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McGill University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering MECH 393 Design Il Final Exam Examiner: Rosaire Mongrain Reson Ap~ Date : December 6, 2004 Associate Examiner : Damiano Pasini ‘Juauace [0 Time : 9 :00 - 12 00 INSTRUCTIONS: This is an open book cxam. The only document allowed is the textbook: Mechanical Engineering Design 7" edition by J.E. Shigley and C.R. Mischke, R.G. Bidynas, Me Graw-Hill, Annexes with equations and procedures are attached to the Exam Paper. A clear, valid and legible derivation must be given for cach question. The derivation must be written on the provided Answer Booklet. The Exam Paper must be retumed with the Answer Booklet. Only the faculty standard calculator is allowed. (Reminder: the final exam represents 30 % of the final mark). Question 1 (35 points) In the figure below, the bolts have a diameter of 4 in and the cover plate is made of steel, with D=1/2 in, The cylinder is cast iron, with E=5/8 in and a modulus of elasticity of 18 Mpsi. The % in SAE washer to be used under the nut has OD=1.062 in and is 0.095 in thick. In addition, the dimensions of the cylinder are A=3.5 in and an effective seal diameter of 4.25 in. The internal pressure is 1500 psi. The outside diameter of the head is C=8 in, the diameter of the bolt circle is 6 in. Find the stiffnesses of the bolt and members and the joint constant and select 10 SAE grade 5 bolts and calculate the load factor n. ele Question 2 (15) Investigate the following squared-and-ground-ended helical compression spring to sce if it is solid safe using a safety factor of 1.2: Gin OD, in Ly, in N Material 0.040, 0.240 0.75 10.4 A313 stainless steel Question 3 (15) A gear reduction unit uses the countershaft depicted in the figure below along with its free body diagram on the right (the reactions and loads are in Ib{). The bearings are to be angular-contact ball bearings, having a desired life of 40 kh when used at 200 rev/min. Use 1.3 for the application factor and a reliability goal for the bearing pair of 0.95. (Select the bearings from Table 11.2). Question 4 (15 points) A 20° 20-tooth aluminum bronze spur pinion having a module of 4 mm drives a 32-tooth cast irion gear. Find the contact stress if the pinion speed is 1000 rev/min, the face width is 50 mm and 10 kW of power is transmitted. Question 5 (20 points) ‘A shaft is loaded in bending and torsion such that M,=600 lbf in, T,=400 Ibf in, Myi=500 Ibf in and T;,=300 Ibf in. For the shaft, Su=100 kpsi and S,-80 kpsi and a fully corrected endurance limit of Se=30 kpsi is assumed. Let Ke=2.2 and Ka=1.8, With a design factor of 2.5 determine the minimum acceptable diameter of the shaft using the DE-Gerber criterion and the DE-Elliptic criterion and discuss the differences. What happen if the shear concentration factor becomes very large ? A. Static Loading Problems 1) Calculation of the nominal stresses oy, Gy try 2) Ifneeded, correction of the stresses for stress concentration factors (bending and torsion): no o. =K,o, v=K,0 with K,, Kis given (or taken from Tables A-15 and A-16) 3} Calculation of the principal stresses (equation 6.34) 4) Determination of the tensile strength S, and yield strength Sy (Tables A-20 to A-24) 5) Selection of a Failure theory depending of the type of material. For ductile equation 6.1 (Tresca) or equations 6.10, 6.11 (von Mises) and for brittle material equations 6.23, 6.24 and 6.25. 6) Calculation of the safety factors 5, n=——"! (Rankine), n= max(o,,0,,) (Tresca), n= (von Mises) 2 y 10, +02 B. Variable Loading Problems 1) Determination of the ultimate tensile strength S,; from tables A-20 to A-24 2) Estimation (Calculation) of the endurance limit $_ (equation 7.8) 3) Correction of S, with the Marin factors (equation 7.17) Surface factor K, (eq. 7.18, Table 7.4) Size factor Ky (eq. 7.19 and 7.20, Table 7.5) Loading factor K. (eq. 7.25, Tables 7.14 —7.17) Temperature factor Ka (eq. 7.26) Stress concentration factor K. (eq. 7.30-7.35, Figure 7.21, Table 7.8) 4) Calculation of the Fatigue Strength (Eq. 7.12, 7.13, 7.14) 5) For variable (fluctuating) stresses: Calculate Oy = (Gmex"Gmin)/2 and Om = (Gmax + Omin)/2 6) Selection of a Fatigue theory Soderberg (eq. 7.43 or 7.48), Goodman (eq. 7.44 or 7.49), Gerber failure locus (eq. 7.45 of 7.50), Distorsion-Energy elliptic (eq. 7.46 or 7.51) Calculation of S, , S,,and the safety factor: Goodman (Table 7.9), Gerber failure locus (Table 7.10), Distorsion-Energy elliptic (Table 7.11) 7) Calculaton of safety factor against yielding: n= Sy/(o, + on) C. Screw and Bolt Loading Problems 1) Screw Stiffness i) Idendify 4; nominal, p: pitch, dn=d-p/2 (mean diameter), dr= d-p (root diameter), P: axial loading “lead, Ay=(nd’)/4 (area on unthreaded portion), At : Tables 8.1, 8.2 (tonsile stress area of threaded portion), f:friction coefficient ii) Identify :t, ty, t (the thickness of the washer, member 1 and member 2) ili)h=t+t iWIFh +02 if h h + 1.5 d (Table A-17) or L > Le + H (Le grip thickness) vi) Calculate Lr (eq. 8.13, 8.14 Table 8.7) vii) Caleulate =L-Ly (Table 8.7) and Ir= Lo - la viii) Caloulate stiffness (cq. 8.17): A AE All, + Aly E: Young modulus of elasticity (Table A-5) ix) Calculate required torque to raise or lower a load F (eq. 8.1, 8.2): Fe 1+ afd. pa Fen [ afl 2 (ad,-fl x) Self-locking test (eq. 8.3): mfdq >1 or f> te(2) xi) Efficiency calculation (eq. 8.4): e=FI(2nT) 2) Bolt Stiffness i) Determine grip Le ii) Determine bolt diameter d iii)Determine nut height H (from Tables A-31) iv)Determine washer thickness t from relations in Fig. 8.21 and Table 8.7 v) Determine Bolt length L > Lg + H (Table A-17) vi) Calculate Threaded length Ly eq. 8.13, 8.14 (Table 8.7) vii) Calculate length of unthreaded section Iy = L - Lr viii) Calculate length of threaded section with grip ly=Lo-le ix) Calculate area of unthreaded portion Ag = 1d?/4 x) Determine tensile stress area A; (Tables 8.1, 8.2) xi) Calculate Stiffness ky, eq. 8.17 3) Members -- Stiffness i) Calculate D, the diameter at the base of the pressure cone (Fig. 8.21): D; = dy +1 1g(a) = 1.5d + 0.5771, With d,, the diameter of the washer ii) Calculate D2 the diameter at the top of the pressure cone (Fig. 8.21): Dz=dy=1.5d iii) Height of frustrum 1: t= 1/2 with D= 15d and E) Calculate k1 with eq. 8.21 or 8.22 Height of frustrum 2: t = h-V/2 with D = 2(D.-D,)v/1+D; and E) Calculate k2 with eq. 8.21 or 8.22 iv) Height of frustrum 3: t=I-h with D= 15d and E, Calculate k3 with eq. 8.21 or 8.22 ¥) Calculate member stiffness, =p" if in series and k, = 74, ifn parallel with each ki calculated using eq. 8.21 (and Table 8.7): ke Edtan(or) ke 0.577aEd (Itan(a) +d, —dXd, +a) ( bsms0sd a field, ea 2In| 9 (9 577142.5d) vi) Calculate C and 1-C : C=ki/(ke + km) vii) Determine recommended load according to 8.30 and 8.31 4) Extemal Load i) Calculate Frau =CP +; and rember = (1-C)P + Fi ii) Calculate tensile stress in the bolt: 6, = Fy/Ay = CP/A.+ FYAt iii) Calculate safety factors: S,4,-F, F, =—_-—___ n=——— CP P(-C) with Sp taken from tables 8.9, 8.10, 8.11 5) Gasket pressure p- Xe -nPa-o) Ay 6) Fatigue loading : i) Altemating and mean components cP ce LF CP PT A, 24, 4, ii) Safety factor against fatigue Su Fit A, 1+5,,/5, n=S,/o, Se=S_—Fil A iii) Safety factor against yicld n=S,|(o,+0,) D. Spring Problems iG Do 1) With diameters d, Do, calculate D:. D= Do-d 2) Identify parameters A and M from Table 10.4 A 3) Calculate the corresponding ultimate tensile strength Su: Sw = a 4) Calculate the torsional yield strength Sy with Eq 10.16 and Tables 10.5 & 10.6 5) Calculate the correction (augmentation) factors Kx (Eq. 10.2, 10.6) 6) Calculate the maximum shear stress: eq. 10.3 7) Calculate the spring stiffness k: eq. 10.9 (G from Tables 10.5 and A.5) 8) Calculate deflection under a force F with: y=F/k 9) Determine the number of end coils Ne and the total number of coils N,, the free length Lo and the solid length L, (Table 10.1) 10) To avoid plastic deformation (ensure stability), we add the solid length L, to the deflection y that we compare to Lo. In other words, the sum of the solid length and the deflection should be smaller than the free length: 1,47 <2.62 or @ 11) Calculate the alternating stress eq. 10.32 12) Calculate the mean stress eq. 10.33 13) Calculate safety factor with fatigue theory (Modified Goodman method, Gerber) E. Bearings Problems 1) Calculate de the bearing ratio (dimensionless life) xn: 2) xy = Eotin 90 _ Latin 60 P Lgtg60 10° assuming a SKF catalog rating of 10° revolutions 3) Estimation of the catalog load rating with eq. 11.3: Cy = Fp (xp) where Cio : estimated catalog rating, Fp: the desired radial design load, Lp: the desired design life and np; the desired design speed. The constant a~ 3 for ball bearing and 10/3 for roller bearing 4) Sclect an appropriate bearing set from Table 11.2 5) Calculate the reliability eq. 11.4 or eq. 11.18 (ball bearings) F, 0 ol “/72- 002 x, — 0.02 Co Reel ya39 Beene) 4.439 where the parameters x0, b were estimated from the most frequent Weibull distribution fit. 6) With the reliability re-estimate the catalog radial load (eq. 11.6): te xy OS 0.02 + ann) J] R Note 1: The desired load Fp has to be replaced by the equivalent load Fe in combine loading using eq. 11.9 and Table 11.1 Cy =F) a) Select V=1 inner ring or V=1.2 outer ring b) Select a (bore) bearing set with the radial loading Fr, determine C, Co c) Calculate the ratio Fa/Co, determine e in Table 11.1 d) Calculate the ratio Fa/(VFr), determine X, Y from Table 11.1 ©) Calculate equivalent load Fe with eq, 11.9 f) Calculate the updated rating life Cy, = F.(xp)* g) Compare C10 with previous C, if C10 i) Calculate the circular pitch p: p= 7/P ii) Calculate the addendum, dedendum, depth (height) and clearance: a= 1/P, b=1.25/P, h=atb ande=b-a iii) Calculate the pitch diameter and module: d=N/P m=di/N iv) Calculate the distances between the centers of two mating gears NI and N2: Distance between centers C = (d1+d2)/2=(N1+N2)/2P y) Calculate the radii of the base circles and the base pitch with: te=rcos with pitch radius (r=d/2) and @ : the pressure angle po=p: cos > with pe : the cireular piteh vi) Estimate the fillet radius at the root of the tooth: ry = 0.3/P 2. From the applied forces F, calculate the transmitted load Ws In the given system of reference )F=Feosd F,>Fsing and Fy=Frtand ii) Transmitted tangential load: W' =F, and Transmitted radial load: W' = W' tan > iii) Calculate the applied torque: = iv) Calculate pitch line velocity: 7 = mm (Amin) ainW' wy v) Caleulate th 2 H==— (kW) H=—— (hy )) Calculate the power: sooo kW) ot 33000) 3. For Gear Trains [].dirvers) ii) Calculate the train value e: ¢ =~ —————_ and Dat = € Bars. [ 4, (dirveny i 4, Bending Failure Ss With Sy and S, from Table A.20, we apply the factor of safety as: 7 <7 ‘safety 1 with ¢ given by the comected Lewis formulas =>" with F: Face width, Y from Table 14.2 120047 = ith V= f ‘The velocity factor is calculated with: “” "yy (ft/min) Kk, <2 withv=ain (mis) 6.1 1 6. Weat Failure i) Calculate the elastic coefficient Cp: C, = (2S) and the . + Ww surface compression stress is: a =-C,| EG yF cos ding ay ing 2 2 i) Calculate the surface endurance Sc: S$, =0.32H, — where H, is the Brinnell Hardness (Table A.24) ii) Calculate the safety factor: G. Shaft Design 1) Calculate the reactions and determine the Shear Load and Bending Moment Diagram (Tables A.9 or any methods presented in Chap. 4) 2) For Statie Loading With the Maximum-Shear-Stress criterion (Tresca), the shaft diameter d, can be calculated With the DE-Distorsion-Energy criterion (Von Mises), the shaft diameter d, can be Jon ws, the torque and S, the yield stress. 8 calculated with: a -| (4M? 43” "| where nis the safety factor, M the moment, T 3 For variable Loading (completely reversed bending and steady torsion) With the Modified Goodman criterion, the shaft diameter d, can be calculated with: yet aanl(M,y (T,.) 32n)( Ma) [Za a US.) (8. With the Gerber criterion, the shaft diameter, d can be calculated with: where M, is the alternating component of the moment and T,, the steady component of the torque (torsion). The first step to determine the stress concentrations factors K; and Ki, is to find the factor K and Ky from Tables A-15-7 to A-15-15. ‘The factors K; and Ke are calculated with equations 731: Kr = 1+ qKrl), Ks = 1 + Gstox(Kisl). The notch sensitivities q and qyicar are determined from Figure 7.20 and 7.21 respectively. Se is the corrected (reduced) endurance taking into account the Marin coefficients. 4 With the DE-Elliptic criterion the shaft diameter d can be calculated with (completely reves ening and sly ons d= sol (4) 2) = e y With the concentration factors Ky and Ky,calculated in the same way as above.

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