Greece Unit 3 Study Guide

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Name _______________________ Mr. Gordon's 7th Grade Ancient History Class

Greece Unit 3 Study Guide

Chapter 17: Science and Medicine

• How did Greeks view the sciences?

• Pythagoras & Pythagorean Theorem

◦ Golden Mean

• Democritus and the “atomon”

• Archimedes, density (Eureka!), and his death

• Eratosthenes

• Hippocrates of Cos and Hypatia

Chapter 18: The Olympics Games

• Where are they held, when did they begin?

• Events: Pentathlon & Pankration (videos on blog)

• Women and the Olympics

• Melankomas & athletes

• Prizes for winners

• Problems with the Olympics

Chapter 19: The Visual Arts

• Art reflects an ______ ________.

• Minoan art

• Mycenaean art

• Greek art is extremely ________ centered.

• Statues of Kleobis and Biton (580 BCE)

• Dying Warrior statue (500 BCE and 480 BCE)

• Polykleitos, his “Canon,” and his Doryphoros (5th century BCE)

• Athenian Parthenon

Chapter 20: Greek Drama

• Greek comedies

• Aristophanes

• “Lysistrata”

• “The Birds”

• Why don't we have many of them?

• Greek tragedies

• Word “tragedy” originally meant _____ ______.

• Main character called the _______________.

• No-win situation?

• Antigone by Sophocles (442 BCE)

• Story?

• Her decision?

• Results?

• Where are plays performed?

• “Chorus”

• Greek actors and how plays were performed

• Greek theater

Chapter 21: Greek Education

• 9th century BCE, Greeks begin to use their own ____________.

• Education in Sparta vs. Athens

• When did most boys start school?

• Paidagogos

• 3 primary subject areas

• Sophists

Chapter 22: Greek Philosophy

• Socrates: Greece's most famous philosopher

• His life

• What did he spend his time doing?

• What did most Athenians think of him?

• His arrest, trial, and results (review your “Apology”)

Chapter 23: Plato and Aristotle

• “The School of Athens” by Raphael

• Plato's beliefs and “Socratic Dialogues”

• The Republic

• Plato's ideal state

• 3 classes

• Who should rule?

• Women?

• Plato's opinion of democracy?

• Aristotle's beliefs

• Direct observation and science

• How did Aristotle try and discover the best form of government?

• Who did he tutor?

Chapter 24: Philip II of Macedon

• Where is Macedon?

• What did Greeks think of Philip?

• What was Philip's goal as king?

• Did he succeed? Why?

• Alexander the Great

• Facts about his adolescence and his temporary reign at 16 years old

• Why did Philip's little kingdom begin to fall apart?

• Role of Persia

• Role of Alexander the Great's mother, Olympias

• Philip's relationship with Alexander

• Philip's death and aftermath

Chapter 25: Alexander the Great

• How did Alexander maintain control of Greece?

• Alexander and Persia

• Alexander as a god?

• Alexander in battle and conduct as a leader

• Plutarch's story of Alexander at Gordium

• Alexander in Egypt and Alexandria

• What stopped Alexander from continuing to move eastward?

• Alexander's death and aftermath

Chapter 26: Hellenistic World

• Aftermath of Alexander's death

• Ptolemy dynasty and Egypt

• What had Alexander's conquest done to the world?

• Role of Alexandria moving forward

• Pharos lighthouse, great library, other facts about the city

• Greek reaction to Alexandria

• Poets in the Hellenistic world

• Social role of women moving forward

• Science during this era

• Art and architecture during this era

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