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A Study of Latin Word Histories (Etymology) As Conversational Language

Aristotle says man is a rational animal and that what sets him apart, what raises him above the
animals, is that he has the ability to reason, and it is very clear that a man cannot reason without
language. Have you ever think that one of your daily used words may came from Latin? Language,
is an organization of spoken, manual, or written symbols by means of which human beings, as
members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves. The functions of
language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and
emotional release. Language is also described as an instrument that is used to share or express
ideas and feelings. Language is an extraordinary gift from God. It is part of what makes man fully
human. In fact, Language is the key to human lives. They can eliminate misunderstanding by
using it as an instrument to transfer communication among people. The everyday language we
unconsciously use without thinking. As distinct from the language of the classroom, written,
expression, and formal technical language. When you are talking with your friends that is pure
conversational language also the method we used in our daily language in our own houses. A
dead language is a language that is no longer the native language of a community, even if it is
still used in other contexts. Its uses tend to only exist in specific situations – perhaps academic or
among individuals or in special circumstances – such as the use of Latin in the Vatican City. Latin
is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages. Latin was
originally spoken in Latium, in the Italian Peninsula. Through the power of the Roman Republic,
it became the dominant language, initially in Italy and subsequently throughout the Roman
Empire. In fact, the Romans were successful in standardizing the language to a certain extent so
that people could speak Latin with uniformity. Latin has changed in various regions and
idiosyncrasies were developed. Dialects were also based from Latin, but they were hardly Latin
in any sense. Latin was used as the language of international communication, scholarship, and
science until the 18th century, when it began to slowly die and replaced by other languages which
are mostly derived from it. Ecclesiastical Latin remains the official language of the Roman Rite of
the Catholic Church. Even though it is now considered a dead language. Latin might have died
since it is no longer spoken in a conversations, but its spirit lives on. We can only thank the brilliant
minds of native Latin speakers for they have created masterpieces that showcased the beauty of
the language. We can still prove and give acknowledgement to those words that were derived
from Latin and that is the purpose of this research. The researchers come up with a study of Latin
words that are still in use to conceptualize based on the Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
which are the Physiological, Safety, Love/Belongingness, Esteem, and Self-Actualization.
Therefore the researchers hypothesize that there are several words in our daily conversational
language that were derived from Latin Language.

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