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1 The Story of the Moth: Jose Rizal’s Character


Instructions: Read the passage below. Afterwards, answer the following questions.

One of the stories that Teodora Alonzo told Jose Rizal was that of the moth and the flame. In the
story, an old moth warned a young moth not to come close to a lighted candle because it might cause
the young moth’s death. However, the young moth was attracted to the candle’s light and warmth, so it
disobeyed the old moth’s advice. The young moth flew too close to the candle’s flame. Its wings caught
fire and burned and the moth died. While listening to the story, Jose was watching the moths flying
around the lamp on their table. Just like in the story, one of the moths flew near the flame and burned
its wings. But that was not how it died, it fell into the pool of coconut oil at the bottom of the lamp
where it drowned and died.

1. Research on how the story of the moth and the flame shaped Rizal’s social and political ideas?

The story of the moth and the flame have shaped Rizal’s social and political ideas for as the
time passed he expect that the tale is considered as an allegory of his own destiny. In which it have
influenced his values and perspective of life , the value of obedience wherein one must take risks, and
face the further consequences in the other path. In his life, his social and political ideas have been with
him in his journey as you go further to seek for the light it becomes more beautiful, and attractive and it
will consume you with no control as you encircled through the flame, asserting that he sacrificed his
life for it is worthwhile for everyone. Similar to the young moth, Rizal was fated to die a martyr in
search for light which is education for his fellowmen and country.

2. What are the instances when Rizal manifested a social and political character?

Rizal’s manifestation of a social and political character have transformed his stature of Spanish
rule in the Philippines. The political and social reforms that have distinguished the ideals of tolerance,
liberty and the need for civil government in the country. The ideas of enlightenment and given the
advantage and instances to further provide the individual the knowledge about the constitutional
government and state. Rizal’s cogent leadership in the occurrence of corruption in the bureaucracy by
passing laws in the country are products of his character . Furthermore, his books, Elfilibusterismo
serve as the political redemption and challenge to perform such character traits that have surrender the
virtue needed in the progress of the society.

3. Why is it Important to know the Early Childhood Education of Rizal?

The early education of Rizal is essential for each individual to know for he represents one’s life
who has lost theirselves in the consequences in which they try to go against to. His education enacted
the inputs towards the independence of the Philippines. IN line with this, his early education was his
weapon to fight. He uses his knowledge and power of letters to fight for his country despite suffering
at the hands of the Spaniards. His personal studies acquire the knowledge that will further influenced
the people nowadays through the novels and poems. The novels that are mainly about the true citizens
of the Philippines that have encounter sufferings under the Spanish rule. The early education he
attained will eventually influenced each of us to take action to liberate ourselves from oppression and a
decision to rise up and defend our rights and freedom even though we are still students who are
learning through the progress of life , we can take action and awareness about the history which is
relevant until now to become better citizens for our country.

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