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CAPF 2017 Paper 2 Complete Solution by Er. Ranjeet Kumar (Ex.


Q1. Write essays on any four (out of 6) of the following in about 300 words
a. The need for common Civil code in India.
भारत में समान नागररक सहं िता की आवश्यकता
The demand for common civil code started from the time our constitution was in making
process and debates on this has long history before India actually became an independent
nation. Article 44 of the Constitution of India lays down that the State shall endeavour to
secure for its citizens, a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.

At present, citizens of India are governed by different personal laws, based on their religion,
community, etc. A uniform civil code would ensure that all citizens of India are governed by
the same set of secular civil laws in matters of marriage, divorce, maintenance, adoption,
inheritance, etc. Under the present set of laws, Hindus are bound by law to practice monogamy,
whereas Muslims are not.

Uniform Civil code has many advantages such as it will strengthen the status of women and
down trodden class of people. It will also make its claim strong that India has crossed the caste
and religious barriers and India became a true secular Country. It will help to improve the rank
of India in many parameters and indexes specially in terms of gender equality.

Time and again numerous cases and Public Interest Litigations have been filed in the
Honourable supreme Court and various High courts regarding the need for a uniform civil code
in India. The honourable supreme court in its various judgements have pressed for framing the
Uniform Civil Code to regulate all religions by the same yardstick to create equality in true
Since this involves radical changes in existing personal laws, any move for reform should be
with the consent from within the various communities that co-exist in India, rather than by one
broad sweep of legislation. Moreover, for historical and other reasons, the demand for a
uniform civil code has now acquired communal and political overtones, which have effectively
overshadowed the innate merits of such a law.

However, personal laws of every religious denomination contain many good points,
incorporation of these into a uniform civil code would benefit all the community. Moreover,
India is a secular country. It should not, therefore, have personal laws based on religion alone.
A uniform civil code will strengthen the spirit of secularism. It will make all the people equal

in the eyes of law. It will end the sense of discrimination.


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b. Cashless Transactions: Scope and Future Prospects in India.

नकद-रहित लेन-देन : भारत में क्षेत्र एवं भहवष्य की सभं ावनाएँ
After demonetization of two big currency notes of Rs. 500 and 1,000 with effect from 8-9
November, 2016 night, cashless transaction has been the buzz word for whole India. Those
people who were having facility to transact cashless did not face much difficulties, but this
number at the time was very less. India with 1.3 Billion population still lacks basic
infrastructure and knowledge for safe payments in cashless mode.

In the long term cashless transaction is beneficial for both consumers and sellers and also
government is able to properly track the transaction and can collect more taxes, because while
making cash transaction sometime it is very difficult to track the transaction. For honest tax
payers is a good step. Those who are in organised sector equipped with modern IT equipment
and infrastructure they find it easy to transact cashless, but for masses somewhere still it is

No doubt Government is making effort to make cashless transaction easy and hassle-free, for
that different payment systems such as BHIM app, UPI, and Aadhar enabled payment systems
are being promotes. Government during the period of demonetisation also made Merchant
Discount Rate free for some limit of payment and minimise for higher limit. Broadband
connectivity is being provided to Village level and programmes for promotion are being
conducted for financial literacy.

Major thrust is required is the formalisation of different sectors of economy and government is
taking steps in that direction. Making Database for MSME is the right step in this regard. For
that in village level in PDS outlet payment machine should be installed. Government is now a
day making maximum payment, such as MGNREGA and other DBTs, for different
beneficiaries in bank account itself, with Aadhar enabled account or with the help of
Debit/ATM card they should be encouraged to make payment.

IT Infrastructure is the backbone in success of cashless transaction. Moreover, safety is the

most important aspects to promote the cashless transaction. If there is any issue related to
misuse of data or loss of money the issue should be resolved within minimum possible time.

With number of smart phone and Internet users are increasing at phenomenal rate and this is a
good sign for promotion of cashless transaction. Youths are crucial links for the success of this

drive and with Government support and participation of masses we hope Indian Economy will

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move closer towards cashless transaction, it should not be a forced operation but a co-operative

c. India Versus China in the context of Emerging economy in South Asia.

भारत हवरूद्ध चीन-दहक्षण एहिया में उभरती िुई अर्थव्यवस्र्ा के प्रसगं में
India and China both got independence in late 1940s, both are having huge potentials
particularly in natural and human resources. Till almost 1980 both were almost equal in terms
of Economic might but with the economic reforms done by China in 1979 under the able
leadership of Deng Xiaoping pushed China way ahead of India and the gap since has been
increasing continuously.

The relationship between China and India after independence has been of hostility in almost
every area. In recent time with the help of its superior economic capabilities, China is encircling
India from all direction and many parts of the world but this is more so visible in south Asia.
No doubt in South Asia India is the largest country in every aspects from Geographical area,
population to economy.

China is knowing that India’s relation with Pakistan is not good, so it is using Pakistan with
the help of its money power. It is developing China-Pakistan Economic Corridor which is
passing through Pak occupied Kashmir. With this Economic corridor which runs till Gawadar
Port in Pakistan, it is increasing its presence in Indian Ocean. It is also developing Sri Lankan
port of Hambantota, and Chitgong Port of Bangladesh.

These are being done keeping economic interest. In recent times China is also developing many
infrastructures in Maldives. So, China is encircling India in south Asia, because all countries
in vicinity of India are in need of money and China with its trade surplus has accumulated huge
money and proving different concession to countries in neighbourhood of India in south Asia.

It is not that India is silent spectator in this regard and is silent, it is also taking necessary steps
to counter China, it is having cordial relations with Bhutan and helping it in overall
development. India has been in better relationship with Nepal since 1950s. It is keeping eyes
on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Being the largest country is South Asia India has more
responsibility to keep in order the entire region.

Both these countries have their ambitions to dominate in the area and both are trying from their
points of view. At some points they are at opposite side to each other but in many places, they

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are under the single platform. In this connected world no country is self-sufficient, both require
mutual co-operation for better growth.

d. The things that count as being Civilized

चीजें जो सभ्य िोने की हगनती में आती िै
Civilization is basically a vital kind of grouping. Without civilizations, the world as we know
it would not be. Civilizations have different qualities than regular groups of people such as
nomads. To be civilised means to have some level of refinement, education, moral value and
compassion towards others. It is an advanced state of Intellectual, cultural and material
development in human society, marked by the progress in the fields of art and sciences, writing,
and record keeping.

Being civilised means there should be rule of law, one should have one’s right to live a dignified
life but at the same time one has to follow the duty in order to protect the rights of others. One
should have complete freedom to acquire basic knowledge of one’s well-being and be in a
condition to decide what is good for the individual at the same time not encroaching the rights
of others.

There should be no fear among the people in the society, a woman should have dignified life,
she should be able to walk on the road without fear of getting exploited. Women should not be
treated as a commodity with an integral member of the society. The children should have
opportunity to enjoy childhood. Old people should have dignified life with availability of basic
necessities of life and basic medical facilities.

With time values in the society is changing but that changes should in such a manner that the
last person should also accommodate. Every one is not equally capable. The stronger should
help the weaker, the rich should respect the poor.

It is not just spending money on luxurious things such as imported car and branded clothes that
make us civilised, following others blindly is also not counted as civilised. It is accumulated
values of mankind that matters. A poor person who understands the values and in time of need
can help others is more civilised than the person who is rich enough but when a child is
drowning is interested in just taking picture and making video in stead of saving the child
should not be counted as being civilised.

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e. Cleaning and connecting the rivers in India.

भारत में नहदयों की सफाई एवं उन्िें जोड़ना
Rivers have played great role in the development of the civilization. River Ganga is the life
line for a large part of north India, and other rivers as well are of great importance for life
survival in India. In recent time in order to development, we have overexploited our rivers, in
spite that these are lifeline and we are worshiping as the mother.

Due to huge population burden and requirement of water there is regular fight for water in India
and many states are facing water scarcity and distribution of water among states is a huge
challenge. One of the reason is that in India during monsoon reason for almost four months
there is enough water, in fact some areas on regular basis facing the problem of flood, but in
other months face water scarcity.

Many rivers are facing problems, because there is not enough flow, the reason is that due to
garbage disposal and construction work and other encroachment activities rivers are not
flowing in its natural way. So, cleaning of the river is required. For example, Government has
formed Madhav Chitale Committee for Desiltation of river Ganga.

Connecting the rivers is a big project, it will create huge benefits but there are many challenges
as well. First and foremost, challenge is of finance and other is in the time of water scarcity
almost every river has lesser water. Government has proposed to connect many rivers such as
Ghaghara–Yamuna link, Sarda–Yamuna link, Kosi–Ghaghara link, Manas–Sankosh–Tista–
Ganga link, Ganga–Damodar–Subernarekha link, Subernarekha–Mahanadi link. But actual
work has been completed for connecting Godavari and Krishna in Andhra Pradesh. There was
environmental concern related to Ken-Betwa link which is passing through Panna Tiger
Reserve, however the project got clearance from Ministry of Environment and Forest.

For cleaning the river Ganga alone government has plan to spend Rs. 20,000 crore, but in spite
of huge expenditure, condition is not up to the mark as observed by national green tribunal.
However, it is working on integrated manner. There is plan for making toilet in near by villages,
treatment of waste water before discharging in the river.

Not only river Ganga maximum rivers are facing the problem of siltation and encroachment
and integrated approach is required and awareness and participation of public is must. Major

focus should be on desiltation of rivers and free from any encroachment.


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f. The recent achievements of India’s nuclear Scientists.

भारतीय परमाणु (नाहभकीय) वैज्ञाहनकों की िाल की उपलहधियाँ
India is the land where numerous brilliant brains have made contribution in the field of science
and technology and enhanced its position around the globe. India has the second largest group
of scientists and engineers in the world. In the context of technological advancements and
scientific achievements, Indian scientists have developed several projects and augment the life
of world populace. India belongs to the select group of countries who have developed
indigenous nuclear technology. India is among the few countries which have developed nuclear
warhead capable Intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It was H. J. Bhabha who pioneered the Nuclear Science in India, even before India became an
independent nation. After India became an independent nation Department of Atomic Energy
was established and Bhabha also established other laboratories for development of Nuclear
Science. India from its initial period was believing in peaceful use of nuclear energy.

In 1974 India for the first time conducted Nuclear Test, code named Smiling Buddha, as was
mentioned in the speech of the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi that it was a peaceful
nuclear test. In the year 1998 India did second time Nuclear test at the same site in Pokhran
code named Shakti and India declared itself a nuclear weapon state.

India's nuclear energy self-sufficiency extended from uranium exploration and mining through
fuel fabrication, heavy water production, reactor design and construction, to reprocessing and
waste management. It has a small fast breeder reactor and is building a much larger one. It is
also developing technology to utilise its abundant resources of thorium as a nuclear fuel.

DAE set a world record of 1512 metric tonnes of fuel bundles production in 2016- 17 along
with other special materials. DHRUVA reactor at Mumbai used for medical isotope production,
operated at its highest capacity in 2016 – 2017. India developed process to extract Caesium-
137 isotope from high level liquid nuclear waste for making glass pencils used for blood
irradiation. India is the only country to have this technology in commercial domain.

Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital- Sangrur, Punjab was commissioned in January 2015. National
Cancer Grid now links 108 locations across India, one of the largest cancer care networks in
the world. Grid connects cancer centres, research institutes, patient groups and NGOs.

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LIGO-India received in-principle approval from GoI. Indian Scientists are working in that
project. Also, Indian Scientists are playing crucial role in CERN Projects.

Nuclear Agriculture- Here also Scientists made enormous progress. The advantages of these
varieties are; Higher yield, Early maturity, Large seed size, Resistance to salinity, Resistance
to diseases etc.

Nuclear Science is the future hope of India and with the help of untiring works of our Scientists
we will in the front seat in the Nuclear Science train in coming days.

Q2. Write arguments for and against on each of the following statements. ( 2 × 20 = 40)

a. The youth in India are getting addicted to Android Mobiles.

For: Once having mobile phone was a feeling of privileged, but now is the need of the hour
and necessity of life. No doubt it has many advantages, but at the same time it is creating huge
problems for society. Many youths are getting addicted to the smart phone now a day. Added
with cheap Mobile data and social media, our youths are wasting their precious times on Social
networking sites.

Ministry of Railway is providing free Wi-Fi facility to many of the major Railway stations, but
it has been observed that maximum youths are using this facility to watch Porn and Blue Films.
Due to excess use of smart phone it has been observed that in many campuses students are
using mobile phones late night and bunking the classes as well, this is impacting on their
academics. Due to addiction of mobile phone many youths are not participating in outdoor
games and sports, in long term this is creating problems on the health front as well.

It is creating isolationist tendency in the society, in place of connecting with people it is creating
distance. Old age people are feeling more isolated. Excess use of smart phone is also creating
health issues.

Against: No, in true sense if we see it is not the smart phone that is addiction for youths but it
is our attitude that is creating the problems. In fact, it is one of the best gifts in the 21st century,
what was not accessible easily some years ago, it is at the click of the button today.

Recently a Kerala boy who was working as a porter at a railway station with the use of smart
phone and free wi-fi facility available at the station qualified State civil services main

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examination. Smart phone now a day is helpful for many youths who otherwise were not able
to access the information easily.

From news channel to entertainment everything is available in the smartphone. Also, it is

helping to those youths who are doing any research, they can access online library in any part
of the world, can collaborate to the researchers in any part of the globe and in best institutions
in the world. It helps to find information related to any new job available in the market.

b. Power flows from the barrel of the gun.

For: History is witness that if need arises, force has been used either for self-protection or for
expanding the empire. Human civilization is full of fighting for supremacy. But the present era
is different from the past. Man has developed weapon of mass destruction. At the click of
button every thing will be destroyed.

Many times, it is necessary to us the force. When India got independence in spite of all efforts
of peaceful integration, it was compelled to use the force against Pakistan supported fighters,
Nizam of Hyderabad and for integration of Goa. Again in 1965 and during Bangladesh
liberation war of 1971, India was forced to use the force and the result was positive.

At present India is facing main challenges related to its internal as well as external challenges.
On internal security challenges it is facing challenges in three theatres, terrorism in Jammu &
Kashmir, North-East Insurgency and Moist challenge in central India. In Jammu & Kashmir
and in many parts of North-East, AFSPA is imposed to keep law and order situation under
control. In these areas it the gun which is the solution of many problems.

Against: Power flows from the barrel of the gun is given by Mao Zedong of China, and it is
totally against the Gandhian Principle of Non-Violence. India won its freedom with the
weapon of truth and non-violence, in Gandhiji’s arsenal there was no place for Gun.

Violence is not the permanent solution of any problem, violence creates more violence and a
vicious cycle is created, which we have witnessed throughout the history of mankind.

First World war killed more than 30 million people and second world war killed more than 75
million people and still there was no permanent peace in the world. The result of the second
world war was cold war and arm race.

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Beside Gandhi there were many other leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr, Aung San Suu
Ki, Nelson Mandela, The Dalai Lama have showed the world that there is no need of the gun,
we can come to the solution through peaceful manner as well.

Maoist problems and North-East insurgency and J&K problems can be solved through peaceful
way as well through participation of masses.

Q3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each. ( 2 × 10 = 20)

a. Corruption in Politics

Local Correspondent

The Sunday Special, Allahabad


Corruption is now a day a household word. In spite of an English word, masses understand this
word. From school admission to getting a job, to admission in hospital to building a road to
mid-day mill every where there is rampant corruption. But corruption in Politics is the biggest
problem. It is the Political leaders who are making the rule for the country either in Parliament
or in State Legislative.

Level of corruption is rampant from to top to bottom in Politics, many Members of Parliament
and ministers are facing corruption charges. Corruption starts from the election itself. At
present EC has fixed expenditure limit for Lok Sabha Election in larger state is Rs. 70 Lakhs
and for Legislative Assembly Election is Rs. 28 Lakhs, but they are spending much more than
that. In order to recover the huge election expense these leaders earn money through unethical

In fact, our former Prime Ministers on many occasions accepted that the money is not reaching
to its intended beneficiaries and is used by others. In recent time we have seen that in the
process of Making and falling the governments money are exchanged.

Recent Karnataka Election aftermath is standing testimony to it, when the elected
representatives were kept in a hotel in order to prevent them from taking money and switching
the loyalty to the other party.

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b. Environmental Pollution.

Assistant Editor

Today’s Mirror, Allahabad

Sunday, 17th June, 2018

Environmental pollution is the worst enemy of Humankind at present. Irony is that it has been
created by human being itself. In order to rapid exploitation of the natural resources we have
damaged the environment to its worst. We are not following the Gandhian principle that “Our
mother Earth has enough to fulfil the need of everyone but not the greed of Everyone.”

Countries like India are facing huge problems due to environmental pollutions, the level of
problem can be understood from the fact that out of 20 most polluted cities in the world, 14 are
in India alone.

Pollution is of many types, major are Air Pollution, Water and Land Pollution, Noise Pollution,
Nuclear Pollution and Light Pollution. Due the pollution there is huge impact on our
environment and health. Many people are dying prematurely daily due the pollution related

Two years back 3 infants of Delhi filed a PIL in Supreme Court that they have right to live in
healthy environment. It is said in the Brundtland Conference that this mother earth we did not
inherit from our forefather but we have borrowed it from our coming generation. It is our
collective responsibility to return them in same condition if not in better condition.

It is true that almost all countries are trying to their level best to control the environmental
pollution, but result is not up to the mark. It is the need of the hour that we all have to come
together to fight the demon of pollution in all form. We have to work on the concept of Reuse,
Reduce and Recycle.

Q4. Attempt a précis of the given passage in one-third of its length. Do not suggest a title,
write as far as possible, in your own words. The précis must be written only in the précis-
format given separately for this purpose. (15)

During the launching of a satellite, the rocket must travel in exactly the right direction and at
exactly the right speed. Radio signals are automatically sent back to Earth from the Rocket.

These signals tell men on the ground how the rocket is travelling and help them to make sure

that it is going as it should. The signals go to special calculating machines called Computers

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that work very fast. The computers work out whether the rocket is travelling correctly. If it is
not, they calculate what correction is needed. Radio signals send the correction to the rocket
and make it automatically change its direction or speed as necessary.

Artificial satellites are used for many things. By sending them through the upper parts of the
atmosphere we can find out more about the atmosphere. The more air there is, the more slowly
the satellite will travel, until it falls to Earth. By sending satellites round the Earth at different
heights, we can find out how much air there is at each height.

We can find out more about the shape of the Earth by means of satellites. If the earth is not
perfectly round, its gravity will not be the same everywhere. Because the pull of the Earth’s
gravity keeps the satellite in its orbit, any change in the gravity will change the orbit. By
watching the way, a satellite travels, we can find out whether the earth’s gravity changes
anywhere. If it does, we know that the shape of the Earth is different at that place. In this way
artificial satellites have shown us that the poles of the Earth are flattened, and that the South
Pole is flattened more than the North.

Satellites can give us information about the weather. By sending up satellites with television
cameras on board, we can get pictures of the clouds below. Each picture shows an area the size
of one or more whole countries. By looking at these pictures, we can see bad weather before it
comes to us. By getting warning of Hurricanes or typhoons in this way, people can get ready
to shelter from them. Weather satellites can also show us when rain will come. Men are now
trying to forecast weather all round the world with the help of satellites. (381 words)

Answer: During a satellite launch, rocket must travel with exact speed in exact direction. Radio
signals sent from rocket tells about its accuracy. Computer manipulates the signal and tells
whether rocket is travelling right. If not, modification is done which auto-corrects the rocket.

Artificial satellites have many uses, such as knowing about atmosphere. Speed of satellite tells
about the density of air at different height.

Satellite also helps to find shape of Earth. Gravity helps in this. Satellites’ speed with help of
gravity shown that south pole is flatter than north.

Satellite can give information about weather as well. With the help of camera, they send
pictures of cloud. With the help of these pictures meteorologists can predict weather. With

information available they can predict any disaster and protection. (Word Count 128, ideally it

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should be 127 but 10 % more or less is allowed generally. Note: Precis is required to be written
in the special papers for this purpose)

Q5. Read carefully the passage given below and write answers to the questions that follow
in clear, correct and concise language: (4 × 5 = 20)
If we look back at India’s long history we find that our forefathers made wonderful progress
whenever they looked out on the world with clear and fearless eyes and kept the windows of
their minds open to give and to receive. And in later periods, when they grew narrow in outlook
and shrank from outside influences, India suffered a set-back politically and culturally. What a
magnificent inheritance we have, though we have abused it often enough. India has been and
is a vital nation, in spite of all the misery and suffering that she has experienced. That vitality
in the realm of constructive and creative effort spread to many parts of the Asian world and
elsewhere and brought splendid conquests in its train. Those conquests were not so much of
the sword, but of the mind and heart which bring healing and which endure when the men of
the sword and their work are forgotten. But that very vitality, if not rightly and creatively
directed, may turn inward and destroy and degrade.

Even during the brief span of our lives, we have seen these two forces at play in India and the
world at large-the forces of constructive and creative effort and the forces of destruction. Which
will triumph in the end? And on which side do we stand?
That is a vital question for each one of us and, more especially, for those from whom the leaders
of the nation will be drawn, and on whom the burden of tomorrow will fall. We dare not sit on
the fence and refuse to face the issue. We dare not allow our minds to be befuddled by passion
and hatred when clear thought and effective action are necessary.

(i) What hurdles the progress of India?

Answer: Narrow mindedness in our outlook and shrinking from outside influences was a
big set-back for the progress of India in terms of Political and cultural progress. What our
forefathers made progresses we were not able to protect them.

(ii) What is the uniqueness of the Indian vitality?

Answer: The uniqueness of Indian vitality is that what India gained in the past it was not
due to the force of the sword but it was due to constructive and creative efforts. It was due
to mind and heart of our forefathers.

(iii)Why are the men of the sword and their work forgotten?

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Answer: Men of sword and their works are generally forgotten because that is based on
the fear factors. They do not win the heart and mind of the people to whom they want to
win. Love and affinity lasts longer.

(iv) Why are the Conquests of India always remembered?

Answer: Conquest of India are always remembered due to the fact that it has not been
made by sword but based on the mind and heart which bring healing and which endure
longer. It was based on the mutual respects for each other, what was best on the other side
we accepted and what was better from our side we shared.

(v) What is the vital question referred to at the end of the passage and what is your answer
to that question?
Answer: The Vital question at the end of the passage is that there are two forces working
Constructive and Destructive and which will triumph at the end? And on which side do we
stand? Truth and Constructive forces always wins at the end, it may be painful, but it lasts
longer and definitely we should stand to the side of the constructive forces.

Q6. A Rewrite the sentences as Directed.

(i) …A……… stands for humanism, tolerance, progress etc. (Fill in the blank
with the correct article)
(ii) He often Gets…into……….trouble because of his carelessness. (Fill in the blank with
the correct preposition)
(iii) I…have been………living in this town since 2007. (Fill in the blank with the correct
Auxiliary Verb)
(iv) They have completed the work. (Change into passive voice)
Answer: The work has been completed by them.
(v) The method of living happily must be known to you. (Change into active voice)
Answer: You must know the method to live happy
(vi) My teacher said to me, “You should learn to live your life meaningfully and
beautifully.” (Change into indirect speech)
Answer: My teacher told me to learn to live my life meaningfully and beautifully.
(vii) My mother advised me that I should give respect to elders. (Change into direct

Answer: My mother said, “You should give respect to elders.”


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(viii) Educated and empowered women contribute richly for the development of the
nation,… Don’t they? ……………………………..(Put the correct question tag)

(ix) People respect him because he is an exemplary leader. (Change into Simple
Answer: People respect him for his exemplary leadership.
(x) The problem was so complicated that I could not solve it. (Rewrite the sentence using
Answer: The problem was too complicated to be solved.
B. Give the plural form of the following words and make sentences using the floral form.

(i) Alga- Algae- A lot of algae were found in the swamp.

(ii) Child-Children- Children are the future of our nation, because one day they will have
responsibility to run the country.
(iii) Formula -Formulae- There are many formulae to solve the given problem.
(iv) Syllabus- syllabi- How do you expect us to complete syllabi of one year in just three
(v) Thesis- theses-Total 50 theses have been submitted as PhD thesis in our University.
C. Correct the following sentences without making any unnecessary changes.

(i) He finds faults in everyone.

Answer: He finds faults with everyone.

(ii) He is one of the noble men who have sacrificed his life for the nation.
Answer: He is one of the noble men who has sacrificed his life for the nation.
(iii) One should always take care of his health.
Answer: One should always take care of one’s health.
(iv) None of the five persons were found suitable for the job.
Answer: None of the five persons was found suitable for the job.
(v) My friend is younger than me.
Answer: My friend is younger than I.

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