Knock Knee & Its Treatment

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What is Knock-Knee?
Genu valgum, commonly called "knock-knee", is a condition in which the knees angle in and touch one another when
the legs are straightened. Individuals with severe valgus deformities are typically unable to touch their feet together
while simultaneously straightening the legs. The term originates from the Latin genu, "knee", and valgus which
actually means bent outwards, but in this case, it is used to describe the lower portion of the knee joint which bends
outwards and thus the upper portion seems to be bent inwards. Mild knock-knee is diagnosed when a person
standing upright with the feet touching also shows the knees touching.

Why is it not acceptable in Defense Forces?

Adults with uncorrected genu valgum are typically prone to injury and chronic knee problems such as
chondromalacia (inflammation of the underside of the patella and softening of the cartilage) and osteoarthritis
(breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone). These in turn can cause severe pain and problems in walking.

What is the treatment of Knock Knees?

The best way to correct knock knees in adults is to strengthen the knee by doing a series of exercises like seated
quadriceps contraction, leg strengthening exercises and hamstring curls. Be sure to select exercises that work to
strengthen the muscles in your knee and not ones that put a lot of stress on the knee like running or mountain
climbing because these types of exercises can actually damage the knee instead. Being overweight can also cause
knock knees and because of this fact a good way to treat knock knees is to bring your weight down to a normal level.
Excess weight can add a lot of stress to your knee only making the knock knee condition worse.

Candidates with little knock knees can start exercising and yoga to cure this problem, few of the exercise and
treatments for knock knees include taking vitamin D and calcium supplements, vitamin C supplements. Virasana, or
hero pose, is effective in treating flat feet and knock knees. Keep a block between thighs and try to move your legs
as close as you can, hold it for 3 mins, keep repeating. In a standing position, bring the legs 4 feet apart and stretch
the arms out to the side. Turn the right toes to the right and deeply bend the right knee. Activate the arches and
keep the right knee touching the wall. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

If you have tried these various methods and have had no results, then surgery may be the right answer for you.
Usually for adults instead of corrective surgery being done, most doctors will recommend an entire knee
replacement as the best surgery to correct knock knees.

Admin – Arslan Abid – ISSB Tests Preparation Forum

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