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Jigsaw TDAR (Think, Discuss, Act, Reflect
-CPFM (Create Transparency of expectations, Provide clear instructions, form small groups, monitor
Online Collaborative learning and support)
-integration of information technology
Think-pair-share 2D2M (Decide, Describe, Model, Monitor
COLLABORATIVE The Process Activity: 1) Think of the project as a whole; 2)Focus on life cycle design; 3)Work
Integrated Process Approach/ Project Management together as a team from the start; 4)Conduct assessments; 5)Develop tailored solutions; 6)Evaluate
solutions; 7)ensure requirements and goals are met
Peer Teaching Strategy AFA (Assign and design the lesson; Facilitate the lesson; Assess their peers

Interactive Instruction Strategy Brainstorming, Debates, cooperative learning, interviewing, small group discussion, whole class
Thinking Skills RMFD (Recall, Model, Familiarize, Decide)
Activity-Based 3 A's (Act, Analyze, Apply)
Direct-Instruction Compare and contrast, Demonstrations, Didactic questions, Drill & practice, Guides for reading,
Scaffold-knowledge Integration 4 A's (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
INTEGRATIVE Content-Based Instruction 4 A's (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
Thematic teaching and Learning by Design AACE (Apply, Analyze, Conceptualize, Experience)
AICDR (Ask, Investigate,Create,Discuss, Reflect)
Cyclic Inquiry Model
DCAP (Deliberate, Conceive, Act, Perceive
Knowledge-Building Community Model EIBU (Experience, Inform, Build Knowldege, Understand
INQUIRY-BASED Experiment Scientific Method
Simulation Role play, games, models
Demonstration and Field Study
Indirect Instruction Strategy Case study, cloze procedure, concept formation, inquiry, problem solving
Self evaluation and self reflection TTRA (Think, Talk, Read, Ask)
Multimedia Presentation, Drill Practice, mental modelling

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