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A Critical Book Review
Stephen Frye, MD

This review expresses some thoughts I others whom we respect and admire
have about Steiner's book, Scripts People and who have told us what a good
Live (1974). My primary quarrels with the life is. Being married, successful in
business, and a good father, a good
book are these: 1) It suggests such life housewife, a businessman, a civic
scripts as it describes are typical of people leader, a "real" man or a "real"
in general; 2) it offers little documenta- woman are all defined for us long
tion of its general statements; 3) it does before we are born; we are given the
what it accuses others of doing; 4) it illusory "freedom" to choose from
those different ways of living. Once
discounts nearly everyone in the helping we choose we are forced to keep to
professions, except Steiner himself. the directives of that particular life
My initial disagreement is in Steiner's plan, lest we become "failures" in
taking the word "patient" out of the title. living.
What he describes in the book are not
what most people without patient status Isn't it possible that this illusory
live, but rather only those scripts that a freedom is in fact a choice and that many
significantly ill person might live. Since of the people described are in fact happy
only 2.5070 of the American people use and not following banal life scripts? Is
mental health services, banal scripts there any Adult evidence that the majority
would seem to be those of a minority. of Americans feel that they are following
Throughout, he has failed to adequate- banal life scripts or that banal scripts are
ly substantiate either his claim of the the rule in terms of frequency (p. 104) -
universality of banal scripting or his other or is this just Dr. Steiner's impression?
claims. There are very few references On page 105 he states:
from outside T A literature and the
literature of radical therapy. There are The basic training of life includes a
systematic attack on three primary
only two references in the bibliography to human potentials: the potential for
what would even remotely be considered intimacy, namely the capacity for
standard reference journals in psychiatry, giving and receiving human love: the
psychology, or sociology. potential for awareness, namely the
In the first paragraph on page 98, we capacity to understand the world
and its people, and the potential for
are told: spontaneity, which is the capacity of
free and joyful expression of the
Many of us are proudest when we Natural Child. I have called the end
feel that we are living "good" lives, result of this three-part basic training
where "good" means normal, aver- Lovelessness, Mindlessness, and
age, as others would want it to be - Joylessness.
Trans. An. J., 6:3, July 1976 329

What Adult evidence is there that this is Steiner "homogenizes" the term "Pig
in fact the basic training of life in most Parent" in two different ways. First, he
American homes? Where is the evidence describes Pig Parent as the "Parent ego
for his statement on p. 114 that "because state which is the enemy of the Natural
people are forced to live in a state of Child." He later refers to the Pig Parent
stroke scarcity, the procurement of and diagrams it as the Parent in the Child,
strokes fills every moment of their waking variously known already as "the elec-
hours"? trode," or the bad' 'witch." What need is
He describes the three main kinds of there for an additional and redundant
scripting as Lovelessness, Mindlessness, term in TA's ever-expanding vocabulary?
and Joylessness" (depression, madness, He further complicates matters by
and drug abuse). Then, without any "reinterpreting" Dr. Dusay's original
substantiating evidence, he states that egogram by substituting Little Professor
these "cover the range of emotional for Adapted Child, thus changing Dr.
disturbances that present themselves to Dusay's concepts. He again distorts the
psychiatrists." (He himself is a psycholo- egogram by using the term "Pig Parent"
gist.) where Dr. Dusay has used the term
He further proposes that "these three "Punitive Parent."
categories of scripts adequately substitute Steiner begins his long and continuous
for all of the categories in the American discounting of almost every professional
Psychiatric Association Diagnostic group in existence on page 8 where he
Manual, exclusive of those involving discounts psychologists and psychiatrists.
damage to the central nervous system. In support of his attitude, he states that if
The suffix "-less," according to four diagnosticians agreed on a diagnosis,
Webster, means "without, lacking." I they could not agree on a therapeutic
have rarely seen a patient who is totally strategy. What this means is not that the
without love, without mind, or without disagreement is of paramount importance
joy. Occasionally a patient will have or that there are no therapeutic strategies,
deficits in these areas, but rarely total as Steiner implies, but that there may be
lacks. Moreover, there are diagnoses more than one effective therapeutic
which are not covered by his three terms. strategy.
Three that quickly come to mind are
On page 119, psychiatrists are again
anxiety reaction, a situational reaction
discounted without documentation:
following a life crisis, and phobia.
Another common presenting problem,
One of the pressures against self-
not covered by these areas is that of the understanding comes from the
person, currently unassertive, who wants medical profession. Psychiatrists,
to become more decisive and effective. by and large, prevent us from
On several occasions throughout the understanding ourselves by telling
book, Dr. Steiner is doing what he himself us we can't and discounting those
who feel they can without their help.
objects to (p. 8):
Certainly this is a discount of Eric Berne,
Transactional analysis is in the
process of being homogenized, the psychiatrist who founded TA, as well
reinterpreted, and thus destroyed by as a discount of the many others who have
the mass market which is using it so helped to create the fields of psychiatry
as to make the largest amount of and psychotherapy. Later, after discount-
profit without regard for its scien- ing Berne by hypothesizing his script, he
tific integrity.
further disagrees with him (p. 99) by
330 Trans. An. J., 6:3, July 1976

feeling that it is important to mix politics therapists from helping people they
with psychiatry. It would be too easy to reserve for themselves a function
interpret Steiner's own script and ego- which is not theirs."
gram from this and other parts of the Since physicians have not excluded
book, but that would be no fairer to him other therapists from helping people
than he was to Berne. (otherwise there would not be licensed
Based on comments on page 213, one psychologists, social workers, family
could easily conclude that Dr. Steiner is therapists, etc.) and since physicians do
the only therapist who is aware of the use have some unique contributions to make
and abuse of power in therapy and and have made same, both his premise
interpersonal relationships. Is it a fact and his conclusion are invalid.
that because therapists "would have to Nowhere is there any factual data,
take sides with the powerless against the controlled or uncontrolled, on any of his
powerful, they are not too eager to cases to indicate what number have been
become aware of such power factors"? cured, helped, or alleviated by him.
What scientific experiments have been What Dr. Steiner does show is that it is
conducted to support his statement that certainly easier to discount others than to
when a man and a woman are equal in prove in any Adult way the effectiveness
power, it is unlikely that the equality will of his own work.
He also discounts the relevance of Notes:
medicine to psychotherapy by stating that (1) These references were added by Dr.
there is "no justification whatsoever for Frye subsequent to Dr. Steiner's reply.
thinking of the banal or extreme forms of Frye notes, "Although many of these
tragic scrips, depression, madness, or references are dated after Dr. Steiner's
drug abuse as having any relation to book, they are review articles with exten-
physical illness." He seems unaware of sive bibliographies of material published
some of the brilliant studies in genetics prior to 1974.
and biochemistry (Wyatt & Gillin, 1976;
Snyder, 1976; Mendels et aI., 1976) that American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and
have been reported the last quarter Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2nd
century. He states that "at present no ed., 1968.
drug has proven effective to cure Davis, J. "Overview: Maintenance Therapy of
depression, madness or drug abuse and no Psychiatry, II, Affective Disorders." American
Journal of Psychiatry, January 1976,1-13.
drug is ever likely to have that effect." Dusay, J. "Egograms and the Constancy Hypo-
This is a massive discount, not only of thesis," Transactional A nalysis Journal, 1972,
current knowledge and science (David, 2, 37-41.
1976; Fieve, 1975), but also of potential Fieve, R. "The Lithium Clinic: A New Model for
future developments. the Delivery of Psychiatric Services." American
Journal of Psychiatry, October 1975, 1018-
He then states: 1022.
Freedman, D.X. "The Alma Mater is Smoking -
Since neither physical medicine nor This is Dangerous to Your Health!" Archives
drugs are directly relevant to of Psychiatry, April, 1976, 407-410.
emotional disturbance or unhappi- Ket y , S. "Genetic Aspects of Schizophrenia,"
ness, it also follows that physicians Psychiatric Annals,January 1976, 11-32.
are in no way uniquely qualified to May, P. et al. "Schizophrenia - A Follow-up
be therapists and that when they Study of Results of Treatment." Archives of
attempt to exclude other capable Psychiatry, April 1976,474-488.

Trans. An. J., 6:3, July 1976 331


Mendels, J. et. al. "Biochemistry of Depression," Wyatt, R. and G. Gillan. "The Transmethylation
Diseases of the Nervous System, March 1976, Hypothesis: A Quarter of a Century Later,"
3-9. Psychiatric Annals. January 1976,33-52.
Snyder, S. "Dopamine and Schizophrenia,"
Psychiatric Annals, January 1976, 53-70. Stephen Frye, MD, is a Regular Member
Steiner, C. Scripts People Live. New York: Grove of the ITAA. He is in private practice
Press, 1974. in San Francisco, California.

Claude Steiner

I am flattered to see a book review genetics" which he wishes I would refer

of such unprecedented length dedicated to to, might find it interesting to read R.D.
me in the valuable pages of the Laing on the subject (Evans, 1976).
Transactional Analysis Journal. Laing's detailed fifty-seven page analysis
I also appreciate Dr. Frye's presenting of the time-honored studies by Kellman
in a series of succinct arguments a view of and Slater on the genetics of schizophre-
psychiatric issues which I have long been nia lead him to conclude that this
committed to oppose, and which I often-quoted research on which so much
specifically oppose throughout Scripts psychiatric belief is based is invalid even
People Live. For example, calling people at the simplest scientific level. His
with problems "patients" and "ill," summary statement about the Kellman
reifying professionals, their journals, and Slater studies is this: "You cannot
their research and diagnoses, and being make a statistical silk purse out of a
unwilling to consider the lies, power clinical sow's ear."
abuses, and Rescues that go on all around As for my own scientific research, I
us (not just in our clients' lives but in our base my conclusions on the same method
own); the list is too long to enumerate used by Freud, Berne, and numerous
completely. Readers will have to choose other respected behavioral scientists:
which view they prefer. clinical observation substantiated by
However, Frye's repeated incantations consensus, followed by further observa-
of demands for scientific proof have tion and consensus, and ultimate con-
a pious and hollow sound. As far as firmation or rejection based on long range
substantiation is concerned, his view is therapeutic success or failure.
not better supported by scientific research The one thing about this review I resent
than is mine, (1). Nor, on the other hand, is the oblique implication that I discount
is it any less so. Readers who would like to Eric Berne, or worse, that I treat him
pursue some of the "brilliant studies in unfairly. Eric was a brilliant scientist and
332 Trans. An. J., 6:3, July 1976

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