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A Detailed Lesson Plan

English 1

I. Objectives
1. Identify nouns used in the story.
2. Construct sentences using the given words.
3. Increase appreciation in the importance of nouns.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Nouns
Story: Celebrating New Year around the World
b. References: New Dynamic Series in English 1 pp 30-31
c. Materials: charts, box, pictures

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
Good morning, children! Good morning, teacher!
What is the weather today class? It is sunny day.

A. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
What do we celebrate every first
day of the year or January 1? New Year’s Day, teacher.
You’re right!
Do you know that not all countries
celebrate New Year on January 1?
Yes. I have a story entitled Really teacher?
“Celebrating New Year around the World”.
Before that, what will you do when you
listen to a story?
Sit properly.
Keep quiet.
So, are you ready to listen to the Listen carefully.
You should listen carefully for you to Yes, teacher.
answer the questions and lesson for today.

2. Presentation
From the story “Celebrating New
Year around the World”, we will look for
words used that we call nouns.
(Shows the title of the topic).
What is our lesson for today? Our lesson for today is about nouns.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Let’s find the meaning of these
words used in the story first.
Read the words used in the story and
as well as their meanings.
(The teacher will show pictures for
each word.) 1. Festive – it means joyful.
2. Traditional – it means inherited or
customary pattern of thought or
3. Markers – writing instruments.
4. Firecrackers - paper tubes
containing an explosive to make a
5. Shofar – ram’s horn trumpet.

4. Reading the Motive Questions

Before we go to the story, read the
questions for you to answer later. 1. What is Happy New Year in
2. What is Happy New Year in
3. What is Happy New Year in
4. What is Happy New Year in
5. Do the countries around the
world celebrate New Year’s
Day in the same day and way?

5. Reading the Story

The teacher will tell the story using
the pictures and charts.

6. Answering the Questions

Read question number 1 aloud and
answer it. (Call a learner) (Read the question) Happy New Year
in Denmark is Godt Nytar (god
Very good! Let’s give him/her five
festive claps. Next question (call a learner). (Read the question) Happy New Year
in Belgium is Bonne Annee (bon an-
You’re right! Let’s give him/her five
festive claps. Next question (call a learner). (Read the question) Happy New Year
in China is Xin nien quai ler! (seen
yen qwai la).
You got it! Let’s give him/her five
festive claps. Next question (call a learner). (Read the question) Happy New Year
in Israel is Shanah tovah (shah-nah
Awesome, you’re right! Let’s give
him/her five festive claps. Next question
(call a learner). (Read the question) No, the countries
around the world celebrate New
Year’s Day in different day and ways.
Nice answer! Let’s give him/her five
festive claps.

7. Discussion
What is our lesson again today? Our lesson for today is about nouns.
Yes, it is. So, who among you here
knows what are nouns? (none of them)
Nouns are names of person, place,
thing, animal, and event.
From the story we had read, let’s
identify the nouns. Let’s start with person.
Can you give the names of persons We have Lauren, John, Lupita, Greta,
used in the story? (call a learner) Jean Pierre, David, Li Wei and Ta

Very good! How about the names of We have Denmark, Belgium, China,
places used in the story? (call a learner) North Carolina and Israel.

Awesome! Who can give the names We have markers, papers, pans, pots,
of things used in the story? (call a learner) peas, rice, firecrackers, bamboo, apple
and honeys.
Very good! How about the names of
animals mentioned in the story? (call a
learner) We have ram and dragon.

Nice answer! But I want you to know

that dragon is just a mythical animal, which
means it is only imaginary. They are only
using it in stories.
And last but not the least, what event
did we talk about in the story? (call a
learner) We have New Year’s Day.

Very good! Let’s give everyone a

Wow! Galling! Clap. Wow! Galing! Wow! Wow! Galing!
Galing! 2x WOW!

Let the learners read the definition of

nouns again. In each classified name, let
them read the given examples, too.

8. Fixing Skills
Let’s have an exercise. Each one of
you will pick a paper here in the box then
use the picked word or noun in a sentence.
(call the first learner) (Picked one paper)
What is the noun you picked? The noun I picked is Cow.
Used it in a sentence. A cow helps the farmer in the farm.
Amazing! (Then the other learners
will do the same way).

9. Generalization
What are nouns? Nouns are names of person, place,
thing, animal and event.
Well said! Let’s have a barangay
clap for everyone.
IV. Evaluation
Read the words carefully. Sort and classify each given noun.
Lizard Friend School Mother
Market Birthday Cellphone
Bottle Christmas Day Chicken

Person Place Animal Thing Event

V. Assignment
Draw ten examples of nouns with their names below them. Put it on a bond paper and
color it properly.
Republic of the Philippines
Region I




April 25, 2018

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