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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Preservation.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Failure.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of Hunger

Love into the Gift of Adventure.
The highest expression of my heart is Mastery.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Vitality.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Dissatisfaction.
I thrive best in a position of leadership or influence.

A journey of self illumination

Colette - MY GENIUS

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 62

Your outer life is designed to be a blaze of intelligence. As you will come to know, this intelligence has more
to do with having a personal sense of your own freedom than any learning you may be involved in. Your
intelligence may have little to do with the mind, but it will love the mastery of some kind of exact science.
Science in this respect can refer to anything at all — whatever it is you love. What's more you will have a
great gift of communicating the nature of that science to others. Your mastery of your chosen field depends
on your attention to the details. You will never find such details trivial or uninspiring — in fact they will be the
greatest source of your inspiration. You have only to find the field where you feel the greatest joy and
freedom, and give yourself wholeheartedly to it.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 61

Your life is quite unusual. It consists of sustained periods of focus and certainty, which are every now and
again ruptured by brief inspirational flashes that totally upset your tempo. You must see the enormous value
of these moments in your life. You may not have learned to see them as inspirational yet, but that is exactly
what they are. Without these intense periods of clarity, your life would be monotonous. It is the nature of
inspiration to come when you least expect it and from a direction you never dreamed of. When it does come,
you have to totally restructure your way of thinking and being, which keeps you always fresh and original. In
time, you will realise that you cannot count on a consistent tempo to your life, and this realisation will greatly
lighten your grip. You are always on the verge of change, and there is nothing you can do about it but laugh.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 42

Letting go is the key to your being healthy and alive. Your life will teach you that no matter how much you
grasp things, they will eventually slip away. If you try to hold onto a person, an opinion, or a dream too
tightly, life will intervene sooner or later and disappoint you. Letting go is not about being cautious or fearful
or unemotional. Rather the opposite is true — letting go is about experiencing life, and especially your
emotional life, as deeply as you can. Only when you throw yourself into things with your whole heart can you
truly let go. The moment you hold back in something you do, whether in a relationship or a job, you take the
shine right out of your own eyes. It's not important which direction events take in your life. It's only important
that you commit to them one hundred percent, and then you will see a magical timing unfold before you, as
one situation leads beautifully into another and so on and so on. Just remember, if you hold back, your body
will reflect it. Your body is tied to seven-year cycles, and if you break these natural life patterns, your body
will suffer the consequences. This is especially true in regard to your relationships (*Read the 42nd Shadow
for further information about this).

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 32

There is a deep purpose behind your life. It is to preserve and hand down the best qualities of your parents
and your ancestors to those who follow you, whilst at the same time eradicating any negative patterns that
you have inherited. Obviously, this work is a deep labour of love. Whatever the outer focus of your life, the
underlying purpose is to transform the mistakes of the past into the hopes for the future and to leave the
world a better place after you are gone. There is no deeper purpose. It links you to the great spiritual
hierarchies that have sought to transform humanity for aeons. In honouring this transformational work, you
will find your place within those higher evolutions that guide us. At the highest level, you may even be a
vessel through which the higher worlds manifest on the physical plane.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2020 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Precision Birth City:Chichester, England, United

Life's Work
62 Birth Date: 15 Jul 1972

Birth Time: 03:15


Adventure Culture Vitality

35 58
Detachment Versatility Inspiration
Radiance SQ Evolution

42 16 61
Synergy IQ EQ Mindfulness

45 33


Purpose Preservation


The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2020 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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