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Certain guidelines stated below are precautions to be followed with respect to topics.

1. With respect to precaution while measuring density of object ,possible errors eg.
• object not dried before measuring mass .
• Mass measured after immersion
• Measuring cylinder not read at eye-level / parallax explained
• Measuring cylinder not read at meniscus ( o.w.t.t.e)
• Zero reading on balance not allowed for
• While measuring volume
• Measuring cylinder not read at eye level /perpendicularly /bottom of meniscus

2. Describe briefly one precaution you would take to read the measuring cylinder correctly.
Bottom of meniscus , direct vision.

3. The IGCSE is investigating the stretching of spring. Suggest three possible variable that
should be kept constant in this investigation .( Do not include variables that are likely to
have little effect on the length of the spring in this context)
• Length / Diameter /numberof coil of spring
• Mass of spring
• Selection of load
• ( NOT room temperature)

4. Thermal effect
Appropriate source of inaccuracy associated with procedure e.g any one form
• Water level not the same
• Thermometer scales not read at 90ᴼ
• Initial temperature different
• Not able to stir water
• Not waiting for temperature to stabilise initially / waiting time not long enough

The IGCSE class is investigating the rate of coolong of water under different condition. In
order to make this experiment a fair test it is important to control the condition .Suggest
two such condition that should be controlled
• Same starting temperature
• Constant room temperature /avoid draught
• Carry out at the same time / place / time interval
• Same thermometer ( wtte)
• Same mass/volume/amount of water
• Same type of beaker
5 For lens experiment
• Carry out experiment in dark room / no direct (sun) light / bright lamp
• Lens and object same height above bench
• Lens ,object and screen vertical
• Move screen /lens back and forth / slowly to obtain sharp image
• Fix/ place rule on bench
• Mark center of lens on holder
• Reading repeated
• Mark block to show center of lens
• Lens and object same ( vertical) height / level ( from bench)
• Lens , object and screen vertical / perpendicular to bench

For reflection experiment

• Thin lines/ fine pencil

• View protractor perpendicular /parallax explained
• Lines through center of pin holes
• Pins well separated
• Pins vertical / not bent / viewed at the base
• Place mirror so that reflected surface is on line o.w.t.t.e

6 Consequences when using voltage higher than needed

Ex. Another student proposes that the accuracy of the experiment would be
improved by using a 12V power source. Suggest two effect that this might have
on the experiment
• Wire gets hot/burn out
• Meter damaged
• Wire gets floppy / expands
• Higher meter reading /reading off scale
• Power source cuts out/fuses
• Resistance of wire increases.

7 There will be 7 mark planning an investigation in ATP taking an estimated 15min e

▪ Apparutus needed
▪ Instruction for carrying out
▪ Values you will use for
▪ How you will make sure result are as accurate as possible.
▪ The graph you will plot.
Mark Scheme
Materials [1]
Instructions [1]
Methodology [2]
Diagrams and table [1]
Graph [1]
Precautions [1]

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