Dll-Listening Comprehension

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Department Junior High School Grade Level 8

Saint Paul University Surigao
Saint Paul University System Ceasar Louie R. Recamara
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Teacher Jayen O. Cayasa Learning Area English
Nerry Anne Doctolero
Teaching Delivery Schedule Week 1 Quarter 2

Session 1
At the end of the lesson, grade 8 students are expected to:
 Identify the theme of the song;
 Explain the word/line from the song that struck them;
 Say something to their best friend(s).
 Test the listening skills of the Students.
 Students will be asked for some questions based on the story.
 Allow students to share what they have learned about the story.
 Demonstrate the importance of Listening Skills
 Enhance student’s listening skills for effective communication

A. Content Standard
 Students show understanding of: the importance of one another; the differences of every person; the value of friendship.
 Students will be engaged to an activity which develops their listening comprehension; their ability to understand the
importance of listening skills and value what the story all about.
 Student shows cooperation and active participation towards one another.

B. Performance Standards  Students are able to establish good relationship among others.
 Students are able to test their listening skills.
 Students are able to work as a group.
C. Learning Competencies/ Students are able to:
Write the LC code for each
 Describe different characteristics of a good friend.
 Possess characteristics of being a good friend;
 Test their listening skills
 Value what they learned throughout the activity.
 Engaged active participation towards in the class.
 Laptop
 Speaker
 Sample Story
 Papers
 Ball pens
 headset
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resource
Students are task to listen a song given to them and interpret the theme as well as its meaning.
1. The song will be played once or twice for them to listen.
2. The students are given 2-4 minutes to construct an idea and say something about the song and prepare a short message
addressed to their best friend(s).
3. The students will be called one by one to stand in front and tell the idea they constructed.
1. The teacher will read the story out loud to the students.
2. Once the story is finished, the teacher will ask questions based upon the story and the students writes the answer using
one fourth sheet of paper.
3. Each of the student will share what they have learned about the story.
1. The class will be divided into two groups.
2. Each of the group should have at least one representative that will listen to the audio. He/she will only be given two
minutes to listen to the audio.
3. Then, the representative will relay the message to its group members.
4. Ask the last person to say the sentence aloud.
5. The group that will finish the task first will be declared as the winner.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson  The purpose of this lesson is for the students to develop good relationship to others and increase their social skill as well as their self-
confidence in socializing to others.
 The purpose of this lesson is to allow students develop their listening skills through story telling.
 The purpose of this lesson is to let students demonstrate the importance of listening skills by performing actively as a group.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of  Discuss to students that listening with comprehension is important. Example of listening with comprehension: you are told by your
the new lesson mother to get her wallet under her pillow inside their room, and you don’t able to follow it. Therefore, you do not comprehend what she
said. However, if you followed her instruction, we can conclude that you have understood it and you have a listening comprehension
 Cite some examples of short stories that catches the interest of the students. For example, the story about little mermaid, students will be
motivated once they are ask stories which they already knew.
 Present the mechanics of the activity. For example, how does the message relay should be played and how is it important in listening

D. Discussing new concepts and Students are task to listen a given song to them, and chose a line/word that struct them. They are also task to prepare a short message addressed
practicing new skills #1 to their best friend(s). they are given 2-4 minutes to construct their ideas. After the given time, they will be called one by one to stand in front and
tell the one they have constructed.

Students are asked to pay attention while listening to the story. The teacher will tell the story only twice and then will provided following
questions based on the story.

The teacher will discuss the activity and then present the mechanics
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Integrating Christian Values We should value one another and develop good relation to them for we are all brothers and sisters, created by God according to his likeness and

Story telling is an effective activity to enhance the learning of the students. They are able to relate and value their life experience based on the

The activity will promote values such as cooperation and active participation for they will be working as a group.
I. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
Summarize the lesson.
J. Evaluating learning ACTIVITY #1
In 2-4 minutes, do the following:
1. Choose a line or a word from the song which struck you the most and explain why?
2. Make a short message addressed to your friend.
1. Ask students to share what they have learned about the story.
2. Make some short of recap/review about the lesson
1. Ask students to share what they have learned about the activity.
2. Ask students how does the activity enhances their listening comprehension.

K. Additional activities for application

or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the summative assessment
B. No of learners who require
Additional activities for remediation
C. Did he remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Reviewed & Verified by: Validated by: Approved by:

Ceasar Louie R. Recamara ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Jayen O. Cayasa ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Nerry Anne Doctolero ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Subject Teacher STL Asst. Principal Basic Ed Principal

Date: ___________ Date: _____________ Date: ______________ Date: ______________

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