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RES #18-013

Approving the sale of four (4) vacant lots in Edison Shores for $10,500.00.

WHEREAS, the City has received two (2) offers for the four vacant parcels located at Edison
Shores Court (74-06-935-0061-000, 74-06-935-0062-000, 74-06-935-0063-000 and 74-06-935-0064-
000); and

WHEREAS, according to a market survey performed by JoAnn Wine & Associates it is the
City’s understanding that the vacant lots are valued at $2,500.00 per lot: and

WHEREAS, based upon this analysis a purchase offer was received by the Edison Shores
Condominium Association to purchase the four (4) vacant lots for $10,000.00 or $2,500.00 per vacant
lot; and

WHEREAS, the City received a second purchase offer made by Stephen D. Witt, Sanctum
Contracting, to purchase the four (4) vacant lots for the total amount of $10,500.00;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Port Huron City Council does hereby approve
the sale of the vacant parcels located at Edison Shores Court, to be conveyed to Stephen D. Witt,
Sanctum Contracting, for the amount of $10,500.00, in the terms set forth in the purchase agreement and
contingent upon the purchaser being current in their obligations to the City concerning any special
assessments and/or property taxes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is authorized to execute any documents
necessary to finalize the sale of the properties.

Mayor Pro Tem Ashford moved, seconded by Councilmember Harris, for the adoption of the resolution
approving the sale of the four (4) vacant lots in Edison Shores for $10,500.00

Councilmember Archibald moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ashford, to amend the above motion by
adding a fallback clause stating if Sanctum Contracting fails to build the condos within 24 months, the
property will revert back to the City and be conveyed to the Edison Shores Condominium Association
for their original purchase offer of $10,000.00 or $2,500.00 per vacant lot.

The motion to amend the resolution was adopted as follows:


MOVER: Sherry L. Archibald, Councilmember
SECONDER: Anita R. Ashford, Mayor Pro Tem
YES: Repp, Ashford, Archibald, Harris, Lamb, Ruiz, Worden

The motion to adopt the resolution, as amended, was approved as follows:

Submitting Dept: City Manager RES #18-013 February 12, 2018

MOVER: Anita R. Ashford, Mayor Pro Tem
SECONDER: Ken D. Harris, Councilmember
YES: Repp, Ashford, Archibald, Harris, Lamb, Ruiz
NO: Worden

Submitting Dept: City Manager RES #18-013 February 12, 2018

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