The Equations of The Currents in Two Parallel Connected Electric Devices Are I1

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1. The equations of the currents in two parallel connected electric devices are i 1 = 11.

3 sin (377t +
π/4) and i2 = 8.5 sin (377t - π/4). What is the rms value of the resultant current?
A. 10 A
B. 14 A
C. 19.8 A
D. 14.14 A
2. Three parallel circuits take the following currents: i1 = 5 sin 314t; i2 = 30 sin (314t + π/2); i3 = 25
in (314t – π/2). The expression of the total current i.
A. 25 sin (314t + π/3)
B. 7.071 sin (314t + π/4)
C. 10 sin (314t – π/6)
D. 5 sin (314t – π/3)
3. At a junction of three branches, two currents i1 and i2 are entering while i3 is leaving the junction.
If i1 = 5 cos ( wt + 30°) and i3 = 3.5 sin (wt + 60°), find i2 as a cosine function.
A. 4.44 cos ( wt - 110°) A
B. 3.72 cos ( 9wt - 110°) A
C. 3.72 cos ( wt - 107°) A
D. 4.44 cos ( wt - 107°) A
4. Two electric devices X and Y are connected in parallel and the rms currents in X is 15 A. If the
current in Y lags behind X by 60° and the line current is 23.4 A, determine the current in Y.
A. 10 A
B. 18 A
C. 15 A
D. 12 A
5. A 400-V, 200 Hz ac source is connected in series with a capacitor and a coil whose resistance and
inductance are 20 m Ω and 6 mH, respectively. If the circuit is at resonance, find the capacitance
of the capacitor.
A. 105.54 µF
B. 110.22 µF
C. 120.24 µF
D. 118.28 µF
6. An RLC series is connected to a 200 V, AC source. If Q factor of the circuit is 10, then voltage
across C at resonance is
A. 200 V
B. 20 V
C. 2000 V
D. 2 V
7. A 200 µH coil has a Q of 250 at resonance frequency of 800 kHz. The effective resistance of the
coil is
A. 1 Ω
B. 4 Ω
C. 2 Ω
D. 8 Ω
8. A coil whose resistance and inductance are 5 Ω and 32 mH, respectively is connected in series with
a 796 pF capacitor. Determine the bandwidth.
A. 22.4 Hz
B. 24.9 Hz
C. 29.5 Hz
D. 33.1 Hz
9. A filter is in the form of series RLC circuit designed to operate at a resonant frequency of 5 kHz,
included within the filter is a 20 mH inductance and 10 Ω resistance. Determine the bandwidth of
the filter.
A. 74.4 Hz
B. 82.2 Hz
C. 70.7 Hz
D. 79.6 Hz
10. An RLC series circuit resonant at 2000 kHz has a Q of 100. What will be its upper side frequency
A. 2010 kHz
B. 2015 kHz
C. 2020 kHz
D. 2005 kHz


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