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Installation Guide

Intershop 7
Installation Guide
Document ID: ENF7-10-01-02

Publication date 2012-10-02

These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by Intershop Communications AG
and its affiliated companies ("Intershop Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty
of any kind, and Intershop Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only
warranties for Intershop Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements
accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional
This document and all of its parts are protected by copyright. All rights, including those of duplication, reproduction,
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Intershop® and Enfinity™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intershop Communications AG. All other company,
product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2005-2012 Intershop Communications. All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: About Installation ................................................................ 7

About this Guide ....................................................................................... 7

Typographical Conventions .......................................................................... 7
Chapter Overview ....................................................................................... 7

Planning an Installation ............................................................................ 8

Intershop 7 Software Components ................................................................ 8
Installation Methods ................................................................................... 9
Linux: RPM Installation ............................................................................ 9
Windows: Setup Program ....................................................................... 10
Installation Scenarios ................................................................................. 11
About Single Machine Installations .......................................................... 11
About Component Installations ............................................................... 12
Preparing the Installation ........................................................................... 12
Database Installation ............................................................................. 12
Oracle Connection Files ......................................................................... 12
License File .......................................................................................... 12
Verify Content of Installation DVD ............................................................... 13

System Requirements .............................................................................. 13

Operating Systems .................................................................................... 14
SUSE Linux Entersprise Server ................................................................. 14
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ........................................................................ 14
Microsoft Windows ............................................................................... 14
Web Server .............................................................................................. 14
Database ................................................................................................. 14
Web Browser ............................................................................................ 15
Search Engine .......................................................................................... 15

User Concept and Security ....................................................................... 15

System Users ............................................................................................ 15
User and Group Names .......................................................................... 15
Creating System Users ........................................................................... 16
Administration Users ................................................................................. 17
Port Numbers ........................................................................................... 18
All Operating Systems ........................................................................... 18
Windows ............................................................................................. 18

Intershop 7 Directory Structure ................................................................ 19

Linux ....................................................................................................... 19
Software Components ........................................................................... 19
Data and Temporary Files ...................................................................... 20

Installation Guide iii

Configuration Files ................................................................................ 21
Intershop Shared Files ........................................................................... 21
Windows ................................................................................................. 22
Main Intershop 7 Directory ..................................................................... 22
Intershop Shared Files ........................................................................... 23

Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios ........................................................... 24

Typical Deployment Scenarios .................................................................... 24
Simple Deployment ................................................................................... 25
Medium Deployment ................................................................................. 25
PA-DSS Compliant Deployment .................................................................. 26
Maximum Deployment .............................................................................. 27

Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup ............................................................... 29

Overview ................................................................................................ 29

Installing Intershop 7 on Linux ................................................................. 29

Installation Process Overview ...................................................................... 30
Single Machine Installation on Linux ............................................................ 30
Selecting the Installation Packages .......................................................... 30
Installing the Packages .......................................................................... 30
Performing Postinstall Operations ........................................................... 31
Licensing your Intershop 7 System ........................................................... 32
Initializing the Database ......................................................................... 32
Precompiling the Templates ................................................................... 35
Component Installation on Linux ................................................................ 36
Installing the Intershop Shared Files ........................................................ 36
Installing the Intershop Application Server ................................................ 38
Installing the Intershop Web Server ......................................................... 41

Installing Intershop 7 on Windows ........................................................... 42

Starting the Installation on Windows ........................................................... 42
Log Files .............................................................................................. 42
Starting the Intershop 7 Setup ................................................................ 43
Single Machine Installation on Windows ....................................................... 45
Preparing the Installation ....................................................................... 45
Single Machine Installation Procedure ...................................................... 46
Licensing the Intershop 7 System ............................................................ 51
Manual Database Initialization ................................................................ 51
Component Installation on Windows ........................................................... 54
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 54
Starting the Component Installation ........................................................ 55
Installing the Intershop Shared Files ........................................................ 56
Installing the Intershop Application Server ................................................ 60

iv Installation Guide
Installing the Intershop Web Server ......................................................... 65

Starting and Shutting Down Intershop 7 ................................................... 67

Preparing the Server Startup ...................................................................... 68
All Installations ..................................................................................... 68
Cluster Installations ............................................................................... 68
Start/Stop Intershop 7 on Linux ................................................................... 69
Start or Stop Instance Manually ............................................................... 69
Start or Stop Instance Automatically ........................................................ 70
Start/Stop Intershop 7 on Windows ............................................................. 70
Start Or Stop Instance Manually .............................................................. 70
Start Or Stop Instance Automatically ........................................................ 71

Distributed Installation Example .............................................................. 72

Installation Scenario .................................................................................. 72
Installation Steps ...................................................................................... 72

Additional Installation Scenarios .............................................................. 73

Unattended Installation ............................................................................. 74
Creating the Statefile ............................................................................. 74
Statefile Data ........................................................................................ 74
Executing Statefile Installation ................................................................ 75
Add Application Server Machine ................................................................. 75
Install a Second Intershop 7 Instance ........................................................... 76
Installing a Second Instance on Linux ....................................................... 76
Installing a Second Instance on Windows ................................................. 76

Uninstalling Intershop 7 .......................................................................... 76

Uninstallation on Linux .............................................................................. 77
Uninstallation on Windows ......................................................................... 78

Chapter 3: Search Adapter Cartridge .................................................. 81

Search Adapter Cartridge Installation ....................................................... 81

Solr Cartridge Setup .................................................................................. 81
Solr Server Setup ...................................................................................... 81

Configuring the Search Engine ................................................................. 82

Managing Search Indexes For Sales Organizations ......................................... 82
Creating Search Index Service Configuration ................................................. 83
Configuring Search Index Services ............................................................... 84

Chapter 4: Reference ........................................................................... 85

Appendix A: Summary of Placeholders ..................................................... 85

Placeholders Used When Installing Intershop 7 .............................................. 85
Linux Postinstall Parameters ....................................................................... 86

Installation Guide v
Appendix B: Database Setup .................................................................... 88
Oracle Database Software .......................................................................... 88
Oracle Database Instance ........................................................................... 89
General Requirements ........................................................................... 89
Tablespaces ......................................................................................... 91
Miscellaneous Settings ........................................................................... 92

Appendix C: Config Merger ...................................................................... 93

Merge Report ........................................................................................... 93
Manual Conflict Resolution ......................................................................... 94

vi Installation Guide
Chapter 1

About Installation

About this Guide

This guide explains how to install Intershop 7 on Linux and Windows. The guide
describes both a simple installation on a single machine, and component-based
installations that make it possible to distribute Intershop 7 across several machines.

Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout the guide:
■ References
References to other parts of the same or to an external guide appear in italics.
■ Commands
All commands to be typed at command prompts appear in Courier font.
■ Reserved or Special Words
Names of files, directories, or cartridges appear in italics.

Example code, attribute names, methods and database table names appear in
Courier; for example, init(). In addition, the # sign refers to the number of an
Intershop 7 instance. If # precedes a shell prompt, it indicates that the current user is

Chapter Overview
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to hardware and software requirements
for successful installation and an overview of the Intershop 7 file system. It also
outlines main deployment scenarios.
Chapter 2 describes important installation scenarios for Intershop 7, including
a single machine installation and the installation of individual components. The
chapter also describes how to uninstall Intershop 7.
Chapter 3 explains how to add the search engine adapter cartridge for integrating a
search engine, which is required to use all Intershop 7 features.
Chapter 4 summarizes important placeholders used throughout the Intershop 7
setup, outlines the database creation and introduces the Config Merger tool.

Installation Guide 7
Chapter 1: About Installation Planning an Installation

Planning an Installation
This section describes the Intershop 7 software components, the installation
packages that comprise the software components, and the system requirements
necessary for running an Intershop 7 system.

Intershop 7 Software Components

Intershop 7 consists of a number of software components, as indicated in the figure
below. When installing Intershop 7, you decide which components to install. If
necessary, you can distribute those components across a number of machines or
Figure 1. Intershop 7 product components

The Intershop 7 software components are:

■ Intershop Application Server (IAS)
The Intershop Application Server (IAS) comprises all components necessary
to create a run-time environment ("engine") for Intershop 7 cartridges. The
components are grouped as:
• Application server and integration components
This includes the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Tomcat application server,
and the Node Manager (a "watchdog" program used to control server
processes). These components are located in the engine directory.
• System Tools
This includes the ANT build environment and the setup framework. These
components are located in the tools directory.
■ Intershop Shared Files (ISF)
The Intershop Shared Files (ISF) comprise the application server's business logic,
which is made up of cartridges, Intershop 7's containers for executable code.
Cluster-wide information, which is necessary for running an application server
instance, is also kept in the ISF.
The ISF must be installed before setting up a distributed cluster with multiple
application servers.
■ Intershop Web Server (IWS)
This component comprises the Apache HTTP Server and the Intershop 7 Web
Adapter (including the Web Adpater agent).
• Apache HTTP Server
The Apache HTTP Server is installed automatically as part of the IWS
• Web Adapter

8 Installation Guide
Planning an Installation Chapter 1: About Installation

This is a plug-in to the Apache HTTP Server. It dispatches HTTP client

requests to the Intershop 7 application, generates session IDs and caches
application responses.
NOTE:  Intershop only supports the Apache HTTP Server.

■ Development Tools
The development tools shipped with Intershop 7 include tLoc, the Intershop 7
API Checker, the Config Merger and the dbdelta tool.

Installation Methods

Linux: RPM Installation

On Linux, Intershop 7 is installed using the RPM package manager. Depending on
the software components you wish to install, all or selected installation packages
are installed via the RPM package manager.
Packages are bundled in so-called package groups, in order to facilitate the
identification of packages necessary to install a certain Intershop 7 software
Installation packages follow the naming schema:

For example, the following package installs part of the ISF, which is why it belongs
to package group sfs:

Core Package Groups

The following package groups for core installation tasks are available:
• base
This package group provides basic components. Packages of this group must
always be installed first, regardless of which other packages are selected for
• sfs
This package group installs the ISF.
• jdk
This package group installs the JDK. The packages of this group are required by
all components that use the JDK, including the IAS, the IWS, and tLoc.
• ant
This package group installs the ANT build engine. The packages of this group are
required by the IAS as well as by tLoc and the API Checker.
• tomcat
This package group installs the Tomcat application server. The packages require
the JDK to be installed.
• ase

Installation Guide 9
Chapter 1: About Installation Planning an Installation

This package group installs the IAS. The packages require the JDK, ANT and the
Tomcat application server to be installed.
• httpd
This package group installs the Apache Web server. The packages require the
JDK to be installed.
• wa
This package installs the Intershop 7 Web Adaper. The packages require the JDK
and the Apache HTTP Server to be installed.

Optional Package Groups

• sfs
This package group installs resources necessary to initialize Intershop 7 with
central administration front ends, including the respective user accounts,
site directories, etc. The packages require the ISF to be installed. Note that
installation of the sfs package group is mandatory in case you do not install the
package group demo (see next list item).
• demo
This package group installs the demo cartridge (ucm_demo) which provides
sample sites and data for Intershop 7. The packages require the ISF to be
installed. Note that these packages cannot be installed in parallel with the
optional package group sfs.
• doc
This package group installs API documentation (JavaDocs) for Intershop 7
cartridges. In addition, the package group comprises a package (*-doc-
ucm_misc_doc-*) which installs the Intershop 7 Online Help.
• tloc
This package group installs tLoc. The packages require the JDK and ANT to be
• api_checker
This package group installs the API Checker. The packages require the JDK and
ANT to be installed.
• dbdelta
This package group installs a tool to create difference reports between two
Intershop 7 database instances. The package requires the JDK to be installed.

Windows: Setup Program

On Microsoft Windows, Intershop 7 is installed using Intershop’s setup program.
When installing Intershop 7, you can choose between the GUI (default) and the text
You can start the installation directly in GUI or text mode. From the setup/server
directory on the installation medium, proceed as follows:
■ To select the GUI mode:
Launch the setup.exe.

10 Installation Guide
Planning an Installation Chapter 1: About Installation

■ To select the text mode:

Execute setupc.exe from the command line.

Installation Scenarios
This section introduces different possibilities to distribute Intershop 7 software
components across your enterprise’s server resources. In this context, the following
concepts are of importance:
■ Instance
All software components are installed in instances. An instance is a self-
contained environment containing at least one installed Intershop 7
component. Each instance has a unique ID, such as ES1, ES2.
NOTE:  To install a second instance on Linux, it is necessary to run a conversion process on the
installation packages. For details, see Installing a Second Instance on Linux.

■ Cluster
In Intershop 7, the term "cluster" describes a group of server processes that act
together, e.g., to serve one or more sites. Components within the same cluster
use the same ISF but may be distributed across several networked machines.
NOTE:  This usage of the term "cluster" is distinct from standard UNIX usage, which defines a
cluster as a group of networked machines.

Intershop 7’s open, scalable design means that a variety of installation scenarios

are possible. Components can be grouped on one machine, several instances
distributed over multiple CPUs or over multiple hosts, or instances can be
duplicated for load balancing.
Intershop 7 application servers rely on an IP multicast channel for gathering
cluster information and for registering themselves within a cluster. The setup
program uses default values for configuring the IP multicast channel. However,
if you are installing several Intershop 7 clusters in a subnet, you have to specify
a unique multicast address and port for each cluster in the
and files (see the Administration and Configuration Guide, for more
Two main installation scenarios can be distinguished:
• Single machine installation
• Component installation

It is important to decide which option is appropriate for your purposes before you
begin the installation. As long as you have not yet started the installation, you
can still go back and change the installation option. Once you have started the
installation, it is not possible to change the installation option unless you uninstall
and reinstall the system.

About Single Machine Installations

With a single machine installation, all software components (and hence, all
installation packages) are installed on the same machine. This installation scenario
corresponds to the simple deployment scenario, discussed in Simple Deployment.

Installation Guide 11
Chapter 1: About Installation Planning an Installation

About Component Installations

With a component installation, only selected software components are installed.
A component installation allows full use of Intershop 7’s open architecture by
distributing the components over as many machines and processors as you want,
and configuring them optimally for your site.
CAUTION:  In distributed installations, the IAS and ISF instances must be operated on the same
operating system.

NOTE:  On Linux, a different subset of installation packages is required, depending on the software
component you want to install. For details, see Component Installation Linux.

Preparing the Installation

Database Installation
An Intershop 7 installation requires an Oracle 11g database (see the file
system_requirements.pdf in the directory /docs/pdf on the installation DVD
for details). It is important to set up a database instance before commencing
the installation of Intershop 7 components. For instructions on installing and
configuring the database server software and a database instance, refer to Database
CAUTION:  Intershop 7 requires a database instance with specially configured tablespaces. This
configuration should not be changed. Do not to use an existing database instance with Intershop 7.

Oracle Connection Files

Intershop 7 requires the Oracle JDBC driver version as well as the Oracle
Universal Connection Pool version The respective files (ojdbc6.jar, JDBC
thin driver for use with JDK 1.6, and ucp.jar, classes required for the universal
connection pooling feature) can be downloaded from the Oracle Web site.
ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar are also included with the Oracle client installation.
To make sure you are using the correct version of the files, check the
files contained in ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar. The specification version must be

On Linux, the JDBC driver and UCP files need to be copied manually to /eserver#/
share/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib/ after the Intershop 7 installation (see
Performing Postinstall Operations).

On Windows, you are prompted to provide the path to the JDBC driver and UCP
files during the Intershop 7 setup process.

License File
Before you start the Intershop 7 installation, a valid license file should be available.
NOTE:  You cannot start Intershop 7 without providing a valid license file.

12 Installation Guide
System Requirements Chapter 1: About Installation

On Linux, the license file needs to be copied manually to /eserver#/share/system/
license/ after the Intershop 7 installation (see Licensing your Intershop 7 System).

On Windows, you are prompted to provide the path to the license file during the
Intershop 7 installation process. However, it is possible to complete the installation
without supplying a license file, and to license the system afterwards. See Licensing
the Intershop 7 System, for details.

Verify Content of Installation DVD

To check the content of the Intershop 7 installation DVD, you can verify a checksum
(contained in file on the DVD) against the content of the
installation DVD.
NOTE:  As the checksum verification requires a Java runtime environment, make sure that a JRE
or JDK is available on Linux. On Windows, you can use the setup program's JRE on the installation

To verify the checksum:

1. Log on as root user (Linux) or administrator (Windows).
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
On Linux, the DVD should be mounted automatically to a mount point
(<mount_point>) such as /media/dvd.
3. Navigate to the <mount_point> directory.
On Linux, type
# cd <mount_point>

On Windows, change to the DVD drive.

This should take you to the root of the installation DVD.
4. Run the following Java command (all on a single line).
On Linux:
java -cp . Checksum
-checksumfile -mode verify -basedir <mount_point>

On Windows:
.\setup\server\jre\bin\java -cp . Checksum
-checksumfile -mode verify -basedir <mount_point>

If the test fails, contact Intershop Support to get help.

System Requirements
This section lists the minimum system requirements for an Intershop 7 installation
on Linux and Windows.

Installation Guide 13
Chapter 1: About Installation System Requirements

For the latest information about system requirements, check the Intershop
Customer Support Web site at Also, see the file
system_requirements.pdf in the directory /docs/pdf on the installation DVD.

Operating Systems
NOTE:    Intershop strongly recommends to install Intershop  7 instances in a "clean" operating
system environment, i.e., which is free from remainders of previous Intershop 7 installations or any
other applications.

See the document system_requirements.pdf in the /docs/pdf directory on the

installation DVD for details on supported service levels, additional software and
hardware requirements for your platform, etc.

SUSE Linux Entersprise Server

Intershop 7 requires the 64-bit version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. For the
latest information about the required SLES version and patch level, see the system
requirements document.
To check the SuSE Linux version of your system, run
# cat /etc/SuSE-release

To install and run Intershop 7, make sure your SLES includes at least the package
group Server Base System.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Intershop 7 requires the 64-bit version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For the latest
information about the required RHEL version and patch level, see the system
requirements document.
To check the RHEL version of your system, run
# cat /etc/redhat-release

Microsoft Windows
Intershop 7 requires the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008/Windows Server
2008 R2. For the latest information about the required Windows version, see the
system requirements document. For information about the latest patches etc., refer
to Microsoft’s Windows Update Web site at

Web Server
Intershop 7 requires Apache HTTP Server with mod_ssl, which is supplied on the
Intershop 7 installation medium and installed as part of the Intershop Web Server.
NOTE:  When using multiple Web server machines, additional load balancer hardware is required.
For additional information, see the Intershop 7 Administration and Configuration Guide.

Intershop 7 requires Oracle 11g Database Server and the corresponding Database
Client. For the latest information about the Oracle database software version

14 Installation Guide
User Concept and Security Chapter 1: About Installation

and patch level, check the Intershop Customer Support Web site at http:// Also, see the file system_requirements.pdf in the directory
/docs/pdf on the installation DVD.

Web Browser
To administer Intershop 7 and access the business applications, you must have
installed a Web browser. For the administration and business applications,
Intershop supports the following browsers:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (or newer)
• Mozilla Firefox 6 (or newer)
• Google Chrome 14 (or newer)

With respect to the storefronts, the supported browsers depend on the individual
application design.

Search Engine
To provide powerful storefront search options, like full-text search or dynamic
navigation, Intershop 7 integrates third-party search engines via dedicated adapter
cartridges. The Intershop 7 installation DVD includes the adapter cartridge for
Apache Solr (in /setup/service), which Intershop ships as the standard search
option. For more advanced searches, Intershop provides an Omikron FACT-Finder
integration, which can either replace the Solr-based search or run in parallel with
another storefront.
For the Solr-based search to work, Intershop 7 requires a deployed Solr 3 server. For
information on setting up Solr, refer to Search Adapter Cartridge Installation.
NOTE:    For information about integrating the FACT-Finder-based advanced search, contact

User Concept and Security

This section provides an overview of the Intershop 7 user concept and lists the port
numbers that are generated during single machine and component installations.
The Intershop 7 user and permission concept affects both the file and directory
ownership of an individual system user as well as access rights of specific files and
directories. This section discusses various parameters that must be considered for
security reasons.

System Users

User and Group Names

Intershop 7 uses two different types of system users: the application server user
(isas#, such as isas1 for instance ES1), and the Web Adapter user (iswa#). Both
users must belong to the same instance group (isgrp#).
NOTE:  On Linux, the application server user isas# must also be assigned the Oracle Client group
to enable the user to perform certain database related tasks.

Installation Guide 15
Chapter 1: About Installation User Concept and Security

The Web Adapter user provides access to the Web Adapter and Web server. The
application server user provides access to the application server and the ISF.
The total number of possible users depends on the number of instances in the
Intershop 7 installation. Every additional instance requires two users and one user
group. In a single Intershop 7 instance, the Web Adapter and application server
users belong to the same single group. In a distributed installation, user names,
group names and IDs (Linux) must be the same across the various instances.

Creating System Users

On Linux, the users isas1 and iswa1 must be set up before starting the installation.
Note that you can create these users locally, or use Network Information System
(NIS) users. In either case, take care of the following issues:
• Both users isas# and iswa# must belong to the the group isgrp#.
• The home of the users must point to the home directory of the Intershop 7
instance to be installed (e.g., /opt/intershop/eserver1 for isas1 and iswa1).
• In case of a distributed installation, the same uid/gid values for isas# must be
used on all application server hosts.

For example, the following commands can be used to create the required users and
group assignments for instance ES1:
# groupadd -g 3200 isgrp1
# useradd -u 3200 -g isgrp1 -G <oracle_client_grp> -d /opt/
intershop/eserver1 isas1
# useradd -u 3201 -g isgrp1 -d /opt/intershop/eserver1 iswa1

On Windows, three options are available when setting up application server and
Web Adapter users:
1. Creating new local users
The most convenient way is to have Intershop 7 create the necessary users and
groups during the installation process. The setup program takes care of the user
group assignments and also manages the security policies for the local users.
2. Using existing local users
During the setup, you can provide local users and groups which you have
already created. The setup will prompt you to confirm that the existing users
and groups should be used. If you choose to use existing local users, you must
manually assign these users to the security policies (see Windows Security
3. Using domain users
You can use existing domain users, with the format DOMAIN\user or group, if
they are part of the same instance group within the same domain. If you choose
to use domain users, you must manually assign these users to the security
policies (see Windows Security Policies).

16 Installation Guide
User Concept and Security Chapter 1: About Installation

NOTE:  When using domain users, you have to start the setup program using an account from
the same domain. Otherwise, the system will not be able to access and verify the user accounts
provided during the installation process. In this case, make sure that the domain account used
to run the setup program belongs to the local administrator group. If it does not belong to the
local administrator group, the setup program cannot be started.

Windows Security Policies

Both application server and Web Adapter users must be assigned to the following
security policies:
• Access a computer from the network
• Log on as a service

To assign local or domain users to these security policies:

1. In the Start Menu, choose Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools |
Local Security Policy.
2. Open the User Rights Assignment folder.
This folder is located in the Local Policies folder.
3. Double-click the policy to which you want to assign the users.
This opens the Local Security Policy Setting dialog.
4. Using the Local Security Policy Setting dialog, assign the users to the
5. Click OK.

Administration Users
Upon installation, Intershop 7 automatically creates a default administration
user, who can initially access the Central Adminstration Frontend. The Central
Administration Frontend is used to accomplish basic business administration
tasks like, for example, managing administration users, managing organizations,
controlling data replication processes, etc.
CAUTION:    Intershop strongly recommends to either change the default administration user
password at the first login, or to create new administration users with dedicated access rights and
to delete the default administration user.

After successfully completing the Intershop 7 installation and starting the

instance as described in this document, proceed as follows to change the default
administration user's password:
1. Access the Central Administration Frontend.
Open http://<SYSTEM.HOST>/INTERSHOP/web/WFS/SLDSystem and log in using
• Login: admin
• Password: !InterShop00!
• Organization: Operations
2. In the navigation bar, select Users.
A list of all system administration users is displayed.

Installation Guide 17
Chapter 1: About Installation User Concept and Security

3. Click the name or ID of the default admin user.

This displays the user detail view.
4. Specify a valid e-mail address.
NOTE:    Make sure that there is an operational SMTP server configured for your system
(intershop.SMTPServer in

5. Click New Password.

Intershop 7 immediately generates a single-use password and sends it to the
specified e-mail address.
The next time the user logs in, the system immediately sets this password to
"expired" and prompts the user to specify a new password.

Port Numbers
For security purposes, all Intershop 7 application servers should be placed behind a
single firewall running on a separate machine.
NOTE:  Installing and configuring a firewall is not part of the Intershop 7 installation process.

Only the standard HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) ports, 80 and 443 (81/444, 82/445 for
any additional Web server instances), should be open for the Web server to
communicate with the Internet. The Web server should be the only gateway to the

All Operating Systems

The following port numbers are generated during an installation:
• Web server HTTP/HTTPS
The Web servers are assigned to port 80/443.
• Application server HTTP port
This is the port used by the Intershop 7 Web front service. The default value is

Note that additional ports are used for the Node Manager (default: 10050), and the
Tomcat application server (10051 as shutdown port, 10052 for HTTP requests and
10053 for HTTPS requests).

NOTE:  For more information on ports and the processes that use these ports, see the Intershop 7
Administration and Configuration Guide.

On Windows, the installation program automatically generates port numbers
in a single machine installation. If a port is already in use, the setup program
automatically increments the port number until a free port is found.
In a component installation, you can enter or change the ports yourself. The setup
program checks whether the entered ports are free. If not, the system displays a
warning message. The default values shown in the Application Server Connection
panel (refer to Installing the Intershop Application Server) are always free port

18 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Directory Structure Chapter 1: About Installation

numbers. If a port is already in use, the system increments the port number until it
finds a free one.
NOTE:  All port numbers mentioned above are default values. They are calculated such that only
free ports are used as default values, for instance port 81 if port 80 is already in use. The default
port values are incremented until a free port is found.

Intershop 7 Directory Structure

This section provides an overview of the directory structure and content of the core
components of an Intershop 7 installation on Linux and Windows.

The distribution of Intershop 7 components across directories is compliant with the
guidelines of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (see

• Static files, such as software components, are installed into /opt/intershop/

eserver#. It is possible to work with the /opt filesystem mounted read-only during
normal operation.
• Variable data files and temporary files are installed into /var/opt/intershop/
eserver#/. This directory also contains the Intershop Shared Files (ISF).
• Configuration files, log directories and user data are stored in /etc/opt/intershop/

NOTE:  The ISF instance contains static files, data files and configuration files. Nevertheless, the ISF
has not been dissected in order to keep consistency with other releases of Intershop 7. The mount
point for the ISF is /var/opt/intershop/eserver#/share.

When installing Intershop 7, symbolic links are created in order to aggregate

software components, data and configuration files.
• /eserver# is created, which points to the physical directory /opt/intershop/
• /share is created below /eserver#, which points to the physical ISF directory
• Links for and are created below
/eserver#. The links point to the respective files in /etc/opt/intershop/eserver#.

Software Components
The following table shows the main directory tree for software components:
Table 1. Main directory tree

Main Directory Description

bin Main binary directory
engine Main directory of the Intershop Application Server
jdk Java Development Kit

Installation Guide 19
Chapter 1: About Installation Intershop 7 Directory Structure

Main Directory Description

nodemanager Contains the main Node Manager configuration file
( as well as the Node Manager
tomcat Main Tomcat directory
etc Includes the Intershop 7 Web application module
httpd Main directory for the Apache Web server
lib Contains the shared libraries for the binaries and the Java
native code, also used for software patches
man Contains the man pages for Intershop-specific scripts
and command-line tools
ant Ant build software
api_checker Intershop 7 API Checker
build Main build file directory
dbdelta dbdelta tool
misc Directory containing build files and database dumps
setup Setup framework and Linux Webstart installation
tLoc Template Localization Tool
webadapter Main directory of the Intershop 7 Web Adapter
bin Web Adapter Agent watchdog and WAA start script
lib Web Adapter files and WAA files

Data and Temporary Files

The directory structure for data and temporary files is shown in the next table.
Table 2. Data and temporary files

Directory Description
log Main log file directory
nodemanager Log files for node manager
httpd Log files for Apache Web server
webadapter Log files for Web Adapter
webadapter Main configuration file for build properties
pagecache Contains pages cached by Web Adapter
public Contains static HTML files
tomcat Contains configuration files for the Tomcat application
share Contains the ISF. For details, see Intershop Shared Files

20 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Directory Structure Chapter 1: About Installation

Configuration Files
The following table shows the directory structure for configuration files.
Table 3. Configuration files

Directory Description
/httpd Contains configuration files for the Apache Web server,
such as httpd.conf and ssl.conf Global application configuration file Main configuration file for the node manager Main configuration file for the Web Adapter Main configuration file for build properties

Intershop Shared Files

The share directory contains the Intershop Shared Files, a component providing
resources that are shared between different Intershop 7 servers belonging to a
cluster. The table below gives an overview of the share directory.
Table 4. ISF directory structure

Shared Directory Structure Description

share Main share directory
docs Starting point for the Javadoc
reportingrepository Contains data files used by the Intershop 7 reporting
sites Top-level directory for site-specific resources; every site
will create this directory upon development
system Top-level system directory related to cartridge and
cluster configuration information
cartridges Cartridge main directory containing cartridge-specific
(and therefore shared) pipelines, templates and
config Main configuration directory
config/ Cartridge configuration directory
config/cluster Cluster configuration main directory:,,
config/oracle Oracle configuration main directory
config/servers Application server specific configuration information
config/ General Tomcat deployment files
impex Sample files, DTDs and schema files for import and
export tasks
license License information
log Application server log information
servletEngine Contains Tomcat

Installation Guide 21
Chapter 1: About Installation Intershop 7 Directory Structure

Shared Directory Structure Description

tcm Contains files for the Tomcat Cluster Management

When installing Intershop 7 on Windows, the installation directory
<IS.INSTANCE.DIR> (e.g., \eserver1 for the first instance) is created.

Main Intershop 7 Directory

The following table shows the main directory tree of Intershop 7.
Table 5. Main directory structure

Main Directory Description

<IS.INSTANCE.DIR> Home directory of a particular Intershop 7 instance
.install A directory containing information about installed
components; this information is used by the setup
program and should not be modified
bin Main binary directory
engine Main directory of the Intershop Application Server
jdk Java Development Kit
nodemanager Contains the main Node Manager configuration file
( as well as the Node Manager
servletEngine Tomcat-internal working directory
tomcat Main Tomcat directory
etc Platform configuration directory
install Contains general deployment information
(EnfinitySuite.war) used by the application server that
deploys the Intershop 7 application, also contains
application-server-specific information
httpd Main directory for the Apache Web server
lib Used for software patches
log Log directory containing log files produced by the Node
Manager and the Tomcat application server
share Contains the ISF. For details, see Intershop Shared Files
ant Ant build software
api_checker Intershop 7 API Checker
build Main build file directory
config_merger Configuration merge tool
dbdelta dbdelta tool
misc Directory containing build files and database dumps
setup Setup framework and Webstart installation software
tLoc Template Localization Tool

22 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Directory Structure Chapter 1: About Installation

Main Directory Description

webadapter Main directory of the Intershop 7 Web Adapter
bin Web Adapter Agent watchdog and WAA start script
lib Web Adapter files and WAA files
log Different log files and watchdog pid file
pagecache Directory containing files (pages) cached by the Web
public Static HTML pages

Intershop Shared Files

The share directory contains the Intershop Shared Files, a component providing
resources that are shared between different Intershop 7 servers belonging to a
cluster. The table below gives an overview of the share directory.
Table 6. ISF directory structure

Shared Directory Structure Description

<IS.INSTANCE.DIR> Home directory of a particular Intershop 7 instance
share Main share directory
.install Contains information about installed components; this
information is used by the setup program and should
not be modified
docs Starting point for the Javadoc
reportingrepository Contains data files used by the Intershop 7 reporting
sites Top-level directory for site-specific resources, every site
will create this directory upon development
system Top-level system directory related to cartridge and
cluster configuration information
cartridges Cartridge main directory containing cartridge-specific
(and therefore shared) pipelines, templates and
config Main configuration directory
config\ Cartridge configuration directory
config\ Cluster configuration main directory, including, e.g.,
config\ oracle Oracle configuration main directory
config\ Application server specific configuration information
config\ General Tomcat deployment files
impex Sample files, DTDs and schema files for import and
export tasks
license License information
log Application server log information
servletEngine Tomcat web-inf directory

Installation Guide 23
Chapter 1: About Installation Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios

Shared Directory Structure Description

tcm Contains files for the Tomcat Cluster Management

In addition to the main and share directories, a number of files are created during
the installation of Intershop 7.
Table 7. Files outside the installation directory

Directory Description
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\intershop Main directory of the system registry
eserver.conf Instance registration file used for startup/shutdown
setup Installation directory of the system registry
uninstall Contains the Java Runtime Environment and the
uninstall Java class file
registry.xml System registry file
log Setup log directory

Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios

Depending on the requirements for an Intershop 7 installation, different
deployment scenarios can be used. Most requirements or priorities can be
categorized as follows:
■ High Availability
• Multiple Web servers and Web Adapters
• Multiple application servers
• Load balancer for HTTP calls

■ Scalability
• Multiple Web servers and Web Adapters
• Multiple application servers
• Load balancer for HTTP calls

■ Testing
• Editing system for testing, for example, testing a new Web design offline
before moving it to the live system.

■ Security
• Firewalls between Web server, application server and database

The next section describes typical deployment scenarios that serve those above

Typical Deployment Scenarios

Typical deployment scenarios for Intershop 7 include a simple deployment, a
medium deployment, a PA-DSS compliant deployment or a maximum failover
deployment. The following table illustrates which deployment feature is available
with each deployment scenario (for details, see the sections following the table):

24 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios Chapter 1: About Installation

Table 8. Typical deployment scenarios

Deployment Simple Medium PA-DSS Maximum

Feature Compliant
High Availability — Only for IAS and — Optimum
Scalability — Only for IAS and — Optimum
Failover — Only for IAS and — Optimum
Security — — Optimum Optimum

Simple Deployment
The simple deployment demonstrates the minimal set of Intershop 7 components,
which are necessary to get a running Intershop 7 system. The simple deployment
is best suited for development and testing purposes. The simple deployment
is supported through the setup program with the "Single Machine Installation"
In this scenario, all components of the Intershop 7 system are installed on the same
machine as shown in Figure 2, “Simple deployment scenario”. A failure of a single
component causes the whole Intershop 7 system to stop.
As a variation of this deployment scenario, each component can be moved to a
separate machine. Typically, the database and the Web server are deployed on
separate machines.
Figure 2. Simple deployment scenario

Medium Deployment
The medium deployment demonstrates how scalability and high availability is
achieved with Intershop 7. This deployment scenario is best suited for smaller live
systems and for test systems during development, e.g., to run stress tests. The

Installation Guide 25
Chapter 1: About Installation Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios

medium deployment is supported with the Component Installation features of the

setup program.
The scenario shown in Figure 3, “Medium deployment scenario” can be extended
by any number of additional application server or Web server machines. Note,
however, that the scenario sketched below does not provide high availability for
the database and the Intershop Shared Files, and it provides no security for the
application server, as you could expect with a firewall.
Figure 3. Medium deployment scenario

PA-DSS Compliant Deployment

This deployment scenario is designed to comply with the Payment Application
Data Security Standard. It provides for a maximum of security through a distributed
installation of the Intershop 7 components and firewalls between them. For
more information about PA-DSS, refer to the PCI Security Standards Council at

For details about a distributed installation, see Distributed Installation Example.

26 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios Chapter 1: About Installation

Figure 4. PA-DSS compliant deployment scenario

Maximum Deployment
Like the PA-DSS compliant deployment, the maximum deployment provides
for a maximum of security through firewalls between the individual Intershop 7
components, but, in addition, guarantees maximum scalability. This scenario needs
additional configuration, e.g., to include a load balancer, image server, or special
clusters for database and Intershop Shared Files. In this scenario, there never is a
single point of failure.

Installation Guide 27
Chapter 1: About Installation Intershop 7 Deployment Scenarios

Figure 5. Maximum deployment scenario

The firewalls in the deployment diagram demonstrate which firewall scenarios

are supported with Intershop 7. Note that in this deployment, there is a separate
firewall intervening between the Web servers/Web Adapters and application
servers. This is highly recommended for the deployment of Intershop 7 systems that
need to fulfill high security standards.
This maximum deployment can be also combined with an editing cluster as
demonstrated with the medium deployment. The editing cluster can be part of any
deployment scenario.

28 Installation Guide
Chapter 2

Intershop 7 Setup

This chapter describes different possible installation scenarios for Intershop 7 on
Linux and Windows, covering the following topics:
■ Installation on Linux
This section describes the RPM-based single machine and component
installation of Intershop 7 on Linux.
■ Installation on Windows
This section describes the single machine and component installations of
Intershop 7 on Windows, which base on Intershop’s setup program.
■ Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown
This section describes the options for starting and stopping Intershop 7 on Linux
and Windows.
■ Distributed Installation Example
This section briefly describes a distributed installation scenario.
■ Additional Installation Scenarios
This section describes additional installation scenarios available to increase the
performance or to meet specific requirements, namely the silent Intershop 7
installation, adding an application server machine to an existing cluster, and
installing an additional Intershop 7 instance.
■ Uninstalling Intershop 7
This section describes how to remove Intershop 7.

Installing Intershop 7 on Linux

On Linux (both SLES 11 and RHEL 5), Intershop 7 is installed using the RPM package

Installation Guide 29
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

Installation Process Overview

All Intershop 7 installations on Linux, single machine or component installation,
involve the same basic series of steps:
■ Creating system users and group assignments
See User Concept and Security.
■ Selecting the installation packages
For a list of available installation packages, see Installation Methods.
■ Installing the packages using the RPM package manager
■ Performing the postinstall operations
This step involves copying the Oracle 11g driver file to the appropriate location,
as well as adjusting and executing a configuration file using the postinstall
■ Licensing your system
This step involves copying the license file to the appropriate location.
■ Initializing the database
The database can be initialized by importing a database dump or by performing
a dbinit.
■ Checking for updates
After completing the installation, make sure to check the Intershop Support
Web site ( for the latest Intershop 7 patches/
hotfixes and install them as required.

Single Machine Installation on Linux

Selecting the Installation Packages

To install all software components on a single machine, all installation packages
must be selected.

Installing the Packages

To install the packages using the RPM package manager:
1. Log on as root user.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The DVD should be mounted automatically to a mount point (<mount_point>)
such as /media/cdrom or /media/dvd.
3. Navigate to the <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1 directory.
# cd <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1

4. Run the RPM package manager to install core package groups.

# rpm -ivh *.rpm

30 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

5. Install database and file system resources.

To complete the installation, you have to install an additional package group
providing database and file system resources that Intershop 7 needs for
operation. The additional package group to install depends on whether you
intend to set up a system initialized with central administration front ends and
complete sample data for the PrimeTech demo scenario, or with the central
administration front ends only.
To set up a system initialized with the central administration front ends and
complete sample data for the PrimeTech demo scenario, install
# rpm -ivh optional/*-demo-*.rpm

To set up a system initialized with the central administration front ends only,
# rpm -ivh optional/*-sfs-*.rpm

NOTE:  You cannot install both package groups in parallel.

6. Install additional optional packages as required.

Identify the packages to install, then run the RPM package manager. See
Optional Package Groups for an overview of optional packages available. For
example, to install the template localization tool, install
# rpm -ivh optional/*tloc*.rpm

Performing Postinstall Operations

To complete the installation, make sure to perform the following tasks.
■ Copy Oracle JDBC Driver and UCP Files
These files (ojdbc6.jar, JDBC thin driver for use with JDK 1.6, and ucp.jar, classes
required for the universal connection pooling feature) can be downloaded from
the Oracle Web site. ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar are also included with the Oracle
client installation.
NOTE:  For Intershop 7, make sure to use the JDBC driver and UCP file version For
details, see Oracle Connection Files.

Change to the directory containing the files, copy them to

<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib and adjust the file
rights, using for the instance ES1, for example:
# cp ojdbc6.jar /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib/
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/
# chmod 600 /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib/

# cp ucp.jar /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib/
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/
# chmod 600 /eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib/

Installation Guide 31
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

■ Add Application Server User to Oracle Client Group

To enable the application server user isas# to perform certain database related
tasks, make sure that the user is assigned to the Oracle Client group. If isas# is
not assigned to this group upon creation (see Creating System Users), you must
do so either editing the file /etc/group accordingly, or running, for instance,
# usermod -G <oracle_client_grp> isas#

■ Prepare Configuration File

The configuration file (/etc/opt/intershop/eserver1/ provides
various different types of information, such as the location of the Oracle client,
the database connection parameters, the name of the application server host
and the name of the Web server host. For details on the contents of the file, see
Linux Postinstall Parameters.
■ Execute Postinstall Script
To execute the postinstall script, log on as root user and execute (for instance
# /eserver1/bin/

■ Create Intershop 7 Temporary Directory

Several specific Intershop 7 operations like syndication, data replication, etc.
require a temporary working directory temp, which is not available by default. To
prevent any operational errors, Intershop recommends to create this directory
manually. For ES1, for example, do (as root)
# mkdir /eserver1/temp
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /eserver1/temp

Licensing your Intershop 7 System

To license Intershop 7, copy the license.xml file to /eserver1/share/system/license/.
You can do this as root or as user isas1.
# cp license.xml /eserver1/share/system/license/

NOTE:    After manually copying the license file as root, you have to set the necessary file
permissions for the application server user isas1 using chown and chmod.

To enhance the security of your system, make sure that you change the mode of the
license.xml file to 440. This assigns read only permissions to users, and thus restricts
access to the license file.

Initializing the Database

Two options are available for manual database initialization: running a dbinit or
importing a database dump.
Take the following issues into account when deciding whether to import a dump or
to run a dbinit:
• Running a dbinit usually takes more time compared to the dump import.
The dbinit process is typically used in case custom data are included with the
database initialization process. Using the dbinit also makes it possible to restrict
database initialization to certain cartridges or to certain preparer classes of a

32 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

• When importing a dump, the system uses default table spaces for index tables
as configured in the file. When initializing the database via a
dbinit, it is possible to specify custom table spaces for index tables by changing
the default values in See the Administration and Configuration
Guide for details. If you change the default values, make sure that the custom
table spaces have been set up before starting the dbinit.
• When importing a dump, the system automatically includes live and shadow
tables as required for source systems in data replication chains. When initializing
the database via a dbinit, you can configure in the file
whether the table system for data replication should be created or not. See the
Administration and Configuration Guide for more information on data replication
and related configuration options.

Running a dbinit
Proceed as follows to run a dbinit:
1. Log on as application server user.
# su - isas1

2. Run dbinit.
Change to the eserver#/bin directory:
$ cd bin

To start the dbinit process in GUI mode, type

$ ./

NOTE:  Executing the dbinit script requires you are working from an X window workstation,
an X terminal, or a PC or other system with X server software installed. When working from a
remote client, make sure to export the DISPLAY variable to the remote client and grant the
client permission to access the server on which the setup is executed.

This starts a build script that excutes the dbinit. You are asked to select the typical
or custom setup for the dbinit. Both options are explained below.
■ dbinit: Typical Setup
When selecting the typical setup, the dbinit executes the preparer classes for
all cartridges that are listed as value for the key cartridges.dbinit in /eserver#/
share/system/cartridges/ To restrict the dbinit to selected
cartridges (for example, to include or exclude the ucm_demo cartridge), edit the
values for this key as required.
■ dbinit: Custom Setup
Apart from advanced options, the custom setup provides the possibility to
restrict the dbinit to a subset of cartridges. In case a single cartridge is prepared,
you can even select the individual preparer classes of the cartridge to be
The following options are provided:
Table 9. Custom dbinit options

Option Name Description

Log to console A copy of log messages is sent not only to a log file,
but to the console.

Installation Guide 33
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

Option Name Description

Clean DB All database tables are deleted and re-created anew
for each cartridge.
Move table indices Table indices are moved to a separate table space.
The database tables are thus separated from indices,
which improves the performance of your system and
facilitates maintenance.
Enable table monitoring Allows you to gather statistics about database tables
(e.g., estimates of the number of rows affected by DML
statements over a period of time).
Disables dropping of indexes Table indices that are not useful can be
deleted by means of the stored procedure
Prepare all cartridges Prepares all available cartridges and executes the
preparer classes of these cartridges. If not selected, a
user can choose one or more cartridges from the list.
If you choose only one cartridge to be prepared, you
can select specific preparer classes to be executed.
Confirm execution of cartridge Before executing a preparer class, you will be asked if
preparer you want to really execute this class or not.

Importing a Database Dump

Part of the installation DVD are two database dumps that can be used for manual
database initialization. Both files are located in the directory /setup/server on the
installation DVD.
■ database-demo.dmp
This dump contains the complete set of demo organizations, catalogs and data.
NOTE:    If you want to import the complete demo data, make sure you have installed the
package group demo. For details, see Installing the Packages.

■ database-init.dmp
This dump contains data necessary to set up the central administration front
ends and the respective administrative users.

To import a database dump, proceed as follows:

1. Log on as root user.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The DVD should be mounted automatically to a mount point (<mount_point>)
such as /media/cdrom or /media/dvd.
3. Log on as application server user.
# su - isas1

4. Change to the tools/misc directory, then start the import process.

The import task is executed with the following parameters:
• dump.dir

Refers to the location of the dump file.

• dump.file

34 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Refers to the dump file name.

• dump.log.dir

Refers to the location of the log output file to be written.

• dump.imp.logfile

Refers to the log output file name.

• dump.output

Refers to the output log file of the SQL imp command.

$ cd tools/misc
$ ant -Ddump.dir=<mount_point>/setup/server -Ddump.file=<dump_name>.dmp
-Ddump.log.dir=<IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/tools/misc -Ddump.imp.logfile=import.log
-Ddump.output=<IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/tools/misc/out.log import

The import starts and will show the actions at the display. When the import process
has completed successfully, the following message displays:
Total time: 12 minutes 20 seconds

Precompiling the Templates

Pages served by Intershop 7 are based on ISML templates. When used for the
first time, each ISML template has to undergo a conversion process. During this
conversion process, the ISML template is converted into a JSP class, from which
then a Java class is generated. This Java class is compiled into a class file which the
server can execute at runtime.
It is strongly recommended to precompile all templates before starting up
the Intershop 7 server, as this greatly affects server response times. In order to
precompile templates, proceed as follows:
1. Log on application server user.
# su - isas1

2. Change to the /eserver#/tools/misc directory.

$ cd tools/misc

3. Start the precompilation process.

$ ant precompile

NOTE:  Make sure the application server is stopped before starting the precompilation process.

If you do not want templates to be precompiled, make sure the property

intershop.template.CompileOnStartup in the file (located in
/eserver#/share/system/config/cluster) is set to false. Otherwise, the time necessary to
start up Intershop 7 is going to increase significantly. For additonal parameters that
influence template processing, see the Administration and Configuration Guide.

Installation Guide 35
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

Component Installation on Linux

Apart from the development tools (which will not be discussed any further in this
book), the following main software components can be installed separately (see
Intershop 7 Software Components):
• Intershop Shared Files (ISF)
• Intershop Application Server (IAS)
• Intershop Web Server (IWS)

In a distributed installation, you must install install the ISF first. The ISF stores
information about all the available application servers in a particular Intershop 7
instance. Therefore, when installing an IAS, you must keep track of the application
server connection parameters. These connection parameters must be used when
installing the IWS component.
NOTE:  Make sure to follow the general installation steps as outlined in Installation Process Overview.

Installing the Intershop Shared Files

Selecting the Installation Packages

The ISF requires to install the following package groups:
• ant
• base
• config_merger
• jdk
• sfs
• demo (optional)

To include all packages belonging to the respective package group, use the pattern
*-<package_group>-*.rpm. For example, using *-<base>-*.rpm includes all
packages belonging to the package group base.

Installing the Packages

To install the packages using the RPM package manager:
1. Log on as root user.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The DVD should be mounted automatically to /media/cdrom or /media/dvd.
3. Navigate to the <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1 directory.
# cd <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1

4. Run the RPM package manager to install core package groups.

# rpm -ivh *-ant-*.rpm *-base-*.rpm *-config_merger-*.rpm *-jdk-*.rpm

36 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

5. Install database and file system resources.

To complete the installation, you have to install an additional package group
providing database and file system resources that Intershop 7 needs for
operation. The additional package group to install depends on whether you
intend to set up a system initialized with central administration front ends and
complete sample data for the PrimeTech demo scenario, or with the central
administration front ends only.
To set up a system initialized with the central administration front ends and
complete sample data for the PrimeTech demo scenario, install
# rpm -ivh optional/*-demo-*.rpm

To set up a system initialized with the central administration front ends only,
# rpm -ivh optional/*-sfs-*.rpm

NOTE:  You cannot install both demo package groups in parallel.

6. install additional optional packages as required.

Identify the packages to install, then run the RPM package manager. See
Optional Package Groups for an overview of optional packages available. For
example, to install the Intershop 7 Online Help, install
# rpm -ivh optional/*-doc-ucm_misc_doc-*.rpm

Performing Postinstall Operations

To complete the installation, make sure to perform the following tasks.
■ Copy Oracle JDBC Driver and UCP Files
These files (ojdbc6.jar, JDBC thin driver for use with JDK 1.6, and ucp.jar, classes
required for the universal connection pooling feature) can be downloaded from
the Oracle Web site. ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar are also included with the Oracle
client installation.
NOTE:  For Intershop 7, make sure to use the JDBC driver and UCP file version For
details, see Oracle Connection Files.

Change to the directory containing the files, copy them to

<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/cartridges/tools/release/lib and adjust the file
rights, using for the instance ES1, for example:
# cp ojdbc6.jar /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/
# chmod 600 /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/

# cp ucp.jar /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/
# chmod 600 /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/cartridges/tools/

Installation Guide 37
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

■ Prepare Configuration File

The configuration file (/etc/opt/intershop/eserver1/ provides
various different types of information, such as the location of the Oracle client,
the database connection parameters, the name of the application server host
and the name of the Web server host. For details on the contents of the file, see
Linux Postinstall Parameters.
■ Execute Postinstall Script
To execute the postinstall script, log on as root user and execute
# /eserver1/bin/

Licensing your Intershop 7 System

To license Intershop 7, copy the license.xml file to /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/
system/license/. You can do this as root or as user isas1.
# cp license.xml /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share/system/license/

NOTE:    After manually copying the license file as root, you have to set the necessary file
permissions for the application server user isas1 using chown and chmod.

To enhance the security of your system, make sure that you change the mode of the
license.xml file to 440. This assigns read only permissions to users, and thus restricts
access to the license file.

Exporting the ISF

If the ISF instance is installed on a dedicated host, make sure to export the ISF from
the ISF host and mount it on the IAS host.
To export the ISF, modify /etc/exports and add a line like:
/var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share ase-host.domain(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

NOTE:  Using a configuration option like this presupposes that the application server user has the
same ID on both the ISF host and the IAS host. In case different IDs have to be used, you must
define appropriate mappings. For available options, see man exports.

After that, either start the NFS server using /etc/init.d/nfs start, or, assuming
the NFS server is already running, use the exportfs command to export the share
directory to the IAS host.
# exportfs -ra

Use the exportfs -v command to make sure that the ISF has been exported
properly. After the installation, the option no_root_squash should be removed from
the /etc/exports file because only the isas1 user must have write access at runtime.
NOTE:  If there are exports which are not contained in /etc/exports, the exportfs -ra command
will erase these exports.

Installing the Intershop Application Server

Before installing the IAS, make sure the ISF instance has already been installed.

Mounting the ISF

To mount the exported ISF on the IAS host, use

38 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

# mkdir -p /var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share
# mount -t nfs <sfs-host>:/var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share

NOTE:    Installing the Intershop Application Server (IAS) always requires an existing ISF instance
where cluster-wide information resides. If you want to install several application servers on multiple
hosts, the system user and group names and the respective IDs must be identical on all hosts within
the same cluster.

Selecting the Installation Packages

The IAS requires to install the following package groups:
• ant
• ase
• base
• config_merger
• jdk
• tomcat

To include all packages belonging to the respective package group, use the pattern
*-<package_group>-*.rpm. For example, using *-<base>-*.rpm includes all
packages belonging to the package group base.

Installing the Packages

To install the packages using the RPM package manager:
1. Log on as root user.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The DVD should be mounted automatically to a mount point (<mount_point>)
such as /media/cdrom or /media/dvd.
3. Navigate to the <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1 directory.
# cd <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1

4. Run the RPM package manager.

# rpm -ivh *-ant-*.rpm *-ase-*.rpm *-base-*.rpm *-config_merger-*.rpm
*-jdk-*.rpm *-tomcat-*.rpm

NOTE:  If you install the IAS on a machine that already hosts an ISF instance, make sure to install
only the missing packages, i.e., ase and tomcat. Otherwise the RPM execution will fail.

Performing Postinstall Operations

To complete the installation, make sure to perform the following tasks.
■ Prepare Configuration File
The configuration file (/etc/opt/intershop/eserver1/ provides
various different types of information, such as the location of the Oracle client,
the database connection parameters, the name of the application server host
and the name of the Web server host. For details on the contents of the file, see
Linux Postinstall Parameters.

Installation Guide 39
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Linux

■ Execute Postinstall Script

To execute tha postinstall script, log on as root user and execute
# /eserver1/bin/

■ Add Application Server User to Oracle Client Group

To enable the application server user isas# to perform certain database related
tasks, make sure that the user is assigned to the Oracle Client group. If isas# is
not assigned to this group upon creation (see Creating System Users), you must
do so either editing the file /etc/group accordingly, or running, for instance
# usermod isas# -G <oracle_client_grp>

■ Create Intershop 7 Temporary Directory

Several specific Intershop 7 operations like syndication, data replication, etc.
require a temporary working directory temp, which is not available by default. To
prevent any operational errors, Intershop recommends to create this directory
manually. For ES1, for example, do (as root)
# mkdir /eserver1/temp
# chown isas1:isgrp1 /eserver1/temp

Initializing the Database

Before starting the application server instance, make sure the database has been
initialized, via dump import or running a dbinit. For details, see Initializing the

Adding Application Servers to Existing Instance

When adding an application server to an existing instance in a distributed
installation, two additional configuration steps are necessary to properly integrate
the new server instance. Both configurations are necessary in case the Web server
resides on a different host than the new application server.
■ Connect Application Server with Remote Web Server
The new application server needs to be configured in the
file (located in /etc/opt/intershop/eserver#) on the Web server machine. To
configure the application server, open the file on the Web
server machine and add a line in the section "Configuration Service":

Make sure that the integer in the key cs.url.x has been incremented correctly.
■ Define Web Server URL Settings for Application Server
The URL settings of the remote Web server machine have to be included in the file (located in /eserver#/share/system/config/cluster) of the
new application server. Open the file and make sure the
entry in the section "Web Server URL Settings" correctly points to the Web server
host and port.

40 Installation Guide
Installation on Linux Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

When using a Web server farm with multiple hosts, the entry should point to the
server that serves as main entry point, such as the load balancer machine.

Installing the Intershop Web Server

Selecting the Installation Packages

The IWS requires to install the following package groups:
• ant
• base
• config_merger
• jdk
• httpd
• wa

To include all packages belonging to the respective package group, use the
pattern *-<package_group>-*.rpm. For example, using *-<base>-*.rpm includes all
packages belonging to the package group base.

Installing the Packages

To install the packages using the RPM package manager:
1. Log on as root user.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
The DVD should be mounted automatically to a mount point (<mount_point>)
such as /media/cdrom or /media/dvd.
3. Navigate to the <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1 directory.
# cd <mount_point>/setup/server/ES1

4. Run the RPM package manager.

# rpm -ivh *-ant-*.rpm *-base-*.rpm *-config_merger-*.rpm *-jdk-*.rpm
*-httpd-*.rpm *-wa-*.rpm

NOTE:  If you install the IWS on a machine that already hosts an ISF instance, make sure to
install only the missing packages, i.e., httpd and wa. Otherwise the RPM execution will fail.

Performing Postinstall Operations

To complete the installation, make sure to perform the following tasks.
■ Prepare Configuration File
The configuration file (/etc/opt/intershop/eserver1/ provides
various different types of information, such as the name of the application server
host and the name of the Web server host. For details on the contents of the file,
see Linux Postinstall Parameters.
■ Execute Postinstall Script
To execute the postinstall script, log on as root user and execute

Installation Guide 41
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

# /eserver1/bin/

■ Define Web Server URL Settings for Application Server

When setting up a dedicated Web server installation in a distributed installation,
the URL settings of the remote Web server machine have to be included in the file (located in /eserver#/share/system/config/cluster) of the
application server machine. Open the file and make sure the
entry in the section "Web Server URL Settings" correctly points to the Web server
host and port.

When using a Web server farm with multiple hosts, the entry should point to the
server that serves as main entry point, such as the load balancer machine.

NOTE:    In distributed installations, make sure to keep the individual machines' system time

Installing Intershop 7 on Windows

On Microsoft Windows, Intershop 7 is installed using Intershop's setup program.
When installing Intershop 7, you can choose between the GUI (default) and the text
mode (see Windows: Setup Program).
NOTE:  This guide describes the Intershop 7 installation using the default GUI mode.

Starting the Installation on Windows

All Intershop 7 installations on Windows, single machine or component
installations, are started the same way, as described in this section.

Log Files
The setup program writes setup log files (for install and uninstall operations) to
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\intershop\setup\log. Two separate files are created: for error
messages and for debug information. Debug log files are suffixed with _sf.
In addition, error messages that have nothing to do with the setup program itself
(e.g., if the JRE does not exist or cannot be executed) are written to log files in
NOTE:  In case of errors during the installation process, you have to uninstall the respective instance
first before attempting to restart the installation.

42 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Starting the Intershop 7 Setup

To start the installation of Intershop 7, perform the following steps:
1. Log on as user with administrative rights.
2. Insert the installation DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
3. Change to the setup/server directory on the DVD.
4. Start the setup program.
Launch the setup.exe.
The setup program initially displays the Welcome page.
Figure 6. Intershop 7 Setup Welcome page

Press <ENTER> or click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the
License Agreement panel.
5. Read and accept the license agreement.
Figure 7. Accepting the License Agreement

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Destination Selection

Installation Guide 43
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

6. Set the destination for the installation.

Figure 8. Specifying name and destination directory

When the installation program detects existing installations of Intershop 7, they

will be listed. You have the following options:
• Select an existing Intershop 7 instance. This allows you to add new
components to this instance. Continue with Step 8.
• Specify a new instance. Continue with Step 7.
7. Specify the installation directory for the new instance.
You must specify the directory where you want Intershop 7 to be installed
The setup program automatically checks whether enough disk space for
installing Intershop 7 exists. If the installation directory does not exist, the
system creates it. If it does, the directory should be empty. Otherwise this might
cause problems, because after the installation is done the ownership of the
directory (and all content) is changed to isas#:isgrp#.
NOTE:  The instance name (<IS.INSTANCE.NAME>) is determined by the setup program and
cannot be modified.

Press <ENTER> to continue. The installation proceeds with the Installation Type

44 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

8. Choose the Single Machine or the Component Installation option.

Figure 9. Selecting the installation type

• Single Machine Installation

Choosing this option installs all Intershop 7 components that are necessary
to run the product on a single machine. If you select this option, you do not
have any control over the components that are installed. If you choose this
option, continue with Single Machine Installation Windows.
• Component Installation
Choosing this option allows you to select the Intershop 7 components that
you want to install and to modify default values. If you choose this option,
continue with Component Installation Windows.

Single Machine Installation on Windows

If you choose the single machine installation, the setup program installs the entire
product, including the developer tools.

Preparing the Installation

Before starting a single machine installation, make sure you have the following
information available:
• Location of the Oracle 11g Client
• Database connection parameters
This includes host name, port, SID and user/schema account to be used by
Intershop 7.
• Location of the Oracle 11g Client JDBC driver and UCP file
These files (ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar) can be downloaded from the Oracle Web site.
ojdbc6.jar and ucp.jar are also included with the Oracle client installation.
NOTE:    Intershop  7 requires the Oracle JDBC driver version as well as the Oracle
Universal Connection Pool version However, refer to the system requirements sheet
or the Intershop Knowledge Base to get up-to-date information about which version is required
by your Intershop 7 system.

• Location of the license file

Installation Guide 45
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

Single Machine Installation Procedure

If you have chosen Single Machine Installation on the Installation Type panel (refer
to Starting the Intershop 7 Setup), the installation continues with displaying the
Oracle Client panel.
1. Select the Oracle Client home directory.
Figure 10. Specifying the Oracle Client home directory

Specify the path of the Oracle Client home directory, i.e., the location where you
have installed the Oracle Client during the Oracle setup procedure.
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Database Connection
2. Enter the database connection parameters.
Figure 11. Specifying the database connection parameters

Specify the data the system needs to connect to the database.

• Database Host Name: <IS.AS.DBCONNECTION.HOSTNAME> corresponds to

• Database Listener Port: <IS.AS.DBCONNECTION.PORT> corresponds to


• System Identifier: <IS.AS.DBCONNECTION.SID> corresponds to <DB.SID>

46 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

NOTE:  Be aware that with Oracle XE, which is supported for development environments,
the SID is always XE.

• Database User Name: <IS.AS.DBCONNECTION.USER>

• Database User Password: <IS.AS.DBCONNECTION.PASSWD>
These values are required for connecting to the database. They are
stored in the property file <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/oracle/
tnsnames.ora. For the application server user, an environment variable is
set: TNS_ADMIN=<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/oracle. Other values
are stored in the property file <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/cluster/
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the JDBC Driver panel.
3. Set the location of the Oracle 11g Client JDBC driver.
Figure 12. Specifying the Oracle JDBC driver file location

Enter the path and name of the Oracle 11g client JDBC driver file (JDBC thin
driver, ojdbc6.jar, see Oracle Connection Files).
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the UCP file panel.
4. Set the location of the Oracle 11g UCP file.
Figure 13. Specifying the Oracle UCP file location

Installation Guide 47
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

Enter the path and name of the Oracle 11g UCP file (ucp.jar, see Oracle
Connection Files).
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the User and Group panel.
5. Enter the required users, group names and IDs.
Figure 14. Specifying system users and groups

This page is used to configure the application server user and group, as well
as the Web Adapter user. The setup program generates default names and IDs
automatically. These names and IDs can be changed. If you want to use existing
user and group names, the setup program checks if the entered names and IDs
are correct. An existing user can be added to a new local group, too. See also
User and Group Names.
NOTE:  The default IDs start with 3200 for the first instance. For a custom installation on multiple
hosts, the user and group IDs must be identical.

Hereby is:
• Name of the instance group: <SYSTEM.IS.GROUP>
• ID of the instance group: <SYSTEM.IS.GROUP.ID>
• Name of the application server user: <SYSTEM.AS.USER>
• ID of the application server user: <SYSTEM.AS.USER.ID>
• Name of the Web Adapter user: <SYSTEM.WA.USER>
• ID of the Web Adapter user: <SYSTEM.WA.USER.ID>
If you want to centrally administer application and Web server users in a
Network Information Service (NIS), you must create the users in a NIS (or NIS+,
LDAP) server before installing Intershop 7. These names must then be entered
in the appropriate fields in this page.
With respect to user names, the setup program allows the use of alpha-numeric
characters, periods, hyphens and underscores. The first character must be
alphabetic and the field should contain at least one lower case alphabetic
character. As opposed to user names, group names must be lower case. Only
numeric characters, periods, hyphens and underscores are allowed. The
following characters are allowed:
• For user names

48 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup


• For group names


Both user and group names must not contain any spaces and they must not
consist of more than eight characters.
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the System Initialization
6. Specify the System Initialization.
Figure 15. Selecting the system initialization type

Using these options, you can decide how the system should be initialized, i.e.,
whether or not the demo data is to be installed.
• Option 1 will import a database dump without demo data and prepare the
ISF directory structure. After the installation, you can start the application
server and access the central administration front ends for e-selling.
• Option 2 imports a database dump containing the complete demo data. The
result is a system with selling, supplying and buying organizations that can
be used for demo or testing purposes.
• Option 3 does not do any initialization as part of the installation process.
Choosing this option requires to run the dbinit script or to import a database
dump after the installation is finished.
Select the option to use and click Next to continue. The installation proceeds
with the License File panel.

Installation Guide 49
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

7. Enter the license file information.

Figure 16. Specifying the license file location

Specify the path and name of the license file (license.xml).

NOTE:  Even if there is no valid license file available, the installation process can be completed,
including database dump import. However, without a valid license file you cannot start
Intershop  7. For information on how to license your system manually, see Licensing the
Intershop 7 System.

Click Next to continue. After checking for the license file, the system will verify
the setup configuration.
8. Verify the setup configuration.
Figure 17. Verifying the installation.

Now the needed installation information is complete, and the setup program
will verify it and display an installation summary. Click Start to start the
installation. If you want to modify individual settings, click Back to go back.

The installation process consists of three major steps:

• Step 1 is to prepare the installation, i. e., to read the property files etc.
• Step 2 copies the files, installs the cartridges and components.
• In Step 3, the setup program performs some necessary post installation tasks.

50 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

At the end of the installation process, a summary is displayed. The summary

contains the location of the installation log file and a list of the installed
Figure 18. Installation summary

Licensing the Intershop 7 System

If you did not install the license file during the installation process you
can do it after this installation is finished. Copy the license.xml file to the
<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/license directory.
NOTE:  To enhance the security of your system, make sure that you assign read-only permissions
on this file to users (e.g., using attrib +r), thus restricting access to the license file.

Manual Database Initialization

In case you have not imported the database dump during the installation, you must
initialize the database manually. Manual database initialization can also be used to
restore the database content to the state right after the installation.
Two options are available for manual database initialization: running a dbinit or
importing a database dump. Take the following issues into account when decifing
wether to import a dump or to run a dbinit:
• Running a dbinit usually takes more time compared to the dump import.
The dbinit process is typically used in case custom data are included with the
database initialization process. Using the dbinit also makes it possible to restrict
database initialization to certain cartridges or to certain preparer classes of a
• When importing a dump, the system uses default table spaces for index tables
as configured in the file. When initializing the database via a
dbinit, it is possible to specify custom table spaces for index tables by changing
the default values in See the Administration and Configuration
Guide for details. If you change the default values, make sure that the custom
table spaces have been set up before starting the dbinit.
• When importing a dump, the system automatically includes live and shadow
tables as required for source systems in data replication chains. When initializing
the database via a dbinit, you can configure in the file

Installation Guide 51
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

whether the table system for data replication should be created or not. See the
Administration and Configuration Guide for more information on data replication
and related configuration options.

Running a dbinit
There are two options for the dbinit: typical and custom setup.
■ dbinit: Typical Setup
When selecting the typical setup, the dbinit executes the preparer classes
for all cartridges that are listed as value for the key cartridges.dbinit in
<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/cartridges/ To restrict the
dbinit to selected cartridges (for example, to include or exclude the ucm_demo
cartridge), edit the values for this key as required.
■ dbinit: Custom Setup
In addition to advanced options, the custom setup allows for restricting the
dbinit to a subset of cartridges. In case a single cartridge is prepared, you can
even select the individual preparer classes of the cartridge to be executed.
The following options are supported:
Table 10. Custom dbinit options

Option Description
Log to console A copy of log messages is sent not only to a log file,
but to the console.
Clean DB All database tables are deleted and re-created anew
for each cartridge.
Move table indices Table indices are moved to a separate table space.
The database tables are thus separated from indices,
which improves the performance of your system and
facilitates maintenance.
Enable table monitoring Allows you to gather statistics about database tables
(e.g., estimates of the number of rows affected by DML
statements over a period of time).
Disables dropping of indexes Table indices that are not useful can be
deleted by means of the stored procedure
Prepare all cartridges Prepares all available cartridges and executes the
preparer classes of these cartridges. If not selected, a
user can choose one or more cartridges from the list.
If you choose only one cartridge to be prepared, you
can select specific preparer classes to be executed.
Confirm execution of cartridge Before executing a preparer class, you will be asked if
preparer you want to really execute this class or not.

To run a dbinit, proceed as follows:

1. Log on as or switch to the application server user isas#.
On Windows, make sure to prepare the build environment using
environment.bat (located in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/bin).
2. Run dbinit.
Change to the <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/bin directory and execute dbinit.bat.

52 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

This starts the dbinit process. A window opens prompting you to select the
database initialization type.
Figure 19. Selecting the dbinit type

3. Select typical or custom setup.

Click Next to proceed.
4. For the custom setup, define the required options.
Figure 20. Defining custom dbinit options

For information about the available options, see the table above.
5. Click Next to start the initialization process.
The database is initialized applying the chosen options.

Importing a Database Dump

Part of the installation DVD are two database dumps that can be used for manual
database initialization. Both files are located in the directory /setup/server on the
installation DVD.
• database-init.dmp

Installation Guide 53
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

This dump contains data necessary to set up the central administration front
ends and the respective administrative users (see system initialization option 1
as described in Single Machine Installation Procedure).
• database-demo.dmp
This dump contains the complete set of demo organizations, catalogs and data
(see system initialization option 1 as described in Single Machine Installation

To import a database dump, proceed as follows:

1. Log on as or switch to the application server user isas#.
On Windows, make sure to prepare the build environment using
environment.bat (located in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/bin).
2. Copy the dump file to be imported to the target location.
The dumps are located in the directory setup/server on the installation DVD.
Copy the dump to directory <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/tools/misc.
3. Rename the dump file to database.dmp.
4. Start the import process.
ant import

The import is executed. The tool output is logged to the console. When the import
process has completed successfully, a success message is displayed, stating the
process duration, e.g.:
Total time: 12 minutes 20 seconds

Component Installation on Windows

This section describes how to install individual components of Intershop 7,
including installation prerequisites and different installation sequences. The
following topics are covered:
• Installing the Intershop Shared Files
• Installing the Intershop Application Server
• Installing the Intershop Web Server

Apart from the development tools (which will not be discussed any further in this
book), the following main software components can be installed separately (see
Intershop 7 Software Components):
• Intershop Shared Files (ISF)
• Intershop Application Server (IAS)
• Intershop Web Server (IWS)

In a distributed installation, you must install install the ISF first. The ISF stores
information about all the available application servers in a particular Intershop 7
instance. Therefore, when installing an IAS, you must keep track of the application

54 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

server connection parameters. These connection parameters must be used when

installing the IWS component.
NOTE:  If you update from previous versions to Intershop 7, make sure to include the Config Merger
with every instance to be installed.

Installing the Intershop Shared Files

You can start the installation with the ISF if you know the database connection
parameters that are used by the application servers and which are stored in the ISF.

Installing the Intershop Web Server

Starting the installation with the Intershop Web Server requires knowledge about
the connection parameters for the Web server and each HTTP connection for the
application server.
When the IWS is selected to be installed, the Apache HTTP Server is automatically
installed, too.

Installing the Intershop Application Server

To install the Intershop Application Server, you must have a Intershop Shared Files
instance installed, either locally or on a remote system. You can, however, install the
ISF and the IAS in a single step by selecting the two components in the Component
Selection page (refer to Installing the Intershop Shared Files).
CAUTION:  When using an ISF instance from a remote host (e.g., in a distributed installation), make
sure to map it to a network drive on the IAS host before starting to install the IAS. Using UNC names
to reference remote machines will cause problems.

Before installing an IAS, make sure that you know the following parameters:
• The location of your ISF
• The location of the Oracle 11g Client
• The location of the license file
• The location of the JDBC driver and UCP file
• The connection parameters for your application server
• Node Manager port
• Tomcat shutdown port
• Tomcat HTTP and HTTPS ports
• Intershop 7 HTTP port

NOTE:    In distributed installations, make sure to keep the individual machines' system time

Starting the Component Installation

The Component Installation starts with the same steps as the Single Machine
Installation. Start the setup program and select the instance that should be installed
or to which a component should be added. See Starting the Intershop 7 Setup.

Installation Guide 55
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

On the Installation Type panel, select the Component Installation (refer to Starting
the Intershop 7 Setup).
Figure 21. Selecting the component installation

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Components panel. By
default, all components are selected.
Figure 22. Component installation

The sequence of panels that follows depends on the component that is selected for

Installing the Intershop Shared Files

This section describes how to install the Intershop Shared Files.
1. Select Intershop Shared Files.
Part of the ISF component is the Intershop 7 demo content. You can, but do not
have to, install the demo content along with the ISF.
Select the ISF and unmark all other options.

56 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Figure 23. Selecting the Intershop Shared Files for installation

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Database Connection
2. Enter the database connection parameters.
Specify the database server and account details. For more information, refer to
Single Machine Installation Procedure.
Figure 24. Specifying the database connection parameters

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the JDBC Driver panel.

Installation Guide 57
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

3. Set the location of the Oracle 11g Client JDBC driver.

Figure 25. Specifying the Oracle JDBC driver file location

Enter the path and name of the Oracle 11g client JDBC driver file (JDBC thin
driver, ojdbc6.jar, see Oracle Connection Files).
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the UCP file panel.
4. Set the location of the Oracle 11g UCP file.
Figure 26. Specifying the Oracle UCP file location

Enter the path and name of the Oracle 11g UCP file (ucp.jar, see Oracle
Connection Files).
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the User and Group panel.
5. Enter the required users, group names and IDs.
For details, refer to Single Machine Installation Procedure.

58 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Figure 27. Specifying system users and groups

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the License File panel.
6. Enter the license file information.
For details, refer to Single Machine Installation Procedure.
Figure 28. Specifying the license file location

Click Next to continue. After checking for the license file, the system will verify
the setup configuration.

Installation Guide 59
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

7. Verify the setup configuration.

Figure 29. Verifying the ISF installation

Click Start to start the installation. Finish the ISF installation as prompted.

On Windows, you must share the ISF directory when using the ISF in a distributed
installation where it is accessed from a remote IAS host. By default, the share
is available to members of user group "Everyone" with full control. For security
reasons, it is recommended to restrict availablity of the share to the application
server user only (isas#). Hence, include user isas# (with full control) and remove
user group "Everyone" when defining sharing permissons.
NOTE:    In addition, it is recommended to restrict file system access to the ISF directory to the
application server user.

Installing the Intershop Application Server

Installing the Intershop Application Server (IAS) always requires an existing ISF
where cluster-wide information resides. If you want to install several application
servers on multiple hosts, the system user and group names and the IDs must be
identical on all hosts within the same cluster.

IAS Installation Procedure

To install the Intershop Application Server:
1. Select Intershop Application Server.
Select the IAS and unmark all other options.

60 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Figure 30. Selecting the Intershop Application Server for installation

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Oracle Client panel.
2. Select the Oracle Client home directory.
Specify the path of the Oracle Client home directory, i.e., the location where
you have installed the Oracle Client during the Oracle setup procedure. Refer to
Single Machine Installation Procedure.
Figure 31. Specifying the Oracle Client home directory

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Intershop Shared Files
panel. Note that this panel is not displayed in case you install the ISF along with
the IAS.
3. Specify the ISF location.
A remote ISF instance must be mapped to a network drive on the application
server host before you can start to install the IAS. For more information, see
Installing the Intershop Application Server.

Installation Guide 61
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

Figure 32. Specifying the ISF location

The setup program checks whether the specified ISF location exists. The
installation process does not continue until the system finds it. The setup
program also checks whether the <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/cartridges/ file exists in the ISF directory.
Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Application Server
Connection panel.
4. Enter the application server connection parameters.
Specify the connection parameters for the Tomcat application server. See Port
Numbers, for details about the different ports specified on this panel.
Figure 33. Specifying the application server connection details

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the User and Group panel.
5. Enter the required users, group names and IDs.
For details, refer to Single Machine Installation Procedure. Make sure that you use
the same user and group IDs for installing the ISF, the IAS and the IWS.

62 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Figure 34. Specifying system users and groups

NOTE:    When performing the installation component by component, the User and Group
panel appears before installing the first component. It does not appear when you add
components to an existing Intershop 7 instance.

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the System Initialization
6. Specify the system initialization.
For details, refer to Single Machine Installation Procedure.
Figure 35. Selecting the system initialization type

Click Next to continue. The system will verify the setup configuration.

Installation Guide 63
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

7. Verify the setup configuration.

Figure 36. Verifying the IAS installation

Click Start to start the installation. Finish the IAS installation as prompted.

NOTE:  In a distributed installation on Windows, it is recommended to restrict the access to the IAS
directory to the application server user provided during the installation process.

Licensing the Intershop 7 System

If you did not install the license file during the installation process you
can do it after this installation is finished. Copy the license.xml file to the
<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/license directory.
NOTE:  To enhance the security of your system, make sure that you assign read only permissions
on this file to users (e.g., using attrib +r), thus restricting access to the license file.

Manual Database Initialization

If you have not initialized the database as part of the installation process (refer to
IAS Installation Procedure), you need to initialize the database manually by running a
dbinit or by importing a database dump.
NOTE:  You need to initialize the database only once, even if you install several application servers.

For details, see Manual Database Initialization.

Adding an IAS to an Existing Instance

When adding an application server to an existing instance in a distributed
installation, two additional configuration steps are necessary to properly integrate
the new server instance. This configuration is necessary in case the Web server
resides on a different host than the new application server.
■ Connect Application Server with Remote Web Server
The new application server needs to be configured in the
file (located in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/webadapter) on the Web server machine. To
configure the application server, open the file on the Web
server machine and add a line in the section "Configuration Service":

64 Installation Guide
Installation on Windows Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Make sure that the integer in the key cs.url.x has been incremented correctly.
■ Define Web Server URL Settings for Application Server
The URL settings of the remote Web server machine have to be included in the file (located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/cluster)
of the new application server. Open the file and make sure
the entry in the section "Web Server URL Settings" correctly points to the Web
server host and port.

When using a Web server farm with multiple hosts, the entry should point to the
server that serves as main entry point, such as the load balancer machine.

Installing the Intershop Web Server

This section describes how to install the Intershop Web Server.
NOTE:  The Intershop Web Server always comes with the Apache HTTP Server.

1. Select Intershop Web Server.

Select the IWS and unmark all other options.
Figure 37. Selecting the Intershop Web Server for installation

Click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the Intershop Web Server
Connection panel.

Installation Guide 65
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Installation on Windows

2. Enter the Intershop Web Server connection parameters.

Figure 38. Specifying the IWS-IAS connection details

The Intershop Web Server connection parameters include:

■ Intershop Web Server connection parameters
• Host: fully-qualified name of the IWS host (<IS.WS.HOST.NAME>)
• HTTP Port: http port number of the IWS host (<IS.WS.HOST.PORT>,
default: 80)
• HTTPS Port: secure port number of the IWS host
(<IS.WS.HOST.HTTPSPORT>, default: 443)
■ Application Server connection parameters:
• Host: fully-qualified name of the AS host (<IS.AS.HOST.NAME>)
• Port: port number of the Intershop 7 HTTP port (<IS.AS.HTTP.PORT>,
default: 10054)
The default ports for the Intershop Web Server are automatically displayed. The
default server ports are 80 for the first instance and 81 for the second instance
(see Port Numbers). The system checks whether the default port number is free.
If it is not, the port number is automatically incremented one by one until the
system finds a free port. The same method is used to find an HTTPS port (443 for
the first instance). If you need another port, you can change the HTTPS port.
This panel is also used to configure your Intershop Web Server so that it "knows"
the location of the Intershop 7 applications (host names and HTTP ports). You
must enter the HTTP port of at least one application in the appropriate field (see
Port Numbers). Otherwise, your system will not work properly.
If you have installed several application servers, you can add all of them.
The system then writes this data into the <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/webadapter/ file. The Web interface needs this information to
determine how many and which application servers are available to a system.
NOTE:  If you want to support failover mode, you must enter the parameters of at least two
application servers. This page is the right place to enter the failover configuration for your Web
server (for more information about failover scenarios, see the Intershop 7 Administration and
Configuration Guide).

66 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

When done, click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the User and
Group panel.
3. Enter the required users, group names and IDs.
For details, refer to Single Machine Installation Procedure. Make sure that you use
the same user and group IDs for installing the ISF, the IAS and the IWS.
Figure 39. Specifying system users and groups

Click Next to continue. The system will verify the setup configuration.
4. Verify the setup configuration.
Figure 40. Verifying the Intershop Web Server installation

Click Start to start the installation. Finish the IWS installation as prompted.

NOTE:  In a distributed installation on Windows, it is recommended to restrict the access to the IWS
directory to the Web Adapter user provided during the installation process.

Starting and Shutting Down Intershop 7

This section describes how to start and stop an Intershop 7 instance. You can start/
stop Intershop 7:
• Manually

Installation Guide 67
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown

• Automatically, whenever the system is rebooted.

NOTE:  Before starting Intershop 7, make sure that it is correctly configured. For details about the
configuration parameters, refer to the Intershop 7 Administration and Configuration Guide.

Preparing the Server Startup

Before starting Intershop 7, take care of the following issues:

All Installations
• Make sure a valid license file is available in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/share/system/
• Verify database connection settings in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/share/system/config/
• Make sure that the dbinit process has already been run or a database dump has
been imported.
• Make sure templates have been precompiled.
If you do not want templates to be precompiled, make sure the property
intershop.template.CompileOnStartup in the file (located
in /eserver#/share/system/config/cluster) is set to false. Otherwise, the time
necessary to start up Intershop 7 is going to increase significantly.
• Before starting a production system, make sure you have run through the
"Intershop 7 Going Live" checklist.
For detailed information and to get help, contact Intershop Support.

Cluster Installations
If you have installed multiple instances connected in a cluster:
• Make sure to enter a valid IP address and a unique port number for the event
multicast channel for cluster-internal communication between application
Check and (if necessary) modify the settings for the following keys in

• Make sure to enter a valid IP address and a unique port number for the event
multicast channel used by the Tomcat Cluster Management Console and the
Intershop 7 Node Manager.
Check and (if necessary) modify the settings for the following keys in

• Make sure to enter a valid IP address and a unique port number for cache
Check and (if necessary) modify the settings for the following keys in

68 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup


NOTE:  Use distinct IP adresses and port numbers for event multicast and cache synchronization

For details on these configuration parameters, see the Administration and

Configuration Guide. For additional checks necessary in case of distributed
installations, see Distributed Installation Example.

Start/Stop Intershop 7 on Linux

This section describes how to start and shut down Intershop 7 on Linux.

Start or Stop Instance Manually

To start Intershop 7, you need to start three different service components: for
the Web server, the Web Adapter Agent, and the Intershop Application Server.
Intershop 7 provides its own service scripts to start Web server, Web Adapter Agent
and Intershop Application Server. The respective service scripts are located in /etc/
■ eserver1-httpd
Starts or stops the Web server of ES1
■ eserver1-waa
Starts or stops the Web Adapter Agent of ES1
■ eserver1-ase
Starts or stops the Intershop Application Server of ES1

NOTE:  Each instance installs its own scripts. Hence, the respective scripts for instance ES2 would
have the prefix eserver2.

Each script can take the arguments start, stop, restart, status or force-reload.
For example, the following commands start or stop the Web server for ES1:
# /etc/init.d/eserver1-httpd start
# /etc/init.d/eserver1-httpd stop

NOTE:  The status argument simply indicates whether a service has been started or not. It does
not replace system monitoring. For example, a service ase in state running only indicates that
the respective node manager process has been started. It does not indicate whether the node
manager has been able to start the Tomcat processes, etc.

Note that you execute these scripts as root. The root user starts the Web server and
Web Adapter on behalf of user iswa#, and the application server on behalf of user

In addition to the scripts to start and stop service components individually,

Intershop 7 provides a generic start script which can be used to start or stop all
services of an instance at once. This script (eserver1 for the instance ES1) is located
in /usr/sbin/ and is part of the global user path. Hence, to start an Intershop 7
instance manually, log on as root user and execute the start script for the respective
instance. For example, start the instance ES1 with the following command:
# eserver1 start

Installation Guide 69
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown

To stop the instance ES1, use

# eserver1 stop

In addition to the arguments start and stop, this script also takes the arguments
restart, status or force-reload, as well as the options ase, waa or httpd to control
the individual service components.

Start or Stop Instance Automatically

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

To enable Intershop 7 services to be started automatically at system boot time (in
runlevels 3, 5), execute (for the instance ES1):
# insserv eserver1-ase
# insserv eserver1-httpd
# insserv eserver1-waa

To disable the services, use

# insserv -r eserver1-ase
# insserv -r eserver1-httpd
# insserv -r eserver1-waa

Alternatively, you can enable or disable these services using the YaST Runlevel

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To enable Intershop 7 services to be started automatically at system boot time (in
runlevels 3, 5), execute (for the instance ES1):
# chkconfig --add --level 3,5 eserver1-ase
# chkconfig --add --level 3,5 eserver1-httpd
# chkconfig --add --level 3,5 eserver1-waa

To disable the services, use

# chkconfig --del eserver1-ase
# chkconfig --del eserver1-httpd
# chkconfig --del eserver1-waa

Alternatively, you can enable or disable these services using the Services
Configuration Tool.

Start/Stop Intershop 7 on Windows

This section describes how to start and shut down Intershop 7 on Windows.

Start Or Stop Instance Manually

To start or stop Intershop 7 manually, perform the following steps:
1. Make sure that the dbinit process has already been run or a database
dump has been imported.
Check that both the database and the listener are running.

70 Installation Guide
Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

2. Make sure that the services INTERSHOP HTTP Server (1) and the
INTERSHOP Webadapter Agent (1) are running.
3. Log on as user with administrative rights and execute the start script.
Change to the <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/bin directory and double-click the
start_intershop.bat script to start Intershop 7.
A command window is opening. Alternatively, you can open a command
prompt, change to the <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/bin directory and execute
To stop Intershop 7, close the command window.

To verify whether the instance is running properly, you can launch the Intershop 7
back office login screen. To do so, open Start | Programs | Intershop 7 (1) | Logon | E-
Selling. The browser should display the login window.

Start Or Stop Instance Automatically

The startup can run as a service and thus be executed automatically. To change the
service settings for the INTERSHOP Application Server:
1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
2. Select Administrative Tools | Services.
The list of available services is displayed.
3. Open the detail view for INTERSHOP Application Server (#).
Double-click the item or right-click it and select Properties from the context
menu. The Properties window is displayed.
4. Set the service to be started automatically.
From the Startup type drop-down list, select Automatic.
Figure 41. Configuring the service behavior on Windows

Installation Guide 71
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Distributed Installation Example

5. Click Apply or OK.

Intershop 7 will now start when the Windows system starts.

Distributed Installation Example

Installation Scenario
This section briefly describes the setup of a PA-DSS compliant system as a
distributed installation example scenario (see PA-DSS Compliant Deployment). In this
scenario, the Intershop 7 components are installed on four different hosts:
• db-host: Database installation
• ISF-host: Intershop Shared Files installation
• IAS-host: Intershop Application Server installation
• IWS-host: Intershop Web Server installation

The installation of the firewalls, which are required for a PA-DSS compliant
deployment, is not covered with the Intershop 7 documentation.
NOTE:    In distributed installations, make sure to keep the individual machines' system time

Installation Steps
The steps required to set up such a distributed scenario are as follows:
1. Install the database instance on one machine (=db-host).
The database server parameters are:

Use the default password "intershop" for both the database account name and
password. For a information about how to set up a database, see the Database
Setup Guide.
2. Install the Oracle Client (=IAS-host).
For details, refer to the Database Setup Guide.
3. Install the Intershop Shared Files on a second machine (=ISF-host).
For details about how to do this, see Installing the Intershop Shared Files, (Linux)
or Installing the Intershop Shared Files, (Windows).
4. Export (Linux) or share (Windows) the Intershop Shared Files from ISF-host
to the application server host (=IAS-host).
To do this, apply the corresponding means provided by the operating system.
On Linux, modify /etc/exports and add a line like:
/var/opt/intershop/eserver1/share <IAS-host.domain>

72 Installation Guide
Additional Installation Scenarios Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

After that, use the exportfs command to export the share directory to IAS-

NOTE:  Using a configuration option like this presupposes that the application server user has
the same ID on both the ISF host and the IAS host. In case different IDs have to be used, you
must define appropriate mappings. For available options, see man exports.

Afterwards, you can use the exportfs -v command to make sure that the
ISF instance has been exported properly. After the installation, the option
no_root_squash should be removed from the /etc/exports file because only the
isas1 user must have write access at runtime.

NOTE:    If there are exports which are not contained in /etc/exports, the exportfs -ra
command will erase these exports.

On Windows, share the ISF directory to the application server user (isas#) with
full control.
5. Mount (Linux) or map to a network drive (Windows) the exported or shared
Intershop Shared Files on the third machine (=IAS-host).
6. Install the Intershop Application Server (=IAS-host).
For details about how to do this, see Installing the Intershop Application Server,
(Linux) or Installing the Intershop Application Server, (Windows).
7. Install the Intershop Web Server (=IWS-host).
For details about how to do this, see Installing the Intershop Web Server, (Linux)
or Installing the Intershop Web Server, (Windows). Make sure to enter the correct
application server connection parameters, including the fully qualified name of
the IAS-host and the Intershop 7 HTTP port (<IS.AS.HTTP.PORT>, default: 10054).
The Intershop 7 HTTP port number must match the number specified during
the Intershop Application Server setup.
8. Start the Intershop 7 instance.
For details about how to do this, see Intershop 7 Start/Shutdown.
9. Test the installation.
Open a Web browser and enter the following URL:

The e-selling login page should be displayed.

Additional Installation Scenarios

This section briefly describes additional installation scenarios available to increase
the performance of an Intershop 7 system or to meet specific deployment
■ Unattended Installation
This refers to the automated installation procedure without user interaction.
■ Add Additional Application Server Machine
This means to install a new Intershop Application Server (IAS) on a separate
machine. The new IAS uses the Intershop Shared Files of the existing cluster,
hence becomes part of this cluster.

Installation Guide 73
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Additional Installation Scenarios

■ Add Additional Intershop 7 Instance

This means to install all Intershop 7 components again, with the components
forming a new cluster. Installing a new instance is required for deployment
scenarios that want to make use of the data replication mechanism.

Unattended Installation
The unattended (or "silent") installation is a specific option provided by the
Intershop setup program that allows for executing the actual Intershop 7
installation without user interaction. This may be helpful, for example, when setting
up large distributed installations on multiple machines.
NOTE:  The unattended installation as described in this section is only available for Windows, as it
is based on the Intershop setup program, which is not available on Linux.

The unattended installation is based on a properties file ("statefile") that contains

the required instance-specific installation information. That is, all data that you
normally enter manually upon installing an Intershop 7 instance is "pre-packed" and
read automatically by the setup program.
Preparing and executing the unattended installation comprises the following main
• Creating a statefile
• Adjusting the statefile data as required
• Executing the statefile-based installation

Creating the Statefile

To create the statefile, execute the setup program from the command line using the
switch -saveState:
./ | setup[c].exe -saveState <statefile>

Perform, as required, a single machine or component installation as described

in Single Machine Installation Windows, or Component Installation Windows.
The setup program will track all entered data and write the statefile upon
finishing the installation. For component installations, it may be recommended
to specify qualified names for the statefile, like, for example, state_comp_sfs or
state_comp_ase. If you do not specify a name for the statefile, the setup program
will create statefile.out<.#>.

Statefile Data
The statefile is a plain text file that uses the common properties file syntax, for
example (Windows):
License_Agreement:acceptLicense = true
Select_Destination:instance.dir = h:\eserver2 = ES2
Select_Setup_Scenario:setup.scenario.simpleORfull = true
Select_Setup_Scenario:setup.scenario.customORpartial = false
Oracle_Client_Selection:oracleHome = H:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_2

74 Installation Guide
Additional Installation Scenarios Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Oracle_Client_Selection:oracleKey =
  SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient10g_home2 =
Database_Connection:db.port = 1522
Database_Connection:db.sid = ISORCL10

NOTE:  Depending on the setup scenario used when creating the statefile, some of the keys may
be empty.

You can now use the file created by the setup program to prepare individual
statefiles for multiple Intershop 7 instances, be it single machine or component
installations. Adjust the values according to the intended scenario. For multiple IAS
installations, for example, you may have to specify individual port numbers.

Executing Statefile Installation

To perform the statefile-based, unattended installation, execute the setup program
in text mode, using the switches -noconsole and -loadState and passing the
required statefile as argument:
./ -text | setupc.exe -noconsole -loadState <statefile>

The installation will be executed automatically applying the settings defined in the
statefile, without prompting for user interaction.
NOTE:  For unattended installation on Linux, you may create custom scripts that include the steps as
described in Installation on Linux, i.e., user creation, package installation and postinstall operations.
Be aware, however, that those scenarios are not supported by Intershop.

Add Application Server Machine

You can enhance your Intershop 7 system by installing an additional Intershop
Application Server (IAS) on a new machine and including it in an existing cluster.
This may be necessary when the servers in the existing cluster are overloaded and
your system's hardware resources do not allow for cloning an application server.
NOTE:  For information about cloning an application server, refer to the Intershop 7 Administration
and Configuration Guide.

Adding an application server machine to an existing cluster comprises the following

1. Export (Linux) or share (Windows) the Intershop Shared Files from the
existing cluster to the new application server host (=ase-host).
To do this, apply the corresponding means provided by the operating system.
See also Installation Steps.
2. Mount (Linux) or map to a network drive (Windows) the exported or shared
Intershop Shared Files on the new machine (=ase-host).
3. Install the Intershop Application Server (=ase-host).
For details about how to do this, see Installing the Intershop Application Server,
(Linux) or Installing the Intershop Application Server, (Windows).
4. Propagate the new server instance to the Web server machine.
This configuration step is necessary in case the new application server
resides on a different machine than the Web server for this cluster. In the

Installation Guide 75
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Uninstalling Intershop 7 file (in <IS.INSTANCE.LINK>/webadapter), add the

access URL of the new application server's configuration servlet to the #
configuration service section. For example, you might get:


Install a Second Intershop 7 Instance

In certain scenarios, it is desirable to install a second Intershop 7 instance on a
machine, for example to test data replication processes. When installing two
Intershop 7 instances on a machine, each instance provides its own IWS, ISF and IAS.
Note that the second instance uses different application server and Web Adapter
users (e.g., isas2 and iswa2), a different user group (isgrp2), and different database
NOTE:  When installing two instances on a single machine, both instances can use the same Oracle

Installing a Second Instance on Linux

Before you can install a second instance, you have to prepare the installation
packages by running an Intershop conversion script.
1. Mount the CD-ROM and change to the path containing the RPM package
# cd /mnt/cdrom/setup/server/

2. Determine the target instance number (e.g. "2") and a file system with 1GB
free space (e.g., /tmp), then call the RPM conversion.
# sh ./ -instance 2 -target /tmp/Intershop

Executing the conversion script creates a new directory (e.g., /tmp/Intershop/ES2

for the second instance) containing the installation packages for the new instance.
The new directory should be archived and can be used in the same way as the /mnt/
cdrom/setup/server/ES1 directory.
NOTE:  Intershop recommends to keep the installation package directories for higher instances, as
they are required for update installations and deinstallation tasks.

You can now proceed as described in Single Machine Installation Linux or

Component Installation Linux. Make sure to replace the "1" in directory names or
user names with "2", e.g., use "eserver2" instead of "eserver1", or "isas2" instead of

Installing a Second Instance on Windows

To create a second instance, simply re-run the setup program and proceed as
described in Installation on Windows. The instance IDs, user IDs, port numbers, etc.
are automatically adjusted by the setup program.

Uninstalling Intershop 7
This section describes how to uninstall Intershop 7 on Linux and Windows.

76 Installation Guide
Uninstalling Intershop 7 Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Uninstallation on Linux
To uninstall an Intershop 7 instance or components of an instance, proceed as
1. Login as super user root.
2. Determine if the Intershop 7 system is running.
There should be no processes running for the application server user isas1 or
the Web Adapter user iswa1. If there are, stop the system before attempting to
uninstall it, for example using.
# eserver1 stop

Check if the instance that should be uninstalled is still running. Enter the
# ps -edf

If your Intershop 7 instance uses a mounted share from another machine,

the remote ISF must be unmounted and the mount target directory must be
removed. Then the Intershop Shared Files instance can be removed from the
machine where it was installed.
3. Disable the Intershop 7 services, if necessary.
On SLES, use:
# insserv -r eserver1-ase
# insserv -r eserver1-httpd
# insserv -r eserver1-waa

On RHEL, use
# chkconfig --del eserver1-ase
# chkconfig --del eserver1-httpd
# chkconfig --del eserver1-waa

4. Uninstall the Intershop 7 installation packages.

For example, to uninstall all packages belonging to instance ES1, execute:
# rpm -qa | grep Intershop-ES1 | xargs rpm -e

To uninstall all packages of certain package groups, provide the package group
names, for instance:
# rpm -qa | grep -E "Intershop-ES1-(sfs|demo|doc)" | xargs rpm -e

5. Clean up private files

Files and directory structures created after the installation of Intershop 7 are
not removed automatically during the uninstallation process. You should check
the directories where Intershop 7 was located and remove these elements
# /opt/intershop/eserver#
# /var/opt/intershop/eserver#
# /etc/opt/intershop/eserver#

NOTE:  The RPM package manager keeps a copy of all configuration files (with extension *.rpmsave)
detected during the uninstall process.

Installation Guide 77
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Uninstalling Intershop 7

Uninstallation on Windows
Intershop 7 provides an uninstaller which allows you to remove an entire instance
at once, or individual components of an instance.
When removing components from a distributed installation including instances
that use a mounted Intershop Shared Files instance from another machine, take
care of the following issues:
• First remove the Intershop Application Server instances that use the Intershop
Shared Files instance.
• Then unmount the remote ISF and remove the network-mapped ISF share.
• Finally, remove the ISF instance from the machine where it was installed.

To uninstall an Intershop 7 instance or components of an instance, you must be a

user with administrative rights. Proceed as follows:
1. Shut down Intershop 7.
For details, see Start/Stop on Windows.
There should be no processes running for the application server user isas# or
the Web Adapter user iswa#.
2. Start the uninstaller.
Select Start | Programs | Intershop 7 (#) | Uninstall.
The setup program initially displays the Welcome page.
Figure 42. Starting the Intershop 7 uninstallation

Press <ENTER> or click Next to continue. The installation proceeds with the
Destination Selection panel.
3. Specify the destination.
The panel lists all instances detected on the current host. Select the instance
you want to uninstall.

78 Installation Guide
Uninstalling Intershop 7 Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup

Figure 43. Selecting the instance to be uninstalled

Click Next to continue. The uninstallation proceeds with the Removal Type
4. Specify the removal type.
The panel offers full and partial removal. Full Removal uninstalls all components
of the selected instance.
Figure 44. Selecting the removal type

When selecting Partial Removal, an additional panel is displayed that allows

for selecting the components to be removed. This panel resembles the panel
used to select the components for a component installation (see Component
Installation Windows).

Installation Guide 79
Chapter 2: Intershop 7 Setup Uninstalling Intershop 7

Figure 45. Selecting individual components to be uninstalled

Click Next when done. The system summarizes the uninstallation settings.
5. Verify the uninstall configuration.
Figure 46. Verifying the uninstallation

Click Start to start the uninstallation. Finish the uninstallation as prompted.

NOTE:  Files and directory structures created after the installation of Intershop 7 are not removed
automatically during the uninstallation process. Check the directory where Intershop 7 was located
and remove these elements manually.

NOTE:    The HTTPD and Web adapter services are only disabled and marked for deletion. To
completely remove these services, in order to allow for a new Intershop 7 installation, you must
restart Windows after uninstalliung Intershop 7.

Furthermore, the database contains the schema for the user INTERSHOP. To clear
also the Oracle database, delete the schema for the INTERSHOP user.

80 Installation Guide
Chapter 3

Search Adapter Cartridge

Search Adapter Cartridge Installation

To enable all search-based Intershop 7 features, the Intershop 7 installation must
be completed with setting up the corresponding search adapter cartridge. The
Intershop 7 installation DVD includes the adapter cartridge for Apache Solr.
Setting up Solr comprises the following steps:
■ Deploying the adapter cartridge
Adds the integration components for the Solr engine.
■ Deploying the Solr server

Solr Cartridge Setup

To set up this search adapter cartridge:
1. Deploy the cartridge.
Unzip the cartridge files (located in /setup/service on the installation DVD) to
NOTE:  On Linux, make sure to unzip the cartridge as application server user isas# in order
to set the required file permissions.

NOTE:  To set the file permissions for isas# after unzipping the cartridge on Windows, run
environment.bat, and then execute CACLS <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE> /T /E /P isas#:F.

2. Register the cartridge.

Add the cartridge name to the cartridges section of the
file located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/cartridges:
cartridges = <...> ac_search_solr

3. Restart the Intershop 7 application.

For the changes to become effective, the application must be restarted.

Solr Server Setup

The Solr Web application must be deployed into a servlet container or Web
application server. There are several deployment scenarios possible, yet not all are
sensible for production environments. Intershop recommends to deploy Solr on a
dedicated, Tomcat-based search server or server cluster.

Installation Guide 81
Chapter 3: Search Adapter Cartridge Configuring the Search Engine

Setting up Apache Solr involves the following main tasks:

■ Downloading Apache Solr
Solr is shipped on the Intershop 7 installation DVD (in /setup/service), or available
as free download at
■ Deploying the Solr application
To run Solr, it must be deployed to a servlet container or Web application server
like any other Web application. You can also set up a Solr server cluster, using
Apache HTTP Server with mod_jk as a load balancer.

Configuring the Search Engine

This search adapter cartridge adds new search index types to your Intershop 7
system via tha managed services framework. After deploying the cartridge, the
following steps are required to integrate the new search index service:
• The system administrator enables the search index service for the intended sales
• The channel manager creates search index service configurations, which are
to be globally enabled and locally activated for a specific context (channel/
application). Consequently, the indexes must be created, configured and built to
become operative.

Managing Search Indexes For Sales Organizations

The system administrator enables or disables the search index services for sales
organizations using the central administration front end. To do so:
1. Log in to the central administration front end.
2. In the navigation bar, select Sales Organizations.
This displays a list of all sales organizations in the system.
3. Click the name of the sales organization you intend to edit.
This displays the sales organization's details.
4. Open the Services tab.
This displays the list of the available service groups (Order, Mail, Search, etc.).
5. Click the Search Index Services group name.
This displays the list of the available search services (index types).
6. Select the checkboxes of the search services you intend to enable or
disable for the current sales organization.
The following options, i.e., search index types, are available:
Table 11. Apache Solr-based search services/index types

Service/Index Type Description

SFProductSearch.solr Apache Solr-based product search and after search
SFContentSearch.solr Apache Solr-based content asset search with search
result snippets and hit highlighting

82 Installation Guide
Configuring the Search Engine Chapter 3: Search Adapter Cartridge

Service/Index Type Description

SFProductSearchSuggest.solr Apache Solr-based product suggestions

7. Click Enable or Disable, correspondingly.

The selected services are enabled or disabled immediately.

Creating Search Index Service Configuration

NOTE:  Creating a service configuration requires the corresponding service type to be enabled for
the organization by the central administrator.

To create a search index service configuration for a channel:

1. In the Intershop 7 back office, select the intended channel from the
channel select box.
This opens the navigation bar of the channel.
2. In the navigation bar, select Services.
This displays the available service configurations.
3. Click Add.
This starts the New Service Configuration wizard, displaying the Determine
Service Type page.
4. Select the intended search index service type and click Next.
Select the radio button of the service type for which you intend to create
a new configuration. The available search services (index types) include
SFProductSearch.solr, SFContentSearch.solr, SFProductSearchSuggest.solr.
Clicking Next displays the General Information page.
5. Specify the required general information and click Next.
The mandatory information includes ID, display name and activation status.
Clicking Next displays the Configuration Settings page.
NOTE:  Checking the Enabled checkbox immediately enables the new service configuration
globally. That is, it becomes operational as soon as it is set active on one of the dependent

6. Skip the configuration settings and click Next.

This displays the Sharing Rule Selection page. The configuration parameters
are set after the service configuration is created (see Configuring Search Index
Services below).
7. Select a sharing rule.
The sharing rules define the availability of the current service configuration in
the dependent applications. The available settings include shared and active,
shared and inactive, shared and mandatory, as well as unshared.
8. Click Finish to create the service configuration.
Otherwise, click Cancel to discard the operation.

For general information about managing service configurations, refer to the

Intershop 7 guide Managing Sales Channels.

Installation Guide 83
Chapter 3: Search Adapter Cartridge Configuring the Search Engine

Configuring Search Index Services

To define the configuration parameters for a service:
1. In the navigation bar, select Services.
This displays the available service configurations.
2. In the row of the intended search index service configuration, click the
configure icon in the Action column.
This opens the Configuration tab of the service configuration detail view.
NOTE:    Alternatively, you can click the name of the intended service configuration, which
opens the General tab of the detail view, and then change to the Configuration tab.

3. Click Configure, and edit the service parameters as required.

The following options are available:
Table 12. Apache Solr-specific configuration parameters

Parameter Description
Solr Server URL Specifies the Solr server URL (http://<host>:<port>)
when connecting to a Solr server. An empty value assumes
the Apache Solr Web application is installed at the local
(Intershop 7) application server that processes the current
request. Note that in case of a load-balanced Solr cluster, the
URL (host and port) of the load balancer must be specified.
Solr Server Context Path Specifies the context path if the Solr server application is not
deployed in the default context path, the default is /solr.
List of Solr Cluster Node To support a Solr cluster (propagate index updates, etc.),
URLs specifies all Solr server URLs separated by comma. If there is
only one Solr server, specifies the same URL as for Solr Server
URL (above).

4. Click Apply to save your settings.

Otherwise, click Reset to discard your changes.

NOTE:  For information about index creation, search attributes, etc., refer to the Intershop 7 guide
Managing Sales Channels.

84 Installation Guide
Chapter 4


Appendix A: Summary of Placeholders

This chapter deals with the placeholders used by the Intershop setup program for
installing the database and Intershop 7, and provides a brief explanation (# refers to
the number of an Intershop 7 instance):
NOTE:    Some placeholders exist only on one platform (see the <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>/log/
placeholders.log file, for more information).

Placeholders Used When Installing Intershop 7

The following tables list the placeholders used by the Intershop 7 setup program.
Note that # is used as placeholder to denote the number of the Intershop 7
Table 13. Operating system-relevant placeholders

Placeholder Meaning Default Value

<IS_OS_PLATFORM> States the operating system
type and version
<SYSTEM.AS.USER> Application server user name isas#
<SYSTEM.AS.USER.ID> ID of the application server 3200 + 2 * (#-1)
<SYSTEM.AS.USER.HOMEDIR> Home directory of the
application server user
<SYSTEM.WA.USER> Web Adapter user name iswa#
<SYSTEM.WA.USER.ID> ID of the Web Adapter user 3201 + 2 * (#-1)
<SYSTEM.WA.USER.HOMEDIR> Home directory of the Web
Adapter user
<SYSTEM.IS.GROUP> Group name of an Intershop 7 isgrp#
system group
<SYSTEM.IS.GROUP.ID> Group ID of the Intershop 7 3200 + 2 * (#-1)
system group
<ORACLE.CLIENT.DIR> Oracle Home, installation
directory of the Oracle Client

Installation Guide 85
Chapter 4: Reference Summary of Placeholders

Table 14. Intershop 7 instance-relevant placeholders

Placeholder Meaning Default Value

<IS.INSTANCE.DIR> Physical directory of an
Intershop 7 instance
<IS.INSTANCE.LINK> UNIX link to the instance
<IS.INSTANCE.ID> Number of the Intershop 7
<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE> Intershop Shared Files path.
When using a remote ISF: path
to the mount target (e.g., /
<IS.INSTANCE.SHARE.HOSTID> ID of the host with the ISF <host_name>_ES#
Table 15. Application server-relevant placeholders

Placeholder Meaning Default Value

<IS.AS.HOST.NAME> Fully-qualified host name of <host_name>
the application server
<IS.AS.HTTP.PORT> TCP port of the Intershop 7 10054 + ((#-1)*50)
application server
Table 16. Web server-relevant placeholders

Placeholder Meaning Default Value

<IS.WS.HOST.NAME> DNS host name of the Web <host_name>
<IS.WS.HOST.HTTPSPORT> TCP/IP port of the Web 443 - 1 + #
server used for HTTPS
<IS.WS.HOST.PORT> TCP/IP Web server port 80 - 1 + #
<IS.WA.SHMKEY> Shared memory key
for Apache Web Server
(hexadecimal value)
Table 17. Database-relevant placeholders

Placeholder Meaning Default Value

<DB.DOMAIN> Oracle database domain world
<DB.HOSTNAME> Fully-qualified host name of
the database server
<DB.LISTENER.PORT> Listener TCP/IP port of the 1521
database server
<DB.NAME> Name of the database isdb1
<DB.SID> Oracle database server ID ISORCL1

Linux Postinstall Parameters

The following table lists the parameters used in the configuration file for the
postinstall process on Linux (/etc/opt/intershop/eserver#/ While
some values are fix (such as the Tomcat port numbers), other values depend on the
specifics of your installation (such as the database connection parameters). Before

86 Installation Guide
Summary of Placeholders Chapter 4: Reference

executing the postinstall script, edit the file and fill in parameter values where
NOTE:  In a distributed installation, it is recommended to create a complete version of the file and
then use this version on all host.
Table 18. Post-install parameter configuration

Parameter Meaning Default Value

Database Connection
<ORACLE_CLIENT_DIR> Oracle Home - Directory,
where the Oracle Client is
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_ Fully-qualified DNS host name
HOSTNAME> of the database (queried by
the Database Connection
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_PORT> Listener TCP/IP port of the 1521
database server
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_SID> ID of the Database instance ISORCL1
that is used from Intershop 7
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_USER> Database user name
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_ PASSWD> Database user password
<IS_AS_DBCONNECTION_ Database connection alias
Intershop Web Server
<IS_AS_HOST_NAME> Fully-qualified host name of <host_name>
the application server
<IS_WS_HOST_NAME> DNS host name of the Web <host_name>
<IS_WS_HOST_PORT> TCP/IP Web server port 80 - 1 + #
<IS_WS_HOST_HTTPSPORT> TCP/IP port of the Web 443 - 1 + #
server used for HTTPS
Application Server
<IS_TC_WATCHDOG_PORT> TCP port of the Tomcat 10050 + ((#-1)*50)
Application Server for the
<IS_TC_SHUTDOWN_PORT> TCP port of the Tomcat 10051 + ((#-1)*50)
Application Server shutdown
<IS_TC_HTTP_PORT> TCP port of the Tomcat 10052 + ((#-1)*50)
Application Server HHTP
<IS_TC_HTTPS_PORT> TCP port of the Tomcat 10053 + ((#-1)*50)
Application Server HHTPS
<IS_AS_HTTP_PORT> HTTP port used by the 10054 + ((#-1)*50)
Intershop 7 application.
Web Adapter

Installation Guide 87
Chapter 4: Reference Database Setup

Parameter Meaning Default Value

<IS_WA_SHMKEY> Unique shared memory 0x2001
segment for the Web Adapter
Intershop 7 Instance
<IS_INSTANCE_TMP_DIR> Temporary directory required /var/opt/intershop/
for data replication and eserver#/temp
dbmigrate operations.

NOTE:  For details about the recommended server process ports in case of multiple servers and/
or instances, refer to the Intershop 7 Administration and Configuration Guide, Appendix C: Tomcat
and Node Manager Settings.

Appendix B: Database Setup

The installation of the Oracle database software and the creation of the database
instance for Intershop 7 is performed using Oracle tools. This section summarizes
the specific Intershop 7 requirements and outlines the tablespace and database
user creation.
For installation options and details on individual installation steps, refer to the
respective Oracle documentation, which can be found on the Oracle CD and on the
Oracle Web site. The relevant volumes include:
• Database Installation Guide for Linux
• Database Client Installation Guide for Linux
• Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows
• Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Oracle Database Software

The following table summarizes the version and edition information of the Oracle
software used by Intershop 7.
Table 19. Oracle software requirements

Software Version Edition/Components

Oracle Server ■ minimum
Standard Edition, Standard Edition One
■ also supported
Enterprise Edition, Express Edition
Oracle Client custom installation, including
• Oracle Database Utilities
• SQL*Plus
• Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
• Oracle Net

When installing the Oracle database software, be aware of the following issues:
• By default, the Oracle Universal Installer runs in the operating environment's
native language. To disable the installation session translation, set NLS_ENABLED

88 Installation Guide
Database Setup Chapter 4: Reference

= FALSE in the oraparam.ini file, located in the /install sub directory of the Oracle
installation package.
• The client setup process includes the installation of network configuration
files (<ora_home>/network/admin/*.*). Note that these files will not be used
by Intershop 7. Intershop 7 uses <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/oracle/*.*
via setting the TNS_ADMIN environment variable. However, it is recommended
to install the network configuration files as this makes it possible to test
immediately whether the client can connect to the database.
• Intershop 7 communicates with the Oracle database in the "dedicated server
mode". This means that each client session is served by a dedicated server
process (or thread).

Oracle Database Instance

This section summarizes the requirements for the Intershop 7 database instance.

General Requirements

Database Character Set

The required database character set is AL32UTF8.
Upon setting up the database instance, use

To check the character set:

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$nls_parameters WHERE
parameter LIKE '%CHARACTERSET%';

PARAMETER                      VALUE

The character set must be set to AL32UTF8.

Oracle Text
Oracle Text must be installed, and the database user ctxsys must exist.
Upon setting up the database instance, use
connect sys as sysdba
@ORACLE_HOME/ctx/admin/catctx <ctxsys_pw> SYSAUX TEMP NOLOCK

connect ctxsys/<ctxsys_pw>
REM see ORACLE_HOME/ctx/admin/defaults/dr0defin.sql
@ORACLE_HOME/ctx/admin/defaults/dr0defin.sql AMERICAN

To check Oracle Text:

Installation Guide 89
Chapter 4: Reference Database Setup

SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE username = 'CTXSYS';


Open Cursors
The parameter open_cursors must be set to 500.
Upon setting up the database instance, use
ALTER SYSTEM SET open_cursors = 500 SCOPE = both;

To check the setting:

show parameter open_cursors

The recommended number of processes is 150 per application server, that is

Upon setting up the database instance, use

ALTER SYSTEM SET processes = 150*<#appserver> SCOPE = spfile;

To check the setting:

show parameter processes

User/Password Case Sensitivity

For newly created Oracle 11g databases, the passwords are case sensitive by
default. As the database sessions of the Intershop 7 application servers ignore these
settings by default, you must either
• adjust the key intershop.jdbc.password in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/
config/cluster/, or
• set sec_case_sensitive_logon = false.

To set sec_case_sensitive_logon = false, use

ALTER SYSTEM SET sec_case_sensitive_logon = false SCOPE = both;

To check the setting:

show parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon

Password Security Parameters

For the default profile, the following parameters should be set UNLIMITED:
• failed_login_attempts

• password_grace_time

• password_life_time

• password_lock_time

Upon setting up the database instance, use

90 Installation Guide
Database Setup Chapter 4: Reference

ALTER PROFILE default LIMIT failed_login_attempts UNLIMITED;

ALTER PROFILE default LIMIT password_grace_time UNLIMITED;
ALTER PROFILE default LIMIT password_life_time UNLIMITED;
ALTER PROFILE default LIMIT password_lock_time UNLIMITED;

To check the setting:

SELECT * FROM dba_profiles
  WHERE profile = 'DEFAULT'
  AND LOWER(resource_name) IN

Intershop 7 requires the following default tablespaces (see also in

To create the Intershop 7 tablespaces:

connect sys as sysdba

DEFINE _ts_temp     = IS_TEMP

DEFINE _ts_user     = IS_USERS
DEFINE _ts_indx     = IS_INDX
DEFINE _ts_indx_ctx = IS_INDX_CTX
DEFINE _ts_size     = 1G
DEFINE _uni_size    = 2M
DEFINE _sys_ts      = SYSTEM

-- Determine the file system path for the system tablespace and
-- create the Intershop tablespace files within this location.

COL system_ts_path NEW_VALUE path

SELECT regexp_substr(, '^(.*)[\\/]') AS system_ts_path
  FROM v$tablespace ts
  JOIN v$datafile df ON (df.ts#=ts.ts#)
  WHERE UPPER( = '&_sys_ts';

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &_ts_temp TEMPFILE '&path.&_ts_temp._01.dbf'


CREATE TABLESPACE &_ts_user DATAFILE '&path.&_ts_user._01.dbf'


CREATE TABLESPACE &_ts_indx DATAFILE '&path.&_ts_indx._01.dbf'


CREATE TABLESPACE &_ts_indx_ctx DATAFILE '&path.&_ts_indx_ctx._01.dbf'


All tablespaces are referred to by the file (located

in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/cluster) by the key

Installation Guide 91
Chapter 4: Reference Database Setup

intershop.jdbc.tablespaces.*. IS_TEMP and IS_USERS are also referred to when

creating the database user.

Miscellaneous Settings

Intershop 7 Database User

At least one database user is required. It is referred to by the file
(located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/cluster) by the following keys:

To create a database user for Intershop 7:

connect sys as sysdba

DEFINE _us          = intershop

DEFINE _pw          = intershop
DEFINE _ts_temp     = IS_TEMP
DEFINE _ts_user     = IS_USERS
DEFINE _ts_indx     = IS_INDX
DEFINE _ts_indx_ctx = IS_INDX_CTX




GRANT CONNECT                       TO &_us;

GRANT RESOURCE                      TO &_us;
GRANT CTXAPP                        TO &_us;


ALTER USER &_us QUOTA UNLIMITED     ON &_ts_indx_ctx;

GRANT CREATE CLUSTER                TO &_us;

GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE               TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE SYNONYM                TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE TABLE                  TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE VIEW                   TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE              TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE TRIGGER                TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE TYPE                   TO &_us;
GRANT CREATE SNAPSHOT               TO &_us;
GRANT ANALYZE ANY                   TO &_us;
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_streams_adm   TO &_us;

connect ctxsys

GRANT EXECUTE ON ctx_ddl            TO &_us;

More complex Intershop 7 deployments may require additional database

users. For example, in data replication scenarios, an additional database
user is required for the source system, referred to by the
file (located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/cluster) by the key

92 Installation Guide
Config Merger Chapter 4: Reference

JDBC Settings
JDBC settings are required to configure the database server access. The relevant
keys (in the file located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/
cluster) include:

NOTE:  These properties are usually set upon or after installing Intershop 7.

TNS Alias
In the file tnsnames.ora (located in <IS.INSTANCE.SHARE>/system/config/oracle),
adjust the following properties for ISSERVER:

For example: =

NOTE:  These properties are usually set upon or after installing Intershop 7.

Oracle Client Home

The file (located in <IS.INSTANCE.DIR>) must specify the path to
the Oracle client home for Intershop 7.

NOTE:  This property is usually set upon or after installing Intershop 7.

Appendix C: Config Merger

Merge Report
This appendix summarizes the contents of the merge reports generated by the
Config Merger, and describes how to understand and handle the information
provided for manually resolving configuration conflicts.
The result of the Config Merger execution, i.e., applied changes and changes to be
done manually, is recorded in a merge report file:
• report.txt, located in <config_merger_base>/config_archives/ on Linux, or
• report_7.0.0.0_<IS.INSTANCE.HOSTNAME>_<IS.INSTANCE.ID>.txt, located in
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\intershop\setup\config_archives\ on Windows.

The first section of this report file lists the files that contain configuration conflicts to
be resolved manually, for example (Windows):

Installation Guide 93
Chapter 4: Reference Config Merger

Manual Merges
The following files need to be merged manually:

The second section lists the automatically merged and applied configuration
settings, for example new application properties (Windows):
Automatic Merges
The following files have been merged automatically:
  property="intershop.AuthenticationSecurity.Mode", oldValue="<property
  not present>",  newValue="standard"
  property="intershop.template.DebugTemplateSearch", oldValue="<property
  not present>", newValue="false"
  property="intershop.wsrp.secureURL", oldValue="<property not present>",
  property="intershop.template.DefaultContentEncoding", oldValue="<property
  not present>", newValue="UTF-8"
  property="intershop.wsrp.serverGroup", oldValue="<property not present>",

Manual Conflict Resolution

The Config Merger generates "diff" configuration files (suffixed MergeMe) for those
configuration conflicts that cannot be resolved automatically. The merge report
then lists these *MergeMe files, as shown above.
The Config Merger writes two types of *MergeMe files.
■ For Intershop 7 .properties files:
By default, the Config Merger applies the standard settings for the
new Intershop 7 version to the actual *.properties files, whereas the
*.properties.MergeMe files list the customized keys together with the old
standard, the customized and the new standard values.
An entry for a customized key could look, for example, like this:
Key: intershop.cartridges.core.dependson
Base Value: orm
User Value: sep orm
New Value: tools servletengine orm

To resolve the configuration conflict, locate the key in the according *.properties
file, and edit its value as required.
■ For other configuration file types like *.conf or *.xml:
For other configuration file types, the Config Merger writes a complete file that
contains standard settings for the updated Intershop 7 instance, e.g., httpd.conf,
and saves the previous, customized configuration file suffixed with MergeMe, for
example httpd.conf.MergeMe.

94 Installation Guide

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