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Business Analytics with Excel

Authored & published by


Version 1.0


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Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7

LESSON 0 - BUSINESS ANALYTICS WITH EXCEL ............................................................................. 10

LESSON 1— INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ANALYTICS ................................................................ 24


LESSON 3— ANALYZING DATA WITH PIVOTTABLES ..................................................................... 94

LESSON 4— DASHBOARDING ...................................................................................................... 122

LESSON 5— ANALYTICS WITH EXCEL .......................................................................................... 156

LESSON 7— POWER BI ................................................................................................................ 222

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Lesson 0 - Business Analytics with Excel

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What you will learn

This lesson will give you an overview about the importance of Analytics in business today, why it is in
demand among a lot of organizations, and how can effectively leverage Microsoft Excel for Data

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Need of Business Analytics

It is quite clear that businesses must understand the changing market and trends in social media to stay
ahead of the competition and drive effective business decisions.

What can help businesses maintain their competitive edge? The answer lies in business analytics.

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What is Business Analytics

The term “business analytics” refers to the skills, technologies, applications, and practices that facilitate
continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance, customer data, and
competitive landscape data.

The goal is to gain insights and drive business planning.

Therefore, business analytics empowers businesses to automate and optimize business processes,
thereby enabling them to sustain the competitive advantage.

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Excel Capabilities

Microsoft Excel has extensive analytics capabilities to perform statistical analysis.

With the added advantage of visibility, a flat learning curve, and good reporting functionalities, Excel has
become the tool of choice to start your data analytics journey.

Did you know Excel offers intuitive analytics features such as find, connect, and shape to model and
analyze a company’s data?

Today, Excel comes with in-memory technology that makes it easily compatible with millions of bytes of
data, enabling companies to perform the necessary analysis without being dependent on specialized

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Excel BI Features

Additionally, features such as Power Business Intelligence including Power Pivot, Power Query, Power
View, Power Maps, and so on easily integrate with Excel.

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Why Excel as Business Analytics Tool

The sandbox-like Excel environment makes data exploration and deriving results quite easy.

It includes features to perform powerful data analytics processes with just one-click instead of using a
complex set of formulas, pivot tables, and manual steps.

With increasingly diverse toolsets being added to Excel, it’s very clear that Excel is the Business
Intelligence tool of choice and the future of Business Intelligence workflows and is being increasingly
preferred by analysts, reporting professionals, and BI people.

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Features of Excel

Excel provides a grid-like interface of rows and columns enabling users to organize and format data
better. The data can be simple text, numbers, dates, or other supported formats.

Excel’s libraries span a large range of functions from basic math to complex statistical formulas.

It cannot be said enough that Excel is pivotal to organizations as it is the leading user- friendly analytical

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Case Study

Amazon, an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company, has been in business for
more than 20 years. It has a user base of millions of customers.

Ever wondered how Amazon predicts exactly what consumers want to buy? It’s simple, or let’s just say it
is simple business analytics that involves understanding patterns of what happened in the past to predict
what might happen in the future. Currently, this is a requirement of every business!

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What Simplilearn offers you

Simplilearn’s “Business Analytics with Excel” course introduces you to Excel, the powerful data analysis
tool that will enable you to collect data and perform an in-depth analysis of the data to drive effective,
impactful business decisions.

Designed to build upon the concepts and procedures in Data Analytics, the primary focus of the course is
to learn how to use Excel to perform multivariate statistics and to understand how to explore,
experiment, and forecast results with Excel’s Histograms, Pivot Tables, Statistics and Mathematical
Formulas, and Charts.

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Objectives of Course

After attending this course, you should be able to:

• Understand business problems and datasets

• Perform calculations using statistical techniques
• Conduct a variety of statistical analyses, including Regressions, Covariance, Correlation, and
Hypothesis testing
• Present and interpret the results of statistical analysis
• Design dynamic reports and dashboards for business consumption

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What Simplilearn offers you

This highly engaging course features concept videos with exercises, which will empower you with hands-
on experience. The course covers:

• Introduction to Business Analytics with an overview to different types of analytics

• Statistical and Mathematical Functions

After each lesson, practice and revision assessments are provided to reinforce the concepts learned.
The course ends with detailed case studies outlining real-life scenarios.

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Simplilearn Support

Simplilearn will offer full support anytime during the course or while you are working on the projects. If
you subscribe to the Live Virtual Classroom training, you can attend any ongoing batch and revisit
important concepts to seek help for the projects.

Visit the Simplilearn website, and click Help and Support at the bottom of the
page to submit queries. You can also speak directly to the support staff with the “Simplitalk” or “Live
Chat” option.

So, are you ready to begin?

Happy learning!

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Lesson 1— Introduction to Business Analytics

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What you will learn

This lesson will introduce you to the various types of analytics. It also explains the analytics concepts
with relevant examples.

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What is Analytics

Let’s start with understanding what exactly analytics is.

In today’s data-driven world, analytics plays a vital role not only in the businesses but also in the various
fields such as sports, healthcare, finance, government, and many more such fields.

We have seen so many books on analytics that have become best-sellers globally and the people who
are able to apply analytics (known as data scientists) are hailed as having the sexiest job of the 21st

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Need of Analytics

Now you must be thinking what really is analytics?

Analytics is a scientific process to examine raw data to draw meaningful and logical sense of the data. It
gives insights about the information to the organizations that will enable them to make better decisions.

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Study of Analytics

The study of analytics often involves analyzing historical data to look for the potential trends of the past,
to understand the effects of certain decisions, or to evaluate the performance of the business basis the
decisions taken.

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Proper Analysis

The goal of doing a proper analysis is to improve the business by gaining the comprehensive knowledge
of past trends and decisions, basis which corrective actions can be taken.

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Say the Operations Head of a multinational tire company wants to do a detailed analysis of defects
during the tire production at its various manufacturing plants across the globe. Every time there are
defects on the tires during the manufacturing process, the defect is stored with a predefined defect

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Example - Solution

Through proper analytics implementation mechanisms, the operations head can perform an analysis for
every product, on every machine and for every operator.

He can also obtain results for how many defects are there in each plant.

This is how companies are optimizing their supply chain performance using this concept. They do a
predictive analysis keeping the historical data as the base.

Let us start this lesson by defining the objectives.

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What’s in it for me

After completing this lesson, we will be able to:

 Explain the concept of analytics

 List and describe the types of analytics
 List the examples/areas of analytics

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Types of Analytics

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Types of Analytics

There are four distinct types of analytics.

 Descriptive which explains what has happened.

 Diagnostic states why did it happen.
 Predictive depicts what could happen.
 Prescriptive talks about what should happen.

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Descriptive Analytics

This is known as the “simplest class of analytics.” This type of analytics allows you to break a big chunk of
data into smaller pieces, extracting relevant information from the data or a brief synopsis of what

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Descriptive Analytics - Example

Let us take an example of using descriptive analytics for the customer data. It includes finding answers to
the following questions.

 How many different segments of buyers are we dealing with?

 Where are these buyers located? How do high-value customers differ?
 What are they interested in?
 What is the income, age, number of children, occupation, and regional breakdown of these

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Diagnostic Analytics.

Diagnostic analytics is the best option to go for if you want to dig deeper into the data you have
collected and have a better understanding of "Why things happened."

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Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is another option available to help us condense data.

It uses different statistical, data modeling and data mining techniques to study latest and past trends,
thereby allowing the business analysts or data scientists to make predictions.

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Predictive Analytics - Example

Here is an example of doing Predictive Analytics for our marketing campaign. It will look for answers to the
following questions.

 Who will respond to this campaign, and for what product and through which channel?
 What are the potential values for each customer and prospect?
 Who will stop the subscription to your service and when would that be?

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Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive analytics is the last phase of business analytics and is related to both descriptive and
predictive analytics. While descriptive analytics provides information about what has happened and
predictive analytics helps to forecast what might happen; it is probabilistic in nature, prescriptive
analytics optimizes decision making by determining the best solution available among various choices
given the business constraints.

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Examples/Areas of Analytics

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Areas of Analytics

Let us now go ahead and list some examples/areas of analytics.

 Customer Analytics
 Industry-focused Analytics
 Financial Analytics
 Performance Analytics
 Risk Analytics

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Customer Analytics

Customer Analytics is a process that helps the organizations take critical decisions and deliver offers that
are anticipated.

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Customer Analytics

This analytics offers the organizations customer insights necessary to take these decisions.

Customer analytics uses techniques such as market segmentation, predictive analytics, data modeling,
and visualization. It plays a pivotal role in the prediction of customer behavior

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Customer Analytics - Example

Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention: All telecom companies these days use different
marketing methods to retain their customers.

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Financial Analytics

This type of analytics is the new way to drive competitive advantage. It helps financial executives explore
different ways to answer specific finance-related business questions and forecast future financial
situations. In today's dynamic business environment, financial analytics helps the finance function to
bring greater value to the organizations.

Financial analytics helps the companies to take multiple views of their data and derive insights that will
help them take necessary actions.

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Financial Analytics - Example

Consolidation of Financial Statements: Financial statements are reports prepared with the sole purpose
of maintaining business accounts in a timely manner. These statements showcase financial position of
the company to the market, stakeholders, shareholders, government, and general public. These
statements give a clear and detailed overview of the company’s financial position to the investors and

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Performance Analytics

Performance analytics is the practice of using Data and Technology to study how our business is
performing to continuously make it better. Like managing daily operations, planning strategies and
budgeting for business, meeting service level agreements, and pinpoint the areas of improvement.

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Performance Analytics - Example

In Human Resource Management, the performance of the employees is monitored on a regular basis
keeping in mind the parameters dependent on the type of organizations and expectations. Performance
analytics gives companies enough time to take corrective actions for improving the performance of the
employees in time, if required, thus improving the productivity and output of the companies.

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Risk Analytics

In today’s dynamic business environment where things change at a rapid pace, the rate of risks is very
high. The insecurities caused by these risks affect the success of the business.

Risk analysis tries to foresee the uncertainties of the predicted future that helps to evaluate a project’s
success or failure.

Organizations are trying to define and understand their tolerance level for risks. With the help of risk
analysis, organizations try to manage and mitigate the risks as they can be identified, measured and
planned, thus allowing the decision makers enough time to take wise decisions and corrective actions.

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Types of Risk Analytics

Risk analytics can be categorized as Quantitative Or Qualitative.

Quantitative risk analysis quantifies the possible project results specific to a project. This analysis tries to
numerically evaluate the possibilities of various adverse events and predict the losses a company would
go through if any of these possibilities come true.

Qualitative risk analysis is performed on almost all risks and is not numerically defined. This method
involves defining various project-related threats and risks, determining the extent of these risks and
proposing corrective actions to avoid these risks.

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Example - Risk Analytics

In the Banking Industry, Credit Scores are built to predict an individual’s delinquency behavior and is
used to represent the credit worthiness of each individual.

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Corruption is understood as the unethical conduct by a person or a group of people to generate illegal
profit generally to acquire personal benefit. It drastically affects the confidence and trust of the parties
involved and thus hampers the achievement of project goals. it is one of the most common risks to be
taken into account.

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Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve learned about the introductory features of Business Analytics,” let’s have a look at the
key points of this lesson.

 Analytics is a scientific process to examine raw data to draw meaningful and logical conclusions
from the data and is used across industries to derive crucial business decisions.
 Based on the current and future needs of the Business, analytics has been divided in to four
different types, namely:
o Descriptive, which explains what has happened.
o Diagnostic, which identifies why it did happen.
o Predictive, which determines what could happen.
o Prescriptive, which talks about what should happen.
 Business Analytics is divided into various areas based on its use and functionality across business
divisions such as Customer Analytics, Financial Analytics, Performance Analytics, and Risk

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 Which one of the following is not a type d.
of Business Analytics? There are four distinct types of Business
Analytics: Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive,
and Prescriptive.

2 Which one of the following is correct a.

statement about Descriptive Analytics? Descriptive Analytics allows you to break data
into smaller pieces, extracting relevant
information to get a brief synopsis of what

3 Predictive Analytics helps to forecast a.

what might happen; it is probabilistic in Predictive Analytics helps to forecast what
nature. might happen; it is probabilistic in nature.

4 _____is the practice of using data and a.

technology to study how your business is Performance analytics is the practice of using
performing to continuously make it data and technology to study how your
better. business is performing to continuously make it

5 Which of the following is an example of c.

Customer Analytics? Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention
is an example of Customer Analytics.

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Lesson 2— Formatting, Conditional Formatting, and
Important Functions

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What you will learn

In this lesson, you will learn about custom formatting, how to use conditional formatting and formulas,
and how to implement logical, and statistical and mathematical functions.

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Formatting, as the name suggests, helps you to format the data using different techniques making the
data easy to read and analyze.

The right formatting techniques applied to the worksheets help the users present the data efficiently.
Conditional formatting, a type of formatting, helps the users to apply formatting to specific cells so that
the data makes more sense.

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This type of formatting helps to add patterns and trends to the raw information using different colors,
icons, formulas, etc.

For example, if we want to format a large number 1,000,000 as 1.0 M, or we want to format values in
our Sales range segregating the values that are above target, below target, or meet the target, then all
this can be done with the help of the formatting and conditional formatting options available in Excel.

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Functions in Excel

Excel provides a large number of logical and statistical and mathematical functions, such as Vlookup,
Hlookup, And, If, Not, Rank, Quartile, and many more that help the users to perform calculations ranging
from basic to complex scenarios. These built-in functions help you to manage data and perform
descriptive statistical analysis.

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Excel also offers a wide range of important formulas that help perform many common tasks. These
formulas may be as simple as basic addition or it could be complex combination of built-in Excel
functions. Before going into details, let us start this lesson by defining the objectives of this lesson.

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What’s in it for me

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

 Understand how to use Custom Formatting to format number and date values
 Illustrate the use of Conditional Formatting in Excel
 Perform logical operations through Logical Functions
 Find position and value of required fields using Lookup and Reference Functions
 Understand various Statistical Functions

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Custom Formatting

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Custom Formatting – Need

The worksheets appear more polished and easy to read if proper formatting techniques are applied to it.

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Basic Formatting

We can format the cells in Microsoft Excel manually by selecting fonts, font color, font size, background
colors, and borders. We can also use numerous predefined table styles (or quick styles) to quickly format
a table automatically. This is basic formatting in Excel.

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Custom Formatting

If these built-in formats neither meet our needs nor display the data in the format that we require, we
can create our own custom format.

In this topic, we will focus on custom formatting in Excel. Say, we want to display 1,532,000 as 1.53 M or
1st-Jan-2016 date with weekday as 1st-Friday-Jan-2016. Here, we can use custom formatting feature of
Excel. Let’s see how we can accomplish this in Excel.

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Conditional Formatting

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Conditional Formatting - Need

A worksheet may contain thousands of rows of data. By simply examining the raw information, it would
be difficult to discern patterns and trends.

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Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting helps us visualize data and make worksheets easier to understand. It quickly
highlights important information in a spreadsheet by using colors, icons, and data bars.

It changes the appearance of one or more cells when cell values meet certain conditions.

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Conditional Formatting Rule

To do this, we need to create a conditional formatting rule. For example, a conditional formatting rule
can be: If the value is greater than $5000, color the cell yellow. By applying this rule, we can quickly see
which cells contain values greater than $5000.

Let us understand this with the help of examples.

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Conditional Formatting - Presets

Excel provides predefined styles to quickly apply conditional formatting to the data.

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Conditional Formatting – Presets

The predefined styles Excel offers are as follows:

 Data Bars: Data Bars are horizontal bars added to each cell, much like a bar graph.
 Color Scales: Color Scales change the color of each cell based on its value. Each color scale uses a
two- or three-color gradient.
 Icon Sets: Icon Sets add a specific icon to each cell based on its value.

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Logical Functions

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Logical Functions

Logical functions evaluate a cell or cells for criteria and returns a Boolean value, True or False.

In this topic, we will cover various logical functions like IF, AND, OR, NOT, True, and False.

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Lookup and Reference Functions

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Lookup and Reference Functions

Let us now study about different lookup and reference functions used in Excel, such as VLOOKUP,

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Lookup Functions - Types

The VLOOKUP function lets us search for specific information in the current worksheet. Say we have a
list of students with marks, we can search for the marks of specific student.

If our table is in the horizontal format and we want to search for specific information, then we use
HLOOKUP function.

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Reference Functions – Types

The INDEX function returns a value from a specific position in a specific column in a list.

The OFFSET function returns a reference to a range that is a specific number of rows and columns from
another range or cell.

The MATCH function searches for a specified value or item in single-dimensional array, and then returns
the relative position of that item in the array.

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Statistical Functions

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Statistical Functions

A variety of Statistical functions are available in Excel to perform calculations ranging from basic
functions (Mean, Median, and Mode) to the more composite distribution and tests (Binomial or Chi-

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Statistical Functions – Types

In this topic, we will cover various Statistical Functions such as SUMIFS, COUNTIFS , PERCENTILE,
QUARTILE, Standard Deviation, and Median.

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Statistical Functions – Types

SUMIFS and COUNTIFS are the most frequently functions in Excel. These functions allows us to perform
count and sum based on one or more criteria.

SUMIFS function calculates the sum of cells based on certain criteria.

COUNTIFS function works in a manner to SUMIFS. It counts the number of cells in a given range when
certain criteria are met.

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Statistical Functions – Types

Excel has functions to calculate sample standard deviations (STDEV).Standard deviation determines how
dispersed is the data from the Mean.

MEDIAN function returns the mid-value from the range.

Rank function is used to compare number from the rest of the numbers in the list in any order whether
ascending or descending. This function returns the rank of the number relative to other values in the list.

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Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve learned about Formatting and Important Functions, let’s have a look at the key points of
this lesson.

 Custom formatting allows us to create our own custom formats.

 Conditional formatting highlights important information in a spreadsheet by using colors, icons,
and data bars.
 Logical functions evaluate a cell or cells for criteria and return a Boolean value, True or False.
 The VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions search for specific information in the current worksheet.
 The Reference Functions INDEX, MATCH and OFFSET return the relative position and value in a
single-dimensional array.
 SUMIFS and COUNTIFS Functions perform count and sum based on one or more criteria.
 Excel has inbuilt statistical functions that help us to manage data and perform descriptive
statistical analysis.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 When an Excel function has more than b.
one argument, _____ separate the When an Excel function has more than one
arguments in the formula bar. argument, commas(,) separate the arguments
in the formula bar.

2 In an Excel worksheet, what would result b.

from =AVERAGE(A1:A3) if A1=20, A2=20 =AVERAGE(A1:A3) would give a result of 30((20
and A3=50? + 20 + 50) / 3).

3 Which category in the Format Cells dialog a.

box enables you to convert a large The Format Cells dialog box contains category
number format into short readable named “Custom” that enables you to convert a
format? large number format into short readable

4 If we have duplicate value in d.

lookup_range, then VLOOKUP will _____. If we have duplicate value in lookup_range,
then VLOOKUP function will return the first

5 Which of the following is NOT an c.

argument of the IF function in an Excel Following is the syntax of IF function in Excel:
worksheet? IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])

6 Which function is used to make sure that c.

all conditions are true before showing a The AND function returns TRUE only if all the
TRUE answer? conditions are true.

7 Which of the formulas contains the a.

correct syntax (formula arguments) for The correct syntax is =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,
the VLOOKUP function? table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup).

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Lesson 3— Analyzing Data with PivotTables

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Need of PivotTable

Doing a proper analysis of the available data helps companies make critical business decisions. But
sometimes it’s difficult to understand where to start, especially when the data is huge.

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Why PivotTable

Excel provides an incredibly powerful tool called as PivotTable that makes it easy to tabulate and
summarize data.

It is an important tool for data processing and is found in data visualization programs such as
spreadsheets or business intelligence software.

Excel allows us to summarize data by writing thousands of formulas. PivotTable is a tool that can make
life easy; it can save us a lot of time and effort, and gives us insights into the data that is otherwise too
hard to discover.

A PivotTable can instantly calculate and summarize data in a way that's both easy to read and

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PivotTable – How it works

One can design a PivotTable by simply, dragging and dropping relevant information into the appropriate
boxes. This tool quickly pivots or reorganizes data allowing us to answer different questions and even
experiment with the data to discover new trends and patterns.

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A PivotTable helps to extract the important information from a large, detailed dataset. Sometimes, the
focus is required on just a certain section of our data. Filters help us narrow down the data in the
PivotTable, extracting the required information.

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Another important tool of Excel, Slicers, makes filtering data in PivotTables even easier.

In this lesson, we will learn about PivotTables, how to create them in Excel, and how to design them
according to requirements. The concepts covered in this lesson will help us understand how to quickly
analyze data in the form of tables.

Before going into details, let us start this lesson by defining its objectives.

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What’s in it for me

After completing this lesson, we will be able to:

 Explain the use of PivotTables and how to create them in Excel.

 Formulate grouping of two different data types in a PivotTable.
 Create and evaluate the summarized values in a PivotTable.
 Illustrate the use of Calculated Field and Calculated Item.
 Design Interactive PivotTable using a Slicer.

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PivotTable – Introduction

PivotTables are very useful and powerful features of Excel. They can be used to summarize, analyze,
explore, and present data in a tabular form.

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Why PivotTable

Consider the given sample sales data, which includes the following data fields:

 Dates
 Order ID
 Product
 Salesman
 Region
 Number of Customers
 Net Sales
 Profit/Loss

Let's say we want to determine the net sales done by a salesman in each region. Analyzing this manually
would be time consuming and difficult as the data for each region appears on multiple rows, and we
would need a total of all the different orders individually.

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PivotTable - Features

Here, PivotTable comes into play and becomes a life saver. This data can be analyzed easily by creating a
PivotTable. This feature allows us to calculate and summarize the data instantly, which is both easy to
read and manipulate.

Once we have created a PivotTable, we can quickly pivot or reorganize data to answer different

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Grouping in PivotTable

Let us now study the next topic, “Grouping in a PivotTable.”

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Grouping in PivotTable

It is often useful to group the fields in a PivotTable by the header values. Grouping data in a PivotTable
allows us to group the data for any field added as a row or a column. Excel can do this automatically for
numeric values (including dates and time).

Let us understand this concept in detail with the help of an example.

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Custom Calculation

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Custom Calculation

Sometimes, there is a need to change the way the values are displayed in the PivotTable.

The value can be displayed in terms of a percentage instead of a total or an average of the values instead
of summing them.

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Calculated Field and Calculated Item

Next, we will learn about the Calculated Field and Calculated Item features.

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Calculated Field and Calculated Item

Once we have created a PivotTable, we can add calculated fields and calculated items in it.

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Calculated Fields

Calculated fields help us enhance the results by allowing us to write our own formulas. This functionality
helps to create a new field in the table that performs the calculations based on other pivot fields. Let us
understand how to use these fields with the help of an example..

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Calculated Item

We can also add one or more calculated items in a PivotTable field apart from the existing items.
Calculated items are used to perform calculations between items within the fields.

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Sometimes, depending on the need and reason for data analysis, focus is required on just a specific
section of the data. The Filters feature available in Excel makes it quite easy to narrow down the data in
the PivotTable, extracting the required information.

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In this topic, we will study about the easy-to-use filtering components known as slicers.

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Slicers contain a set of buttons which make filtering data in PivotTables easier and quicker. We do not
have to open the drop-down lists to find the items we want to filter. We can create slicers for any field
and can filter a PivotTable by selecting the type of data we want.

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Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve learned how to analyze Data using PivotTables, let’s have a look at the key points of this

 PivotTables are used to summarize, analyze, explore, and present the data in the form of a table.
 Grouping data in a PivotTable can help to show a subset of data to be analyzed.
 In a PivotTable, summary functions in value fields can be used to combine values from the
underlying source data.
 Formulas can be created in the Calculated Fields and Calculated Items.
 Slicers are easy-to-use filtering components that contain a set of buttons used to quickly filter
the data in a PivotTable.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 Which of the following is part of the a.
PivotTable Field List box? The PivotTable Field List box contains a field
section and an area section.

2 Which of the following options available a.

in a PivotTable allows us to change the The Value Field Setting option allows us to
sum function to count function? change the sum function to count function in a

3 The Grouping feature of a PivotTable a.

allows us to create class intervals. The Grouping feature helps us create a table
with class intervals and add values for each
class interval.

4 A PivotTable can be defined as _____. b.

A PivotTable can be defined as a data
summarization tool to analyze data in the form
of a table.

5 The Calculated Fields perform d.

calculations on the basis of _____. The Calculated Fields perform calculation on
the basis of PivotTable Data Fields.

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Lesson 4— Dashboarding

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What you will learn

This lesson will explain how to create and format different types of charts such as Thermometer and
Pareto Charts.

It will also cover the importance of interactive charts and Form Controls such as Combo box, Check box,
and Radio buttons.

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Dashboarding - problem

Let’s say a large Automobile Component Manufacturer is looking for a detailed analysis of Profit/Sales
across various regions in a product-wise manner.

The dataset is huge and scattered across the regions. Collating all these datasets and analyzing the profit
and sales values across various region is a difficult task.

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Dashboarding - Example

Using dashboards, the data visualization tool of Excel, it is easy to create the detailed analysis reports.
These dashboard reports will provide insights and alert us in case of negative trends or projections for
Profit/Sales in specific regions which can then be used to develop future strategy.

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Dashboards are highly effective in validating the effectiveness of the matrices captured over time and
bringing out the leading trends. Dashboards help consolidate and organize these metrics through a

Let us start this lesson by defining its objectives.

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What’s In It for Me

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

 Understand what Dashboards are

 Illustrate the principles of a great Dashboard design
 Create interactive charts in Excel and format them
 Understand Form Controls and how to use them
 Create an interactive dashboard

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What is a Dashboard

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What is a Dashboard

When it comes to large or complex data sources, we might face difficulties in reviewing the detailed

Well, to see the views clearly, we can create an interactive dashboard to limit the data shown.

A dashboard is generally defined as a real-time tool which has an easy-to-read user interface showing a
graphical presentation of data.

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Dashboard - Properties

It is an efficient way to extract data to turn it into actionable insights. Dashboard reports are very
popular these days; Dashboards help the reader to quickly analyze the data and take action accordingly.

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Appropriately Designed Dashboard

An appropriately designed dashboard can:

 Quicken decision-making processes

 Provide better coordination for your organization’s efforts
 Record the performance outcome

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Principles of Great Dashboard Design

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Principles of Great Dashboard Design - Need

What are principles of great dashboard design? This is a very tricky question as it is easier to recognize
an exceptional dashboard design rather than describing it. A good business dashboard is an
indispensable tool when designed appropriately. Unfortunately, most dashboards are overstuffed,
sluggish, and, ultimately, too hard to use. It’s all about presenting the right datasets in a seamless and
understandable manner.

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Points to Consider

Now we will learn a few key points which we need to consider before designing a dashboard.

Who is my audience? - Show right data to the right audience.

We need to take care of the target audience for whom we are designing the dashboard. For example, if
we are designing it for a Managerial level, we can include associate-level analysis, but if we are designing
it for a CEO level, we should include analysis for the business level as well.

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Points to Consider

What value will the dashboard add?

We need to take care of what KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) we can add in our dashboard. In the
below screenshot we have Profit and Sales data Region wise, product wise, and salesman wise. So
management can easily see the trend and take relevant actions accordingly.

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Points to Consider

What type of dashboard are we creating?

According to our target audience, we can always decide first which type of dashboard we are planning to

There are commonly three types of dashboards: Operational, Analytical, and Strategic.

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Points to Consider

No scrolling: It is best, if we are able to see everything at once. We should try to avoid fragmenting our data
by having to scroll.

Allow drill-down capabilities within dashboards: It’s good to add form controls in the Dashboard like Combo
box, Checkbox etc. so user can easily drill down the data and see the result.

Include actionable information: We should always try to include information which prompts the user to
initiate an action.

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Creating Charts in Excel

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What are Charts

A worksheet may contain thousands of rows of data. By simply examining the raw information, it would
be difficult to see patterns and trends.

Charts allow us to represent the data graphically, making it easy to analyze comparisons and trends.

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Different Chart Types

In Excel, number of chart types are available like line, column, bar, pie, etc.

The selection of right chart type depends on what our data represents and how we want to visualize it.
We can choose the chart type that best fits our data.

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Different Chart Types

Column Charts are used when we want to work with variety of data and perform comparisons between

Line charts are used to depict trends in data and illustrate its progression over time.

Pie Charts compare proportion of each category, where each category is shown as a slice of the pie.

Bar Charts are used to compare data by displaying values using horizontal columns.

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Thermometer Chart

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Thermometer Chart

In this topic, we will learn how to create a chart which looks like a thermometer, that is, a Thermometer

It is used to represent data, when we have the actual value and the target value. This chart shows how
much we have achieved from our target.

Let us consider an example to illustrate their use.

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Pareto Chart

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Pareto Chart

A Pareto chart contains both a column chart and a line graph. In this chart, the line graph represents the
cumulative total and column chart represent the individual values arranged in descending order.

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Pareto Chart

The purpose of the Pareto chart is to highlight the most important/crucial factor among a set of factors.
It is used as a basic tool for quality control as it allows us to easily determine the common problems and

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Form Controls in Excel

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Form Controls in Excel

Form Controls are objects, which give functionality to interact with our data in Excel.

Excel provides a number of controls that are useful for selecting items from a list. The different form
controls available in Excel are:

 Labels
 Group Box
 Button
 Check box
 Option button
 List box
 Combo box
 Scroll bar
 Spin button

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Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve learned about Dashboarding, let’s have a look at the key points of this lesson.

 Dashboard reports help user to quickly analyze the data and take action accordingly.
 Charts allow us to represent the data graphically, making it easy to analyze comparisons and
 The Thermometer Chart depicted how much we have achieved from our target.
 A Pareto chart contains the line graph representing the cumulative total and column chart
representing the individual values arranged in descending order.
 Form Controls are objects, which gives functionality to interact with our data in Excel.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 The plot area in a chart is _____. a.
The plot area in a chart is the part of chart
bounded by the vertical and horizontal axes
and their opposing sides.

2 The box on the chart that contains the d.

name of each individual record is called The box on the chart that contains the name of
the _____. each individual record is called the Legend.

3 You can interact with your data in an a.

Excel worksheet through Form controls. Form Controls are objects, which give
functionality to interact with your data in Excel.

4 How to update Series as secondary axis in a.

a chart? To update Series as secondary axis in a chart :
Right-click the Series > Click Format Data Series
> Select Secondary Axis radio button.

5 Which option allows you to set the b.

maximum value of the vertical axis in a The Format Axis option allows you to set the
Thermometer Chart? maximum value of the vertical axis in a
Thermometer Chart.

6 _____ is mainly used to depict trends in b.

data and illustrate its progression over The Line chart is mainly used to depict trends in
time. data and illustrate its progression over time.

7 Which tab allows you to add Combo box c.

Form control in the worksheet? The Developer tab allows you to add Combo
box Form control in the worksheet.

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Lesson 5— Analytics with Excel

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What you will learn

Hello and welcome to Business Analytics with Excel course offered by Simplilearn.

In this lesson “Analytics with Excel,” you will learn how Excel helps improve your ability to collect,
analyze, and forecast business and financial data to generate valuable insights and representations.

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What–If Analysis

Let’s say, you need to calculate a missing value from the given data. Say, you decide to solve it yourself,
plugging in different numbers till you find the right value, a task that will undoubtedly involve a lot of
time and effort. Although achieving this task would be remarkable, with the help of the what-if analysis
feature of Excel, we can manipulate any kind of data quickly and easily.

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What-If Analysis Tools

With the help of this feature, it is possible to experiment even with the incomplete data. In Excel, there
are various what-if analysis tools, such as Goal Seek, Scenario Manager, Data tables, and Solver.

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Let us take a scenario to understand the use of these tools in detail. Suppose, you want to buy a house
through Home Mortgage Loans offered by a bank. You need to calculate the terms of loan. With the help
of what-if analysis tools, you can calculate it easily.

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What-If Analysis Tools

The Goal Seek evaluates the payment formula and returns new values to fit your desired payment.
With goal seek, you can even work backward. The Scenario Manager lets you substitute input values
for multiple cells. This way, you can view the results of different input values at the same time.

Data tables allow you to do a comparative analysis of the available data. It also allows you to view
the result in the table without changing the original formula's references.

With the Solver what-if analysis tool, you can find an optimal solution for a formula in one cell by
adjusting the values in other cells according to your specifications and constraints.

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What’s in it for me

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

 Explain Histograms and how to create them in Excel.

 Use Solver Add-in for linear problems.
 Describe Goal Seek to get the desired result.
 Use Scenario Manager to compare and create different scenarios.
 Use Data Tables to analyze results for different input values.

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Before experimenting with data, you need to represent the data graphically to understand them. This is
done with the help of Histogram.

Let us start this lesson by defining a histogram.

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Histogram – Introduction

A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of a single variable. The statistical methods
need to determine whether our data is normal or bell-shaped. A histogram is used to quickly check if the
data is normal or not.

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Understanding Datasets

Consider the example shown on the screen. This is the dataset that keeps track of resolved calls
answered by each employee with respect to the call duration in a BPO organization.

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Class Intervals

A Class Interval is the size of each class into which a range of a variables is divided.

For example, in our dataset, you want to check the number of calls answered in a given time interval. So,
for this histogram, the minutes bucket will be the class interval.

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Solver Add-in

Now that we have understood how to create histograms in Excel, let’s move on to the next Topic, Solver
Add-in in Excel.

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Solver Add-in

In Excel, Solver Add-in is used to solve complex Linear and Non Linear-Problems. To use the Solver Add-
in, we first need to load it in Excel.

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Goal Seek

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What-If Analysis

In Excel, a number of powerful tools are available to perform complex mathematical calculations, What-
if analysis is one of these tools.

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What-If Analysis Definition

What-if analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes will affect the
outcome of formulas in the worksheet. This feature can help us experiment and answer questions with our
data, even when the data is incomplete.

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What-If Analysis - Types

There are three kinds of What-if analysis tools that come with Excel, namely Scenario Manager, Goal
seek, and data tables.

Let’s start with the first what-if analysis tool, Goal Seek.

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Goal Seek

Whenever we create a formula or function in Excel, we put various parts together to calculate a result.
However, Goal Seek works the other way round. It allows us to start with the desired result, and it
calculates the input value which will give us that result.

Let us understand this with the help of an example.

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Scenario Manager

Let us now move to the second what-if analysis tool Scenario Manager.

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Scenario Manager

It is a built-in tool that allow users to change 32 variables simultaneously. With the help of Scenario
Manager, we can create scenarios with different sets of values and switch between them.

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Data Tables

Now that you are familiar with two what-if analysis tools, Goal Seek and Scenario manager, let us look at
the last what-if analysis tool, Data tables.

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Data Table

Data tables take sets of input values and determine possible results.

Instead of creating two different scenarios in Excel, you can quickly try out different values for formulas
by creating a data table.

Let us consider an example to illustrate their use.

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Descriptive Statistics

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Descriptive Statistics

In addition to this, Excel also provides a data analysis tool called Descriptive Statistics which produces a
summary of the key statistics for a dataset.

Excel provides a great feature to quickly provide statistical data like sample variance, mean, and
standard deviation for data in a few clicks.

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Key Takeaways

Now that you’ve learned how to perform analytics in Excel, let’s have a look at the key points of this

 A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of a single variable.

 The Solver what-if analysis tool finds an optimal solution for a formula.
 Goal Seek lets us start with the desired result, and calculate the input value which will give us
that result.
 The Scenario Manager helps us view the results of different input values at the same time.
 Data tables allow us to do a comparative analysis of the available data.
 Descriptive Statistics produces a summary of the key statistics for a dataset.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 In the given histogram, which class d.
interval has the highest frequency? The class interval “> 15” has the highest

2 Match the descriptions on the left with a – b; b – c; c – d; d - a

functions in the right column for the Goal Seek works backward from a desired
given Excel Features. result.
Data Tables perform comparative analysis of
the data.
Solver Add-in finds an optimal solution for a
Descriptive Statistics provides statistical

3 While solving problem using Solver Add- a.

in, constraints play a critical role. While solving problem using Solver Add-in,
constraints play a critical role. Constraints are
defined limitations on resources that allow
Solver to find a feasible solution.

4 Which of the following is NOT a What-If c.

Analysis Tool in Excel? Macro is not a What-If Analysis Tool in Excel.

5 Under Data tab, where will you find the Scenario Manger is available under What-If
command Scenario Manager? Analysis.

6 Which of the following is NOT required b.

while solving a Goal Seek problem? The Scenario Name is not required while
solving a Goal Seek problem.

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Lesson 6— Data Analysis using Statistics

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Statistical Analysis

Many businesses rely on statistical analysis tools to organize data, evaluate their performance and
predict the future trends based on the information.

Statistical Analysis involves the collection, examination, summarization, manipulation, and interpretation
of quantitative data to discover underlying causes, patterns, relationships, and trends.

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Example-Statistical Analysis

For example, ABC LLC is a financial analytics and research organization that needs to determine how
stock prices are fluctuating in various emerging economies.

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Example-Statistical Analysis

Based on the historical records of the market fluctuations and stock market data, the firm can use the
moving average tool. This tool forecasts the price trends easily for any number of days based on data
from previous months. In addition, it also predicts the trends for the upcoming month by creating a
moving average chart in a matter of seconds.

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Overview-Statistical Analysis

In this lesson, you will learn about various statistical tools like Moving Average, Hypothesis Testing,
Anova, Covariance, Correlation, Regression, and Normal Distribution in Excel.

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Statistical Analysis in Excel

Excel is a widely used statistical package which serves as a tool to understand statistical concepts and
perform calculations. We can provide the data and parameters for each tool, and using the appropriate
statistical macro functions, the tool calculates and displays the results in an output table and generates

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Data Analysis Command

These tools are available under Data Analysis command under Data tab. If the Data Analysis command
is not available, we need to load the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

Before going into details, let us start this lesson by defining the objectives of the lesson.

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 Create Moving Average Chart.

 Perform Hypothesis Testing
 Perform ANOVA to compare means of different groups
 Identify relationship between variables using Covariance and Correlation
 Check Linear Regression for the data
 Create Normal Distribution for the given data

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Moving Average

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Introduction-Moving Average

In this topic we will learn about moving average.

The Moving Average evaluates data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the
complete dataset. It is mainly used to forecast long-term trends in the data. We can calculate a moving
average for any period of time.

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Hypothesis Testing

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Introduction-Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis test is used to determine whether there is enough evidence in a data sample to infer that a
certain condition is true for the entire population.To understand the characteristics of general
population, we generally take a random sample and analyze the properties of the sample. We then test
if the identified conclusions correctly represent the population or not.The purpose of hypothesis testing
is to choose between two competing hypotheses about the value of a population parameter. For
example, one hypothesis might claim that the wages of men and women are equal, while the other
might claim that women earn more than men.

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Types of Hypothesis

Hypothesis testing is formulated in terms of two hypotheses. They areNull Hypothesis and
Alternate Hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis is referred to as H0. Alternate Hypothesis which is referred as H1.

The null hypothesis is assumed to be true unless there is strong evidence to the contrary.The
alternate hypothesis is assumed to be true when the null hypothesis false.

Let’s understand the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis using a general example.
Null hypothesis attempts to show that no variation exists between variables and alternative
hypothesis is any hypothesis other than the null. For example, say a pharmaceutical company
has introduced a medicine in the market for a particular disease and people have been using it
for a considerable period of time and it’s generally safe. If the medicine is proved to be safe,
then it is referred to as null hypothesis. To reject null hypothesis, we should prove that the
medicine is unsafe. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then the alternative hypothesis is used.

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Hypothesis Testing(t-test)

These are the basic concepts of hypothesis testing. Let’s now understand how to perform the t-test in Excel.

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ANOVA is a statistical method that stands for analysis of variance. ANOVA is a collection of statistical methods
used to compare the means of different groups. The logic behind this analysis is to identify the variance in the

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Difference from t-test

With the t-test, we can analyze variance between two groups only. But with the help of ANOVA, we can
test the null hypothesis between two or more groups.

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The covariance determines the relationship between two random variables—how they change together.

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Types of Covariance

Suppose X and Y are 2 random variables. If X tends to increase as Y increases or X decreases as Y

decreases, we have covariance as positive. This implies the variables X and Y show similar behavior.

Alternatively, if the variable X decreases as Y increases, or shows opposite behavior, the covariance is

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Correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables fluctuate
together. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be weigh more than shorter

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Correlation Coefficient

Here, we will calculate the correlation coefficient, which has a value between -1 and +1. This coefficient
tells us how strongly two variables are related to each other. If correlation coefficient is +1, we call it a
perfect positive correlation. This implies that, if one variable increases, then other variable also
increases, and vice versa. If the correlation coefficient is -1, we call it a perfect negative correlation. This
implies that if one variable increases, the other decreases. A correlation coefficient with value 0
indicates no correlation. In Excel, CORREL function is used to calculate correlation.

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Regression is a statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between
one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other changing variables (known as
independent variables).

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Normal Distribution

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Introduction-Normal Distribution

The normal distribution is an important class of statistical distributions. All normal distributions are
symmetric and have bell-shaped curves with a single peak.

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Importance of Normal Distribution

Normal distribution helps us to find the probability distribution for various variables such as rainfall,
height, weight, manufacturing error, weight error, and test scores. To create a normal distribution curve,
we need to specify two quantities: the mean, where the peak of the density occurs, and the standard
deviation, which indicates the spread of the bell curve.

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Empirical Rule- Normal Distribution

All normal density curves satisfy the Empirical Rule or (68-95-99.7% Rule) in Statistics. This rule states

 68% of the observations fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean, i.e. , between Mean –
Standard Deviation and Mean + Standard Deviation.
 95% of the observations fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean, i.e., between Mean –
2*Standard Deviation and Mean + 2*Standard Deviation.
 99.7% of the observations fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean, i.e., between Mean –
3*Standard Deviation and Mean + 3*Standard Deviation.

Thus, for a normal distribution, almost all values lie within 3 standard deviations of the mean.

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Key Takeaways

 The Moving Average evaluates data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets
of the complete dataset.
 The Hypothesis testing is used to test the null hypothesis.
 ANOVA is a collection of statistical methods used to compare the means of different groups.
 The covariance determines the relationship between two random variables, how they change
 Correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables
fluctuate together.
 Regression is a statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship
between one dependent variable and a series of other changing variables.
 All normal distributions are symmetric and have bell-shaped curves with a single peak.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 Which statistical method is used to c.
analyze variance between more than two ANOVA is used to analyze variance between
groups? more than two groups.

2 What conclusion will you derive for the b.

Null Hypothesis if “F > F crit” in ANOVA In ANOVA testing if “F > F crit,” then the Null
testing? Hypothesis is rejected.

3 The Null Hypothesis means that the a.

mean/average of two populations is The Null Hypothesis(H0) means that the
equal. mean/average of two populations is equal.

4 Which of the following is indicated if the a.

Correlation Coefficient value is +1? The Correlation Coefficient value of +1
indicates Perfect Positive Correlation.

5 Which statistical measure determines the d.

strength between a dependent variable Regression determines the strength between a
and an independent variable? dependent variable and an independent
6 What are the mandatory fields required a.
while creating a Normal Distribution To create Normal Distribution curve, we need
curve? to specify two quantities: the mean, where the
peak of the density occurs, and the standard
deviation, which indicates the spread of the
bell curve.

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Lesson 7— Power BI

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Need of Power BI

Data analysis is all about the detailing of various forms of data. We often end up working overtime to
gather and hunt down our data. The data might be in the form of spreadsheets or custom reports or in
the cloud or a hybrid of two. That’s where we get lost, preventing us from getting the insight we need, to
make the best decisions. Here comes Power BI, which makes it easy for anyone to compile all the

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What is Power BI

Power BI is a cloud-based business analytics service that gives us a single view of critical business data. It
brings to life details with interactive live data.

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With Power BI, dashboards help us keep a finger on the pulse of our business. It connects to multiple
datasets to bring all of the relevant data together in one place.

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Features of Power BI

This lesson will introduce to the four most powerful features of Power BI: Power Pivot, Power View,
Power Query, and Power Map.

Note that these add-ins can only be used in Microsoft Excel 2013 and later versions of Excel.

Let us start this lesson by defining the objectives of lesson.

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After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

 Use Power Pivot to create PivotTable from multiple locations and different sources
 Create interactive reports using Power View
 Make use of Power Query to combine data from multiple sources
 Create 3D charts using Power Map

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Power Pivot

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Power Pivot - Introduction

Power Pivot is an easy-to-use data analysis tool that can transform huge quantities of data into logical
information. This incredible Excel tool can give your data meaning. With Power Pivot, you can import
data from multiple locations and various sources. This tool has made calculation very easy and at a rapid

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Power Pivot

It helps us to analyze relationships and trends between different data tables.

In both Excel and Power Pivot, a data model can be created which is a collection of tables with

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Power Pivot

With the Power Pivot tool, we can create tables, edit data in them, create relationships between them,
create calculations, hierarchies and many more such tasks can be performed.

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Power View

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Power View

Power View is another extraordinary feature of Microsoft Excel 2013. It is a great dashboarding tool that
will help to visualize and explore your report in the most interactive manner. Power View provides
intuitive ad-hoc reporting for data and business analysts, decision makers of organizations, and
information workers. Power View has some improved versions of tools such as charts, maps, slicer,
hyperlink and many more..

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Power Query

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Power Query

Power Query is another amazing Excel add-in that enables you to import, manipulate, transform, append,
merge, enrich, consolidate, and automate your data processes. It lets you discover the data, reshape it, and
combine the data coming from a wide variety of sources.

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Power Query

With the help of this tool, we can discover, combine, and refine data across a wide variety of sources like
relational, structured and semi-structured, OData, Web, Hadoop, Azure Marketplace, and many more.
Power Query has the ability to search for public data from sources such as Wikipedia etc.

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Power Map

Every worksheet comprises different cards that you can show or hide. Along with the mark type selector, you
can also control the Color, Size, Label, Detail, Tooltip, Shape, and Angle.

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Power Map

Another tool that is available in Microsoft Excel is Power Map which is a kind of an extension of Power
View capability as it lets you visualize the data in a 3D format. It lets you discover and share new insights
as you are able to plot the data in a 3D format and analyze it from different perspectives.

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Power Map

Power Map is a three-dimensional (3-D) data visualization tool available in Excel. It lets us visualize
information in a new format different from traditional 2D tables and charts. With the help of Power
Map, we can analyze data from different perspectives by viewing the data in geographic space and
visualize variation in data with time.

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Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve learned about Power BI tools, let’s have a look at the key points of this lesson.

 Power Pivot is an easy-to-use data analysis tool that can transform huge quantities of data into
logical information at a great speed.
 Power View is a dashboarding tool used to visualize and explore the report in an interactive
 Power Query tool discovers, combines, and refines data across a wide variety of sources.
 Power Map is a 3D data visualization tool used to analyze data in geographic space.

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S.No. Question Answer & Explanation

1 Which of the following terms defines the d.
terms Power Pivot, Power Query, and The Power Pivot, Power Query, and Power Map
Power Map in Excel? are Add-ins in Excel.

2 In the Tableau workspace, the Sheet tabs a.

are arranged at the _____ . Power Map is a three-dimensional (3-D) data
visualization tool available in Excel.

3 In Excel, which Add-in is used to combine c.

data from multiple worksheets into one. We can combine data from multiple
worksheets into one with the help of Power

4 We cannot create relationships between b.

tables in a Power Pivot Window. The Power Pivot window allows us to create
relationships between tables.

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