giving the current axial stress and strain as functions of the measured lateral strains and therefore such equations do not in-
current lateral strain, such equations being obtained by best fitting corporate the premature tensile failure of the FRP.
of experimental results. This is an expedient through which the
ever-increasing confinement pressure exerted by the FRP is ac- Discussion
counted for. In other words, the triaxial failure envelope is ob-
tained assuming that the state of the confined concrete core is Steel-Based and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Confinement
represented by a point on the envelope at each current value of Models
axial stress and strain. Although the specimens tested by Toutanji Many authors have raised towards the steel-based confinement
failed for a lateral FRP strain lower than its ultimate tensile strain, models the objection that they do not account for the profound
the model does not incorporate such phenomenon due to its cali- difference in uniaxial tensile stress-strain behavior between steel
bration on the current values of lateral strain. and FRP 关see Saaman et al. 共1998兲; and Spoelstra and Monti
The model by Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 is based on a com- 共1999兲, among others兴. According to these authors, while the as-
bination of different ‘‘ingredients,’’ without any empirical param- sumption of constant confining pressure is still realistic in the
eter calibration, and is implemented by means of an iterative ap- case of steel confinement in the yield phase, it cannot be extended
proach. Such ‘‘ingredients’’ are a constitutive model for to FRP materials which do not exhibit any yielding and therefore
unconfined concrete under uniaxial compression by Pantazopou- apply on the concrete core a continuously increasing inward pres-
lou and Mills 共1995兲, whose equations are rearranged to yield a sure. However, it should be noted that, in the case of steel con-
relationship between lateral and axial strain, and Mander’s con- finement and for normal-strength concrete and steel, the peak
finement model. The basic idea is to apply the latter for each stress corresponds to yielding of the confining device. Therefore,
current value of lateral pressure exerted by the FRP. Such pres- even though the confining pressure remains constant afterwards,
sure is related by equilibrium and compatibility to the concrete the coordinates of the peak points should be predicted on the basis
current lateral strain. This is turn depends on the current axial not of the yielding pressure but of a continuously increasing in-
strain and at the same time on the confinement pressure itself, ward pressure due to a passive confinement effect. In other words,
which prevents the concrete from expanding laterally as much as up to the instant of steel yielding, there is no difference in the
it would in unconfined conditions. Therefore, the most critical mechanics of confinement between steel and FRP because they
aspect of modeling is the choice of the relationship that links the both behave linearly elastic. Hence the success of the active con-
lateral strain to the axial strain and to the confining pressure. This finement models in predicting the peak stress of columns pas-
is accomplished by means of the model by Pantazopoulou and sively confined with steel is to be attributed not to the fact that
Mills 共1995兲. The complete axial stress-strain of the confined con- pressure is constant, but rather on the path-independency of the
crete, computed through an iterative procedure, can be regarded compressive strength of concrete under triaxial stresses 共note that
as a curve crossing a family of Mander’s curves, each one per- so far we are only discussing strength and not deformability兲.
taining to the level of confining pressure corresponding to the Already Richart et al. 共1928兲, when comparing results of actively
current lateral strain. While the model adopts Mander’s failure and passively confined specimens, found the behavior similar.
envelope, it does not assume that the current state of the concrete Bažant and Tsubaki 共1980兲, when comparing standard triaxial
core is always represented by a point on the envelope. On the tests 共where the hydrostatic pressure is applied first and the axial
contrary, for the current value of axial strain, f ⬘cc and ␧ cc compet- stress is then increased keeping the lateral pressure constant兲 with
ing to the corresponding lateral pressure are calculated, and then proportional triaxial tests, observed that the first stress path
the current axial stress is derived from Popovics equation, there- should produce stiffer response and less damage in a concrete
fore, it is always lower than the current value of f ⬘cc . This is true specimen than the second. This is because the hydrostatic pres-


sure applied at first prevents the growth of microcracks due to
shear. On the other hand, the hydrostatic loading itself also causes
some collapse of the microstructure in concrete. The authors 共Ba-
žant and Tsubaki 1980兲 concluded that the experimental informa-
tion on the differences in response between standard and propor-
tional triaxial tests was not consistent enough at that time to draw
a conclusion. More recently, Imran and Pantazopoulou 共1996兲
performed triaxial tests with four different load paths and found
that the concrete strength was essentially path-independent
whereas the deformation behavior was path-dependent. Similar
results were found by Lan and Guo 共1997兲.
The consequence is that ultimate strength surfaces based on
triaxial strength data should be valid and successful for FRP-
confined concrete as they are for steel confined concrete. As
shown in the following sections, this is actually the case for
Mander’s model, but not for the expressions by Richart et al.
共1928兲 and Newman and Newman 共1972兲. The reason is probably
that such expressions overestimate the effectiveness of high con- Fig. 3. Comparison of models in prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co
fining pressures and especially so for medium to high strength
concretes 共Imran and Pantazopoulou 1996兲. This becomes par-
ticularly evident in the comparison with FRP-confinement tests, Toutanji 共1999兲; Saafi et al. 共1999兲; and Spoelstra and Monti
where the confining pressure can attain unusually high values 共up 共1999兲 共approximate兲, the lateral modulus in the model by Saa-
to about twice the unconfined strength兲 due to the high tensile man et al., 共1998兲, and both in the model by Xiao and Wu 共2000兲.
strength of the FRP. Yet, the formula by Newman and Newman is Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate the prediction curves of the various
very similar to that by Toutanji, the latter being developed on the models for f ⬘cc / f co
⬘ and ␧ cc /␧ co , respectively. The comparison can
basis of FRP confinement tests 共Table 3兲. only be partial since not all models introduce the same significant
For the computation of the ultimate strain of the confined con- variables, especially in computation of the peak strain. As for the
crete, path dependency cannot be ignored any longer and the pas- prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co , the highest curve is that based on Richart’s
sive confinement mechanism must be taken into account. While formula. The models by Fardis and Khalili 共based on Newman
Fardis and Khalili proposed an empirically based equation, and Newman兲, Miyauchi et al., and Toutanji yield very similar
Saadatmanesh et al. continued to follow Mander’s model in the curves, due to the similar value of the coefficient multiplying the
computation of both the strain at peak stress and the ultimate ratio p u / f ⬘co and to the weak influence of the exponents, close to
strain, not accounting for the experimental evidence that in FRP- the unity, in the respective formulas. Rather close to each other
confined specimens these two values coincide. This approach is are also the curves by Saadatmanesh 共Mander兲, Saafi et al., and
evidently inappropriate, as shown by Mirmiran and Shahawy Spoelstra and Monti 共approximate兲, the first one predicting higher
共1997兲 and Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 among others. Equally values of strength at lower pressures and lower values at higher
inappropriate is the use of Popovics’ equation for the complete pressures than the others. The equations by Saaman et al. 共1998兲
axial stress-strain curve. and Kono et al. 共1998兲 have been plotted for two different values
of unconfined strength, namely, 20 and 60 MPa. The first model
Significant Variables predicts a lower confinement effectiveness for higher strength
As for the strength enhancement, almost all models relate f ⬘cc / f ⬘co concrete at a given p u / f co ⬘ ratio, whereas the opposite trend is
to the ratio p u / f ⬘co , except for the models by Kono, which ex- suggested by Kono’s model.
press f ⬘cc / f ⬘co as a function of p u only, Saaman et al., which ex-
press f ⬘cc / f ⬘co as a function of p u and f co
⬘ separately, and Xiao and
Wu, which include the ratio f 2co /E l as a significant variable. Most
models yield expressions very similar to each other, note, for
example, the similarity not just qualitative but numerical between
the equations proposed by Toutanji and Fardis and Khalili 共the
latter taken from the triaxial tests by Newman and Newman兲,
although derived differently. The fact that none of the models
共except for Xiao and Wu兲 includes the confinement stiffness as
significant variable is another evidence of the path independency
of the confined concrete strength mentioned in ‘‘Steel-Based and
FRP Confinement Models.’’
Conversely, the ductility enhancement, as expressed by the
ratio ␧ cc /␧ co , appears to be related not just to the strength prop-
erties but also to the stiffness of the confining device, which is
coherent with the path-dependency shown by the deformation be-
havior of concrete. This was recognized already in the Fardis
model, which expresses ␧ cc as a function of the ratio of the lateral
modulus to the unconfined concrete strength E l / f ⬘co , and con-
firmed by most of the subsequent formulations. For the same
Fig. 4. Comparison of models in prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co
purpose, the ultimate FRP strain is introduced in the models by


Table 4. Evaluation of Models in Prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co
⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共wraps兲 ⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共tubes兲 ⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共overall兲
Average Average Average
absolute Coefficient of absolute Coefficient absolute Coefficient
Sample error Standard variation Sample error Standard of variation Sample error Standard of variation
Model number 共%兲 deviation 共%兲 number 共%兲 deviation 共%兲 number 共%兲 deviation 共%兲
Fardis and Khalili 139 31.2 31.5 100.9 41 共31a兲 58.7 共35.6a兲 46.4 共22.8a兲 79.0 共64.0a兲 180 37.5 37.2 99.1
Fardis and Khalili 139 31.2 26.7 85.6 41 共31a兲 50.5 共34.7a兲 34.2 共21.1a兲 67.8 共60.8a兲 180 35.6 29.6 83.3
Saadatmanesh 139 23.0 19.0 82.6 41 共31a兲 22.6 共23.4a兲 17.2 共18.3a兲 76.2 共78.2a兲 180 22.9 18.5 81.0
Saaman 139 13.6 10.5 76.9 41 共31a兲 12.4 共7.9a兲 13.6 共11.1a兲 109.9 共140.4a兲 180 13.4 11.3 84.2
Miyauchi 139 23.1 24.0 103.7 41 共31a兲 42.6 共23.6a兲 37.9 共18.3a兲 89.1 共77.7a兲 180 27.6 28.8 104.7
Kono 139 17.9 16.5 91.9 41 共31a兲 17.1 共20.6a兲 13.9 共14.1a兲 81.3 共68.8a兲 180 17.8 15.9 89.6
Toutanji 139 28.1 24.6 87.8 41 共31a兲 44.9 共30.5a兲 31.8 共20.2a兲 70.7 共66.3a兲 180 31.9 27.3 85.5
Saafi 139 13.6 9.5 69.3 41 共31a兲 14.2 共9.1a兲 14.6 共11.9a兲 102.7 共130.8a兲 180 13.8 10.8 78.4
Spoelstra and Monti 139 16.0 9.8 61.3 41 共31a兲 12.5 共9.5a兲 13.6 共13.0a兲 109.2 共136.5a兲 180 15.2 10.8 71.4

Spoelstra and Monti 113 19.4 17.3 89.2 8 共8a兲 22.4 共22.4a兲 17.0 共17.0a兲 76.0 共76.0a兲 121 19.6 17.2 87.9
Xiao and Wu 139 32.0 26.2 81.8 41 共31a兲 47.5 共24.7a兲 43.7 共16.3a兲 92.0 共66.1a兲 180 35.6 31.6 88.9

Table 5. Evaluation of Models in Prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co with Effective Rupture Strain of FRP
⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共wraps兲 ⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共tubes兲 ⬘ / f co
Prediction of f cc ⬘ 共overall兲
Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of
Model number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲
Fardis and Khalili 105 19.0 11.5 60.4 30 35.0 9.6 27.4 135 22.6 12.9 57.2
共Newman and Newman兲
Saadatmanesh et al. 105 18.7 11.6 62.0 30 22.2 11.2 50.2 135 19.5 11.6 59.3
Saaman et al. 105 19.8 13.6 68.9 30 6.8 5.1 75.7 135 16.9 13.4 79.4
Miyauchi et al. 105 19.7 14.0 71.2 30 22.8 9.1 40.0 135 20.4 13.1 64.3
Kono et al. 105 26.2 15.8 60.4 30 16.1 6.9 43.0 135 23.9 14.9 62.2
Toutanji 105 18.6 11.8 63.6 30 30.7 9.2 30.0 135 21.3 12.3 58.0
Saafi et al. 105 21.8 14.7 67.2 30 5.6 5.1 92.0 135 18.2 14.8 81.2
Spoelstra and Monti 105 32.2 19.5 60.5 30 6.5 5.5 85.1 135 26.5 20.4 77.0
Spoelstra and Monti 94 19.0 12.2 64.4 7 19.0 7.5 39.6 101 19.0 11.9 62.8
Xiao and Wu 105 21.6 14.0 64.8 30 24.6 10.7 43.2 135 22.3 13.4 59.9

Table 6. Evaluation of Models in Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co

Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共wraps兲 Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共tubes兲 Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共overall兲
Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of
Model number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲
Fardis and Khalili 113 45.8 90.5 197.5 8 37.1 34.0 91.7 121 45.3 87.9 194.1
Saadatmanesh et al. with theoretical 113 49.3 34.6 70.2 8 29.2 12.4 42.4 121 47.9 33.9 70.7
⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘
Saadatmanesh et al. with experimental 113 24.1 16.5 68.7 8 33.3 22.3 67.0 121 24.7 17.0 69.0
⬘ / f co
f cc ⬘
Saaman et al. 113 139.5 113.3 81.2 8 56.2 72.9 129.7 121 134.0 112.8 84.2
⬘ ⫽30 MPa
Miyauchi et al. with f co 113 66.4 55.9 84.2 8 30.0 14.1 47.2 121 64.0 54.9 85.8
⬘ ⫽50 MPa
Miyauchi et al. with f co 113 42.3 35.7 84.5 8 22.7 12.3 53.9 121 41.0 35.0 85.4
Kono et al. 113 37.7 36.5 96.9 8 37.4 22.6 60.3 121 37.7 35.7 94.8
⬘ / f co
Toutanji with theoretical f co ⬘ 113 118.0 96.2 81.6 8 39.3 38.3 97.6 121 112.8 95.4 84.6
Toutanji with experimental f cc ⬘ / f co
⬘ 113 50.2 41.3 82.4 8 25.4 18.5 72.9 121 48.5 40.6 83.7
⬘ / f co
Saafi et al. with theoretical f cc ⬘ 113 125.6 101.7 81.0 8 40.8 40.8 100.0 121 120.0 101.0 84.2
Saafi et al. with experimental f cc ⬘ / f co
⬘ 113 119.6 81.9 68.4 8 27.9 17.7 63.5 121 113.6 82.4 72.6
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘approximate’’a 113 91.4 65.1 71.2 8 22.9 17.9 78.0 121 86.9 65.3 75.2
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘approximate’’b 113 104.0 76.8 73.8 8 35.0 37.7 107.7 121 99.5 76.7 77.1
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘exact’’a 109 131.6 80.2 61.0 8 32.1 14.7 45.8 117 124.8 81.5 65.3
Xiao and Wu 113 93.3 80.5 86.2 8 56.0 53.5 95.6 121 90.8 79.4 87.4
Proposed equation 113 19.8 17.0 85.9 8 18.2 18.7 103.0 121 19.7 17.0 86.5
With E co according to Ahmad and Shah (E co ⫽3,950冑 f co
⬘ ).
With E co according to ACI (E co ⫽5,700冑 f co
⬘ ).

Table 7. Evaluation of Models in Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co with Effective Rupture Strain of FRP

Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共wraps兲 Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共tubes兲 Prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co 共overall兲
Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of Sample Average absolute Standard Coefficient of
Model number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲 number error 共%兲 deviation variation 共%兲
Saadatmanesh et al. 97 28.2 15.7 55.8 7 28.0 12.9 46.1 104 28.2 15.5 55.0
Saaman et al. 97 51.0 37.3 73.0 7 44.1 44.8 101.8 104 50.6 37.6 74.4
⬘ ⫽30 MPa
Miyauchi et al. with f cc 97 35.6 28.3 79.3 7 27.7 19.4 70.1 104 35.1 27.8 79.1
⬘ ⫽50 MPa
Miyauchi et al. with f co 97 22.5 17.3 76.9 7 23.0 12.5 54.2 104 22.6 17.0 75.3
Kono et al. 97 46.8 18.1 38.8 7 33.3 23.4 70.2 104 45.9 18.7 40.8
⬘ / f co
Toutanji with experimental f cc ⬘ 97 18.1 13.7 75.5 7 18.7 16.0 85.8 104 18.2 13.8 75.8
⬘ / f co
Saafi et al. with experimental f cc ⬘ 97 28.6 24.3 85.0 7 35.0 23.6 67.3 104 29.0 24.2 83.3
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘approximate’’a 97 29.4 19.8 67.3 7 37.7 33.5 88.8 104 29.9 20.8 69.6
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘exact’’a 93 37.0 25.5 68.7 7 59.4 35.1 59.1 100 38.6 26.6 69.0
Xiao and Wu 97 53.3 22.8 42.8 7 48.2 31.1 64.5 104 52.9 23.3 44.0
Proposed equation 113 19.8 17.0 85.9 8 18.2 18.7 103.0 121 19.7 17.0 86.5
With E co according to Ahmad and Shah (E co ⫽3,950冑 f co
⬘ ).
In prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co , the models show more different Performance Analysis of the Existing Models
trends. When plotting the equations by Toutanji 共1999兲 and Saafi
et al. 共1999兲, since ␧ cc /␧ co is also related to f ⬘cc / f co
⬘ , the latter Introduction
has been calculated according to the respective models. In this
way, the curves appear to be very similar, irrespective of the value In this section, the experimental confined concrete strength, f ⬘cc ,
of FRP ultimate strain. However, due to the remarkable difference and axial strain at peak stress ␧ cc , both divided by the respective
between the two models in predictions of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co , very different unconfined values, are compared with the predictions of the
results would be obtained if ␧ cc /␧ co had to be computed with the analytical/empirical models reviewed in the previous section to
same set of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co values. Both models yield lower values of assess their accuracy. Since different models may involve differ-
␧ cc /␧ co for FRP with lower ultimate strain, that is, for a given ent parameters, the comparison was graphically made by plotting
strength, with higher modulus of elasticity. The model by Kono experimental versus theoretical values, with the 45° line corre-
et al. is very sensitive to the concrete unconfined strength, and sponding to perfect agreement between prediction and experi-
predicts higher strains for higher concrete strengths at a given ments. Points falling in the upper part of the graph indicate con-
p u / f ⬘co ratio. The same trend is displayed by Miyauchi’s model at servative predictions, whereas points falling below the line result
high values of p u / f ⬘co , although with less sensitivity. The model from theoretical values being higher than the experimental ones.
by Saadatmanesh 共of which the expression of the strain at peak Also plotted in each graph were a straight line based on regres-
has been considered, using the f ⬘cc / f ⬘co value predicted by the sion analysis of experimental versus theoretical results with the
model itself兲 is rather close to Miyauchi’s curves, and predicts least-squares method, and the corresponding 95% confidence
lower values of strains if compared to the models by Saafi et al. band. The trend of the regression line with respect to the 45° line
and Toutanji. The other models have not been included, being can give information on the tendency of the models to overesti-
dependent on too many parameters. mate or underestimate experimental results in different ranges of

Fig. 5. Experimental-theoretical comparison of f ⬘cc / f co


Fig. 6. Average absolute error in prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co

measured values. A 45° line lying completely into the 95% con- with the highest values of the ratio p u / f ⬘co . This may be due to
fidence band would indicate very good agreement between theory the use of formulas that overestimate the effectiveness of high
and experiments. Due to limited space, only a few of these graphs lateral pressures 共Fardis and Khalili 1981兲 or to the empirical
are reported in Fig. 5, for the complete set see De Lorenzis and calibration being conducted on specimens with low ultimate
Tepfers 共2001兲. The accuracy of the models has been also quan- confinement pressures 共Miyauchi et al. 1997; Toutanji 1999;
titatively evaluated computing the average absolute percent error Xiao and Wu 2000兲.
as follows: • For the models previously mentioned, the prediction is less
accurate for the tube-encased cylinders, which typically have
兺 i⫽1
兩 E i兩
E av⫽ higher values of the ratio p u / f ⬘co due to the greater thickness
N of the tube compared to the wrap. The experimental set with

f cciTHEO ⬘ P
⫺ f cciEX ␧ cciTHEO ⫺␧ cciEX P the highest p u / f co⬘ values is that by La Tegola and Manni, with
E i⫽ •100 or E i⫽ •100 ⬘ ranging from 1.45 to 2.06. If this set is excluded, the
p u / f co
⬘ P
f cciEX ␧ cciEX P
average absolute error decreases approaching the value rela-
⬘ or ␧ cc relative to
where E i ⫽ percent error in the evaluation of f cc tive to the wrapped specimens.
the ith data point and N⫽ total number of data points. The latter • The remaining models give better predictions of the confined
may differ depending on the parameter ( f ⬘cc or ␧ cc ) and on the strength, with no appreciable difference between wrapped and
model under investigation. Average values, standard deviations, encased specimens. It is interesting to note that the models by
and coefficients of variation of the absolute percent errors of the Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 ‘‘exact’’ and by Saadatmanesh
various models in the prediction of strengths and strains are re- 共Mander兲 yield very similar results: the ratio between f ⬘cc / f co⬘
ported in Tables 4 –7. computed by the two models has an average value of 0.9637
with a standard deviation of 0.0347 共coefficient of variation
3.6%兲. This supports what was observed in the previous dis-

Prediction of f cc
Fig. 5 illustrates the performance of some of the models in the • The model by Kono is penalized by the fact that it relates the
prediction of f ⬘cc . Fig. 6 summarizes results by showing the av- strength enhancement to the value of p u rather than to the
erage absolute error of the various models in the prediction of f ⬘cc p u / f ⬘co ratio. Since the empirical calibration was conducted on
for specimens confined by FRP wraps and tubes 共the specimens data with concrete unconfined strengths ranging between 32.3
confined by filaments are included in the wrapped ones兲. It ap- and 34.8 MPa, the model tends to overestimate f ⬘cc / f ⬘co for test
pears that: results with higher concrete strengths and to underestimate it
• The models by Fardis and Khalili 共1981兲; Miyauchi et al. for lower concrete strengths. This effect is superposed to the
共1997兲; Toutanji 共1999兲; and Xiao and Wu 共2000兲 largely over- ‘‘premature failure’’ effect. Since the model incorporates the
estimate the strength of most confined cylinders. The error is premature failure phenomenon with a reduction factor 共ratio of
larger for cylinders with heavy confinement, that is, for those the measured tensile strain in the FRP at failure to its uniaxial


Fig. 7. Average absolute error in prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co

ultimate strain兲 of about 0.5, it should be conservative when out considerably affecting the accuracy of the prediction. There-
applied to data with a reduction factor greater than 0.5, and fore it was decided that only the data sets for which ␧ co was
unconservative for the data with reduction factors smaller than known were suitable for comparison of the ␧ cc values with the
0.5. theoretical ones. This implies that the global data set used to
• The three most accurate models are those by Saaman et al. assess the prediction of ␧ cc is narrower than that used for the
共1998兲; Saafi et al. 共1999兲; and Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 assessment on f cc . Fig. 7 shows the average absolute error of the
‘‘approximate,’’ whose average absolute errors on the whole various models in the prediction of ␧ cc for specimens confined by
set of specimens are 13.4, 13.8, and 15.2%, respectively. FRP wraps 共or filaments兲 and tubes. It appears that:
• The errors in the prediction of ␧ cc are much larger than those
in the prediction of f cc . This result was also found from pre-
Prediction of ␧ cc
vious researchers assessing the accuracy of models on steel-
In most models, the expression of the axial strain at maximum confined concrete. This may partly be due to the larger scatter
stress, ␧ cc , involves the respective unconfined value ␧ co . There- of strain data as compared to strength data, but also to the
fore, in order for the experimental–theoretical comparison to be higher accuracy required when modeling the deformation
carried out, the value of ␧ co must be known. Furthermore, appli- characteristics of concrete rather than simply its strength prop-
cation of the model by Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 also requires erties. As previously discussed, the deformability of concrete
the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete, E co . Since the values under triaxial stresses is path-dependent, and therefore the
of ␧ co and E co are not always reported by the authors of experi- stiffness of the confining device has a remarkable influence on
mental studies, an attempt was made to correlate them to the the strain behavior. Furthermore, parameters such as type and
concrete strength 共as traditionally done at least for the elastic size of aggregates, mix proportions, and moisture content may
modulus兲 on the basis of the available data. Such correlation can- exert an influence and yet are very difficult to include in a
not be more than approximated, since other factors such as the model suitable for design purposes.
type of aggregate and its proportion within the mix also play a • In most cases, the error results from overestimating the strain
considerable role. For the elastic modulus, the equation by Ahmad at peak stress. This is unconservative as the ductility of the
and Shah 共1982兲 (E co ⫽3,950冑 f ⬘co ) was found to give the most confined cylinder is overestimated.
accurate prediction among several available ones, whereas the • Unlike the prediction of f ⬘cc , that of ␧ cc is less accurate for
others overestimated the concrete elastic modulus. Therefore, it wrapped than for encased cylinders. This is due to the fact
was decided that, when not available, the initial elastic modulus that, in wrapped cylinders, the experimental value of the lat-
of concrete be computed as a function of the unconfined strength eral strain in the FRP at tensile failure is mostly lower than the
according to the formula by Ahmad and Shah. For the value of FRP ultimate strain in uniaxial tension. This discrepancy af-
␧ co , none of the available equations reasonably interpolated the fects the accuracy in the prediction of ␧ cc , in fact, the models
experimental data, nor can the usual value of 0.002 be used with- that mostly show a difference in accuracy between wrapped


and encased specimens are the most sensitive to the value of report its ultimate value. In some cases, the axial stress versus
the FRP ultimate strain 共or stress兲. Such discrepancy is not lateral strain curve of the cylinder was given but it was not pos-
registered in encased specimens, as will be shown later. sible to get the value of the ultimate strain from the graph with
• The model by Saadatmanesh 共Mander兲 has been applied for sufficient accuracy. As a result, the reduction factor is available
the prediction of the strain at peak stress, which in most cases for three sets of experiments regarding FRP-encased specimens
coincides with the ultimate strain of the FRP confined cylinder. and nine sets with wrapped specimens.
However, Saadatmanesh intended to compute the ultimate For FRP-encased cylinders, Table 1 shows that the reduction
strain with the energy balance approach suggested by Mander, factor oscillates around the unity value, the average of all speci-
which is not appropriate for FRP confinement. Since the ex- mens being 1.073 with a standard deviation of 0.195 and a coef-
pression of ␧ cc suggested by Mander is related to the ratio ficient of variation of 18%. The fact that values greater than one
f ⬘cc / f ⬘co , the comparison has been made both with the theoret- are reached may be attributed to scatter in the FRP tensile
ical and experimental values of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co . In the latter case, the strength and in the strain measurement. This result seems to indi-
error is smaller. cate that FRP-encased specimens do not display ‘‘premature’’ ten-
• A similar approach has been adopted for the models by sile failure of the confining device but are able to exploit the full
Toutanji and Saafi, which also relate ␧ cc /␧ co to the f ⬘cc / f ⬘co strength of the composite material. The situation is very different
ratio. Fig. 7 presents the average absolute error of the two for wrapped specimens, with the reduction factor ranging from
models when the experimental and theoretical f ⬘cc / f ⬘co are in- more than 1 to less than 0.1.
troduced into the formula. Both models are very inaccurate in In order for the ‘‘premature’’ tensile failure to be predicted, the
predicting ␧ cc for wrapped cylinders, especially when the the- parameters that exert an influence on it must be identified. The
oretical f ⬘cc / f ⬘co values are used. The model by Toutanji gives a possible reasons for this phenomenon have been suggested by
better prediction when the experimental f ⬘cc / f ⬘co are used 共the Matthys et al. 共1999兲: the multiaxial stress state existing in the
error decreases from 118 to 50%兲, whereas the error of the FRP even when undirectly loaded, due to some degree of bond to
Saafi model remains approximately the same 共decreases from the concrete; nonhomogeneous deformations in the cracked con-
126 to 120%兲. This results from the fact that the Saafi model is crete at high load levels, which may cause local stress concentra-
more accurate in predicting the confined strength, and thus the tions in the FRP reinforcement; the curved shape of the wrapping
difference between experimental and theoretical f ⬘cc / f ⬘co is reinforcement, especially at corners with small radius; the quality
small and does not influence much the error in the prediction of the execution 共degree of fiber alignment, presence of voids, or
of ␧ cc /␧ co . Conversely, the error of the Toutanji model in the local protrusions兲; and size effect when applying multiple layers.
prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co is in large part a consequence of its The different behavior between encased and wrapped cylinders
overestimating f ⬘cc / f co ⬘ . Summarizing, of the two models, seems to suggest that the reduction factor is mostly affected by
which differ only in the calibration of the parameters, the Saafi those of the above-mentioned causes that are typical of wrapped
one is more accurate in the strength prediction whereas the rather than encased specimens. For example, the application of
Toutanji model is more accurate in predicting the strain at FRP wraps by hand lay-up, as opposed to the automated manu-
peak. facturing of the tubes, raises the problem of the quality of execu-
• The expression of ␧ cc /␧ co in the model by Spoelstra and tion. Local misalignments or wavings may lead to unequal
Monti contains the concrete initial elastic modulus. Fig. 7 stretching of the fibers, so that the most stretched ones reach
shows that the prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co is more accurate when the failure before the hoop strain is globally equal to the ultimate
elastic modulus is derived by the formula of Ahmad and Shah, tensile strain of the laminate. Rupture of some fibers would ini-
whereas the ACI formula overestimates E co and therefore ␧ cc . tiate failure in the second most stretched ones, and so forth in a
Note that, as in the prediction of f cc ⬘ / f co
⬘ , also in that of progressive fashion that finally leads to catastrophic failure of the
␧ cc /␧ co , the ‘‘approximate’’ model performs better than the specimen. This phenomenon is witnessed by the progressive
‘‘exact’’ one. crackling noise that is typically heard during tests of confined
• The three models that perform best in the prediction of f ⬘cc cylinders. For a given difference in fiber stretching, high-modulus
关that is, the ones by Saaman et al. 共1998兲; Saafi et al. 共1999兲; wraps should display higher differences in load taking, and there-
and Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲兴 do not perform equally well fore progressive failure is likely to be more pronounced for high-
when it comes to ␧ cc . It appears that no model is able to modulus fibers 共Tepfers 2001兲. Conversely, FRP tubes are manu-
predict the strain at peak stress of the confined cylinders with factured with an automated filament winding technique, and
reasonable accuracy. therefore a nearly equal stretching of all fibers should be ex-
pected. Furthermore, the smaller thickness of the wraps as com-
pared to the tubes makes them more sensitive to local damage and
Effective Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Ultimate Strain
stress concentrations and facilitates the asymmetries along the
It has already been mentioned that failure of the confined cylin- section perimeter. Size effect due to overlap of more layers can be
ders occurs when the FRP confining device ruptures in hoop ten- intended in two ways: from the standpoint of the strain measure-
sion, and that, in wrapped cylinders, the experimental value of the ment, the hoop strain measured on the external surface of the
hoop strain in the FRP at tensile failure is usually lower than the specimen is somewhat lower than the strain in the innermost FRP
FRP ultimate strain in uniaxial tension. The object of this section layer; and from the standpoint of the execution quality, the over-
is to formulate some observations on this phenomenon based on lap of more layers is detrimental due to its manual difficulty and
the available experimental database. to the fact that, for example, at each protruding or wavy spot on
In the following, the ratio of the measured hoop strain in the the first layer will correspond a larger defect on the second layer
confining FRP at tensile failure to the FRP ultimate strain in and so forth. The first type of size effect, if present in the wrapped
uniaxial tension is termed ‘‘reduction factor.’’ Unfortunately, this specimens, is a fortiori present in the encased ones due to the
factor is not available for all specimens, since some authors did greater thickness of the tubes, whereas the second source of size
not measure the hoop strain in the confined cylinders or did not effect is typical of the hand lay-up technology and therefore of


Fig. 8. Comparison of average absolute errors in prediction of f ⬘cc / f ⬘co based on uniaxial and effective fiber-reinforced polymer rupture strain
共fiber-reinforced polymer-wrapped specimens兲

wrapped specimens. The multiaxial stress state in the FRP con- eters and the reduction factor. They developed a tentative equa-
fining device is common to both wrapped and encased specimens. tion based on the experimental data reported in this study. Such
Even if load is not applied directly on the FRP, part of the axial equation gave an average absolute error of 24.7%, versus the 87%
load acting on the concrete is transmitted to the FRP by means of average absolute error given by a previous equation 共Matthys
bond stresses at the contact surface. However, the bond between 2001兲.
wraps and concrete is ensured by the impregnating resin whereas
that between the tube and the concrete surface is essentially based
⬘ with the Effective Fiber-Reinforced
Prediction of f cc
on friction and might be affected by shrinkage of the inner con-
Polymer Ultimate Strain
crete. Finally, the radius of curvature of the FRP should have an
influence on its tensile strength for both wraps and tubes. The Fig. 8 shows the average absolute error of the various models in
effect of corner radius on the tensile performance of FRP sheets predicting f ⬘cc for wrapped specimens when the experimental
has been experimentally investigated by Yang et al. 共2001兲. Re- value of the FRP hoop strain at failure 共which from now on will
sults indicated that the tensile strength of the laminate decreased be called ‘‘effective ultimate strain’’兲 and the uniaxial ultimate
with decreasing corner radius and was approximately equal to strain 共which will also be termed ‘‘reference ultimate strain’’兲 are
66% of the reference strength for the highest radius investigated, introduced into the equations. However, it should be kept in mind
equal to 51 mm 共diameter equal to 102 mm兲. To the writers’ that the database used in the assessment with the ultimate FRP
knowledge, no analogous studies are currently available for the strain is wider that used in the assessment with the effective
case of FRP tubes. strain, as only part of the authors reported the experimental hoop
The previous considerations seem to indicate that the most strain values. The following conclusions can be drawn:
important parameters affecting the ‘‘premature’’ tensile failure of • For FRP-wrapped specimens, since using the effective FRP
the confining wraps are the number of overlapping layers, the ultimate strain results in lower theoretical values of f ⬘cc , the
elastic modulus of the wrap, and the radius of curvature, that is, average absolute error decreases 共as compared to that obtained
for cylindrical specimens, the radius of the cylinder. All these with the reference ultimate strain兲 for the models that were
parameters are present in the confinement stiffness, E l . The same previously found to be unconservative, that is, those by Fardis,
parameters were identified, although through different thinking, Miyauchi, Toutanji, and Xiao. Conversely, the models that
by Matthys 共2001兲. However, other parameters may be influential were previously found to be the most accurate become too
on the phenomenon: the quality of workmanship, the degree of conservative and their absolute error increases. The data sets
straightness of the FRP fibers in the laminate, the type of laminate that mostly influence results are those by Shahawy et al.
used for wrapping 共for instance, prepregs might be easier to apply 共2000兲 and Rousakis 共2001兲, both characterized by very low
than dry sheets兲, and possibly the quality, thickness, and unifor- values of the reduction factor, and partly those by Harmon and
mity of the resin layer. Unfortunately such parameters are very Slattery 共1992兲 and Kono et al. 共1998兲. The points representa-
difficult to evaluate quantitatively and so is their influence on the tive of these results are clustered on the upper side of the 45°
premature rupture. De Lorenzis and Tepfers 共2001兲 attempted to line and deviate more and more from it as the theoretical
find a quantitative correlation between the three chosen param- f ⬘cc / f ⬘co increases. This is because, for tests with a given FRP


Fig. 9. Comparison of average absolute errors in prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co based on uniaxial and effective fiber-reinforced polymer rupture strain
共fiber-reinforced polymer-wrapped specimens兲

elastic modulus, the FRP axial stiffness and the p u / f ⬘co ratio Prediction of ␧ cc with the Effective FRP Ultimate Strain
both increase with the thickness of the confining layer. Ac-
cordingly, f ⬘cc / f ⬘co increases and the reduction factor decreases, Fig. 9 shows the average absolute error of the various models in
making theoretical predictions more and more conservative. predicting ␧ cc for wrapped specimens with both the ultimate and
• For FRP-encased specimens, since the reduction factor is close effective FRP hoop strains. Also in this case, it should be kept in
to the unity, no appreciable differences are noticed. The com- mind that the database used in the assessment with the ultimate
parison has to be made excluding the data by La Tegola and FRP strain is wider than that used in the assessment with the
Manni 共1999兲. Since these authors have not reported the val- effective strain. It appears that:
ues of the FRP hoop strain, their data cannot be included in the • For wrapped specimens, the average absolute error of all mod-
models assessment when the effective FRP strains are used. els shows a remarkable decrease when the FRP effective strain
On the other hand, it has been noticed that including such data is inserted in the equations. This confirms what was antici-
共characterized by the highest degree of confinement of the pated previously, that the accuracy in the prediction of ␧ cc is
whole database兲 in the assessment with the reference ultimate
influenced by the premature rupture of the FRP. Such influence
strain leads to higher prediction errors for the models that
is stronger than for the prediction of f ⬘cc , because of the higher
overestimate the effect of high lateral pressures. Therefore, if
sensitivity of the equations giving ␧ cc /␧ co to the value of p u
the effect of the FRP ultimate strain being used in the compu-
tation has to be evaluated, the database on which the assess- and because of the wider range of percent variation of ␧ cc /␧ co
ment is made must be the same. when compared to f ⬘cc / f ⬘co 共see Figs. 3 and 4兲. Since all models
• If the effective rupture strain of the FRP wrap were known in overestimate ␧ cc when using the reference ultimate strain of
advance, predictions of the strength enhancement by the exist- the FRP wrap, using the effective one always results in de-
ing models would not necessarily be more accurate than they creasing error.
are using the reference ultimate strain. Based on the overall • For encased specimens, since the reduction factor is close to
average absolute percent error, the most accurate models are the unity, only small differences are noticed due to the differ-
now those by Saaman et al. 共1998兲; Saafi et al. 共1999兲; and ent databases used for the two predictions.
Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 ‘‘exact’’ and Saadatmanesh et al. • If the effective rupture strain of the FRP wrap were known in
共1994兲, with average errors 16.9, 18.2, 19.0, and 19.5%, re- advance, the model by Toutanji would be the most accurate in
spectively. predicting ␧ cc , with an average absolute error of about 18%.


However, this model has been applied using the experimental that the FRP confining device exerts a continuously increasing
value of the ratio f ⬘cc / f ⬘co rather than that calculated by the pressure as opposed to steel in the yield phase. However, attain-
model itself. ment of the confined strength corresponds in both steel- and FRP-
confined concrete to the end of the linear-elastic phase, with the
different behavior coming afterwards. Therefore, triaxial strength
Proposition of a New Equation curves based on a unique value of confining pressure should be
neither valid for steel nor for FRP. The reason they are 共and,
In the previous sections, it was observed that: the confined con- hence, they are for both兲 is to be attributed to the path indepen-
crete strength depends mainly on the maximum confinement pres- dency of the strength properties of concrete under triaxial stresses
sure and not on the path followed to attain it 共hence not on the already documented in the literature. This explains the high simi-
⬘ / f co
stiffness of the confining device兲; f cc ⬘ is best predicted by larity observed in this study between empirical strength curves
three models: Saaman et al. 共1998兲; Saafi et al. 共1999兲; and developed for concrete under triaxial stresses, steel-confined and
Spoelstra and Monti ‘‘approximate’’ 共1999兲, using the nominal FRP confined concrete: compare the formula by Newman and
tensile strength of the FRP for the computation of p u . The aver- Newman 共1972兲 with that by Toutanji 共1999兲 and the predictions
age absolute error ranges from 13.4 to 15.2%; the confined con- of the confined strength by Mander et al. 共1988兲 and by Spoelstra
crete strain at peak depends not only on the maximum confine- and Monti ‘‘exact’’ 共1999兲. The case of the deformation properties
ment pressure, but also on the confinement stiffness; prediction of is different, because for them path-dependency is observed and
␧ cc /␧ co by the available models is not satisfactory. It would im- hence the stiffness characteristics of the confining device become
prove if the effective ultimate strain of the FRP were known in crucial.
advance and, for some models, if the predicted confined strength In most experimental studies, the FRP confining wraps have
were equal to the experimental one. However, none of these two been observed to rupture at a tensile strain lower than the uniaxial
conditions is met at present. ultimate tensile strain. On the basis of the experimental database
As previously mentioned, a tentative equation for the reduc- collected in this study, the ‘‘premature’’ failure problem has been
tion factor was developed by De Lorenzis and Tepfers 共2001兲. analyzed. It appears that this phenomenon mostly interests FRP
However, its degree of accuracy is not yet sufficient to allow an wraps, applied with the manual lay-up technique, whereas FRP
improvement of accuracy in prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co . Note that the tubes seem to fail at values of tensile strain close to the predicted
confinement stiffness, which is of influence on ␧ cc /␧ co due to the ones. Number, thickness, and elastic modulus of overlapping lay-
path dependency of the concrete deformations, is also of influence ers and radius of curvature were identified as the most significant
on the reduction factor 共as previously shown兲, which in turn parameters.
strongly affects the prediction of ␧ cc /␧ co . Hence, the simplest When using the nominal values of p u , the strength of the
approach to predict ␧ cc /␧ co seems to be to ‘‘lump’’ the effect of confined cylinders was rather accurately predicted by some of the
the reduction factor into the dependency of ␧ cc /␧ co on E l . existing models, particularly those by Saaman et al. 共1998兲; Saafi
A new equation is then proposed for predicting ␧ cc /␧ co . The et al. 共1999兲; and Spoelstra and Monti 共1999兲 ‘‘approximate,’’
form of the equation was chosen as follows: with an average absolute error ranging from 13.4 to 15.2%. Using
␧ cc
␧ co
⫽1⫹c 1

f co冉 冊 c2
El 3 (5)
the reduced values of p u resulted in lower predictions for the
confined strength, therefore, it improved the accuracy for models
found unconservative with the nominal p u and it made the others
The constants c 1 , c 2 , and c 3 were chosen by minimizing the more conservative and less accurate.
average absolute percent error between experimental results and Using the nominal values of p u and ␧ f u , the errors in the
predictions of Eq. 共5兲. The following results were found: prediction of the strain at peak stress of the confined cylinders

冉 冊
␧ cc pu 0.80 were significantly larger than those on the prediction of f cc and in
⫽1⫹26.2 E l⫺0.148 for FRP wraps (6a) most cases on the unconservative side. No model was able to
␧ co f ⬘co predict ␧ cc with reasonable accuracy, especially so for wrapped
␧ cc
␧ co
⫽1⫹26.2 冉 冊
f ⬘co
E l⫺0.127 for FRP tubes (6b)
specimens and for models particularly sensitive to the value of
␧ f u , due to the premature failure phenomenon. When the FRP
effective strain was inserted into the equations, the average abso-
Eq. 共6兲 provides a more accurate estimate of the experimental lute error of all models showed a remarkable decrease for
␧ cc /␧ co compared to that of the available models, with an average wrapped specimens, whereas for encased cylinders only small
absolute error of less than 20%. differences were noticed since the reduction factor was close to
the unity.
A new equation was proposed to evaluate the strain at peak
Conclusions stress as a function of the ultimate confinement pressure and of
the confinement stiffness. This equation provides a more accurate
The objective of this work was a systematic assessment of the estimate of the experimental ␧ cc /␧ co ratio compared to that of all
performance of the existing models on confinement of concrete available models, with an average absolute error lower than 20%.
cylinders with FRP materials. Results of about 180 tests from 17 Accuracy of the models on FRP confinement of concrete still
different experimental sets were collected and classified. Then, needs to be improved. For this purpose, a standardized test
the existing empirical and analytical models were reviewed and method for the evaluation of the tensile properties of FRP lami-
the whole set of experimental results was compared with the nates is urgently needed. Stiffness and strength characteristics of
whole set of analytical models. The following conclusions were FRP materials are not as obvious to determine as those of homo-
drawn. geneous hysotropic materials, and test procedures are very influ-
It has often been remarked that steel-based models are not able ential on results. Furthermore, the premature failure phenomenon
to capture the behavior of FRP-confined concrete due to the fact of FRP wraps confining concrete cylinders still needs investiga-


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