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Members Present
• James Wambua
• Daniel Ndolo
• John Musuva
• Cosmas Kyengo
• Francis Kieti
• Wilson Mutua
• Peter Syeni
• Steve Waema
Absent with Apologies

• Steve Makau
• George Ndolo
• Solomon Mutiso
Br. John Musuva opened the meeting with a word of prayer
Br. James Wambua chaired the meeting

• Update on the ministry bus

• 2nd open heavens kesha at the ministry centre
• Kitui (Kisasi) & Tangu DCC missions
• Caretaker for the ministry Centre/Peter Ngei
• Annual end of year Conference
• Any other Business (AOB)

1. Update on the Ministry Bus

Brother James reported that the bus is 80% done and that the remaining work should be
finished in about two weeks’ time. It was however noted that the insurance has taken much
longer than expected to get the bus done. Members expressed doubts as to whether the
remaining work will be completed in the projected two weeks.
• Assessment of the Bus - Once the process is completed and the bus is back, it would
be good to task a team of brethren to do a comprehensive assessment of the bus
including a road test.
• Review of the Insurance Company – For a quicker response and better services in
future, members suggested that we consider Jubilee Insurance, Fidelity or any other
especially the ones where we have a direct contact in the company. It was agreed that
quotations be obtained for review and consideration.
2. 2nd open heavens kesha at the ministry centre
It was agreed that this months’s kesha be held at AIC Milimani as usual. Members concluded
that having a joint Mombasa and Nairobi Kesha at the Centre is not sustainable for now with
the current financial situation besides the thorough preparation that is required to pull off a
successful, impactful kesha.
Moving forward, members recommended that the joint Mombasa and Nairobi keshas at the
centre be held quarterly – 3 times a year. This is to allow good preparation beforehand both
financially and logistically. Having monthly joint keshas at the centre is not sustainable. It
was concluded that the two teams continue running their monthly keshas separately as usual
at their respective centres.
Further, members recommended that the quarterly keshas should be slotted in the ministry
calendar as main activities every year so that their associated costs can be factored in the
Nairobi Team – members agreed that there is an opportunity for the Nairobi team to have
keshas at the centre once the ministry van is back. This is a decision that can be determined
on a per month/kesha basis.
3. Kitui and Tangu DCC Missions
With current financial situation and not being sure that the bus will be ready in two weeks’
time, members recommended a cancellation/postponement of Kitui (Kisasi) mission so we
can focus on Tangu DCC mission. Members recommended that the total cost of running
Tangu mission be communicated to the ministry members as soon as possible so we can have
a targeted giving to fund the mission. It was noted that the model worked well for Makindu
and Kalamba missions early in the year.
4. Caretaker for the ministry Centre/Peter Ngei
Brother James reported that a new caretaker has been hired for KES 9,000 per month and that
Peter Ngei is released from the centre to focus on Music/Praise & Worship and Friday
fellowships. Br. James further updated members that the new caretaker will be reporting to
Br. Martin Paul. A consideration to reduce Peter’s salary was not determined, members had
the following recommendation;

• Ministry Governance Structure - Members concluded that a governance structure for

the ministry needs to be established as soon as possible. Members concluded that the
organogram/structure would help clarify who does what and which staff reports to
who including their job descriptions and remunerations.

5. Annual end of year Conference

Members suggested that the conference details such as registration costs be communicated
early to the ministry members so they can prepare well in advance. Members agreed to
further discuss this agenda in the next meeting.
6. Any other Business (AOB)
• Friday fellowships - Brother James encouraged the members to be available for
Friday fellowships
• Frequency of Meetings – Further, Brother James encouraged members to consider
meeting more frequently, once every month or at least once in two months. He
thanked the members for attending the meeting.
There being no other business, the meeting ended with a word of prayer by Bro. Wilson

Minutes taken by
Stephen Waema.

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