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Topic Discussion

• What is Philosophy
• What is Logic
• Importance of Logic
• From the Greek terms philos meaning love and sophia
meaning wisdom or knowledge
• Definition originated from Pythagoras who taught of man
as a lover of wisdom
• Search for meaning
• investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality,
knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather
than empirical methods (American Heritage Dictionary)
Fields of Philosophy
• Practical Philosophy
• Logic: the science and art of correct thinking
• Ethics: study of standards of right and wrong
• Axiology: study of nature, types, criteria and status of human
• Speculative Philosophy
• Epistemology: concerned with human knowledge,
• Metaphysics: concerns with the fundamentals of existence or
• Aesthetics: philosophical inquiry on beauty
• Greek word
• logos which means study, reason or discourse
• logia which means argument
• logike which means act of reasoning

• The science and art of correct thinking


• Why logic can be understood/implied as a

science and art

• What is correct thinking

• As a science, logic implies that:
• It’s a body of systematized knowledge
• It investigates, discourses, expresses, systematizes and
demonstrates the laws of correct thinking (Gualdo,2000)

• As an art
• Logic guides man’s reasoning so he can proceed with order
and ease and without error in the constructive activity of
making definitions of terms, propositions and inferences.
• Correct thinking

• Operative act of mind or mental operation that

coherently connects ideas, judgments and
Logic is a philosophical tool that helps
in the formation of ideas, comparing
them through accurate judgment and
critically inferring from them valid
and sound conclusions.
• Observations: From observations we establish
• Facts: from facts, we make
• Inferences: To test the validity of inferences, we make:
• Assumptions: from assumptions, we form:
• Opinions: To make opinions credible and acceptable, we employ
principles of logic to develop
• Arguments: Challenging arguments of others, we use
• Critical or logical analysis: To challenge the given observations,
facts, inferences, assumptions and opinions in the argument.
Importance of Logic
• Contributes to the quality of human life to improve human
• Art and science of creative thinking is helpful in the practice of any
professions, and in analyzing or making decisions in one’s daily life
• Builds confidence in oneself and provides man a sense of
directions, order, validity truth, and accuracy
• Helps us avoid making conclusions based on false and biased

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