Canteen Management Thesis Chapter 2

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This chapter deals with the review of related literature and studies, the

conceptual model of the study, the research hypothesis, and the definition of

terms used in the study.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

To intensify the knowledge and clarity the perception of the problems, a

number of books and periodicals were read to gather insights which were used

by the researcher in conceptualizing this study. Those which have been found

relevant are hereby presented.

Related Literature. The school canteen follows guidelines on operational

management set by the Department of Education Through DepEd Order No, 8, s.

2007, the Revised Implementing Guidelines and Management of school

canteens In Public Elementary and Secondary level. These guidelines are

hereby issued in order to rationalize the operation and management of school

canteens in the public elementary system and to ensure that the school canteens

shall help eliminate malnutrition among pupils/students and that the school

canteens shall serve as a laboratory for home economics retails trade in the

incidental teaching of health and nutrition. It shall provide hands-on-training for

pupils on planning, purchasing, handling and storage, preparation, serving and

sale of safe and nutritious meals. The school canteen guidelines shall serve as a

mechanism to support the department’s response to the mandate of Article 2 of

Republic Act No. 6938 to create an atmosphere that is conducive to the growth

and development of cooperatives. Services should be the main consideration for

operating a school canteen. Profit shall only be secondary since the clientele is

composed of pupils who are dependent only on their meager allowance from

their parents. Reporting and accounting of the proceeds from the operation of a

school canteen shall be made by the parties concerned to emphasize

transparency and accountability. School canteens shall be of two types: (1)

school-managed canteens and (2) teachers cooperative-managed canteens.

Both shall adhere to professional management and sound business practices as

well as to safety and security measures.

Adunna (2013) discussed that along the line of canteen management is

the need for an improvement system to boost not only sales but also the

efficiency of its operations. In addition to providing with nutritious and affordable

foods, the canteen should be based on good management practices and be

financially self-sustaining. Experience shows that, with good management and

marketing practices, a canteen can provide healthy foods and also be financially

viable. The canteen is a small business. Like any business, it requires good

management practices to be efficient and successful. Effective canteen

management requires that: everyone involved knows its goals and objectives and

is familiar with its policies canteen staff and committee develop an

implementation plan to achieve policy goals day-to-day operational procedures

are structured and enforced staff are adequately trained and supervised staff

carry out efficient stock management, accounting and financial procedures staff

are familiar with and comply with relevant legal requirements regarding food

safety and occupational health and safety standards.

School canteens may operate under a variety of management structures,

depending on the individual characteristics and needs of the school. Most

canteens in schools are run under the direction of, and are accountable to, the

school council. Schools may decide to provide a food service to students in

several ways. A formal management agreement detailing the terms and

conditions of the management structure should be drawn up and signed by the

relevant management parties, which will usually be the school council and

principal, or the school council or principal and private contractor. Contracting a

canteen business is not as new but contains several procedures which need to

be taken seriously for a more effective means of negotiating an enterprise. The

following pointers should help you in selecting a good supplier. An ideal supplier:

is located locally has been recommended by other school canteens delivers

frequently, and will do so at a convenient and suitable time for the canteen

delivers stock in good condition, for example ice-cream which is always frozen

and fruit and vegetables which are always fresh delivers stock with the maximum

shelf life follows appropriate storage, handling and food safety requirements,

such as adequate refrigeration for chilled and frozen goods and shade and cover

for fresh produce uses adequate packaging and handling procedures to ensure

products are not damaged offers an adequate range of products communicates

well, keeping you informed of price changes, specials and product availability

offers competitive prices, as well as specials, discounts and incentives offers


taste-testing opportunities or free samples to trial provides free promotional

material in line with your healthy canteen policy, such as posters promoting

healthy food products offers incentives, such as equipment rewards offers

convenient and acceptable payment procedures, including method of payment

and settlement terms (Bensons, 2013).

Elementary schools in the rural areas with 500 pupils or less and those in

urban areas with 1000 pupils or less shall have only one canteen to be operated

and managed by the school under the general supervision of the school

head/principal. Where the enrolment size in rural elementary schools is more

than 500 pupils, the existing duly registered teachers cooperative that complies

with the criteria for qualification herein set forth, shall manage and operate the

school canteen, when there is no duly registered teachers cooperative that is

interested or qualified to operate and manage the same.

Chedeng ( 20012: 200 ) stated , people of all ages can learn about

nutritious food choices by observing the meals served to them each day.

An education program can teach the principles of basic nutrition through

foods served in daily meals that reflect excellence in meal planning and

food preparation. Children eating meals and snacks in Head Start

programs, day care centers, or residential facilities can be introduced to a

wide variety of health foods through the menus and food preparation

activities planned as part of their daily educational activities.

Family members and caregivers should be involved in nutrition

education so they can encourage their child or adult relative to consume


an adequate and appropriate amount of food. Family members should

participate in nutrition counseling and education with the client, so they

understand the reasons why certain foods are selected, prepared, and

served in the group care facility or program. Family members and

caregivers especially need to understand the underlying principles for any

physician-prescribed MNT so that they can serve appropriate meals and

snacks at home or bring appropriate food gifts when visiting their relative

in the health care or residential facility. Family members may also need

guidance in basic food safety to ensure the foods they bring in from

outside are safe for the resident to eat.

Nadhja ( 2013 : 21) discussed that the science of nutrition is the

study of how food nourishes the body. It encompasses the study of

nutrients and how they are handled by the body as well as the impact of

human behavior and environment on the process of nourishment. As such,

this discipline involves physiology, psychology, and socioeconomics. Nutrients

are specific biochemical substances used by the body for growth,

development, activity, reproduction, lactation, health maintenance, and

recovery from illness or injury. The metabolic processes involved in these

functions are complex. Subsequently, most nutrients work better together

than they do alone. Also, nutrient needs change throughout the life cycle

in response to changes in body size, activity, growth, development, and

state of health. Some nutrients are considered essential because either

they are not synthesized in the body or are made in insufficient amounts.

Essential nutrients must be provided in the diet or through supplements.

Essential nutrients that supply energy and build tissue (such as

carbohydrates, fats, and protein) are referred to as micronutrients.

Micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are required in much smaller

amounts to regulate and control body processes.

Shimane( 2013 : 83 ) stated , during the preschool-age period, parents

and care givers still have a fair amount of control over a child’s food

intake, and nutritional concerns focus on offering a proper selection and

amount of nutrients needed by the growing child. Children of preschool

age respond best to regular mealtimes. Three meals per day aren’t enough

for this age-group, and snacks are recommended as part of regular eating

pattern. Research indicates that snacks typically provide 20% of children’s

total caloric intake and therefore, can be a good way to provide protein,

calories, and nutrients to young children. At this age, it’s good to begin

involving children in meal-related activities, such as food selection and

preparation. School-age children are more independent of adults. Meeting

their nutritional needs must be must be balanced with their need for

decision making and peer acceptance. School-age children spend much of

their day at school, away from parents and, in many cases, are only

marginally supervised at lunchtime. In addition, they’re increasingly aware of

their peer’s behaviors and are exposed to different types of food and

eating behaviors. They begin to make their own choices about what to eat

at this age.

Ridon( 2013 : 45 ) , the rapid change in the eating habits of the

Filipino in fast food establishments particularly those in the urban centers

increases the risk of the segment of population to food-borne infection

due to unsanitary handling of preparation of food. The first strategy on

changing people’s behavior is best exemplified by the people’s use of food

safety practices such as: use of safe drinking water for drinking and

cooking, handwashing before cooking and eating, washing vegetables

properly during food preparation, and storing cooked food in the right

temperature. These simply ways of doing food safety practices will prevent

people from contracting infectious disease through ingesting contaminated

food and water. A uniform policy and practical programs to alleviate the

living conditions of the population is needed: 1. Food Establishments shall

be appraised as to the sanitary conditions. 2. Inspection/approval of all food

sources, containers, transport vehicles. 3. Compliance to Sanitary Permit

requirements for all Food establishment 4. Provision of updated Health

Certificate for food Handlers, cooks and cook helpers which include

monitoring as to presence of intestinal parasites (ascaris, amoeba, etc.)

and bacterial infection (typhoid, cholera, dysentery, salmonella infections

and others). 5. DOH’s administrative Order no. 1 – 2006 requires all

laboratories to use Formalin Ether Concentration Technique (FECT) instead

of the direct fecal smear in the analysis of stools of food handlers. This

will enable laboratories are allowed to work in food establishments. In this

way, parasitism will be prevented from spreading through ingestion of


contaminated food and water. 6. Destruction or banning of food until for

human consumption. 7. Training of food handlers and operators on food

sanitation. Four Rights in Food Safety: These four rights on food safety

involve the chain in food processing from the source in the market until

the food reaches the table. They mainly encompass the following: Right

Source, Right Preparation, Right Cooking, and Right Storage.

Schneider ( 2010 : 273 ) , in 2005, the Institute of Medicine

published a report called Preventing childhood Obesity: Health in the

Balance. Calling childhood obesity a “critical public health threat,” the report

recommends steps that federal state, and local governments should take

to make prevention of obesity in children and youth a national priority.

Recommendations include developing guidelines for advertising and

marketing of foods and beverages to children and giving the Federal

Trade Commission authority and resources to monitor compliance. The

report notes that “more than 50 percent of television advertisements

directed at children promote foods and beverages such as candy, fast

food, snack foods, soft drinks, and sweetened breakfast cereals that are

high in calories and fat, low in fiber, and low in nutrient density.” It also

recommends that governments should develop and implement nutritional

standards for all foods and beverages sold or served in schools. Food and

beverages companies have invaded schools with vending machines selling

unhealthy drinks and snacks, fast food in school cafeterias, and special

educational programs and materials accompanied by advertisements for fast

food and junk food.

DepEd ( 2013 ) , only nutrient-rich foods such as root crops,

noodles, rice and corn products in native preparation, fruits and vegetables

in season, and fortified food products labeled rich in protein, energy,

vitamins and minerals shall be sold in the school canteen. Beverages shall

include milk, shakes and juices prepared from fruits and vegetables in


The sales of carbonated drinks, sugar-based synthetic or artificially

flavored juices, junk foods and any food product that may bedetrimental to

the child’s health and that do not bear the Sangkap Pinoy seal and/or did

not pass the BFAD approval is probihited.

Iodized salt shall be used, in controlled quantity, in the preparation

of cooked foods to ensure that iodine requirement of the clientele shall be

met and to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders. The use of monosodium

glutamate (vetsin) shall be regulated.

A reasonable mark-up price for all merchandise in the canteen shall

be allowed, provided that the selling retail price does not exceedthe

prevailing prices in the locality.

FNRI – DOST ( 2013 ) , nutritional guidelines for Filipino revised and

organized by the (FNRI – DOST) , an inter – agency and multi – disciplinary


technical working group. The new Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos was

approved by the National Nutrition Council during its October 31, 2012

meeting. The revision was in response to the changes in the nutrition

situation of the country as reported by the FNRI’s survey results and in

lieu of new nutrition information and related intervention to address

malnutrition. The 2012 Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos includes; 1.Eat a

variety of foods everyday to get the nutrients needed by the body. 2.

Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to six months, then give

appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for two

years and beyond for optimum growth and development. 3. Attain normal

body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to maintain

good health and prevent obesity. 4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg,

dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues.5. Eat

more vegetables and fruits everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals

and fiber for regulation of body processes. 6. Limit intake of salty, fried,

fatty and sugar – rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases. 7.

Consume milk, milk products, and other calcium - rich foods, such as small

fish and shellfish, everyday for healthy bones and teeth. 8. Use iodized

salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders. 9. Consume safe foods and

water to prevent diarrhea and other food - and water – borne diseases. 10.

Be physically active, make healthy food choices, manage stress, avoid

alcoholic beverages and do not smoke to help prevent lifestyle – related

non-communicable diseases.

RA 6939 ( Cooperative Development Authority ) , towards

promoting viability and growth of Cooperatives as instruments of equity,

social justice, and economic development, has tasked the agency for the

noble purpose as cited. Created under the Office of the President, the

Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) disseminates provisions concerns

the annual report of cooperative, capital, property and funds of

cooperatives and the accounting, interest on share capital and patronage

refund, fines on unpaid subscribed share capital, merger and consolidation

of cooperatives guidelines for laboratory cooperative, common provisions,


To be organized and registered by at least fifteen (15) persons, a

Cooperative maybe set up for any or all of the following purposes: 1)

Encourage thrift and savings among the members; 2) Generate funds and

extends credit to the members for productive and provident purposes; 3)

Encourage among members systematic production and marketing; 4)

Provides goods services and other requirements to the members; 5)

Develop expertise and skills among its members; 6) Acquire lands and

provide housing benefits for the members; 7) Insure against losses of the

members; 8) Promote and advance the economic, social and educational

status of the members; 9) Establish, own, lease or operate cooperative

banks, cooperative wholesale and retail complexes, insurance and

agricultural and industrial processing enterprises, and public markets; 10)

Coordinate and facilitate the activities of Cooperatives; and 11) Undertake


any and all other activities for the affective and efficient implementation of

the provisions.

Mendoza ( 2009 ) Sanitation makes an important role in any food

service institution. The standards sanitation practice is important to be able

to attain a better health of the workers and most especially the costumers

because they are the reasons why we established food institution. And

because of that, the researches focus on this particular study and this will

give them a chance to be one of the leading foodservice institutions. In a

food service institution, sanitation is the primary concern of the

management as well as the costumers. A matter of facts, before you

operate a business you will secure first a sanitation permit from the city

hall. One very important aspect institutional food production is food

sanitation and safety. However, its true importance is often not seen until

such time that the food establishment encounters legal problems resulting

to civil and provable criminal liabilities. Besides this, the non-observance of

proper sanitation and safety practices usually lead to other situations that

would hinder the success of food establishment. Poor hygiene in the

handling and preparation of food leads not only to products of poor quality

but also increases the cost of producing goods and services because they

lead to a lot of wastage and spoilage. More often than not, over

production and improper storage due to insufficient planning and lack of

knowledge increases the risks of food poisoning and inspection as well as

the higher cost not only due to spoilage but also due to higher storage

cost and repurchase cost. This situation is particularly for establishments

that deal with quantity or institutionalized food production. Because

institutional food catering and production deals with handling of large

quantities of raw and cooked food ingredients, the contamination risk is

increased several folds, reiterating the need and importance of proper

sanitation in the production area. Such problems could actually be easily

avoided if the production area follows practices sanitation principles in food


In another book authored by Titcombe, (2010: 84) it was stated in the

author’s observation that the canteen is a provider of much more than vending

machines. Aside from its offer of vending solutions, its comprehensive

refreshment and dining services help clients turn the company’s vending and

dining offerings from what can be a compromise for the sake of convenience, to

clients’ and employees’ first choice for food and beverages. For clients who need

more than traditional vending machines, canteens provide full-service vending

options with a greater, fresher selection than traditional machines. For clients

who require the next level in dining services, canteens offer Dining Solutions,

from food kiosks to full-service cafés and restaurants which give more

convenience to everyone. The Canteen provides customized foodservice

programs in-house or through one of concessionaire type, semi-outdoor set-up

whether for break room, office coffee service or pantry provisions and office

supplies selling scheme. Most vending machines are self-service but the canteen

gives clients a middle ground, offering full service vending with the convenience

and speed of traditional self-service machines.

Dunhill (2013: 209) explained that lunch rooms have provisions of

innovative snack and beverage vending machines, and also canteen which

offers micro-markets with an expanded product selection, more akin to a

convenience or grocery store as well as comprehensive dining solutions, like

meal service in university or business center dining halls. There are customize

vending services programs to fit the needs of virtually any workplace or multi-

location company, serving businesses in professional, financial, retail, healthcare,

manufacturing, and education industries. Whether a company need a

comprehensive vending program, self-service food or beverage vending machine

which satisfies all business’ needs, canteen’s technicians and service

representatives should be regularly available to keep machines stocked and

maintained, bringing new meaning to full service vending. No one wants to

wrestle with an outdated machine for a stolen peso or a snack stuck in the

dispenser, but with a full service canteen, this will never have to happen. In an

industry that is always on, any company can count on canteens to go beyond the

vending machine to provide them with a full service vending experience.

Taylor (2012: 59) postulated that many organizations provide canteens as

an additional subsidized facility for their employees as a welfare measure. The

usage of the canteen by the employees depends on many factors like a

centralized food distribution center with swift and simple in operations. Canteens’

design provides a user-friendly system that facilitates quick and efficient


operations to cover a larger section of employees within a specified time. There

are canteens that are even paperless and have almost cashless transactions.

This system is also appropriate in an environment where multiple caterers

operate in a closed environment or at multiple locations. Advantages cited are

the following: removal of the manual system of maintaining the coupons; instant

information at one’s fingertips for immediate use; support for both prepaid and

postpaid methods of accounting; implementation of computerized management

in an organization where the employees have cards (any type of identification

cards) for unique identification; preset daily limits on the amount of usage of

canteen facility; use of coupons for transactions; reduction of wastage of food

items; advanced notification on the usage of the canteen facilities by the

employees on any particular day or shift; and freedom on the conduct of different

types of reports with respect to employee consumption and with respect to daily

sales by the canteen. The challenges include: in case of multiple locations,

required canteen consolidated utilization which is very tedious or almost

impossible in the case of a manual process; multiple items management;

effective inventory management; re-ordering of items to be managed in order to

restock at proper time; and subsidized food tracking.

According to Rigel (2012: 95), some innovations that can be added to the

canteen may be implemented. A new name for the canteen flags a new approach

to the canteen. The name, however doesn’t have to be terribly flamboyant.

Simple names often work better. Simple tactics like incorporating the school

name and/or address/suburb into specials on offer could work. The use of some

fun words for products is also good. Reconsider how the product is wrapped and

presented product. Marketing the menu through be beautiful presentation in

wraps and rolls with a student (seek permission from parents first) and enlarge

these photos. These photos not only decorate the canteen but also work as

treats at promoting the item. Seek help from a parent who may be willing and

able to Photoshop and enhance the pictures. Look at the presentation of the

canteen as if one were the customer, making sure that food looks appetizing and

appealing. Look at the display counter as if one is opening the fridge door looking

for a snack. It’s the food that ‘looks’ the best that grabs one’s attention. A fun

and effective way to draw attention to key food items is to tuck a novelty item in

with the display to attract the attention of the students. A silly spider or obvious

toy mouse, which changes location occasionally, makes the customer notice

items for sale.

Johannes (2013: 39) discussed that school canteens should provide

cheap, sanitary, nutritious food such as fresh milk, fresh fruits and fresh drinks,

boiled root crops, high calorie indigenous recipes and the like. Canteen

personnel handling food in the canteen should be required to undergo training for

food handlers, obtain a certificate of good health from the municipal health

department and observe hygiene. Operational practices that will be to the welfare

of the students, teachers and to the school as a whole as well as any violation of

the provision of the Memorandum of Agreement and the operational

management guidelines should be considered as grounds for the return of the

canteen operation to the school.


As explained by Janesburg (2013: 244), a canteen is a facility which

serves food in a cafeteria-style setting. The canteen is a place where food is

prepared and eaters are used to be served food in an institutional level.

Militaries, schools and offices may use the canteen to meet the food needs of

their workforces and students. A typical canteen is a facility in which diners walk

along a food line with trays which could be filled with various food items. Diners

then seat themselves, eat and bus their dishes and trays at the end of the meal.

Food service is not a high priority of canteens. The goal is to provide food which

meets nutritional recommendations and hopefully satisfies the taste of the diners.

The food is prepared in large batches, and the food handlers stay behind the

counter to dish out food, rather than walking around the dining room to bring

plates out. The canteen may also include self-service drink containers, fruit bowls

and so forth. Aside from remaining in a fixed location, a canteen can also be

mobile. Mobile canteens are used to provide quick food to disaster workers and

other temporary work crews who are deployed in active duty. Organizations that

use mobile canteens may run the canteen out of series of trailers, or have large

trucks packed with canteen equipment, tables and tents for shelter so that an

eating facility can be quickly built wherever it might be needed.

Canteen workers are those who prepare and serve short-order food items,

sell canteen merchandise, clean the service area, and perform other related

work. These positions involve standing for a six-hour shift and lifting objects to

counter height. These workers are the ones who were often assessed for a better

service and for better client relations. Most of the time, it is not the ambience that

is considered by clients but the services that workers are executing for the clients

(Dexter, 2012: 123)

As discussed by Sears (2009: 117), the college canteen is a service

provided by the college for the benefit of students and staff. The college canteen

sells food and drinks that are healthful, nutritional and tasty. It is a valid business

enterprise and is operated according to good, ethical business practices

committed to holistic education; therefore the whole life of every student is of

concern to the college canteen which includes students’ physical well-being as

much as their spiritual growth and intellectual development. All operations of the

college canteen reflect its values and vision. The canteen is an important part of

the school’s life and as such, its management and operations need to also reflect

the college’s aims and mission. The canteen of the college must always consider

the different needs of the students and also the cultures where they came from.

Some students and even other non-student clients might not eat pork as their

religion and cultural values may dictate. Some might not eat fish that has no

scales and other might not eat beef. These are some of the considerations that,

no matter how good the services may be and how tasty and nutritious the foods

are, would make these foods unfit to the likes and choices of the students.

Ray (2011: 301) discussed the aim of the canteens in schools where they

provide a healthful variety of food and drinks, support classroom teaching of

nutrition and health, encourage the development of good eating habits, provide

friendly and prompt services encourage courtesy and consideration, operate as

an effective, efficient and profitable business enterprise consider the special


dietary needs of some students, and demonstrate high standards in food safety

and hygiene in relation to the preparation, storage and serving of food.

All the references cited are related to the present study since they all

discuss canteen management and considerations, including effective means of

implementation. The suggestions posted have been of great help to this research

as basis for the outcome of the study.

Related Studies. The study of DonJun (2013) emphasizes on the need

to effectively manage the canteen stocks that he made the observation and

recommendation that only one person in the canteen should be responsible for

ordering stock, which includes foods, drinks, packaging, utensils, first aid and

cleaning materials. Ideally this will be the canteen manager, or a person who

oversees most of the canteen and has the largest time involvement. Allocating

this responsibility to only one person is important as it prevents confusion and

overordering, maintains consistency and ensures maximum efficiency. Canteens

generally return higher profits when they restrict the number of suppliers and

range of stock. Restricting the number of suppliers can be beneficial as it allows

canteen staff to develop management rapport with a supplier. This can also result

in special services and treatment, such as discounts and better quality of service.

Minimizing the range of stock assists in reducing slow turnover items, which can

lead to spoilage. It will also allow you to use employees and volunteers with less

training given there are less products to work with. Both of these practices will

also result in more efficient ordering with fewer orders needing to be placed. It is

important to ensure that when minimizing the range of stock in a canteen the

range and variety of nutritious foods, such as fruit and vegetables, is not

reduced. Finally, never select food or drink products that fail to reflect nutrition

standards detailed in the canteen policy even if the supplier can offer a lucrative

deal, such as bargain prices or equipment rewards.

Bertland (2013) was able to come up in his study that the conclusion that

the canteen needs to ensure that all canteen money can be accurately tracked at

all times. Management of money involves: running off cash registers at the end of

each trading period during the day (if applicable) counting money and balancing

cash registers at the end of each day maintaining a standard float banking each

day and keeping minimal money in the canteen accurately recording payment of

all orders and invoices accurately recording all cheques accurately recording all

petty cash expenses. It is recommended that all stock should be paid for by

cheque or electronic transfer, with petty cash being used only for the purchase of

items of a minor or unexpected nature. Only a small petty cash float should be

kept. In order for a canteen to be financially viable, income from selling food

must either be equal to or greater than the expenses involved in running the

canteen. Accurate costing of foods plays a very important part in determining

income. A financially successful canteen also requires efficient management of

all canteen resources. The following section details why it is important to:

account for all canteen money account for all stock determine the cost price of

pre-packaged items and recipes determine the selling price of pre-packaged

items and recipes per serve.


Canteen’s role in feeding students are just roles as parents must do. The

average healthy 8-year-old weighing 30 kg (66 lb) requires about 1,750 ml

of fluid per day. Many school-age children have only one meal a day with

their family, at dinner. Mealtime should be a social time enjoyed by all,

and parents should retain from discussing a child’s poor eating habits at

this time. Parents should be aware that children learn many of their food

habits by observing their parents. Eating a balance diet should be the

norm for both parent and child. Thus, canteen must serve foods which can

uplift the child’s nutritional needs and benefit their overall being. (Camaya, 2013)

According to Garan (2013), the school-age child generally eats lunch

at school. The children may bring lunch from home or buy lunch at the

school. Many dietary problems stem from this independence in food

choices. The children may trade their food, not eat lunch at all, or buy

sweets or junk food with their lunch money. Parents should discuss with

the child the foods that they should eat and continue to provide a

balanced diet in the home setting. In this juncture, the presence of good food

at canteen services must be complied with specifically if the snacks brought in

from the child’s lunch boxes are improperly prepared at home. The availability of

food choices which can make children at school be nutritionally good is a role

that can never be compromised.

As evidenced in the observation of Ching (2013) , nutrition continues to

be a high priority for growing children. School-age children require a

balanced diet including 2.400 Kcal per day. School-age children eat three

meals a day and one or two nutritious snacks. They need a protein-rich

food at breakfast to sustain the prolonged physical and mental effort

required at less by late morning and have decreased problem-solving

ability. Undernourished children become fatigued easily and face a greater

risk of infection, resulting in frequent absences from school. This risk in their

studies must be complemented by a better canteen ambiance and management

which would derail them if not properly executed. Innovations in canteens were

suggested including having potable water for free and nutritious foods in a

balanced form of diet must be served.

The study of Jamil (2013) focused on the assessment of the canteen in

San Pedro Relocation Center National High School with regard to its

privatization in almost four years. The study was conducted to assess the

services and the benefits it can give to the school. Based on the study, the

canteen, which was concessional, was found to be effective in its service to

students and faculty. This was due to the fact that the concessionaires are

subject to further evaluation of the administration before their contract is to be

renewed. This has posted a healthy competition among the canteen

concessionaires in which they have to perform best by offering good food of

reasonable prices and offer good services as well. The study also brought to light

the fact that the monthly rentals are a good source of income for the school.

However, problems arise during times when delayed payment occurs, specifically

when vacation is upcoming. The concessionaires encounter payment problems

since, according to them, return of profit is very hard when students and teachers

are not willing to buy from the canteen and would instead go home early specially

during examination periods and near vacation periods. On the other hand,

enrollment period gives good opportunity for them as bulks of students and even

parents come to the canteen for refreshment and meals. Thus, it was suggested

that payment schemes should be more flexible during the time when sales are

low as a matter of new policy in canteen management.

Echiverri (2011) studied the management of the school canteen in the

Laguna State Polytechnic University campuses. Based on the findings of this

study, the following conclusion were drawn: (1) Majority of the canteens were

managed by private individuals and found out that all canteen facilities and

equipment were moderately adequate; (2) food procurement was supervised by

outside paid helpers; (3) canteen managers ensured that the food to be cooked

was washed thoroughly and prepared nutritiously; (4) majority of the canteens

were implementing self-service in food serving; and (5) problems in the

operation of the canteen include lack of personnel, lack of time in food

preparation, source of water supply and pupil’s preference for junk foods instead

by nutritious one.

Conde (2013) made a study on canteen administration and operation in

five public elementary schools in the Santa Cruz district division of Laguna. The

descriptive method of research was used in this research with two sets of

questionnaire used to gather the perceptions of the respondents. The highest

rating was given by the canteen teachers for the strategic value of the building’s

location and the safety of the foods for sale, and for non-canteen teachers,

accessibility of the building to pupils and teachers. The lowest rating given were

noted in the following: time schedule for recess of intermediate grade pupils and

distribution of time allowance for recess, the quality and quantity of foods being

served. The highest rating on the other hands was on the perception of the

quality of fruits and vegetable for sale. All the respondents gave the highest

ratings to the drive to put up a normal-sized canteen room/building. On the

contrary, the lowest ratings were noted in terms of the ability to solicit assistance

from NGOs and GOs for canteen improvement and the ability to put up the

needed accessories in the canteen.

The conclusions made on this study were as follows: 1) canteens in public

elementary schools are properly managed and systematically run by the staff and

personnel involved, 2) teachers have different reactions on some policy

implementations particularly in class programming, food service operations and

teachers’ assignment. These conclusions led to the recommendations that the

school heads should prepare a workable and viable long range master plan on

canteen operations and personnel functions. Similarly, it is the suggested that

part of the canteen’s proceeds should also be used for other school projects.

Service assistance by government and non-government organizations should

also be tapped and finally, a wider and deeper study should be made in order to

validate and compare the findings of this study.

Salik (2013) conducted a research on the canteen management in

National high schools in the Victoria district division of Laguna, school year 2011-

2012. The aim of the study was to make a system analysis of the canteen

management of the said school. The results revealed that efficient canteen

management is necessary in order to provide food of the lowest cost and highest

nutritious value. Common problems met in the management of the canteens

were as follows: 1) lack of space to accommodate the students; 2) helpers’

chores were given to the teacher in charge of managing the canteen; 3) lack of a

full-time canteen manager; 4) the time allotted for cooking is very limited; 5) the

food being prepared is not enough for the consumers’, and finally the buyers do

not have plenty of choices of food. Possible solutions were recommended to

lessen or totally eliminate the existing problems such as: 1) expansion of school

facilities; 2) addition of more tables and chairs, and cooking utensils, 3)

installation of a deep well and better water connection, 4) hiring of more helpers,

5) having dialogues with a co-signers to assess the quality and quantity of the

food services they render, and 6) finally, the canteen teachers should be free

from teaching loads to enable them to supervise the helpers in food preparation.

Canteen operations and management are considered to be two of the services

offered by the school, and others become part of the school administration’s

tasks and part daily operations. In fact, most of these schools already have

handbooks on how to properly maintain and operate canteens. Canteen

management is also considered not just as a school function but also a full job

that needs formal training and that many schools.

In the study conducted by Yumol, et al (2010) presented during the 2010

research forum on annual agency in-house review proceedings in the Kalinga-

Apayao State College, it was found out that the canteen needs further

rehabilitation and assessment must be done periodically to help the management

improve its services. Thus, tools in the assessment of operation is proposed.

Focused group discussions were done so that stakeholders were involved in the

process of making the tool. The principals and canteen managers involve agreed

to use the assessment tools in their respective schools. The tool will help the

canteen staff to assess their performance to be able to maintain or improve their

services in terms of food serving, maintenance of canteen cleanliness and

manner of dealing with clients. It will also serve as guide to the manager in

deciding which meals must be served each day to satisfy the students’ need for

nutritious food. It was also identified that green leafy vegetables must be served

as regular meals. The study also revealed the following insights: 1) management

of the canteen must delegated to someone who is capable, qualified and honest,

person and 2) adequate facilities to maintain the good services are needed and

enhanced efficiency of the canteen worker sin doing their job must be given


The study of Sindaratana (2013) presented in the International Research

Forum of School Management in the University of Mumbai determined how well

the school canteen of Yudaras Wittayalai School In Mai was managed in

accordance with the regulations given by the canteen regulation board. Her study

involved 170 respondents from the lower and upper secondary education levels

and 130 teachers, Results showed that physically, the canteen was clean and

neat with appropriate settings; food quantity; dishes and utensils were clean; and

tables and chairs in the canteen were in good condition and maintained regularly.

The canteen billboard also helped students have knowledge of nutrition with

practical application. Nutrition information about meals prepared was posted on

the board, along with other similarly nutritious meals. Also, the canteen board,

detailing its regulation, showed the steps of canteen services. In addition, its time

frame, opening at 6:30am and closing at 4:00 pm, was established for the needs

of the students, serving breakfast for those who have early classes and late

snacks for those who will travel home.

In another related study, Wongkhum (2012) evaluated the Watweruwan

School Lunch program and presented the results to the Research Institute of

Donghua University. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the lunch

programs implemented by the school administrator during the academic year of

2011. Respondents included 296 students, parents and teachers. The study

evaluated whether the lunch program management aim of students having good

health with good hygienic habits and saving attitudes, was achieved and realized.

Evaluation results revealed conserving context, input processes, and product

indicated in the performance in all aspects. Details of the performance include:

1)students, parents, and teachers understand the aim of the program and

develop hygienic habits; 2) personnel budget and material are adequate, 3) on

duty teachers give or help hand out lunch; 4) clean food is served with proper

nutrition; 5) and students are requested to clean dishes and put dishes in place.

The study concluded that the lunch program was able to reach or achieve its

aims for the program, which is that students with good health and hygienic habits

knew how to save.


As cited by Herrera (2009) in her study, a specific school lunchroom must

be provided in every canteen for a more convenient stay for those who will eat

meals. This problem has sprouted when canteens in most schools in Metro

Manila offer services for food but the facilities available are only of long tables

two feet wide without chairs which the respondents found to be unsuitable to

eating heavy meals. These tables were built to save space and maximize its use

by making the clients a little inconvenient where they would immediately leave

after eating to give place to other customers. The idea of maximization of place

was primarily considered by the canteen managers instead of better service. The

study further recommends to put up a lunchroom where clients would only stay

for eating of heavy meals and not for chatting to allow other customers to use the

facility. The lunchroom is an open area with a roof and tables and chairs are only

good for two persons to further save space. The tables and chairs are movable

so that groups can be accommodated as well. The open space can also save

electricity consumption and would not encourage longer stay for customers,

except if they wanted to eat heavy meals. Another proposal is to have the

lunchroom divided where one half allows for staying for heavy meals while the

other part will be for quick eating only.

Bana (2013) conducted a study on the Canteen management of Ilocos Sur

Polytechnic State College. The study tried to identify the strengths and

weaknesses in canteen management of the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

in terms of food preparation and costing, convenience of the place, capacity to

serve numerous expectations and profitability for the college. The study

proposed the professionalization of the canteen managers and employees by

training them on proper food handling and serving, and customer relation and

supervision. It was also proposed to establish a canteen management committee

which will serve as the arm of the school in the quality assurance of the services

of the canteen to its clients and also the transparency in its operation. The main

function of this committee is to supervise quality, quantity and cost of food and

beverages supplied by the canteen to the employees. The receipts and

expenditures will be reviewed by the members during the course of monthly

meetings and suggestions will be noted for improvement of the canteen. The

formal systems of participation will include five representatives from the

stakeholders and clients and another five from the administration.


The study of Babol (2011) presented in the 2011 Multidisciplinary

Research Forum in the University of Northern Philippines focused on the creation

of a strategic plan for the canteen of the Iloilo Polytechnic State College where

the main concern is privatization. The teachers and administration were found to

have bulks of work and that there were a few of them who are willing to take

charge of the canteen operations; thus, the need to privatize the canteen

operation is a must so that the school may be able to conform to the needs of the

students. Every school must provide provisions of services that include

availability of food stalls and lunch rooms where students can have their food to

eat which should be strategically located inside the school premises. However,

due to lack of training from the teachers and even from the administration

personnel considering as well the bulk of work in the school operations and

activities, it was found out that canteens must be taken care of by professionals

from the food and services business. The strategic plan includes the creation of a

committee to handle the overseeing and bidding of canteen concessions

including the assessment of it every year as a consideration in the renewal of the

contract. The committee will also be involved in the improvement mechanism that

the canteen needs for the benefit of the students and other clients.

In the study of Fernandez (2013), it was assessed that the canteen

concessionaires have good solid waste management practices to be able to

maintain the cleanliness of the lunchroom. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of

the utensils is done every end of the day. Trash bins with covering are located at

the four corners of the canteen color coded as biodegradable and non-

biodegradable. These trash bins are unloaded everyday and sprayed with

disinfecting chemicals to avoid bacteria that may cause foul odor due to spoiled

foods. Solid waste was removed daily by the local collectors to maintain

cleanliness within the school as a special arrangement between the canteen

concessionaires and the local collectors. On the other hand, it was

recommended that the wash area be set on one side of the canteen to allow the

clients to wash their hands before and after eating. It was also recommended

that the main trash bins be located in the back portion of the canteen instead on

the sideways so that it will not be an eyesore to clients.

The studies presented are all related to the present study as they all focus

on canteen management, cleanliness and maintenance. All of these are

also part of the topic of the research being conducted although the nature

of management is different, including the respondents and the location of

the study.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework which serves as guide of the

study. Specifically, it shows the input, process and output.

Input Process Output

 Assessment of
status of the
 Respondents:  Distribution, school canteen
__ Teachers Administration practices .
__ Canteen and Retrieval
personnel of the  Difference between
Questionnaires perception of the
 Questionnaires two groups of
respondents on the
 Collection of school canteen
 School Data data on management
teachers practices in
selected public
‘canteen elementary
management schools in
problems. Marikina City
District II during
school year 2016
 Statistical – 2017.
treatment of
 Comments and
data. suggestions of the
 Analysis and
interpretation of
data and  Proposed
information enhanced


Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study

The first frame shows the input of the study: the respondents of the study

where the number of which shall be determined using the Slovin’s Formula and

shall be chosen by stratified random sampling in the four schools in district II of

the Division of Marikina City.

In the second frame, the process, includes the following: distribution,

administration and retrieval of the questionnaires, the statistical treatment of

data and the analysis and interpretation of the data and information gathered will

be the next process.

For the third frame as output, the following was included: Assessment of

status of the school canteen practices, significant difference between the

perception of the two groups of respondents on the school canteen management

practices in selected public elementary schools in Marikina City District II

during school year 2016 – 2017, comments and suggestions of the

respondents, and the proposed enhanced handbook.

Research Hypotheses

On the basis of the statement of the problem and the research framework,

the hypotheses that were used for this study are the following:

1. There is no significant difference between the perception of the two

groups of respondents on the status of the school canteen practices.

Definition of Terms

In order to arrive at a common understanding, the following terms used in

the study are hereby defined:

Academic. It refers to the performance of the students in all their classes

being assessed in their classroom skills and actions.

Assessment. It refers the observation of the pupils the teacher and

principal as means of evaluating the effectiveness of the canteen. It means how

the respondents feel about what they actually experience or see of the situation

of the school of the in the management of the activities, utilization of facilities

quality and quantity of food serve kind of service rendered to the consumers.

Canteen. Also known as cafeteria, a restaurant in which customers serve

themselves or are served at a counter and take the food to eat.

Canteen Management. In this research it includes the management of

the daily routine of the canteen. It is the administration of the direction of the

means and objectives of the school canteen which include operation food service

management physical facilities and canteen services,


Clientele. This refers to customers who eat or dine regularly, specifically

the persons served by the canteen.

Facilities. In this research it refers to the chairs tables tools utensils and

other cooking equipment use in food preparation and dining.

Food. This refers to the newly cook ready to eat meals beverages and

other items bought in the school canteen.

Hand washing. Is the act of cleaning one's hands with or without

the use of water or another liquid, or with the use of soap, for the purpose

of removing soil, dirt, and/or microorganisms.

Meal Management. This means the efficient use of available resources in

providing meals that are nutritionally adequate, sanitary, economical and

aesthetically pleasing to the client.

Non-academic. It refers to the activity and performance of the students

during extra curricular actions which are basically non-academic in nature.

Nutrition . It is the intake of food, considered in relation to the

body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet

combined with regular physical activity – is a cornerstone of good health.

Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to

disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced


Quality of food. This refers to the aspects of the food which describes or

characterize in terms of nutrition, palatability, variety appearance and the like.

Quality of service. This refers to the manner of service employed by the

cafeteria personnel reflecting the personality of the server.

School Canteen . This refers to one of the ancillary services in the

school system that sells food items to the pupils/students and serves as a

support mechanism in the effort to eliminate malnutrition concerns of the

school. It can be used as a laboratory canteen on food planning,

preparation, serving, storage, and selling. A school canteen can either be

school – management or teachers’ cooperative – managed.

School – Managed Canteen . Refers to a school canteen that is

operated and managed by the school under the general supervision of the

school head/principal.

Teachers’ Cooperative Managed Canteen . Refers to the canteen

that is operated and managed by a duly registered teacher’s cooperative.

Micronutrients . A substance, such as a vitamin or mineral, that

is essential in minute amounts for the proper growth and metabolism of

a living organism.

Growth and Development . Growth – denotes increase in body

size; focus is on child's height and weight. It occurs as cells divide and

synthesize new proteins; change in body structure. Development –


gradual growth and change from a lower to a more advance state of

complexity progressive increase in skill and capacity to function it

involves expansion of the child capacities through growth, maturation,

and progressive gains in function ability; change in body function.

Cafeteria . Is a type of food service location in which there is

little or no waiting staff table service, whether a restaurant or within an

institution such as a large office building or school; a school dining

location is also referred to as a dining hall or canteen.

Contamination . The introduction or occurrence of a contaminant

in food.

Environmental conditions . Conditions under which certain food

may be required to be stored including temperature, humidity, lighting

conditions and atmosphere.

Equipment . A machine, instrument, apparatus, utensil or

appliance, other than a single-use item, used or intended to be used in

or in connection with food handling and includes any equipment used

or intended to be used to clean food premises or equipment.

Food – borne disease . A disease that is likely to be transmitted

through consumption of contaminated food.

Food business . A business, enterprise or activity that involves:

(a) the handling of food intended for sale; or (b) the sale of food;

Regardless of whether the business, enterprise or activity concerned is

of a commercial, charitable or community nature or whether it involves


the handling or sale of food on one occasion only.

Food handler . A person who directly engages in the handling of

food, or who handles surfaces likely to come into contact with food, for

a food business.

Food handling operation . Any activity involving the handling of


Cooperative . This refers to a duly registered association of

persons with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined

together to achieve a lawful common social and economic ends in

accordance with universally accepted cooperative principle.

Teachers Cooperative . This refers to the duly registered

association of teachers voluntarily and willfully joined together to

attain lawful, social and economic goals with equitable contributions to

the required capital based on accepted cooperative law.

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