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During EDSA Revolution 2, a successful protest against Pres. Estrada happened.

Text messaging
was so popular back then that they used group text to disseminate the info about the protest
against the former President.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has come a

long way and became an influencer in several momentous events in Philippine

History. Some of these events are the following:

1. The walk-out

of electronic voting tabulators during the 1986 Presidential Snap Elections.

2. Due to ICT,

particularly radio and television, people were informed of the massive protest

action on EDSA, which came to be known as the 1986 People Power Revolution.

3. More

recently, massive and significant protest actions were mobilized, such as the

anti-Pork Barrel Protests and #MarcosNotAHero protest actions due to ICT,

particularly the internet and social media.

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