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Service sheet complete:

LIFT -----------------------------------
office use only


Service to be carried out I.A.W. Service check sheet and Knapp service manual.

OSR 32: M Date:

P Engineers:
Start time:
Finish time:

Toothed belt Frequencies: Actual Corrected Actual Corrected

Lift Drive Lift: 44-48Hz
Drive: 60-64Hz

Before starting work run the equipment manually to listen for any noises and correct operation.

Check operation of all emergency stops.
Check operation of fortress interlocks.

Access Equipment:
Check access ladders and trap doors.
Check servicing areas e.g. service flap
Check frame work fixings.

Check the energy chain and track.
Check the tension, tracking and condition of toothed lift belt. 46Hz
Check the tension, tracking and condition of the toothed drive belt.62Hz
Check the condition of toothed pulleys.
Check that the isolator is working correctly.
Check the brake motor.
Check the eccentric guide wheels.
Check the functionality of the fork sensor.
Check the vertical gap sensors.
Check the buffer stops.

Lift Platform:
Check the tension and condition of the transport belt.
Check the alignment of sensors.
Check the condition of the nylon drive sprockets and shaft.
Check the drive motor.
check the pneumatics for any leaks and correct operation.

Buffer In/Out :
Check the tension and condition of the transport belt.
check the condition of the nylon drive sprocket and shaft.
Check the pneumatics for leaks and correct operation.
Check the reflectors for any damage and clean.
Check security of main switch cabinet and change panel filters
Visually check wiring for signs of damage.
Check all lights are working on the traffic lights.
Check the main air valve for leaks and functionality.

Part No of parts fitted:

Job No. Part Description Part No. Quantity


If not released - reason for refusal and signature from Captain of the Bridge
Buffer Belts








Please put a cross in the ones which need replacing

Please put a tick in the ones which have been replaced

Part number : SL065484_01_000002

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