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., PubliiMd.A Oi11ribut6d by:

. .. ~ok•t~~
IH N~~ Reye,, Sr."st. ' ·
. Tet.'~.' 741-49· 16 • 741·49·20
1977 C.M. Rec:to Awn~
Tel. Nos. 741-49· 66 • 741 -49-67
Menil., Philippinff- '
. ... 1
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'• . .

I \ I i' .' .. r l.
'; ~ :
, , 'The · : book/ ~fitt tled Le'a .rnJng Guide In . . > •

Jlec~-~flJcs rra,a ~rJtt~n as . text /re~Je.,er . for · EngJneerJng

.o:l ", P!esen t.J ng .. , t'iie pr Jnc Jplea· and the purpose
EnrJneerJnr ·Meehan.lea '-Jn ,. . conc'epts · ol
.'~pproac1i · to ' help" the· t ' a -. v ~ ry, bas Jc. an,d ~yate.matJc
·th · · . . . . . a udenta understand d. .
e . s'!bJect . matters that ""JII ' d . "~ an ·. 1 earn .of " thinking . . e.~.e. lop .theJr . orde-rly .
.. .. . ... . ... . , .· " "
" " f'.'J. t.h .. the . present e d topic th · , ·, .
very compr~ hen'SJve s 'fuify.• o·l th s'. .. 't '" e 11~·~.ra wJ ~I ~ave a .
:) I
. :• ,,
EngJneering lie'chailJcs h e .. U{!~amental P".Jnc·Jplll'.s·
...• • t . ·""
ol - ,',
var)ety . ot .·pr'actJ:cal sHua~J! ch are· applJ~able,: to . " .fde . ',
the• , f~ .their day . to 'day· actl ~: t ~:=~ally encountered by ·
' . . . . ... '

Extra - eliort ", 1 " • " ' ...

b'e pr-es e nted .Jn~ ::: exerted so . that - e~eryth,Jng "ill
Clear ". and . . i .. . . . y ,p~rle c tly . unders l-ood bu' t Jn
cone se· Ian ua ·· · '" . ': a
reduce to ~ ~inf t g ge. This ~Jll el.lmJnat~ or , /
memorizing t'h .. . ,mum., h.e .!J. tu~ent 's ·a. tti: ~ude .or ,- haliU 0 t
e c onc:ept wJth out u.nderstandihg·. .. ·

• ~ • "-e - The autho_r s wJsh · to ac~n~ 1 d .. t . " . " ..

) ~oj,'• B~ for"th~~ · to
Si -
.. " e i .e. hf:dr Jndebtedne s·s
J e ttrey Borl .
~ tin"lg, ... a nd Romeo Adr·Ja l . . on~an, , ·:~.onaldo t ..
·contrJbutJons Jn p~.eparJng an;o . ~~ -
,1 wr
their valuable·
ng tbe manuscript. 1 I.
• I


'·• ~.
. N · c-: De 1 aRaaa
A · G. Mendo:za ·

PEPA's IntematiOaal Book'ASsoriatians ~'bership: Asian

, ..l:'aaf;ic.Pu~ ..\sscw=i•tion'tAPPA);.Association al. South
EaSt Asian Publishers (ASEAP); lotem.ational Publishers
~tioa <IPA> .
. "
P~ted i
by REX ~Plf1MY.k 84-Bfi P-. Fiorentino St..
Sta. ~es;. H~ts. Quemn.City. Tels. 71241-08. 71241-01;
Fax 00- 711-54-12 . ...
J ..
' ~·

. I

> " .·..

\ •'
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. I


Jbe authors arc perti~ularly indeb~. in the p~eparation of this book to..
Mr: Romc<>'Adtjano, Mr. 'Ronalda· Caiindig, . Mr°. Getardo Slimson, and . · •(°

Mr. Jeffrey BOrlong11r1. ' -::

They further wish·io speejally rceogni1.e the exerted effort of .

\ :1
~ ..
Mr. Aritold·QUetua in writilig the m8i11.1sc'ript ,..
spcc'inl mention 10 th<>Sb who bring the into Niel' s lU:ti. ''"
. 1;_
Nico, Nikki M<i<Nlkka ' . ·· ·· y' ' " ' ~-,

··,\ ~.:" ,

· .• p

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.·, '

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. . . (
Choptcr2: ~ltonl~ of~ Sydom&
. ;/
Choptor. 3: Equilibrium of foroo ~
Chopicr .... ; /\no~is;: of Strvcturos:
" '· .. : :I,
ChoptQr s: Friction
-ChoPt« 6 ·=- furn:; SysterJWi! frl SpOoc '
" \ Ctioi>ki- -i: Controidif I\ Cenlc:iO; of '
Grovity ,\ .
OloPto- a: Moments cl" lnortio I•\:
Ctpopk;r 'O: Reclil~ ·ironsbtm tf;i(>_:_1~..

'" '·
·Chc)pter 11: Cur-vilioeor. TrooGlotion 175-m
Choptcr-12: :· ~ion -~
O;opla "M: w~ Energy
~Or- 15: lrnpU&Ge ~ MOrnontum
'*' 198-~
.. 1,

J'RPBtE:MS . 2ff....:.....24()'

. ,.

. '.
. ..

" I


'' :-.•• 1\




: ..
' I
• Choptor ·~

Rosultants of · Force Systom'f

• I



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f•dG\?lb. f '° ~fh2

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•'} ' - ~ ' ' • •• • ' .+ ' ' •• ;: • '
· · " , · R'.'" · -"Q9J .9.7 lb . dow". to· the 'leff- ·.
::'. ,· "; :tfx':•.. tO,i;~ 1 · 15_?%~; 03 ;., 17,~:i:~ ·
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·:· ~lb \ ' :. · . . .~f· _.;;. ~~6; ;5-g lb . ' .
" . ,1. •. '. ')< ·' . .. ..~ . .. . '·o ,· ·• . •
~Fy ~ . ·~~ s10 3o - aco .sin 6:Q . - a!='o .Sin.~.
, ~F; ~ :-:-4-1~;62 :•/b. . . .
· ~· · _d . ion~·l ·.1-1.0 .. 6 2 k '6j., 61 ~ .
3<X>1b.... 'aoo1b 2. ~6.;_7g . ' ..
. ' /.
... · ,R,,..v'ir,<"'.-t ~r;-·~ ~v(dq6 ..795 "· '+- (-:.i-1.a.~~) 2 • , · \
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~-) /\ wncurrenL foi-9=,'~Gtei:n '1s'~n·' ii'\ t=lg '.p_-. ~16 . .l')ete':'~
rnin.~... the ·r~~ltoiif. . · .. ..,. . · . ·
'. ~ . .. · .,
. .. y' " ~/~ '- : ~F,_ .;_ 4';Jo qos~· t ~oo(i-).:. 3p,0 cos ~b~:.
" . = .-31:6..:+1 lb . .': ..
-. .. , •·· .-~--~~-~'----'X ·
~ ~
1 ~Fy" "'KJO~in 30° - llob(~) ;-a.x>~in 60°
, ,:ff.ry · ~ ..:.27e.a·116: · ..
'/'i~ / P.L :: +o.6: . "'
R. V~F'i" t ~Fy" _;J(~n6.+i) 2 · ~1~·81)'"
I. 476i1 lb ).
1, •• -1 (-
/. ., tan-10• .• ', ", '3 90/b
i,;:· d;;~· to_•the r-~h+·
213.) ~h~term1~0 .the' ~i.>l~d~f :'or f0e eohc.u~t R *' $es..27 "'
I . · . · ·-e:x·• ton'' · 1l.1~,SJ/a16•+1 · ' · 3-i',-7 9,•
lr:i f.19· P- 21a.
ly ;efx ·".° _--'fOO. COS6P• t 3~ C0S4'5
.- 0 . .
-1<><:> COS ;q
' 0
j .
O,mpufe: ' ,
'fhe value dflbe ~lta~f ·or ·fhe' c~~rrent
' ·,
ror-- <.:
ces . ~f-own 1n f ig . 217.
~f=>< .· "" -:161 :07 lb '. ' y' .:iEF~ 1~ LL_.)· t-i-00 C.OGOO: - acob:fsi;0°-2do~~
~Fy ~ ~1n.~o 0 t ~00 .sin+s•:.. lloo sin-:ro..

a \[ICff• : . . " ., . '

' ~FJ< _,;, 1++; 43 lbs. . '
.. ~Fy "' +s8 . 8.+ lb :
ioo lb '
A,.; /~F1-'f-.,. ~Fy2 /i""t--1..,. lS:. . 1.0:-7~)2;;--t-,(-:+-=!l-!-:8'-:
" .. .s:-:+;-';):22 ... ' - - --."--,111c---,..-,--,-.,.....- x· ~Fr.1oo{_~) t ~s1n6if:.~61_~;ie;~ -.~ 00 .-i.... +5"
~Fy ~ -~·~.9 lb. . ,
. R-= f.06, 01 -lb ~P to +·he 1ert..
,:.",::~·;;.!:;: • -·- , I R ::{1"'2
':fE.'"""F,....,/•...-:.t-:::i:'""Fy.,...,.2,-_ :._/ (1++.-t-?Y.' t- h :a6.89):z. '
-B'-x ; ton_, ~a- s-+ , :- .7 0, 6S •
. 161 ~9..7. -- . R" 1+~-07 lb down to the r 1,9hl . ·
-&-ox =' ton- 1 .;1~ .,e9/j:tf;13 7 1+.. 3-3° , .
£1+.) Defei-m.1n-6, the res~Jtqnt' of the concurr;ent system of
fprces ~/->own In Ff9 · P·- QH· ·
218.) The body shown '" fie.P-~ a1e · iG' o0ted ori ·~ t·h~ fbrce~ . fhe resuUonf.
~FY.• -of900C-OG30• -soo6(~) taoqoo0s30•
- - -r(3,66 .03 lb.

I :,!: 1 ,·t,

.. ,. I ~· • ;

. ,.. .
~.. .:,. (:t!~.15.)~'.fOCf.:e. - ~. (~IJ.i. ;:t,s) tanJi.
' • . . . . l ,.

. ·:f. 'f+t<ld{ ,} . . '-:

, '.~3!;3-~ fon~-8- - 70116-9"- ·lon6-..:.·1s6C:k,_:.;: o · · . '
, t ., , ' ' , , , I , . ' - ' •' • I
, , I'/
!: ~:
f'!J~IC F~b ~: 'I .. . . . . ; . .. . . • . '

10f'-&:, ·= ~-~ . ;"~~ =, 56.1$· ..

I 1, ' .......

"' ' ·t .:..:

'fbn-fia ·. i-·.:. .·ci)£.16 ' ; · <&.a.°- -ai~·~3 • · · <;· ...
UBe :-oi·:,; ~-1&~.
. ! •. '.·,,_ , ':

. ., \:... : '.'~~ ::
· from1 \:
•• !
.~ . '·. . . ~
' r.-
:· ·,: . ; :··t- : .:;:·
,. ~..:r·. .
t= '!" 2M".t5 . sri,61 lb' ' . "·

·.· 'itt_) R,~f · ~- L~ ·if. ·fhe rO&Jila,,~
.at 6C( w1fh. .jh&' X o)ric;. . . .
' ~": : ~FJc'· ' ' . <.

. aoc>lb ' ;-

·_ lo obi°"'- o .. reGultont pe>rallel k the· inclit>~ plo~~ e'y',;0 .

;""'f:< =O ' '" °': · ~y'"'O ... ·" . , . ·• ·'
Fco& e- t · !Z40 coG ao~ ·;; -?oO· PCOG1ii -.~ s;nao•- 200 ·cc&ao'1 _..,_o ·..::+ P"''- -+sg, g 10 '.
. ~·/b..
Fco5~ M :202,1.s , ~F·./ - . 600 ~a<) - P • Slfl 15:.0 ,: 200
• -- ~F.,.. '·,, .ng
' 2. 8 2... lb .
'd~.. fy a F~•n;f7 -a4Q ·sin.aei · @ '.~
R :J~~,. -z. -f ~Fi..... - /(29~,'Bi_)'L -t 0 ,. -~q.e. 82 lb .
.6<.lbsli"fufe 1 - 2 · m:)~Tw.o' ~ on q:poo~to· bankG of a conol pull ' a bqrge. ,
"., ;,;ry = !Z~2. JS tan& - 120 '' ~inq ~ro~lel ' to fhe ~nks ' by means: of ' two. hqr1zotol.rn~ '"
p_ = P + ~Fy a. 300 ~ t~ tens10n "': ~ . ~ QfY:, !ZOO' lb~·. :Z-te lb while- toe- ongl~ .
refween fher;n 1<G 60 . f,nd 1he. rowlfant ;pull on the b£?r0e. ~. -the
!' I

1 '.
:~ :
,, \"
I . .;,

-,,, • "., ' /"'\ l

\, .,1•
, .
... ' '
~ ; ' • A • ' I'. •t •' ' • o • J - ,.

~;.. · ·~. -.. , . 227:) Tw~ foix:es P· ~ Q · pa~~ thlfough a, A·w/q;::rs ..i:J:-1 :":' · , '
'\';' ~" . .' · to }he r1g~t. oft ~ 3 fl. p~ve a mornqi l. cenfor. O. fbrCe f!:is, · ' . ~.
WO lb .. d irecfe<(:J yp>.)6 }h~ r!ghf Ol•.3G whthe ho~i~n{al. :' ~: '. '. . _';;,:

force ~ is 1~ l? · dir-epted up to· the len al 6r;lw/ lhe ·horl- : · : .. ~

t~ ..::· < ...' .. t.ol'\.loJ: Oeler-mine lMe. moment· of' the''.fhe~ : : ·" ;·:. J

lwo fo~ w/ ~~f>ecl.· )G> ·O .'.

'.. ' ;i< . , ,. . ..- ,. .
/·I. ,;,, '7 . . ~"100' ' . . . M~ ·-P~'(.f)'tP~(!3)-.Cy("t)-rl,K· (3) : I
• ~~ ~ T .
· . :- ..., ,. ;: (,700..sin ao~)(-:t).• (~~cosao~)(3).-
... ' (too sin 60~)(+)-(100 cCs60~)(3)

1 - - --
' . •! M: " " ~~7~,'79 a~·1ti (~cQ~l~ ccw)
• • + • • • • ' '.,,: :·:

! ~I 1 tr.~ ?. 33•· ' . ; ~

,· 228.) Without ·c.omput;lig · }he mogn'1tude of the resuiton-1, del . . .
~ . · ' . . o< ~ 60 -fT ..;,.,(,o·-:-33• .;,, 2."7 · · . ' :-"'here the res.ulfan) of. lhe forces show~ .'in F1g .·P-228/ inlet"-: : ' i.k
;~~. ~ '•1 ,' I,
,<h, , ), ' " \ ! "
• :~
, : ·, ,)
I ;:,• -~COS 33• -'240 c;CS 27
{- ', , "
1 • : \ •• ~
I '

-381.§8. /b, sects ·me ~Ifs Y 011es. · · . .· · · · · · , . .

~fV!o =-:-361 ( ~sJ.6,1~(.s}t:~ (.900 .co.s.·~·)-"soo(.s•n <t\$")(:z) ·:, .
• . • .. )C • • \ • . • •

~°";· "I" · · : ·R -·~6.* + E Fy~ "' .381 ..58 lb. '

·1001.23 ;i=..-1b. . . .'
·~j\:~~ ,' "~6,) In fig. p1~·i~6 . ~~~uml.~ b'1od.,wlse ~menfa os pc;;~ifivo. • . .co

~;.:::.1.,,'.... Wn;ip~to.,. fh.e ,inom~~l .of. .force f ...+~. lb~: of force P=3611b. ·
~f'x ' = ~oO coS"•t-.s• -t- .361(~.61) = 65~.d~ 16: . ,,.
,~F{· =.. -5?0 .sin +9°' - ;36.1 '( o/~,61) = 153.31 ' lb: , ;". 1
.::. · o
' ·"""· 1 •IVltnfs A,13';.C;~ D. . .
~~\ ~· 1"'1- ~ ''·. •
ii<;,. £.Mo/~F/ ~ 1001.. ~/1.53·.31 ,;; 6·~ In. to. 'the )en of'O
\ '{
.".·· · . · ' A · ,. · · ~
' :"
F •:•
. . · co·nsider forc-e.
. M..... ~-fy.(1)-f><(3) . ·.
. ·· ·, iy, = ~Mo/.:e.F,. .. 1oo1.2:y6s3,gQ c 1.!;a fn obove O
\. y .
.,i;1.'' ; · _-;.v · :./ : · = :... -t.5o(3/5)(1) .-+so("1'/~)(.3) .' I
.I\• . , r· C ·MA= - 13s6, ft-lb .~ " . I \,

, Me resolve al pl.- 1
t': . p\ - i Me -= fx (6) = +so:(+/s')(6) = z1&>fHb
[) .. -. e Mc resolve al pl. -~ 0 ...._-'--- ' --l--'--"'1-- X
Mo reGOlve al pl 2 Mc' . fy(s)"' +-'O ( 3/s)(.!S) 5• 361 lb

! , ·/ Mo.:"-'fy,(1) t f>< (3) Mc .- 1350 ft-lb • ~9.) In f~· P-~29, Find lhe y oooh:linate ·o f pOinl A .so tha'l:
('~, = -+50('4-/.5)(3) - 4,50(.ak)(1) Me· r~sdve a"l' pl.+ I . . lhe 361 lb force wi)1 hove a · clockwise moment of 400 .f}-/p
r' .
~:·> .-:Mr .s1o·ft - lb.
Me" -Py-(1)-= -; 3o0.37 ft - lb. aboul O· /\ lsd delerrnine·.Jhe x Bf) Y intercepts of the action·
.. Mc :re.solve ot p1 ·.3 line of l~ fqr:'ce. ~Moc a61 ..("!Ai.61)(~,..) ..,~6t (a/a.:~1)(~) ..·wofHb . : '~
eonsiaer. force P
~: . M.4- rv'solve pt. 3 of Mc·,. - Py(4) = -:-300·37.{4) . y £Mo c 4-00 fl - lb ;. 300 YA - -f<>O lb • .
Mc :=-1201."1·8 Q -lb . ~'!:=~!!0'- ~ ...... 2.67ft.
Pl< ;. 361 '(~/ffe) c 200,. 25 Ib.
Py ~ 361° (:3/ffe) "' 300· ~7 'lb . Mo .reool~e at pt.+ " : ~Mo =~F_y i>< ... "fOO .. a~.f (%.61) t,)i<
Mo =PY..(+) = 300.37 (+) :Y~. ii<"' 2.oq Jen or o
t;fA 1'Py (2) .- Px (3) . 1
= 000.37(2) - 200.2s(3) Mo = 1201 . 40 ft - lb . . , . - + - ---"'-
--=>'- ~Mo = ~Fx ~.!f ' = .3~1 ~%, 61)(ly~ ... "f-00' . I

M,., .=o i Lii • 1.33 ff obove 0

I •

I ?~~·f, I '
' " '

.2:9.)' I~ fig. p-2~.1, a .~rce.: p inlersecls lfy~. X o~1s q) -i' ft, to t.l;ie
rig?t ~fa . .If ,1tG ..~t obout Ai~ .t7b fl,- Jb <X't.mlerGl~k.~f ,: . .
·~l ils.,,_tno.
1n ervop ·.
l.m · . ' · .J3.· is· 40 ff-lb· clockw1s·
·· enl:· abQU( ;
e - ~· d· e -i.1erm1ne
. • "t
'·.. .· : ···
1 6' y , ·
AT . . .when_~~olved 0 } · c pl.
• .Ma• Py(.2) .... P.y • Me/2
--;:::+-'---:----="''-:-· ,..:..B
-. - P,x ..."f<>'fl-1%8,. ~ 20 lb.
, Mr." Py.(+) t B-.(3) '"170ft-lb
'' " 2olb(4fl) t P1< (3) ;·,,, 170fHb
. p}'. .. 30)b.

de"' 1.!1.180
soi.y ... -t(w) ~ Lx· 2.61 ft below o
reGolv·e oi . 0 :'.- '
.236.) ;\ parolle~. force sxslem_ o.d s. ~D }he le~er shown in f(g:
.t.MG • f(3/.J1o)(16) t f .(1/@)(12) =Fdg ,L·
P-2P6. Delerm1ne, Jhe ma .., . ...1_11.:. ·1· .. . ·: ·
•. •• • ·!·. . • . • ·$·"· 1~;~7·· rt : '.· . . . . . ' ,· · · · , ., · _9 n11uuo
•. ,:<) pbs1
. 11on. of l he ·rea u Iiion ·l .
30}b. 60}b.~lb. 40lb. ' '
' 2a1:) A force P passing lhrou9h" 'p:bii1h A· ~· B in..,Ffg. P-~3 1
~S Q cloc')f..;vi$e. rr'lOl'Tfo~t Of 300 n-(b obout 0 . 9Jmpute the ·
. r.
J;_;_._l ;3' ! t . ~·· ·' 2'
. R • -30-60 HO...:.W ? -1·1 0 lbs.
£M" c .30(2) t 60(s)-: 20(1) t (11) +o
. vOlue of P· \::··,·; :-._, . . :;~ 660 lb- (f. .
- y / j • when re'solved ol "·' MA"'R(dfr.A)
"" Mo= P)l.(3). "'?0<:>.fl-lb ,
. . px:, ": 300/a =:;1'00 lb. to )he right.' dfr.A ., .6,6p/110 ., 6ft. from A .
. \ ' -~
0 when res0)v.;a dl-·13 ' • .
Mo· py(6) ;. .300 fl
-lb ~~7.) Determine }he re~ulton) o( }he four- ~orallel forces be~
ing . on }he rocker orm of fi'g . P - 237 . ·
, Py = 300/6 -: so lb.

. · P=./P,.2-tPy2 . =/100,•+~o~
In-, Frq p - 2~1, . lhe rnomer.11 ·oro ceda'•n force: Fis, 1sof1-
= 111.Blb
~· R • ' so +<oho -~o· • cso
~Mo ·." t "f.Q(~)- 20(3 ) t 60(a)

lb.n\ocK:.wise.,.' obo.uf 0 ~ gq n - lb coun}erclock.wlse obQiJ.t /3. 1

""..:r20.0 fl - I b (cw) . ..· .~i"

"' .Ir 'its mdmen h. about . A ,is zero, .delef'tm·lne llie
refecv,.t~ the f'igure· 231 .
foree ·
~Mo= R (d fr. o)
c;Jfr.O ... 200~o "' -4-rl . -right of 0 .
when .we resolved ot /\
Mo == 100 • Fic (a) ton·-eT = o/6o
-&· = f-on- 1 ..-~/60 :zaa.~ The beam J\ 13 in fig. P- 238 suppods o I d h. h .
varies from on 1nferi.s-ity ~f· .so IQ. per n .~o 20:~b· w. ~ ·.
Fx =;. 60 )bs.
-& ~ -36,67 "
Calculate the mo ni lude ~ P~
w hen we resolved of .. 8 . 1
·1 · · · • • : '
Mo= 90 " - F~ (a)t· f~(6) · 11 · t · R 9 , "') posi JIOn of the re6ultonl food.
. fy ;+s lbs.
•r ·
eplo~ lhe given loading by 0 un iform! d . 1 'b ·t·--'
load of .solb . n . .. y 1s r 1 u c;Y·
f =/F,_ 2
-+ fy ~ c
/60~ t 4-9._
1 o - triongulor load vory1n9
per', . pus . c:-,
F "' 7S lb.

'? 'I

10 '' .11 ',,

~.I. 'l

' ,.
·;;• '1' ; . . ·•

. . -;~
' ·" . '· . - ; . :•' .~·· . ·:·{~
, 241.) .Locate I~ 'omouril ~- pOGitiori:.·of '~ resuiton'l or.'the
· : · loode on ,lh'e fink
acting '"!OOlb • ., -shO.:....n in •fi9 .• p'- 2-"A
-r.1 •
· ·I · · '· ·~0., :,i{ I
.l ;·~;1!;~
R= 2oot·300t_m•ao0t2oot 2000
R .. .a-+00 .lb ( djreqfe.d downwqrd}
£Mc= R'(s)
' ~· ''\ .200t aoo t "'fOO f~ t 2oo
200011:1 R' "'· 1...00 Jb ( d 1reofe? do-Nnword)
~M.c • 1"!00(5) "' 7ood
Q- lb . ,
Rdc = :i:Mc - de -= 7000/_,;400 "' 2.06 fl r-ight of
. C or
d .. 12.'06 o. right or!,\ . .
d: ~ 3686+ ·~... . g,60 ·fl . Find 1he values of P ~ f so lha} Jhe four fOrces· shoWrl
24 2.),
. aa:10. .
1n f1q. P-2+2 pro~uce on upvvord resultan,l of 300 lb ociing ·

i".;•· ·..
. ! ,.2-te-) The shoded oreo in fig . P- 2-.0 represents a ~feel ploto at + fl. from the left ~nd of the bar.

~: . ~~E!~. !;'~:~~~:~:E~~~::~~~!0~~·
F ~lb

::_.! ~:t
~[. or191nol · plate minus the weight of fhe moterrdl cut a·,,/alj . ~Mp= -F(~) ~ zoo(s) 1' 100(~) • ·aoo(£)
~' Rep~'Sent the original weight of ·the plole .by Cl downW'Ord f ~ 200 lb ( do1Nnvvord)
r,.~· force oc~inq of the center of the 1o x1+ in . r.ep.tongle . P-.epre •• .r. . ~MF"' aoo(1) ~ P(3) - ·1oo(s) - 2oo(e)
'' sent thewelght ~f the maleriol cut owoy by on .upward foree P .. -tOO lb (upward)
'a cting · ot the center or the circle .. l ocate th~ .po.sit1i:?n of. the
· resultant of these two forces with re.gpeot to the left edg9

12 -
" "
·': •' ~ .··.

; .· ' '

t-dle · puHey lhQl ' ore req~ire~ fo. Pci10~0e0 Jheg,l'ven ·.sys}~:;
sol'n': ~c .. ·ao(1z1.-+t9(16).,.6d(e) . ' '
= '~760' itf :ri> (.;.im~ns} , ·. .·
·f=:~ 76%~ . =·. 6a.a lb:(Cdupl~of 'thls . m~c.n ..

.:.;,,;.::'--::::::_ _. ··
: ~I
.. ''"' requ1f-ed) ... , .

. ' .\ .~;

. '.
\ ' ' ,' . " ' 4011:1 :
~'··: ~: '." .2~8.) To dose o ga~e ".'91ve· ·il ·1'.s necessary R:iex~rl tw~ :for...:
~\;r:.: :, .. ~. :of 60 lb df opposi}e ' sicie'G' of o hcin~w~eel 3f1 irf dio\:h~.:: ·
;.~ ~> · . fer. Th~ugh '_ on·pccident l.he ·wheel fa pro~ : ~ '1he V.ol~e
.;· )'_' .~ must ·b~ closed . by lhrusti'ng .o bar' }hrough ·a s/o} j~· lhe
•• :1 yqlve . .S}eni ~· exe.:--h"ng 0 (Oree
4 ff. ou} rr-6.~ lhe cenle~::
; ._Delerrrune ·}he_for(je ·r:-equJ~d ~ cir.ow,, a f~· d.r~grom · booj
·o f the· b.or'. · · 1
6()1b .
f'.'-tlqnq w·~~I ·a ~t. in di~.melei. ·~ .
. ' .
,4 P" 60(a)
P="48 lb:..

. ·t''·'\.
249.) f'.9 · ~-21:9 ls }he bp vi.ew of d spe.00· · ~u­
I,.">?.: . Ger v.:h101J II>; .geared for 0 ,. fo.lJI"' fO One rdduoffQf\ in S~ ,
The ~or:-que mptJ} at the hor1:z.onlol shoH C is· 100 l,b.-N.T
forque output of }he /;lorizon}ol shaft O; because of' .the s-·
. peed red~d1:on , is "'!CO lb ~ f't . Corr:ipu te }he lorq_ue .reoct1on
"... · o) r~~ mounting bo)t,s /\.~ B h9ldlncrthe redtJCf:3r ro lhe
floor. ·Hird: The torque reod rQn is caused by the unbci "-
lonced . torque~ whioh is o ; coi:;ple. ·"
2~7.) The Jh~ -step-pulley . shown in Fig . P- 2+7 is subj~ctecl .
"· . -

to the given' couples . Compute l~e vo)ue or. )he resu I tonl cou
p)e. /\)so deJ~inine lhe forces ocHng ot lhe rim of them~
'.··. ·
,.; ..
....... : \ I·'
o clockwise couple of ....solb-A
.tM.) A kTc.e ..y.;fein oonsisls of
C"'30R plus o 2"fO JJ-foroe dircded up to lhe right }hrough lhe orqn
(-100-100) ft-lb -(30/i2)R of X ~ Y o-xes al -&,. = 30•_ ~ lhe given eys}eni · by on
equovolenl single f'orce ~ cvmpute . lhe inlercepls ils a
B"' 120 lb d fr·eded
verJ ica lly line of ocJ ion wilh .lhe x ~ Y oxes .. ·~ ·
c R" = F,. ~ 240 cos~·
up ot /\ ~ down .o t B.
= 207.. 85 I>.. (to lh6 righl)
Ry= 'Y = 2-ta .sin 30.
- 120 (u~)

2so.) The con ti lever truss shown in Fig. P- 250 corries o M -C"' F.,, i:Y
vertical load of 2400lb . The }rusg '1s (;uppor)ed by' bea- i.y =~ - 2.31 fl . obcNe 0
rings at /\ ~ 13 which. exerl the fOrces ;\ v , /\ h. ~ Bh . The
fourforces shown con1 1tu~e two couples which must hove ix =~ - .... rl . lell of o
opp:>s'ite momen~ effects }o prevenf movement lhe truss . or
Determine }he mo9n·1tude or
the .supporti ng forces. 2Sa-? InFiq- P- 253 o G)IGfem of fbrceG roducos loo downward
S . Bh verli'Col fOroes or -t«> I> lhrough A plus o oounlercJoc)(wise
1n order to const itute o couple <XJUple of im IJ-ll. De~ioe }h6 snJe fON;e, Jhol w~ll pro-
Av ., 2'foo lb (upword) ~ on equiVolenl effecl _ ·

2400(6) - Bh (4) !:----;-- - - -,A

1- II
Bh .. Ah "' 3600 lb I • R-F= 100 I> downward
24001b Av. l u x Mo:-MR .
2-51.) /\ vert.1'c 6) force Pol /\ ~
ono}her vedi~I ·F f3 111 'at 0 .4oo(-4-) - 800 = 100X

Fig. P- 2s1 pr;'Odvce .o resu liont of' 100 lb d own a t D ") a x =2n right of o .
Geufl•oPolOC,..,;.,ise couple c of 200 lb-0 . Find the magnitude·
254.) Rework Prob - 253 if the .sysfem reduces to 0 left -
~ d;·reo-tion of forces P ~ F.
ward honzanlol fo~ of~ lb )~ pain} I\ plus 0
G ~lb · rt.
tr "'I ~~ (2oolb-H
cfodtwiGe couple of 750 Jb - ff ...
4':::r' 3 '.. IP +'
J R•1oo lb
A 3'
ffB ·
R=F = .300 lb lo )he. left
~Me., 100(1) =-200 .t P(3) MR "' Wlo
p = 300 lb. ( downward) 300y =.300(2.) - 750
y = - a.s fl ('"'> meonG belovv o)
~MA 3 -200 ""'100 ( +) ~_f (a)
.f ~ 200 lb (upward) A short compreGSion member corr-ies on eccefl tric

load P = 200 lb 51)uoled 2 in .. from lhe o'll:is of the member:

OG shown in fig_ P-1255 .. In strength of moler1ols a is- ,er:.,
l=l-): + 2.VO....P(~)
p -~ ') 11{)

16 17
298~ Replace }he . Gy~lem or forces .shown in Fi'g· P - 2ss by an
rnec:I· lho) lhe inlernal slre~es ore d etermined from the ~qu1volenl force lhrQIJgh 0 \, o covple octinq lhrough I\ ftJ B.
equivo\enl oxiol loo<:J ~ covple inlo which P rnoy be re- Solve if lhe forces of lhe couple are (a) horizontal ond (b.)
solved . Oekrmine )his equivalent oxiol load ~ coupl.e . verlicol.
:ioo ~· P ~ wo)b. . :141.4 lb £F,..,. 141.-+(1/a) t 22+(2/.JB)-a61(o/Ji3)
w '1lh lhe oddi\ion of o pair a \ opposHe 2!fy. 100.()fj !bOo lhe righl) G

200 axial )oods eoch aqvo) lo 200 1b ) w e ge) .' .ZFy = 1:+1 .+ (1/a) - 22-+(1/-19) - .361 (o/$6)
f ,. 200 lb ( dOWf\V"Ord)
I •
~Fy = - 300. 56 (<-> meons downword)
c - ~oo(~) 9 400 lb-in cw / R 0 ·/(100.01) 2 + (-.aoo.~6).:z
r--;-+--4c---1--J 8
/ 1' 1' ........_ ......._ • 316.79 lb (down lo the right)
2s6.) /\ ver )icol ·short /\B ii> .s ft long ~ bolted ro o r igid sup- 361 lb o ;n4ton-&,. .. C.Fy/.:tF><
par) o) its lower end /\ . /\l i)s upper end F3 ·,s ~Hoched oho· ei<· ton' 300.s6/joo.og
r iz.ontol bar f3C which is 2rt lonq. A.i !he end C ·, ~ opp\it:d
or /\ -e-,. = 71. 58.
force P - 1BO lb. Forc;e P is perpePdioulor lo lhe plor'le con- f o.) C = =EMo
)ain;n9 poinlS /\' 13, ~ c . Delermine lhe lwisl inq ef'fed or p on 3F = 361(Q/.Jj3)(1) t361(sA13)(1) t141 .4
)he -G'haft AB ~ lhe bending effe/;l al point !>. . (1/.a)(2)-141.-f (1/-f2)(3}- 224(2/,ra)(1)
- ~2+(
Tvvisling effect " 100(2) 0 3f c 100.1
;: 360 fl.- lb (1 R E ""33.37 l b
Bend1'ng effect - 1So(s) b) 4P = 1001 .1
==goo fl-lb P"' ·2S.03 lb .

2s1.) Repioce rhe system ~r forces ading on ·u-ie frorne in fig . :60·) T~e effect of' o cerloin non·concurren l force coyslem
p-257 by o rosullon) R o) /\ ~ o c ouple' od;ng hor•'z ontolly ~oftned by lhe fol1ow1'ng dolo : :EX - +golb,~Y .. -601b,ond

lhrovgh /3 ~ C. ~
£Mo ~ .360 lb ft ~vnlercloc'kwise . Determine lhe poin)
lhe resultonl 1nlerseds the Y O'X is .
0) w/c I
2011> I
f '-, I\ 0 \
1- I f zMo =zf,. ly . -l
3' l i. y = 3601'90 .. 4 fl below 0
261.) In a cerloin non -concurred force. Gystem j} is found
lhot ~x .. - BO lb , ~Y = +160 lb, ~ 2'.Mo" -+BO lb -rt in o coun lerclock-
R "' ~F,. ao- 20- 60 w1'r;e sense. Oererm.1ne The poinl' o) which lhe resultant in -
.R = - .so lb (~) meons downward) lersecls }he X o"Xis.

~Mo ~ zFy Lx
~Ma =C
60(4)-20(1),. f ( 2) Lx "° +00/160 ~ r ighl or Origin
F "' 110 lb thru J3 ~ C os shown

26+.) Compleldy dderrnine )he resuHon) wi)h respecl lo pl .
0 of 1~ force sy'1lem shown in Fig. p- 26+.
' '
.262~ Determine cornplelely lhe resuHon) of lhe forces oc-
1ing on lhe sl~p pu11ey .shOwn in fig. ~-.262.' 1 1+1:4Jb · .ifi<" 14-1.4(Y.JI) t 300 s in6Q i 260~3"$9)

'1 ::fr>' ·.. 7!50 cosso· i 2so - 240 sin.30 • +79.]9 lb.
· · • 899.SZ lb(lo )'tie .right) £F:1" 1-+1.4 ('/.Jl!) t260(M3) -t240 cosoao·
£.fy , G 1so s1n30· -12so . -3ooc.os60° • 2s1 . 03 lb.
..,,_975 lb (- means down'/llO R " ./:~.F,. 1 t ~Fy¢
R.. ~f,.11 t ~Fya. ,. ·l(+1g.7g)f2 t (257·0:3)'2
= (099.s2)a • (-a1s)~ · 0 B = s.+4.68 lb(up ~o lhe r19hl)
,B =.125+- SQ lb <)OWn Jo righl ton ex =· :i.fy /:E Fx
-&.,. " lon- 1 =.t;t.12.1°
87.S/899.152 -&)(,., }on-1 2s1.0.3/419.7g
Rd .. ~Mo• 1so(1.25) - 2so(1.!Zs) -&x ... 2B.2!5 • .
Rd .. o :. d 0 j so R po~Ges lh~gh the
0 -LMo"' 1.+v1-(1/,/I')(a)t sooc.os60-C4) t .300 .i;in60(+) t 260 (1%3~
oxle - 260(.!V.,Ji3)(+) = 1779.19 ft - lb cw

.268.) Determine l he resuHonr of lhe force system shown in R d"" ~Mo/R· "' 177g.1g • 3 .27 ft.
f ig. P-~65 ~ '1ls "~ y int ercepts > 0

.~ Cornpule l~e resuHon) of lhe three forces shown in fig P-

l:y 265.)
266 , Locale ils 1nlerseclion w'1lh lhe X 'rs Y oxe.s .
.£fl< u300.s jnao t361(ll/.J1a)-n+(o/,,f5) Jy
~ 1+g.g g_ (to lhe..right) I ~f7'., 390 (1~3) t 722(o/-1i3) ~
.tfy " 300 ~ao +~~( /./6) - a61 (a/..Jiit)
1 (sinao) - 810.47 lo lhe righl
....+--l-'',..._,,_-1---''""=- __ _x_
= .sg.61 ( upward) ,. ' £.fy"' aoo(-7(a) - 1~(iz/§)~aoo~·
..A.+----'f-4---1-'---' 224 lb
R"' ./~F'/.'2 t~Fy"" .__.._-l._.L.-
t' ,~'-1.-.J.- _ lL. I
• -.s10..s \-moons downward).
361 lb .. ./(11·9,9)'1 t (.s9.61)"- o 1n lb R .. ./;EF.,,.a + ~Fy¢
... 161 . 9161!?... (up to }he r ight) tor,&J< ,• .:Fy/~Fx •/(810.1-7)~+ (-s1o.3 )2
tone-)< = ~ry/.:EF>< - .s9 .61,/1+9.9 -e-.,,. = lon-1 510.3/810.1'7 R • 957. Q7 down lo right
-(7)< ~ fan-I .!?J9 .61f14g,9 -Er)l = 3!2.19°
-B-x " 21. 69• .£Mo= 390(12Aa)(2)-3go(•Aa)(s)+ 122(2/,ffe)(-+)- 300sin 30(a)
~Mo "' 300 sin .30 (2) - 2~4 (1!~)(2 )-361(2/-113}(1) ~Mo= 1121. 97 0-lb CW . ·
= - 100.6 Q~ lb (-meons Coun~er CW)
!.)( - 100.6/.sg.61 ,~ l.,c = 1121.97 .. ~.2 n . righl o) 0
Ly . . 9 10·3 -
" 1.67 ft. right of O -&,, •
~.Y .. 100.6/1+9·9 o tic Ly .:; 1121 .97 -= 1.3 8Q. obove Q
= o.67 fl below o
R 910.47


r '~.1;
1jI 1u•:;'

266)Derer-mine lhe resuHont of }he lhree fOrces ochnq on )he

dom shown in fig . P-266, ~ locale "1ls intersedron w"1lh lhe
-(}-JC "' ton·1 Z.fy/zf5c - · ion· 1 10001.os/-t00a:e2

~MA "'
-e-,. .. 68.2·
++BO ( 1/~)(.s) t +4-90 ( o/.f6)(10) t '1000 (s) t 30006~)
base 1416. for good design , lhis 1nler~ec1ion should occur w/i"n
t '10o0('l0) t 1ooo(ao) .. 160087. 7'1 o.- lb.
l~;l lhe middle third orlhe base. Does ·,~ ? x "' 160097· 7'1/10007. 0.3 "' 16:0 n. ~ight of"

iiii·· .lfi< " 10.000 - 6000 cos 30.
11>: 1 268.) The resu Iton l of four forces, of which ihree 'ore Ghowri.
,i,.I = 4803 .9{1 lb(lo lhe in fig . P- ~68, i6 ot a couple of 4SO lb-ft : clockwJ'ge. In sen.Se.
•! ~. --=-==-
-- --=--=-
-- right) ,
ff "eooh squore i'" 1 fl. on a sido, determine -the (Ourth force
\l~'i I ~fy• -24000 -6000 sin30·
comple t ely .
1111·!: p ... 10,ooolb. ::: -27000(- meons clown-
!Y 180 b ~Fx - R>t
'1~~· 6' a· 11
a 1101b I F11t110 "'1so(3/s) • o
R .. ~f,. t~Fy I f11 " - '100 lb . (-meonG to the le<l)
·'·1iW1 =/(:+B03.65)a. •(-rnooo)a.
£F.,. ·Ry
} l \ i - - --
R = 2742+.02 Jb.(down · to the F7 - HW t 1so(-t/s) = o
11•l j• •
"$-~ = ton· Z.Fy/.%.f-x
1 ~~-:=:u ---.-..-rz- ~

I' ... lpn-1 27000/-400.3.85 ~
;:1~ I' /
-e->C ~ 79.91. 0 / _L.
·1111·•' i.~ = -24000(11) + 10000(6)- booo(+) 1~0tb r . f)( - '100 lb to the left
....:: -22~000 n -: lb (- means ccw)
;j '
il1 1~
~Ma"' zfy .,c b
xb • 22Q000~700o ""' BA·+ ft .( from t.he lefl of f3 ~
+so· -M,. + 110(-i.) + 120(2)
Mr. • 200 0-lb (ccw)
l:l·ij berice w 1lhin lhe middle third of lhe bose) MF• Fd
d ~ 200/~oo • 1 ff . obove 0
·i1!J 267.) . The Howe roof lruss .shown ii"\ fig . P - 207 carries !he
111 1 g iven loods . The wind loo.ds ore ~rpendiculor to the in- 269.) Repeot Prob. !268 ·,r the resuttont ic 390 lb d ireoied dONn
clined rnernbers . Delerrn"1ne lhe mognilude of the resu l - to the right oi o ~lope of' .s to 12 possing through point /\ . Al-
:!j~ ton l. its ·incli"nolion w·1lh the hor1.:zontol . ~ wher'e ·,\ inter- .so 'de~e<'mine the x ~ y intercepfo of the. missing fo~ f .
I:~ .!?ecls /\B. 110
I 15()
.if,. - 2000 t 4490(1/..s&J I ~h •zfl'
- "'t()03 •.S2 lb ,' 390(1ajia) -·r,. .t 110 t 1s o(3&)
~Fy ~ ~ 2000 -
1, >/~~ ri'gh~.)
.. - 10QO - 4490(2A!f)
.:Efx • 160lb Uo l ho
_:.:,12Q07_.03JQ.(- meons down -
IT•""' Ry · zfy
I x li)390 -:390('5/ia) • Fy -120 +1so(+ls)
3000lb. '1000)b.1000lb Rll • zF-x2. + ~F1 <Z. M - - - ~ f):' • -1so (downword)
=./(4003.92)'! .. (-10007 . 03)~ 1
R .. F
~D ..J077~_.17--1Q.(clown lo the 2.
F = 2::FJC
+ ~ fy~ - (160)~ + (-150)~
right) F c 219, 32 lb (dawn ~o l"'ight .)

-Oj = -S.15-
Mtt · ~~
390{.Yia){3) + 3'J!0(1~)(2) =110(+) t 120(2) . t MF
Mr~ 1'"10~ ON
b. .,. ....,oJ{eo - 3.~l7 n. f"i9h• or o
Ly> "'90/460 - . :a.067 fl . ()bOV'S 0

210.) The t~ forc:;es -shown · in fig. P- no ore- roqoired to

c;x:uJGea ho"'::iioofol ~tont ocfing fhrouqh point A- If F = .
316 lb. doterm'ine the volues of P,,
T. Hii1t = /\pply MR""'~
io defer~ R .. then MR - ~IW\c. to find P. ~ f.ilolly e;lhcr Mrt-
.:Oto or Ry - ~Y to c.orr-pufe T.
£a.fe - ~
-316(1/.t;o)(1)t316(•1/.,it0)(2) s R.(1) Chopter 3

! a R .. 4t"-6+ lb.(to the right.)

M1t · ~Mc of force Systems
''n 4f'J").6+(3) c .316f'Ai>)(1 ) - 3"16(o/"1o)(1)
t P(2/"5)(-t)
p- ....M.82 lb
t.1~ ·· ~Mo
199.ff(a) r -T (•Ae)(...)" 316("4io)(i;1)
-t 3'16 ("Alo)(1)
T- - 22s.1e lb
or) The .three force6 in Fig P-n' ere.of& o vcrtiool reca.oliontoc-
fing flu-ough pc)Wlt f\ _If T j40 1<nown to be 3611b~ pom~fe the va-
lu86 of r .,,.p .
.:Et.41; ~MR
-36~ ($)(c)t a6l (~X+) = R (~)
R.,,. .:'f00.-+9 lb (do.Nrlvvord)
MR. = £til'le
..,00.<f.9 fi) = F (3 /9){!z)- r(1410¥1)
F· - ~sa. n lb
~l ="1~
P(24s)(-t)• (153.1t9) ("'k.o)6) - 1Z.53 - ~(~)(1) ... -f00.+9 (+)
p - 419~ - .s+ lb .

304:) Th& cylinder C ir" fig . P - .ao2 ""ei9hs 1ooolb. Orow Cl fBO

of cyl1'nder C' of rod /\B.

Wc;•1oOO lb

goo.) Drow a FBD of pull--~
D ._.J o f th e bor /\ D shown .'" Fj9
-,~ 1..
"' 11..

· Av
P- 306. /\ss.urn6 oll hin9es to be smooth ~ ne_gleot the 'NC1ght of
~h bor.
303) 1he un; forrn rod II"\. .Fi9 . P- aoa wei911G 4!20 lb ~ hos Its
Gel'ler or _grovity o t 6 . Orow a FBO of '\he rod . lie_glec1 the.
ih101<.ne5S of the rod ~ o65ume all COr"toot ,s:urfoces to be,srroo\h.

soa) The coble~ boom shown in fig . P-aoe suppor+ 0 food

of 600lb - Deterrn1'n e the rorce T ,·n the coble ~ tho
ao+) The fr'Ome ~hown i" fi9 . P- .304- Is supported '" pivots at compressive force C in the boom .
J\~13 .· Eooh member w~1ghs .so .lb per fl Drow.. a ' FBD ofeoch t Method I (u~ing horizontol 'vertical
l'l'&mber ·. Axes)
~Fh • o

Tcosao· • Ccoe +s~ CD

6('.)0lb £f., - 0
Tson'.30· t Cs1M·s· - 600 ©
' svbst. eq 1 io 2 (~uote 1 in ~enns of" T)
T ~i~30• t- (i'"')(sin4s') = 600

r I

lood is suppo""ted by a cable whi ch runs o -

BOS .) ;\ 600 lb
I= 4.39 . Q.3
C - 439.2.3
cc 5 37 ,.2,!.S JP;.
ver o pulley~ iG fos\ened to !he bor OE in f ig . P- ao.s. Oro
1< Method I(using rdotion Ol'es)
o fBD of bors /IC ~OE ~ of the pul ley . Ass~mer oil hin-
' T c ~fv-O : C.sin7$> • 6~.s; noo·
\ ges to be .smooth ~ n e_gleoi t he ws1c;ilh~ eool\. or - c - .S37.9't.5 lb
bor. J l
l.' lI

FBO of the block Method I . (us;ng tt'"-.V oKe~)

.ifh =O: T"' 600 c:Os 60' C GOG 75•
.. 600 cot> 60 t .S.37· 94.5 (cos 76.) p
300 • Nsin60• - Psin+s' ©
T "' ~Cbg.3 lb . zfh·O
•Meihod JL (uSing force triongle) Pcos 11i - Hco560.
P = H cos60;/cos1s" ®
.subst. 2 in 1
Method C(Uoing Roioled A¥."5) 300 - tfsin60· - Hcos ~/co~a·
rJ N,; ~.907 lb
I'. ~.) /\ cylinder. weighing "400 lb. i" held 09a'1nGt a smoot h in-
p .. 212,1.32 lb
,. c line by mOQnS of' the wo'19hi less rod A0 Jn fi'g. P·309 · Oet · pt, ti ~-
., p
Me1°hod I ( using Force Trion9 le)
" cried on the.cyhdcr: 8~ 30C?lb
~ _aoo z _ r t . _ P_,
!J()D ~.s1n-os" ,.,nio.i 6IO;;id

.:Efv =0 : H &in:+s• • :SOO sin 7s • P N"' 409.007 lb .

~fv •O : · /1~n60· • -tOo & 1""5" H • -to<J, 807 lb p= 2 12.132 lb .

N ~. +1s . 60S tb ~fh 0 0 : p: t1cos45· - 300COS7s'

Method l(v.:;lng ti'" Ol'~) >lf:f".i'l •Cl : p • -t00 COG6'f.• +rt c.05 60" P = 'lo9.eo1(C064!1>·)- 3ooc.oco"7s"
FBO of' Cyhhder B p "'~O C.0566° + "'l-18•60& COG60' p "' 1212. 1.312 lb .

zFh"' 0: Pcos·~· c ,Hc,osl91i
p: N co:--ar~~· ©
p"' 378 .36 lb.
Method ]I[ ( tJ&in<;! fol"Ce Tr.ongle)

311.) If the value or P in Fig . P-a10 i6 180 lb, determine fho an9 1e
-e- ot w/c .... ~ mu"t . be 1nchned with. the. smooth plone to hold
the 300 lb t)())( in e<:juilibriu111 .

P.sin2S• ~ Ii sin3,. • • 4'00 @

_,bc;t . , to i
[N c;or..3s• (r.1n lls·j/~a,.· i as•
p=.378-35 lb..
- ...00 - N -11s.~9s lb Resolving the fon:-os to 'dG equivolenf fOrce t::.,
p ·= H co~-as/co.s2&
0 .ti = "'1-18. 60.S lb·
= -HB·60S(cosaGY006llt0'
_E - 370.36 lb.,

a10~ /\ :soo lb b°" is helc:I of rest on a smooih plone by a force P <><. : 56.+4·
anclinod o~ on angle f7 w/ the plone as .shown in f iq. P - 310. If

:. -e- " ' ·
tr"' -ts c:let. the volue of P "'> the normol pres:isu~ H exerted by

1he plane '

aHi.). Ootermi ne the magnitudes of P ~ f nece$SOry to keep :s1 &.) The · 3':'° lb f ~r~ ~ the 4()() Ib force shown in fi'g. p-315 ore
the concurrent force c;y•lem , shown 1n fag. P - 312 in equ11ibrium . ·...... F oc+ang
to be held 1n equil1bnurn by a third fo.....,..~ · o t on un,

wn a119le -e- with the horizontal. Determine the values off~&;

~f',,. • .O • . <fOOlb
.aoo,i;1n60· t .Ps1n oo· ~ 200.s1fl1os•
3d ·o.. i&
• Q.
:E.Fv •O
p- -133.24!1 lb 400sin:ao' = fs1ne- (D
~fhTQ F ~ -o
f • aoo cos w· t PC£>S ao'- 2oococo1os· · 300c<KJO~ao· ~ FcoG~ ©
f • :aoocos6o' -13a,2"1-.s (cosao~- :zoo cos1os' .subst . CD to eq. ®
F ~ 86..s7 lb. 3QO .. 4<X> cos ao' +(.oteo s1nao' ) /cos&-)
sine- l.

B1a.) · f 1g . .:i1a l"epresents tte concur"rent force sysi em 00Hr"1C3 ot Cl

joint . of a bridge tru ss , De termine the voluos P ~ E . to mo·1n- or
toin eq1iilibr'1um of the forces. - e- '" -76.935° ~ 76,935 belew x-axis
F "' 400.sinao" - 400-•n ~·
· sine-
us;ng Rotated ·A -,.es 'M ethod
.;:Efv • O F= 20S.31S lb
;;ioosin1s• t F s ·1 n7s' = -+00 s1n•5° + 200 sin10!l'
· F =·· 412.435 lb 316.) Determine the values of fhe ongles O\" ~fr 60 that the for-
.:£Fh • O ces shown in F1'g . P - 316 will be in e.quilibrium . ·
pt 400 COG 4'!;;
~ 200CCG .,~· i 300ccs is' t FCDSJS

p - 165-4++ lb . ..Olb
lhe . f';ve fo~s shown if'\ Fig. P-31"1". ore In equi librium . O:im· ~
pute the volues of P ?», F ·
by cosine law
p zFv ao w« ~ :ao.2 t-fe"- 2 ( ao)(40) C06&-
cos -&- "' c>.a1s
f = - 126 . 33 lb -e- e cos-1 o.07s
F "28·96° "' Q9·
~ fh "' O •by sin low
p t AK>O cos 7s 0
t tl<X>COG6<>' - f cos:so' i aoo o:>sao' · 20 - .30
.s;u b~t;t ... te. the vol'-'e. of' F ~-~
p+.,ooco&-;is"t aooo:x.60• •-126. 33 (~ao') +::100 oosao •
.s1no<. '"[3o (sin 29°))/ao
P "'" - .sa.129 IV . Sino<.
o( "
<= 0. 7272.
46.6.S 0

• ,l i~tl
30 31
lh ,/
£Fv c Q

/ a11.) The system of IW*ted c;Ot-ds show" ~ ".'~- P-317 support Csm1s · "Pco6 .,.. 5 •

the indicated 'l"e1ghts. Compute the ~le forc.e in CXJOh cord · .P c (lfl3 ,07. & In 76 °
cos ...s·
p" 30A-. 719 lb
using Force. Tl"'1on9 1e

~ .·/ \ Problem ~19 so•..ition .

by .sin~ law ~Fh "0
~- C ,. A 400 COG (;)- ~ 200
srn60' iiio- -~· .etn.ote'
ff "60°
c c '2'23-07 /b ~ fv =o

c H t "I"()() Sth $- = soo
H ~ S00 - 400 &1n60• ·
H = 45.:1.6 ~ 4-s4 /b .
~fv •O
A " ccos60- • ecoG+S· br s ine law
0G1n-t6·, a oo1'. 'C61n60·
- JtOO(CJ:JG6o•) t 91+.162(coos'") - I
e• 3()()t- 100(s1n60•) _P
__ " C
61n 7s • . sin,+s•
& _Q__
G•n+s· I\ k 946 . .f-1 lb-

a =- 914.162 1b.
P." !l!l3. 07 ( s 1r175 -)
s 1n45•

319.) Three bars , hi119ed at A D "°' '->

pil"W'l6d ot /3 os ~
in f ig . p-318, form a fwr-linK. tne(lham&m. Determine the.value
"C p- 3£>+. 719 lb

of .p t hat w i II prevent rnotion . a19.), Corcts are loop--'~ around a srnoll ~pace,.. .
cylinder& e.aoh · h' · seporofrng fwo
usi~ ~1ot~ 1v<es Method weig ing 400 lb ~ poss os sL- .. . F '
r. · t
p-319 , over
to . ht' rXJV<n 1n 1gure

Determine the o~le
1 rrc 1onleGs pu lley5'
f} L . Hl8
. I .wet9 s 01 2oolb .+oolb. ~
porrno P~'Sc.Are N bei th ·
ders the smooth ,__ . t ,. ._ · e cylr'1 -
11onzon o 1 sur roce .


/\S'llUJ• = ~ san4S•
/\ • 163. 1.!"9 lb
.£Fh = 0 sut>sJ. A
c •'UXJ ~16- t /\C066(>.
c = ~23-07 lb. J
• 't1 1
32.!l) ~
1ross; shown in Fig . P-323 iG '°upported by h ....,,...,..
.aita:) The Fink' truss shown in f ig . P-32£ jc;; ,Gupported by a rol- at /I. ~
roller at a. ,A load 0 f 2000 '
Q 0 •• ~
ler of /\ ~ a hinge .at 13: The given loads ore riormo l to tne the reootion'° at lb i" applied. at C. Dot.
A~ a.
incl 1'ned rner:n ber . Oetcrrrline the reoctlonG of /I~ B. 1(1nf : Re- D
pla~ ihe ioodG by thei_r re~ultont.
fOOOlb • in-.o' 2000 lb

~M" • o
30 Re• £000 (cos30' )(1s) t ~000(101n3dX<fO)
~Me •O Re • 65900. 76
60RA .. 0ooo(a1n60')(10) 30

RA .. 4iS18 . S lb "'"46£0 1b. Re"' 2199. 36 lb ~ 2200 lb

z fv 0
0 ~fh. 0
Rev .t R>. = BODO sin60• R.... h = 2000 eos .ao•
Rev • BIXl061fl60 - "t618.8 f(Ah - 1732.05 lb
Rev • ~.309 ..+ lb
~Fv •O
4fn•O R>.v = Re - 'l.000 su1 ao• I
Reh· a00o eo&60' RAv = 1199.3e /b
Reh .. 400o lb . R,._ ·• R.Ah t JV.v Q.

Re4 " Rev" +Reh" " (~309,+):z t (40oo')2

R-- ·./ (1 73£.os) 4 t ( 1199, 35)2
Re c/( 'l.309.~) e t ( ..coo) a R"' = 2106 lb
Ra "' 4618 .e Jb ~ 46£0 lb
Taf'l& • R,..,v ~ · 1199.35
t an-<r • ~309. 4 R"'h 11a~'. os
4-000 ·-e- " fa.,_, 11~. 35
-e- '"' ton- 1 Qa09A· 1732. Os
-e- "' 34.70 •

.R..... c ~106 lb down t o the lef'+ at

Re " -4620 lbs ot 36° wi th the horizontal -& ".3+.7.

I 1 •
11 ':

.32.+) A w~I of 10 in rodius corrte~ a lood of 1000 lb, ~s showfl 3~.s.)' Determ1'ne
the amount ~ direct1'o n of lhe smallest fon::e
in Fi<;J ,p.:32-4-..(a.) Determine the hori:z:o.ntal force P applied ot ~he P required to s tort' the whee l 1n f ig. P - 3as over block . What ;6
center which 1S necessary fo siort the wheel over the. s-tn. the readion ot the block.?
p, •COG<><. p
block.. A lso° find the reoolion ot the block. . (b) ·,r the force P

..,. moy be inc\inecl ai oriy ongle .,...;1th \he hor·1zontol, de\ermine

the rri1nirnvrn volue of P to start the '<"heel over tre block.; the
I. . ong\e· thot P makes w1 \h -the horizontal ; ~ the reoctlon ot
ii i Cos13" 1.;4 Co,;71.+t r %
't" the biooK. ~Mo "' O fi " +1.+1 • b. o.6tf1.
l1.,11 £OOO(a)-Px(b)-Py(o)•O .sin~ • s in 71"t1" '; \-&- •tl:'11t "'
2000(1.a9) - Pws<><.(0.6t}-Ps1n<><(1.89)ro 0 • 1.&9 fl. -&~ 71."/1•
,.'.'· Pcos<>< (o.6+) ~ PG1no<.(1.s9) 2 .3790
(o.lrt) P(-sin.._) t o.6+ tJf< co~"< ~ 1.2.9 Pcos<>(. i 1.99 .9f. sin"< • o
a/n ."
~(~.G+c.o.s. . t1.99 S•n~J = o.64Ps1n~:1,99Pco9>(
s in&-=

,1; o) pz-e-- 30•

~ (o.6tPs1n<>< - 1.99Poos0( ) _
(0,,6+.COG<><f 1 . S~ S lri&) •

zMo u.o 1,99 ¢cos°' "'0.61-y/s1 n<><,.

.sP " 1000(10(;0S30')
.s1no< = lone<_ ~ ~
p .:= 1732.:651' lb 0 .6t
zf)I no
~ • tan - 1.99
p •Ro cos::10° " 1732.o S1 0°64-
Ra .. 2000\b.
o( = 11.29 · "'"' 71 . .s·
p i6 m'1n irnurn if i~ w i ll be ..L. to Ro
hence, 2000 p R
I,·11 -e-" "o' s1n9o' s-,-n-
71-.!2-~-· .sin 19.71°
~Ma ~o

10 P min = 1000(10 COs3o') I

Prnin " 866 lb. I
~Fi< =: O
~a cos 30° = Pmin COS60.
p"" 1994
lb ot 71,3° with the horizonto l
Ro e [Prnin(c.os60·fl/cos 30'
= [B6G(COS60°)]/cos 30'
R .. 641.6 lo ~ 64'~ lb
Ro= .soo lb ·

36 37
' 1•
329.)Two weightless bors pinned together os s;;hown in Fi9 P-
326) The cylinders in fag . P-326 hove the indicoted welghts
329 support o lood of 3SO lb . Determine the force P ~ F octing
~ dirnenGions . .t\sfOuming smooth contact surfaces T oeter-
respect ively olong bors AB~ AC tho! mointoins eq1iilibr;um
rri1ne the reoctions: ot /\, 8, C, 11., D on the cylinders.

FBD of tho big cylinder, of p;n }---•'••~~

fon O< •...@... ; o< • 39.66 •
11,il, 10

e' (+)fcosO<. t (2)fs1n<>< =.ssO(s)
'400 t Ro &111 ao• .. Re I -+ f~os 39.66)t 2 f(sm.!!&.66).. :5!!10(8)
-4<>0t "400 Ginao' • Re ___L_ f "' M<>.1 lb.
- ~Mc-o
FeD of .small cylinder, Re- 600lb .
~lb 2.Ps1n~ • -+Pco&,B • 3&0(10)
RA :; Re coc;ao• 2P(e1ns6.a1•).+ ~P(cosS<S.31•) • 3500 ·
Ro p e 901,39 lb (tenG1on)
'Rit. ., 400 COSl50"
Rio. • 346.41 lb.
s119.) TwQ cyl1"nders / \ ' B, we83hing 1oolb ~ 2oolt> relilpecfively,
2'.fv • O
200- P.c .s1nao" .:
~ ~nnected by a rigid rod curv~ parallel fo Hie smooth cy-
lindricol· .&urfoce .shown in fig . P-329. Deferrn1"ne the angles 0(
Pc =4-00lb
"-> -&- that defined the pos1t10n of
~Fh- 0

Ro = Re cor;.30•
--&- tO( I r 9().
Ro • 100cosao· e- .. 9()-«.. ©
Po· a6+.41 lb.

-tool'cos<>< • :Joorcos&-
327.)f~ P ~ F acting olonq the boq; .Shown in Fig . P- 3'27
1oocosot: aoo cos(9o-O()
rna•ntoin equilibr'iurn of pin /\. Determine the volue of P \.if
r41;1n...1·, , P61t1'-~· 100CoG"\•2oo(ctJ~·ts1n~s1noc)
9 ·. 6
100 OOG<>< • :'ZOOSl•~'tO &•nO\
c ~···.::f.M(;.•O

l&.(f) i;insa.1 - 100(6) t ~(12) ~- fOt"I"'( • ..:.:1;....00.;;__-'-

I ~0( ~&•n«Jo0
tt ',
F"' 390.1s lb
<>< .. 26. 33' .!!+.
-e-- 90-C>(.
1s(P)s1n6a·+ ... 100(9) - .300 (12)
- 90 -26•.s3 ',s..i. '
P = - 1-+7. 61.I lb (- meon6 compres-
1801b -6- • 6.:1°U'.!t,e" .
lo oheOk : sion)
Fcoso sa.1 - Pco406l5..+ - :aoo aO
S90•15 (cosse.1) - ( - 147.6.r)(c:.os6a..+) - -aoo ., o

. 'I,: 38
the reoctions for the beom .shown in f1~. P-~2.
:as? 'The roof fruGS in fig. P- ~ is supported by 0 roller ot A~
_,.~32.) Oeterrnine a hinge al B . find the values of:' the reactions .
..t'.M~, c 0 p .
~(4)-100(1,..)(9) t R1 (10)-300(16) • o
R1 = 1.seo lbs.

. R1 • R: " ~ t 100~-4-) t 400

R2 • .s20 l:Js.

30 R... =.500(10) t 600(~0) +900(1s)

'133·) Determine
the reachol"\S R, ""'-. R2
beom . in f ig. P- 333 or fhe RA"' %6.67 lbs.
looded with a concentroled· load of 1600 lb~ a lood varying ~MA"0
from z:.ero of 400 lb per fl .
BoRev.. eoo(15) t 600(10) t .soo (120)
Rs... -= 933_33 lbs.

Reh ·o :. Re e 935.33 lbs

33 6 ) The conhlever beam in· Fig. P - 336 ·,s built into ~wall
2rf . thick. so thot it resf.s qgoinsl- poin!s /\~B. The beam ·113 12'

a' r' 1~'
Re long'!,... weigh- 1oolbperfl . A. concenfroted. food of !lC\'.JO lb is opplie!ld
~MFc•o(t! oi the tree encl - Compufe the reactions ~ A ~ B.
12 f1 - (4) • ·o ~M11-t-O
aoooJb .
2 16Ra " 16 F.2 t +F1 t 1600(a) •
1 ~M,... -o
16R2 "'1600(16) t S00(4) t 1600(3)
F1 • eoo Jbs . 2 Re • !looo(tz) +100(112)(6)
1cclb/rf .._,
~f\, -o Ra • 2100 lbs . 6' ...,, 8 Re". 1s600 lbs.
. F1t Fa ~ !4oo(12 )]/2 ~FvcO
I<... = Rs - 12000 - 100( 12)
r, -fr-4<>0(12)=1/2)- soo R1 t Rii ~ 1600 t goo t 1600
RA ~ 15600 - !2000 - 1200
Fe ,1600 i>'.
R, = 1900 lbs.
R,.. e 12400 lbs .
337.) The upper beorn in fig . P-337 is S1Jpported by 0 reoctlo 11
334\.) Determine the reoci ions for !he beam loaded o6"\ in
at Rs \.., o roller o1 I\ whion separates the upper ' fONer
f i9ure P - 33"1'. bt90":15. Dete.:niine _
the volueG o( the reactions .
-£Mitt =0
1sRa •12o(3)t16¢(6)(1a) -t 60(6)(6)
--r '4<lO()lb 101<,.. -6C0(14) - 1900(+) "0
ro' -t'
Rz - .sss lbs. ~ R"' ~ 160? lbs
£F.,.•0 10' ~Fy=O
R~ R1 1 r<'a • 120 t 60(6) t 1so(6l Ri
!l 600/b 190('.)fb
600 t 19CO =R,., t Rs
R1 - 930-sss 10' l +'
R, - sn lbs . f Ra E 9oolbs .
+' r~

1:139~ The differeniiol choin hoist shown in fig. P-339 cor)s·1stCO"
of two concentric pulleys 'riqidly fostened together. The pulley
considering the lower beam.
%.Mit1 •O from form .t-M::> sp,-oc.kef1; for on endlesG- chain looped over them
...ooolb 10P4 - ·1600(1+) --+000(4). 0 in two loope. In one loop is mounted a MO,v'qble pulley suppor-
4' l R2 ... 3840 lb. ti'!g a lood w . Ne:gleoting fr10tion, friction d6terrT1ine ihe m0-
%.MRiz •O . x1rnum lood W that c.tln juGt be rc)1~eq by~ pu'll Popplied as
.10R t 1600(4) - -4000(6 ) . o shown. >
P.1. 1760 lb. . &Mo-0

he two n beams shown ~ fi9. a-160 on the page 69 are

n wfa(O/~) •Wfa(d#) t P(0/12) ·
:as.) T ed h~i zontolly ..,..·,th reQpeoi to each other.,,. l~od w0/4 - w44 = Po/fl
to be mov . . . CD that all three reochons w/1' (o-d) .. Po/2
p shifted to o new pos1t1on·1rR ~ ;:' then be? ttow for w·,11 p W-4PD
are equal . How for oporl w• 2 .?I . !l(D-0)
be from DP P•960lb W • !2PO
11•-· l .. (o-d)

lc~====Y===~c~l§.;~,~~lR=2~~====;1~ ;HO.) for the Gy6 fem of pulley1;1. ~ho-Nn in rig. p - 3"f0. determ'1 ne
the rotio of w to p to .mointoil'l ~uilibrium . Me,g\eot O'llle rnc-
t1on ~ the weights of the pulleys .
aR • 960
R • 3!ld-= R, • R:r =Ra

~eriri(j ihe Jower .beam. W "'3P t 3P t 3P

Re w • 9P
'( t, 12-y
Wjp :: 9
zfv • O
Re "'R1tRe
~Mit:s "' o
p(i<) .... Re (12)
• 320 t320
Re ~ 6'4-0 lb
P(i<) ,. &t0(1£)
960 )( ., 64-0frZ)
'>' = 6'f-0(1a) 1.
~M~ · O 960
Re (y) =R2(12)
;>( ""en.
&tt) If eooh pulley 6~n in Fi9 . P-340 .....eighs 36 lb ~ w
find P to rnaintoin the equilibrium .
• 12olb, I
y" 320(1;1
. . R 2 ~Ra ·, s 5f1 opari ·

36 t 7!10
252Jb .
3P - a6 t W.,
· p.,,(~6H252.)/a I
y ..

p ·,s
f'rom o.
p. 961b.
42 I
3-16~ A boom 115 is supporfed in a hor"1zon+ol posi tlm by oh
3.,.11) The wheel Joods Ot"\ o jeep ore_given in Fia· P-a ....!2 . Deter - A \.... a. roble
wh - t'i
ronG rom C over o smoll pulley I D .

mine t he distonce 'JI so that the reaction of the beam a1 A ·,s Ghown
ho . in F.•e · P-346 . r~ t h . a as
\..Urnpu e t e tenG•Or\ T in the coble ~ the
twice o' .9reot o.s \he reootion ol i3. r1zonta l , ~ verhco I oornponenls or the reoc t.ion 0 I /\ Neg:.
Ieot th e size of the pulley ol D. .
RA·2Re (speo1f1ed condition)
£MA •O T ton-e- • BA c IZ
ISRe" 60D(x) +1200(,.t-t) e- - 63.+.3"
1s Re • 900,,. + aoo -- ·<D 0' ~M" •O
2oo(d.) 1 100.(6) - T (.sm 63.+3 · ) (+)
RA t Re = 600 t ~oo T = lbs.
3Re c aoo :. Re= 800/.a ---© ~Fh·O
.eu~tltute '2 in 1, . a' Rh • T C06'63 .43°
1s (e<XV'a) ~ eoo(x) t goo • (1219.!!>£)(cos63.4'!3•)
. )( :: +fl. Rh ~ 12e.02 ibs. ·
s.+3) The weigh+ w of 0 t ro"elii;g or?ne '1c; 20 t ons aof1ng as s~n ~Fv • O
ii' f ig · P-340 . To pt"event the cran e f('()m fippin~ to the r'~ht wh- Rv t Tein 6a.+a· =1too t 100
en .corryi\19 0 lood p or
'20 tons' Cl covn·ter w-'1.,g ht ~ is used . Det. Rv " 3 00 - (a7 9.01Z)( .sin 6a.4:::i")
t he vol~e ~ po~H1on or~ '50 that the crone .....,·,11 remci•'"' ir. eciu"lll- · Rv -= eJ0.06 lbs. .
brium bolh when the ma,,.imurn load P ·,.. opplied \i..... when ~he I~ a•n.) R<3peot prob. 34'6 ·,r fhe coble pulls the boo An . t .
rv..c.i t ' t h. ~ · t · . ,,, u 1n o ci
P is removed . ...-. +he
r-- IOI'\ o ,w ion t J. ISI inc lined ot ::io•· a vvve . .
hor' :zontal . The
Ioo d s · remain ver 1co . .
Lirni Hng Conef1+ions, s1nao• . )(/+ ton&' • 6/+eo&.ao•
when P=O i R2=0 )( • !l' fr " 60°
when pc20 i R1 • o
.z~1 cQ ( ..,.,he,n P =O
~(><) = '20(6)
-6{1" ~ 120Tons -· - CD
~Mi:t2=0 (whe-nP-20)
~()(t5) = 20(1) t 20(10) ~fh"O
wbsF1 \ule . in !2,
1!20 t .s6? • !2'20 ~x t~~') "" !l!ZO Tons--- © ~M,.,, 0 0 Rh • Tcos-&
~ = 20 ./ans .ofT • 1ZDc{_r1..)c,()l;ao~ i 1oo(6)coc;ao' Rh • 216.s co.soc•
T ~ !Z.16 . .so Iba. Rh .. 100 . 2s lb .
From eq. <1),
Rv + TGm~ = ~00+ 1 00

' Qx = 1!20 Rv • 300- 216. s (sin 6 d)

x = 110/Qo = 6 n. Rv = 1H!.SO lbs .


349.) · The frame s~ in fig . P-3"t0 ·,s i;upported in pi>10/G at A 1,.,. Rah= soo lbG.
a. fooh m~bor,weighs .so lb perf1· c.ompute theho~1zontol ,-e.- . £Me•O
oc.f10!"\ oi A. ~ at the hor'rzonlol ~ verfico l oomponerih• the or 36 R-'. . . 600(so) ... 1aco(~o) - soo(120)- soo(l2o)

RA= 1oss. 71 ibs.

reoction ot B ·
~Fv •O
h Leoglh o\ Fo e .f8c t 6 ~ Rev t R.-.. • ooo t 11200 + soQ
. ro: 1on. Rev "' 1121+.~e lbs.
~Me, " 0 Re .. /(.soo)11. t (1z1+.12e)" ., 12ao.79 lbs.
Ah(12) =soo(_.) t (l:Jd.o) t 2o::>0(12) tan-e- .; 112M.aejaoo ." . & c 76". 12 •
Ah .. i.z...a .61 lbs. ,', Re ::112so.79 lbG up to the lef'l ot 715,12·
£fh - o 361.) The beam -sho wn in.
· f igure
' p - ss1 .as suppo"ted by a hi~ of /\
" ~
at !-. ~ 8 .
Ah 13h =12-t66.67 lbs.
0 a roller on a 1 to 2 slcpe ot /3. Oeterrn'1ne the re 11· t .
su on reochon;S
~fv cO
&, • 600 t .SOO t 600 t a.oOO 11z'
,i B.,i =3700 lbs.

3-49.) 1he trus s . shown in f ig. P - 349 is supporied on rollers o\ /\ ~M..,•O By Ratio ~ Propor-tion ,

~a hinge at 5 .'. ·Solve for the components Ot the recidions. 16(Rev) • "t00(1z) Reh • _1_
Reh· 300(1/2)
Rev:: 300lb6. P.av "' 160 JbG .
~fheO ~fh .. O Ra -..f1so)::i t (soo)2 .. 335.41-1 1bs.
Reh - 2-t0 lbs . R-.h·R~n •1!5o lbs.
.:EMe." O :EMe • O
1fJO. 21 l bs.
2"'!-f<A I 2-40(16) .,600('1e) t ~(36) J6(~v)"' 400(4)
RA .. 7-+0 lbs. R....v " 100 lbs.
!'I pu IIey -trn ~ . 1.n d.1ameter ~ supporting a load or
~JAt. • O
2-tRev • 600(1£) t R1-0(16) - -400(12)
at Bon a hor12onia l beom ( Fig . P-3!52) . ·The b .
200 lb ie
eom IG supporled by a l
Rev" 260 lbt;. ·~at " ~ rol~9"5 al c . tie.gleoi1n9 or the beom, doter-
rr11ne the reac hons ot A ~ C.
the weight
'350) Compi;ie fhe to\ol reactions a l A"-. B for the truSG sho'Nl"I in Figure
p - 3SQ . I


f, Pi =R/e (1- 68/e) • ~1000 [1 - c;(o.e6)l "' n2o lbs .
19 18 "j
F80 of the pulley,-
F00 or the beom,
P~· RJ8(1t6~/5) .. '11000[1 t 6(0..SG)l • 1780 lbs.
lRe·:,~ . 1g- 1B ·J
.w. /\ +' c
· 3S"f'.) Campl.lte the foto l reactions ot fl i.., 8 on the truss shown
Pl~v fRc in Fig. P-~.


Rc(Q) " 100(+)

Re" go lbs.
T(a) .• !200(2)
. T = ~(){)Ins. . 20 1
!<,Av t Re a 100 lbs.
~fv•O ::!<J()Olb
Ji..v a 100 - SO <> SO lbG . 10001b !looolb
R.e • JZoo-Tsin3o·
a gO()- QOO(Ginao•)
~fh cO : R.Ah • I cos BO• ·ton.a-' 1%0 . " Y1 ) -e- = ~6.56°
RM •
!200 cos:ea· .::fM""O
Ii' ·Ra· 100 Ibo.
• 11:a .20 lbs. BO Rev t ac2+o(>)(10) 1200(10) = ::z::zi<J(COG!26·56)(6l>) 1
R>. • (so) 2 t(17.3.W)~ "' 190.27 lb6. :a()()0(6o) • eooa(4<>) i 1000 (~)
ton¢ = .50ji7:a.~o "' 16.10 • P.ev ~ 46:27.49 lbs.
RA • 1so. :27 lbs. o~ 16.10° up to t he ~Fh - O i RAh "' 20CO t ~!240 sin 26. e;cS
.. 3001 .18 lb&-.
. right.
:ss!!.) The forces oct"1n9 on o 1-n \enght or o dam ore shown if\ BO RA" = Q000(10) t 1000 (6o)t12ooo(~)t aooo(21j) +2240 (co526 ,66)(21>)
fig . P-353. The upword ground reaction varies unif'ormly from on · t 2::z40(s1n ::Z6•.s6)(10)

inte;1siiy of p lb/rt . ot /\ to p2 lb/11 ol 8 . Delerrnin~ P1,.,,p2 <!+.._ ol - RAV .. 3376.09 lbs .

so the hor1z.onla)' resistance to .slid 1.n g. R,., • ./(?oo1 . 7s)a. t(:a:a76.09)2 .. -t.517.57 tbS.

Resistance ~o s lidir19 , tan~ " 3376. 09

%fh • O 3001 .75
f.: 10000 - 60CX) cos 30•
f = ...,_go3.9S lbS. ~ 4900 lbs.
-t%: tC1n ~i 3376, 09
3001. 75
p.10.000 1b
~ = +e.3s
~F" ,0
R "' 606o .srn :.o• t ,a"'l{)OO
• • R.-_ "' -+.517.57 lbs up to the ~i9 h~ at -e;, .,,. 4e. 36 • l
; I
- 27000 lbl;. :ass.~ Determine the reaci1ons at /\ ' B on the fink. +russ .show
~t.'1a=O in F•g . P - 35& . Membe.rG ~ 0 ~ f6 are res ped ively perpend icu -
P4 11>/f1 R,., =a-t0:XJ(11) t 6000(+) - 10000 (6) lor to A E ""-..BE oi their rPidpoinls .
x .. e.++ n.
e., 9 - 9 .++ = 0,56 n.

357.) The uniform rod in F.1 P
D~ s +20 lb~ hos 'ds ceflt
. 9· ·357 we 'g h
o grov'1ty ot (j. . J • '
i1onG ot the ~mootherminer n in e coble ~ the reoc-
,he tens10 · th
• sur1aces of /\CJ... 8
W" ac:Jlb HQt'>45 "'\ •


9Nsln4a• t 6tlCOG+e'
but, sin~· =co.& 45•
i.--- - - --60' - - -;..o·-----!
:o- BF .? 16.1vcos 26•.s6 2T t 2520 • 16
. Ns1n.+&•
ton & : 1~0 j {)- • 26!:16•
ft . 2'
A D'" BF,. 19176 T• 8 Ncos-+s· -1260
AC "BG = 1!:;/cos~6. s6·
" B ti s1n-+s" - 1260 ©
AC c BG : 16.77. fl .
.o!Fh"'O : T ~ H C05-"t5. © subsi . eq :2. in 1,
= 1200(~) t aocx:>(+1.2.S)+ +DOD (16.n)
~Ml'>cO :. T • 2s+.s6 (cos-46·) N cos+s· - 8 Ncos-t-s· -1:260
R,.. c.os:ao· (60)
T = 190 lb - 7Nco.s."'te• • -1260
H .. 254.56 lbs.
60 Rev =1200(1.s) t aooo(1a:1s) • 4000(.....,.2s)• 4000 COG!Z6·sl(tM16)
Rsv • 6 1.!\<l-.67 =>1 6130 lbs.

Rah • -tOOO s1n26.G6° - R" s1nso•
c 4000.s1n26·~6~ - .5361·27 s '1n:ao'
fl /A' bor /AE • . eCj u1·j'b ' um uncle fh
'Rah = 892 .o96. fos .
orces shown in f ig p
I IS In ' r1
r e ocf1on or ihe ri:_,e
~' - 359 ' De.term ine P., R ' T.
~6) The canti lever I truss shOV'Jn in fig. p-3.56 i s ~up~ded by 0 hin-
ged ot /\ ~
o strut 8.C . Determine the reoction ot 'A ~ B. . =£MA'"0

1()()()1b -400lb R (16) t Tcoe.~(e)-1 T~1n~(s) 'o. 600(4)

By Resolving the forces to its equ1vo - t 400(9)
lenl force triongle, 16R t 8Tcose t 6T.sine- v 6000 . ©

TcoG~ t R = 600

subci SCj. 2 in 1, R ~ soo - Tcose- @

/ - Tcos&) teTcos&t6T
. .
e 1n& a .
By s ine low, 16~600 - TqOG.36.S7 •) t 81 COS.36·07" t 6Ts I n ,36. 87 • "' 6000
..&.- ~ ~ T =1ffiS .71 lbs .
ic;1n30' s 1n90' From eq.2 ,
p_,._ "" 2000 lbs up 'lo ihe r '1 9 ht ol 6().
R ~ 600 - (128.s,71) cos .36.97•
R • 4~8.57 lbs . (upward)

Re ... .346+.1 lbs.

-e- at
t0 ~ 399 ~ It
which the bar
. T ~ 30:1lb
· 11 be . . ,,.. )( - 3 n • d~tennioe ~l-.e
· i ·
u is 1n a
. ·
.po6•t; of w•
. .b
equ1 . 1nol 1ned
1 . num.
-to fL• oe>
- honzon~ol wroc-u
._ __
p + T GI0-0- "' -iOO O ( 't2(00&&tsone-) t 1. Ion / .
p = .-f00- (1~·71)s"'::J6. 07• / 1 f ion60 ., 60!,_CD60-t s 10&)\
1 t for)6l:> 'J
P "'371.1-£ lbs. (to the lef1)

/ 3tW.) A 1~'1. bar of negtigibte weighf n?GlG in o hon:z:onto \ pa-

sitian on ttie ~ plane s hown in Fig. P - 359. Compute the
cJeonce -x ot w hieh lood T .. 1oolb should be plaoed from pt.
8 to Keef) the ~ h()ri%Ql'liol .
F~p--a59, C
p-360 ...361

l151°9 Analytic 6eomei ry. ~ the coordinoles of ."'

..9:91 - m(x-x,) _y = ~
By Sine low, x fan60 : 12 (rose- isin<>-) - x
foe- RA.
~= ___&!-- ,, 300 -
~ -o = ton(6d>(x-o) )l : 12(cos EHG1o<J.)
904:s- .s.nao· .son'I06 •
1 t ton@
~ .. )l fan60- . t'.D RA, .
~-o JV. - ~19.61 ft>G. foi-Re. -~
100x t-f1J0(9) • R,$:a0•(t2) from sq. It'\ ,
100)( == 219..61(~"')(1~)- 1800
Re "'155-!Z<J lbs -
...Y - 126.n& =· - JJ11""'°
· ~}. ,,
lx - 1..:GOS&)
..Y = 12(C06& +s in&) -x - ·· eq,~. -' : nfoo w (cos~t s ine-)
x .. -+.92f1 -
Re ferring ;to Pr-ob· 359 , who\ volue . of I octi~ ot J< ~ 3 0. 1 t fon60

frorn J3 w i ll ~. the bor nor-tzof"liol ? ~ LMo=O·

~ 11~CDS&t&tn&) - .3~1 ~[<JC06& - n(C06&• s ino-)]
r 1 +-fan60 J 1 -f ton60 ]
;:.G 12
ffiC06&-•~ - 60069- ~ 0?69- - 36(C-OE>&-t 6lrl6)
s.O'IS· .51(l 7 b .
1 •ton60 1 • ton60
~c - s.7sn . 33 COSi} ~ 60(~ 6 intt).
cos «> .. ~ . NJ - +..39' 1-t ton60
e,.7S I

Oo = "t.39 - ~ "' 1 . :39f~ ­

m - 6 - ·1. 39 = ... 6 1 fl.

£.tf1c "' O
l ( -4. 61) : ~00(1.39)
T = 60 . .3 tbS .

. I

-4<:1~.) Joint B of lhe fruss shown 1n fig. P- -+0.1? ·1s euQjected to

the fOrces e)lerted by t he ~hree memberG AB, BC, ~BO . Membe · ·
M~ BO ore. in the some siroighf line, but /3C iG inclined of an an-
gle of-& dE'.9rees with this stroigh\. line. Show that the force in
fjC must be :tero . 6enel"'Olt'ze fhis result ~ then show thol the for.
ces in m,smber CD,OE, r::F,Fl,tfl,'HI<., ~.JI<..' ·,s also zero.
Ans. Ai o Joint suQjected to ihe. action
of three members but no oiher load,
· r H' two or the members ore coll1neor,

a 0 11
J . the flXCe in the fh1'rd mernb~r muGi' be
~ _______.:
~C I! 6 I K
.• p

'fQs) Determine fhe forces in ecich of the truss shown in Fi9
p:. -403 . Hirif: ffr-st ' determi'n e wh·1ch bqrs c.orry no load us'1n9 .
pr 1noiple devebpecl ·11"\ Prob. "402.
P ce -cF-o
Chapter 4

II'·J ..'A nalysis of Structures

P"' co S1n6<:>· t OEs1rnso·
G1hce : CO"' DE·
p c QCO s 1n60°
CO 00
o .e,77p =OE - C

,.11:: F co =ao "'o.!!!J77P
. I

BF =- BDO?S 60•
J3F ~ 0.577 P cos 60 •
f3f ... 0.577 p (0.5)
BF" O. !l.99P - T

. ~
@pt. 0 ~Fv " O: 8Cs1n6d+BDs1n-ao• • 1000+ABS!n30•

40+) Oeterrroine the f()l"C96 1n the rriemberG d(' ths l'OOf trusG o.eBDto.B6'66C = 1000+ 200?(0.~)
o. seD+o.~ec,. Qooo - · · - (!)
showr> in fig . P-~-
o;ni1der'1ng the- u>hole figure, ~Fh =o : BOcosao· w J:>Coos6"0" t ABoos:ao•
£fv =O : R,..v + Rov = 100+ 1oosinao• o.e66BD•o."e l3C t ~000(0,966') - --·@
. P.Av t RtN • 1!30-...-6) 6y Elirnino1ion : 1 ~ r;
~fh··o: Re»1 -1ooca;ao + (o.s.eo t o .aGGec = ~ooo)'o.s

if' BO• ~SOO lb in 1

P.oH - S6,6 lb. BC -eooo- o.e(2000) ( 0· 9~ 00 - o.!!)sc ~ 173Q) o .96'6
@pt./\. o. 2!3 eo + o~ ec - 1000
~... --o ~C"'866lb---· C / + 0.7!!Jao - o. +.s~ ., 1.soo
@pt- a. RAv " l\BS tn ao• . @ pi.C BD • 2800 lb ~- -- T
RAv •o.sAe-@ CD

~fh - 0 I! CDs1n6'0°• ec81060• t 1000

100lb ...c .
AC " AB cosao· co• 966 (o.B66) +10oo .. Q0.20 lb __·- T
f':.C = o.966 A0 - @) b o.e66
'1 f A0 = 1o0 lb ~fh•O
o.seo + OJ5M .._ 100+~
RAv "'0·5AB ci=.
eo+Ae= 1.!JO(~) .. :Mo-© COcos60· t A.C t BC ()Ot;(it). -
. !<Av c a .5('100)= .so lb . CE"" 2020(0.<:>) +1732t 8$. (o.!J) = 3 17.?l lb -· . - C
"'fh•O: SOcos-eo• :Aeco&ao• t 1oooos30•
~,AO• o.B66(A0)
eo ~ "e t 190--© .,o.e~,C1 o0) "'96.61b-T
~ .s in.+
r. In
. the con1ile'<'er truss shown in .Fig · P-...,...,..,
""', conipute i

ASt 100tAB"' 300

,..,e =1001b
.. eo - .Ae +100.=
1200 it> - c
@:Cr o: 1orce 1n memben:; AB, 1;3e, ~OE.

@ pl·"

AB1>1nao •1ooos1n 60
:li!fh"'O AB " 1 7S,e lb - .. - T
AC ·CD a 96.6 lb· ..-T @ pt. s.
~fy 0 0

0C = i00 1b·· · - T U61~ Rototio" of A")(•S,

"406.) The con ti \ever trvss in fig . P- 406 ·1 s hi~ <::it D ""--E. Find Uv-o
. SE
the force in eoch member .
@ pt./\
"'. ao
1000 lb
.£P..,•0 OE. '"'" 6'0° • 100Q
ASs1nao" =100 : Ae-~lb-· · T PE• 116+1b -· -· c
lll!rn · O: AC. AP>COS"°
AC~ 200ocOS.90. I
1cxx>lb /\C =173Q lb -- .. C ·

@ pl. o. £Fi,,•O
OE:61n60· "'CDs1nro· t 4!000 Col'l:'pule the force ir'I eoch member of the Wo"ren tru(;a
~~ PE " 20QO(O.B66) t 3000
sho'l'ln in rig . p -~e. oe - .5:+e+.2 c
"" ..!34eo 1b
'3()00 1b.
coMidering the whole' f1qu"e:
co/ I \oe
· n members /\0, Ac, 130,CD, ~CE of' the
R....v(ro)., 2000(19) t -1<XX7(10) +
. . fhti iorce
l'. 1
::iOOO(!j) conh
oi c lever· truss .sh<M'n
. in. FIB. P-+11
. . If the loods we re opp1·l6U
_ ..:i
p_,._v .. 4-~50 lb.
"".E '~"_tead or
o~ 13 \_D, specrfy whioh memberG' would
hove their internol force ohcmged.
100lb tone-"' :10
-e-. 33.69.
@ pt . e izooolb
@ pl . /\ ,
@ pt. 8,
£fv•O z fv "o : Aesinoo· " 12000 ~ ecGines¢' AC-a Aacosaa.89
- ~ ~Fv ·o

IV.v " ABs1n 6C) ' ' 13C :o4910Stn60° - :2000 ~ · 19·'"' ec • !200 lb /\e"' 1so.2s lb AC- 180lb
l\6c 4250
fl ~rh ==o ·
BC "' ~~ lb - .. - 'T ec
Aacosaa.~· "' aOC06118-6'•
/\£> "' 4007.62."" 4910 lb-C /
~h..O :

BD = A8 C/JS60° t l?>C ocs6o ,._a - ao - 1eo. 2 s lb - ..T (

:tfh .. 0 l?>D • 4910(0.5) t :2500 (0.!'>) ionO • fa.93
A0cos60· "' AC BO ;.. 375.5 lb - .. - C / 10
/\C " 4910 (cos6d) / -e- c ,93.112·

,AC,- :245.S lb - .. -T

pt. G
£fv ==0! eC 6 1r'l60• t C051r'l60° "'"\000 ~= ~ · Oe" f3~g·
'.20 -'CJ I •
2600(0.066) t co (o.066) =400o ~i=-..·o
C O"' ~01~ .94- <;:1 ~o201b---T C0 61nsa.1!2· - BC

~· ~fti co:
BC c<f.> oo' t /\C -= CAJ CX:foq:l t CE
co- a.90 lb - .. - T
::S:fh •O

2600(0.9) t Q.+55 "' '20~0 (o.~) t CE CJ'O c C O COG .s~. 12 t AC

Ct= .. 1300 t ~45E> - 1010 ,,. 200 cos s a .12 t
Ct= .. !ZH~ lb. - · .- T C~ " .300 lb~..C /


409.) Determine
, .the · rn6'mucrrs
"' """.' in L..- AB, BO, BE ,~ OE of -the

"tos.) Determine the force in each bar ti' the \russ shown in Howe roof irvSG shown " fig. P--409. ·
Fio P-"1-0S covood by \if\inq lhe 12.0-\b \ood oi cons\on\ ve\oci\y
of an per sec . Who~ .change in ih66B fo;ross, ·jf any. resulh; fr()IO 0 £MHoO

p\ocing the roller Guppod ot D ~\he hinge support ot A?

Av("+o)-6Cd..30) - 1ooo(w)--400(1 o)= 0

1\-.i :: 1oso rb.
'k'a::=:::-;::1t-~-'?'i~~-d--1~~H.. ~ £MA ;. 0
H..r( 1ooo(:u>)-600(~0) :o
Hv = 9.50 lb.

at I\,

:%fy•O, 1;00

lnterchonqinq hin¥ ~ roller BE s1n60• - ~(sinoo") •O
Av+ Ov =12.0t ~/s (120) .BE - ~oo lb(c;vmprcssion)
support will rot chonqe \he forces :. AB• %100 lb (~ion)
but Av = Ov /'C • 1820 ib ( tooGion)
in each bar ell°'Pt for /\C 1*. CO
•• 20v = 12.l>t a/s(120)
BO• BEQJG~· t f,()()(et:>s<OO') "' 2.100
2 Ov .. 192
AC =·gc;; t 9/10 (AS) -4' ) . BO"' 1500 lb (eomp~iori)
Ov • 96 lb. =Av = 22:4 lb (teos1on) 10- Determine 1he forc.e in eoc;h member ci' the PrcrH fI
ot A : ,..f>~ in fig. p.. . roo rvss eho-Nn
· , co c so(e/10) · 410
~~-£96 lb o+ 0,~fl' U6iog Hew Axos
= 126 lb(icnGi<>O) .,. Z:Fy • O, 0C • 1s001bC = FG
,.,c ~ ec; . <L • •
in rne Of'1g1nol o><es
~-AC ,. Ae
6 -ll- ""10 AB-BO ~ Of' "' +soo lb - ··-C

AC • 12S lt:>. (tens1~)

A0 " 160 lb..( CO("lprcss1on)
%l1/b4•0, 1800(H)t1!IO'l(-t4i)t
o\ 0 : 1900(6) = Av (32)
Av = 2700 lb . ••• CD 3 2163.'33 tb -··-T ~ O&
~Fi< = O
M A. ~ AC c o/"13 CO t Cl=.
CE. = :a600 - Y~ ( 216::1.33)

Av=~~ AC 00. : t=.6 2400
c lb - ··- T
BD • 160 lb 3 s ---+"" DE " O
co = eo(e,fo) - Oh
• • /\8 • +soo lb - -·-C =- FH
bvt. Oh· 96 lb AC= GH ~ 3600 lb-·-T
: • co - 32 lb ( ~c:ns1on)
at c: £Fy=O
/"w +O""' BG
BC • 192. 1b(tension)

41f.) Compute . the force in eoch member of the \ru(;S shown in
@ pt . E, @ pt. f I

f ig. P-:-.+10. . If the loads oi 8 ~ D ore 1 .shined vertically down -
word to odd. to the loads ot C ·~ J: 1 will the~ b6 on"/ chonge
in \he reactions? Which membel"s , i,f ony, ""ould undergo o
ohonge in ln\er-nol force? ~r.- -o . ~fv"O
DE = !100 Jb _., - T ~rv - ~or
SQ)lb OF = ..Je(7!2o) /·
OF • 1609.97~1610lb- .. -c.
.j.ta.) Determine the iorce
r ·in each member of the crone
Ghown P-+13.
coi;1ne LOW:
o2 = b2 t c2 - .::zbc Cos!\
6 = b 2 +9 2 -2b(9)cosA-©

(l'.)nsidering the whole figure •

@' pt. e,
ba."' o-.i +ell.- :zoccosa
:a;:f... ·o be= 60+ 90_ 2(6)(9)cos120'
R>.v t ~FV " ..,.00 t QOO t 2()()t 800 b ... 1il -08,
R.-.v t P,pv " 1600 lb ..:-© @pl. A, In 1 , 6"1•(1a.oa)Lf92 - a(13.oS)(9)cos/\
~Mr"o ·" / Ar. ~3 .39··

R.-.v (oo) '"100(-40) t ..+C(a:x>) t ~ad) !Ct=h=O
c.ont. ()t'l 8, ~fv aQ •
+ eoocao) eeo lb G ~80 "'~ /\B eoGinac) • ecs1r-i60•
i;ubst the volue o f ~ ..." in 1,.
BO " 98% ~ -49~. 5
. o.eeo • 0.966SC -"@ .
Rrv ~ 1600-BSO .. 720 Ii:> £.fv=o EUbsri . 2 1'11 ,
"""'1'9~ 1b-.:1C

J..Cs•n23.a9· .. s200 12000 "o.s66(o.:!,6 ac) + o.sec
/\C"' 13()99.64 ~ 13 100lb -·'-T EC= 6000.!16 ~ 6000 lb-.. -yc
.....!..-,.. W +~lie = 400 tac ~h-9 /'
'W '<5 1n 2,
~ (-t9Q) t {s--{9f3s) - 100 t ec /\C cos 2a.a9• =A8 BD .. .o.&66(6000) "'10.392 lb
~ 104ootb-!.'.'.c
AB" 13100o::>s2:a.a9• ,. 120.23.-49 lb o.s
SC - 701 .o+ -=::: 700 lb - .
zfv•O AB"' 12000 lb- .. -CI'
R>.v cA8.sin6a.4g· @ pt . c,
"6 ~ .,993. 9 1 '<:: 99$ lb- .. -.C
~fy "'O

/\C c A0 COS68.4S • J:>C "{e co +czoo

c 996 COGGa.+s· 700 = ...L cot czoo - coe 1118.0?> /
BO ~Fh•O
"9 ~ 11120 lb-..- C
IC .. ~ 440lb -· ·- T/ /\8 • BOcosao' + BC cos 60•
1aa:io c o .966 eo t o.~ ec -<D
C~ - 440+ ~(1100') .. 1141-76 ~ 1440 lb-..-T

+i4-.) Determine \he force
in member /\6, SO, !iic. CD of the +16.) Solve for the force in mernbers fH, Of".~ DG or the
truss shown in fig . P-41S.
~russ $hown ·,n fig . P-""'14.
conGidering the whole,
~Fv "'o

R.iw t R11v "' 300 t ~ t 900

R>.v + Rtiv .. 1500
£.M,., "'0
@) R>Jv(:a6) = aoo(9) i :aoo6e) t 900(21

Rttv .. 900 tb.
R.-.v = 1500- 900 .. 000 lb.
~fv•: rR:-
900 lb

Av(3G)"' 300(2.1) t 300(1e") t 900(9)

slope ot A'e • 1 FHV = FH s1n4s•
Av= 600 lb .
slope at BO .. 1/ 3 fH "' 900/sin-4!1°
slope a t CD " "4./3 FH =1127l2.79 'I: 1270lb -·· -C
at A ,
, @ pt. i=, @ f,

Y-li A6: GOO
Y-ta FH - f6 t Y..rro OF

Y-12(1210) • t=G .t J4w(941)
Ae" 048.~3 lb - ·.-r C ~FH •o . f6r:: .59S . .B6 ~ 600lb
Ya FH = · ::i/,.io DF
OF• -1Wfr210)
ot C, ('3)..W

OF " 946.'6 "" 947 lb-· ·- C

(@ pl. 6 ,
~fy "' O


300 t 4/!EI co = ec ·
i:.Fx =o
CD= 125 lb -··-C
3/..fto BO " 141AB I
BO = 632.40 lb -··-C
~rv • o

*.;i; Fy
/\B ~
~o .
1/"10 BD t BC
BC ~ 400 lb - ··-T ·
+foDG t F6 .. 900
../.e 06 t 6CO ., 900

1::?0 "'::ioo ( s)
06 = 37.!' 1b - ·· ~r

64 65
UGing the mS-thocl of .oections, determine the force in rnem-
berG ao ,CO, ~.CE of the roof fru~S shown in f (g . P--t17.


1f..; oO £MJ!·O
o/.Ji BC .. -+00 or(ao) - RGV(2o)
1lz' ac • + 47. 21 ""4+S 1b --·-C Of" BOolb -· ·-C
360lb LMoao
CE(~o) t 1000(10)-t RGH (!lo}. RGv(3o)
ce~ecd.:ao) - 1000(10)- 600(:20)
BO /'ll!l, !20

. i ce .. 1001b -··-T
.+1Q.) Use the me thocl orr- secfion6'
. to determine
,, ao,co,. ~CE of the Worren Trow.
. ~t.'lc•O GOOOlb

FV,v (12) =BO ( 9) com:idering ihe whole f'igur-e ,

go "' 120(1& ~M..,•o
Rv•(ao) •'1<J00(1o)t~e)t
~o .. 160 10 -· .-c
.- !2000(1!1)
~i:v . 0 J:l.vE w •t-7!50 lb .
p.,...v "' 3/,5 C O
co .. b/?J (HlO) c e
, I
B ~- -··· -""B;:;...0_--1
CO"' !ZOO lb- ··- C
' e-e.66 n.
...:;Mo ' O
P-Av ( !2.4) :: er; (9)
GE = 11ZO(~~ C. CE 10'
- 9 'f<lOOlb
~Mc ·O ~Me.•0
CE ~ 31ZOlb - · ·-T
41EJ-) The warren . iruss looded os show" in F•9· P~+1a is suPPof"'-!ed Bo(e.66) =-3ooo(s)t •nso(1o) Rvt=(1s)- co(1o)a 3000(10)~"!000(6)
by a roller ol C ~ a ri1n9e a* 6. Sy the rn&thod of seolions,oom- 6P • .32soo/e.65 co· _a12s,9"'1o
CO • IZ1~S l b ....:. . · - l'
~ember-G ~Cl'- ·
BO " .37.stZ .9 lb- ·· -C
pu-\e \he force in \he BCr OF,
cons·1derin9 the ~ho\& flgure., ~Mo=-0 ::!!,Mi; aO
.:tfh:O : ~0t1 - 600 lb . ( 9 -66)CI: =+750(5) -co(e.66) + 31svJ(e-GG} c aooo(s)
%Mc=0 Ci: "' 257.SO/ei.66 co .. 1.S000-(32500. 11+)
t;,00('10) t 900(10) t 100o(~O) .c -406(~+ Cc c 27+:2.!5 lb - ·· -T
-~-6'6 .

JtGv (-40) co " 1Zo20 . ~ lb:::: ~o:zo tb -··-T

RG" - 900 lb .

CtfECKEO: using Method of Secfl()r"I • @
.+20:) l)etennm 1he fOCce. in th& mernberG Of' 06. ,.,..1:6 of U\8

ttowe in>S:~ GhoNO in fig. P-.ov.IO·

!f.l•!ltCJOI> 3/.sao=ae ; BO.· ~a(1roo)
£MG•O: Of(9) • 11.100<12) BO~ !2000 lb .
Pf =!l900 \\:> - · · -C
.2:f.... •0 ~ 12£>0 t OIAJ 06 • a100
D6•16001b - · · -C ~F '" 4fi.J(~) t 2..:.00 t 1200..:. gdoO
~f'h·O ~ Df t -4{900•1:6 -=N-0 EF .. 3!lOOlb
:zsOo t -4/9(1.500~ .. ~6 -f'/:5 BF t 1~ • l:F
f:6 "' .+oOOlb - --T
bF ... JV+[ata00-1.~001
<4!M-) ~ 'in Fig. P -<tff, determine t~ f()f'Ge in Br
for 1he truGS BF - al500 lb -· ·- 0
by the o(j~ts ~ then chec\( Hi~ result using me-l~ of
rnettioO -MS-) In the Fink tru" &hown in Fig. P- ~, the web members
section~. Hint: .To' opp\y the rnelhod of secli~, fi~ ob\olO the ~ Et= ore pec-pendicola~ 1o the inclined members ot tne4r midpOin~:
IJIOe the mehld of' 6e0fi0os. to determine the forc.e in mernberG Of
'(()loe .of ae by incopection. cons"ic:Jen°ng the whole figure. PE~\i._CE . . . '
Rott .. 1!/.00 lb
RJ.,v t Rav<)0112J:X>

RAv t Rov "3600 - ·© ~I
-Wt>t> ~v (19) = 1,,,.00(9) + 1!100 (12) I

in 1, Rev c 3600 - 2000 =: 1600 lb .

itFA.v·-Jf8" -1t2t~Hl+1 - g~
Method of Joints .: Ii
BE. •1200 lb ...,..... - fc;¥ .... tc.
@l pt. A~
. , /'13 - 0C = 12-400 lb .
£ ..~ ~~ .. o
" " N:-
Z:ft1 -o 10 x
x c ..s.&9'
~-S9)t2(2.s)t 1(12.s) .. ,.6 "(n.10) I
Rotl ~ a/9 eo OF •.s.9139 :w.s.92 ~pG - · · - c
1'f,,~O ~v ..liiiO .. y
-./!J/\S ~ S:V.v
ao • s~c1200)
00~ ,SVa(): 4A;oe t '1- • weoF 't !2 i 1 ,I
ao ... woot> - Y"'1t.S' OE .. fl tt.ipc; -· . - T
J\B= !ZSOO lb

L,.:;ht •O
R/\v (ao) - EK(i7.a2) + 1oo(a<>) t '.ZOO(ao-1•.s) + !200 ( :ao- ~) t ~(aa-2'.1 !1)
fij.i•O E:K,. 6912.94- ~ 693 lb-· ·-T .
CE t ::l/s PE ... -i/ra· PF 431.) Def-ermine the ,...__~ in the rnem berco
T<A "-"" or' 06 I '!,., E? fOI" the Po...i..-r
Ct:."' o/{S(s.02)- '3/5(!2) tru1:is shown i'n Fag p-+31 . ' ""'

·m~tnod f~
CE e + Kip~ -· · - ·T
+26.) Show !hot the of joinls connot determ"ine the
ces in oil bors of the fon fink truss i9 fig. P - -+.126. Then use
the method of 6ections to compute' the forc.e in borS f H,Gti,'11\EK.

R.i.v e panels ot l!s' • 2o0'

~fv -o, conGider the whole f .gure, · 1
~1nce : p.1 • R>.v
2R1 • 7(3C>)
R1 9
R/\v =1os "
. '

ton~·· o/ao
cos -ao' = 3o/c
a"" 11.:a:2'
c - :3-4.64'/ EG= ~~(162) - 2~(ag. 1)
ton60· c 17.a2
u= 10' 1::6 - 110.7 -:::! 1"10 1<.·a ~ -·-T

..C:MG • O
coosidering the wrde r.·gure, · RAv(1s):-ac(ao)tao(~)t 125 DF(a.e)
~ ·
R.-,v • l<ov EK t~ or(~)
I . 2 FV.v c 1600 OF• 161 , 87 ~ 162 Kips - .. - c
i:t-.v = eoolb "'Rov R.>.v
.£.~·o .

In fig :2, fV.v('2.o)tW0('.1'.1·S-20) - rt-1(10) t 100(20) t~(w-1.!J) R>.v • 30taot $-OF+~ OG

30 • Ae t b ·, b•10' + Wo(12.o - 1s} D6• ~,,,£11 fos - :ao -ao- ~(wi5]
. AE • 30-10 • 20' fl-\~ eoo(w)+ !loo(!2.s)- 1oo(w) - :zoo(1:.z.s) + 2oo(s)
[)6c 3.12.61 <:::..92.7 f<jps _ .. -~

In Flg._-a
""& I!

" ,co

= 1100 lb -· ·-

'.1()() (7.!J) t 200 ( 16) + '.100 (12.;;..s) • GH ( A.i=/)

1£, ;..o, BC, ~80
"faa.) Use the method of sec t'torw
of tn t e ru GS
to c.ompuf the c
-shown .in fig
e . P-+a2
. rn members
sanao· =DE ~I GH. '1.00 ( 7 •!!>)\ t ~fr;) t 200 (22.~)
l"l.fl\ I
f\ E
oe. ='20(.s1noo·) Gt-I • .519-61' ""~!20 lb -· · - T

. II 70 I
,. ,.

R.-.v(110)t•~M(16)= o/..JS9 A8(20)

"'8 = ¥ [ 30(~)]
[s(0o)-e(1t0] ·
AB~ 70.7S ""' 70.9 KipG .i....:..... c
::!EMB •O .

RAv (l&J_ • -+,.f+'; AC~

f /;.,·,.\ or /\C = #}4· ( ao)
...e Kips; - · · - i

AC - 4€1-02 ;:,
~M .. •o
ii...v(s11)• ~400(:M) +a~16)
RAv • 36001b
o/t<X) t %PP• ~AB
_I 30(a<>)'" 1!Z(2o)t

+ ~ 0~(10)
t!2(10)t~ OF(a·2 -~-f)

ao= %[%97(!S9~-~J
OF .. ~.+s ~ ""1l.5 ~ips- .. -c
BD "'5o01.o+ ~ .!5000 1b-· ·- T
Af'Mo•o ~ni-o

RAv(16) t V..,;; ,.o..e(-ia)-o/,m Ae(16) BG - ~ AJ!J + ""f~ BO

Aa • 5909.31 c:::,.!591011;>-· ·-C BC- ~ (s91 o) t +fe (.sooo)

~Me"O · Be"' 6:4001b - .. -c .
R->.v(e) t a,.S A0(9) L~ .AO(Hl)
/\0 • 3000 It:> - .'·-T
-t.aa.) Cornp:ite the fOl"G6~ ir. bars- AB, N;, OF, "OE of the sciss~
frur;s .eho.vr. in fig, P-.+99.
K ~M1·0 , .
RAv (60) • 1~(sD)tn(..o) t 111(30)+1~(.u>)
+ 1!l(10)
JV.v .. aoK


J " -.0
" 5




.+21.) Use the method of ~dions to compute the for:-e

in ~he

members Of, EF, ~Eo

. Fv(so) • ...00(10) t 200(10) t 000(30)
.of lhe cantilever '\'russ described in
t 200(30)
Prob . +11 '*' page 92. · Fv = 720 lb .
tan-& = '2q/.,0 " o. 6
-& "'26.57 °

OE" 40/.9
tori20.s1· " a/w
o~ 10 '
~Mo 0

CE(10) = 720('20)
f,..·-nolb . CE " 1~ lb -··-T
~Meo c~1...:in9 BO ot F)
7'20(-1-0) "':z.00(20) t 800(20)+ y.fij" 80(i<>) t
BO = 491.93 lb - ··-C
~M p ~o ( CD ~tC)
200(20) t co(.ia)
soo('2o) ,
co'" 1118.03 lb ..,.....-c
• to
the force acting
4Z3.) Use the method of sections to deterr,..iine
in rnember-s Of, EF. ~ EG of the tioYVe truss descr'1bed in fig .
%ME • 0 (R~solving OF ot o)
P-409 on poge 91.
3/..f13 Of (40/3) .. 100('20) t '200(10)
OF, ,. 360.SG lb -··-T
0 :£MA• O
Hv (-4-0) = 400(30)t 1000(W)t ~(1~)
£MA• o / (Resolving EF ot E)
2 EF (2.0) =- 200 (10) t 2.00( 20)
Hv "' 900 lb

EF .. 335.41 lb. - · - T

.:lf.Me.·" 0 (Resolving OF o+ H)
zMr •O
Hv(U>) ~ 4t00(10) t OF(s1n.30')(20)
E6 (W) • 100(30) t 2.00('1.0) t 200(10)
''=""- h.-=::.L..::.,H OF c 1500 lb:-·· - C
G 10'
-4«> tlv ~MH • 0 (l<eGolving l=F ol E)
EG "'450 lb - ··- C
%MF ~o 400(to) - EF s •nao· ( 20)
Hv (10) • E!G (10 tonao·) ~F " +oo lb -··-C
422) Reier •o the descr1~od in Prob. 41'2. on poge 92 , ~ com-
E& "' 1G4.S.4.5 lb-··-T
pute the force in f'(lemben; 80, CO. it.-, CE by '\'he method of
-4-2-1-.) For the truss shown '1n Fig. P- 424, determ·1ne the forGe in
seot;on6. BF . by the rnethod of joints ~ then check· th·1s resul1 using
the me~ hod of .secf1on<0 . Hint : 1o oppI'I th e mefhod o f 6edions

. 74 75 .
•*' '

-427.) Determine t~ f~ in bor-G 60,CD, '1Ao.. Of of the nooelle

fif"St obto1n the vo\uc of 0E by ins~tion. troGS shO"m in Fio. P-.+f.7.
As o~\e.
' ,; e ,.-+-
. 1t'
~Mf =0,
Av(1&) -1~(12) t 2400(9)
-r, c.,(1&)H200(~)" ~24)t 1200(1e)

Av "' 2000 lb -·· Cv "' 1600 lb.

ot A, 8'


"'" .. 4-/~ A0
~fy •o,
AB.,. 2500 lb -··-C 1/$> DE t 1~ • 1~ t £,()()
~so OE" 632.<t-6 lb -·· -T
.q' AC .. 3/~ AB • 1e<>0 lb - ·-T . ' ot Jdtot 0,
£Me •o (Re501ving coot c)
lb i200~ ot c, N; r&(; g
l\v 81" 1/-11o DE (18) " ·aA; (12)(co)
otF,~~f ~n. .. o ~ £Fy,.O, CO= .5()()1b-'·- T
Cf ,._C .. Cf "1500 lb-·· - T 4/5 co = 34ts BO t Y..i;o DE
BO= 360.55 lb-··-T
~F.,. •o, CF • 3/e> BF '· "
428.) U~ the mc:rlhod of GCC{iOl'lS fo deier...,...ine the force in mCJm -
1~ (5/.a) ~ ef=
BF "' ~50011:>-· ·-C bers Of. F6, 1t..,61 ofthe triangular t10V'le trvGS shown in Fiq.
P-~ . Hint : fir'Gi. d6icrmine by inGpection . the forces in the web
By section,
members of the right s·ide of the tru!:>s .

by inspection web members JK, IJ, HI,

Ila.. Hc9
car-ries no lood
ton-1 1/~ - ~..!!J7°
-&- •
~~·k=O, /\v(«J) = 2cos2,.57•(!50) t 2
) ;
(cos 26s1•)('4o) - 2(s1t"126.57.)(!S) - 2.(1o)(sin
26.!!17) --- Av ." 2.46 ~ps
.-!MF•O ,
""""~~....,..,..--61 Av('30) = 2(CO!Pu.e7•{1ot 2o)t (s•n2c;.s1•)
2..ok)O(q) t 1200 (u.) "' ~/5 BF ( 18) (2)(.St10) +GI (15)

BF"' 2~ · ., -··-C £~ ~o : 2.«i~(.30) • -2(sm26.1S1')(s) . GI .. 0.-1-s.9 Ki~ -··-T

- 2(smU.57°)(10)t ~(610 2~.51)(30) + ~MA • O: fG (30) • 2(cos26..57)(10120)
2(C06 2t0.s7•)(20)t 2. (cosu.~)(10) +(2)(~n~57•)(1!St10)
OF • 2.3 ~ip& -··-C FG .. 2. 24 ~ipi; -··-T


440.) For tho fromo loodocl us shown in Fig. P- 440,,c:Wtor -

429.) For t he contilever truss .showro in F1'g . P- 429, determine
mire lho hor izo~tol t+._ vC?rlicol companonts of' t~ pin pros -
the forces ·,n members OF, FH , Fl, GI ,~ fG .
· svm ot '_ 13· S'poofy dirootions (up or down; left or right) of
@. H
Len of A-A tho forco OG ·• t od~ upon rnombor CO .
c 3001b
~MG=O , .
s/.JZQ Of(z4) ='J.oo(60)t 2.00(40) ~ 2' ~MA =o
CN(4) • 200(2.) t 300(6)
400(20) 2001b
[).... = .5SO lb
Of-> 1256 •.s+ lb - .. -1
~Mo •0
Lef\ of a-a
Av ( 4-) .. 300(6) - 2.00(2)
%M1 • o,
Av= 350 lb
.£MF ~o ( ot A-A) . .s/~ FH(..w) =-400('1.0) t '.'l-00(40) t 200(~) .,. e.;,
UGI = 400(20)t 100(40) t2oo(6o) . 'JdJ(80) . Bil
61.., 1166.67 lb-.. - c FH =1664. 81 lb _ .. -T c 3001b :E'.Mo .. 0 A.H(4)c 350(4)
o£Fi< c O: GI t7$i'FI =~ .F'°l'I i 811 ( 4) " 30(){.6) M
t ~(Z-)
e 2'
· Fl =~oa . 2.7 lb - ..-c BH BH" 450 1b AH .. "I-SO lb
Lofl or c-c -t'
""' ~f1< *'0
zM .... cO: 60FG =-1-00(60) t"'\00(40) t 200(21>) -ev =o (left) ... AH "' BH "+60 lb
F6 "',,7f3.33 lb -·: - T 0 Ott
0.,'5.50lb ' 8v "' .5SOlb ( £fy=O
430.) The loods on tlie· 'parker tru6S shown in fig . P-+30 ore '1n
8.., - UJ0 - 3SO = O
~ip.~ . One l'-i p equolG .1000 lb . Oeterm'1ne \he forees in members 00,
Bv "S.SOlb
. 8t:.CE, 'ii... OE . ,
H , .£Fv=O
44'1·) The struetvro shown in Fig . P-441 is hinqoo ot /\ tii.,c. find
A" tJv = 30 ( 7) Svl Av •Jv
tho horizo11tol ~vertica l compone nts of' the hingo force ot B,
: . Av =105 !'ipG

Z.M at the inleri;eciion o f 60 k, CE • 0
Ati § 8';e.11001b
A Av~
27/Jiii'+ 8E(160) t 30(135) =
BE = 63. 88 K'.ips - .. -T
:0,,1.., ~o
i..en ol ti-b
80w • 1oo(s)-+ ioo( 6)
~Mot lhe inierc;ection of BO~CE•D
BH . 17S lb
CE "' 97. 22 Kipc;-.. - T 160(30) t 160 Of:. t 30 (135) "10!'l(110)
OE "' 16 . 87.S ><1pG - .. -c .,ei=,. '"0; BH "AH"' 17.5 lb
%:t.'\E "0 .:e:Fy u O i Av - 100 - 100 "'o
1o!'l (eio) " 30(2~)+ -'/$ BD(32J
Av "' 200 lb
CH " Bti • 17.5 lb

Isolating bar CE
...+3.) The frome shOwn in fig. P-.++3. is hinged to rigid sup- :f;F.,. =o
. i:;orts ot /\ ~ E . find iho Q?fTipo;\ont~ of tho hingos forcos ot Cv t Ev -Dv =Q

/'\ "'- E '6i... tho fon:;os in rnembors . BC !,... 80. C v = 360 - '2.64
1e:>lb Cv = 96 lb ( downwor-d wiih rospec! to.
zt.V.=O: 1'20(4) - EH (4) "'0 AC }
~Mo •o: CH(6) +Cv(3)-E.,(~) Mo
e:1-1 ... 1w lb
C..1 -= 264(2) - 96'(3)
X:ft-t .. O. : E~>-At-t .. O G
Et-1 At-1 '" 120 lb
~ .s'
c.tic -4-0 lb { io wthe leO
ifh rei:pect to AC J
at iGOIQting bar AB
lsolo hng bor ~
le.. :.t:Me"O: Av(B) - 120(4) -::o
(~loting Bor AB ZM.-.•O : &i ( 4 ) t Cv(s) - CH (1o)- Bv (~) co
120tb . Av= 60 lb .
s,..: -to(10) +120( 2) - ( 96)(s)
4' .... Con~ering iho wholo f'romo : 4-
~fv"'O: Av +ev - 120 "'0
BH ~ 40 lb to tho right .
~F11 •0: BD(3/s) - Att =O l=:v = 120 -(0
l:v ,.,· 60 lb . ·'"
80 "'(5h)AH
BO= 200 lb -··-'-C 445.) The frame shown 1n F19 . P-+<Ts is supported by 0 hiri-
.%'."M.-1.·0: 120(+)+ oc(a) -e0(4/.s)(a)=o god ot E i..., o rollor at D. Computo the horizon~ol ~ vorti -
l3C ., 100 1,b - · - T
col components Of the h ingo force ot C OE it ociG .upon 60.
+++) The frornc ~fuwn in fig . P- +'14 is suppodod by o hin-
god ot /\ ·&. o rol1er ot E . Compute tho. horizontal ~ vorti- .Z:.ME=O
. ~I componen\.s the hingo furc.os o t B ~ C os -they od Dv(S)-= 240(3)
upon rnombor AC~~- ~ Dv = 9o lb
:::E:.Mo c.O
E:v >= 264 1b
. Ev (0) = 240(s)
:f.Fv .,0: Ev -Av - 240.= o
Ev"' 1so lb
Av " - 24() "t t=v Dv lc:oclating bar DB
Av = .2+1b .
lc;olohng bor AB
o~ BO
%Maco ""' " -+' l 2' µ ..
240(9) - 0v (~) - 0 ~" ·rev D

Isolat ing bar BO °" = 360\b . :EM.-. .. o ~Fy"O

B!-+.s ~, . 12' 1'2'\0lb Bv(6) c 240(4) =
Cv 16o-go
lev .0 DH Bv c 160 lb Cv"' 70 lb
~Mo "'O. : 240(3) - Bv(6) "'0 ~Ma•O ZMe "' O
Bv " 120 lb ( upword w/ (6)Av = 2"1<>(2.) CH (3) c 70(.3) t 90(7)
~pee! +o oo.- N:) Av=aolb CH"' 260 lb.

I .

~.) A three - hinged orch iG composed two trusses or .:iMe •0

Av(20)-A>.(oo)-240(10) =0

AH ·-BH •O

hi'n<;ied. together ot 0 in Fig. P- +'l-0 · Compute the. compoi:onts

/\v-At-1=120 -@
of the reaction ol /\ ~ then find the fon:;c,s acting 1n ban; .I ~
AB'&.._ AC . Hinf: f irst 1·Gol0Je each kuG~ ow o freo. body .
a:i. © !..._ @., ::E:Fv "'0
A,,(-+.)-AH "'-1440 Av :- Bv - 240c o
- (Av - AH ""120) &,, = +40- 240
.%Ma "'0
Av(eo)-aoot.G0)-600(20) =o sAv "' 1320
/\v "' 420 lb . Av c +40 1b 8 = 8,, 2 t BH 2
AH cAv -120 c (~)2 t (300)2
=+'K:l-120 8 . . 377.+ 'fb.
AH - 32.0lb
bor i\15, 446.) A boom carrying the . loads shown 111 Fl9. P- .+40 iG
0 2':N\o: O
Av(40) -36CJC20) t AH(30) cO comf)()!;od of throe GC<Jrnont~ . It is supporlod by four vor-
At-1(30) =- ¥Q(W) - 4 2.0(40) ti~I roodions ~ joinod. by two frictionlot;i; hinges- Ootc-
Ai-1 = -3:20 lb rm1ne tho values of ihc reodionG' .
) I

2o' : 'lo': : . Ai-1 c 320 -to tho r ight 400lb

@ Joint A, f=;;:::~;:;::=;.::::;=200:;:::1=bA;n;:::::!:=:::;:c:4::~100
A =:'%:'.::Jo
%Fy=O 3"' 3' ....... 10'
l'C 20 / '*2o - !\8G1n .36.87• ~o H.r.go R2
·" AB • 700 lb _ .. - C •
A .:EF'~ ~o : .320- AC - AB COS 36·87 =O @member CO
AC= 320 -7oo(cos.36.a7•) CH c 100 l'o/fl
/' ;c, . ,._ - 240 lb.,,, 2.40 lb - .. -T
447.) Two truss;o~ ore joined os shown in Fig . P-4-4~ to form
three - hinqod orch . Comput.e the horizontal vodicol com- '*" @member BC

pol'"\cnts or
the hingo forco ot B ~ thcr'I determine tho typa
R4(6) ... 600(.3)

~ rnogn'1 tudo of force ·,n bors BD ~BE. I 2001~/fl ~ R4 " 300 lb ... Cv

'l-40ib m>lb -t' I ro' ""' • ~aool b

10' I 10 1
I 10' 10' :!:Mc =o & 200 R2
1:~, 1
7 '

120(10) t 240(30) t AH(10) -Av (40~ a 0

Av(4)- A..i = 1440 ---' © . :<E'MR:i "'o
R2 (10) .. 200(14) t 2000(7) - 300(4-)
lsoloiing loft tr;;ss
t.olO R~ e 2120 lb .
10' B ~
.zM ~2 ° 0
R:i (10) " 200'.:>(3) + 300( 14) - 1..00( 4-)
R:-l = 11 ao lb.

82 83
449,) The bridge shown in Fig. P-449 rons'1sts of tvvo end 3000(9) +1000(6) t Fi1 (4')=
i;ecf1onG, each weighing 200 tons with ccntcr of grovlty ot Fv(12) .
G, hingod '\o a 1,.1niforrn center. span y.1cighing 120 tons. COm- fv(3)-fH "'0250 -@
puto ~he rcoctionG ot A, B, E, .~ F . 4' · ~MF =O
3000(s) - 1000(6}t Ai-I (4)
4' = Av (12)
1 -- - '' - - Av(3) - A H .. 2.Q.SO -®

@member ce.
0v ~Me"O
..::tMc • O C11(10) .. 3000(5)
@member CO
I E(ft I Dv(oo)"' 1~(30) t 60(4<>)
Gil c -40 20 0 Chi CH =-1soolb.
Dv "' 100 tons
~Fx =o : 3<XJO - CH -BH "0
Cv .:i::Mo ='O
C.-(6o) "' 120(30) t 60(W)
6H "'3000-1500 =1500 lb.
B BH . I
Cv = 00 t onG
..:!!M p"O
Ot1 D Ql member CO;
Ev(.50) ., wo(30) t 100(10)

Ev :::: 260 tonb
01-1 " CH=1$00 lb

• 1 . F-Fw•() %tv' is = 0 ' DH 0
'/fl .; • .
E~· 30
• Fv Fv (so) =- z.oo(ro)-100(1.0)
@ membor OF,
I fv"' 40 ~onG D
~ .2'.Mi. =O: OH(+)= F~ (4}
.Z:Me "'O FH ~ 01-1 "1li00 lb
Av (SD) "20o(20) - BO(W) EH .:!F.c =o: E1-1 -1500 -1500 =o
Av " 48 tons· .+' EH =3000\b
.::€MA = O ::EFx •O: F~ t ?>ODO - AH =o
Bv (so) ~ · 200(30) t 60(70) F.;
AH= 4.500 lb
8v = 232 -tons
-450~ A billboard BC weighir19 1000 lb is .subjecfocl 1o o fv(::i) = 0250 t. 1500
vv'1ncl pres.sure of per 0 ·as Gho~n ·,n fig . P · 450 . Ncg-
300 lb
Fv = 32.SO lb
lecf1ng the weights . of the suppor \'Ing members, dotorrnine
the components of the hinge forces o~ /\ &,., F. Av(3)"' 2QSO t 4500
Wind p rcss;u..-e = 300 l_b/H. · Av == 2250 lb.
= 300 1b/f1, l( 10 'fl
- 3000\b.

84 ~
451.) 1'hc lrome stiown in fig . P- -4-.51 1$ hinged o\ E. !t.._ rollor
svppork0 o\ A. Oetor~1nb horizon\ol ~ vorticol c.omponenti;
of tho hinge fon:;C;s ot B, C, """D .· l'leg\cct tho woightli of tho


:a!!!.F>e "'0
:l!M.A. •O
Ev(12.) "'300(16) - 24-0(10) EH - 2-40 .,:;Q
.EH c: 2.W lb .
i::.,, =- 2~ lb Choptor .5
::EMi=- =-0 •'
Av(12) = 2~(10) - 300(6) friction
Av F SO lb
@member CE
G." 1I :t:Mc=o
c Ct1 DH (4) "'2.40(0)
+' D1-1 = 480lb
2'..Mo =O
°"+' c.. (.+) = 24-0(4')
Ell E CH = 24-0 lb
Ev .2!"'1e "'0

t' . .°" . Dv(•)<'12)

= 010 lb .

.ll!Fy -=O
T .:i!fx =O: D.i "'8H c.400 lb
Bv c: .SO t e10 - 300

s.... .. w Bv = 580 lb.

Cv =s<eib.

-'l).5.} /\block weighing W lb is plo~d upon o plane in -
clined at on a ngle , -&- with the. horizontol. Discuss wha t
'f"ill hoppen ·it the angle of f6ctlon ¢ IE> (o) greater ,·
than & , (.l:>) ~quo l .to -e-, (c) less than .e- .
(o) If ¢ is greater thon ~ th& plock will not .slide ~)own
in.stood it will re-to;n '1h; poGi ti'o0- becolJGe the frlct1onol __
P_· _ ., ~OO l b
force iG so ,rnuoh that it w·i11 . hold · th~ blociK · .s1n,sg,o+• sin 11io.g6°
, (IJ) If¢ iG c.<:Juol to fr- lhe ·blool<. w ill sfill not .sh'de, down P = 60.:>-o l b .
b~- having -e- vqlJol to¢ th~ sldstern will 1.Sfill be Inc-
quil; ~· here the fr1ot ioriol f~ree IG In. 'its minimum .
(c.) If ·¢ Is less thon tr. t hen sli'pping ocot..irs tJeoa;'.se R ooolb . :-.·.

the fr1'ctioriol force. '1~ not enou.9h to hold t he blooK. sinoo«96· s in ~g.o+·

P=300fb .
.506·) /\ -tOO- lb block Is rest1'ng on o rolJ9h horiz.ontol
. '.surface, for .whioh the COCJfficietnt Of friction jG Q,40. Def. c.)
the force. P reql) cause ~otion to ' lmpc-nd '1f op-
.Zf;oc:::O : 400(COSi5') .t f-'(.8.oO)(cos45")=0
ph'od the block. ( oY hor1'z.onto 11 ':1 , or lb) downward o t 00 • F = 70 .71 lb
with 'the horizonta l : :·(~) w hot minimum force '1s n::qu;~
to start the motiO-,;. sotl) The 200 lb block s hown 1'n f'19. P-008 hos 1mpe,nd1
' n9
p - "IOQ/b
O· .sin 2-1,e · .- sin. 68,2' motion up the plane caused by the f-ic?ri:wrrfa/ (Orce of
"l-00-lb . Pd · fhe c.oe(ficient . of .sfcd lo frlo~·ion between · the
P= 160lb. •1 '
contoot Gurfacei; .
.t::f.1,3 .=0: /'I"" 40o(s1nzio') t 2oo(ros30')
•.•· i
/b ..
/'/ "'.373.21
~F-x. =O: F c 4oo{cos13d) - .zoo(simio')
- - .sin. zie.z• ·
p --- 400lb
Glr'\.u~· F . . 246·11 lb :
,,«. •.yr, :
246.41, 0 0.66
'373 · 2.1
-:09,)'The: blockG s hown in fig. P--50.9 ore conne-otcd b~ f'Je"Xiblc
ine-xfen~1b/e, cords passln9 ove r fr1Ct1onlcss pul/;ys. At A fhe )
coofflotenf of' (rict ion ore f. ~ o.oo ~ fk · o. 20 while at /3
, f~ey ore fs • O...,.~ ~ [1<.. • O,i30 · Compute. the rnagnifude- ~ direc -
.sin go • f1on of fhe rriot ron force odin.9 Of'\ eoch plOoK.. .
l.!!10 .) What wei9hj W is necc-ssary to stod the sysiem o f'
Pmin -= 1-+8.5 lb. bloof<G Ghow n In. Fig , P -..510 rnov1'ng to the r ight ? ·The. ooef-

.l I.

fio1'e nt of frich.on 1s 0 .10, ~ the pulle!jS are, oGSumed · to

blf.) find fhe Jeos ~ volue or
p required fo c.ause fhe Sl.dS.-
I • fem ·of blocl<s .show In . Fig. P -s11 to have. •'mpe,r;d c'nq rrot 1~11.
be fr1o t 1onlesG' .
to the left . The. coefficien t or
fr1.chon. o.i under ~ooh ·,g
sol. .!'og . fBO of Block /\ :

;.#"' block. .

W TA/\ .
fA TA·
A JO()lb I~·
. . I

~ ~

~ f.9•0 : N" =.?JOO(cosa6.0•)

HA. 240 lb.
F&>of f3locl<..J : . N
1 '""
· ·. f,... • f"- N11 • (0.2)(140)
f,.. • +8 lb . T 100
~lt co: T tf-Pcos~ cO sin.,1.~1· .sin 79.1,9 •
~f'H·O: H 11°2oo(c.o.s.s~.1)
His= 1~0 lb 67.Mt(M.)(900-Psin<><,)-Pc.osO(•O r . 67:3Z lb.
127.32-o.2Ps1nC\ - Pcos<>{ "o
. ·.Fe • f,_ Ne • (o.?.)(110)
F'(0·~SlflO(tOOSC() • 127.32 Jb.--+ p: · 127. .'J~
rs c a6 Jb.
dP • P(o.a,OD&0( - '5'tt10() c 0 o.11s1no< tCOS"<
·~ . .510· d&
o.~GQS<>c - s rn"'< cO P .. 12.4 . 6 lb .
. i.
p.2 =~ ~ ton<><
c O(' • 11-31 •

.!Jf~.) A homogeneous J:>Jook of weight w rest upon the ln-

ol1ne ·shown in Fi9. P-.s12 · If thet ..c.oemcionl of frlcf ion ;~
o.\!IO, d etermine. the groatoet he-1,ghf h. af which o F'orc:;.e, P
porollol to tho incl1'ne maybe applied so thot the block. wills-
l~e vp the inclrne w/oof f•pp;ns over.
r... - 601b
v.,:> \· ~ .e:~-o: N•wcosa6.&7• ·
~fl:! ·O : Ne.• -400 cos ao·
.· ~f~co: p .. F tW~na6.e7 ·
r P
ti 8 • 3-+6·-t lb
'fl I
~ .,. P • (o.s)(wcosa6.87\ t
W {t;m a6.e1•)

£f-,. c O: Te "" Fe t T" t.of00£iri all

p • O.&-+W
Ts 2 (0.1)l3'K·~ tl.OtlOO
Te"' .294 .bt lb .
. ~~-=O q·
P(h) =Wcoo.36.&1'(1.)tWtm 86.97•(-.) I
w =·Te
Reaolvlng wot Pf.O o.6fV\l.(n) • 2.~ t 1.ow.. I
h -..±.. II
w • 20-+ .6+ lb .

91 I
~n ·O : Ws1ne- • Rt .s11"J1+0t i R2sin1+.o+ •
fn f,'g . P-.912, ihe horno,genoolJS Ploc~ wel,ghG' ,.?>oo lb~ 1h
513 ) ~oos1n&- •(R1 tR~) G1n1+.01-· .
coeAT1.oient or
fr1'c ho" i~ 0.40 . If h :s 1n., determine the . (R1 t R~) ~ B!.l-f..f .sin-e- (f) .
force motion. to 1'mperd · ~...!.1-o : R12.. cas1+.o+ - R1cos1+.o+ • w oose
.:E:P~·D: 11•300COS36.e7' " ~-40 lb · · (R:t. - R1) cos 1+.o+ - 200 COlX!>-
F "(o.+)( ~40) • 96 lb · R12. - R1 ., :206 ,!J. coi;e:- @
..c!MA ~o : ..SP .. wGin a6.87(4) t wc,os36.e7•(g_)
p Rt ~1+.ot-' from1 : R~ "a2+.<f..s1n&- - R1 ;,.
SP • (.3oo)(?in 36,97.(+) t C.Of>.36.87'(2))
8:H.+sinf> - R1 - R.j "2.06. 2 COS..9-
.sP • 1wo 111 ~. 82-f.+.sin&- -£ R1 ~ :J06.2 COGe-
p ... .z+olb . : but R, '1Qo.7G.06& ... 82f.+sine- - 2{123.7c.o&e-) • zo6. 2cose-
s1+.) lhe .100-lb cylinder .shown In f19 P-814 i6' held o t res+
00 the ..3o" incli'ne by o weig ht P suspended from o cord .
wropped around the ~linde.r " If stipplrg lm~G' dc::.termi-
ne P'*-. the c.oofTioienf ol frd1on . . •
~Fx ·o : Hcos60 "'Fcoeao

W<;!li .• 100IP ·
(,, 'f:>lCOS 60

a f- 'tJ•COS.30 •
)I- ~ cosoo: - 0.677'0
p1(1) "' r(1)
,. p
p =JA-H ~ F
~F~ • D: ttsin60' t rs1n30' -P • 100
N (s1n60°t 0.5773s1n30';'3)""100 Fe>D of t3: ~f~ aQ: R¢.COGa0.06 . 2«>C06ao· + R1
H • 100/o.s773 c 17,:,. 2 z lb
. I p P )IAl'l=(0.5773)(173,~2) : 100 1b:
cosao.96 •
R~ " .S~.3 . 17 lb .
s1s.) Bloc.I<. ./\ Ir\ Fi9. P- si.s woighs 120\b, block B weighs ~':°lb, A' ~Fx "'O; P • R~.s;nao.96 t R1 Gm ao.06 -
~the cord IG porolbl to . ~_he inoline. ·. Ir the. coerfic~Clf"\t fl~ .;ioo s 1n ao·
of fr 1otlof\. fol"' 0 1! .sur.f'oc:.eG' 1n. '?°ni ovf -' ~ o.w , d~ierm1ne. p- 128.6 lb .
the angle -e- of the 1nol;ne cit wh1oh rnohon. or f3 impends . s19.) Jn fie . fl,.si0 , two blocks ore connected ~ a solid

t:. · ~
sf rut otfoohed. to ooch
Ifthe c.oemcront
~ /j wo'9hs '.z701b .,
mot ion..
f ind
rr-;ct •on
with fr'1dionless
und~r eoch block. i s o.~s
the min. we.i,ght of .A to pr:evenf

-- ----,,
s1n7s.~M· s111(00-~)
R1 • 12J.7 .sin (~o -&) •
R 1 ~12a.1 (singo·rosa-- eos9o'Gin-e-)
R1 - 12.3,7 COSf)--

sn) Aepeo~ illu6'. · Prob .s11, 055um1ng thot the .siNJi j6' 0
uniform rod weighln9 .300 lb Hint: rt'nsf /solofe fho sfruf
as a Freeboqy dt'qgrom, resolving :fs end fbrc~ /nfo com-
pononfs oofi'ng along ~ perpend/cu/or to the G-fru f.

61t'\ 1+·<>+·
WI\ e .590.3 lb

c - .324. 0 lb

r1 c ssota2+.a(s1nao·)
H • 712,4 lb .
P w F .t C =sao· a ;"-rj +¢>2t .a)(o.e 66)
p = (0.2)(712.+) t 2."1.29
5 ~.) force of. 4-00 !b Is oppl ie.d to the pulley shovvn ;f\.
1 A
The pulley JS preve.nted F'rorn rotaflng bu Cl
F 19· P -523.

fo~ .P ?~led to the erd cJf the bro~ le-ve-r. Jf the

offr1cf1on. lot the brak.e surroce ls 'o.20,de-f . thevolue-of'P.

J • ,

s:z.1) In ·ff9 P- s •9 J•0.3 vndor both blool<-6 ~A we\ghs 400
lb. Find the- rnox . wei,ght ol 13 thot con be storted up the j•

fnohne qy oppl~1n9 to A a ri,ght word ror1zoniol force P

of .soolb.
cf.,y"o : H = .+OO t C·
~~o: soo =Coor;ao· t F
..soo •ccoi;ao· t '(o, ;,o) ( 4Q'.>t csinao·)
.:3eo ... c (1 .016) - cc .:i74 .02 Jb .

We - .!)74.o.e ( s 1n+l:)·a·)
.sin 76'7'
We = .26.3.7 lb.

526 J ;4i ladder ~on long we;ghs iO lb ~ '•ts c enter of grova~
'1s 8f1 from. the bottom. The. !odder ~s placed ogo;ns+ o verti-
.t.MI\• 0 c;ol wall GO traf i ~ mo~ on orgle of f:-0° fhe. 9ro(;,lnd . HO..., w/
W(L-1) tfll(~)-Hi(fl.) c o for l)p . the !odder con Cl 160 lb man o l1'mb befOre the !odder
o.+yiY1.-1) +o.Q(~)~ - 2 pf .. o i6' on -the venae of slipp ng . The ore le of fn;oi ion of o 11 con -
· o.-tL -oA t Q.4-2 co tod Gur foce J{; 15 •
r-- A(S1!1)
i.F,y~O ; 'It• f1 t F1. o.-+L-12 = O A ~;lb, is• H @!:I <m'l( -tb - ~·Tern ?s·x
£F>i =o ! N1 c t-l!l. · r. =b I ~lb R:z. ®(~·0.) c-m{x-;ic .)
o.f i- I (10,
, F1 •t-li1 • O.QH1 = o.2N,, {._y - 11.n} • - fon1.s· (x-10)
L~.e>m ~ lY"'/1,()' o;ub,, the volue of.!:! :
f1 = f!J. I bef!
w-= F1 t F1. c o.2N1 ( 2) is·Jt 0.0) Tan n;'l( -17,32 ~ - Tofl1.S.X t 10Ton 15 •
W • 0.4N1 Ri[lt! (Ton 1s• +. Ton 1S·) :it - 20
@ ~M,., ·o +o(& - acos60°)•160{x-s) x --s ft .
"'fO (1) ,. 160)( - eoO

.s2.5.) /\ uniror rn lodde-r t6ff. long~ weigh;ng W I~ is plo~ 160 X ~ 8-to ~ .X - 5. 2S f./ .
: w/ one end on the ground ~ the- o ther ho_nd oga1ns+ a Y~- ~llnder -3 fl . In d1'omek.r ~ weighing
527.) /\_ homoge.A""leouG"
. J o l f Th~ angle of' friofion. o t oil contoot surfaces I~
t ICO .3001b/6 restin g On two 1'n ofined p lane as Ghow n in. fig .P.;f7
w . ' t ,/, th I ct
2d. Find the:. minimum volue. of ~he ongle -e- o w;~ e. 0 If the ar-gle of ff1dlon °1G' 1s fo r o il contact surfaces com-

dcraY\ be dcSin~a · w/ tho horiz.onial be.fore s), ltpp 1ngocou~.

· ,• iS- (t.cos.e 1 u ant
pute the rnognitvde or
the eovple reciuired to stort ' the cyl'1
. . I - · -- - 2'>11 der rotating counf~ock.wlse .
w ,' w 14
of ~il ibr•um ~f~ • o: ti2 cos1s· c N, c.os 1s·
I ,I' 5 )TonuiL?&tLS.•~ ~IJ)

N'L · ~ N1 cosu;•
I' \ Ton70 Tonl!O
t l'l!l
I ,
!-f~W"-':cr--- ------1 0) ~=m?.tb '
N1&1n75' ·1 H2 s1ri1s' .. .300
ioos.,. ! . _y =Ton 70 •.X I •

~m'" .ltj, ax7~·) sin 11;' ~ 300

'\ cosw·
.J!M" "13 N1(s1n 1.r't cos1s'ta'1'1s') = aoo
@ (~-.!h)~-m(X-'X~ . . 1l Ton 1.0' LcoG& t 2 Ls 1n& • Leo~(> 13 " f.:o (1.s) t F, (1.s) N1 • 289.78 lb
(~- Li;ine-) 0 - TonW'{x -L<XJ~~) . (Ton7o' tTonzo •) 13 .. (20.s)(1.s)t(200.7e)(1.s) .'.Nz•77. 6slb
2 L~1n &- 'LG1n&{ron]0° tTan20 -
7an70X- L&ine" .:_Ton~o·.x-tfonw'LCOG&­ f3 - 1'47.6 lb- ft ··· f1 =,.M.N. :. F2 .. jt1,, ·
~(Tan10' t 1onzd) = To nzo"L0%'9- i LGin~ 21on20•) ~(tonisJ(~76) · -: To"!1s ' (n6s)
x =1on2o·Lcoce1 l{;in&- . si'n & • 2.3935
11"77.6/b. Fii=zo.0 1b.
(f:s9- 2
Tan 10• t Ton 20• s ze.) In stead of o covple; d eterm;n'e fhe. minimum horlzonfa:I
@~Ms·Ow('l(- ~-~a-) .o Tofl -&- ., 1.1g11s
-ft- e ,.50 o
force p oppli'e.d tonge.n~io11!:1 to the Jefl of the, top the or
Ton 1ZO.L0%9-t l~1ne- - L co~&- •O qy li'nder described In. Prob . .s27 to stort the c,1:1llnder rotallng
Ton ~o· t Ton 10• counterolock.w'1se,.
Ton w· Lc.oG~ t J..G1ne- • ..!::.cose-
Ton 70~ Ton 20· 2

96 97
' < I


.slipping imperida.
p6-.ft). • f;(1,~ t F, (t:Sl_
Pl.14 ~ 20.&(14 + 77.6(1-st .. WJ.. 21-"'°'"<Ton60·-2ism _ L<:oe"<) • 0
p • 20.s t n.6 T0t11G"t 'btl60 '

pc 9,0.+ Jb
t 2.tCO!P.Ton60' -12.J{"n"( =)!.c:cis..(ronH•+ra,,¢)
sw.) ;\s shown in Fig p - 259, a homogeneol)s o,:il incler 2fi In ~ Tancx. ., 1. 461' .. 0 • nu.
diameter~ we-1ghing 120lb is acted l)pon b~ a ver\ieol forc.e ~·m';\tb . c~-~;)--m(x-~ .)
e>{ 0 36.2.
p. Oe,,\errnine ihe mo_gn ;fude.. of P necc.ssory to ~;tart . the. y tilt.''~: -ton60'(x-2t.eosC<)
qyl;nde.r tl)m'1ng . /\G~vme that o ..30 •·. e- ~16-7' J- GUI¥.~:.·. J(Tan11~·t fQt"160°) = 2LC06"lTon60°-12~no<.
~1 · iZOlb ")( • IZL. ~O(Tan60•- 12l'ino<
Ton1,• flonoo·
£M11 ..0
.S.32.) In f(g · .P-.S.32, two, b loc.N; eoch we19· h;na
· ~ f.50 Jb o-
· ~connec-
Pl 1 n) ; w('!:) ted Qy a l)fl• for'ITI hor1:z.onfo I bar which weighs 1ooJb. If th
p(H o.B66) ~ 120 (o.U6) . -of'.\ '11> 1.s· undo..- c:ooh block. find p d; ted e- onII_
9 le, o f nnof1
o e. <+.s •·1nol1·ne. tho~ will oOl.u;·e ;mpend;ng
p " 103. 021b '." lb
ith ·
rroho"recto the-para
P © Isolating, t he. bor
5.30.) /\ plank wff. long is place? .ir; horiwntol posi - 0
"' lf«) I!!
t 0n.
w/ its endg restin9 on two me.lined p lane os ..shown
fso aof
In. fig. p-530. The, o~le- of fr1d;on i~ 20· . Oe-fc-rminc:. ~v; tttl
@ 010CI<,.,,
c lose- the lood
p' con • st.
be pl oced
,..!- ,.. \ ~9.£t.!:!
to eooh end befOre .slipP1
.-,J (:.ei,'6) ---.. . ffi•:)
:. "-.
,,.,,,,,. ' ., ,/ ":';,,, ""
f11. o) ',.. ' p \ I .u' p 10 ~~',
A ',·'X · ')( r? '·

C e 2.00 lb

.:£f,y • o: N· ?,()(}Ginti;' tllOO•rn+s• ~r,. ~o: re tc~~ - ~i;· .. p

~~ fonJis·~ (1c1-o) s -1on86'(11-10) y -ton6s"JI (!:J-O) "-TorHo· ( x-10)
H " 282.84' lb. (o. 268) ( 2u t-t) ~ o • p
Ton25.,X .. - TaneO'x t ~on"(10) Ton6s·11; -Ton<K>·ll t10Tan..a'
')( (Ton£.s• t Tan.~o')
pc 7..s.g lb
= 10 Tan60° :X(Ton66°tTon-t<f)c 10 Ton"\O'
53~.) ".A unifo~ bar /\B, weigh;~g 4.24- lb , is fo?tencd b~ a
x c 9.2+ ~=2.&1
fr1~f 1onle66" pin to o bloc-k. we.9 hin3 200 lb 06· shown . Al the
p(g.2+ :. (10-11))~0 P(2.01 - !:1)~0
zMs =o: zMi;cO:
v~hcol wolf' f o.268 wh'de under the- blook, f•o.~o . Oeter-
2.01-~ · o
,... .Y = ~.81 ft. rn•n~ th~ for= p neeaaJ rl mohon lo fh< nght.
)( = o. 76 !.!.+ I

sa1.) /\ uniform . ploril\ of weighl W ff\ total Length 2L 1s

ploc.e.d oG shown in fig . ~-5'1 with ·,~ ends Ir\ co"toct w/
the,.· inci•"noo po~ . lhc. orig le of f r lcti'on '1i; 1-5°. Defen"nlne. p i?1:J
zfi. ·O: R1 cos-4'5' = R:z cos 1s •

·. ~
r, frn+2)cOG+~· ~ Re - 386.4 lb

. "'+ H

:EF.!1 ·~ : We • R2 sin"s ·. - R1 s in .+s.0

Ws •(as6.-t)s1n7s'-(141,+a)sin4r.'
%.F!:I • o:N • 200 t Av We• 2.73.Q./b
H = 101.6 lb
. 537.) In Figui;c- ,determine the volu~ of P. just surficieni io
i..fx uO : P" AH +- f

fi 1
~ .. · o Gt~rt_ the.10 wedQe under the plock. The ongle. oF'
p = 2.86-'t t (o.~)(101.6)
4ti(-f-OOG-t&') tfs Lea&i-6·-lis siri•s'L •O n:- ion 1s 20' for all contact .surfaces.
p . +27lb
2IZ'i.,OOS+s' t(O·U&)t\6'eo&tG. -Hs'i..,s1n+6' -o "'0.-'18tte R,A400 .
Ne= 289. 4 lb
AH • He• 289.'f-
-~ ~<

f6 :,wte = (
Fe· n.6 lb .
. ·.p~·o: Av - +i'f'tfe =-,s01 .6 lb ~1. •. ~1.:9 . 2 lb
WE06ES -. P • 41g.'Z. &1n~·
53s .) t4i wod<ae- is used to 10plit logs . ff ¢ is ihe angle of fhc- ' 6 in 70•

. tion between th-e wt;4~.~ ~ fhe- log, delt . the mo;>' . ongle1.o< of the- p~.341 .? lb
we00e. so that · ii- '1rn re-main embedded on the.- log· S38) In Fi9 · 537, dofermine, the volue of P act ing to fhe left
p .




£f;, • O'

2R&•n (~q•) ·P
.2 R[S•fl?JC.OS~ +51noYac.os¢}• P
thot is r,..,.,uired
Ploc/< .
"""' to pull the wvuge
-"' · t firom under the 400- Jb

p~: ~~
/ P dP .2R[o•nt(·Gin"f'L)(i) -+(cos3X~)~~·o
d"< . . .,(
-.s1n~s1nc<J:z -t coso/2" • o
. 2 2 .
cos~ cos¢ ·= s 1n¢ s,ir1~a r. Fe -13.1__ • 400

cos ~ _ .sin¢
.s1noV2 cof:¢
FBD of~ . . • 11. R. sl'l xr .cm 100•
,.. ~Ht
~ R2 • -"01.7 lb
Tan ¢ " col °"'~
sao.) · /n Figur:e, determine the minimum weight ol l'locl\ B thoi
- ~
Fa J P _ P_ -
391 · 7
.._ P•
203.1 lb.

w·i11 Keep ·it ot o force P Giorfs t:Jlock /I up the, incline

surface, of f3 . The- we ight /I ;~ 100 lb ~ the onglo of fric-
or ""
sag.) Jf t he wedge described in lltuG-tration had o weighl
~ ion for oll s urfoces in coniooi is 13.. of 4001b' whot value of p would be required (o.) to
f600~fi00 start the- wedge under the block , ~ (b} to pull the
p tOO ~R1 wedge. out from under the: bl~.
F1 ~ P.1 ~ 141 . 42 lb.
• ... p
"° '-f N~' .

. F I()()

. ~ !7~· -

10~.01 lb
Ii+ R.t
"t .. 11.t- R3 •
£F~-o: .
P,.. " Pt.-P1 P • (109,&1)sinao• 1-l13.z) fNl~
ongie of friohon. .' 1~ • Rt • 601 .1 lb .
" g1,5 -73.~ Pc =; 91.sli>
p,.. t:: 18-'' lb
.s+1) De_for~inc:. the for·ce P required lo starf the wedge
~hown 1n f1~ure P·&tl . The ongle or friction for oil Gurfaces
io contact 16 f5~ ·
P reo of B .e"-,. "0: Rtc.oG1e· -Rt&in1e•., ~
p. +76 .7 lb 1ooolb R1 • Rt cos1~,. - sob
~f).·o : ~.sln1>'1e-tc=is··o : .Sff'\ 19•

R~ - -Rq&>~·
. CO' 1i:•
--+-- ~fy ..o: R, cos1s' - R~ sinr& • 2000

, .su~titu+e- R.1 :
~F.!1 •0 : R. coi; &• t Rt. +<X>
"· 111 . fr.1.~1.s·- i;oo) cosu;· - R2sin15·2000
Go111;• •

R,CO'~· - R, .s1ni:' (r,•ni,).-w ..S11"11~ · 1 . .

Rir (cos16· co1-t6•) - 1509cot j5• - Re &1n1e"c ~
R, (cos,•-s1ns'tonH: 0
) .. ~ R2 (c.o&1s·cohs"-sfm5•) = ~ooo t soo cotu~·
R, (o.97a) "-too R2 ( a.~-+6) ~ :it1!166
R1 c .+ 11.1 lb ,
Rt • 11ss."f lb.
-"? p .. 7~.g lli. p - 11.55.-+ ~ p - .Q.of-3 . + lb
QO+s• .sin oo·

s-fO~ As shown i11 Fig P-sw, t wo blooks we1gh1ng ~oolb ~ resf- s+a.) Whoi force P mus• be appliOd to the wedgc.G' shown ;I"\
lfl9 on a hon2.ontol .surfbce- aret to be- pushed opar1 by a 30• figlJ('e P- .s+.£ to start them .unc:k.r the block ? the angle ol
wed9e.. The angle- of f,..jot1.on '1 '" 1s for a ll confoot .surfbcos. fr0tion for oil c.ontoof surf~ is 10·.
~t value of P jf; required_. ta Gtort rnovemCl'lf or ihe blook.s ~ FDD of/\
Now wo4fd th'1i; . onswe-r be chC11"<3ed 'if the woight of one of the
bl~ were increa&'ed to 3oolb f .
J3!_ .. ..!E2-
100 ""1 1&° . ""'~
R1 s 1a.~ lb
P.1 ·~ · .
~Fa • O : z~ ..sin30• • P
p- 1Z.(13.~).s1n110•
P. • 715.~ lb

(.son7o' oos"<. - cos1o's•" "')
To adjui;t the 'v6rt 1eol position. of o pos.1t1on of o column
J>+3.) (~1nW'c.o.So\ - COS1Z0'61'l"'<)
supporting a ')J)O() lb lood • two-!!! ' wedges are usod os shown (.sorno' - s rn20· ) COS"<. • (oos10' t ooa20°).s1n"<
.in f igure P-s+a. Detorm1ne the fbrc.o P necessary to 1Siort .sin o< ... SJn70' - s rn 20· - o.4-66"'
the wodge-s if the angle:, of friction a.I oil surfaces is · 20~ ODS"< 005 70 ' tco.s llO •
Negleot the fr1clion · of lhe· rollers . Ton o< = o. +663
o< >< 2S "
SSIW'IRE - THR~~ .sCRrew

s-fSJ ;\ .single fhrooded jook.screw hos 0 pitch Ot O.S II'\

~ 0 meon roel;L>S or The, coer(i'o icni or Gtafrc rriof1on
Rsln6o• = 20 00
or Q.JS, ~or f\1net;c , ( r icl1.ori of 0.10 (o) Oeforrnln~ force the
p P applied of the end of o levor 2 r1 , Jong which will .sfor+
R = 23og.4 lb
_ _.:_P_ . _R_
.'.if'fln9 Q we!9ht or
2 tons (b) whoi volue- of p wlll Keep fhc
s1n&S ..sin66' jOOl<sCf"'~-N f urnln9 ?

p = 208 il • .3 Jb (o/ ~ tan-Cc~ (b) f1<. • 0 ·10 t on 0 .10 4:

~o.~ 2lr ¢ c5.71 0
'&n r --$-·ton~(~)
· -&- ~-/on-• (o.0'166) P · V-:,,~ ian(l/>t!t)
-fT- :- :2.6·
h • 0·15 o • .2('j. •£-+in
ton1c0.1 .S W• 2ton' • 4000/b'
1c8.53' . P = -t.2.6 Jbs.
P • .Yi£...
(-e t ¢>)
P • (+000)(1 .1s) fa n(:z.6t8·53')
12+ .
p • -57. ...,. Jb.s;.
~.) The- d 1'-tonoc::. be.fwei:-n o~oceni threods on a /r;ple,-
·1hreo~~ jocl<Gcrew. i6' % ;n. The mean r-oo;us 1.;: zi11 , the
R1 (6irr'IO -~) ~ 1000 Gin100 •
coetT'.01e,f"\t or rri"ot1on
whof o .10. lood 0011 be raised b~
~e.-t1r19 0 momeot or 2000 · ib - n ~
R1 .. 9134 . s
(.sin10"-«.) Pifch e % in ( srn~ ·,~ ·,s lnple lhreodcd muli_iplj t~ pih::l-d~~
· ·. Pitoh : '2 in
_ _ • ·_R_1__ ; s~bf1 tule- R.1 .•. -. P ·
.-oneo• . s1n(<1oto<} ~ll tone- • ~:(z) • 0. 15.9 f - b.JO - tan1 •0.10
:z1r {7- c 9,oa • f ·-5.71'
P = 1000 -+ p(s1n(10--<)) ~ 1000 oquolu~ P • 1poo ~
.271" x.....ill,_ • o. 1667 rt •
.s1~t<><) s1n(10--<) son(wto<.) 151('1 70- -< 1.21-A.._
•·n~o t-<
(S1n1o'c0s -< - r;ono'•nnO() 1000 ~ 1000
f "Wr to" (cp t&) - QOOOlb-n • W{o.1667rt} 1-an (.s.11°t9 ,0.3')
( s in 20 •cos-1· - oosw·&•n-<)
12000 lb·-n : w(o.o+30-s1aan)

,.~ -"'lb angle. of conlool ·1~ (a6o t 90) = "hS0°
w= woolb-~ . f ·0.4
l ..IL· e-f" - 11 =le eJ~ ·(.so)e0.+(~"Teo)
..S"t7.).iis .shown ;r. fig p - s+7, o squore threadw 5cre,w 'is 12 T1· .J!>O (23·1+) "'
used ;n o vi Ge to O"Jler'f a pres&ure cf' i tons. Jf H-.e. 69~'N l1;
w 2
t1.S7 lb·
buf T1 • W .·. W • 115 f lb ,
daJblo f/)re,ado:I ~ ho6 pitch of.o.125 In.. ' o mea(\ d oomekr. cf
.&s~) /\ rope vvrapped t ~(o:;, oround a post wi II .support a
1.6 in . dotermt'ne fhe- torque tN:iit l'nUb~ be oppl;ed ot E3 to
wo19ht of 41<700 lb when o force of' .so lb is exerted of the o -
create. fhi(.' presl;ure . AsslA'l'le- the coefr•o;eni of' rnclion.. cf ther of"'d · CbJ&-rn1T-e H-.e.- coofTi.0tent of' (ricf10" .

fr1d10" to be. 0.1.s . "°'b on9Je or ocntocl : no·
j-o.1s Pillih. =- 0.2.sin ( 6inoo d ouble. ihreoc:le.d
rnultiplij b'.:j 2) Ln ~~ - f~ - l.n ~o · - f (rw·J( Io·)
fanf : o.1s
f> = a.53" to" fr - o.s it') - 0.0.531
-tOOOlb Ln 80 • J (1~·~n)
£n b ·~ 1r\)

'1 tons•. -teOO Jbs · · -& • tan- • (o. 0531) " a.o'37 °
f = ·~ ~ f • o .a-1<3
T • Wr ton (tp t B-) ss 2 .) /\ boot c:J1erts o . pull of "'1'000 lb on its haweer w/c Is
• ~(1.s.,,.Y< ;.P~) ton( t.J.~3'7') wrapped obovt o capGion on the dock. Jr the, how f•
T = 102.a lb - rf rnon~ Ii.Ams must the hawser mo~ around 1he. oopstari rotrot
o+&) A .single- fhre,aded s~are. screw hos a !Z. Y.z ftv-eode /1rch. 1he pull al the other docs rct 01<cecd -50 lb.
ihe. root d1omefc:r Is 2.6 i" \, fhe, 01.1t.sldo d1amo-ter ;~ a'" · 1he.
Ln ]!._ .. j {J"
c.oo£ri'Oie'.nt ·or rrd•ol'\'•:~,"r o.10. De-fc:.rniine the momel"\I ~Ga­ fa
r:y fo Sfarf fi(11n9 0 vertiool O'Xial loocl of' 4-0, 000 Jb. what
/ " Ln 1VT1Z • l.n~ • ln eo • 1+.61 rod-
moment is n~ory ; to 6fari. iowerinq ihe load ;' , f 0.30 0 .30
P. _1_ =-1.... ·· ," Dm • Oo - .!!... - a - ~ = e.e I"
I~ a.+ ton& • .Q±_
.:n(1 ..f)
.·. ""' • 1..+
JI"\ -
/+.67 x 1~ = 8217.1 • -
553) /\ torque of 2-tO lb -11 ~c~s on ~he. ahown in·fl9
~~7. ( ~ .:360• = ~.33 furne .
f ..0.1

P .. o.'f' in. :ar . ton.& .. o.o+GS 1

P-ssa . If !he- brake bond 1s 1r.. con loot ..,..,,H, the. brokedrvm
• tonlfi. 0·1
-fr~ 2-6 T thro1.19h. zso· ' the ~m-o•.ent ol fnOt iol'\.. 1·,s oao. Oe-t~ine
T~ - Wr ~Of' ( tp t~) . tp •.s.71• the (of"G<:/ p Of tne- encJ O( the broke le.Yer.
" ..-000? lb ( 1-"f' ll 1 ~~ ton {,s.71• t 2.6·) e~ "'· 2"° 1b · fi -T1 · c(o.'!>) ('60'• V~)
T~ = 681.82 lb- ff 12
. T~ • Wr ton (</J -t-&) .Ji_· -3.701. .·. T2 ,, _ T _1 _
c "f0000(1.+1'.t") ton.f.s.71-~.6·) Ti 3 .70Z

T~ ~ 253 .6 Jb-n- ~MA c M

(T, -Tz) (8 iA)l.-fP"") • 240 lb- 11
.sso. /'\ rope- mok.'1'"'9 1 '.4- tvt"'nS
around o stoi'1ono"1 hon:zon-
To - T2 = .360 lb
tal drum ji; UfPOC/ fO '5Upp:ll"'1 0 hGavy wei9hi • If lhe coern' - T, - T, '360 lb
olent of r...:;ct;on ic; o.+ what wC.9ht 00'1 bo -suppar-lod h9
4 3.102
~el"'Hng a .so - lb ro~ at k olhcr end or th~ rope-? T1 (o.7~gq) " 360 - T1 ~ +93.23lb

' ·· ~ ·
p(16~ ... ~) : 11 (2~11.!f:l)
.flV!p 0

HZ!f\. (.::s)T' t T2.(2.) - (2)fa -(a Jr1 cO

p(p1a3fl);.. +9a.~3 (0.1667)
ST t , - 2Ta · 311 c CJ
p"' 61-7 lb · .:, (""/~) - 2 ( - .:3(~0()) co
.ss+) /n fig p-ss+, Hit:, c0efl:-1(i1e,r)t of f Nolt01"1. tG 0.20 be.tween -\he 0 · 06 1tW ~ 600
rapo ~ the- fhed drum ~ be.-lween. oll surf'occs in. con foe/. Cbtet" ) w= 7o+.7 lb ·
mine the, rninimum weight W to pre-vent dovvnp lalle mohol"I. ol the
1~ l b bod~ ·

vi .
1Fy •O
rl, ~ w cos 36-67 •
. '
~fx•O : T.e -f, c wS..na6.e1·
T~ -(o. -i) (WC<X036·t'1) • Wson36.&/
T 2 = 0.16 W
1, rlc
...!!~ . o .: H2. • 1000 COGa6.e1· +rt 1
rh "' eoo t rl1
, .£1',..~o: T, 1 f1t f ._• 1000&i1'36-87 °
/ ' ' 11 t JA-111 +JA-rt.. - 600 T1 • 1.B7h H1 -w~,j6.r,7• j 1.a7(0·76W) t (o.z) wc,os -;i6.&7 ' t o.~(600.tWC»!.~•lil

fi,= 0·76W N2•.soqttt1 j · =600
· ' 1.4·!lWto:16w+o·16w=600-16b
1·7'f-W · ·.,."f'Olb
I w ~ f 5.2. g 112 .
SSS'·) /n Fig . .sss, o nel';ble belf rvn& A over the. ec:mpciund r.-om
pullCij 13 ~ baol<-. over P to o 200- lb we(9ht . The coe ffi o;et>t o{'
fri ot rol"I. _ic; Yr bdween Ih~ beH ~ /he compovrid pt..1lle!:J P . f1ncl
thei rnoicrmulY\ wei9t-.t W tho1 oan be s uppor ted w/ot4f r0tot ln9
-/he> pun~ · P or G/ipp;ng the- be/Jt on the, pu lie'::! P.
fa (O.s1&)(e0 xTl/r• ;-.
- ~ e, .. ,) = 1 . 6+9
fa a 1.6t'3 Te
but Ti ·W/e
T3 • t H .9 ( w/z.)
T3 " 0.0H3W '


60U Dc:termino t~ mogniiude of the ~ultont • il~ pdinting. ~

its; direction c.osines for the following systom of non -coplonor-.
C<JOcurn:m• forces. 300 lb ( 3, -'4. 6) ~ '400 lb (-2.-+, -s); 2001b(-'4-. !I

Q)M~na;ms or= D olST. r'ORCE.S
f()RCE .IC y 1 (D) llOOMP. Y~P. ltalMP.
A• aoc>.lb. ii -4 6 7.81 {15.2..f. -153.65 23().47
B • ..OOlb. -2 .... -5 6°7i -1~.23 ~-4!> - 298.<>6
c•20011'1 -+ !!S -.3 7,07 -11.iMS .1'41. - -EH.R7
1DTAl..f~1 -117.H ~26.2-fo -1.52.~

to get OiGfor'lGe(O) use o•· ll2+y•n:.• I I

f t .. ~- .Aie ._6_
)( y L. 0 R.2·~11."t:t:I'"+&•
1l 2 1l
300/7,91 "" Av/a .". J\,. " 115.24 lb. =(-117.H) t 226.2.f. +(-1~.-tij

30Q/Mn • l'w/--4- .•• Av n -1.5::1.65 lb . R" 296.90 lb.

a<:io/7.e1 " A¥6 .·. l\z." 230..+7 lb. (;o66;. •h/R a 117-~Qt;.~

_fu_• ..fu:_- ~. JL· ~ .. o.::ig.s .

')14 Y ·z o 6·71 Cos-"y"' 226·2o/.f!96.00
••• Bll .. -119.23 ; B,. = 230.16 ; 8%. c -1!190 .QS .. Q.762.

~· ..fL 9~· ..s;_. WO eos-ez .. 1s2.-t0/~96·90

Chapter 6 x Y l!. D 7,07
= o.&13
. " . ·.·Cx ,. -11.:L1S; Cy= 141 -~; Cr."' -&\-.87 :. poi'n\109 bock"Mln::ls,
Fon:i Systemb in Space
~ .. ... 115.2+-110-23-113.15 - -117.14 lb . \..up-Nord to ihe ldl.
.;Ey n - 153 . ~ t :Z38.45t 141·++ • 226.:Mlb.
~z· - 230.+7 - 298.06 - &t. 87 == - 1.52 - ~ lb .
' 603-) Determine -the mognitude of the resuHont, its poinh119 , ond
I ils d 1recf;o" cosines for the follo..,.,,ing system of non -coplonor.
concurrent forces. 100 1b(2.3,4); .300 1b(-3, -4~s); QOOlb(o.0.-1-).

COMl'\:)r'li;rtrsoet' o FoRC.E.S

'·~ I
F~CE ')( I y li!. (0) ')( o::>MP. YCOMP•. !:.c.oMP.
A•1QClb. 2 3 + .6·:305 37-1"1- .55.71 74 :28
s~300 lb· -3 -+ 5 7.07 - 127,-?QI -169 .7.;I 2H'.16
C=- !ZOO lb. 0 0 + 4 0 0 ~00 i
TOTAL{<1 - 90.156 -114.()2 "tt36.44
to got {D) o 2 = x~ t y•o~; 2 .. , r
..b_" ~ ~ -6.z._ - _jQQ_
x y z 5.385

37.1+ ; Ay c 5s.71 : Ar.= 1-+.:za

:. c)I. -. o ;cy =o; Cz .. 2.00
:. ,....'( D

Bx/le .. By/y ~ Bz/l: " 300/7. 07 I

•• Bx .. -127.296; Br " -169· 73; Bz - 21 ~2.'t6

\ , ;. .-
6().5.) Three concun-ent forces P. Q.. ti...., F hove o resultan t · of ..s lb.
£>< a 37.14 -127· 298 .. 0 - -oo.1se lb. directed forward S.., up to right ot -e->1 = 60., -e-.., = 60•. -frz • 4.S P e - •

£.7 "' -1H-.02 lq; QtJOls 2.0 lb~ pa10ses through .the ar.1gin ~ the
p01nt 01 .1,4 ). The
:z.21 -1+. ~0 1" 212.16 " '2/Jo ... 4a6.441b. ..,olue cf:~ is 20lb ~it passes ih rough the p0in~ (s , 2~3) .
p.2 =~?<)2t(~y)ll•(~~)2 l)ete.m11ne ·1he mogn'1 \ude of i~ third force f ti...., the angles it
~ (-90._1 se) 12 t (-114.02) ~ t (-..e6.+4)
makes witn the reference oxes.
· R "'-507,7 lb . po;nbnq forworcl \...clO'Nfl \o· the lefl . CDotR)t15'11TS Of 0 DIST. FORGES
)C.Q?t.l\P •. YCOMP. xCOMP.
Cos~ · .. ~:1</f'\ = ,go.1ss/.so7.7 ,. o.17s FoACE ~
y x (0)
p = 20lb . 2 1 4 e.73 4,37 17.47
Cor;.tty "'~,../~ = 1H- .02/.!001.1 • o.~2s . Q.2 20 10 . .s 2 .3 6.16 16.23 6·"'1-9 g .74
-, ? ?'
Q)s-&'i!. • £:.z/R ~ 4e6.-M-/.507,7 .. ().958 F• ? ,3 • .!'>4
2.6 2.5
. ~.). Dotcrmino the mognitude or
the rosvltanf, il.s poin11ng, ~ where : R ".!'>lb.;-&,. • 6o"; &,, - 60•; ftz" -+s•
ifc; direction cosines for the followlng sysiem Of non -eoplonor, _fr_ .. _fr_ ".EL~ E£..
·concur-rent forces. 200 lb( 4, s,-3); 400 lb(-6,4 ;!IJ ;aoo lb ( 4~ -:2, )( y i! 4,se F z • f x2 t fy 2. t fz 2.
- 3,): :. Pit =8.73; Py " 4-.37; P2 " 17°<t7 · - (:-22.-%)2 t(- B.3'0) t(-23.67)"'
FMCE y z:. (0} llCOMP. YCOMP. .Z.OOMP . ~ s _fu_~• 20 F = 33.60 lb .

A .~~lb. 4 .s -.3 7.07 11.!3·15 141.+4 -e....01 )( y ~ 6.16
-&.. •a>S-
B • 4«> lb. -6 + -5 0.77 -:l13.66 182 .44 -228.05 1
...,,39 '21/2,63 -H1.a2 - 166·98 :. ~'i ~· 16.23; ~Y •6.+g; ~z • g.74 • cos- 2Vl6/33.68
C= 300 lb. + -2 - .3
TOTAL(.;) 62.12 212 .56 -479'.9 ~x =Reos&.. ., .5 (cos;60·) =2.s -e-,.=4e.2·
t oge't Dvse: 0::1,,xtt -ty"-t ~ e £.y • Rcasc:7y ~ s(cosGo·),,, :i.a f!ty • cos- a.::lG/<J3.G8
~ = 6:.-0~ = 200 , ' f
£..<? • Rcos-&z e 5 (cos""'"-) • 3.S4 -e,. 4 7:S. 6 0

,l( y i! 7-0~'l·
~z =cos- 23.'17/33.60
F.,. • 2 ..5 - 4.:37 - 6.'49
.·. 'A,. "'113.15 ;Ay = '141;.~4 ; Az.•-&1-.97 fy a -6.'36 lb . :..e-z. ,; .....5.3.
·12£_.,' fu'._=~· -400
,l( y z 9~7
F" · :2.5- 16.:23-8.73 ... pointing bock wards. ~ down......ord
I F,. • -22°46 lb. to the left.
• ; Bx-= -273.66; Bj • 102.44; 0z,. -2~05 f2. - 3 .s+- g,74 - 17.+7
c,. • ..fL • Ci!. • .300 fz ' - ~ .'17 lb.
y i! .5 •.39
/\ force of 100 lb is dlrecied from A toward B in ~he cube
.•. c,. = 222. 63; Cy" -111.32; Cz. • - 166.98
shown in fig . P-607. Oden-nine the m<irnent of the force oboo.1+ each
.%,. • 113.15 - 273 .GG t 222.6.3 = 6:2.12 lb .
of the coorchna+e axes . -.
~i" 1'11 . ++t 1e2.+.ot -1:11.32-: ~1'l-·!:l6 ro . J,"
.£z • -B+.S7- ~28.0.S - 166.96" - <t7.9.9 lb. f./
·- y
/ /
£." ",..~ y 2. t.-.;.z.
R'. 2. "" . ( G2.1'2 ) " t(212.s~) 2 t(-47g.g)
{' , 141 -. b......
c v /
R ".528 . .5.3 lb. •' a'
,~ - / "'
cos&,. ~ 62 .12/s2e.s.3 = 0.110 r, ; I/"''
I/ 1.1
cos&y c 212.56/s2e.sEJ. Q.402 .~ Ji'

Cos &z. " 4-79.9/.s20.S3 " O· 908 d2 = 4~ t 3 2 t'4 2

: . po;nt ing bockwords, ~upwards to ihe right d = G.403 .ft.

I 610~ A force of'~ lb i~ d irected from C towan:I E. in the cube

l ~

• >=
, •• r>t
• Xz:.:_ = fL,, 100 lb
a -+
·6~2.!ilb • Fy~~ . g lb ; fz•62 ..51b.
~"1,. "fy(+) - fr:.(+)
~ in fig . P-610 . Determine
,eoch of the coordi note axes .
the moment of lhe force about

~111.,. .. Fy(,...) - fz(<4)

.. 326.5(+)-163.3(4)
\ . 4'i.9(....) - 62.5(+)
~Mic..,. ~2 . 8 lb-ft.
~M .. = - G2.4 lb-.fl. ~Mr: c -Fi(4)
d · ....g n. %My • Fx(+) t Fz~2)
~My ~ t=w (~.) • 62.!i (+) " - 62 . .5 { +)
.. 163 .3(4) t 1tJ3.3(2)
.t.'My ~ 26'0 lb . n. ztv\z ~ - 2:!>0 lb. rt .
~My" 919.e lb- H . 'f:
0608~ A force of 2oolb . 1s directed from B toword C in the cube
~hown ·1n fig . P-607. Determine ttie rnornent of the forc.e obout
:t.Mz. s -F~(,.) - Fy (2)

: • .f,." 163.3 lb . ; Fy • 326.slb; F.w;•163.3 IP . =-16a.3(4)-3:26.S(2)

' eoch of the coond1no1e axes.
~le" -1.306·2 lb-ft .
~M>1 " Fi!!.(1)~1~.6 lb -f\.
6 11.) A force P. d irected frorn F . toward B in the cube .shOV'ln ·,,, Fig.P-
d'J.· :z"+3•t+2 ~l<\y : -Fr:(+)
= -1"l0.6(4) 6079 <.?Ouc;es o moment My ... .1600 lb-rt . Oelerrrlme P ~ '1ls moment
d ".s.3BS fl .
.. zMy • -.594."'f lb - fl . obout the X ""z aJ(es .
~Mz • f,.(1) t F\-: (+)
- 1+.3 (1) t m .+(+)
dl!. +'t!I• t2.'

:. r)l .• 7.....,, 1b.;

Fr "111 ...... 1b.; fz • 1+e. ~ lb.
zMz •.510 .Q ib-fl . d .. .s.~89ft.

~Mt= Px(2)
~ .. :. Py =60011;>. ; P.11 • 4001b.
£ M,. ~-Pi!. (-t) t Py ('2.)
oog.) /\ · for ce of ~·6o 'ib. ic;directed from B toword 0
shown in fig . P-601. Oeterrfl1.n e the rnornent o f the force obout
in the cube
1600 .. p,. (2.)
p)I ~ 0001b.
z = - 100(4-) t (>00(2)
Ml\= - 400 lb -·fl .
each of the coordina
. :· ;'
te Olle& .
..&.~ _£____ :. p .. 1077 lb . £tlli! • - p.,. (+) .
... 5,399
= -000 (+)
Mi! • - 3200 lb-fl .
612.) A force P is directed from o point A ( ""• 1.;4) towond o point B
(-3,4,-1) . If it cou~es o moment Mz· 1000 lb- 0, Oeterrnine -the 'liO
df. 0•13• .... •
men~ of' P obout the x ~ Y oxes .
d .. .5 ff, £ My = -Fz(+)
.. -~40(-4-)
,,,~· .: ---~~---::;!
I , .
£!__ • ..fr_• _fi_" ~ z~y ~ -960 lb-ft .. I

0 . 3 ... .5
,'/ : : ,/' : d = 0 .11 ft .
1'.Mz - fv (+)
(-- --+..-.::-. ~- ~·-· .,, ~ P • Px • Pv • P.t
- 160(+) ; / a ~- "-a- Q.11 7 3 T
.£Ml!. = 120 lb- ft.
., o'
, ;

~::_ __P. _ __ __ _ ,.,/' : . P. ~ 1iy'g.11 ; P1 £3o/9.11; Pi!: =-!:!o/g.11

:lli!M>1 • Fz (-1) .. " £Mr• P,.(1) t Py(+)
• 24C (1)
1900 • 7/g,1' (P) ~ 3(+)%.11
:£Mi1 • ~ lb- f-1.
p" 911 lb .

114 '•
61~ -) The fromoY110rk shown in fig . P- 615 consists of three mem-
••. p,. • 700lb ; P1 =3001b; Pz • ..sOOlb
bers /\fl. /\C," /\0 whose lo....-er ends .or-e in the .some hori:con-
~M" ~ -Pd1) - Py(.,.)
t ol plone . 't-. horizontol forc;6 of 1000 lb octing poro ll~I t6 the ')(
= - .!?OQ(1) -:- 700(+)
M11 " -17tx:l lb-fl .
o~is i~ oppl ied oi A Oe\erm·1ne -the in each m~mber. force
.Z.My - P;? (.+) - flll ( +}
llr . d"1 •(6-:a}'+(6·0)'t(o-o)•
- ,!500(+)- 700(+)
dMI •6.706
]v\y - - BOO lb-11. 1
dN:. •(a-o)• +(6-ot' t(o-(-3))"
61+.) The sheor-1~ derricl-\ .shown in flg.P - 61+ suppod" a ....ed ical
df.c - 7.35/
lood of 2000 lb . owliec! al /\ . Points B.C. "'- D ore in ihe some hof'i-
d,.J •«~-0)'.1-t (6-0)i +(s-O)'z
z.onta 1 plone ~ f\,O,~ 0 o~ in lhe XY pl<;ine· Determine the force
d.-.o. 8,367 ,
·in eoch member of \he derrick . .
--l A (10.1s.o) d~· • (10-0)2 +(1s-0)2+( o-(·s>)t

i . - - - 20, 'Y 10'
d.-.e .. 16.708 fl . l ~ote ·Right Side View,
d~ 2 2 2
=(10- 0) t(1!ro) -t (10-0)
d"c • 20.616 fl. lsolote Front Vio_w,
d....; ~ [10 - (-20)) 2
t(1s - 0 )

dAI). 33,~ .fl.

f.soloVing To p View,
£Mo•O £Mc. •O
-1ooo(B) tCy(9)'"0 1000(3)-0.,(e> ·o
. Dy• 37.S lb .
rsoiatin 9 · Fro~t View,

' I
*MP.AC i) •O: By(6)-1000(6)•0 AC -~ · ~-~
8.~ '· 6' 6
By• 1000lb.
~ .. Jh_• Bi< l\C "765.(o lb. l'\O • .5~:2.9.+ lb.
.t:Me~ o ·
6.1tl&' 6 3
o,.. (.s) - c,. (1s) .• o
Ct. =[2000(•1J/15 - Di<(1o)t B>< frs) ao ""8"1118 lb. ; ~ .. 5001b.

C• ~ 666 .1 lb. a .. "' [2000(1o)J/ 1s 616.) Referring to Fig.P-615. replace. the 1000 JO force by a verti-
Bx • 1333-'3. lb. cal downward lood of 'l.00() lb. Detemiioo the force in eoch
£M.,.c.8 ~ 0: WX>(10)- Dy (w) ~o
Dy e 10()0 lb. ~ a fL ' ~·· C ii! - ·
member under \his revised looding .
20 · "'6 10 1!! 10
L:£J_~ ~~ ~= -2.L I>' 1-..(.M>.0)
.33-f>+!' 15 .30 ()
AC" 1374 .~ lb .. I
' d111a. 6.708 fl .
·'.· /\D • 12236.1 lb.; ''' 1
D>< • 2£XX> lb ; 01:. • O
_L_ ,._J,~:
'• "&,1.__ J____ d"'c ·vk~-0)2 t (6-o)'' • (o-(-3))
d>.c ~ 7,35 ft .
.!1-',-'0 3'
AB = 2494-. .3 lb. /
I! J'
d.a.o .. vf.3.-o)2 -+(f,-o)1 + (s-o) 1 ·
D ,,/~
,. (O.o,&) ct,.., .. e.361 n.

.. ;

61&.) 1he unGytnmetr·acol cont"llever fromework .shewn in fig.P-618,

Isolate Righi Side Viffl'N,
·Isolate fr-on\ -View, y suppor-tli a ved icol load of 17~\b ol /\ . PO.nt~ C ~ 0 ore in the
" wrne verticol p lane while 0 iG 3 n:
in fr-ont of th'1s. plane . G:lmpu{c '
the force in eoch msmhsr .

d,.,e•rC0-3) 1 -1(0 -(-,))1 t(+--0) 2 • 8.1'9., ...

I , 0 1 1
C4i:1) d.-.c • /(s-o)*-.(+<>) t (s-o) • 1a'
..tlllo •a
d>-o • Jte-o)2 -+ (~) 2 t(o-(-.t)) • 9.16!1'
(~c00-1ooo)(s)-C,,(8) •o ~Mc · O
£Moii.c" 0
By(') - 2otxh) ·o Cy:: 62$ Oy(S) -(WcXHooo)(3) a O ·~ .
. By • 1000 lb. ...L&..· ~ Dy• 37S lb .
7.3$ ' AO ... .Qx_
~ M ___J,k_
6.70&' 6' e.367 6
AC • 76!5,6 lb .
/\B • 1116 lb -·- C r.o .. .522.9 lb. Isolate l op View,
617.) · The point(; B, C, II., D of the con Ii lever frorneworl'- Ghown in
fig . P"-617 ore ottoched too vedicol wall . The 4<Xrlb lood ii; poro-
llel to the z. pxis , "&., the 1200 lb lpoCl is vertical·. Compute the fon:::e Isolafo
in eoch member.
!Y I d~ "v't-10--0)2. t(o-o)~ t (o~(-4-))2 .; 10.n '
0 (c),,,q) c;~ ~
co-o)" + C-+- o) 2
,,,I 7
dN:- .. /(10-or f • 10:11'
C"(10)-1<l00(")-800(3) =o
Ct-= g-+o lb .
.tMc.o • "
1100(0) -ex (10) - 8y(~) eo /\C • 8-ia
C ·":._--;-
----:j"2 ----s-
s ~ (10) t Br,(a) £13600 - ··-(j}
;_,../(o,o ,'1-) 1~1b
1.sola+e Top View, ~~...fu_ · ~·k._ AC ·1260 lb-·-,.
lsolot .e Front V iew, s.77~ e 6 + ·ZM c •O
:. ey ~ 6/s s,. - sub,, lo 1 1000(-4-)- ~(3)-o,. (10) •6
a,.(s)- ~(.+) -100(10). o
s~ "1eoo lb .
a,. (10) f 6/.s 8JC (S) • 1S6ai °" . 160 lb
13,. • 1ooolb. :. By " 1:zoo lb. 1\0 • 160
AB • 1~00 ~----S--
. c~ 10-77 -10 ,'. ;\e, .: 17.S.S lb-·-C "
B.i ·· BOO lb- 1\0 ... 193,3 lb -· - T
£.Mc.o,e • o 2'Me • O .AS " 1615.S lb-·- C
61g.) Golve Prob. 618 ·,f the 11oolb lood in fa'g.610 acts horiz.on-
1200(10) - 0.(6)• 0 .2000(<1-) - -'f-00(10)-C~(il) • o
\olly Ou~ward from/\ in the direotion from E to-Nord /\.
o~ - 2ooolb. c." .soo lb
from Prob. "71.. 610
~ _&__ · ~
...t:Q_ . _Qz_ <
11.66 10 10 10· 77 10 o"'e = e.17s n., d.-v = 12 n.
l\D • 2332 lb - ·-T AC • .538 . .!5 lb -·-c o"'o = 9.168 0.

Isolate Front View,
lsolote front Viow, lsolote Top View, 90t1Dlb ~t.1c•O, -Oy(&.66) t By<'.-+), •o.
-· -©
" By = 6 .66/+ Oy
Z.Ma•O, ~(...)-Cy(...)-()y(12.66) •o
Cy(4)t Oy(12.'6) - 8000 ....:..- ®

•• ' I

I . •'

- ~- .

lsolote Right Side View, £Ms:O, Dy(s)-Cy(.ot) •O

: a'
..... : &z llOOO ()y • +Is Cy - · -@ t;u~. to ©
! in©,
.iMc:,o • 0 Cir c ~"10 -o
Cy<'.<4-) t +/.,Cy(12.G6) • 6000
0,. (10h By(3) - 1100(.+) "'0
Qr -C..(10) t B~(l.)tB.!(3)-1100(t)= O
Cy (1+.120) & eooo
Bit (10) i-By(:l) " 6000 -·-© c,..(lo)·~)t~(:l) - 3'400 .
~-~;...;ca Cy =.!5 66.25 lb
/\B .. __fu_-~ · ~
c,.- 80 lb. in@, Oy = -+/!!> (s".2.5) • ""'.!53 lb.
P,.71!5 s ~ .+ /'C • 00
1r- -6-
.- in©, By = &.66/,... ( ...53) ,;. 980.74.5 lb.
:. By " ;,/~ Bit - sutw. to© •• ~~ 9 90.7'+!1 ; ~. ~ - 25 : ~- ~
109't t 6/s a,. (a) • 6000 ' /\C ·1201b ---C 10.7703 10 10·7703 10 1"·"1+ 10

J3.G 811 "6800 ~Mc•O

AB •10.56.a lb- ·-C /\C=009.07 1b -C ; AP·~6 lb-C
e,.- .500 lb.:. By • ,6001b; -0~(10) -B..(+) •Bz(.3)+ 1100(0) co
0,.(10) .. -.500(+)+....oo(a)t 13600
621.) /\ vertical lood P" 8001b oppf1ed to the tripod sho"M'l in
/\B• 877.!!J lb-·-T ; ,Bi>-400lb.
fig. P- 621 cous;&.s a compress1Ve. force of 2.56 lb in \eg t\8 ~ o
D" "12901b.
ccmpr.e~ive force of 293 lb 189 /\C. Determine the foree in leg NJ
. /\0 • 1200 . ••• /\D '\ 1~..+ lb ,
g.165 0 '°"' 'the ooordinates 'Xo ~ ~o of its lower end 0.
620.) The fromewJrk shown in Fig. P- 620 supports o verf1col :I
·lood of 2000 lb. Points B,C,~0 ore in ihe same horiz.ontal p\one . d.-..e • J.o-o)• t 60-0)~ • (o-(-8))2 jf
Oete~mine 1he for-co in each member. d-'6 = 12· 806,
2000lb 8 d/\C - J..&-o)at (10·0)2. ~ (6-o)•
A (0,10,0) •
. d>.& ~ (o++))'l tb0-0)11 t (o--O)e
(0,0;6) d.-G"' t+-11'2 ,
d"5 • 10.7703 ft.
<JN;• " (o- o)• +(10-o)e ~ (o-(-+))'
d1'C • 10:1103 fl.
o,....s .. (S.&6-0)1 +(10-o)• t(o-(-s)) !
("""·o,o) dAO c 1+,1..... fi.
./>z ~
'/ :[.

Isolate Front View, l&alote P.ight Side View,
lsolote front View,

o a s' _!'_4__ ~:--~ .. __
i;- - -- - • Oy
Ito Of gy
Vt Dy
LMo•O 6/ .£Mo •O !)
zMc •o .J>
By(S) t C,...(13)-1200(9); 0 C1 (-.) t 1200(2)- By(10) • o
-01 (,-zo) t OOO(f>) - Sy(1") •O
St • 6000 -Cy(13) - ·- © 0y(w)-Cy(4) • 2100 - · -©
:. By· 19g,g lb. --+00(6 -~o)t -+soo- 2190.e .. o .!I
.subs. <Y lo@.
/\C .. _k.~ - 2400. -4-0C>Zo . -2001 .4
1+.1+.t 10 1•M'ta {?QQO ~Cy(13)(1o)-Cy(-+) • 2400
Zo • 0.997 '
: . C1 , 100.1 lb
12a:x? - Cy(JZc) - Cy(.+) = 2400
-Cy(ao)' .. -9600
Oy t 199.'~. 200.1-000·0 Dz • [-4<X:>(o.gg1)]/10
Cy~ 320lb.
Dy .. -4{)0 lb '· Dz = 39.66 tb
:. Br 6000 -(a20)(13) =-· 360 lb .
%Me.•0 .5
0y (){o)- Cy(S) "0 . /\0 • J..t60) 2 t ~t. t(39.06)f.
Cr +DY t 0y -12<l? .. 0
1<0 • [200.1(el]/4<:lqf° /\0 a 432.7 lb-·-C
320t Dy •368-1200-0 - Dy; .!! .
~o • +1 •
~"' ~ /\C 32()
_!1;._.~- ~ tCz · 12.00<0 10 1+-i+!Z ----:;o--
1·+.1~ 0 14-1.+2 I 6
/\0 - 471 .3\b -C /\C ~ 452. s lb-C
c~ 160.~ lb. .
a ! _6!L.. .S12
~ s 120.1 lb. 11.358 10
csu.) In fig .P-62.1, ·,r Ps1irolb. ~ tne coorcl'tnates ci Dare 'f.o.. S'
/\D "..501 .5 lb ·C
~ Zo - 2 fl , compute lht:i force in each leg of the tripod .
I 623.) Determine the mox1mum safe vertical load w that con be
suppor\ecl by the tripod shown in fig . P-623 w1lhout exce.ed-
d~ ~ /co-o) t(10-o)'-
2 t(o -l-a))2
'1ng o compressive lood of' :Z"'<l? lb ifl any member .
d.....a = 12 .006 n. w
d ......c .. /(0-0) 2. t (10-0) 2 + (G-o),_
dOI'\ ' /(0-(:2))1 t(6-0)'l t (4-0)'l.
'c:J,.,c = 1+.1+£ n.
f do,.,• 7. ~ ... .
dAO .. f (o-(-~)) 2
t(10-0)2- t ('2-0) 2
~I ei.20 -.s) doe " /<o-(;2)) t(G-0)1 i(O-(-e)) 1

dAO = 11.3S6 H. I - .; , ' .

e_/~-;r' doe . a.062 ...
,'• I /.
,.<+~ ~~-'f~--._ doc -.t(+-0)2.•(6-0) 2 t (0-0)1 11

"(-~ •.o,+) ""--._c (+,o.o} dco = 1.211'


lc;olote Top View, Llv1& .. o
.,. if. [)/\ • 2..fOO b. l' 1331,3(.5) - Ax (g) = O
2.WO .. ~"' k . .1YL /\-;, ""' 7.39.61 lb. '
7."'Hl.3 1l ' + checl<. it OA 7 24QO lb
:. /\x • &+1.4·.5 lb ; /\y· 1QM.36 lb ;.A.z •1202.91 lb. PA 7.39.61
'7 •.o>tf>8 ~
lsolote· R1gh l' Side View, IGOlote Front VieN,
CV- , 2 767. 2.5 lb.
: . -this conno! be acaipl beoause ·,t w '1 ll ~
the hrri1f ~ich '1 <; 2<1-00 lb ·
.~ : • .so1e ma><. vQlue, ·Ot W j g .5195.8 lb .

""'" ,..• •' ,,.'
.. .;-,...------ c.,.
c c.

The; plate shown in fig . P-626 oorf'i~ o load of 1ooolb opplied
.£Mc;,"'O LMr ·O ol E it; is .suPP'f"fod in o hor'1~ntol pa61fon by ~hree ver\ icol eobles
l\"f(-4-) - l3y(.e) - O (By•!w)t -c1 (+) •o ottoched ol A,.!3 .~ C. Compute the tenG10'1 ir'I eoch ooble .
192+.~6(+) •By(!>) Gt ·. ~(i530·"W16 • 192+..36)
~. I . +
I By• 1539-~
checl<.. it oe 72400\b Ct • 1'131.92+ lb.
OB = 1s3g.488 check ·,r
DC ;:>2400lb
a.oa 6

:. oe • 2068..56 lb . :'
_QQ_ . '1731.Q24 lb :. DC • 2061·MI lb
7.211 6 /'it doeS not~
Fr-on! View . P,(gh.·G"1de \/t'eW I
../ ·,1 doe& noi ei<~
.., .
Z:M,....,, - o
w(lf) - c.,c;) =o
W •(17ai.9H)(:9) • 5191;.g lb.
B 4 '°°'
1 ,6' ~
1 6'
fC 3', r
zM...,e • o, - 100!>(..} t c~o) ~o z MA~·o ,
•·,r oa • 2..+<lO , t ·,r DC· t"KJO • C ' 4<lO lbT - C(4")1 100o(6) - J3(g) =O
~- .az_-fu:'.....· Bz ~-~·2t_·.Q:_ .ZF;r eO, B 2 -400(~)-t 1000(6)
~.()61 2 6 .!I 7.~11 ~ 6 C> 9
A tB t C - 1000 • O
a.,.,sgs.30 lb; Sy=110b.1" ;ez·1+08-~ lb . : .. C1 • 1331 .:3 lb B ~ 400 1b T
A L 1000 - 400 - -400
ot the r~h l side view, C1 • 1006.9 lb . /\ = 'l.00 lb . T
.tMc · O, /\y(-t) - By(/;) •O c~ ~ o 6!17,) Solve Prob. 62~ ·i r; in 01do1hon io the -1000 lb, the. pla~e we1CjhG 1200lb
/\y ·• ..9/-t(17061G) ~ '223:Z.1 lb
diecl<. ·,f DA "'7 2-400 '#,(1/JCgH - 1{i(3)(,,6)(10/3) +ft(,)(~(~~.3)
01\ ; 22:32. 7 fi x : .D (10/3)
7.~ '
~ : 10/3 fl .
OA ·= 270-+.s lb oo ro1' occep1 Hi1s '/{(jd}(ld) r • 'fe (?>){,¥> {_Gt Vs(,)) t •fe(,)(~('z./g ·fi> )
volue ~ if exc.ecds 2"'1-colb g-y . 1'. !J'
:. DB I ~lb- 1 .. a ft .

ZM0·0 JJ
tol<e Right ~ids Vfs.w,
toke front View, 1.- Oz(s) -0.(•)- ~(a) .c,. (•) ·o
l: , r I 0u+: 0.a • 0•/+ ~ C• ~ c,.
c A • l 11
J (o./+)(§) - o,.(G) - c.(3) ' c,. (+) . 0
•' tUtM c,. ... ·.s.2.!!J o,. -' · - @
:='<M.-..v"'O subs. @ to@
12CX>(10/1) t -tOOO (+) -c(10) =() 1200(5) ~ 1000 (f,) • 800(') - .13l9) •O
C ,:;, 600 lb - T
.B .. eco lb · T Ch· eolb From@, c. · ~·2s(eo). -+-~o 1b
zF1 • O, ;\O. [eo(0.1~6 )1/s AC. [4-M(1eU/.ot
-A+12aot1oa::>-000- aoo ·o AD ~ 91.66 lb IC • 12GO lb.
t\ • 600 lb -T
Retell"•r'lg lo Front Yiew ,
,29.) Refer. to unsymmetr1'col .conHlever framewo~k described in CY ,
Z:Mo 0 6
in Prob . 610 an pa96 W6 ~ repea-ted here as F«J. P-620 .. If the '-'l"'-

Bi. (6) t 62:(3) - C..(10) ·, 0 S()()(-t) - 13;!. (3) c 800

tiool ,\ood of 17001b iG sti1f\ed lo o\ the rr11dpo1nt.ormerfl - oot s.. (6) t Bz (a) · '!-200 -- - @ Sl!.c 400 lb.
ber /\f?; cornpu\s the cornponen\s \he reocf1on ci\ l3 ~the for·. or .£Mc.• 0 ';J in ' ©,
oes in \he. bor'S .AC ...., /\0. B,. (+) - Bz (3) - 0,.(10) ·CJ -!100(10) t Sy (a) : 9350
0x(+)- 8i'.(.!!J) 0CO - ·-@ 0y = 14-SO lb .
i dNa··~ /(e·3)1 t (o-(-f.))1 t~ ·O)._ • 8.77.S fl.
e ,,., ""
d....c. /(0-0)2 t (<1--0) 2 +(e-o)" • 12 n. 1'00.@~®
,,,,.,,,. :•' d...o - la-o)'- t (+-o)' t (o-(·.t))2 "'g,166f).
. B,. (+) - ~ ~ 000
B,. (4 ) ~uG) ~ 4'200
; "" I •

'"""'° '. e·
c ~~:-
1: ------ 81< (10) = .sooo
.,' , , ax'· .so0 lb.
1I I 1· .630.) The Boom BE of lhe .st.IT· leg derr1c 1<.. shown in Fig. P - 630

•; ' "'~ h"TO' IS rotal<!ld fOrwol"tl :.! Jo' measured In o horrzon\ol pkme- . The mast
I f
/ -~. t\B ·,, vedicol "'- '1s suppor\ed in o .socl<et ot /\ . The points I\,
- B
@ Cr · G / 2 : Ci _-c,. C. """- 0 ore In the .some horizonta l plane . Oe.!emi;ne ~he forces
.6IL. .!2!_ • EL •..Tu-
f ront View, 9 .1(.5 6 + 2 in ihe legG ~ 130 \..._ th9 components of the bsarinq reocrion d A
ec ·1

@ 0,. • D~h. : Oz " o.:/+

subso.@t....© lo © ij
(o.,.f~· t C../2)::. -(c,..+O•}IO + +2.!50 c O I
a.5 o,.-+ e.-' c.· = +2~0
.£1Ac,o • 0,
o. +C• • .soo' -·-@ 11
deo ·dee = ...[i1s·
g. (1o) +By l~) -11oo(e-M) ·o
e~ (10)-1 By~) · g::iso - ·-©
.t.Me •O,
(0 • c 1)(3) - (c. t0.)(10) ~ 1700(2.5) co
(o.,. • c 1)(3) - (c. i o.)(~ o) • 42.&0 ~ o- · :.@

l~olofe R19ht ~ide View, dei: s ~lf • (:20· !5)• , (10-0)• = ~4:Zs
lsolote Front 2 t(20-o).,. t(o -(;-16)) 2
I' ' t - •- Ill deo = ,Ao-(-10)) c Koo
~· lsolote front View I • l sol ot.~ Righi s ide. View ;

c;;. I?< c..O
1;•;- 10

c., ~o·O, C,(1lJ)- 1~(s) =O • /'<fl. 10'
.h.:. ---~r~y-----
/\y(!i)-~(!!H &.~) cO
Cy s G83 lb . ... "
:. K . ~ .·. ec " 1~ 10. ~Mo · 0;1oao<_ro)-A.,..60)- Ex(.s)•o .tM... •O,
/\y = 1~ lb .
{fi5 15 /\y(-i.)t Ex ~<1000 -·- © Oy(10) - Ez(.s):- Ey(10) ~o
.i<f.M,..~O 9
~s·O; 0y(2.) - E~ - Ey(2.) •o -@
Cy(s)d)y(s) -soo(s.~)·o
'83 t Oy = 06G 0,.(10)t1ooo(w)- l\y(10) - Ax (s) ·o Ei!j1o ~ey/1s : . f:'i! • 10/ts Ey "u'@ to
C,.(5 ).t Oy (.!1) " .+?130 lb
' Oy • 1~ lb Ay(lo)t /\>1(s) - OJ1(s) • 20000 [)y(1.)-1o/1S Ey - Ey (£) "0
l Ct t
Oy ~ 866 1-·-©
:. AO ~ 183 AO• 202. .3lb. t-.1 (1.) t A.l( -Ox • "\-000 - · -® Dy (1) - 40/1.s Ey .. 0
£Me·(), .
. {77-5 ~ .ZM,.. -o,· [)y. • .ote/3'> lfy sub&. fo @
-AJ.(1s)-t (c,.-. o~)(+s) t .soo(s.~)-(CytD,Xs)-o subc. i. ®1
o" ~ 103 • • o~ , 61 iv . 100?(10)- Ey(10)- O.,(~o)- El' (-') •.o @ 2E1 t Oy ~1000
-/\.. (1s) "(c,. • 0,.)(1$) -o -· -@ ~ -:;a- Bu~: e,,;;~ • e,.f0 Ey-= 1.sE,. :a;,.+ 4C/30Er ~ 1000
""M ~ (:z17.7t.~;~

A• = 200.1 ,1b .
:. c,. ·:Z27.7 1b . 10<;tJ(2)- (1 .~ !:,.)(~) - {)y(t)- E,x '0 Bu•: Ey = 1.s E,.
<4E• t 20,. · ·2()0() - · -@ 21::" t ~/30(H,Ex) 2
D~ .; ' 61 W/5-.. - 61 lb.
, I :. r.,. "6000- 0r)/a. .s1.1bs. fo© -t b c1000 :. El'~ 2!50 lb.
~ ~ 227.7~/~~ :Z27.7 lb .
Refe1'1"'ing -\o ~~igh~ Side View, Dy/:20; D•/10 >. 0)1 • Otl:z -.s1.1bs . ~o@ BEj.J1Ts =.WAo . ·.BE c.51S.4 lb .
.£Me •O: /\z6s)+(DL tCi!.) (1s) +Cy(,;)- Oy(s) - .soo ~s) • O Ay(+) t A.,(:2) -0y •00()'.) lb-~ t.J.sing ~y·1..s~ < 1 . ~(2.56)
Az ; -(221.1 t61)(1s) -: 683(.s) t 103(1!1) t 2500 /\y(2)-1 A .. - Oy/2 • 400010 €y ~ .37.5 lb
15 Ay(2) ~ (160C>:z-!?.l..) ~ '1000 Using Dt • «>/.lo Ey • "t-0/:?.o (31s)
7\Z • 166.7 lb . A~(+) I 1ocv.l - Oy ~ 8000 Dr = .soo lb.
6:31.) The boom BC of the i;diff · leg def'ricl\ .shown in Fl(JP~ (4}1\y - Oy • 7000 -·-@ BD/~ • 5Ct>/20 :. BD • 612.4 lb.
; contained in the '/.Y plone . The mo~t f\!3 \G vertical. ~ rosfs in U~ng@ Arl"') - Dy • 1000
.sool<.B-t ot I\ . Points I\~ 0 ore in t~ same horizon to I plone ·. ... ,.._, ...5 /\y ( +) • 1000-t..SOO

Point.G . D ~ E. ore
in the .same vertical plane-· Determine the- ~ tAx (:z) -~· 0000 Ar ,. 1soo/ + :. At c 1P,75 lb .

forc,e,s In the legG l3E ~ 130 ~the comp'.ments ·or the- bea- - (Ay.!_~ -'-9y, " 70()() ) UGin.g E, 10/15Ey .. 14<(5(37S).::: :zso lb .

i 10' c 05!. • [60'.)(101Jho =- 2SO lb .

ring 1eoct'1on o1 /\.
reter'f'ir'lg to l'.l.iBh+s;de, View : Z.F1 • O,.
A.,,, • Dz - l=11t ~o

Az. • I:~ - Dz ~ Z-50- 2'50 =o

: . Ai';• o

, I

128 129
c;32.) The boom of the c}erricl'- shown IP Pig P-f>32.
rotated bock. ·w;
~· from the Y.Y plone . Oe.terrri1ne the forces in BC ~ BD ~ the
component~ of 'lh6 beoring reoc\iOf'\ a\ \he ~\- /\ of the~ AB
&(•o,.,.o) .
ir.(~,ll,·!>) ~z • smao"(to) • ,!;f} .
I fltl(X)Jb 1- " 10 COS 'a() • .
i~.+s· -1tJ/;;:D
: :. N5 .. 200.
,,, 1
.. __ ••Jfli "'n'°"• -p()/t.o .·. 00"17.32 n.
'.I.. - o·--71,. " -~ ton fiO" ..17.3t/6A :. i5A • 10 n.
0 ·- - - ---- (10,0.0)
~· (0. 0,11• .,..) · C.CSE()' ,. 10/CA.. :. l5A,. :zo ft .

dBA ...)jo-w)l+ (26-o)•+ (o-o)' " 2Cfi. Ell • <5A t x

dso • 16o-c)" t (w-o'f +67.32·0"'f : 28-280. b • 10~ s.~<; ~ 1s.~ fi .
dee ·,/60-o't+Gi:>'o)'it(o-(;17.!Jt)) 2 • 26.~& {1 . -oc .. 1otoo oo· . 17;~2 n.
160iote fron\ View, 0C = S77.3~6 :. ec "816.3 lb.
t.&.'26 2a
Chop tcr 7
'" Eq.©
Cy tOy•1132
~ • 1732- 577.316 " 11.s+-'&+ lb
Centroid<> &, CentorG or G rovity

,· BO • 1154.60-+ ••• 00~1632 .7 lb .
co9 s· I .~ -
°' -__1~~-- ~--- :
Cy Ay 8.'40'
f&,26 '}.()

Refern~ to F~n1 View: ~f,.,, 0

A. - c.. -o~ "'0 c. • sn.3~(10/i~)
~Mc.o.o • 0.
-A1 (10)•2¢00(11uc}~ o Ax .. ue."5a +.s11."M1Z "268,i:i?i8 lb.
A,..-~ lb 0, • 11s+.~(10)
Ay • 3732 lb w
;t"tv1.-. ~ 0 (£, Cit.• .&77.31G (17.~2)
'LO o~ • sn. 3-'v.l lb. 1·
(Ct• Dy) 1 0 - 2000(a.1;~) • o I
Q .. ,.99.96 lb Oz· 11~.66+(17.:32) I

Gt t Oy • 1132 - ·-@ w
loolo+e Righ~ Sida View,
,, ~-: Dz =99.9 _qr; lb .
Rel. \o P.'ogh t ~ide View : £:Fe ·O
Dz - A~ .-cz ' 0 "

Ail. a 999-96 - 4:99 .96

0 ~ Al- a .SOO lb

De __.. _- ---------- c,.
i?-32 .
"• A
l\y 17.31,
G1 C.

~tvlo s9; ·3732.(17.32)+Cy(~.~) 1icn?(na2)=0

Cy(3"!-.c.-+) • 1999S·Hll'.J

707.) Determine f he centroid of lhe quodron t of the ell ipse
10s.) Delerrnine t he cenko1d' of the shaded area shown in fig ·
£.. +Ji..
p- xis,
robOlo yt/• KX .
which '"' bounded by the "'/. o·i1G', the line -x •a ~ the po-

!lr• KJC
shown in
..Fig. P-707. The

rr ~%~
equotion of' !he ellipse ·,s

1- )(~a'l
c 1.

'/ 1./ " b 2 (o• -)1 12)

K-~% • b% b o«
y'Z" b(2;y{:, - y - t>JX,4a tJ "% Uo4- ;-:') .,.

0 J\ • f: ydl< • fo° b ~ dx

a dx

f bfoJo"-y;~ cJx
Ax "kl<(l_:ldx)
" r)((%J~·-l<')dx
% [-Yi_·"% (o"-l<") 9h1:
• r-!Q r~~~J:
L&t )( u 0&1no< • •• s onO(" X/o a o/o [-Y$(o). y, o~]
- o/-ro: r~a&~a - ·oJ dt " OCOS"<~ Ax .. -sac." ~x
3 +
y: - 40/glr
A= ~3ob ocosoc·~

Ay • ( Y~ydA Y~f: ~(ydic) /\·%f<oc.oso()(ocos0<d0() M .. f:}'i !l(lJdi<) • ~r y'dx

r Kt (i''<::-x.))
hr b::

~ r~ ':j~dl< .. clx - ob r
- b/t11.fo1'/c o.. cos'o< do<
• Y2 [1 t COG20<]~

- bho" ro.•,. - )(~1:


A'1. = -g,a•b -~ ~
s ~ Ay. -= b% f ~]~ · - ~b [O( t ~i:h
• bfao" [o.9 - o.%] - o.b,h
' y: =:30/.s
.aj?-[Th +(~ - 0 -~ ]
0 0

~ii q~ - y- ~hlr
Ac ob~

100.) Compute the oreo of lhe sponclrel in Fig . P -7oe bounded by

the )( oic1G, the line x ·b, ~ the curve y .. KXn where n ~O. Whof is lhe
loc.otion of ·,t s centroid from I~ line " • b? Prepare the toble of
area~ ,.., Jocotlon of centr<,.ld for -.olues or n t 0 , 1, '2, &so., 3.

o r ~ "
(t>,h) ~ · l'-x"
AX· xdt\ ~ f S: x(yo><) ""·" ~/1-n = h/bn
~.,.hx%n I

j( • yg r'*
7j"' b(nt1) bu! !hisx ie
~ = +%.- nt2
reffered to(o,o)

132 133
71, .) Determine the coordinates or the centroid of the q r-eo
x= b _ b(nt1} - b(nu) - b ( nt1) .shown in Fig . p-71s w "1ih respect to the given 011es .
nt2 n t2
' Aij = ~Adlt
f:-r(6X9) + ~T(-a)!j .Y ·[~l')(9)('/3·9il ._[1'2lf32](~ t9]
• 4u+y = ·307.23
x !J c 7.+7 in .
Oj -41.1+Ji • [v2 (6)(9)('f3.6)] t [ '121(3) 2(35]

+1.1+ )i " 96.41

·j =2.3+ in .
716-) A slender homogeneous wire of uniform cross .seqtion i~ bent
info the shope shown in fig. P - 716 . Oet. the coordir\Otes of' ils cen -
trc)1d .

26.56'6 !j =66
no.) Locate the ceni roid of !he Of'eo bounded b~ the I< oxi6' r., y • 2.+e in
the sine curve y = os1n T">{_ from x " 0 to :x =L- · 26.soGx ~ -6(-+) te(+msao·t-4)
1cs.~i • 35,7129
· 'f: • 1.3-4- In.

::· ;\ij : f> 12 l.J LJdi< ~ 'ft ( "J-i. ch

717.) Locate the c.en+ro1d of the beot wire shown in rig. P-717 . The wir-e
'is homogeneous~ of uniform croSG Geetion .

;.. ".C .!Jdi< f

~ o sm'!"~ dx
~ ~o Cs 1n!Z.Tii. dlt ..
;: " rs•rict ..; a ••nso· • !Z.065 in.
- ~a« Yr [11< - s1.,211xlL ~ :aoic T/t90
., a 'if (- caGT~)~ ~L '1> L •
s1nao·~ ~~in -2. ~ • 1.+a~•1n .
,. -ol(, [ cosT9b_ ~ co~o] [ 2(2J1.3J1. (.30°.>< J'/ieo•)) t t] ~ · [2(tx3l<(adJ1.•l,W>))(1.+a2~
- -.91_(-1 -1) 8.293 y = 9 .996
l .g = 1.086in i x• o
718) Loc.o•e the centroid of the shoded oreo snown in. Fig. P - 11e .
~~ .. aC.J,. -'ij",,.lo Y [c6)(12)(Ys)• Y:z(<.)(<.) • Yt(<.)(')1 ij = [~M(11)(~·,· .,)]
T t a ~ ,,: i ['12 (6)(,)(%·')] +

7i-+.) The dimensions of the T- section of o cosot -.iro~ beom are. ,. .

-~,...+-=-'"- ,..
. ['It (<.)(<.)("h · '")l
shown in f ig . P - 714' . How for K; the oentro"1d of the areo obove -!he boea. 72E° .. 43~
T /\ij=~A~
[1 (9)t 1 ~~1g~ .:· ~(B)(4t1)]+[1 (,)(o.s)J
721. =[12 (<.)(t2)(Y-'·125]

72 'i = 360
s oil"I.
t['l2('X')(r/,·i;)J +[~~)(,)(9/a ·6 to)]

~ .. 3 . 07 i11 ~ .. sin.


no~ Determined the centroid of the lines t hat f'orrn t he boundo-
12.a.) Loco~e the centroid or the shoded area in Fig. P-723.
ry of the shoded o r eo in Fig. P - ne.
[Y!2(1.s)(G) ~ + .s(G")- T(~)~V:., Y11(t.s)(<;){Yt(1.s)t+.s) ·
ffe +.J'7iJ x "' J100 (-lift?>h)(o/~) t .Jn (.f%)(V.fT)
[ 1H ,f18o t6· t
t .rnt(. ~)( Y-l2) +6)1
1:2(6) t
_ +(+.s)(c;)(;.~s)-: v~L)(W)
)( 24."431.+2. 714.15
<fS.387 j' ... Q.5'4.322
x • 3.o+ in. ·
Y: "' 5-26 in .
g ~ +.s(s)(a) t ('h)(1.s)(c;)(2/5.c;) - Tr(,)""(r; - ~)
.. . 40.30~ g = 12(G)t6Cahf19oK~)( t 6] t ffe("!%')(Y.ff) i ffe("%)( Y-11)
-y : 6'-9.599 ~
49,397 if " 261,659
y• 2.69 in.
g - .s.+1 in.
n-+.) find the coordinores of the centroid or the shoded or-ea
no.) The cen t roid of the shaded arooo in Ffq · P-120 '1s required to
lie .on t he Y o.11is. Determine the dist once b thot will fullnll thi s
shown'" r'ig. P-n-4.
--tr-"'-.-TTT77'77i'-+- T~)~ i< • 111(1e~)-~~c;)
- - 12{E1) - Yt.(c)(c;)- lT/.f (a)«(va) -
requiremE.nt. , (2/~(G') t H)- T~•t(<f-) - T~t (1s-~)
[ ~ (-.)(eiJ['lf -aJ c[MbX6U[1/!tb] .. 1+4,!593)( e 1118.531
95 . 333 in • .. 2 in b 2
1f , ". j( ~ 7 . 7+ iri .
ba " ~.666s ,,,~
b "6.53 in .
1+4-.s9ag; 12(1e)(c;)- '111(c;)(c)(o/s) - v(+)"(12 - 't/11-)
121.) Refer to the T- section of Prob.n+ shown in Fig . P - 7•4. To ...mot - ~(12 - 1jc;>)
:g • 7.;Ja,76!l
value shou ld ·the 6 in . width or the f\onge be chonged so tho+ the
Jr • s .oa in .
centroid of the ON:!O Is 1.s in . obove the bage ?
[ 1(9) t b(1i2.~) .. 1(0)(•1-11) • b(1)(0.~) nts.) Locai'e t he centro'1cl of the shoded oreo enolosed b~ t he curve
y 11 •ox'!+... the stroigh~ l•ne .shown in Fig . P-726'. Hint : Observe thof
, t 2. 5 b " 40 t 0·8 b
the curve y2 • 01< relative to the Y OJCiS ·,~ of the '6Clme fbrm OG ~ e
2b '"20
t<-x 11 with respeot to the X 011 is .
,. b-1oin.

72~.) Locate fhe centroid o f the shoded oroo in Fig. P - 72'1 crcate::I
by cutting o semicicle of d iorneler- r ft'Om o quo.-+er c irc le of'
• "' f-2 <1~M _'f11(t>)~2~j "f%(111)(~)(3J~-1'1~-r~(cx11x%-1~J
r. 12-,. - -!57.6
o x • ·
[ J~C _ T;t_l.)( •(¥~£)(~~ - (~<2 )(%)
111' . )<

12 ~ =[%(12)(c;)cafa ·"~ : [!111 (4>)(H1)(Y~ .,5) . ·1

1-ig • 3c; I
.IC.~ r,% - rX2 .
B g : .::ifl.
" .9~ 1
· -~ -~
" o.637 r 121.) Loco~e •he cen~roid of" the culvert ..shown in Fi'g . P-727 . H1'nf : In-
e(v~)( -t~-,) - (irr,Ya )(rlz)
tegrot1on '1s unnecesso r~ ·,r !he oreo ·,s subd'1v;ded 'i nto the e lement
B to be- found In Table v 11-1
vr,% ij .. r% - V-'# - l -- - 1 , --t [1(Y11 )(,X&)rn2(')- o/gf...x•~1lr ,r(reWt~)('J9) . 111(6)(~)
-j - (~Is) (-+ )(1a) (g/a ·1>)]
T~ 3° c 6.57S r~ 6'
>t$..6 '59~ c 204
~ • 6.57~C .H ·a.sf'!.

[1(,) 1 12 (1 ) 1 ~12)(t)]g • t(,)~s) t12(t)(7) 112(1)(M)
~ - .s.1 in .
.ZM:ico • 1 (<.)(J,s) t ( 1)(7.!!)(-'·6.s)
· L.M~o • 7.a.+ "1n~

731 .) Two 10 in.-15.3 _ib chonnsl~ ore welded to~1hel"' os ;shown In

fig. P - 731. f1rid the moment of Ql"'SO or the upper ohonne-1 obout
the hor-lzonto l centroidol O>tlC 'k ·of the. e.nf1re, Geof.ori.
1119.) /\ rec tong le jc; . divided into t wo padG by the cur-ve y • l'-x"
oreo of 1oin - 15.s lb - + .47 in7.
o& sliown ii' fag.;P-729. Using #"le ~n°"'n locoiion of the centroo
~ the lower part /\ oG g"1ven in toble v 11-1, show. thot the cen -
2 (4A7)g - +.+7 ( 0 ·r 1 10) t +."f1(s)
e .91 g ~ i;7. .s0'+
troid of the. upper por-t B ·,c; loco1ed by 7. B - Vii iI/d.•> ~ e • 2 gA .
Y _ 61:...-en th:lt y,.. -I n_t1 ) h .. j..,. • b - ..IL
3- 7.s& in
~1 \,.40t2 "I . nt2
nt2 73fl.) A 0 bridge fnJGS 16 ccmpo.ed or the element Ghcwt"\
in F.'9 · P - 7~ . Refer lo Tobie. vu - g for +he properl1-es of the angles
~" = (nriLb
~ ~ locote !he centroid of' the built -up ~eotion.
find "Xe'ii_iYe 19•1·
b(n) - bhl~e"' bh(ttt)-lbh (y(7n1).\
· [. nt1J ~·n1-~..} n t«} ) [ 9(1)i l'(ll..)tJ,7S ti; .-n;J g" ~"J06WS) t '1-('lz.'i..e)
• ..,s("-o-78) t ~;7s (1 .&a)
~.s 5 = 2_79.3+7.s
B • 10.s-+ :ri·.

7~) U:x:ate the centroiol of the. bu'dt -up Gection «.Chon 'inown ii"\
fig. P -73a. Refu lo fable v11-2 for- the properh-es of the elements .

. .. we - ~ - b
2 ~) 2
- bh%. [111t3.7.5 tll;(o.e)1(~)] ~ .: l!l("to.211 - 1.,5)I3:1!l(o.-,s~o.211)
• 6.,Xo.r.)(.a.2a)•(~"f..o.7)
.:hruLg& -~bh'-00 27-7GS g = !ZG!l,<t-03
(n+1) ~(ent1)

~& : h(n•1¥nt1) ~e • 2~,; E .. 9:~ in .

-,.o) A beam hos the cross; GeOfion shown in Flq. P-730 , Compvte
1he momeni of ar-eo of the shoided portion obovt the hori:roniol
cen\ro100\ o·i1G ")(., of tre enhre se,o\ion . ( t\ote : il lQ ~ in G"!~­
.!J'ft of "'o\er.olG ~t thic; recooulh; is ~ in compulin<3 •he rrio-
x1ini..1m ""heor11"19 st~~ .

1M.) />. right trion9le of s·1des b'--,h ·,~ rototed obout 011 o)( iS
;\~ "' ( ~(yd~) . r: ~ 4 dx Vff'!.Ov.n. •

~T. 'ij • I\
~ - <t-b • Tab
-): b%·.Co2-,a)dx
coincid··ng with side h lo genef'ote o right circular ccne .

y : !2tr . ii . AA • ~i . ~ b . Yit bh
• b%« [ 0
x- x% J: V " 1-Tab~
.!!l; ~

,/~ • b%"-[o'-o% ta 1 - a%l

,,,,... .. ..
,' h . Y = ViJ Tb.rh
~ - ; ··
- .o.· . A~ = b~ [ 40_%]
De~ive the e11pressiorlG fur the s ...rfooloreo ~ volume 9enero·
ll!fh ~ : \bf.b..
tod by rotoling o semicircle of ,...od ius r obovt it<> d ;om&ter .
V " alT. ~. Area of holf' c1ivle b)
-~'f · ~. T r 2
;81;. - g._
v • 'Vs Tr•
A • 2T. ~ . Le.n9fh of oul'Ve

to one-holf'

Yor """"bol.,;d , 20. ~ . " Y=~f.a .Tr~

.c'eT ..::!J2. • v ~ 21f·r~a
'Q.2 '5.
" .. ~ bllyh A· 2J . o. 21Tr
A= 4lf<ra
De ter~med the volume of' the e llipsoid of revolu tion gene.ra-
7SP.) .

ted by rototinq on ellipi:e abovt o) ·,t~ m0.Ja- dxiQ (pr'Olote elllp,oid)

~ b) ·,js m"1nor 011is (oblate. ~llipsoid . Tot--e the larger .sem~o,.~ oG o
M1.) /I 60. pipe elP<'w hos an irifernol d ;o meter ot + il"l . th d
.ii,., t~ Smoller ~em; - 0><1-s os b. r
of curvo t.L)re o /he p•pe
' .~ oen~er l1"r1e. ie 6 in . f ind f he i0 ternol
e ('()vol.
· r%-.. +~81 ot ths e lbow ·
I> i V ~Areal\ centroid ~d1stonoe teverGed • lr(~yz x "x (6<:>' x T/,Ba')
···--- . • __a .• ,' V -= 79.96 in:'
A i=u.iRS;i; • lrob


7'45.) n .~ oreo contoined between two c.oncer'ltric Qerr11circle. 6

7~.) find fhe volume or
the. .sphel'icol wedge formed by rototi119 of rodi i 1.s in . ~ 3 in . iG ro~oted obout on ox is +in . owoy ~
\hf"OlJ9h Ori on9le of +~· O &emicircle of 1"0d.1us r obout ·it~ 0068
porallel- . to the booo d iometers of the .semic1roles. Compuh3
diometef'. fhe surfooe oreo ":> volume generoted by o comple~e revolu -
y. 'f,4 ' lk'Ai:: • T~
t1on .
y • .J.r!._
6 [T/j! (~•- 1.s•~ '1 = ~ (•)' fW?J - %{t·!S)2f4,.(~e)J

' I +' i(), 'O?! g • 15. 75
A = l~ Totol Gurfoce Area • ¥ t lrit
!! c 1.485 ~ in.
Y'" 2T.(1.+8St+). 10.Go:3
A.1c.a.- T3 .T r 2
v · .365.1- in~
Oofet.mirie fhc surfooe oreo ~volume gene.roted by o complete
7.of<!!.) Cornp~e. the ..surface oreo ~ volume 9ereroted by rota~ in'3
in Fi~. P-7+3 through one revolu t;on obovt the. X·oi<"
revolubon obou• •he )(
OlC i s of the .shaded .area Prob 719. or
' ~~Gin ~ =.!!'l in
1\1~. ~~ v • .2 J • !3 . Areo
t [~ t 1.(;l] E • ~ F'~· ][-~<;) + ~ ~[~][ 2~l t
= 2r. '". 7fl
:<>1. 6"'" _g - 1ai. 1:i2 Y = 2714-:!S 1n ~
~" 6.15 in .
,.. ,.
..Lll<..- - , - - --___::.L-.::" /\ • !2f. S.+1 . (1H~tJ4•t1fi ti'~)
yf 1l1 . 6 -1.5 . 2(21.%") A " 16+<f.77 in.t
V • 1667 in~
Compute. the. .surfoce. oreo ~ volumS generated by o cp~plete
TMt H 2J~·H.. ~ = T(-+)( 1j-;l ti;) 1 2 (') t 2 (~s·,,• .s1ni;~·+J ('C.volutio.n obouf the )( a~i~ or the GI-laded oreo of' Prob. 72!5.
1{7.'<J' ~ - 15(/. 66 .
]" •.s.oe 1n .
9- .s.7in. Aa 1lf .s.7. 27.99
v c !Zf. c..os . [ +.s ((,) t '/11(,){1.S) - T(9Y%J
v m 779.92 in.?>
7.++) The r.·101 of o pu lley hos the cross ssction -shown in Fiq. P-7#.
A= 2r. ~- le~lh of c·1 rcorrcribina,Areo
It the rim '1G 11\0de of stee,J we:1t3ht'ri'3 4-90 lb per cu. rle.term1ne. H1C n. A • 2lT . .3.91-[-., (11)1 + 6 t .s ~ ~,•nscJ
weight of' the rirn . A "" +92. s7 ·1n.2 .
[ 4(4) -2 (1:'&21(!1)] g. 4(4)(-2-) - 2(1·~"~)(+-%)

] for length .
11.5 'j = 1 s.s
g- = 1.61 in.
r3 i lit.!~ t f•s,H~ ~ ~ ~6.s)t +.S(•)>6(') •,.,,,(J1.i:1&' )(~)
. t T(% (6-~)
v. 2T .(1. 61 •10) ,11.~ 19.997 g ~ 78 :a2g
_ :__ 10• V = 939.9 in~ _g =3·9+ in.
- _ V e o.+ess rl i
w • o.4BS.S ( 490) '
w" 238 lb .

[-.;,, (6)•(1,) - T(4~..)j"~ • 11/9(,;)Y16)[34(1,)] - [T(+1(+X16-25]
7 s1 .) Determine the centf'Oid of o hemisphere of radius r, ta- • 402.11 )I .. ++~3 .:;If;

King the ox is of symmetry as the z O)(is. j" = 11 iri. from ope,.

v-,. • (x("t':l')d1t =Tr x (r"-J<•) dx 796 -)Determine thc.-height h of the cylinder mounted on the
~(~Tr~)~ c'[~ -~I hetriispherical l:loGe show" in Fag . P- 756 so tho\ lhe com~ite
nr' x - l
r r2.. - :-tj body will be in sioble equi librivm on ils bose . tfinl : J\s Jong
os the cenler orgrovity docs riol lie obove the 'j.-'1- piano
2:11- ·'l[~l there will exist o restoring oovplo whon the bod~ is tipped.
y; ~ %r
,:r'(ef°h(h/1) - VJ1:r'(~>•C.S'1S(I)) A uniform wire "1s bent info fhe .shope .shown in f19 . P-762. h1 2(1)
The .skaig h~ segment~ Jic in •h~ }.-z ~Ions, ~ the_ 9.i n . length h .. 1.-+1+0 .
mo~ on angles of :so' wifh the X ox1s. The -sem1c1rculor -s~-
. rnents i s 1n the x - Y plane. Locate the oenl er of gro-'•+y of' the w ore nn.) Repeat Prob. 756 if the cyl1.ndricol portion of the body
in fig . P - w6 is replocod by o right conieo l port.on with 0
( 6 t11(•)tg)x; "1"(-+)(~)t e(s++cos:ao') 2 fl rodivs . base~ olf d ude h . .
,. "
:26.S6'°"j = 1+1.919

x •.s.:s+ in. ffi {J)fh(hf,-) = '1/11 {#(?'!~(2))
_,,~ ~66"6~ T(.+) (~)
-= - - -~ff hllp .. 4-
. 26'.-56, y ... :!32 h11 ~ 12
:y. u04 in. h - 3 -'f-64-ft . .
' ~6".'566 z 6 (3) t ·a ( 't son 3¢")
e /\ steel ball is moun~od on top of o timber cylinder os
;l6. 664iz as+ .shown in fig . P - 7s9. Stool woighs -+90 lb porcu 0 ~ timber woigh~
z • 1.ZS in, 100 lb per cu ft. Ooter-rninc tho position of tho eontCI' of' qrovity.
7 5+.) Locot e the center of grovi!y
lii:idrico I body 1 in . In diomeler ~ 2 in . long with o hemispher10ol
of o steel rivet having o cy-
.()f,9' ~II: [413f(4~11 ~}~] (-.9<) lb/ff 5)

heod of 1 in , radius . Use ihe result of Prob 761. Wss. ~ 76 . 02 lb.
"[r(sin11 1~io\) (Mm xJP"Hl)(100Jb;h')
I fJ'2• .'. )( " 0 . Wtimber
T{0.9)~(t5] ~_ •[(o/1)1f(1)ry[1 f %~1il I T(M'f(«)(1)

% lr (1)" t Wr ~ . 109.09 \~
3.66.5 ~ = 6 -545
~ 1 -~~ in. · ·
x ~e) ii
Q. • "
( 7(;.02 t 109.oe) 9 ; 76.02 (2e x Y,r) f 109.0B (12
. . . . .&· 1' so(16 - 11) ... ~ ..-s in from base-;from 1'>-ob.755 't 18S.1 g " 286.46 I
7~.) /'.. bod~ consi.s+s of o r1qht circular cone whose base Is 12 in.
~ whoi;e oltiiuc:le is 16 in . A hole a ·,n. ,in d•'ometer.~ '.'" in. deep hos
~"' ft. from bose I

0een drilled from the boee . The o)(is of the hole co1nc1de,s w/ the
0 ,.j, of fhe- cone. . Loco•e fhe centroid of the ne-t volume . UGe the I
result of Prob . 7-f.G .


SO-..) Oe~ermine tb moment of iner\ia of o tr"longle- of base b

......, oltducle h wi\h rcsped \oon Ol<is; t hrough ihe opex porollel
to the base · U~ the trons;fer formula ~ ihe- r&:ult- Ot illuG .
Prob · 602. .
I,.= bh°Y.96
--. ~~
I"'!,. t Ads • bhf36 t bh/2 (2/3h) 2
• bh3/36 t}'g
I .. bh8A
~) Delord•he the moment of in&-tio of the guorler 61rde ~
10 f(Q . P-805 with res;pecl to the 91von OKe&.

J• f p'dl\ :I
J • J; p•(Tf/i·df) I
·(ff"df .I
.J " .L
& I
o•r o ~ J..r-+
Chopto: 8
J • ix tly • lr;1 • I" tl,. '
Moments of Inert io I,. • 1r~6
l y .. 11r/{6
806.) Oetermif'lB the moment ci' inertio of the .sem·1circle shown

I~ • r~ f/ &1n'~de­
• r4/.+ J; Yt(1-cc.s.i~)de- • r'Ys [-e- - s11·1 2&/tl:
• r•/11 [(1-o) - (4>in2lr-s1no)]
J~ z Tr"';/e
Iy • f ~ dA

Iy • ( f
0" f'cas~ fd<Jdf • {,,.for p ' of 00$2-6-dfr • _!," f~ (cos~de)];
• fo" r~ (cos'-~dtr) • r'/+ foT (1t(;•nlle-2 d&
T it
. ri"er~ - ~J 0 .

~ r'"/e [cr-o) - (casalf -coso)]

Iy :: lfr./e

146 147
a10.) 'Determine the moment of inertia \he radius of' g~ ion,w/ 1'
607.) Show the moment of inertia of o Gernicircle of rodius r
respec\ to \he Y axiG , of the Ol'\90 CU\ lr0111 the flrs't quodt•ont by
is o.11r• with respect to a cenfroidal OJ(i~ parollel to the c!io~ ihe curve y ~ 4 - ')( 11 where ')( "*., y ore in inches.
I,. ,,. ifr4
0 y -+-/
~ J,. +·lfr:(~)~
- (y-"")
I,. c·i" tAd 1
T( 2 3'1f wheny=O

4 ')( 2 • - (o-~). '" 4

o.3927r• • 1,. + o.2e2..94r
)( ; ! ~
t,. "' 0 .10976 r 4 I"' 0 .11 r~
eoe.) Oeierrnine the rnomen\ of inel"'ha for \he quoder c;rcle 'k
11.y •(l'f/A)
shO'N<\ in Fig. P-sos w ith respect too c.efl\roidol X- ox1s .
A•r yd>< =_1'(4-l(~)dl(

L I,.v]C
A -[+ll -'ll•/~
A = [...{2-0) - («-o)~~J
~ 1G

••• Ky .. ~~V(1,/3) :.~ '4-/.s

011.) Determine the moment of '1nerf10 w/ respect to +he X oic 1s
of the shaded porobolo oreo sho'f'm in Fig . P - a11.

I) =f y dA 2
(a-i<)dy j )( •K/ tc.. z X/y'-
dA c

y ~(a - o/p"y .r) dy . 'f. •a/t:J&"'( a • afb•

=_1~[0y"- ~a(t 4)] dt

11 ~ [ oyx - o/bt(Y% )]: • [ <y,(ti -0):1 ;- [O/b"<~)J{»-<>)e]

I,. • ab3 - ob% · - ob_%.s (s-a) ~ 2ab){s i

91~.) Oeform•ne the ly for ~he ,shaded pGll"\?boltc area of Fig. p -811 . 'I
Iy ""fx•dA I
dA ~ yd'!-

11 - r Jt~ b.p/Q d)l

:s: b/w; 1.!!Jh. d;t

,. [b/,ro .,.11~h. J:
-(2 hX0/ro) ( a - o) h. 7

~ '2./1 (o/ra) ( o ~) 1

"Ir ' (2/7){o-'b) .. 2ct'ly;

~ b/2.

e1g,) Determine the moment c£ inerlia of \he T - 6ecfion ShQWrl
in F~ . P-820 w/ ~~ to ·,tso cen\ro1dal o*.
•" l'ITY •£Ay
_!So Sfl Y • 2(0)(2+...) t- tt(9)(1)
? "~.s·1n

•• ix • .!:M. t z(eX1t.5)'+,S~i t2(e)(ll.5)f.

•• 11l

k • 2(s)(2) -32·10~ 1• .:: 290-67 in:+

820) Determine the moment of inertia of the oreo show'n 1r.i
J·l~ +ly
•~1' +~ .. 270in~ fig .P- 020 wiih respect to ·· ts cenh~idol oi<es.
•* Ar " 6(1) H2(1) H2(1) = 30in?
"'• -[i7A .. ~21%ffl .. in .
.3.07.3 .
617.) Determine. the. rnomern of inei'~IO ~ rodn..IS of gyrohon with
Atr • SfAy
resopec~ to 0 polar (;.e(lh-0100\ OXIS of the Ol'OSS 9$0'\ion of0 ho 1- . 30y .. 12(1)(0.s) t 12(1)(1) + b(1)(13.~)
y :: ~ .7in .
\0W tub.9 wnOSe ou'\.$ide dlan'IC-tsr- iG 6 in· "" ·1nGide d°1ometer ie-t~
- .3
lit : 12.(1) +12(1)(s.2)~H(1't +12(1)(1.3i
12 1

•• + ~ + 6(1)(

• T'/tJ.(r/-rt)
t\"1&.11 ·1n 2 J •TAz(5...-2"'') • 102.11n.~
"~J/,.: ... ~~11~11 -= in . ~
: K
021.) Find the rncment of inerlio about the indicated X
Q')(iS I
for the shoded oroo .shO-Nn In f 19. P- 821 .
I" = f. t i'\d~
r., • e~;ol3 + e(1o)(s)~ . ~ 2666°67 in ~

r.. 1 " 26~.<07 -1u;o ..S:3 : g°",14 in~

02.2.) F1·n d the cenfro1dol moments o( inerh~ of !he ~rop<'.to'1d
~hown in Fig . P- 622.
Ar = 60t(>)(6/~) .. 72 m 2

ix • [ ~3 + i2 (~)(<> )(] 2 + r;>Cf,i

. 12
+ r;,(r;,)(
K .:: 6 ·7.3 in.
r~.: lu tl~ : IJ71.-a3 +211..33 =.5S"1'. G(;°1n~
I,. = 190 in•
JT •J1-J<1. ~2730.~C-..!!54.~<0 "' .21 7~·int

f,.,.. • 12.5(6)3 t ~(HZ.!i)(<;)(<O t y3.,)2 2-.1-' in~
923.) /\n oquilo\ero\ triong\e hos i'\c; base b hon:wn~ol. ShoH 3li
t hat ~he c.en\r-01dol rnornen\ d" inerha w1\h respect h hori-
r)t ~ il<A t Ille .. t ..c 0
24'75 t 22.!i ,i- 900 a :3GOO iri
:Wl"l~ol ,._ vo<i1eal oxe'" ore equal .
826.) The. cross GBCtion shown in . Fig. P-026 ·,s t hot of o sfruc-
turol member "'1\oWn OS 0 Z SeC~ion. Determine the values
h - Jb1 - (~)1 - o.8"b
i,, " b(o.9"bf = 1.80+)1.1()-tb+ of 1,, 1-,. 11 .
. 36 i,. ~ zO~ • /\d~) . >
.. 3/+(+.r.)3 t (3.5(3/4l t 3,5(3/•)(2.'925)2] 2
o.Wb(ti/~t 3 2
b :I1 ; t o .M§b(l:Vt) = 1.9o+it10' b+ 12 12
. 1iZ 12
i .... +2.11 in~
ez+.) Compute lhe momenl cf 1iierlia with reGJ)CCt toan ax~G
ly = ~(fy t Ad 2 )
paei;ing through two oppo&ifo opeJ!eG cf o mgu\or hB"<l90""\ = +.s(<V+f t [¥t(a&f t ¥+(3.s)(1.37?S)2 ] z
cf side o . 12 tf
0 -& • 8'0/ei -= 60• .~~ c b/o
i 1 =iis."M in:4
ton ao •WLYh b c 1/2 (o)
A,. .+.s(:a/.+) +[]2 ~ e .62!> ·.n~
Y-n =t>Mlh 827.) The built - up S«:fion shown in Fig. P-627 is composed of
o h "' a-1!/2 5
I• 0[2(0~/t)]~ -t ( 1h(a)(o.JY,4) ]4 -two 8 x ~ x 1 \n. angles riveted to o 12><1 in. web plate . Determine
12 1~ the moment of inerlia w'1\h re~pect to the cenh'Oidol )( Olli~.
AT ~[e(1) t !S(1)]2i-12{1) " :39 in~
A,y · ~ ~Ay
825.) Cornpvte toe moment <:A inedia of the 1oin . by~ in. reo- .38Y • 12°(1)(G) t[8(1)(11.s)'t .S(-1)(9.5)] 2
tonqle shown ip fig . P-82S obout the X ax1~ to which if is
Y = 9.g7 in.
.Oclined ol on ' onqle-fJ- "' sin - ¥~ . Hinf : ReE>ONe the fiqure

I,, .. ~(f,, •Ad•)

ifl\o parls A. B, <it. C . = 1{12~ H2.ft)(t.97f +[~ (1)(2.53Y] 2
• [1Cs)3 t 1 (s)(o.-t7) ] 2
u ~ n
ton 53.13 =10,tb lir ~ 37G.~ io ~
b•7•.5 in.
u,;og Tobie Vlll- 2 Proper-fie, of Gtrvcturol Section.-
d • 1!1 -7.5 = 7.5 in. 2
9•,.'"•,,i •: j,. - 38.8 1n~ ; y -1.G."? in . ; A~ 1~ 1n.
K. • 1ojs1n53:t1\ " 12.s .n. !,, = 1 (12} 3 t12(1 )(2.<n) 2 • [3S.6 t 13 ( 2] z
~ 36.97• = h/d 12
h = c.osa6.87(7.s) = 4& in.
j,. = 37<..97 itl :+
c.oG .s3.1a· = a/10
s20.) T""o 12 in. 20.7 lb chonnelc; ore Iott iced toge+her to form
a =~in.
the Geet.Ori Ghown in Fig. P- 626. Oeten-nine how for oport the
c honnels sha..ild be placed so oso to moke I. equol to f y for
2 the Gechoo. (tieqlecf the loHice bars which ore 1i-idlcotecl by
fx.; - 12.!! (•) 3 t '12 (12..5)(<> )('15 .,) = 225 in~
~ the doGhed linec; .)

from Table Ytl l -2 ________ i IYo
__________ _
Prop. of Shvchm:il A!°'Olys'1s ' j,. • 1(1+)3 +(1e(2.2st + 10(2.25)(0.375)~]2 •
Olcn"lel Size /\reo t. ly x 'i 12 12
f,6(1)-a t 8(1)(,,1s)1 ]+ t [-i(i)3 • 3(1)(.ot.7?1)i) +
12'20.7 (,.03 128.1 3,9 ().1 0
__ J_
. - - ~ 1
I. - 7~&+.65 in~
Iir ~ i.c t A~" L
Jy • 1i1)3 t (1.26(18)3 ]2. +(1(~)3+1(0)(+.5)2] "t
1 12 1
ly ~
-(1:2a.1) 2
h- +Ad ~
------- ---~--------- - t [~fi)'& + 3(1)(•)~] 4

!y • 3019-63 1n.+
Jy "[:i.9 I ~03(d/iz +0·7)t] 2
Using Tobie v111 -2 Properfiec; of strvcturol secl•ons
r. =iy
2 a·)(+·><1" ; Areo • 111"~ ; 1, .. 11:, 1n•;Jy • 69.6 in"°j i c.a.os. in ~ 'j'• 1.0.s in
12e.1~ -~3-9 +6.os(d/2 to.1) ]
1. ·[1(1<4YJ,A2 ~ [1t.6t11(6. 2)~1 + + [(1e(2. 2sl~~ -t 1S(MS)(B.37.6)'l.] 2
d = 1.~a in
r~ . 7601:99 ·.n.+
929.) Oefermine the d 1s4once d ot which the two 3 in. by s in. rec-
f1 < [ 14(•) 3],A2 I [G9.G t 11(3.!!S) ]4
2 +f[ 2..2S(10)"412} (2)
tangles shown in f i9. P- 829 should be spaced so ihal f,. • ly .
!y c 3021 -1 ·, n~
832.) Determi~ the controidol momen•s of inertio of /he built_:

L •
• ""
h =

Iy =1.
f.-+ Ad?.

; [ 8(3) + 6(3)(Glh t 1•!>)2] 2 •

;.[3(S)3 +o;~~[e(a)3 12
+S(3Xcl/2 tu)~
up calumn section shown in Fig. P-832.. It is camposed of two 1o"x1·
plotes riveted to two 12 in 'J.0.7 lb channels.
s--- --<1>" lb From Tobie Vlll-2 Propert ie!O of'
Strvdural Geetionc;
12"- 20.1 lb :
11 =3. 9 in.4 ;
/\reo •G.os 1 n~~lx = 120.1in
y • o it._ il • o.1·1n .
. I ~ !,. " 128.1(2) +[%~) 3 + 1 6(1)(6.~)'2] 2
cl"' 1:20 in. 2C& 1

930.) The ~hod legs

or four 6 by +by 1h ir'l. ongles ore connected
12 •. !O.Tlb J. • 1610. 9 ° 111~
too web plote 2.3~ in by S/16'1n . to fQNT'l the plate~ ongle girder- 11 e(3,9t~.oa(+:i) ]i +[1C~~)3] 2

~ ·in fig. P- 030. Compute tho volue of i •.

Iy " gs6.87 in:+
y • 12 in.
2 833-) Four Z bo~. eoch hovin9 the Gize ~ properties determined ·,n
I.. .. 3
f!JA61''1.3.s) .. [ '~~·~t t
6(0.5)(11.1s) ] .... t .
Prob. 826, ore riveted 1o o 12 bt1 in. plate to form the seoi ion
[o.s(a.!:>)'5 t o.6(:a.s)(g ,;g)~]+
- 1~ shown in Fig . P - 033. Oe~ermine the cen koidol rnomen ls of inertia .
r .... :2667.5.5 in~ i. =i(12)3 t[S/4(3.!>? t at+(a.s)(-t.25)~] + t
U~ing Tobie v111-2 Pl"Qpertie'? of Giruci.,rol sections 12 12 . '

6>\4>' •h : Arco - 4.7.s in 2

[ +.i;(a;..,.)9 t +.!>(::i/+)(s-~:25)2 ]
+tr 12
a/+(3.5) t

!,. = 6.a ·in 4 ~ I 1 •11.+ in 4 ; y· o.99·..,_ ~ 2

1.99 in 3,4(3.5)(7)~]-!-
I. " [ 6.3 t 4,75(11.01)~] 4 t [.sA6 (2a.s) );12
1,. "1291.31s in:t
f,. .. 2G<OG. 3.S in:"'
11 ~ ~ t [ :a.s (3/±l3 t 3.s(3/+)(o.01st' J +
031.) /\ plo te ii... or:igle column ·1c; composed of' four B by 4 by 1 in . 12 1~

angles w1\h the short legs connected to o web plote 14 in by 1 in

t[-"1+\+.s)3 t s/-t(+.s)(s.s)e.]+ +[3.!5(3/-+t
1 12
Plvc; t wo flongs plotes eoch 16 in by 2 •;_.. in a6 .Ghown in fig . P - 0.31.

I= MK' t Md2.
t 3/4(a.s)(6.m;)
2 ]+ iy .591.6 in .~
= Yt Mr'" t M(r)1.
834.) I\ 10 in. 1!1.3-lb chonnel is welded to the fop of' o 1+ WF 34 I = s/2 Mr'Z
beort'l oio sho-Hn 1n fiQ. P-03+. The wide non9e beam has an over-
oll height of 1+ in. on oreq of 10.00 in~. 'lt-. 1 339. 2 in ~ C:Ompu-le
)l or
9 "". the moment of inertia obovt lhe centroidal ;>( all.i6'. eoo.) By using the transfer forrl'lulci ~the re!OuH of Prob·. B62,
From Tobie v111-2 ProperheG of 5trvchJral ~ · determine the momen~ of inertia of o homogenea><0 sphere of
10·- 1s.s lb rno~ M ~ rad'u; s r w1\h respect ~o a tangent .
Area • +..ot1 ·,n :l.
(Tr\ I .. MK 2 t Md 2
1,. =~.01n~ !I... ly 2_.310:4' Area• 10 '1n~
2 2
= % Mr t Mr
x ·0.6411"1,.., y · 0 1"=339.2 in~ S.,. t•o.2<t in. I • 7/s Mr11.
/\T • 10t4.'47 '-14.47in 2 866.) 9y using the transfer formula 'lili., the result Prob. 003, de- or
A1y £Z.Ay termine the moment of' inedio of' o rod w ·dh re~pect to on oxii;;
14.'4-7y '-10(7) t 4.47(13.6) through the center or
gravity . perperx:llculor to the rod.

Y"' g.o+in.
I,. " i.3 t 4 .47("t.!l6)Z t 3~.2 t 10(2.04)
2 _L:~
---1 I" Ya ML2 'I
f 1' = 476.01 in~ I" t t Md 2
83S.) Two 10in fS.3lb chonMIS Ol"C weldeO toqether as sho-Nn in FK). 2
Ya ML : 1 +
P-835 : Compute t\;:le,volues of Le tor orrongemen+s (o) ~(b). Eoch I .. 1 ML2
chonnel web '1io .'0 24 in. thick..
o.) From Tobie Ylll-2 10 '-15.3 lb 860.) By using the tronsfer formula~ the result of' Proh.861,de-
Areo Q Ty"' 2.31n:+
4..+1 111 2 ; &...l• =66.9 in~ termine the moment of inedio of the rectangular porollelepiped
i( .. o.C04 in. ""' y e 0 shown in Fiq. 8 - 29. with re~ct to a medlon 1i·n e orthe z face.
AT y .. zAy - 4.41(2) y "'4.47(!5)t + .-t1(9.6)
Tak.e the median line porollel to the )( axis.
Y" 1.3.1n

I~ =".9t4.47(2.'3)z ~ 2.3 t 4.47(2.3)2 ' " MK.2 2t_Md2 .

= M(b +c 2)(1.42) + M(C/:z)2
lJ< = 116.5 '1n.-+ " 1A2 M(b 2 t c 2 ) t 114 Mc

b.) b I : 1,42 M(b 2+.+c2)

2(4.47)y :. .ot.47(5) t 4,47(10.6+)
y • 1.82 ·1 n. 869.).
Determine the morneot or inerlio o\ the rectongulo r porellel-
I, ~ COG.9 t 't.47(2.8~) 2 t 2.3 t 4.-n(2.e2) ep1ped !Ohown in Fi9 .P-8GG or f ig 0-29 v./1th re.s·pect to o n ox•G" t hrough
Ill " 140.3 in:" one edge porollel \o the Y o.xis .
I c MK 2 +Md 2 =1.l.;2 M( o 2 +cz)+M(o12.)2+(c/1f
.. 1/t~ M(o~+c 2 ) + M [./(Ola)• 1(c;,d• J f

8'04.) By using the tronsf'er formula ~ the result of Prob. 060,de- ~ 1A2 M (o~1c 2 ) + M(o}'+ t c)l..f.)
termine the moment of inertia of'o homogeneous r ight circu - I r % M(a 2 +c 2 )
lor cylinder Obovt on O~iG through on element on surface. as
The cylinder hoc; o rnass M 'b,, o rodiuG r .


Y• 4% [1011- 8 3] "' 1.183 ff.3

012.) Determine the moment of inedio of o hollow steel cylinder (12)•
w'1th respect to its geomeiric o)(i6. Tho cylinder iG 1 fl long ~ hos
w= 4SO_lbj,r((M83fi'} ""S32.3Slb
Of" ov\sicle diorneter of af\ ~on inside diorneter of 2 fl. Steel
wei9hs 4QJ lb per n~
K" ~ -
. V•1f(1.9•-1 2)(1)" 3:Q27 n~ . - ..... 2)
1,...~_,,.2 (1_+4_)....,(.-3-2.......
W" ~Olb/f\1 (v) l : 6.i fl-lb-.SCJC(
..532 -35
--3£'~· =~O lb/;:r' (3.927~ .,.
K =- 7.35 in.
w = 192.+.23 lb
2 1 878.) Determine the momeni of inertia of \he c~t -iron flywheel
2 Ill. 1fl. I . Y2 M(R' tr') = 4ft(19i-+.2"'J [(1.5) +(1) ]
32.:2 shew: in F'.Q· :-078 with res!)C'ct to the o,.ic; of rotoliOl"I. The flywr.i,,I
hot;; 61>' ell1pt1col spok~. 3x+ in. 1n cross section which may be a:m-
I · 97.11 ft-lb - sec'
s1dered os slender roc1~ . O:lGt iron wO.ghs 400 lb per-cu.fl.
973,) By using the rnethocl d1scus&ed in Prob . s10.determ.1ne tha
moment of ir-edia.w1th respect to the9eomefr1c axico.of'o cylin -
der of' rodiuc; R from which is drilled o .concentric hole of n:r
·diuc; r . Denote the mass of ihe resulting hollow cylinder by M,
+I w, • i•(R' - r')L ;
Wh = 'lST(R.•- r 1 ) L i hub .

Ws = globL i for one spol\es

"'-, the moSG" per unH volume by 't . Wr •(+SO)lf ("30 1 -28 2 ) 12 ,. 1138.83 lb.
h v-t\. m, for the cyhnder 1729
·~lfR h
1 1
R• v21 mt for fue hole V1"lR h -m1
r Is. ~ NIR2 \12•1fr'h-rTl1.""Tr'h
M~gv I': Y2 [ m1 R2 - mt r 1] .~
Ws "(.+.90)] (1.5)(2)(23) = .50.45 lb .
M ·'f,irh(~~-:· 2 ) .::. 1/~ [ ~TR1 h(~)-llrr h(r~)1
:""* 4 4
lSlfh [ R -r ]
Ir= Y2 M(R1 tr~)
"' 1h glfh (R'- r')(R +r•)
.. ~ (1138.03/32.2) [::10 +2si)A+t1
i '"1/t M(R2 +r 1 ) Ir "' 2~. s fl -lb-sec(
874·) A solender rod 6 f\ \of\9 rotates about on o)tiS perpendicul Ih • 11.l M(R« t r 1 )
io it ot 0 p01nt Qf) . from one end. The rod we19hG . 40\b. Compute - r~(1:::i7.++/32.i)[(s~+2 2.Vi<KJ
the moment of ·,nertia obout the 011'1s of roto\ion . In "o.+290 fHb-.sec2
Is ... n(i t Md 2 )
I= 1.l(;z ML:i 1
c n (1A2 ML'+ Md )
:. 1.42(~2.~)(6') +{4-0/32.2)(1)' =6 [~2(.sG..+s_h2.2)(23A~)1. +(.!56.1-o/32.2)(16.5A2) 2 ]
1 = +.97 fl -lb-.seci
Is= 2.3 .11 t1-lb-.sec 2 ·
87.S.) for' 0 hollow cos\-iron sphere or 20 in
outside diameter
I"' Ir t Ih •Is
~ 16 in· inside diorneter, compute thcS\ of inert ia~ -the e. 206.e + 0°4298 t 23.11
rodiu<0 of' gyration w '1t h res;-pect lo o d a·ometer. Cod ·,ron 1 ... 230.34 ft - lb-sec~
wei9h~ 450 lb per cu. fl .
Given·. Oo # 2c/':.. R=-1oin . w =- 450 lb/ft 3

1002.) 0.i a ccr~oin .sfrdch of track, tr01ns run oi 60mph. Ho.,.
for boc\<. of' o stopped lroin should o warning torpodo bo plocod
to i;ignol on on coming troin? .A.ssumo thdt tho brokes oro ap- •·
plied at once ~ retard ihc lroin· ol the uniform role; of 2n por soc -
(}ivon: . I.

Vo~ 60mph f-vo' • 20s Vo .. 60 x s 2so ~ eeft/~ec

0 Q -2fl/so=-"
-SI/ = -2(.2)S
n or
.s .. 1936
1003·) /\ sfono· is thrown xcdicolfy Upwor-d ~ returns f0 Oorth
o.36G7 mi .
- I(\

1osoc. Whof was i~s initial volocity 'I.._ how high did if go?
t=1osoc . y(vo col
-Vo c -9.Q1 (10) = 99.1 mis
-vo" -;32.11+(10) "' 321.7+ fl/s I
Choptcr 10 I
S co Viz gt~= ~(.9:g1)(10)'1 c 4-90 .S m. or

Roctilineor lronsloiion s U ¥129+~ D ~ (3.2,174)( 10) 2

dropped From the top of o tower oo
/\ boll is high of the
C 1609-7 ft,
n !
some instant thot o second boll ·,s thrown upward frorn tho ground l
with on inihol vo\oci~ of -40 fl/soc . Whon t+.._ Whore cb H~y pass,
'ii<... wi\h what ro lotivo veloc1~y ? . 1
!I !

~ ' vo.l t ~gt2 "!Ot - ~(M.:i)t.

• - .. -©
80-h ~ y~ (3.2.2)l ~
h ~ eo-16.1t' - ·· -@
substitute 2 to 1
80-~ .. 4-0t - Y12~
t: 12SOC .
hs Qo - 16 .1(2) 2 ~ . 15. 6 from tho botlom
s' = 80-15.6 - G-+.-4- from the top 11
Vf1 -Yot : ot
Yf1 2 -.0-32. 2(2)
Yf, • 312. ~ OZ) e

- 24-4fl/GOG
ft/soc ~II

i~ fOoe.) ~ th~ ground
r·p· 1CtJ5,) /\ sfono Ir; droppOd
ar ~ splat;tl -. . heOl"d-
~ 1llfOI "" .5SOC iofor Ibo 60~
1r lhG «>loc.ily of sound ~ mo n ~GO(; ,
stone is thrown vorlicolly upwon:l from
o velocity o.f +e .::1 fl por sec. Ono soc.end lotor orothcr .stono ·,9

what ic; tho <k;plh a the~? thrown 'V'ortic.olly upword wif.h o volocity of 96.6 fl per soc_ How
for obovo from tho ground w i ll .stono bo ot tho .some lovol ?
Vo, • +B ..3 n/soc
'115 c t'100/soc
v~ • 96.6 ft/soc subst. 1 to !l
t. "" time b- hslorio lo drCJfPOd
f.... -'1 • i'ilne IOr-i1hc;5GQOd iobG hGotvJ:;(Or-60Urld " d c"sl
t " t ime for tho 1st -stono 4S:st -~." 129.~ l ·- ~ -112.7
tor ihc.stono d-= -'i~ ct• 1t20(.s-t,..)-6) t -1 ~ timo ta- lhc 2nd Gtono 112. 7 "' 80.!! t
d • ~(M_t')t.,S --·@ for tho 1"t .sfono t • 1. -+ sec .
h ~ 46.3 t - Yll (.3::<>.2) t' h" +9·3 (1.+) - 16.1 (1.4):2
subsfifulc; t lo ~
·I tl
'IHI0(-5-l,..) = 16-1
h"40.3t - 16.1lll - .. -<!) h =36.064 n .
' l.

..5600- ttmt, ~,,._1 tl for lhc 2nd stone

h~ oo.6(t.-1)- 16.1 ( t - 1):l
By~ fq- you gi;t t, = +..a45 liOC-
d= t(S..1 (+.QH5)S - 3.53 -'31 ff-
h" 96.(; t -96'.6 - 16.1 t. ~ t 32.:2t - 16.1
h .. - 1.:;.H ll - 112.1 _ .. - @
0)6) Rapoot Prob - tooS if tho sound of tho splosh i& ~ ofter
. Y'· .
"fSX:- 1000.) /\ boll Is shof vcrtic.olly ·,nfo tho o;f' ot a vo loci t y of 193.2
fhc souod for- tho .stone 0 per sec-_ After :- sec, arothc,r ball is shat vort1cally ·,nto tho air.
d .. fl2I0(41-~)"---@ 0"' '12~' = ~(3£2)t,.r --- @ ~hot ind1al vcloody muGt t ho 2nd ball havo il'I ordor to moot tho
&ubsfilule 1 lo~~- . fir~t bo ll 386: 4 fl frorn tho ground f'
Vo, • 193. :2 ft I9GC
1120(+-t..) ' c 16-1 ~ ~
• h ~ 386. 4 fl . .second ball
+t80- tt20fp ~ 16... t.
P, ~i°G fq..t_= -b :!:J_b_*~--
40--C t • l'1mo for the 1st boll 386'. 4 • Vo (9.~+ - 4) - 16.1 ( 9."64-4) 2
I t!O t-+ " limo tet' the 2nd boll Vo " 1!09. 69 n /soc .
d"' ·1'-1(3.793)
231.'3 fl_ ..s .. vot - Yi.>q!~
1007..) A Sto.nci. droppc;di from o cvpflvG balloon of on elevotioo of 396.+· 193.:2 ~ - 16.1 t2
100QI a ~ ~ ~ llailcr of'Olho:-.,sbio CG ~oafad vcri;colDy up- Bt ~uodroHc E~ t ~ 9.41-G+soc s,.....
'f<Ofd fioro> tho 9'0 nd w ith ...,doolly of He fl per .«c. If 9 ·l'i 3'2 t • :2.S36 -sco
R per scx;Z. ~ 11>:-~ 'lllflll the 6blGs pciis& ecdl ofhcr ~ I'\ ~10.) storic 'rs thrown vc;rlicolly up frol'l'l fho ground wifh 0 velo -

"'s flefl/soc,
h: 1~ fl_ 'IOCO-n = h (~)l L
city of 300 fl/soc . How long mus~ one wo'it boforc dry;>pplng 0 Gee
s1onc f rorn •he bp of 0 600 n low~r ·.( fhc two ~fones o ro •o pos~
..9 =3~ Sl/scc 1 tr 1ooo.-16 l~ - · - - @ co ch othor ~co fl fri:Jm the fop the fow er .'7 or
t - tt.Ar.c ~ lhG 1!s[ ~ '1-He(l-2)- '1~ (::n)l(l - 2)~ 1-sl ·s tono 2nd Gtorio

l~-L~ fer t1hG. f'._.j~ h ~ 2-tel:-~ -116!.~ tEftt - 64 --·- © .S '" Vot t Y~gl:z 200 .. )[z@a.<2) (11.100 - t')"
SJ1il6f'itiuille 1 fo 2
• I
-400 ~ 300t - 1i;.11,? :200 • 1 G.1 [(t1.1ee)'J - ~(17.1 BB. l') _ t' 'JJ
n . tooo-~~- 21-St -~ -.u-V t *I.: - G+ By~uodrotic · t ~ 1 7. 1ss soc. 200"' 'l-7.S6.30 - 5.S3.4's t ' -+16.1i,'z
11!JGQJ~· 15400 =312 l i..__ 0-= .;sSG, 38- SS3.45t'11 6 .11.•!l

I • I
t".S SCC- :.h: f()0() - 14i(li)~ : 600fl. _ _ __ _ _t __
< 1.44 &cc
__ _ ~Y_ '""
*":__u_a_d ro11c
• · you 90 \ • t : 13,1;~ i;cc.

162 163
~40 " Yf ( t1 th) 8y ~uodrotic fonnulo you 90\ vf "' 2-40 ,H/i;
1011.) / , ship boing lounohcd GlidoG down the ways v./1lh o consiont t 1 ~i'.1.tts:-+1 ~ vf= ee H/s
occ.olorotion . She takos B soc to .slido tho first foot . How IMq .,...·,11 t1 d2 E 41 - tg tJso or 90+ 00 fU,
Bfl fi {s x a~e. 'x mph .
sho ~al<o to s lide down the woyio 'if thC.r length ·1s 62.5 f\ .' Q'40 • vf (-41 - ta) 1~ n

,Sc G!l~f'\ ~61-0 = vf(41-:!j-)

s • 1 ft when t a soc .

..s • V12~t:l • Y2a~:l i c Qoo.sec or .3min , 2osoc. 2G-40 = 41 Vf - n_•

1 c Y2 a (e)Q

Cl - o.031~.5 n/sec,• VJ..' 1016.) An oufomobi le. mo¥1ng at a conG\ant '<'elocity of -+5 ft por
?J'v\013.) /\n automobi le starting from rest s peeds up to -40 fl persa:. s;ec .paGGos o gaool1ne -station . Two GOCCnciS IC\ter, onoH·lO". outo-
w1\h o constant occolcratlon of -+ft per soc-2, runs o t th'1s Gpcod for • rn0bile leoves the 9o"°line stotion 1*.._ oooolcratcs at the c:Onstanl
0 time, k. finally c.omcc: to rest w'1\h a dccelorotian or ~n por sc<? · retie of 6fl porsoc 2 • How .soon wi ll the sc.c.ond o utomobile over-
If the total disfonco f rovclc.d is 1000 fl , find the ~o\ol time r0qd · to~c the first' ?
£0\'n : . .. Given : V1 • +.s fi/s Q>l'n : . Y=d/t - 4 i; t .. d ~©
6 ivon: Vo=O
d - Y2 .o (t - 2) 2
a•-tf'Vi;'.I. y s '\ONs. o•- sfU
o ~ 6H/s 2 -©
Yf = -+efl/G ~
0=4-r+/s" ~ ~eq'd : time ~t c ' Viz (<O) (tl1-+tt+)
1st · t 2 - +t-t+
a -~n/s• Vf·Vo • at1 ·
d = ~ooon . 40 "'4 t1 - t1 • 106CC 19t "! 12 t 4

Req'd : total Time .G. • Y.i (-+X 10) 2

• ~ooH . t 12 -1 9 t ++ ~ o ~ ~uodrotic

·' V" S~ 2 - S2 • "!Ct" t • 10.79 soc

Vf-Vo • -ota t ' = 1s. 79 - e =1s.79 sea .
1he motion of o pariicle- is g ivon by the equation s • ~t+ - t.
t!I - is :: 8-sec
- -1-0 ~ - s
.s~ =-tole) - 'Y2 (J!,)(s)'.I. = 1GoH.
~tSo.tS3 e10CI'.)
t Qt~ whores Is iri foot 1t..., t inGCXX>nd6 . Compute tho values of v
when t • 2600.
. 'o'
/ ei"' - t.}ti; t Ql~
'Jl>OtSt+1"0s~OOO --s2=6+on $.von: .s .
b'"IO =-+ot2 -"" t2: 16 Gee . t• fGOC.
Tt ~ t 1 tt'.I. +t,, - 10~ 16 ta ~ .3-+soc . Roqa : vlr..,a
101+.) A train trovolc; bctwoon fwo etotions Y2 mile apor~ in. o
rri1n'1mum timo o(4160C · If the troin acoe\o,.,atos ~ doocloratosot
8 fl per J;oc/l, stort from rest at the 1st Gtation ~ coming to o s top Q - 24(1l)
- tip- t + = 98 n;s~
at tho Qnd .stat;on , who! iG ·,fa mo11i~urn -spoed ;n mph 7 How long 1~0) /\ porhclo mo-.-es In Q 6froighl- line occordln9 to the low
doc:>G ·,t trovol ot th'1Gtop Gpcocl ? G = ta - 40t whero ihc s Ii; in f1 g,.._ t in GC.COnd6 . (o) Whon l = '51SOCS,

6iven: d· 'le m 'i le o • &fl/," Soln: vr -v/,·ot. - vr - st, (X)rflpu~c fhc veloc'.ity .(b) find rhc ave. veloo.•ty dur:n9 the 4th

t1. 41 soc Yf • !;;11/i11 - G"OCOnds . (s;) 'NrY:ri the pci0t iole ago in comes to re~;t, what is 'its oc-.
Req<:l : tnO.)C. ¥pcocl in mph -'If= - 6t& cc.loro Hon ?
,.,__ disti'nce trove. I ot G3 .; Yf ta - 12 1') ts2 61von : s - t 3- +ot Rcq'd : a 1 ve-1. b ~ avo. vel. !!o...
S1 tS.itSa • o,e mi le. c~ occclc.-ot ion .
thl6 top .speed
26+o • ~ + Yfh +Vft1 - ~

' I >~~
' .p

..,.. t • c = fq / .sa;e- • ton-sf

solh: .a§
"'v " 3l
.+o -
;; (s) 2 - +o .. ss ft/s
- Bl\ I~., ~ ~ l -~ t 11- c
c~ .
- b)
.t = In ..tsa-n t ~J
. 1-a- -3 J
c .) Y =a.l 2 - -to Y£•S-t-9
o = atll-40 ..SL =(v'--g)2
·- 4-0=:3t.'2. 1
v 2- 9
t =3. 6.S1 sec
et; "" J(v"-'9)
t 9
·• --- 3

1022.) Checl-. tho answers tc Tilus. Prob. 1018 by t he followlng mo- £,'/J>I = cJt;
'fhod: Wr• ~e on C:><prcssion rototinq -x ~ y, ~ by· -succossivo di; dt

d ifforontiotion -Ghow tha,t Ye= -XY/\/JTi<ttr->J '!,..__ ae. = J(0.11Ah11tl<~ t IOU.) Tho volooii'Y of o porhGlc; ~ olonq tho -X ollits is do-
hllY"/~. Compute Ve 'II,.,, o a from these relations. by Y = )t•- -f-)l2 i- 4'X where v is ~
feiof por;d "-. ;ic; l.s ill
fGOt- Cocnpuio fho vol.Jic of tho occobrotm ~ ~=· dt _
Tan e- = -Ye_/...;" s ince Ve is downwo!"d 6iwon: ..., ... -r.3 -~...,.s;x S:>Bn.7 "~ £2'f' - '4{1l)2- .. 1>( 2) I
z Ya = -v.... tan& ~=2 'ti= •ff/sco I
xll +hci-= z.2 i L ~~ + h-y @
cli tfcronf1a~c 1
Retfd : o 'lcN = odht
a: Vdo/<JJI'.
O"' '%? ( xo. +h 2 ) -'12 (2x dx) - _Qy
dt ctt d'YdJt "'"3~~-8Jt +6
;~A 1
=Va j o~f°" Oe ~=VA ~~"'Ya · d"'/ci'1- =~
0 = 4(2}= 8 ft/80C~
. VB = XVA(x 1 + h e)~YQ . . . 102.5.) Tho moi1on of O llJllllfiiCb j 5 iroHaliiorii a •-4.t
diGf'm;r;cji b y -jhG
dVa = Oe =d;c VA( 2tl'2 + xcJVA (x-zth 2fYll -Y~xYA..(x 2 +'ri~)-;f(~y.) *here o is in ft per GCG/z ..._ t in Is ~ - ·u .s=1fl ~ ilho~
cH Cit I at ~t.
2 1 1 2 2 ""' v= ~{per soc -11:ion. t - 1 -soc- De\onrilfl(; ·llOO rc.DofiorlS ~ i
Qe=V.AQ. +l<OJ\ -x'1.VA'2. = ')(CV, -tYA (x th )-11 YA
'<l"'-.t • .s1...t.,., ~6 -
~ :.pz+n;z Ux'-111"-)3 '1~'"'+h2 ( -..G"'th•}s !I
&Von : o~"'i-t
2 ]l
Qe"" XOA . -j. h VA2 s~ 1 'l-.2 t-1
--.!X•th 2 ~(x 2 th~}'!> Reqa : v-t, .i;-t, v-~ 3S'='£(%)3 t11
v'a [9 (10'?]/.[9•-1 1? -= 6 f!,4
35 "" ;r,(.:(v)3 't 1!
Solh : d'l'/dl: 4t
. as= [9(•0}(]9<-1.,e 4 tr1rlll(10~:µ1~9•t12 2)
3 2
.; (;,<:,7 f'f/s ~...rr
'/-=~ i-C =.2i~t-C
The roctilinoar motion of o particle> Is g1:Vcri by s~v -9
. 2
1M.3.) c=o;;f i.-1 3s =4..F'f t 1· .
whcro 5 i.s 1n foct ~ v in foci- por GCCOnd. Vv'.hcn t "0, S"O~ v•3
ft per sec· find the s -t,v -t, 'ii<., o-t relo t iol'\-5·
""°:ztL - t
(3s- 1)« "'~-k
dt&/dt = d~
Gi...on" .s-= v g_-9 f:.ol 'n'- St9=v2- - ""'~ "Q£. -S = ~t

-t C
l"O; s~o ;vc3 __Q§__""' dt a i;ec, 2.& ,;e- dt a-
..fGt" ~ 9+9ton~ 1 = 2 (1)" tC
Req~ : s-t, v- t, ~o-t 3
s= aton'l7- "' :::ise0"-e- de- 3"' !l + ac
d<> ~ aGeG1-e- de- 3 sec &- c" 1/a

"1033.) From the v-t curvo in Fig. P-1033, determine the distanco
10£6.) The mOtion of a particle i4" governed by the equation o = - ~,
tr-ovelcd in 4 Gee~ olso in 6scc. /\lso sketch the o-t ~ s.-i
-tihcro o ·;s in f eyt per .soc~ 1J.., s le In feet · 'Nhon t "1.scc., s • + fi "-._
v=2ft perecc. Pet ermino tho relation bot woon v..._t,.s1to..,t , v,s.
.curves approximately to ..scolc.
'l(t1'') . Y· -'o/a(t-4)
Given : Q • - 0/5 2 V • ~ .. dG
$" dt Yi c - 1ct+ 60
t=1, G·+,-v:ct
S2" - 1ot/t t 60t t C2
R~q'd: v-t, s-t, v-!;, 4dt ~ .rs ds
.+t ~Sa/IZ tC
S1 •.G.,• 4IO t·+
.solh : ods "VdV e
- 3 -- 40 " -.s(4) 1 +60(+) +c~
YdV -%~ ds·
3 + ,. 2/3 ( +) 3/11. tC
Ca " - 120
v/f. "' -as-1 +c c = -+/~ 2
aH6" S1 = -5t t60t.-i.u>
- 1
+t ~ 2/3 .s ;lfiz t (- 4./3)
V Q = 1' S- tC
12t = ~GWct _ +
S• 'h(+)(t O) •-40ff #I) - - .sc...• ::'.!.2.!.~t-120
"if S ~ "'f 'ro..V•2 .; C =O 112' t c £ (t%e) 3 /z -4
al 6.seG ~~ :
Vil."" 1~/s S .. Ya (')(10) = 600. 51•2.&t. :
12t = 126 - 4 -.0 I
s = 16,NQ yr I

ll "
2 I
1027.) The rnot ;on of .o roriiclc givon by a " G v " where a le; Inn
'10 I I

per- &'OV;z ""v ic; in fl per "'OC · When t Is zero, ~"6 t..., v •O. find thb
relot s"Qn.s botwccn v ~ t , s 'I.., t, v ~ s .
G 1Ve'1 '. 0 • GvVe. d%~ ~ 9t.~
Vi •!It
·~ ·.stj1a i C1

t•O, 9='1 , V·•O ,,. G" 9t
---a- t C S,•01;...l•O:.c, · O
Roqo : v-t , s- t, v-s ' "if"s .. c;'k..,.t"" o ••• C " 6
3 3 .S1 ••/t
sotn: d%1; - Gv"e s = 93 1; .,. 6 = 3t +6
10a+.) Thc ' rnotion of o porticlc .Gtorfinq from rest' jc; 9ovcrnod
. d'0;.(v ~ dt ' ,'
by the o-t curve shown in fig. P-1034. S t<ofch the v-t &:. s-t
dV(v)·Y: • Gdt. I 5 ".:s("o/3)a +~
s "'~ v ~<Z t b
CUfVcd. Dofcrmlno the cl1splacemont ot t • g soc.
'.2.Vve = 6t +c '
-SI (9) o (ft/s•) Os·B • ·+/3(t -o)
i f t . 0 '-. v - 0 ••• c .. o .
'l V
• Gt
12 /.O'l · - 4,(,t. t to C12 ~ -60
8 Y2 = -2./a t 2 t wt - 60
v"e ".3t II
• - o/..3(0) 2 t 2o(g) -60
v = 9te I
t: -iv"~ ' .9
V2 ·"'°His ....0
V(fl/') ~ ~
1028.) The motion of o parf 1olc
governed by the r elation a "4!2,
'1G " -- - :--it~ -:--
v, . 6
2/li't t t Vt
'(«~ I
where a ~,G ~ t '1s in GOC · When t 11> :zero, v • 2 ft/s· """s • +foot .
in· 0/s 2

if V1 •O Jo...t•o :. C, • O 3' - - «-- - - I

fsnd the valuoio of v li.._S whon t = 2 sec .
G1von : o -+t £ {l. ~ ~ +c ~ c • £ .•. v " +ta t 2
v, • t :r. = ' 2 • 36 nIs " .t
\ "\ I
3 3 Ot = -4./3t t 2.0
t•O, V• ~,5".f V"' 4-}.$ (a) H' = 1~.67 f"-1/B
Vt • -+/, t t !lot tC.t. Vt· t"
Reqa : v ~s when t .. ~ dS/dt "+t.,% t 2 ••. s =4t.~1Z t .et t4
H' v-ll. -v, =9
""- t • 6 Si; t.'/a tC,;lf s, •o Jrr. t·o:. c,·o
Solh : d%t • +t 2 s = +t).(1Z +et t c £ =+(2)/'.12 t 2(tZ) ++
36 • -+/,(<.)tt20(6)tC2 &1:: ttls =(6°th - 7Z. n.
v"' +t~ +c -,r t·o~s = + ; c=4 s =1:a.:a3 rL

104-4.) f.lfl elevofor weighing 3220 lb st~ls from resl t..,. ocquircs
Yt .. -f/,gf1 t ~ot - '° an upward velo01ty of 6000 per min in o distonco of 2of1. lf 1ho
.!;1. = -1./g t3 t z({'d - '7Gt t C1. oc.cclerot1on ·, s conslont . Whol ii;; \ho \cns1on in lhe olcvotor ooble?
.G1. • G1 _- 72. I!.-. t ~ 6
( ~60)2
2 Given: 1
72. • ~. :Z/g (') 3 ~ 10 (6) - 60(.~) t C1.
w= 3220 = 2CJ(00)
c~_; 120
~.2. = -o/0 t • t 1ot~ - "ot t 120
~ = -1/g l9) 3 t 10(9) 2 - l>O(~) t120
Y -= 600 ft/min
5· 200 .
RoqCl: w
I '/
T-W ~
a • 2.5 ft/s<1

T - 3220
wh (a)
" 52!2%.v2 ( 2.-5)
s;,. - 220 n T = .34-70 lb
1040.) /\n objoct attains o veloc"ity of 16 fl por ~ by mo"lnq
104.s.) A mon weighi ng 1b1 \b is in on olevafot"' 'rnoving upward w/
in a siroi9h\ N'ie wi\h oh occc!Gro\ion 'Hhich vo..;oi; un-1fonnly
from :zero to 6 fl por GCG2 In 65CC- Cornputo its ·101\ial "°'ocity"'
on occolcrotio n of 8 pcrsc.C~- (0) Whof prossuro docs he O)(ori

tho c;hat'lgo In dlGplocomcnt durinq the 6 sex; imCN"ol . Solve

on tho fl oor orthe ol<5volol"' ?(b) What will tho pros.suro bo ·,f lho
c lovolol"' ·," dcsoonding w ith the some accclorol ion ?
t>y uGlng rnot1on curve<: "' ohcck. by calcµlw;.
Gi-.en: Soln :
q Wm= 161 lb a~ 'T- W .. W/g (a)
8 ,45 "' v(tsd1) .. AQrOO.H • t,.
o • 8f!/s 2 T - 161 • 16%2.~ (a)
"' -'1>("·-o) t(&l')/~]('~·')
Rcqo : a -) prossuro ho 6i<Ori T c 201 lb .
0 1::.$ =D
b~ pros&urc ·,f' elcvofor b.) T -w "' - (o) w19
T - 161 "-(1'Ya2.~(e)
iG doscc.ndin9 · v'<f lho somo
01 2 6
v ·"'11d tC. ·:· acoolcl"Ofion T "' 121 lb.
V* 16 \.., t =b 10<1e) The blovk In f ig - p - 1 0~ roaohos o vclocdy of 40 f{ per sco In
16 ., eM.(r,) 2 t C 1oofl,.siorlinq from t"'CGi- Compufc tho oooffiOient of 1<-1noiic fricA 1on I
c" -8 between the blook. ~ the ground . q
v = Skzt.. - s
6iven: Goin: ~ I

'1f \I cYo \.., t =O
11 ·
Vo· - efl/i;
11>'t1· Tho oc.c- of on
~ -100 1! . ~
ob'p:;f dcO'GOGCS uniformly lll)Trl iHl W scc;.7.
to 7.0r'O In 6 ~ ot w/v h"rnc a, . .~ty i{; 10 fl pei-~- Bnd thv in-
P.eq<:J: Coeff1c'1eol of l'-ine-tiC ye. • ~as - "° 2
= Qo(100)
frloi1on a-= 8 ff/s~
itiol vclx1~y k._ tho chongo it'l d:splocoi:ncnl during tho 6 !>CG-
in\orvol . fulvo by ui;'1nq rno\ion cuNCh ~ ~ by ca\culvs -
p - F =mo - 60-161 (f-) "1'~2 .2 (e) I
0 · v = ~ Wl'".tet - 14
. /"- :0,12422 I.
. o~ -ei6lt.·6) Delcrm1no . tho force P thOi w i ll gi-lc iho body in fig- P - 1647 on
if v ·'4 "- t • o

Yo • ;+fl/f'
occoler-of1011 of' 6fi pcr ooc,<. The coofflciont of Nriohc friclion 1s o2. l
t 0 ;ven : o "' c0n/6e. f"M .sol'n = F• (:a22-Py)o.2
A~ =v(t1.- l 1) t Aroa A.-t • h
RcqCI : force P "(3Q2 -% P) oQ II
0. - 41.3t t0 = -)4(" - o) t 6/i. (• )(1/.5 • ' )
+~ P - (:3Q~ - % P)o.t. = a~2.~ (6)
" =- 2/a t :2 t et t (, /:;.f, " 12fl - t
4/~P - 64.+ t O· ~/.s P ~ 60
i fv~10S...tc6
p .: 135,22. lb -
thorc fore ,C· -1~

o+s.) A rnognclic porllclc .•.•~;ighing a., gr<irns is pullod through a ,subef if ufo 3 lo 1
.OOloroid with an accc\crof1on 6 moto~ per GCGe · Compufo the fO~
or 200-1;a7lj .. 200/3fM! 0 - .. +
in ~c acting on tho particlo . Nole : 1 lb ·"'\&t9rom' ""-1.n .=2,f>tOTl. from 2 , Jfl " 100 t 1ooh 2 .2 a ·
6ivon : Gotn : GUb6f1tuto. 2 lo +
W•:a,cr;g • 7; t;1Z%J( I0-3 lb F· ma = 7.~9sx10-"'(19.69) 200 - 1,37(100 t .3.110) = 6.Q1 a
a - 6 m/s ~.3,.~ irl(s
4 • 2
• 19·"9 ti/sit 200 - 131 - 4,2,1CI "G.210
Flcqo : f()((Xl f " o. Oo+85 lb . 0 • (Q,OQ f!/ scoll >
1051 ,) Two blockb A '-8 arc roloosocl frow rost on a '30° 1nohno w
10.5.+.) Two bodies / \!1;, B in f ig . P- 1os + are s eparated by a opn n9 .
fhoy orol?!Ofl afXlri. Tho oocffioic.n ~ ot friclion urdor the uppor blodlt\ Tholr motion down tho ·1nolino is resiG'foci by a force P " 200 lb. the
Is o,Q ~that under tho lower blool<.. 8 '6 O·f. Cornpuf o tho olapGc.d rooff1c1ent of t<.inoh·c frlcf1on '1s o.:so under A If...,, 0.10 undor- 8 . De -
time until tho blocl<s; touoh . , tcrm·mc the fof'CO In the &pr1ng .
Gr~en : -fl- ~ 30• G1¥on :
~ = O.'J.. "-fa= o.+ P•2001b
Roq'd: Timo to elapGcxl unt'tl 5,...
tho blool<-6 \ouch .solution : 8Ginao• - OA-8<:.06.90. 0
~.2 as J8. 0.10
Qa =4.% fi/s ~
j\Ginao· - o-Q /\ c,$'30. - ')/g~~ a,., 0 t /\ ., - 200 t % (..oo)- 4h(4<)())(o.a) ts t 4'?l£Ma
a,.. 3 O/s 2 '° 1 2~ a --Q)
- .s6 l .5

·. cs -~aal aXz ("l-9.S)ill 2

ot B, S/a(600) - s • +ls(60::))(0.1) .. 600,.32.20
/ · ~ts ,= Y2aA tll .. ~ (10.~ate) 31Q -s ~ 18,b.3 0 ~
I .S() f 2,"f'7,5t~ • ,5.2'5t£ from 1 1 G -= 12. 420 i'56
t · = +. 2.3 .sec. ,subi;f tiutc to~
/ 312 - 12420 - ,sc; : 18·6a CA
1os2.) Detcr m1nc 1
the occcbrotron of the bodies In Fig. p-1o.s2 ·,r Q.56 • .g1.asa
tho focccl drum ·, ~:/.smooth """ A ls hoovicr thon 13. a " s.24 f'-l/.s:z

.sub!;t. 2 lo 1 .S ~ 1!2.42(8-24) t.$6 ° 1S8.4 lb.
w,_- T.. w... ( 0 /9) -© -W13 ( 0 /9) :w'.o. (Gl/g) or
W>. - We 1os1.) The cooffici onl !<Jnclro frictior\ under blcx;k. A in Fi<J _P-1os7
1- We ·We ( o/g) -@ ( WA-We)g ~a '1s o.-ao ~under blod<-. B ii: o."20 · f ind ~ho ocx:.olcratiorr of 1hc Gystorn
l " We t Ws(~/~) .._ ~he fcnG'1on if\ covh c.horci .
o\ ..c, :300 -12 "' a(X)4~~a a - ··© .
10:53.) Rorcrring to f\g . f> - 1os2, aGSumc A woighs QOO lb ~ 13 ~el9hs t\t t>, h-11 -!ZOO.s•nao• - am C<J&.30° (o.!l)
100 \b. poi . +he acx::clorotion of the bx:lies ·,r tho cocffidtont of 1<-i'notic -=- ~~.t.a a
frsCtion ;, 0.10 bot the cablo i.... tho fl~od . 1 1.!-11 - 1 ~. ,"I- - , , 210 _ ... ©
w,., ~ 200 lb ) • 0.10 T~fie c e ro- 0 •1 (r) ai A, T, -1a::>G1f'l<J0·- 100Q:>&.'90(o.s) • 1~,q a
we" 100 lb T~/r 0 • e 1, - 7.S·98= ~1.11a - · ·®
..so1n : i,. s 1.z.11e - · ·@ 11 " +".11a
200-T" .,. 2ooh~.12(a) - ·{j) .subSt. 11 to@, 11'!-&-s ·99~~ .1101) -1.31-.<::+ • c.!.11 a
Te - 10 0 • 1ooh.e.~ (o j - .. @ 1~ -210.6~ c 9,o/i'OI - · ·· ©

172 173
T~ " 210.G2 t g,32 a
Sob!.i1luto to 1
300- 210.1;2 t ,9 . s~a : .soo~,a a
ag.3e = 1a64a
a,. ·4.a n4e
11 = t ::1.11(.of..a) d go.01 lb.
1£ ,. t 9.3~ (.;.,a)" 2"5. :3G ft) . >
. i·

Choptcr 11

C urvi linc;or Tronsloi ion


. I

.) /\ s tone is thrown frorn o hill ol on angle of 60' to the t ~)
x .
horizonlal ,,/1\h on inif1ol velocity of 100f1 per soc . Afler hiHlng
level ground ot l hc base of the hill \he slonc hos covorcd a 2
1 = 1003.;Yx t 447914.9/)(
. horiwnto l cl'istonco of soo ft . t\ow hiqh IG the hill? .
xe - 100~.9>< - 447.914.<3 ·o
7( • 1338.S3 fi .
/ er/ - 257.~ e 19:1.2 S1n3o't - '/ll la2.2) ! 2
- 2 5 7,, ~ 9G.~ t - 1<0.1 l ~ ~ t .. Ssec.
'!-=Yo cos&t • 193 ~ c.osao•(s) = 1338.5:3. fl .
11os) Rcpoot Prob . 11o+ ir the projectile ·1s f.r"Od dowl"lwon::i at 30•

y · -743. 97 fl. or 743. 97 n. to the hori zen ta I .

s o\n : y=voGiriet 1 Vi29i ll
1103.) /\ shell lcovcs o modor w/ a muzzle veloci~y of .sooft/.soc; · ao•
\, = 1Q'3.2s•nsot t Y2 (,9:v:z)t 2
d ;rcc,tcd upward ot ro· w·1th the hof' i.u:>nt al. PcAcrrri1no tho positl0t1
/l57,, 'J.57.' - 96· ' I:. t 1'1·1 ~ ll
of tho .sholl "" i+G rosulion\ volooty
wi ll ·at ·,.:1so?
'lO .soc offor flr'1ng . How high
.._ __ x ay ~uoorotlo fof'mulo
t ~ 1.60C.
6iven : .so\'n : x =Yo c.os~ t
x "' soo ~ f,(/('20) )( ~vocose-l "' 1 9:1. 2cos-30·(~)
v,,: soo fVs )( "' 334. 63 fl .
-fr = 60°
x .. sooo ft .
y =Vo sint:tt - 1n9i 2 1106.) /\ projecti le is fired w·1 ~h an ·.nitiol volocity of'h ft. per
t . 20.SOC · sec. upward at on angle of ~ w·1th the horizontal . Find tho
'/ =.soos1nfi0' (20)-Yq(a2.~)(20)

= 2:220. 2~ n. horizontal d istance c.o-tcrcd before the projectile returns to

·11<; on9.1na1 level . Also dcicrrnine the mox'1mum height oHoin -
- Yx -·soo~oo· a Q - Vx ~ 1260f1/s.

,.- .- l .· ..
Yy - .soo.s1n<00' • - 32.2 (,.20)
.o d by the projc.ct ilc .
. ;
_(ya!~) h .. Vos1n9-t - Y1Z9tt
Vy = 210, 99 fl;$ .
V-= j_V_x_«_t_Vl-,,- • J '2!>0• t 2 10.99~ ·• :327.13 n/s .
Y. • Vo O'.).Se-t,
h . •.. \ at (x,o) i h =o
1 (x:o) O"Vos1nG-,.t - Y:z9t.t
h= V~ s 1n 1fJ- • sooes1n2-ro• "" 2911 • .5 ft . (0,0) 1'1L 1/ll
. :zg fl.. (32.~ Yo.sin&~ 'l:zgt -- t, ~ 2Vos·1~
'/I. "' Vocose-(2vo s1rie-) • v0 l2s1n2-& .
1104.)/I. pr'Qioctile ·,s f ired with on indiol voloc'ity of 19a.2 O/soc · 9
01(x/a,h) ; t= t ./1Z 9 .
upward ot on ongic or 30' to lhc hor-i:zont.o l from 0 po·1nt 257.6 n.
above o level ·plain . Whot hor1zon1al dic;tonco wi ll ·.t e<:Nor boforo h= Vo.sin& [2.Y~~ne- -.V£g(v.o;•nerzJ
.so\n: R = '2.Vo~(CG~~(tori~ t ton-e-) h "' Voe.s,n 2-G- - Vo 2 s1ri!e-
0ivon : g ~9
Vo· 193.~ H/s
.... - .. . . ' ' _g CoGf>
'' fofl~ :S1/>< Cc6 ~ = x/fl._
h =_Voit sin e-
-e-·so· ' -1.9
R~Js.iz t;ic.!l
S " ~s7.G
~cqa : )( 1"

176 lj
solh: -y =Vo,s111&t - 1/Lgt~ t~-t, ~6t.7i0;(-16.1 t~
1107.) The shOwn 111 f:g. P-1107 is ju'°* to cleor tho wotor-
c;:Jf" -ts,g.s,.t'
filled gop· find tho to\<.e -off vclociiy Vo. ~ ·Y/x t "" .s.s1 Goe.
;gy '•J'. - .. © . x .. 77. 8' (.s.51) :. 429. ft.
/"° h "Vo61n&t - Y~glt Y. =-Vo GOS O-t y. ~ L.s.g.s (.s.61)" 14i'.·9S fl.
-tf,f c.Vo .s1n:adt - YL(~fl·,2H'-··© -y"' 1oo~l11 3e. &7t -1,.1 t 2
~- Vo oosao·t -y = " •• 7i0t_- 1~.1t 2 - · ·©
17.~£ =VoGOSO!O·t - · ·-@ )( "'~00 C.O!i.38.&7 t

t • 20/vo '/. =77.86t -··@ -s=J(41Z9l +(14t.<JB)!l.

1"':S, 3f. • 77.8H ; y •fS.%t - ·8) S • ~.SIZ.~ n.
.sub6i ituto l' fo 1, 1110.~ In Fi'g. P-1109, o ball thrown dOV'ln tt'lo 1nolino .stn1<os 'it at
-u.!l - y{, srn30 ( 2o/~) - 16·1 ( 20;V0 ) ~· a _drsfaflce s • f.s-t.s _n.
If the ball rlsoc. io a moximurn heiqht
h 6+.4fi · 000¥0 the point of release, CO'Tlputc '1t.s ·1niiia l velocity
t . Yo 1f., inolination -fr.
-'t.t Vo • 6440 I

Given: h ·<0+.+f1. Sol h : sin~= H/s

~'-'"" Vo c 14114 ft/Gee .
1100.) /\ boll is thrOWfl so thot ·, t .just clearG a 1oft forico "oft
s = t.s+:.s rt. = 'Aro %s+:s -
H - go.s ft.
owoy. If il loft tho hon.d -'fl otx>Vo the ground 'Iii..... of o on9le of
Retfd: Vo ..._t' cos-I== x/5
60' to. the hor.1%on"tol, whot wo.s the iriii io l veloe1ty of the boll?
3/w = x4st..s - Y. = €41 ...+4.f1 . j
Given" h =1ofl.
1< .. 6oft -tr ~6Cl
J · __%.
-80.s =VoS111-&t -Y4!!g.f.2 -· · -(j)
241."M = Vo ca;&t . - .. - @ l
~ 4 • 4 = Yo £9Glt'I~
r·.,fl. · · --VoG1 oe-"'G4·4~
~. '
SUb6fitufo .3 s.,_ 1 /
. <,gJ
. ~oqct: . Yo. . I
solh: x cVoros&t / ..
'°·' -eo.s =64.4t - 16.H «
t • .S 6oC.
60 ,. Yo COG~/> '· t
241-++ = Vo case. (s)
t • 1£0/vo
h • Vo 6111-6-t - Y~ 9t q
Yo cose- • <tS .~ee
.. ~
6 111 e- : Tone- " '4...,. /.,.a.teB :...--fr c .sa 1::17'
10-.s - Vo s1nGo(12D/y0 ) - 1,.1 (1t0;(,0 ) / . '
ga.9 v/ ~ 2.318'40 !I
Yo= 4e.4ff/soc. Yo 6 1r'l .!13.137 = 64-·4 - ao,s N/s
.Vo "

1109.) Deter mine the distoncc s a1 whion o ba ll thrown w/ o 1111.) Rof~ to flg.P-1111 ""'- find 0( to couso the proj cetilo to t,·, t
p61nt B in v1-0Ctly 4 sec. What i s the distance x (' . . I!
velocity Yo of 100 fl. par soc, of on angle ft-' ton- 3/4 will .strike
ihc lricilnc shown in f.q. P-1109.

,...-1---\ "
0ivon : Vo
-e- 6
p 100 ft/s
tan - • '3/+

-fJ : :38.67°
RcqCI : distonco .s
- I )(

111 5.) /\ pof'f1cl~ hm; such a cur-vi linear mo t 1.on t h0 t I·+f; )'. COQr -
. f ' d r
1no c 1~
r x =..s t - 1ost w h ere x ·'" in
, d c11nod bv , inches~ t i'n so -
111ll.) Boot /\ moves w itho coni>tor'lt volocity of w fl pcrsoc,stor· condi;; . Whon t ~ QG'cc, the total accclcrohon is 75 ,·n per. soc~ .
h'""3 from the posrt ion shown in Flq. P- 1111. foiel -& in order for If tho Y component of accclcroh on '1s constan t t._ the parti cle
t.ho projectile to ha · ~he boat .s .sec. ofter .starting. under tho storf~ from rest at the orig in whon t ~o, dcf crrri1no the t ofol
q:indition qivcn . How h'1gh ii; the h'ill obovc t be wotcr ? velooty when t •.4scc. · ·
,,rt/sec d~ v t - 100 : Q.O(s)
Given: )( , -sf3- 1ost .Soln : x = -sP- 1os t
t=2soc, a - 7-S in/&: Yx = 1si 2 - .1os
t 0
0. 8' t =4soo. t •2 ; 0)( e 30l
. Rcci'd : V O;ic = 3o(q,) = 60
a = Ja.,.-:r.toy~ ~75" = f;O"to:r"
Oy = ~ in/so:;"
'l t e-t€cc.; V-x = 1St IZ- 10S
111s.) H Is desired to pitch o golf ball across a trop to o grocn Vx = 1S(4) - 10S
= 135 in/G
1ooft owoy. What is the;; best c\ to use H' the initial velocity
Vy e Oyt = "l-5 (4) = 180 in/G
of tho ball i" 60ft per soc? .Assume that tho boll stops deod of- 2
V = Vy. t t Yy2 . .. .
ter .striking the green, which is·on tho some lc;;bel as the point
V = ~ /.?!S e t180::z
· from which tho boll IG struck . ,.Assumo t he clubs hove slopes V = :2.25 th/sec .
groduafod ot ir'ltcl"vals of 6. Q) thot a No.1 ·iron hos a foce "1n -
1110.). The. normal acce lorotion of o po"tic lc on tho rim of'o ulley
chnc.d ot BO· to ]hd ground, the tio. 2 iron ot 74 ·, c1c ., clown too 10 ft 111 d 1amctcr '1Gconstant ot 8<XX> f l 2 · p
No. g ·1rol'1 irdined at .::12 • .
..,,..,,.,., · f th . pcr<SCC · Octcrm1nc ihc-s-
. I 1"""-"-' 0 c pul1cy 1n rpm .
Given: V0 60 fVs 2 .Solh : 'f. = Yo~ s 1n2e- 0'1':'en : d" 10f1
. )( ~ 100 h/ . g
On = 8000 fl/sz
RcqCI: rio. of Jron a!Z.~(100)= GOiz s 1n!Z& Reqa : .Spcc;p i.n rpm.
--6- = .31 · 7~ •
iron. Use No. 9 &:irn:
1114.) /\ stono hos on initie1l velooity of 100 ft per.sec up to the 011 =~ - 8<XX>"~
right at .::io· w·rth the horizontal . The components of o~lcrof r · s
oro canstont Qt Ox = -4 fl per sccfl ~ O~ = - QO f1 Per'"'-seoll. C.Om - Y =2ooff/s
put o the ho.-:1:z.onto l 9h;toncc covered unti l the ..stone reaches V = lfO H
o point 60 fl below 'its or'1ginol clovotion . 200 = 1 (10) t1
Given: Vo• 100 ft/i;; t1 "6-+rps (6~) c .382 rprn
-e--·~ 30 • , ·a ", - -+ ft/s 12 x =Vocos&t t Y2ot .
1119.) I
y. = 1oo cosao(6) t V~(-4)(f) IZ . .At fhe boHorri of a Ioop th c .sp eod of 01 olrplane Is 4-00 mph l
oy "-~o fl/s 2
, y = 60fl .
Thi~ COUSC-G 0 norma l occclcrotion or
g .9 fl pcr .gx2. Detorm1no the

Rcqa: horimnto l di.stance -;.="\-47.GQfl . :1

ro~1us of the loop.
Sbln : y = Vos1n&t - '/12 gt 2 V c ~rnph
..'oo = 100.sin30t - 'h. (QO) i 2
011 =ggftj~>!
Sa in : Or1 = v"/r
.9('32.e)r- [4oox.s~ox 1;8600Je. II
-60 t - 10t IZ
Ro9'd : RodluG r - 1187. 64 ft . I

By ~uod(l)tic You get the .1

valu•c of t ~ 6 sec .

l80 I
1tu.) A stono I 1os on init iol v61ocify of ~oofl per soc. uP to·
1120.) A padiclc mo'«iG on o cif'COlor path of 20 fl rodius;; coo thot 1ho ri9ht ot o slopo of + to .3. Tho c.onpononl-s of occelerotion
"its arc dl<donco frorn o fi,lcd po'1nt on the path i10 gi..,en 'of ..s .. ore constont a\ . Oic. • -1~ f1 J?OI"' -scc/z.11.., Oy " - :zo ft pci:-.soc ~
•f' -1ot whcro .G ·,~ in tho foot s,..._ t . In sccondG. O?mputo -tho total pt.1le the rodius of curvatur-e ot tho stort 81<, ot ihc top of fho
occ.elcrot ion at tho end of 2 sc.c. path. . . \ Vy "T
61~on: rc2ofl Seth: d6 •12tll - 10 • V 61'vcn : Yo· ux:>ft/s · a,. - , '~~)<;

-at""' 1!Z (£) -10 •3e fl/GOC o.. • -112. ff/.st1, Or· -120 fl/st1 . \ ',,
t• ~GeG · .sfi._=. 24t rOt
dt 2
m• -+/a l!}' · ~ \.
Req8 : a Ot. " 2+(«-) .. 48 n/s •
RcqCI : rodi'ui;i of curvc..duro "4rAid
-1''-"-- - - --
ao .. vo/r • (;ge))/w Soln : c .
On ~ .72·2 fl/s
2 2

H • \l&Ls1n «4 • (WO) (4/e) • w-tO ft.
a« • at« t Ont. .. (46) 2 t. (72.2) fl.Oy ~(20)

0 a 86.7 fl/Gt:e;t. H ·Vo.sin ~l - Y~yi 1 " b«> • 2C0(1t/s) t - Yt.(izo)t z

1121.) /\ porlidc .'1s lllOVinq olonq a curvod po\h. /\t a ooriain '40 "1rot - 1ol 2 - · -1ot f60t i 640 ~ o *- •
inGtont whon -the .slope of the poth Is o.1s. 0)1 c Gft per S!Ctjz ~ ay tL - 16t t64 -0 - (t-&)(t- 6) " 0
- 10 fl per soo41 • Compute -the voluos of ab t,.., On at this · instant~ .•. ta8G(IC.
st<Otoh how the path curves . V~ - '1,()()(:t./.s) • -HZ(i) Ori " Oy COS-&- - a,. .sine-
61.ven: Ox = 6 fi/s< Soln: On " Oy Cos& - a,. G1""° v. -~4ff/, • 20<PGO -1a~1nO
On ,. 10 cosa~.67 ° - ~ so'l 36.07°
0'1 .. QO f t/.s e
01 . 10(1/5 Vy " wo(+M - ~(e)
slopo - 0 .75 /· r Qn ,. ,....+ fl/c; 2 an vy,.. - r " 247to
Vy • O ; Y·24ff/!; a

~- tan- 1 o."1$ c ~6.~7

,'I'" 0
Q::: ~a./· ta/ . ~" c t 10" =11. " 2 rt;,,.• r· 2&. 8 fl
Roq'd: Ct \.,,On 0 41 •Ota t On11. Ms.) /\ podiclc moves on o circlo in occorclonco w'1th tho cquo -
. ,r (11 .c;~2)c. Ot2 t (+.+)( tion G ~ t•-~t whcro .sis tho diGploccrnent in foct mOOGurod
I' 41
,! CH " 10· 8 H/s along the ciroulor path ~ t it0 in sooond.s . Two .seconds of·
1122 .) A s tone is throWri w"ith on ·1nit'ial vctoo'1ty of 100 rt pcr60C . for start1nq frorn rest the total ocoelorotion HlO partiolo is or
upwardo.t w· to the rori:wntal. Compvtc the rodius of cur'w'Oturc 48-IT ·ft por 6!Xi!7 . Compute tho radius of the; oirclo.
of i\s pclh at the point where ' it is .soft horiwntally frOfl"I it' initial po- Given : .s- t+- et ; l • !ZGCG . .
3 \ion. a•48~ft/sa Vt = -"t(t)a-8 .. 4(a) - 6 ~ 2+ fl/re.
Vy - 100Slfl60 • - 32. 2(1)
Given : Yo; 1oofl/s Rcx:iCI : rod iuc;; of tho
p-60•. x ··. sofl Vy "..s+.4 ft/s C1i-Glo Q,, • >./'/r
Req'.d : ~ 1u<0 of y ... ~ 50 ct(..s-t.4)l .. 73 - 89 ft/s . 41'> r (H)~
&>tn: .s -t+-at =

Curvofurc ton & ".Vy/y,. " S<t-.4/so • 1.088

Vt" 4t -6
3 r - Hlf! .
b'olh: Oy "9 c 32.:2 ft/s' ai." 1!l!*
x "Vo cos~t On ~ Oy cose - a., sin-e- Ot; 1q,(a)«" 46.fYs•
.so :. 100 cos roo• t On • :92. ~ Q:>s +7."11 • .. 21.79 fl /re. f a 41 '" aL 41 tOn-i
t ~ 1.soc. On· v'lr (1-9~)1' .. (48/ t On fl
Vx -100 GOS60• • 0 r -c-n~.6~)~1.79 On• 48 0/6<
v~ •$0 ft/s r - 2so.6(; fl -


11~9.) A wci9ht concontratod al the end of 0 cor"d form 0 co-

1127.) £olvo llluG. Prob. 11~ . uG1nq the ff : dota : W "' 100 lb i v" M 3 n 1col pendulum for whicn the por1'cx:I ic; 1 sc;c . Dotcrmmc tho
fl pcr-.scc ; L =18 in . vcloody Y of the weigh t if the cord rotates Inclined 0 -f :30°w/
0ivon : L:1ein • t.511 the vcrt ical .
w ~ 1001b ~ v .. 5 .(Ja fi/s 6ivori ·. t , 1 sec . ton-&: v ~r
So1h = -& • :.o• ton.:3o' " v y 32.1(0:+71)
-to"~ "' v2/ qr 0
• .Sine- £ v/g Ls •~fr Rcqo : vcioci ty
f>olh : Y2 = 0.756 2 1
.G•n~~ " v c.ose-/..9 L
t= zirj ~tan~o· V ~ t.9G ft/s ':::! 0.901 m/s
1-cos 2 e- - v "cos& .:: 0
,9 L
1 • 2 11' J~.2 ton30'
COG -z& ,. V-z(;()Gl!T -1 • 0
r =o.471ft .
1130.) In Fl9· P-113", the 120-lb ball Is tcrccd to rotate a round +he
C0611& t - 1 • O _. By~uo d rotic. COSIT" o.s~B .smooth inside -Gul"focc of o c.on1ool -shell ai Hio rote of ono rovolu -
,3!I.'l (.1.~) -IT ".S7. 67.
hon in T/4 Gee . Asi;urninq thot 9 • :a2 fl/Gc;c~ find fhc tons.ion in tho
W " TCOG-6- 0. ·100 = lCOG.S7.67• rorcl 'ii!o.... iho force on the conica l Gholl . At whof ,speccl in rprn viii\
T = 187 lb iho fO"Go on tho &holl bccomo zoro?
r = L.s1"& = 1.s (.sin &7. ,1•) c 1, 2'1s fl <3ivon ; w- 20 lb
t · nJrJ9t~Mt ~ ~TJ1.2.,;%~.dans 7,,7• - o. 9<13GCC· tcn/-tSGGi 9 =:a2fi/stl
Rccid : toriGion ~force
1120.) /\ rod 4fl. !onl~totcs in a horizontal piano obout o vorii°'I - t.......spoed when F8 •0
axic: throuqh ·,t~ eontor· Ai ooch encl of tho rod iG fOGtcnod o Gl:>ln: r .. Lsine-
rord .::ift. long . Eoth' ~ supportG o weight W . Compute tho G_. = -i sin30· = 12 n H - s0.2s lb
pa<X1 of ro\ofion n .1i" rpm to 1noline eao h corcl at :30• w1'th the n • 1 re..Y,;-t ~ "'1-/t rps T =IZOto.s(.s!M!S) - .57. 3 lb.
vortiool . ; " = i>tf'n = 2 1((2)(.Yt)
Given : 1.. • :af\. v~ 160/s for rl ::.o / o.s,, T - ~: 20
-e- .. 31l" .z!f'v-0 Ts 2s .1 lb.
Reqa : s peod Tcos:a0- T1sinso• - W "' 0-© o.sT t ~·,,_ 2ov/12(a2)
Goin: ~f11 ·0 o.s(2s.1) =o.::i125V~
.Sin :30• = X/3 Tslnso t rleo&:ac>'- wv/9 .... •O--@ v - 6.079 f-1 /s
)(= 1.Sft. ~. 1 -- o.U6T -\. = 20 v = ~trn

r " 1.s tlZ • .:a.s ft . i:;q.2 - + o.S6';t1 = 20 (16)/32 (fl) 6.019 • [-.?ir (2) n],/Go
To"& =v~/9 ,. from 1, T • (20 t o.s li)/o.g6t; n .. 29 rprY'l.
tM :30. .. "/'32.11. (~.s) 40ubGtitutc to 2
v = 8.07 n/s o.s(20to.6tt) .. 0.86(; rl = 80
Y • 2Trn QT (3,5J n "' 8·07 (60) 0·8" 'I

n = 22 rprn. I
185 Ii
tt:ss.) Wh~t counter:--c'1ght W will mointoin tho Corla's$ en<Ji
1t31.) /\ body of weigh\ W ros\s on the. smooth inclinod sur-
governor 1n the poGihon show in Fig. P-mis at o ro•ional spood
foco of the fromo shown in fl9. P-1131. A poq attached to
the frorno forces t ho body to rotate w/ ·.~ about thv VCl"tlcol a-
n • 120 rpm·. Eooh plyboll wo·1ghs 16·1 lb. Neglect iho weight or
the other links. ·
xis . Ootcrrri1nc the speed in rpm ot which tho tension in the
.SOl'n : s1nzio· • dAo - d "s"
cord ·,i; CGluol to the wc1ghl of the body.
r•.st1 ·~· ·-o.s;· 'J·2irrn•2v (o.1'~)
r =GOS3o·(s) ~~ ,.o·; Ts;t'l:;o· t Hs in6o•-=- W
wv' .1,.1 ,.2&)~ v•<a.28 fl/s
V° :S2.2 O•.S)
r .. w ~r""o; Tcas:30'- ti cos6o· "''!:!.£:. © .3g.+e lb
• . • gr .81o •O
wsin30 t rt s 1n 60 cw ·
(6)AB.S1n1s• 0 30.~s.smcoo"(10) - 16,1 .sinae~~
N = w- o.sw ~ o.577+ w
o.866 ·~ M • +s.1 lb.
subsotitll\e to•.
'f/cosa-0· - 0,5774-.,f cos6o• = .)l(vY3~.~ (s) cosao
A•LJAti l\8GOS4'0• i/\BC0$415• •W

v • s.91:z ff/s
CEJ "1-S.1 co-s+s• (2) • W
W • G3.781 lb .
V~~lfrn = 8.~rn! cH(-!5co.sao·)ri/(;()
1136.) Tho side rod of' tho onqine in fig. P-:11:% iG 80 long 1'woighs
n .. 19.79 rym ~ ~o rpm.
100 lb· lhe cranl<S AD \....BC aro of longht r.,. 18 in. 11.... rotoic at :aoo
1132) The hammer of on impaot · tes;tinq machine weighs "..-.+lb.
rpm. Detonn1i1e tbo mox 1.mum bcndinq momeni M In the rod if M
/\s shown ,;, flq P-1132, 'it is attached to the oriel of o li~ht rod • WL/s I where w ic; tho totol cliGtnliutod lood "'L jc; the lenght or
,,.. A br-q whioh Is p~vo\od too honzontol oxis ot A . {o) What is tho
-the rod . ·
bcor-(ng roootion <», :Hio pivo~ on instat'lf aftor bolnq · rolcased fn::rn
Given : W •100 lb
the 91~d' p001\ion 1 (.~)What Is the beorinq rooc\ion just before im-
poot ot e ii thG vdooi~ of the haromcr is thon -s.g ft por6CG?
. ·' . ~ ' .
r-181n 1.._L~sft

Soln: a) Tcasaa •W ~~ : M . M " 100 lb-ff.

6iv6n : W~6•1-.+lb
I 1137~ The segment of rood poss1n9 ovor the crest ·of o hi II iG definod
1. =4f1 . T cos~o c ""'"""

, Reqa : (o)Roocfon T .c 7+.:%10 • R. by tho parabolic cuNe y c ~ - " A car weighir1<3 :a2ro lb trovels a:-
, long tho rood at o oonstont t;pcod of 30 0 per soc. What iG the prc-
le ..'
, ._.,,.
also at (b} b~ T > w ~wv71r
- , ........ +[,41-.-t(.s.9)~]/322(4) 6SUrc on tho wheels of the cor- when it is at tho crest of the hill wh-
T = 81.8\b . == R . e>-c 'I a4 fl ? .Ai the what 6peod will the road eressul"O be xero?
lf'.nl : tho rodius of cur-voturo by t1' c(d'Y/cix 11y[ 1 t(d#J)t) 11]~
1133.) . To chock the radius of o roi lroad curve, tho oITocl of o ~o
Given : r+rt. ; v • ao O/.s .
lb wo19ht Is observed to be 20.7 on o .sprin9 svole .su.sporidGd from
We •..3220lb X =20
the roof of on expenmenta l rounding the ~NC at· +omph . Reqa: pref.Suro R 'l " '10 2x ~
±.. - 100 4Ao - 1.(1l1J)/,.A
'Htlot i.s the rod1us of the ourve i' ;.>:tc.v
IJ.._ Gpeod whon r-ood y" • - 2/100
Given : v • 40 mpl'i - 66.6 ft/s cos &- =2ofao. 7
possurc ;, ZOl"O ~ : 12Aoo ..... I'. son.
1 = 20.1 lb : w ~ !20 lb -t:r - 1-t.943°
RpqCI : rod;us -'l'!f,. =- o i TG1n& "WtT'~r M.1s1n14>q"t'a 0
Goin: .of. £--L
10 100
R+ wv1l/,,.r :::.w
R c aa20 -[aQ2.0(ao)~/a2'.2 (.so)
f;oln : zFy=o [!70(4-0x 68/&o)iJ/a2.2r = !lo.1.sin14,q+3'
;l(«-+o)( t+oo-o .·.(x-2o)(x-U>)·O R., 14~0 lb .
Tcos& :W r .. 400 . 5 ft .

'if R• o Given: Wp • 100 lb Soth :
y; -.. vtJ. gr ; 32.Q (so) "'1610
tar"& .. -v~r
W'_v 2 e 'J4 s
v· 460 mph ·&aox,9280@6oo]
,gr Y 0 40.1~ ff/G 32.~ (s~ao)
r .. 1 mile
1141.) A boy ronning o foot race rounds o f1at curvo of .soft.rod. tone- = ~.92 _:1:l.'L = !l.q2(1so) .. 43" lb.
ReqGI : prossuro
· fho ronG ol the ro.ic. of1s rnph, ot -NhDt onglc v4 the v~riicoJ :'ii~ "fr = 71. 07 °
ho inotino his bod'( ? N ~~ 1soll + 438 2
Given: r~.sofl ·.sotn : tan& -v%r =~5l<.S280j3600]faM(so) = 462 ..97 lb

V •1Smph fon<t = o. 3006

114.s)A car ..,..,c1(Jhinq .3220 lb rounds o curvo of 200 f1 rQdlu.s bQ-
Rcgl:i: -e-
1142.) /\ darcaevil drives o rnotOl"'Cyolc around o 01rcular vorti-
ni<od at on on9lc or
ao·. find tho fr1'clion foroe ootinq on the t/r-es
when the car ilO froyo\lfng ot 60 mph. ihc c.oofll"oiont of frivt10n
col woll 100 {\in diamoio"" Tho f bot. fire~~ wall ls o.<'10· Who~ i<>
botweon tno tire' ' t he rood iG o.<~o.
the m'1n'1mum .£Opccd that will prcvonf plG Gliding down the wall?
<01vcn: W 3220 lb
0 Solh: :z
.At whot onqlc 'tl·.it the motor cyole bo inollnod to the hori:i:ontoll ~ .. 3Q~O [ 60 x 88A;o] • 3872 lb
r = ~oon ;-e- • 30·
What r~ the offoot of frovcli1"1<3 a1 o greafor spcccl? ". 60 mph r -o. 90
9r 32.2(2.00)
Given -. c:l • 1ooft. Solh: RoqCI : friction Force • o~ g
f .. o.6 9..
Rc;qCJ: Ym'in ,-a- 17- " tan-10.0 .. ::11·
ton'& - q r/v
• 32.~(so) .. o.f.V

V"" 51 . 0 fi/s • 51.& [::1~00/s.280] c::is.a mph.

R ~jtj3220) 2
4-Q .

+(3872) 2 - 1b .

11""'3-) The GupOl"OICvofion or

a roilrood trock is the number cl'
.Sino/" F/iz. ~.S1n42°"' f/s~.95
inoi"i<x ihot t ho atft~tdC roi I (1> ro1·Ged to provCf\t side ihroGt On tho
f =3368.37 lb.
wheel flongCG of con; ro1.>nd1'n9 the curve ot rote speod · Dctcrrri1no
1f'+6.) find fhc, on9lc of bonk:in9 fOr' a hf9hwoy curve ot :300 fl. ·
iho Gt.Jpor elo'<af10'n c, for a traok hov'1ng a gauge o{' 4 ft 8 Y~· ··ri ·Of
rodiu5 ~csignod to aa:omodotc cars troveling of 100 mph, if' H'O
2000 fl. radius '*1 a rate speed of 60 mph . Whof is tho flan9c proG-
rooff101cnt of friction betwoon the t ires ~ the r0ocl IG o.t;o.
GUre p on the ~hoolG of o 100,000 lb. cor that rounds t~e curvo
Whot Is the rated Gpccd of tho curvo (
ot eo rnph? 6 1vcri: Gain :
@ivcn : r:: "2000 n. r=~ft . µ_=0.60 ton¢=o.G
v=60mph. V = 100 mph. ¢ .. .30,9c; 0

tontr = 0.1102.
-tft a.s i'r) - .sG.s ,;, Rcqli: roto9~pced ton(1+6-)=v'l9r 2
Req'd : the .supcrolcvotion
-e-,. ~.s,
fon (ao.96 Hr) cfioo )( .s2eof3600J
e. for o t rocl<- · 3!Ml (300)
fan-& : eh
0. 1202 - e/s6-'S
3<"B6 t ir "' ~S.82 ..
-& ... 34.86°
e = 6.79 in .1
tone= Yr~r
11+'1') An oirplano rnakc o iurn in o horiwntol plonc w'1thout fun.34-·U'c Vr~!l.2(300J I
.Sides.l ip ot 4ao rnph . At what onqlo must the plane be bon~ed irthc Yr Ii! ,,,. .;,2,2(300) +on 34-86.
rad;uG of the turn is .1 rn't\c,? Jr~ho pilot weighs 1.00\b,whcrl pres- Yr= gQ,024-H/s :1
sure clOGG he Ol<Ort on his -scat f' Vr = a~.024' x 6%~ =; .s6 mph .

188 189
11-47.) The roted spoed of ·o highwoy curvo of '200 f1 ro~ius is
11-49.) Ropoat Prob.114& ·,r t ho rood Is bon~d ot !lo· 1nfoad orao
OG 'hown In Fig. P- 1M·&.
30mph. If the coofflciont of fr;cf ion bct~con the tire~ ~ tho
G1v0r1 : J_A "0·'
rood :,G O,(,(), whot is tno maximum spocd at wh'ich a car co n
round tho curve wi ~hout .i;k.1.dc::ling? ¥(. 3220
@iven : Solh :
RcqCJ: FfnGf.;o., ~h
r~ 200 n. /}- a0,6 torrfr . vo/gr
Vr· aomph ton-& •[3ox.S~80/3600]J3!2,:2(200J
ton~ • o.6
RcqCI : rnoximum GpOXJ ton fr = 0.301
·-(:] c 1'). 7.3 0 ~" ~0.96
tan(~-ttJ) ~v 2/9r .
ton 1 o.,

0 tao (30.9' t 20) = v%2 2 esOO)
yf. c 19853--49 f'+/, ..
ton ( 4t&) -= vo/gr WV/gr • a2ro(HJ&58,19)
fan (ao.q~·+ 1,,73•) " vV32.2 (1200) 3e,2 (s~)
v 04.11 fl/s
- 'i3970.7 lb .
V • 84.11 ( 60/86) = ..S7. 3S mph .
~~-o. . t11 (+.9333) =.~22oco~20(2.411) t a0w.1.s1n20(2."f11)
11~) The coc(ffoicnt or friction bOI. thy rood ~ tho f'1 ""s. of the 't a010,1 a:is20(3) -a220~1n:z.0(3)
CXJf' shown in f l9 P-11~ is Q.<;O . Tho oor w.01(jis 3'2{'0 lb . H Is rou -
H1 .3024,G1 lb
ndlr'9 the CUr'VC of ~-ft rod.uJS at maximum speed- What is tho

F1 ~ O.G (38H,61) • 2294.B lb at outor wheels

voluo of tho fr1chofi foreo ooHng und~ coch whoo! ? how high
o~o tho rood must/ tho contet\ of qrovity be to limit +his; ma -
rtr(4.&33.3) tag10 .1s1n20 (1Z,4"1) t 3nos1ri2o(s)
'ltlinum ~~ by th~ tOndcncy to overfuf"n ? - 3970,7 COG ~·(3)
Given : ' H'l. c S59.87 lb
r esooft +57Q9.48 '•fl30(~·'H7) t 5799,+8
f~ ".S5~.e1(0.t;) - .335.02 lb 1nnc,.., whoo l s
w-3220 lb
(t){;.3C(a) -322ot»in30•(a)
p. "0 · 6 t11 - 4963. lb
lk.qo : f rnohon "-- F1 •JAN1 • o.G(49G3) '" ~977.8 lb
row hi~h at tho ouier -Nhoel~
Sotn: ~8 ~ o, rit.(-+.8333) =3200 ~30°(2.+11)
ion 4- o.G t~799 · 1'8 G1030(2A17) t 3'2'20 s 1ri ao· (5) ·
l/J "'.30.96° - 5799.+s cosao·cs) l
ion(~ 1~) • v2./9r H~ • n".4" lb
ton (ao.96" 1 ao') vo/32,2 (soc)
f:z. "fH:z. • ~' (12<i, 4,;) •435.96 lb 'I
v - 110,129 fl/6 at the outOf' .....-tioo IG
W'i" • 3'220 (110.,eq) <l. =.s 799, <113 lb tM .gc.g6" 2.41'''Vh
gr 32,Q (soo) h .. 4,0278 ft . I
~l\"0 .I
N, (4.6333) "afl20C"5acl(~.+11)
191 II
1202.) /\. flywheel 6fl. in diomefor occelorotes from rosl oi i he
constant rote or 4 rprn por sec. Compute the normal ~ tonqcn-
tlol c.ompononts of ihe occelcrotion of o particle on ihc r im of
1hc flywhee l. oftor 10 sec.
61vefl : d " 6 fi . Rcql:J : the norma l ~ tonqcnhol
0( • 4 rpm/sec . components of tho
t ~ 1oscc .
Goin :
o< ~ 4 ~ :L x .1.!.CQQ. x 1.P'lfn
/l}l'ln~ JP'f 60sec

o( 4
o. ~ rodAcc~
o(,, urA
o.4~(10) cur
uT "'4·2 rod/s
'· Qn cref2
~ .
"' 3 (4.Q) c .52.92 n/s 11

C h optcr 12 Ot =- ~ = :a(o.42)
Ot = 1.26 fl/s 2 ·
P.ototion 1~03 .) Tho rim of c .so-it1. wheel on o broke.shoe testing machine

hos o .gpc.ccl of EIJ mph when the broke Is dropped . Tt comes fo
rest ofter the r im hos trovolcd a rincor distonco of 600 n. v.kol
I ore the c.o:'\Gfont ongulor occ.elcratlon ~ the number or revolut i
tho whc.ol makes in comlnq to rest?
i 61vcn: d "..SO in Roq~ : o< is...._'17
v =60mph
.s "600 fl. ~"lJJ/t2~&
.SOlh: -(42•24)t e ~o( (~88)
r = 25/i!l = 2 .oe.s ft . o<. ~ - 3 .10 rod/sc.ct
600 .. (2,083) (J-
i}- = 26B rod

fr = :?S0 rod '1- 1 rc~n rod

-$- =- 4.5. 64 rev .
V =r ur.
(~ xf>?.>/Go) w 2.oe5 lli.
'll( ~ 42.21' rod/s

\ '

1209·) The .stop pu lloys shown 1n fl9. P- 120g ore c.onncctcd by 0

12as.) Whon the angular vclooHy of o -+fl diomolor pulley 12 ·," 3 rod/s. cro&G~ tx:H . If t~ onqulor occ.olcrotion of c i's Q rod;~
tho totol oc.colorofion of a p:i111i on it!O rim '1s 30 fl pcr-soc • Ootorrni-
ne the O~lar ao::.olorat 1on or who+ isti~c ~u1rccl
for A to trove! 1BO flfrorn 1"'<%f? ~rou h
\he pulley OI th\G °instant '. who~ chstancc will D rn<NC while t\ Is mavinq 240 fl~ '3
0iven ~ d = 4f\. RcqCi : o< 6"1von ·. o<c • Qrad/s 2 Solh : ;
ur=:arod/s ·~c 180{l. 4
4'~ ~
a=sonN1 )
Rcq'd : l,.. = :'
Soln = s. : ? "."hen s-.._ 4 !.140 n.
On • ru/ 2 - !l (3)e..
.an"18fVs 2 b) -t}A - Qp =120rod
o~ • 0t 2 t On 2 o<,...' 2o!..c
302 c ot'1+"1e °<A. 2(2) . 4roc1/5 2 't:t 0
Y20( t 2 ,._ 120 = V1<.(4)J:'1
Ot .. 24fi/s SA ~ re-.._ .,.180 • 2&A t = 7,75 soc.
Ol·rcx. itA • gorad --&v : Y2 <;::l(c. t 2 - '/£ (z.) (7. 1.s) 2
'24 • a<><. - 0< ~ 12 rocJ/sz.. go · Y2 (-1-)t...2 -ffo .. 60 rod .
1200.) Octcrm1no tho hor1ionk1I ~ vertical components of' tho oca:i- t,. • 6 ' 71 &CC . ~ .. r&o ~ .3 (60) ~ 100 f'I .
lorot ion of paint B on tho r im of' the f)ywhoel ~hown in F~- P-im> 1210 ~ ~epc.of Prob. 1209 if' the rodii of pulley a ore chonqcd t ~.
Ai t ho givon po51tion,ur•+radpcr..soo. ~0<. =1!l rod pcr-.scc1:, both ~ 18 1n. o 1n.
o\oc1<.wioo- 6ivcn : ~-a rodk:z. b.) f)A • S.../r " 24<>/(aoM)
G1:.0cn: uf· 4rod/G Y .solh: s..._ =1oon .
o<." 1'2 rad/s 2 ~ RcgCl: tA .~st> whcl"l S.,:2<10'
-{)A~ 96 rad

't1A " 1'€ O(" t !J

L"-.3ft I
~ ~
so1n : ~ • 1/1(2.61)t1.
Rcqa : hori-z:onto l ~ Ot"ro<.. "' 3 (12) .. 36 f*/s
2 a~ ..11l0<,.. - 2 <><c t . 0.48 6CC
vcn•ool compononh:;· of a"· rur 2
3 ("1-)2 " 48 fl /G H1


1, SO<"' "2(2) B-o • Y2~ct~ .. Y2(2)(0.48/
~ at" t On 2
the accdcroHon 0 = • t 46 o<.. _ .. z. 67 rod/s,,_ . 6-o ~ 71.<Jl rod.
a= 6on/s 2
SA ~ re-..._ =P- 160 & 39'-12 -e,., So • rfJ0
~ = 7'2 rad , So • .3(n.91)
12ce.) A pulley ha-s a consbnt onqular occc\ercrllOI'\ of ..3 rod pcrs~:.2. -&..._ = Y.e <>< t,., 2
When tho onqulor vcloci~y iG 2 rod por 6C.C, tho+ total ocoolcral1on 7rJ. ~ Y2 ( 2 .i;7)
of o point on the rim of \he pullcy is 10-!1 pcrGC.0 - Com~~c +119
t.... • 7. 34 sec. .
cl16rriotvl" of the pulloy . of o pu lley is dcfl.f'lcd by Lh
Sol'n: On = r~ = r (1.)2
121.3.) The rotai 1on
.30 ~ r c· r·o 1011ori
1 ·
& " 2t +_
6' whc;ro-tf fs rYIOOGurod In radius 'l.t. t ·
2 Ot a ro<.. • r (3) ~3 r -th i t ...1_
"') •n sccon(.A.!>. COmputc
Given: o< • .3rod/s
a2 Cit 2 Ori ~
ctvoluhcs ot f onqulor· voloc:ify ' ongular accclerot 1on at the ins-
or "- 2 roo/s = t
ton w en ~ 4GCC.
. a ·1o fl/G 2 10 2 "(.:ir) 2 t (4r} ~
0 '1 ven ·. Re<:ja : ongulor vcloofy ~
100 = ~r 2 t1Gl

R~(;I : cliomcfer & ~ zl 4 - 30t'116 Ol"Jgulor acc.oloroti'on

r 2
= 4(1~ Q 2n
t ~ 4-GCC-
d = -tn .

1216.) 0olerminc tho number of revoluhons throuqh w/c 0 pu l -
sol'n : d&/dl : ur • el~ -6ot lc~ will rototo from rcsi ir
ifs angular occclcrof1 on is incrcoscd
ur = 8(4)3 -60(4) :212 rod/.s
urn formly ffl?rn :zero to 12 rad por sa/· durinq 4 sec ~ i hcn unifor-
uf " Sl3 -6ot mly decreased lo <f rod per" sec/' dlJr inq Jhe ne:i1. i -3 sec .
c1ur/ot : o<. "24l.~ - 60 f ~ •1{ slope,· + - 12 • -iv3
o< w 24(4) 2 - i;;o "324 rod/s . t °'. at 7· '1' l·

121"!'.) Tho ,r ota tion or

a \lrN°h col is governed by the cquo i ion iJf• 1
e;if~..--; ---- o< - 12 • - 6/s(t-1) /{0 t
de/ - 2 =:at:
-&, ·-~i
.[[ ;w is fn rod ;ans per Gccond ~ t i..l in seconds . -e ~ 2 rad whcr
\ .3"( • 3 ' - St HI£ c
t • 1 sec. G:imputc ihe values of -6' ~ 0( at the inslant when t ~ a sec.
~ O( ..
o( •
- ett'8
::..ill.§.§. ;r-e, •o , t •o ... c -o
d fhjd t = 69fo t - 8/6 {2- 'tS.3-3 : Solh : we -+-lr •
-~ • 69/6 f;" -
B;idl-' - +.s.33t i c
uf" 4Jt 0&/dt " W"4.[t
~ = 2 rod 06' • + l w dt
if -B-1 =t:T,. "" t ·+
31 -3/<;(1) 3 • 68/6 (4t - 8f!g (+) - "'5.33(4) tC
Rcqo : -e~cx TJ · +t. 9.(#3) tc W,· 3,.1zt2. C=60,443
if fr• !l. roo u>hcn t • 1 scc.
w;• f '~ % t •J-
2 " 4(1) 31t('l./8) t C "frt =66/6 t -9/!e i" - "f6. 3.9 l t 60·'l-4<S
6~ t - 8/, t 2. t c
.. '& .. f' ~7
C• -
-&t =6B/6(1) 2-efie(1f - -+s.SE(7) t60.443
Q,(;{;1 \S/fl.
-e- = 0/S t31t - o.GC.7 = Bfa(~,. - o.6,7 11'2 · W11!.... t·f
-&- "' 1a.2 rod
.:3, 4 )".: G9/..s ("r) - 8/,(+)'- -&e. -146.<n rad
c ;, -1'.S. ~8 -f7 • 1%.~ rad )(~
1n-v • 23.~ rev .
di%t • o<. "' 'h. (4) t - •It
,/ r ufi • (;6/3t -·8/6i 1 - -t.s.33 2Tr~
o( . 2 ( 3 ) _ •It
·' o<. = 1.164 7 rod / st. 1211.) The angular accclorotion of o Ovwhee l decreases un i -
fo~ly, from 8 rod per scc in 6scc of wh ic h fonc ifs on9ulor vc
1216) /\ body rot<('k;s occorclir:i9 to tho rolotion <><. -~2t , whoro 0(
lov1ty 1.s 42 rod per.sec.' Compute the ini.fio l angular velocity ~
is In rodians pc;' ,socOnd ~ t '1 ~ in .scconclG'. w= ~ rod per .soc ~
tJ is zero when {1G :zero . Q::mpvto tho val ~us of or' ~ & o\ the ins-
ih~o( number or
revoluf1onb mode during lhe 6 sec inforvo l .
a Glope. ~ e-a - 1
(ont u>hcn t - 2 Goe. 0 • oz A

<><-& c - 1(t -a) dB'/dt "' Bt -{ 2/:2 t H!

6 1ven: 0<, - 2t Ga°ln : o<.- gt ,('"'« a S-t. 2
-fi- = 4{ -t'/6 t 12t 1 C
or- 4rod/.r. / dt - ~ ,. 2t
.dvi f ,, _ _ " - . J2t
it fT •O 1o.._ t • o .·. c • 0
Rcqa : or" t7 duT = 1t cit .
ur c i t "'/?t t c
--f- - " --

8- · f j t·6
(6 )'~ 1 ~(')
duf'/c::lt "8-t i7 4-('
;f or. + rod/-s vo t

c ) -
2 or • st - t'lR t c -6" • HIO rad
4- - (0) t c.
ur~ ~ · ; t ·6
c ·1' S(<;)- 6~ tC
W ;:: t jl t "!' It t (U;cc. c
4'2 £
ca 1~

ur . 2 fl. t 4 = e ract/.soc.
uf·uf. t ·D 11
' cl&/cft - I)) • l t.H ·e- ~ t% t 4t if i "2.GCC .
uJ • et - t &/1 t 12
d& = t 1 1+ C)'t f} : 23/3 1 -t(SJ
-& = t%1 t .+t t c iT = 10. ,1 rod .
ul - Hl roo/s !I
-, r -e ~ o ~ t · o :. c -o
196 197

I. I"
1406.) Who! force P will g i-10 the sys\om of bodios .shown 1n fj'9 P-
t 1406 0 vcloci'\y of 30 fl per soc a fl er rnovin9 20 rorn rosi f' nr

y•,, 205 >
'4fJ' 100

· a 301/2(20)
4 =2:z.sfl/s~
~ f~1 p = .agg,34 - so(o.2) • .so(
Zf)l / T1 -100 (0.2) • 600(22.~ ll/az.2 a2,2

T1 • 69.SS lb.

... 1

a~u,6 t
Ti .. 2ocicas-.s (0.t.) t
Choptcr 14 -[~(2t.oil/at.d
Tc - 399.3+ lb.
Worl'\ .~ Energy
Ho1.) fuid fhc veloci ty of body A in ffq P- 1.+01 ofter ·,t hos moved
10 fl from r-est . N:.Gumc the pu lley~ to be weightless ~ H--ictionless.
1 i....2
2 Tt • 300 t 9,32 o,... - · - @
..... a,_3
2(~-12.412a.._) .. ~.g.320,...
-4a>- 24. MC:V- .. .3CO t g,32 o,...
l . 100 " ..:l-4 ·165CIA .

v,..~ !lQ
°" -
- s,..
2.<J3 H/G2

,. v,.. ~ ~----
2(~.93)(10) . :I
v,.. " 7.65 ft/s I
'. I

T2 • 200 - 6.21 Qa
T~ • W0 - 6 , L1 (20,..) i
Ti - .eoo - u ..;20,.. -· ·-@ l.

199 11
1408·) Through who! distance w·,11 body A in fig. P-1400 m&1e in 1-+10.) In what d1'.. .fonco w·dt block. A or
Ft'g. P - 104<3 attolfl 0 velo-
. chonginq its velocdy frorn 6 n par.soc lo 12 n per'6eG· .,;. City of 12 fl por sec, storflnq from ~t ?
.!I ""-- 2
1 "'-.ll
1ZT1 = 300 t +·6' QA _ .. -@ 1ZT~ ·OD+ t 1fl.. 4~ CIA - · · - $
4 ~1 4 &._3

£(200 - ~.210A) d 300t4.66QA L { W4 - 18 .G<l-O,Y • -ao+ t 11'. 44' QA

400 - 12 .~IZQA = 300 t 4.G6 DA 400- 37.2.8 0A G 304- t12.42 °"
100 - 17.• 00 OA 1()4 • 4g,7QA
a.-. .;, ft/s 2 0..., • IZ. Og fl/s ~
- YA1 - 2as,... ·Yt...i " 2as...
12 1 - '.i c z(, 12 IL c 2 (fl,<XJ) GA
£,... = g.IZ.3 fl. £A" 3"\..41fi.


I .:j1
Gubsfdule Ve to 1,
Ille • 304 t 12.~ O" - ·· : ~ + 1400 , a .11 (0) 1 t 4,6, v,./'·
4 s,... 3 v,., . . 11.33 n/s.
£(£o+-'0·6+o ... ) ~ so4 +12.+~ a" Zo=~l5Lt6L "17 II
4-00 - 37. 20('.M =::1D4t11Z.4{?0A

104 =~.7
o"' • .e.09 n/.s-
°"' :,'

. J'
zr~Jost6" -8'
i!.~ ~ ei+xL

2~dt/ot = llxdx/dt
~Vt? • XVA
vA' • !ZOG l
. Rw - ~ uJ~g (v 2-v,, L)
y,., ·~ .~1Z(.t.oq)(1~)
100 (11. -8) = 2oo;t+.4 v8 "' t aa:1/6 4, 4 v,.,Z
VA 2
7.08 f'i/.s 14<X> ~ 3: ~1Va~ t . 4..66VAa -·- -(!)
1-41~.) Fr'nd th.c veloci ty o( body A, in ft'q . P-1411 oner I~ hos
m~v~, Gtarting from rest ai tho g iver) paGitlon, for 9 flalonq fhe
fr1cf 1 onl es~ surface shown · i
xz10~ ~ z:~ I
- ~ ~~ 2
15 10 2
- ·17
T~ • 2ot- 9,32 as
2/\d:11/at • u.ot/ot Zf = ~ '~ t 0 ~ - 10 J

TL. m £04-- g,~£ (La..,)

)<VA• ZVs

200 201


2 2
800 = 1,5.SVA t t.33Vs - -@
subsiduto 1 fo f,
eioo • 1.sB (rA-Ve''/ a,) t £.33 Ve£
Ve .. 1Lo.S<f
1417.) I'.. W:cigh ~ iGdropped f ~mo p<:>&ition Jus;f obovo, but ~al- to!.1-
chlng, a $prlng . Show thc rno:><•mum dcf0rrnot1on produood wi II be
· twiec that if the samo wo"19ht IG gnxluo lly low~ up:m the ~prlrig,

~1<.b1 • w'1

b, • 2W/K
W • l<.bt.

6~ - W/1<..
~lb• •(tYJ/ty64'J • R
& = 1Zf>e
1+16.) A block wc"ighing Q6,6 lb is droPPCct from o height of 4ft .
SOb" 1• ~v"' «.t> Ys t 0;11' Vis
upon o spring whose modulus is 100 lb per in . Whot voloci~wlll
.soo • 1,ssVA" t ~. a3Ve~ - · ·-© tho block hove ot tho instant the spring is dcformod 4 In.?
~ituto 1to1l 61ven: so1n :
soo: u;s(a6YA)"~) +£.3:3Ve £ W= 96.6 lb

Ve. c 1£.S fi/~- h ·-tft ..

K• 100 lb/iri
• I
x1 t y<! •10~
,, RcqCJ ! Velocity w(htb)-12 K.b" "wv/:zq
6t+Yt '.' 1o<r I . f ~
gM; (4t4A~) - Y2(100)(12)(4A2) • q6.6/6+.+V
7s an . v • 1.s ..32 fl/s.
~xclx/at t 2yd"1at =o
1419.) A 600 lb bk~;k s li'dcs down on inc.line having o .slope of .3
xVe • -7VA to<r horizonto/. It .s.1ort.s frorn rest~ oflcr moving 4fecL
6Ve = -SVA
~lril<o<.: a spring whose modulus i&100 lb po-n . If fhe cocf'fic1cnt .
VA ( ~ (<;Vs/~) t -· . -(j}
of 1<.;neiic frlclion j1; o,w , find the rno;icimum vcloc"1fy of the blocK.
RW c .z. u.1,49 (v'-v., ") IZ
Given : Gol'n:
100 (10 -9) t .so(6) • 100/<A-·tvA• HaJ/h'!'.+Vsc: t'5o/'~AVc
Ye •Ve W=60olb· ·
Glope; .3/4
... •
1414.) Repeat Proh tt1a when i< c en· K • 100 lb/fl ......_
t'· 10
- ef. - y = 6H /).l<., Q.Q [w(.a/s) - W(4/s)(o.ti] (dtli) - Y2 K6.r = wvj'2q
d " 4fl · . 600(4 tb) [3/_s - 4/s(o.t.J] - 100/.2 bL~(600/64.f}v f
2i<cl:it/dt t tydy /dt =O
Rcqo : 2G+o t 1os6 -soob.. £ g.32v ..
xVa : -yv"
mo)( . velocity
8Ye = - 6VA

1-423.) fricl ion of hie 40-lb collar ogo·1ns l ii!> vertica l gu·1c1c
d iffcrentiolo vokx:;•tY. with ~pc.ct. tob, ·'°" compute tho velocity of the collar offer 'ii ho" fallen j fl s tart-
~6+-1oob · -· g,3~ ing frol't'l rest in the position ~hown in Fig P- 1423 . 1hc unsfrotched
6 .. 2.~+fl ((or mo><. velociiy) lcn9lh of l he i;pr;nq is 3f't .
G00(4u.6+) [ a/s- 4/5(9;2)] - so(e.6+)' " g,32v'
L " ~ .3 2 t 3~ , -f,243 ft .
Y • 12-26 fl/s. &• n.
1420.) lhrough what muGt the 600 lb blocli:.
cliGfoncc Prob. 1+1Q or 4.243 -3 ,. 1.243
40(3) t V2(sx12)(1.24~) 2 =(-10fa+.4)Y 2
s lido from re"t boforc louchin9 the spnnq ·,f Its -velocity i" 10 fVG
v • 16 . 36.5 fl/s.
at the in~o nt the .sprinq i" doforYr'IOd 3 fl f Assume the spring c.ons- I L • ~ 3• t"1'1 • .!! ft .
tont jc; changed to .30 lb/in . f· a' 6t .. .s-.:9 ·.Qn.
Given : Solh: "f()(4)- !/2(.sx12)(2)2 .. (40fi;+A)(v,ii- 1 ".~s")
w • 6001b [600(3/s) -ooo(~~)(o.z~ (d t3) {30(1~)(~)~/1
Vz 2 "' 332 .21 ft 'ls 2
.Y· 1ofl/, (600(10)''_1/6..,..4
Y2 = 18. 23 fl/s .
6 • 3 fl 1~+ (d t3) • ~s.s1 .7
142-4.) Repeat Prob. '\423 if ihe unstrefched lon9ht. of \ho' sprin9 is 2ft.
I\.· 30 lb/i'n d =6.67 fl. 0 1vcn : Soln:
Rc:qCJ : distonco W·"IOlb L~~3c1!3"-= 4 . 241-3ft.
1421.) /\weight of W lb suspc;ndcd fron1 o verticol s pring (Fig P- ·
Rc:qCI : Velocity b, • 4 . 24.::i - 2 • 2.2....3 ft.
1-t!Z1.) whose modulus ic; K.. lb por fl . The weight iG pv llcd dD'Nn s f1.
"'I0(:3) t Y2(.sx12)(2. ~3) 2 =(40/6'f-.4)y 2 ·
frorn ifo c:quilit:riu"1 P,OG°it1011 ~ thon rc lcoGOd . Determine '1h; velo-
v • ~0. 88s fl/s
city when if re\or,iis to the oquilibr1urn position . 02 =~HZ •
3 fl
I -to(+)- 1/2(sx12)(3)'J. =("f<);i+.+)(v/ - 20 .aest)

'*K8" "'wvyrg Yt'J ~ 259.1 · .
w "'- ,· vt =¥ Y1.. = 16. 1 fi/s
142.s.) Tho ~r i~ Fig. P - 1+1s i& movlnq toward 1hc bumper .spr'1ng
v -sJ "-o/w ~ h~ o 1<1nctic e nergy of 1~cm in-lb. The rn:::iin bumper shield
1'4212.) Tho rigid hor"1x.on tal .shown in fig- P1+~22 is supp::irtcd .by 2 J[
(?a) i_s c.onnccfod to the l'flClin ~pr1hg, which hos a modulus of1000
Gpring" . ,A. 300 lb weigh t iG the plocod upon tho bar ot 8 /\ .wclder1 lb per 1n. lhc two oux1'liary bumper Ghlelds (b) orc 12 in . tehind 00 ~ I•
blow prQ.fccts the weight toward/\ with an initia l velocity of M\jt;. I
ore atl'och~ to secondary springs, coch of which has o modu lus of
Whot ·,c 'rtG veloerty when it rcochcs t...? tleglccl fr iction Yt._, tho wei-
soon por 1n . \IVl'\o1 the CQr iG' b'r ought to rest, whal will hove been ' I
gh'! of Inc bar . fuc: grcat&ci mO'<'cmont aa ? What pcrconiago of the erorgy hos ~n .
obGOr:-bcd by the rnoin Gprlng ? . ·
Gr~on: &>In :
KE = 100,DOO in- lb
l<a ~ 1000 lb/.n
V1 - 19.9
1<-1> ~ .!'()() 1
b/ 1n
Yt - -t .~1 fi/s
P.cqCt : .s I!.., /.

e .. output /1·n put
1/2(1000)(12t6) 2 t =100, 000
0.9 = hp /3C,J,73
.500 ( 12 £ t 2.46 t 6 ) t EOObt • 1001 000
hp(~) - 3.5. 7S hp.
1ooob2 t 120006 - ~aooo ,, o
b'- t12b - 28 ·o 0.9+ hp/3Sas

6 a -12 t J12• - .ot(1)(:-2&) • ~jn .

hp " 33.G1 hp .
~ (1)
Powor Output = 33.61(0.1+61<..w) ~ 25.1 KW.
S ~ 6 i 12 = 2 +12 = 14 in .
1431.) Wofor e~fcr5 o hydraulic react.on turb'1no w/ 0 vcloeify of 12
KE~ Y21<.(12tb)

/<.Es " Y2 (1000)(12-t2) = 90000
nper GCC· ~ loavc.G ·,t ::irt lower w'd h
volocity 4Q or n
pci-~cc . If
100,000 lb of woicr flow through fhc turbine e,och .sc:;coricl, compute
1· • K~/Kt:: = gaooo;1oaooo .. ga Y,- · ihc. h:>rscpowc,... output. A'-Sumc the ~urbino jc; 80 f. e.ffic1ent .
1429.) /\ troin wc.1gh1.nq 100 tons iG being pulled up to 2t. 9rado . lhc
6 1vcn :
troin res~fonCC '1G constant ot 10 lb per ton . 1hc Spead of fh e fra in
V1 • fZ fl/5
iG . inorroGod frorri ro fl p<]r .sec to 40 ft pc;r i;cc. In a distan co of 1axfl.
Vt a tf!h;
find the rnox1inurn ~rGC fOV'<Cr dc-<c lopcd · e • 001.
6rvon : ful'ri : %ter()) ... 1ooe.:1 fb/s
w-1oo ~onG wfa~ (v -v0 2 )
· ZJ.. s =
h .. 3ff.
R• 1010Aon$ [F -100(10)-100(2000)(.2;100~ x1000=100<'20002(402-.eJ}
s c 1a>o n. 6+.+ Req~ : Hp Oufput
Se in:
RCCJO : Po-Hen in +.Ip- ,, r f a, 726 . 71 lb . G

V..j49 " V1ftg i bt l'f

. Hp .., fV {EVZ6.n ( 40l}/sso
Hp ~ ~::i4-<o7
(12)~(su) • 4l µ (3it,:2) t 3 + H
' I . . . ti ~ ~·9876 fl.
1+.30.) Wcrlor nowG . through 0 nozz le 1 if). in d1omotcr under 0 heocl
Hp1U-~& .. u)H • 100x10
(f.907'1) = +98.76 x103 n-lb
of' 4CO fl ~o dr'1"1'.: 0 ,/urb'1ne . The turbiM '1 G o/J/, . offi(:;'ienf ~ ji; conna:;- I
tip : 3
fNQ. )( 1 hp 906. B4 hp.
tcd fo Cl generator w/c ·, ~ 941. emcien~. w1·ia1 '1s the power ovlput
498.7G 1<'10
sso f.+..-)£

. l
in 1<-i lowoHs ? ·
G i'ven : d • 1 il"I,
.Rc'1Cl : Power G\Jtput
e = Pcutpul /Pinput
O. 8 -= Poutput / 906.64 hp I
Poutpu/ = 725.S hp
PONc" "' ~Qh • fv .
f'J/ ~ lS AYh
f ; "12.-tgv(1M) J/.f ][<too] ~ 136 .136 lb.

vf/zg • 4-00 11
y = [2(:32,l1)(400) p 160.S rJ /s
hp• fV • [l3 M3G(160.sTI/sso II
hp = 3~;L 73


1s'o.3.) /\ 300 lb block is 1·n confo ..... t w ith o level plane who
so coefficient of 1<.1nef 1C. friction is 0.10 . If the block is octcd
upon by o hori zontal . force of lb, what time will c lopso be-
fore the block re.aches o
veloc°ity of 40.a f1 . per sec, stor -
ting from roGt ? If the ..SO-lb force·,~ thon removed, how much
\onger wil l tho block conilnuo to move? ·
0 ivon : > .Goin :
W • ~lb, ' f &.90 1t:>
;(.C • 0,1, V"' 48.3 fl/G
Rcqo: time ~Fi< =o
[so - 300(0.1~ t • 300/32.~ (48.3)
t • ~.s sec .
.300(0.1) t c 300/a2.~ (40.3)
t : 1s sec .
1504.) A hor1".i:.ontol forco of 300 lb pu.shes o ~oO-lb block up
on incl ino whose s lopo is· 3 ver!i'cal to -hor·1z.ontol. If f ... "' o.2.,
Chapter 15
determine the I imc required to incrcoso f ho velocity of t he ·!
block frorn 10 to so n
por sec . . ·i
lmpulGc ~ Momentum
Given: f>ol'n: f
f".300lb~W-= ~OJ lb. , ~
rn=%. i )A... " o'.2 o/.s(~(4ls)
v1 ~1ofl/G,Y~~soft/.s ·
Rc.q(:j: t -1mo [300-1!20-160(02)] t ,, 2D'.lp~2 (so-10)
148t c 240,4$
t = 1° 68 soc.
·root central ·1mpocf occurs bet. a 100 - lb body moving
1543.) 0 1
to tho right of .s n per 6cx:i ~ 0 body or
weight w moving to
tho loP ot .3 ft por .GOC· The cooff1·c·1cnt of rest ituilon e='o,5.
Aflcr 1inpact. the 100 lb body rebounds to t'1o loft ai 2 ft/soc.
Petcrrri1no the weight w of the ofhc.r. body .
G ivcn : Sol'n :
W,.= 100 1b , e c o.s w,..v" tWeVa c WAv"' 1 wave
V"= ~ n/s , v,; ~ 2(1/.s 1oo(s) - .3W • 100(:-2) t wve'
Ws =W, Ya c.=ift/G 700 "sW+Wve' -.·-GJ
Rcq'd : Wc(ght e = va' -v..:/-tA - V~
o..5" Va'H/.s-C-.a)
Ye= Z(I/~

''~l .
subsfi-luto Ve 'o equation 1 ,,
700 = 3W • W(IJ..)
154-6.) The S!:-JS\ern shown in Fig. P - 1s4.s is used to defer' -
mine tho c.o::ffic1onl of resii lut ion . If ball A iG refeo.s~ from
·W"HOlb rest ~ball B GWings through -&= 53.1• oflor ooing struck, de-
1544.) f\ golf boll iG droppod . f rorn () height Of 2~. fl ,upoh termino & .
Q hordonod. .stcol plate; . 1ne cooffi·c ienf of rOGti\ufion IS 0.894;
Soln: eos·6o .. h/10 C.0S Sl!l,1• = h/e
find the ho1gh~ tC> which the boll rebounds on the ffrs~, ind, h -8ft. 0
v...._ third bounces. >
b=10-.5 .. .5n. C" 9-4.e = 3.2{1 .
Given; (o.eg4l(h1) "h2 v" =.[29h · ~1-2-(3-2.2.......)(,,....s Ve' " J2(~:Z:2)(:3.Z) = 14.35 ff/s
h • .20 ft , c= o.s94 h~ - 1~.70 ft . = 17-9+ M

Re.q'c:l: h, , h2 ~ha (o.eg4)2(hz) = h2 Wl'..V/\ =w"v,: t WaVfJ' .

.soln ! h:3 = 10.21 fl . 30(17,g4) • 36V,...' t 20(14.35)
f %, •Jh3/h2

e =~ h1fii
Vl'., " 8.37

e = f/a'-yl'..' )/(:./A -va) • (14,35 - S.37)/(17.94-0)
0.094 = f1/~o _,.. h1 = . . . e - o.333
1545.)The balls A'*' B in f (g. P-1545 ore oHochod to sh ff rods 1547.) A . ball is t hrown at on ongle e- w ith the normal ~o 0 s-
of ncgligiblo - weight. Ball /\ 'i.G roloosccl from rci;t ~ a llo:"'od m?'t ~ wall, os shown in f ig- P- H.57 . It rebounds ot on onglo
to Giril<-0 a. If tho cocffic1ant of rc'1.1tution le o.6 , dci~rrn1ne & wdh the normal. Show thot !he coclTi'c1'eni orrcsfi tul'ion is
the; onglo tT 1hrou9h w hich ba II B wi II .9W1ng· If tho 1mpoct by o • tan 6-/tan-e-'. ·
lo.Gts for 0,01 sex;,.: dlGO find the aveirago impact force · IH .soln :
6 1ven :
! ·
r~1' .
'3<./ n ·
Q, i ,D c ~ (vi'' -v,')/(v -w.)
' ,i7 ! -e',,../ mY1 cos& • mVi''cose-'
I. ,,,,,.,,,,,,,»;;,,,,,»,,,, V1 sin &'· \I.I .Srn9- - · ·- ©
e ~ -v/~e-/y1 cose-
I I from 1, Y/ ~ - V1.S111G-/s 1ne-'
'~ ... ,'
C().&60 = h/10 e =(-)t'(s111-e-)(-cos-e-') = tone cot -e'
sin&' V{QJ!.e
h =.Sf\ · j b • 10-S = .S fl
YA - ~ = j2(a2.2)(s .. 11.g4f\/s vs' · f29Z ; h· a-c v " ton-&/tan&'
vv..v,... ~ w,..,vA' tWsYa' 17,2Q6 • ~~a2.2)c 1548.) /\ ?o'·'
is thrown w·dh velocity a or .so
fl per .sec d1·r cc-
30(17,94) " 3oV,..' + MVs' c = 4,61 tcd oi 60 w ith lhc horizontal agoinst o .smooth vcrhcal woll . ·
.s:;e.2 • 3ov,..· f 2ova' -' ·-(!) h·0-4.61 ; 3,'.S.9 ft . 1hc ball i~ role.a.God from o -~·1 tion . 40A the woll ond 6 (lobovo
o.G .(v& -y,..,'. )/@1. 0'f- O) COG tr -=. 3.3.9/a • O· 42375 the level ground 'i frovcls in o verhcol plono. The coefficien t
to,17 = Ye'-Vp..' - - · -@ -tr =6.S" or rcstiluhon between ball ~ woll iGo.6. How for rrom /he; wolf
from 2, Y,...'• Ye/ -10.77 doeG the ball Glr'rkc fhc ground ?
su ~titutc fo 1, Given: Re<:jo: d1's~oncc frorn the wolf
.s39,2. ~ e,o(ve'- 10.77) -t QOVe" Yo " so ft /s when /he ba II .sf~i kc the ground .
'> •.30,Q " ao ve' - 3 .' Z3.112ova' R"' 40ff
86P~ =..sova' -- vs'"' 11. 1226 fl/.s


210 2ll
.ti t"

1~.) As .shown in f(q. P-1549, o 4<Hb ball moving horizont a lly

sol'n: to iho right with a velocity of e fl parsec, collldos obtlquoly w/ .
a 30-lb ball rnovinq up to the left at 30• to tho horiwntol ·ai 1l>
fl pcrsc.c-. If tho cooffo:::iont of rcGi°ifution i~ o.6 , oo~erm'1nc .the
a""unt \.,. d1'rochon <£. the Yeloc'1ty of each bp ll d1'rodly aflcr .

L .l-- -" 1 1
· lmpoot.
w,·10lt> ....-ao11>

--.. o·---
Fl~Yocose- l
7 • Vosin~t t hgt
34,07 = 11.1s1nfb·" .t 116·1 t z ~-~· _ V1a1o('ffr;

"!<> = sac.osoo t
16.1 !2 ~ 0 .~t --a:. 07 -o ., ,
in.V1,. t ma '4 )I .. n'1j Y1x t IT1% Vix

t: 1,6SGG· '4<'(&) - 30(10 ~"311J • -4<1 Vix +3(JV;.,_

ycYof;1n&l - Y2Ql
t•- 8.2_+ J(8.£.); - +(161'1)(-34-.07) ~0, 2 --wv,~ t 3tJV(,. · - - · -©
1 ,-A(1 •6) - 1/.2
.sin.,.,. , , (32-2)(1.6) e ..(vt.; -v,.,.'Vv1,. -v•~
y- Q0.07 fl
t • 1.222 ScG ·
0.6 -&,; - v,x')/8 t 10GO!i30•
H~ 6 t28.01 = 3+.010- 10 ::v1~ -v1 / - .. -©
x -Vocos~t · m,'°"1 t!ni.V2y 1
V:,..' - Yox ii • 2 a~s • nljV1y t msV2 y
It • 1 ~, 1 Q)S £8,66 (1.222) )

v./ -(socos6o) .. o :.a6 (10&rn3(/) "'..;id Vty -v,; •s rt/~

Yx • 250/c
x. 10.3 n. from rz, ~ -1otv1; to©
y,2 _ y0y 1. •.20yS '., 60.t • 40V1'Jt t .30·(~o•v1;)
~, -(sosin6o).2 c.·~(32.'1)(2.a.01) '°'l • '40V1le t ~ t ac>V1 ~
Vy e..e ft/s' . -2'39,8" 70V1~
"Y81· -~ \JQS
I £ f v•
" 2 :r. . Ile 26.31 H/s

"1.,: ::-~..+a n;,
o< ~ ton-1 e,11./2s • 10.16 Y/ • Y4<' " 3,.+3 fi/~ to tho loft

from a. , v.; 10 t (-3....3) - 6 •.s7 ft/.s
v,' = J~'-+v{yi.

~ I
Y1' •Y30 ·~'·51 +51 • 8, f6 nJs
,' ,,· . '

L,,,,. . . . ~


· e ~ ve2 "/. /vs1~

O." = Y&!l'j./~6.31~10.1"
& • fan-1 V•)' /,..,; • fan· 1·s,4,57
Vf!ZY.- " 15 n/s . -fJ ~ 0
371 27.

26, 3 1sin18.16' .. Ve2.Y V30 •a.~~ fl/& up to right ot

y82 y • a. .2 nJs 37,27• w/ the ~zonfal
Vs~ c

y 62 ~ 11.1+
{ 16 .. t g.Q:z.
ft/s ~G)e~ ~.. " Vit MN;' t '/1 M1Vi 11
e • Ve'-v.,'
}: I = tor1·1 s.2:1.s t.1,\4 t-Ma'ff • M.V.1' +MtV/ v1 -v'J.
ti f ~ .ee. 66 l<E1 • ',iM,V1't'/tM2V1


.~ 212
Chapter 2:
1.) f\ r '1gid
bor CABO supported os shown ·.n Fig . B is octed

· J
upon by two equal hor·1zon-\ol P applied a t c t.._D. G::il-
Cl)lo\e the reoctionG that will be induced ot the points
pport. /\ssume l · -+ft , a .. afl, b'" 2H
h><. Rb= -Ro • MSP

?l=, . '

I .,

:.:-: r
in Fig· e:. t~
2.) Owing to the weight W of the locomotive GhO"<n
\ reootionG at ihe two points of support A 'i;.,.B w'dl eoch be e-
qool to W/2 . When the locomotive ·,s pulling o iro'1n !t.,, t~e
drowbor pl)ll P i<0 juGt equal · to the total friction ot the pt.s.
or contact A St.. B, determine the magn.dudes of +hevertical
·reootions Ro 1b.. Rb. Ans. Ra " w - Pb J Rb= W t Pb
'T ~ T 2Gi""

214 215
5 .) f'.
vedicol lood P is c;upportecl by o t r ior'\qulor
/\ boci\ i6 mm1ed uniformly oloog o conol by \V't'O hor-
.a.) os shown in Fig.G · Flncl the forcdS +rorismitled to the bolts
ses pulling with forces P• 200 lb ~ ~-= 24<'.>lb octing under /\ Zt._B. f\ssume thot the bolt B f'Hs loosely in o vertical slot
on angle e1. • roo (Fig . A). Deierrnine th<9 rnogri1tude of the
in the plote . /\ns. Ro"' 1.2s.P : Rb = o ...,s p
resl)l\ont pul\' on \he boo\ ~-\he ongle f.> 'b...,"'< oGlelhown in
the figure . /\no . P.-= .:3S2 lb ~ fd 33• ; -Y =· 2( .

..q For the particular position shown ·, n Fig .c the connec- Chapier 3;
ting rod BA of on engine e~ds o force P = !500 lb on the 1.) /\ weightle66 bor /\B ·,c; 6Vpported ·,n o verticot plone bf
cronk.p1n ot /\. R~t09lve this force iflto two rectonQvlor corn- a h'1nge ot /\ ~ o tie bor DC, os shown. Oeterrri1ne, graphi-
ponen\s Ph """Pv17 ~9tiog horizontolly ~ ver\icol\y, o\ /\ . colly . the 0"'1al forc.e S induced in the tie bar by the action of
/\ns . Ph = "'tOS ID P'V' "' 11T lb . a vediool lood P applied ot 0 .
. \

Ans. ~· " QP (tene1on)

i 4) Determine the a><iol
r. r
1 ~ .:::11 !Ir.... S« 1"nduc--' . th b
2) /\ roller of roclil)<i r ; 12 ·1n . ~weight ~ s ~oo lb ·,G to be pul- l\C &... ec . t ....... \(\ e OrG
. in he F19vre oue to the acti~ of the hori :i:.on.tol o
, \eo C/'ler o cvrb of he"19ht h • 6 in. by o hor .1zontal force P op -
plied to the ~ncl of o strinq wound oround the circumference
p\ted l~oo at C . Th6 baro ore hinged together at C o. to ti...._:.
fovndotion at A "'-.. B . "" •c
of the roller . f 1hd the mognitucle of P ~1..i"1"'cl to Giort the-
Ans. S1" 182 lb.(tentoion); S!t . 6'40lb,(comp.)
roller O'ler the cvrb . Ans. Pa 2-00 1b .

~ ,. 'I

3 .) A bOll of wc19ht w reGt upon 0 .smanh hor-izonfol plane oncl

hos aHochecl to · con tor two Gfring~ AB ~ AC .,...\iich poss o-
,t, .i!J.) !In electric -. light f1")(t1..1re of weight '1':1.
~ 40 lb .l'il SUpporied OS
Yer ft"iationleGG pulley~ ot B ~C !!:... eorry
toads P &i-..\S!, t"e1>pecti--e- &hewn· DeteMT11ne the tensile forces' c t.' c_ · ii...._ ·
ly, oG Ghown . 1r
the strong AB ·,c; hon%.Ol"\tol , f"ir'd ~heanqle o<. . r- h . . .
8C Ir terr ongles 0f1nclinofion Ore OG&hown .
~ ""-"'-':! rn nic: wires BA ~

thoi the string /\C,.~ rt;ia~ w ith tho. hor-i :t:ont o l when the ball i s
/\ns. S1 " 2g.;s lb ; S2 " 2C>.7 lb .
·,n a poGdlon of <if~il.i br-1 un'I . Al60 f ind the ~ssure R bdween
the bol\ 1*.. the plar,le.
,r Alis. cos« - P/6( ; R .. w -/~Lp'J. '\".

( "

Chopter .+: .
1.) Determine the reoction o\ /\
!ii... the 1orce · i
S 1n 1he
bo OEcl
r ue +.) A plone figure - four frorne ABO~ i~ ~upporfed on on inc li ned
. to the oction of the loods P ft.,~ opp\ied to the crone. os shown. plane ~ looded os shown . Colcu la~e the oxi~t force induced in
Neglec\ the weight or the crone !..._ ossume ideal hinges ot A. D, the member BO. Ans . Sbd .. 106 .7 lb, tenG"ion
tt.,_ E . Assume tho\ P'>.!lOOlb, ~ • 300lb, o .. eft .
. .. I I Ans. Ro = 1140 lb: s "1~5 lb comprCGSlOn
1-o ..,-f--0
. --1
c ..

a) Two beoms AB 'l.t..,BC. joined toqeiher by o hinqe B, aro supf)O("-

ted by four bol"G, hinged at their ends . the force produ-
2.) Oelermine the oxiol force• ·,no bon; 1.2.3,4, ~5 of the pl~ne ced ·,n eoch of the1:1e bore clue to the ochan of' t he load p,. 500 lb. The
trus~ s;;upporied ~ looded os GhCJwn. dimension of' the structure are as shown. Ans. So= 186 lb, Comp : ;

Ans. S, • -P ; S2 "+P ; .
Sa• -o.,P ; 5.t"' o.....+2 P ; Se • - 0.33.3 P. Sd " Se : 2Gs lb. Compress'1on ~ Sc '° G2 lb • tens.ion .

3 .) Oeiermine the for-ce S ·1n the bor /\S of \he plane truGG lood-
ed 1..,, supported 06 shown . An{; · S .. o.-+3 P.
Chapter S',
1.) WhotKi the necessary coefficie nt of friction between ~i res &.,,
roadway to enable the four wheel drive ouiomob'1le to clirnb 0 30 'l.
grode? w A ni;. p ~ o.3

220 221
. ht"' W, t.. Wt. ore connected by
2 ) Two block. hav .ing weig r ~
fi .o 1Gtnn9
· s~ A solid right clrcula · cone of altitude h = 12 fr1 . &... radius d'
. on hori:r.on\ol planes OS s how n . If lhe .ongle
rest r
lhe I ior-t
. of r1cr1on base 1 =3in . has i ts cen~erof grovity Con ·its geometric oidG at :lhe
ch bloc!<. ·1~ f F1.nd the mog0-Yiude g..._ d1~tron o . . eas di 6tance h/+ c 3 in . o~ t~ base . This cone rests on on incl ined ·
' ea tied 'to the upper bloc!<- that will induce s liding . plane AB, which makes ·on 01191e of 30° with the hori zon ta I &_for
. which_th~ c.eefflc1en~ of' fr-idion is µ.=o.f,. A hori~ntol force P
force p opp Ans. Pmin • (w1.tW2) s in'('.
, I
is applied to the vertex 0 or the cone &..obts in the 'vertical plane
of the f 1gu"' os . find the mo.ximurn 8tc:._ O') inimurn values of '
P consistent with equ'dibriurT) of the cone ·,r the weight w =
10 lb . Ans. Pma.>< ,,. 4.61 lb ; Prn1n" 0 ..590 lb.

) A .smooth cir-cu
. Ior r nder of weight 1Q &. rod.1us r is suppor-
rodiu~ ~
3 CY 1 •

ted · ....1- ooch of
by two oomlcirculor cylinUCl the .some . . .r en
ht ""'!2 OS Ghown . If the coomoent of' stoi1c fr-d1~ betwe
fl at '\'faces
•· of the sem1c . 1rculor
. cyl1.nders ~the hor1:wntol
. plane
t h on-
fi . r bet
which \hey rest is»-= 1/1 &.-. r-19 ion . w . .-.· t cen the eyl1nderG em
b . between
GelveG .1<:> neglOU =- / chtermine the rnox1mum · <.111s ance b l ../ \
th nter.s B ~c for which equilibrium w ·111 be p0(;SI e w, ou
e ce
the middle cylinder,. touching . °
· t I Plone .
the honi:on Chapter 6 !

· / ' /\nG. bmox 2.03 I 1.) In the case of' lhe tripod shown. there is no f'r ict ion between
the ends o f !he leqs &...., the floor on whic h they rest. To prevent

s lippingorthe legs their ends one connected by strings olon9
the lines AS, BC, '&._AC . Determine then the tensi le force S in ·

eoch ol these strings if each leg makes 30• with the

Pis o vertical load . Ans . S = 1/g P
p I
.+.) Referring Lo the figure the coefT1.cients or fr1'dion ore OS fol-

low: 0.25 a l. the floor. Q.3 ot the woll, ti\.,, 0 · 2 between b locks. f ind
u.._ . . ·~lue of'a horirontol force P opplied to the lower
rne m1n1mum v.... . .. . A P. . ,. e .2 1b
. b lock. thot will hold the {;)'Sfem in equ1hbnurn . ns. m1n· 1

2.) De ler rnine the forces pr oduced in the bors 1 to 6 , inclusive ,

ol lhe s poce truss shown , 0¥<";'19 to the action of four vertical
load c; P oppli'ed o.s shc:><vn . Ac eo ~ A'C' 0 ·o ' ore two squares
wi fh paralle l sides ol len gths a ~ 20 , res pec f ive l y, lY.. the

222 223
\ ,·

distonoe between hori zontol plones ACBO ~

A'B 'c'o' is 2a.
f\ns. S -== S =- 0.2.5 P; S3 =s,.. • -1.06P; Ss=Sio "0.
p p
.5.) ': pulley A of rodius o is Gupporf~d frorn \he foce of o
-.ert1col wall by two braces f\8&.._AC ioge-l~r w'tth a tie bar AO
a' a s shown. A fl e"ible cord ~AF
·1G fostef1(jld to the wolf at E,pas:
995 ~ver -the pulley, &.... can"'1es ot its end F a load ~· find the ·
tensile S produood 1·n ihe h e bor AO ·,r ..o • 1oolb a = 6 ·
b • .+ fl = 'I: l'1
, C · 7 :Z ' r ·
Ans. S = .!53 lb .
' in.

3) Find the tension 1 i.n each of \he guy wires BO ~BE of the ______ --=-::~··----· · ·-·-
crof\e loaded o s shown . /\n<o. T .== ..+.3etons , cach-

.. Chapter 7:
1~ /\ homogeneous slender wire 12 in . long is bent in lwo "r i-
ght on9I~ as shown . Determine the coordinates of '1\G cen-
+) A s trut AB o\\oched to the foce of o verhcol wollo\ A by ter of gravity . A~G. "- .n ; Ye= Zc = 0:67 in.
""' . . 2.0 1
o sph<'ricol hinge £\ands perpendicular \o the woll &... ·,s sup -
ported by two guy w ires of> shoV'l'll . At B . in o plane porollel to +"
~~ +· e·
\he wail , two fof>'".es P
1iool . Usin9
os shown. -E< be'1ng hor1"z.on1ol bi,_P; ver-
the rn~ihod of (l1()!Ylent~, flixl the oxiol forces pro- :i
... "

duced in the mernoors ·,f p " soo lb ~ \Q


4-00 lb .
Ans . S1 = 103 lb ; S2 = 162.5 lb; G3"' - 1 , 600 lb.

2 .) A steel shofl of or-culor crosG section hoG a circulor steel
hub presGed onto it OS shown . for tho dimension6 .;;hown in tho
flguf'e; de\er mine the diG\anc.e 1-c f rorn \he \er\ endor \he short
~o the center or ·g rovity c of the composite body. ,.
Ans. k;,r 6°2.8 in.

! "·:: .5.) Deter~ine i~· coordinate Ye of the center of grovi ~y of

a steel r1vef having the dimensions shown in Fig. H . Assume
the head of the rive~ to be hemispherico l. i
ti . ·I
16 "'/ Ans. Ye• 1.1s in.

3 .)/\ homogeneous body consists of o c'1rculor- ey\indricol por- Ye

hon or
rodius r oHoched too . hemispherical podion of rodius
r OS shQ'Nn . Oeterrnine \he height h of \he cy\inclricol pod ion ·,f'
HIO center of gravity ol \he composite body lies o t the center
cir-culor ,yiore fore or the hemi sphero.
c of ~the Ans. h A r/{2 I
·I T
41·' I

Chapter 8:
. J
1.) f 1'r.d the polor moment of inertio of on isosceles t r iongle
having bose b ~ oltitude h w ith respei:.t to its ope)( A .
An~ . Ja =bh3/4 t hbj'46
4 .) A homogeneous body cos'u;ts of o righ ~ c irculor coni col por-
. hon oHoched too hem·1spher'1ca l porhon or
rodiu ~ r os sh-
own . Determ ine the qltihx:le h or
\he cone ·,r
the .~nter of
9rovdy of the, composite bocly coincides w ith the centerC ot
the arculor base or
the cone : Ans. h ,. % r.

226 227 i
&~ ~olculate. the moment d(' inertia oft~ 0 ~0 of the angle
2) find the p0\or moment cf ined io of ihe shaded oreo
section hoVlng the dimensions shown in fig . /\ with respect ·,n figure v-i1\h respeot to poin~ 0 . 1o o c;entroidal oici'°. porollel to the y. o.xiG
Ans . J 0 = 0.27.+ ,. ....
Y 11-/ t\nG. I.,. "' s.~ in~

3 .) Ft'nd the polar moment of inertia of the oreo or

a circ.ulor
sector of rodiuG r 'iJ.... centrol angle ex w'dh respect to ds
Chapter 10:
center . Ans. Jo "o< r""/4 ·
1.) A body starts . to move verticol ~upword under the in-
fluence of gravity with on Initial velocity Xo = 2ofps. Find
(o~ lhe m()'J(imum height to which ·.t w'ill riGC. ?.,_ (b) the time
requirro for ·,t to return to 'tis initial po,Mion . 1ok.e the slot'\.
.,. . flng pOint os the origin so thot Xo • o ~ neglect ~ir resist ·
Ans . (o~ /Cmo,. • 6.2 f1: (b) t • 1.24 sec.


-...) Calculate the moment or

inert ia of the shaded /\rca in
fig. 0 w·1th r espect to the -x - a'X 1S. Ans. I,. c :26.83 in.""'

' ,
. i:!ll .

2.) A ~n:»1 n is moving dow n o slope of Q.CX)B with o veloc'dy of >· 4 .) The troin tr-ovel i1> from stat ion A. to station B which ·,s
30 rnph . /\t o certoin ins1ont the engineer oppli"e s the brokes 1 t<.m apart in o min'1mum time of one minule. If lhe t roin
'lit.._ proch..iccs o to to~ resistance to rnohon equal to one - tent h stods frorn red at sta tion A , &... occclerotcs o t 2 ..5 m/sec~
o( the weigM of the troin . Whoi distonce x w'1ll the troin continues ot consfont speed ~ decele r"Otes ot Q.5 m/s 2 un-
· trove I before stopping? /\ns. 'J. = 327 ft . . ti I ·, t sfop a t sto1 ion 5, f1ncl the r:no)( ;mum · speed ·,n Km/hr-.
How long did ·, t trove l at . this top .speed .
Ans . s ~ 60. 76 1<..m/hr. ; t = 7.6.39 S .


1 .,

3.) The depth of the' crater of the tool Volcano was colclJloted
in the following ~·o hner : From a helicopter flying vertically up-
won:J ol 6 m/s, ·a ,smoll bomb 'NOS rcleosed ot the inston~ the
helicopter was zorn. obove the crater surfoce. The oound 9r .5.) ."The motion of o portio le \s 9iven by the eqlJofion s= 4t

eitplosion wos ~ord 9 ~econds later. If thc•·speed of sound -'3t 2 +s t + 6 where s ·,G in fl . k. t iG in sec . C:Ompute ihe
or volues ot V ~ o when t • 1 sec.
·,s 335 m/s' what ·, ~ the depth
!he croter ?
Ans . depth" 240.2 m. Ans. v=11 O/s ; o =16 fl/s 2 l !




~) In figure ~low, o hammer of we'19ht W - 2 lb s 1orls from

· Chapter 11 :
1.) /\ motorcycle ?H.. rider of totol weight W = 50() lb travel
rest ot /\ &... shdes down 0
of fr . t . -
for which the r-r:· . 1
c.oen ICICl'lr
nc ion is µ. = 0.2. F.ind -the distonce x to fh . t D
·,I"! 0 vedicol plane with cor.stont speed v = ~mph olo~q .t c poin.
w here ·,t ht .s the ground . Ans. :>< = 14-.4 ft.
the cif"'Culor curve /\B of rQdius r "' 100011 , os shown. f ind
the reaction R eicerted ori the motorcycle by the trocl' os
·,1 posses the crest C of the ourve.
/\ns. R "' 432 lb.

4 .) In whot proportion will the maximum range of o pf'Qjec -

tile be increased ·, f the initial velocity ·,G inoreosed by
10 per cent ? Ans. 21 per cent .

. 2 .) The coefTlci.e0t of frlcfion ootwcc.n wet Olipholt po..,. ......-.

'it.., 1he tires of on outo~bile iG found to hove the .volue µ..
• o.w. At wl-Jt constant speed v con the automobile fro - ihe pilot of on oirplone f1y1ng hon':zontol ~
.s) In. the figure,
ly with constant speed V"' ~ rnph ot on elevation h =20000 ;I
vel around o curve of' rodius r- eoofl . w/out skidding ·1 f
obove a level ploin wishes to bo;nb a forget B on the gro-
ihe rood ·,5 level ? Ans. Ymo, = 49 mph .
tJnd . .At who~ ongle-e>- below the hori:c.ontol should he .see
the torget ot the instant of rel.easing the bomb in order '.!
to score o hit? Neglect oir resistonce . Ans. -e- .. 22• 12 •
,.. v

9-=(~--- -
' -'"' .
1 ;',,,_
', B
/flT7777777ij/)7/777777/,IT:ll/; /)7

232 233
3.) f\ slender but rigid semicircular wire Ot roi.Jius r iG
Gupported in its own vertical piano by o hinge ot 0 z.... o
smooth peg /\ as shown. It tho p09 Gtorts from O ~ rnoves
with c.onstont s peed 'lo· olonq the hor1.z.ontol '/.. 0')('1s·, find
the onglJlor vcloc"ity .& of tho w~rc ot tho '1nston ~ when fJ-
Chapter 12: ,, 60·. /\ns. -6 = Yo/r .
1.) lhc · ormoture o f on ·eloct r ic motor hos on ongulor
speed n"' 1800 rprn ol tho ·1nstont when the power is cut
ofT. (o~ If ·,I cornes to rest in 6 sec, colculote the ongulor
dcceler o tion o< assuming -\hot ·,t ·,s consiont . (n) How rno-
n'y complete rcvohAions docs the ormoture rnoke dur·1ng
tn1s ponod? 2
/\ns .(o) ex= 101T scc- ; ( b) go rev.

4:)For tho figure s hown w,...,. 8 rocl/G ; o<,... "' -1.s rod/st ; t ,.
2socs .. find the veloe1\y ~ occclcrotion of blocK C .
Ans. Ve= 12s rnm/s ; Oc: 37.5 mm/s2
¢" 100mm


2.) Considering the system in the f 1gur-c , dct~rm·1nc tho

voluo of fJ- for which the negative onqulor occoloro\ iol\
-& of the bor OA hos 'its rnox imurn voluc. A ns. fT., 30•

0 ~I
.!!.) For the figurn shown , o<. = 60 rod/s2. ~ S'" 6 m · How fosl
~he blocK C is rising . Ans. Ve c 14.7 m/s.

I 235
I '
,1 ·



3.) When o boll or

wo'1 ght W roGt On 0 spring of constant K.
·,t producos o static doncction of 1 in. How mvch will the
some boll cornpross the .Gprin9 ·,f ·,+ i~ droppc.d fromo height
h,. 1 ft? Hcg\oct tho mac;;G of tho spring Ans. <S:: 6 in.


Chapter 1.+ : 'i

1.) I\ bloc!<- of 'f"'Cight W ·,s in given on inif1ol vel<;x:ity Vo
010119 o rovgh ~rizontol p!ono ~ is brought to rost by fric-
tion in o distonco x . Octor mine the coefficient of f rictiori,
oGcouminq thal -.t ·,s independent of vcloe1\y. 11
2 /.

Ans. p. •Yo/ 29x

+.)I\ smoll b lock. of weight w=10 1b is given on 'i n itial velo- .~r
c ity Yo•10 fps down tho inclin~ plonc shown in figure . If
the cocrfici"cnt of frichon botwccn the pl one ~ .tho blocK· ,·ii

·,s µ. == o.a, f ind tho velocity v of -the block. al B oflcr ·,+ hos
\reveled o distoncod ~=.soft . Aru;. v=29.Sfps . 'I
2.) Determine the dynamica l deflection o that ·will bo pro- ·1

duce<::l ot the center of o simply supportod boom by allo-

wing o '4;000 lb woi9ht to drop onto ·,t from o hoight of'
4 in . Whon gradually opplied, the same load produces o
static deflection of 0·1 in . NC.(Jlect the mosoG or
tho boorri .
Ans. c5 • 1.00 in . I

!I.)If tho syst~rn in figurv is re1eoscd from roc;t '1n tho eon-
flgurotion shown · by solid lineG, fi'nd tho rno1<imum d iGtonce
h -\hot tho weight P will foll . Neglect frichon "*..assume
·thot the pulleys A '*-. B aro very smo ll .
Ans. h • 4P~t/(4~~-p2) . 3) A mon wc.1ghing 1so lb runs~ jumpi; from o p'1cr into o
boo~ wi~h o horiz.ontol velocit y Y1-= 10 fps. A~uming .tha t the
impoct i'7 en t ire ly ploshc, fi'nd ~he velocit y w i th whic h. the
man ~ boot will move owoy from the pier ·, f the boot weigh
200 lb. Ans . v. "4.3 fps .

,.: ~
Chapter 1.5: ' , 4) A golf boll dropped from rest onlo o corncn t Giclewolk
. 1.)A locomotive weighing 60 tons hos o volocity of' 10 mph~ rebour:ids eight-tonths of the hciqht through which 'it foll .
txlcks into o froight o:J.r weighing 10 tons thot•1s ot rest on o Heglcding o'1r ros istoncc, determine the cocfT1c icnt of .
level trocK · Aftif' c.ouphng is rnodc, with wbot voloe1ty v rc:Gtit ution . Ans. e "'o.9.
will the enfiro .s~,stem c.ontinue to move? Neglect oll friction.
Ans· .v " 8.57 mph.


2.) A ""'ood block wc'1ghing. .5 1b ros;ts on o ..smooth horizon - l

tol surfocc . /\ revolver bullet weighing 1h oz i~ .Shot hor·, - I
:z:.on\olly into tho s ide of the block . If the b.lock. oltoins a
velooity of 10 f p~ whot WOG the muzzle vcloc'1ty V or the Ir
Ans . v s1010 fps.
I. l
239 ll
238 II
.. )

s.) In +he figure shown, a small oar of we igh~ w starts

from ~t 6t A "'·rollG w ithout frict ion ' olorig on inclined
plonc to B where ·,t ic; ..str'i k.os.· o b lock. ol~o of' wo'1ght W
~ in itial ly a t reGf. /\ssvming o p lost ic irnpoor ~. B , tho
·car '/,t,... block w ill movc. frorn B to C o,G one podiclc. If the .
. cooff1cicnt or fric tion between th~ .b locK. ~piano :1c; ,µ.. ...
1/tZ. , colcl) lo te the cliGfo nce 'X to point£ where tho bodicG
c:Omo to rost . · An.s. x"" 14.2 ft .


~i ';

1,1 ..
j /1
,.-· ti
ii /'
~ /
I !.
i I






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