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Prepared by seenaiah Sir

Critical Appraisal of Bhakti and Sufi Movement:

Both movements were quite powerful ones dealing with every aspect of human life. As such they influenced
changes in every sphere.

The drawbacks of both the movements were:

1. They sought solution witihin the framework of religion. In other words, they asked for relief and not a

2. Though they preached tolerance they could not overcome sectarian rivalries. Shaiva and Vaishnava in
Hinduism and Shia-Sunni conflict in Islam continued to persist.

3. Devotion to God and urge to spiritual perfection definitely made the medieval society turn indifferent for
the development of sciences, technology and materialistic progress. It was an established fact that after
Bhakti and Sufi movements in medieval India the progress of materialistic development definitely got

However, inspite of above drawbacks both had significant achievements to their credit:- In social sphere, both
generated consciousness inspiring lower-caste movements. Most of the reformers came from the lower
sections of the society.

In economic front both the movements inculcated a sense of dignity of labour removing the idea condemned
profession or Neechavrithi. Secondly, Bhakti Movement opposed economic exploitation of agricultural labour
by Vaishnava landlords in Karnataka during Lingayat Movement of Basaveshwar.

In the realm of polity particularly Bhakti Movement inspired the formation of new kingdoms like the
Vijayanagara Empire and Swaraj of Shivaji Maharaj. The Sufi Movement on its part liberated the stigma
attached to the Islamic State that it belonged only to muslims. Both were responsible for inspiring great
monarchs of medieval times like Md. Bin Tughlaq, Akbar, Alauddin Hussain of Bengal, Ibrahim Shah, Jagadguru
of Bijapur, Jain-ul-Abdeen (Akbar of Kashmir).

In cultural sphere the profound impact is felt in the development of local languages. Braja Basha developed
by Vallabha and Meera, Bhiojpuri by Kabir Das, Awadhi by Tulsidas, Mythali by Vidhyapathi and Chandidas,
Bengali by Chaitnya Prabhu, Assami by Shankar Dev, Maratha reformers for Marathi, Tamil Shaiva saints called
Nayanars and Vaishnava saints Alvars were all responsible for the development of Tamil language.

The Hindustani and Carnatic music traditions were influenced by and perfected. Meera Bai introduced
Bhajans, Chaitanya Prabhu Kirthans and great Amir Khusro under the influence of Sufism introduced Sama
(congregational music) and devotional music Qawali. The Carnatic music in its form and content is devotional,
the essence of Bhakti Movement.

Both Bhakti and Sufi Movements influenced the Classical Dance with the idea of Devotion. Both the
movements left behind them a permanent legacy in the form of a composite culture which is still followed in
Prepared by seenaiah Sir

Comparative Study between the two:

1. Both accepted the idea ‘Guru’ a must.

2. Both Movements followed common man’s language.

3. Both accepted popular means like music, dance in preaching out to the common man.

4. Both accepted scriptures as the basis.

1. Sufism- more universal in the form of content when compared to Bhakti.

2. The concept Saguna Bhakti is totally absent in Sufism.

3. The Bhakti reformers moved as one amongst the society whereas Sufis preferred to live a secluded life
away from the society.

4. In Sufism, a deviation from the scriptures has taken place dividing the movement into Bashara (followers of
the scriptures) and Beshara (non-followers of scriptures). This tendency is not seen in Bhakti movement.
Prepared by seenaiah Sir

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