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Vietnam has been witnessing an imbalanced labor distribution: more and more people
have been moving to urban areas for work while rural areas have been increasingly
abandoned. How can this problem be solved? Give your opinion and support it with
reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.
Vietnam is experiencing labor imbalances between rural and urban areas. This affects
the economy. In my opinion, there are 3 solutions:
Firstly, encourage new business and investment in rural areas.Some people move to big
cities to find jobs because they can’t find job in the hometown.Therefore, new business or
investment in raral areas should be encouraged to created more job opportunities.Many rural
areas have great potential that should be taken advantage such as wide area of land, special
plants or beautifull sights.
Secondly, students that move to study in big cities should be encouraged to come back
and contribute to the development of their hometown. Moreover, there should be policies to
help them set up their own business. Start-up companies of many young people have created
a lot of jobs in rural areas.
Lastly, high salary and better living condition in urban areas attact people to leave their
hometown. Therefore, in order to reduce this imbalanced labor distribution, living condition
in raral areas should be improved facilities and improving other services.
Thus, the state needs to implement better rural development policies to address this
2.Should the access to the Internet be limited? Why or why not? Give your opinion and
support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or
Information technology is growing so the amount of network access is increasing. This
leads to many bad consequences, so it is necessary to restrict access to the network because
of the following reasons:
Firstly, Students should be limited internet access because they can go on internet and
search up everything they want. They could even search up some answers to the questions
that are needed in their exams or their tests. That will limit their ability to think.

Secondly, teenagers spend too much time to play games. In fact, the number of teenagers
plays games increased slightly in many years ago. Specially, in recent years, the number of
teenager plays games increased sharply.
Finaly, teenagers can read and watch porno magazines, videos…on internet.Some
minors watch and they tend to imitate what they see. That is wrong and we can not control it
when they access the internet.
Conclusion, In my opinion, I think if they use internet for studying and research, we
should not be limited. If they use internet for playing games or accessing harmful website,
we should limited.
3. Big cities tend to be chosen by criminals from other places. How can residents in these
cities protect themselves against these dangerous criminals? Give your opinion and
support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or
Big cities tend to be chosen by criminals from other places. It is very important for
resident in these cities learn how to protect themselve against these dangerous crimials. In
my opinion, there are some effective ways:
First, be awake. We should always protect our properties. Sometimes, our carelessness
gives criminals chance to harm us.For example, we should not bring a lot of money along,
use cell phone in crowded streets.We should remember to lock our motorbikes and our
houses carefull even when we are at home.Using camera is also a good choice.
Secondly, We should guard ourselves.That means it is good to learn some skills to react
when being attacked. Learning simple martial arts to self-rescue is very good, especially for
Finaly, make sure that we can contact the police whenever something bad happens. So,
we should save police contact in our cell phones or somewhere easy to reach.Besides the
familiar hotline “113”.I think it will be very helpful.
No one wants bad things happen, so we should do eveything to prevent ourselves from them.
4. Some people hold the view that hiring a friend to work for them is really beneficial. Do
you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons and details or examples from your
reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.
4. Một số người cho rằng việc thuê một người bạn làm việc cho họ thực sự có lợi. Bạn có
đồng ý hoặc không đồng ý với ý kiến này? Nêu rõ lý do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ việc đọc,
kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.

5. Many young mothers tend to send their six-month-old kids to nursery schools. What are
the causes that may lead them to this decision? Give reasons and details or examples from
your reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view.
5. Nhiều bà mẹ trẻ tuổi có xu hướng đưa trẻ em sáu tháng tuổi đến các trường mẫu giáo.
Nguyên nhân có thể dẫn họ tới quyết định này là gì? Nêu rõ lý do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ
việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ quan điểm của bạn.

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