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A Handbook of ISLAMIC COINS Michael Broome Age seuss % ay aka 41055 i L 1¢ Michacl Broome ine published 1985 Photogeaphy by P. Frank Purvey Distibuted by B.T. Basford Led P.O. Box 4, Brant, Esex CMT 7QY lho by agents in ‘The United States of America ‘Canada Ausra South Affica AA rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retieval system, of transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording of otherwene, without the prot permision of Seaby Publications Led ISBN 0906520667 Printed in Great Briain by ‘Buler & Tanner Led, Frome and London Contents List of Maps Preface ‘The Development of the Caliphate ‘Muhammad and the First Four Caliphs The Umayyads ‘The ‘Abbasids The Edges Crumble ‘The Umayyads of Spain North Africa Secedes Egypt and the Fatimids 3 Independent Dynasties of Arabia ‘Tahirids and Samanids Al-jazira and the Buyids Invasion from the East “The Ghaznavids .- Seljugsand Atabegs ‘Yusuf bin Ayub (Saladin) and his Descendants Mongols and Turks ‘The Mongols ‘The Seljugs of Rum ‘The Mamluks vil Contents 5 Tamerlane’s World ‘The Turkmen Tribes of Anatolia ‘Tamerlane and the Timurids 6 The Three Strands of Islam ‘The Barbary States ‘The Ottoman Empire Safavids and the Persian State 7 The Twentieth Century Epilogue: Current Numismatic Art 132 132 137 143 143 153 165, 181 212 List of Maps 1 The First Blamic Mints es x 2 TheCaliphate 6 ee - + HAT 3. Umayyad Spain and North Africa Be 55 38 4 Independent Dynasties in the East. 5 70-71 5. Seljugs and Ayyubids Se 6 The Mongol Dynasties ce 8 7 Mamluks and the Seljugs of Rum. - 120 8 The Turkmen Mintsof Anatolia... rn) 9 The Ottoman Empire and its contemporaries 2 182183 NOTES TO THE MAPS 1 The maps show the position of the main mints operating for each dynasty or group of dy ties. 2. Mints known only for a single year within a dynasty have been omitted (except for Map 1). Mints whose location is unknown have also been omitted. 3 Where a mint-name is that of a district or province the town where the tint is most likely to have been located is shown by a circ with doubeful locations. Ifcoins are also known in the nami that name is shown on the map. of the town, 4 In general the spellings used are transliterations of the names to be Found ‘on the coins Chapter 1 The Development of the Caliphate MUHAMMAD AND THE FIRST FOUR CALIPHS ‘One September day in the year AD 622, a man named Muhammad son of “Abdallah, slipped quietly out of Mecca his home town and joined his supporters at Yathrib, a smaller town some 280 miles away to the north. This event, called afterwards the Hijra (or Hegira) which can be roughly translated as ‘emigration’ or the breaking of the bonds of association, marks the beginning of the religion of slam. Over the next hundred years its followers were to completely change the balance of power in an area spread~ ing from India to the Atlantic and to lay the foundations for a religious and cultural tradition which today has over 600 million adherents The Arabia in which Muhammad was born « AD 571, was a large dry region of mountains and deserts inhabited in the main by Bedouin tribes, known as Saracens to the western world but who called themselves “Arabs. ‘They had few material possessions but had developed the use of the spoken ‘word into their main art form. Poetry flourished and the practice of electing leaders put a high value on the man skilled in persuasion, They had many gods and goddesses and the sacred places where idols were worshipped developed into sanctuaries with a distinct group of priests to tend them. Over all, was single god, Allah, the ereator of the universe To the south, between the mountains and the sea, was a completely

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