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DARKOATH CHIEFTAIN A Darkoath Chieftain has set his feet upon the path to glory or damnation. His every deed is meant to win the favour of the gods. This barbarous warrior has slain mighty rivals, bested great beasts, and torn down the enclaves of Order and light wherever he has found them. NZ MELEE WEAPONS “Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage 5 War Axe 1 4 * Broadsword 3 at a pr DESCRIPTION ABILITIES ‘A Darkoath Chieftain ea sn Berserker Charge: A Darkoath Chieftain Quest for Glory: Keep track of the number igarmed with amighty Broadsword, Some makes 6 attacks with his Broadsword of wounds inficted by this model during Darkoath Chieftains also carrya War Axe. instead of the battle Ifthe total reaches 8 or more, you can add I toall hit rolls made for thie ‘model for the remainder ofthe battle. IE ‘he total reaches 16 or more, you can add 1o all wound rlle made for this model sewell, DOOMSEEKER tis said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing cinders with every war cry, and the wrath of the forge burns in his glare. This is no dishonourable mercenary, but a religious crusader whose word is his bond. con MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit” To Wound Rend” Damage A Fyrstel Throwing Axe Tas ks 1 "i MELEE WEAPONS ge Attacks To Hit To Wound) Rend Damage \3 Bani War iron Y seas? te 5 1 . aici Ta: a lini ~ ene WT as DESCRIPTION ABILITIES [ADoomeckeris single mode. He RanicPower ifs Doomseckeslaysany__Oathbound: At the start ofthe Sst isarmed with aR Doomsecker Axe, supply of Fyrestel Throw atthe ene models, add! tothe Damage ofits War battle round, pick an enemy unit that t iron ntl the end ofthe following tara. Doomsecker has sworn to destroy. It nite within 3 of the Doomseeker afer Goaded to Fary: You can add 1 to allhit 1s made ie attacks in the combat de for Doomeeeker ithe hae hase, he can pile in and atack fora ‘wounds second time e; EXCELSIOR WARPRIEST ‘This courageous mortal man has taken up arms to protect Sigmar’ faithful from Chaos, and has been gifted with the power to summon forth the divine light of Sigmar, With this holy radiance he scours away the abominations of Chaos ‘even as he heals the wounds of his comrades in battle. el ge Gi | EAE MELEE WEAPONS ‘Aitacks Te Hit” Te Wound Ren | a Ey a TIE EET 2S 1 | 8 a ee eta ; DESCRIPTION ABILITIES Anxclicr Warpienisasnglemodel Light Sigmar Inyourherophuse the Divine Power: An Excldor Warps can eclsarmedihs Wartammerblenedby Warpresteinhold isbookel Sars. attempt o nbied | peli cacheneay Sigmar hil eee ce tghs and pny cathe aie NR ceoianoar Wha pore Rlagfof lou dos ale dce On a cae c Libs Wore or cok eM eo eee oe | wthie Ov ifyoupckeds endiyunie it an aucelger Warps youeanitveu ll Tralst wound (ie Warplesendftendly yuh medial se up one 7 | CnventalshealD3weundslosiaD. "ound wikia shin Ityeudesa te ed Tyas peded eeesarean Resse ie Iaglcoeloaely ceael 9 Soe arial wound (Gaaos units sufer D3 ‘Worpriest. A Gryphhound that ls bound "iif Peakeeteaen teen Ector Wispecit mates 4 tack witht Beak tnd Clow rather haa 2 thetaret ani win 3 toe ero Ware -ELESTIAL, DEVOTED OF SIGMAR, HERO, PRIEST, EXCELSIOR WARPRIEST GRYPH-HOUNDS Gryph-hounds are pack hunting creatures from the realm of Azyr, noble beasts that detest corruption. Their sharp senses pierce deception as easily as their beaks and claws shred the flesh of the unfaithful. Packs of Gryph-hounds are Known to ally themselves to those fighting for ajust cause, and they offer loyal protection to their companions. Gi oe = - cD (MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks Toit To Wound Rend Damage 2.) Beakand Claws TFS AREY 4s 5 1 3 yt tr rr DESCRIPTION ABILITIES AvnitofGryphshounde canhave any Loyal Companion: Once Gryph hound Warning Cry: Iti sad that itis ‘number of models They savage theirfoc has bonded with a companion itil impossible to snk up ona Gryph hound ‘with thei razor-sharp Beaks ans imi0" of it within defend them to the dest rakes 4 attacks with ite Beak and Claw fan enemy unit is set up wit his unit roll two dice. Any’ Tater than 2ifthetargetnitis within?” tht many inches tthe Geypebeinddih cla Lonp-CasTattasT iletelta bene oats pee ‘ arlticbtre ecae eee Ss Darting Attacks: Gryph hounds attack thought wee your shooting hare its, KNIGHT-QUESTOR | Knights. Questor have vowed to stand as shields between the denizens of the Mortal Realms and the depredations of ‘Chaos. It falls to these heroes to undertake great quests in Sigmar’s name. They adventure across the realms and beyond. | slay terrible enemies or recover arcane artefacts whose power can turn the tides of war. | | - a MELEE WEAPONS “Range Attacks’ To Hit” To Wound Rend Damage | Warbade TI EE ATEN } a Meme At a DESCRIPTION ABILITIES AKnight-Questorisa single model He Heroic Challenge: Ifa Knight Questoris__Sigmarite Shield: You can re-roll failed is armed with Warblade and carries within 6 ofan enemy Higa then chosen save roll forthe model, Sigmarite Shield to fightin the combat phase, he ean pile ing instead of 5 butmustendtspilein _Thundercharged Strike: Add tothe move within I' ofthat Hxo, You can e- damage inflicted by Knight : roll failed bitsollsfora Knight-Questorif_Warblade ifthe wound: the targetisa Hao, war 6 or more | MISTWEAVER SAIH A Mistweaver Saih isa powerful enchantress. Drifting amidst a swirling, sorcerous haze, she flickers in and out of sight at will, sowing confusion and paranoia amongst those who have drawn her ire. Amidst the carnage the aelven ‘enchantress remains disturbingly serene, the eye at the heart ofa storm of illusory horror and bloodshed. ARS eS DESCRIPTION ‘A Mictweaver Sat ia single model. She is armed with an Aelven Blade in one Ihand and carries a Mistweaver' Stall inthe other that can enshroud her ‘glimmering hare MAGIC [A Mistweaver Sath i a wizard. She com pt foun iy hero phase. A Mistweaver Saih knows the Arcane Bot, Mystic Shield and Illusory Assault spell ABILITIES ‘Glimmermist: Once per turn, when this model is chosen a the target for an attack, the Mistweavercan ute her staffto shroud Iherselfin a magical mist, When she does 40, ber Save is increased to 1+ against that attack, PEGI ovr, artsteno,wizano,sustweaven sat ‘MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit ‘Adlven Blade Tz 3 Mistweaver's Sta a 1 cil a ee Tian if B Mo 2 ILLUSORY ASSAULT ‘The Mistweaver twist the perceptions other victims with ever more horrfc ‘kusions, sending them into a panicked frenzy of violent self-destruction Ilusory Assault ha «carting value of successfully cust, pick a within 24° that is visible roll three dice. Ifthe totale greater than, chat unit's Bravery, it suifers DS mortal ‘wounds. Ifthe total is atleast double that Bravery, it sufers D6 mortal wounds instead, WARSCROLL TENEBRAEL SHARD A Tenebrael Shard is a killer of superlative skill. Fast beyond belief, supernaturally agile and ominously silent, the Shard closes upon his prey as fast as thought and ends theis lives with callous efficiency. None know whether he is an assassin, a spy, or simply a terrifying force of nature, but to stand in his path means certain death. | THRE WEAPONS "Wage" Aas Tot To Woand Head” Damage = | ded Bh fe. ae ae sy Re | a es ee | angeles “+ DESCRIPTION apiuiries RiccatSnd es sglennd Hee Sndvate Rl df Gis lien ou mata Seton ait cht hae ace mioccroree ites teeied a games Pann hs aera sca ance ioe nee Tea ites italy Picea fad tele sekt enta hard Suatiaceinaali” Mpvhpmeliindcaabe pace ae Sree ene | caer eee | fara oe te WARSCROLL BLUE HORRORS OF TZEENTCH ‘When a Pink Horror is wounded it emits a piercing squeal and immediately splits into two Blue Horrors. Casting. vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them with mystical fires, the Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousins are gleeful and capricious. "MISSILE WEAPONS Range Altacks To Hit” To Wound Rend Damage Magical Flames w" 1 4 4 1 : MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit Te Wound Rend Damage ‘Taloned Hands 1 st Se DESCRIPTION ‘A.unit of Blue Horrors of Tzeentch has 2 formore models. They at thei enemies o slash a th ~ Taloned Hands end ofthat phase (afer all other Ifa rule causes whole unit of Pink have performed their actions and rs to be removed at once (excluding ade their attacks), Two Blie Horrore shock), you can immediatly createa recreated for each sain Pink Horror snit of Blue Horrors, just before eemoving ‘here already friendly Blue Horror unit the last model from the Pink Horrors unit within 6 ofthe Pink Horrore, add the Blue The unit of Bix Horrors has two models ABILITIES Horrors o that unit, otherwise set them for each model in the unit ofPis Split: Ifa friendly unit ofPink Horrors uparanevunitwithin "of the unit of atthe point at which itis remo suffers any casualties during aero, Pink Horrors. shooting or combat phaze the dain the last model from the Pink Horrors uni. Horrors will split and create Blue Horrors WARSCROLL | BRIMSTONE HORRORS OF TZEENTCH | Whena Blue Horror is wounded it vanishes in a cloud of smoke, and is replaced with a pair of Brimstone Horrors. Peep tite sprites forme froma living fic, there diainatve Daron leap and crackle as they worry tei enesle shins and set fie to their battle garb. MISSILE WEAPONS Range Altacks To Hit” To Wound Rend Damage ; Magical Flames 2 2 5+ 5 1 MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage 23 ‘Taloned Hands 2 5+ 6 DESCRIPTION ABILITIES AvunitofBrimstone Horrors of Tzeentch Split Again: fa friendly unit of Blue Ifa rule causes a whole unit of ve rt be removed at once (exchding ‘leshoel), you can immediatly create unit of Brimstone Horrors fart before he lat model from the Blue Horrors suffers any casualties du hero, shooting or combat phase, Horrors wi de their attacks). One models ae foreach slain Blue Horror ~if che unit of Pink Horvore att iendly Brimstone riick iis fesse erm ‘with all model within 6" ofthe lst model from the Blue Horrors unt. add the Brimetone Horrors to that un ree teeta eters 6 ofthe unit of Blue Horrors. : WARSCROLL AUNT SUMMONER AND CHAOS FAMILI of Tzeentch, Weird magical familiars caper at the Daemon's heels, each one a focus for the powers of sorcery: age whose presence further bolsters the might of their lering master. Re /EAPONS, Range Attacks To Hit” To Wound) Rend Damage ANCE: ear URE 3 Deas) ress wenrons ange Ataks Tot To Wonnd Red Damage | 8 ‘Warptongue Blade r 1 3+ 4+ > ‘See below GY srmcnneesine asec DESCRIPTION Macic ee eee y ee ABILITIES value of 8. If successfully cast, pick an_ Sammoneriswithin 9" ofaReatmears the save rolls of enemy models that are {he easter, Roll 1 dice for every model in atthestartofits movement phase itcan within 3" of the Gaunt Summoner, aslong the target unit thats within 18" the unit ‘summon anitof CHAOS DazMons to ashes accompanied by Slop. suffers 1 mortal wound foreach rol of4 the batlefield, adding i to your army. for more. Roll 3 dice foreach Monst5n or Place the unit so that all models are within Blot Add 1 tothe casting roll for ‘Wan Macunnx in the target unit rather ofthe Realmgate and more than 3" the Gaunt Summoner aslong ashe is than only 1 dice ‘way ftom any enemy-units Thieiethe accompanied by Blo. ‘nummoned units move for the movement phase ‘Pug: Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls that target the Gaunt (Chaos Familiare: The Gaunt Summoner Summonerin the combat phase, along as issccompanied by four Chaos Familiats: he is accompanied by Pag. ‘Tweak Slop, Blot and Pug. Whenever the Gaunt Summoner is setup ot fnishet ‘Warptongue Blade: The body of anyone cut ‘move, place each surviving Familiar bya Warptongue Blade is wracked with ‘within I’ of him. The range to or from, sickening and uncontrollable mutations. theGauntSummoner can be measured __If Warpongue Blade inflicts damage on tohis own model or toany ofhis Chaos an enemy unt roll two dice. Ifthe roll is Famillars When wound isinficed higher than the enemy units Bravery, one ‘upon the Gaunt Summoner, the attacker _model sn the units slain. Otherwise, the ‘an choose forthe wound tocither affect blade inflicts | wound, the Gaunt Summoner normally or for CHAOS, DAEMON, MORTAL, TZEENTCH, ARCANITES, EVERCHOSEN, HERO, WIZARD, GAUNT SUMMONER AND CHAOS FAMILIARS. WARSCROLL —— GROT SCUTTLINGS Grot Scuttlings are wily and tribal, half-arachnid greenskins whose poisons and webs are the bane of the unwary. ‘Though individually weak and cowardly, when massed in great swarms the Scuttlings can overwhelm even the greatest of warriors, before dragging their venom-bloated corpses away to dangle in their carrion webs, NMGSSHLEWEAPONS 7 "TWaage Alia" To Hil To Woead” Rend” “Damage 3 Matis Bow TR RE MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Mit Te Wound) Rend Damage ‘Stabba 7 ‘ St + 1 } 3 Two stabbas i pithae st ore ‘ | = | (iliecidilhlaas inl cit it ela ote al DESCRIPTION ABILITIES Avni of Grot Seutlingshas 8 or more ‘models. Bach unit fights witha variety Grote are armed ba and a Grot Spear, and some are armed. ‘witha Stabbs anda Huntin’ Bow. . Poisoned Weapons: You can r-roll wound rolls of for a Grot Seating Tangling Webs: Ifa unit of Grot Scutlings har or more models, your opponent must subtract from any hit rolls they make againat tin the combat phase, KAIRIC ACOLYTES ‘Marked by the Changer of the Ways for their cunning and devotion, these warrior cultists fight with blade, sorcery and. terrifying zeal. They are the chosen mortal warriors of Tzcentch, and with the proper chants and rites they are able to ‘combine their gestalt magical might before unleashing it in crackling bolts of unnatural flame. ‘MISSILE WEAPONS: Ran, Attacks To Hit Sorcerous Bolt n" m 5 (MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit Cursed Blade i 1 4 ‘Two Cursed Blades r 1 3 Cursed Glaive y 1 AS DESCRIPTION AunitofKairicAcolyteshas 8 or more KAIRIC ADEPT ‘models. Each w witha variety of One Acolyte armed with a ‘weapons; ome ofthe Acolytes are armed others arearmed with adouble-handed Cursed Glaive. All Kairic Acolytes can Sorcerous Bolt Blade can be the Kairic Adept, who ie the leader of this unit. The Kairie Adept makes 2attacke rather than 1 with hie Sorcerous Bott ABILITIES Arcanite Shiels Rolla dice before allocating a wound or mortal wound toa ‘To Wound” Rend” Damage 4 es 1 ToWound Rend Damage 4 1 rs as i model that har an Arcanite Shield, Ona roll of6, the shield deflects the damage and the wo Gestalt Sorcery: You can ad 1 tothe ols of this unit's Sorcerous Bolte Mit ie within 9” of a east one friendly Taaaren WizaRo. DESCRIPTION An Ogroid Thaumaturge is single model Kamathes ts foes with ts Thasmaturge Stal gores them with ts Great Florns, and 1s them bloody underfoot with its joven Hooves, ABILITIES Brutal Rage: this model as sufered ‘ormore wounds, add 1 tall oft hit rolls Ibut subtract fom all ofits casting and ‘unbinding rolls. ‘Overwhelming Power: This model heals 1 ‘wound in each of ts hero phar. OGROID THAUMATURGE ‘Combining bestial strength and ferocity with dark occult powers, the Ogroid Thaumaturge is a cunning and deadly foe. With snarled invocations the Thaumaturge hurls roiling blasts of energy into the enemy ranks, before stampeding into the midst of his reeling foes to gore and pummel the survivors to bloody ruin, 7 MELEE WEAPONS: Range Attacks To Hit ‘Thaumaturge Stall By 2 at Great Horns as 1 Ps Coven Hooves r 4 a ighty Bulk: Aficr this model completes a charge move, pick an enemy nit within {hat unit suilere D3 moral wounds, MaGIC An Ogroid Thavmatorge isa wizard, He can attempt to cast one spell in each of your own hero phases, and attempt to tanbind one spellin each enemy hero phase, ‘An Ogroid Thaumaturge knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Firebast spells ‘To Wound Rend” Damage 3 1 Ds * a 3 % 1 FIREBLAST ‘A Fccblast spell engulfs the target in coruscating flames from which eapering ‘Saemone spring orth Fceblast haa ‘easting vale of7. I successfully eat, pick sn enemy unit within 18” thatisvisble to the caster. The unit you pick suffers D6 mortal wounds. After the damage has been. inflicted, you can set up a unit of Pink, Blue ot Brimstone Horrors within I of the target: the number of models setup in the ‘new unit is equal tothe number of mortal swounds inflicted, Yan iy ater WARSCROLL SKAVEN DEATHRUNNER ‘This cunning murderer has been dispatched to the battlefield on a mission of assassination. By poisoned blade and shadow magic docs he seek to strike down his mark. The Deathrunner flickers impossibly through the smoke and flame of the battlefield, or conceals his advance with clouds of alchemical fume before springing forth to plunge his blades into his victim's unprotected back. ‘MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit” To Wound Rend” Damage ‘Warpstars 1 2 “ 4 1 MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Bloodblade 3 Ey Et Stab-slicer 3 4s 1 a ny seas ficial DESCRIPTION ABILITIES A Skaven Deathrunner is represented by 2 models, one eal and one an illusion Goce llasory Tin below). A Ska Desthrunner is armed with « Bloodblade ‘sword in one hand and a Stab-slicer dagger fn the other, He also carries razor-sharp Warpstars that he ean url at an enemy. Mlasory Twin: Although he has two identical miniatures, thee ts only one Deathrunner, with the sncanny ability to appear in two places at once, When the Skaven Deathrunner is st wp, place both ‘models upon the battlefield, They do not need tobe setup within " ofeach othe, id each ia separate unit. One ofthe models represents the real Deathrunnes, the other i an illusion. The trth is only revealed when the Deathranner attacks oF isdlain, Ione of the miniatures is elain, rolla dice, Ona 1,20r3 the slain model was the illusion ~itie removed. On a4 Sor 6 twas the true Desthrunner, and both miniatures are removed. one ofthe models makes an attack, the others the illsion and is removed ;, HERO, SKAVEN DEATHRUNNER Marked Target Atthe star ofthe fret bale round, pick n enemy Hno a8 the Deathrunner’s target for assassination, ‘You can e-oll fale bi rolls for any attacks made by the Deathrunner upon his marked target, Shadowsmoke Bombs: A Skaven Deathrunner earies a number of Shadovwemoke Bombs that can be smaskhis position and protect i fenemy missile fre Your opponent mast subtract from any hit rolls that target ‘a Skaven Deathrunner in the shooting phe, WARSCROLL TZAANGORS “These savage avian beastkin have been warped into shapes more pleasing to Tzeentch than their crude gor-kin cousins. Clad in flowing armour of silver and gold, wielding curved blades and massive double-handed axes, they fight with the speed and violence of unbridled change. DESCRIPTION Avni of Traangors has 6 or more models. ‘Bach unit fights with a variety of weapons some ofthe Tzaangors are armed with to Savage Blades, others carry a Savage Blade fad Arcanite Shield, and some are armed with double-banded Greataxes. No matter ‘what they carry in their hands, all can also tear ata foe with thet Vicious Beaks. "MELEE WEAPONS: ABILITIES. Arcanite Shield: Rolla dice before allocating awound or mortal wound toa model that hae an Arcanite Shield. On a roll of the wound is ignored. Range Aacks To Hit Savage Blade r 1 ‘Two Savage Blades Yr 1 a» Greataxe Yr 1 a Vicious Beak r ime eld deflects the damage and To Wound Rend Damage a é 1 “ zy 1 a Anarchy and Mayhem: Roll dice before this unit piles im. Add Ito the roll ifthe uuitis within "of any ARCANITE Hugo from your army, and add a further 1 ifthe ‘unithas 9 or more model, Ifthe reslte 4ormore, you can add Ito all wound rolls for the unit in that combat phase

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