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Electronically controlled electric valves have been accepted for years in larger applications,

just as chillies have been, and have proven to add efficiency to the systems. The key to the
increase in efficiency is due to their ability to control superheat to a low, stable setting. Since
many chillers use almost infinitely variable screw compressors, an expansion valve that has
the ability to follow these radical changes in capacity is required. Traditionally, mechanical
thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs) are normally rated from about 50 to 110 percent of
nominal rating. This rating is based on relatively constant head pressure and liquid quality
conditions. These valves may not allow efficient control of the chillier during low load or
head pressure conditions.

The electric expansion valve (EXV) has the ability to follow load, in most cases, from about
5 to 115 percent of nominal load.

In addition, flash gas in the liquid line is less damaging to the operation of the system because
the relatively large port and large stroke of the EXV allows them to open wide, purge the
flash gas, and then re-establish the desired superheat. The advantages of the EXV are clear,
but since the valve is an electric component, it requires some form of electric or electronic

Figure 1.
Click on the schematic for an enlarged view.

Controllers for EXVs are becoming common and generally work in similar ways. Although
electric, the EXV is still an expansion valve. As such, it should be used to control superheat.
Controllers allow the EXV to do this by measuring the two components of superheat:
pressure and temperature.

Standard calculations of superheat are all the same, whether done by a technician in the field
or an electronic controller. The pressure in the suction line, just after the evaporator, is
measured. This pressure is converted to a saturation temperature by the use of a pressure-
temperature chart for the refrigerant used. This saturated temperature is compared with the
actual temperature measured on the suction line, also near the outlet of the evaporator. The
difference between these two temperatures is the operating superheat.
Figure 2.
Click on the chart for an enlarged view.

The electronic controller (shown in a common installation in Figure 1) fulfils this same
function by using electronic sensors.

The sensors involved are pressure transducers and temperature sensors. A pressure transducer
is a small, sealed device that is often mounted onto a tap on the suction line. Most are
supplied with a valve depressor feature so that they may be threaded onto a Schrader tap.
They may then be removed for service without having to pump down and reclaim the system
charge. The pressure transducer is normally a three-wire device, two for power and one for

The controller supplies the necessary power and reads the signal. This electrical signal is
converted back to pressure by the controller, which stores an equation to do so. The equation
is effective only for a specific brand and model of transducer, so replacements must be
obtained from the manufacturer of the controller. This equation is then combined with a
reference table or pressure temperature table stored in the controller for the system
refrigerant. (Sporlan controllers are often equipped with three to five refrigerant tables so that
they may be selected in the field. This feature allows one controller to be used in a number of
applications and to be reconfigured if the system refrigerant is changed.)

The temperature transducer, usually called a temperature sensor, is typically a device that
varies resistance with temperature. There are a variety of types, NTC are negative
temperature coefficient types and the resistance decreases with a rise in sensed temperature.

Another common type is the positive temperature coefficient type (PTC). In the PTC the
resistance rises with temperature increases. The actual temperature to resistance characteristic
is also unique to a manufacturer and model and sensors are not interchangeable; replacements
must also be obtained from the controller supplier. The resistance of the temperature sensor is
converted to a temperature inside the controller and this is compared to the temperature
calculated from the pressure reading and refrigerant table (Figure 2).

Although complex to describe, the preceding calculations are straightforward and relatively
easy to program into the controller. The difficult part of programming has to do with using
this superheat information to modulate the valve position. (Although a number of EXV
technologies have been used, step motors are being recognized as the most precise and
reliable means of valve operation. The balance of this article is based on that type.)

The instructions the controller uses to arrive at valve position and modulation are called the
"algorithm" and are generally proprietary information to the controller manufacturer.
However, each algorithm looks at operating superheat and compares it to the superheat set
point chosen by the user. If the superheat is higher than desired, the controller steps the valve
open by the number of steps calculated by the algorithm. If the superheat is low or flood back
occurs, the valve is rapidly driven shut by the algorithm.

Since the pressure and temperature sensors can react almost immediately to changes, the
controller can follow, and in some cases predict changes in superheat quickly and react. This
speed and accuracy allows the EXV-controller-sensor system to precisely, quickly, and
reliably control superheat to the most efficient setting under a wide set of loads and system
conditions. The EXVs have no diaphragms and therefore no "gradient" or unpredictable
variation in operation.

Historically, when EXVs were applied, they were on stand-alone systems, they did not
communicate with other parts of the system or attempt to control other functions. They have
performed the duty well and, as time went on, more economically. The power of
microprocessors or computer "chips" double every 18 months and most of our industry has
been slow to take advantage of these possibilities. While standalone EXV systems now
approach the installed cost of a mechanically-based TXV system, to only consider this type
of control is short-sighted and wasteful.

Figure 3.

Most current applications at worst ignore and at best under-utilize the potential benefits that
electronic control can bring. Our industry is one of temperature control and most aspects of
design and service are based on, or strongly require, measurements of pressure and

By its very nature, the EXV must have sensors that gather and interpret these measurements.
Since that data exists and is captured by the controller, doesn't it make sense to use that
information as much as possible? This not only simplifies the system but also spreads the cost
of the electronics and sensors over a wider range of features and system needs. For instance,
condenser fans may be cycled to maintain head pressure and liquid sub cooling.

The need for sub cooling affects system and expansion valve efficiency. What if the
electronic controller (Figure 3) controls the condenser fans to ensure that the expansion valve
is fed with the solid liquid it needs, while at the same time, allowing head pressure to float to
the lowest possible level. Some controllers may be supplied with "stock" programs that offer
a set group of features.

Other controllers may be supplied with customer-specific programming tailored to the precise
need of the customer. The technology of electronics allows for economic program updates
and the addition of features even after system installation. The gains in system efficiency due
to floating head pressure are well documented. The incremental cost of adding this feature to
an EXV controller is low. Efficiency of refrigeration applications, particularly low-
temperature installations, benefit from both lower head pressures and higher suction
pressures. Since EXVs may be oversized without sacrificing control at low loads, extremely
rapid pull downs after defrost or at start-up may be realized by using large EXVs to saturate
the evaporator when the load is highest.

A further benefit of the electronic controllers is the possibility to incorporate system

diagnostics and remote communication. The controllers are equipped with a number of
sensors, and algorithms that are under development that will use this information to signal, or
even predict, system problems. Users may then be alerted to potential failures.

In the near future we will likely see controllers that are Web-enabled. These devices can be
monitored by the homeowner, contractor or electric utility to ensure efficiency and accuracy.

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