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Annie Little

Class: Intro to Family Consumer Sciences

Unit: Sewing
Lesson: Buttonhole
Date: October 10, 2019

Strand 2: Students will discuss and participate in hands-on skill development related to clothing
construction, fashion, textile technology and careers.
Strand 2, Standard 1: Demonstrate the skill to use and care for the sewing machine, serger and
other specialty sewing machines.
Strand 2, Standard 4: Learn basic industry based sewing techniques to construct textile
projects, buttonhole and attach a button (*STEM: Math, Engineering, Technology).

Students will understand the important steps of creating a buttonhole.
Students will create a buttonhole by the end of class.

Relationship to Structure:
This can help them with applications that they have previously learned, as well as ones that they
will be learning pretty soon as well as real life skills. They can know know how when needed to
sew on a button and add it to fashion items.

Materials Needed:
-Denim fabric
-Fabric making tool/markers
-Button foot
-Projector to show video
-seam ripper
-Sewing Packets

Some students may think that you can use the regular foot to sew the buttonhole or think they
use a different kind of stitch.

Student will have already needed to know how to thread the machine, and the basics of sewing,
now they will add on to that with something a little more advanced.

Last week we went over sewing on a button, today I expect you will be able to know how to do a
buttonhole by the end of class today. I just have a few things we need to go over first.

Instructional Activities:
Sewing on a button - 35-40 min

First we are going to watch the first few minutes of this video showing how to thread your
machines as there is something a little bit different, and I am going to explain on what you will
be doing.

We will all be doing a 1’ button today. but know if you needed to do a different size, you could,
you would just add a ⅛ inch or enough room for your shank. Make sure you use your seam
gauge to measure your 1 inch.

Have one row of machines get their feet, fabric, and mark at the one foot mark where they will
put their button hole.
Have the other row thread their machines like normal expect for their bobbins.
Also instruct them and make sure they know how to change the foot on their machines.

Once everyone is back in their seats, have them quiet, and show the part of the video demo
how to do the button. Start at 2:26 and stop at 3:59.

Go around and make sure students are doing it correctly, and see if they have any questions.

When you are done, help someone around you and see if others need help.

Wrap - up:
When the warning/clean-up bell rings, we have extra tasks we need to get done today. I need
you to finish with your botton hole, and when you are done, staple it to your packet and then you
will turn in your packets today. If not, you can come in during knights to finish. I need you to
return the foots where you got them and unthread your machines which include the bobbin top.
Also, if you could help clean up the general area when you are done.

student- Either I, Mrs Weaver, or I will have someone else help him after I give instruction get
his machine threaded and be with him to help him sew.
There are others that I know will constantly want my attention and am happy to help them, but
know I also need to help others so need to be better about sharing my time with everyone.

For their assessment, they will be completing it for their sample. With the way it is taught, I am
hoping that no one will mess up too badly that they will have to re due it like the other samples
that are given them.

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