Commercial Condo Option

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San Jose Business Journal — Commercial Real Estate Special Supplement

March 4, 2005

By Ruth Carlson says Ralph Borelli, president of Borelli Investment Com- the front door," he pany in San Jose. He began converting vacant office says. "We make
buildings to commercial condos 15 years ago. "The mar- the condos turn-
"It's a horrifying experience," says Delyse Nash ket was tough back then and selling the space provided key. They (the
as she recalls renting office an exit for us," says Mr.Borelli. Since then Borelli In- buyers) are not
space in San Jose, After her third move in five years, the vestment has been converting space, including the build sophiattcated real
president of DNA, a headhunting firm for financial pro- ing occupied by DNA – by choice. "We've always been estate investors
fessionals, made sure she'd never have to move again. involved in incubators andsmall spaces in free-standing and we make it
Ms. Nash became one of the growing number of small buildings, so commercial condos ware a logical exten- simple to manage
business owners who have bought commercial condo- sion," he says. "Business really picked up in the South and easy to buy
miniums. Bay last year and I haven't seen any slowdown yet. It’s with 90% percent
a trend that is picking up steam across the country" financing." Many
“My controller suggested I buy my office," says commercial condo
Ms. Nash "I asked her, ‘Why would I want a big build- "It's an exciting ride for us, very experimental," owners also obtain
ing?’ The controller, who showed her the new commer- says Robert Eves, president of Venture Corporation, a financing from the
cial condominiums on Technology Drive near the San Mill Valley firm that builds new commercial condomini- Small Business
Jose airport, was apparently persuasive. Ms. Nash pur- ums. In 2001, he says, "Our market came to a screech- Association. Mssrs. Borelli and Eves say those who
chased one of the condos and leased it to her firm. ing halt as it did for everyone in Northern California. buy commercial condominiums run the gamut from ar-
Silicon Valley went from not a single square footof va- chitects to software firms.
Buying the condo, compared to renting, turned cant office apace to 70 million square feet of empty
out to be a wash financially, says Ms. Nash. "I only pay buildings," What turned things around for Venture Corp. Prospective owners should take into account factors
$200 a month more now and the tax benefits are excel- was aphone call from a dentist in Morgan Hill. "Ha was such as building maintenance. “1 was surprised at how
lent," in practice with his father and after 27 years of paying high the condo fees were, especially since they didn't
she says. "Plus I'm benefiting from the appreciation of rent," says McEves, "he finally convinced his dad that cover janitorial services," says Ms. Nash. Despite the
the condo," Most importantly, she adds, “I never have to they should buy their office property and get the benefits added cost, she says she's very pleased with her decision.
worry about the rent increasing again. if I need more of ownership that larger companies have enjoyed." The "Its one more notch in our belt," she explains.
space, I'll rent this condo to another business and buy a dentist wanted a 2,200 square feel office and Mr. Eves, "Our clients know that we are here to stay… we own the
larger one." who was used to constructing business parks, didn't see building."
how he could make money with an office building that
"Commercial condos have a large demand small. A few days later he got two more calls from small RUTH CARLSON is a freelance writer based in
that has hardly been tapped," says Geoff Davis, business owners who else wanted to buy their offices. Santa Cruz
president of San Jose's DBC Commercial Group. "We thought we should look at this," says Mr Eves.
Noting that little space is available for companies that Venture Corp. built four small buildings in Morgan Hill
need between 800 and 2,000 square feet, he predicts that with space for up to six tenants in each and, says Mr
"Commercial condos have a
some vacant buildings downtown will be converted into Eves, they sold out immediately. large demand that has hardly been
commercial condos. tapped”
Today Venture Corp. has commercial condominium
After the dot-coin crash and 9/11 attacks, many developments up and down the state. Typically, they are Geoff Davis
commercial buildings in Santa Clara County sat vacant. two-story buildings that look like town homes, explains DBC Commercial Group
"Borelli (Investment Company) and others said let's con- Mr Eves.
vert warehouses into smaller spaces and sell them as “There are no elevators or lobbies, people can drive up
condos," says Mr. Davis. "We did it out of necessity," to their front door and see the name of their company on

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