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15 Minute Mat Challenge:

Balance using props

clear: both
Time Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Pilates Lie on back with knees up. One hand on rib cage. Other hand on lower abdominals. Tuck Blanket under
Breath chin in. Close eyes. Inhale through nose, feel abdominal region is a balloon filling with knees.
air. Exhale through mouth, feel abdominal balloon loose all it's air as it sinks down to Blanket under
your spine. head.
Benefits: Coordinate breath & movement. Oxygenate blood. Engage core.

Toe Dips Lie with lower back on bottom of roller, head fully rested on roller. Bend, spread legs sitz
(Single bones distance apart. Exhale, squeeze abdominals. Inhale, bring right leg to table top.
Leg) Exhale, bring left leg to table top. Inhale, lower right toe to mat. Exhale, lift right leg
back to table top. Switch legs and repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens abs, legs. Stretches shoulder, chest.

Table Sit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind Point fingers Back injury.
Top knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller. towards roller.
Engage abs. Place hands behind back on mat with fingers pointing to sides. Raise right
knee towards chest. Raise left knee towards chest. Squeeze inner thighs. Squeeze lowers
abs down into roller. Hold. Breath into chest. Release.
Benefits: Strengthens back and ab muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.
Time Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Table Sit on foam roller with bent knees. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands anchored behind Back injury.
Top (one knees. Lean back (roller will move forwards a bit) until hip joints are on top of roller.
arm) Engage abs. Place hands behind back on mat with fingers pointing to sides. Raise right
knee towards chest. Raise left knee towards chest. Squeeze inner thighs together. Raise
left arm parallel to floor. Hold. Change arms. Hold. Release.
Benefits: Strengthens back and ab muscles. Tones leg and arm muscles.

Chair Stand on left leg. Wrap toe of right leg around back of left ankle. Use chair for support.
Calf Raise up onto ball of left foot while breathing out. Pause. Lower to start. Repeat. Switch
Raise legs.
Alternatives: Standing calf raises using dumb bells.
Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Strengthen calf muscles. Improve posture.

Chair Start in Mountain. Weight on left foot. Inner foot firm. Bend right knee. Clasp right Close eyes.
Tree 1 ankle. Set right foot on chair. Resist with left leg. Hands on hips. Gaze at a fixed point.
Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Balance. Sciatica. Strengthens and stretches legs.

Chair Stand to side of chair. Weight on left foot. Bend right knee. Clasp right ankle. Press right Close eyes.
Tree 2 foot sole against inner thigh. Resist with left leg. Hand on chair if you need help
balancing. Gaze at a fixed point. Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, spine. Stretches groins, thighs, chest,
Time Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Calf From standing, press left hand against wall. Take a big step back with right leg. Bend left Bend both Don't
Wall knee (knee over ankle). Switch arms and repeat on other leg. knees. Put overstretch
Stretch Benefits: Helps back and buttocks. Relaxes calf muscles. Increase range of motion in foot against or bounce.
joints. wall.

Kneeling Come onto all fours. Hands directly underneath shoulders. Knees directly underneath Don't raise
Superman hips. Raise right leg and left arm. Hold. Return to start. Raise left leg and right arm. Hold. leg above
3 Repeat. buttocks.
Benefits: Strengthen core muscles, trunk and lower back.

Lunge Stand tall. Bend right knee. Step back onto ball of foot. Go as far as you are comfortable. Move Knee injury.
Don't let right knee bend past toes. Keep hips even. Think of hip bones as headlights that between bent
have to point forward. Chest open. Gaze straight ahead. Rest hands above right knee for and straight
stability. Straighten back leg. Don't lock knee. Let lift come from hamstring (back of leg). leg.
Hold. Repeat on other side.
Benefits: Stretches legs, groin, hip flexors. Strengthens thighs, buttocks.

Lunge Stand in a lunge with left leg in front and right knee raised off the floor. Twist upper
High body to left side over front bent knee. Return to start. Twist upper body to right side over
Twist front bent knee.
Benefits: Stretches hip flexors. Engages core.
Time Image Pose Description Modifications Precautions

Quad Stand tall. Bend left leg and grab left foot with left hand. Rotate pelvis under. Knee
Stretch points to floor. Both knees are glued together. Chest open. Feel stretch in front of thigh.
Hold. Repeat with right leg.
Benefits: Stretches quads. Helps with posture and balance.

Single Gaze at a spot on wall in front of you. Stand on one leg while tightening buttocks and Balance on
Leg Stand thighs. wobble board.
Benefits: Balance. Strengthens buttocks. Pelvic stability.

Toe Rest head, shoulders, back and arms against a wall. Feet hip-width apart and a foot or two
Raises distance from wall. Knees bent slightly. Lift toes and front of feet off floor. Hold. Return
(wall) to start. Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthens feet and lower legs.

Single Pick a point on wall in front of you. Stand on wobble cushion with right leg. Contract
Leg Stand muscles in buttocks and thigh of right leg and raise left leg.
Benefits: Balance. Strengthens buttocks.

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