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Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.

Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I

Exp. No. (10)

Armature Controlled Speed Control System With Variable Gain


To study the behavior of closed loop speed control system with variable gain
settings under armature control mode.


A simple example to illustrate some of the general properties of a closed - loop

system is provided by speed control of a motor. This can be achieved by introducing
the op-Amp unit into the general set-up, where the Op-Amp is located before to the
Servo Amplifier. The units will be connected up to give the speed control system
figure (1) in which the tachogenerator voltage is effectively subtracted from a
reference voltage to give an error signal which finally drives the motors...

Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I

Ideally if the forward path gain is very high only a small error signal is required
to operate the motor & then the motor speed will be such that the
tachogenerator voltage substantially equals the reference voltage. So that the
speed is controlled by the referenced voltage. The steady state operating
conditions of an ideal system may be represented by the following relation.


I.e., speed is proportional to error signal & (k) is the (gain) of the system. So,
the error is the difference between the reference voltage & generated voltage. In
the experimental set-up the Op-Amp. unit will be used to combine the functions
of a comparison unit and the variable gain stage.


1- Power supply unit (150 E).

2- Servo Amplifier unit (150 D).
3- Operational Amplifier unit (150 A).
4- Motor unit (150 F).

Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I

5- Attenuator unit (150 B).

6- Load brake (150 L).

1- Set the feedback selector switch to the (100 X£l) resistor.

2- Applied (±15 volt) from power supply. Then without any input signal
applied to Op-Amp measure the output of the Op-Amp using oscilloscope.
3- Move the feedback selector switches on the Op-Amp to the external
feedback position.
4- Connect the circuit shown in fig. (2), which represented by figure (3).
5- Initially set the gain to (2) that is to position (5).
6- Adjust the reference volts till the motor runs. Then record this value (Dead
band) without load.
7- Set the load brake to (10). Set the input to (4 volts).
8- Decrease the load brake in si^p (2), measure & record the error volt as
shown in figure (4).
9- Set gain to (5) i.e. position (2).
10- Repeat steps (7,8).

Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I

Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I

Al-Mustansiriyah University Elect. Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering Control Lab. I


1- Plot a graph of error volts against load settings.

2- Plot a graph of (Vo) (Speed) against load settings.

3- Discuss the effect of changing the gain on the error & speed.

4- What do you think would happen if you contained to increase the motor
load & what conclusions do you draw from your observation?


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