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The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Metacognitive Reading Report # 1

Name: Salle, Gian Jelo A. Date: February 17, 2020

1. Three (3) Things that I significantly learned from the readings

After reading the materials, I learned that there was a tension between Rizal’s novels to
the catholic church in which he offended the friars. Which lead to Filipino Bishops and
catholic church condemning his books and opposing it to be taught in schools. Other
organizations and senators oppose this bill when it was being processed in the senate, but
with the help of Senator Claro M. Recto, Jose P. Laurel and other significant senators, the
bill was passed and signed by President and now knows as Rizal’s Law

It was clearly that Sen. Recto and other notable senators at that time were the people
who fought that Rizal’s novels should be taught in different school despite of offending
the catholic church with what’s written on it. The catholic church did all the means on
opposing the alternative bill did by Jose P. Laurel. But with the help of The Board of
National Education and other organization supporting this bill, it was approved and signed
by President Ramon Magsaysay and became Republic Act No. 1425.

Lastly, I learned that the life and works of our national hero Jose Rizal should be taught
in schools and university in the Philippines which is stated in the Rizal Law. It is clearly
stated in the material that the Life and works of Rizal should be taught in schools and
universities in the Philippines. After so many trials and controversies before the Rizal’s
Law be approved by the president.

2. Three (3) Things that are still unclear to me

Things that are unclear to me was the nationalism of Rizal against the catholic church
and Spanish friars. Rizal is known as a famous hero with his nationalism, but after the
release of his novels which offended the catholic church is that really worthy of he being
our national hero.

Another unclear to me, as stated on the materials given is the means of the catholic church
opposing and condemning the novels of Rizal. The catholic church was supported by
many organizations and other senators at that time. Is it true that the catholic church and
the friars act the way as what is stated in the novels of Rizal at their time and changed them
over the years?

Last thing that unclear to me is there a significant change of level of nationalism the
unexpurgated and expurgated version of then two novels. Before the law was approved,
there was a discussion on what version will be used and read by the students in the
universities and these are the unexpurgated and expurgated versions of the novel.
3. I used to think that….

I used to think that Rizal’s law didn’t faced and controversies and issues before it was
passed in the congress, but after reading the materials it was clear to me that Rizal’s law
or Republic Act No. 1425 overcame a lot of opposing parties especially the Catholic church
which condemn that Rizal’s novels will violate freedom of freedom and conscience of
religion. With the help of Senator Claro Recto, other notable senators and help of The
Board of National Education, Rizal’s Law was made possible despite the opposition of the
other senators, organizations and Catholic church. The Law is now known as Republic Act
no. 1425 which is signed by President Ramon Magsaysay on June 12, 1956.

4. Three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings

The three things that I want to ask about the readings is that did Rizal intentionally
offended the Catholic church and friars with his two novels Noli Me Tangere and El
filibusterismo which leads it to condemning it by the opposition.

Another question is that did really the catholic church forcibly changed themselves over
the years because of the novels did by Rizal? Is there really a chance that what was stated
in the novels are true against the catholic church?

After the Republic act no. 1425 passed in the senate, how did the catholic church react
on this news. What are the things they did to oppose the Rizal’s Law?

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