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eae fumes Thonave MesBoide elo 170. N Nilson Rol Cotuntbus, Ohio P8207 relommestic mnithout the United Mater Sa Declaration of Political Status Shy Gdavie 1. James Thomas MeBride. living man, hereinafter the Affiant, being of the age of consent. complete in my faculties, a natural born Divine creation of God, Private sentient, hereinafter American sovereign. Further Affiant declares and states that te following statements are made of my own free will and volition. as Affiant believes the facts to be and does hereby depose and say. to wit 7 I.James Thomas MeBride. am a living being. free man upon the soil, born in Original jurisdietion and American sovereign. and NOT a 14 Amendment legal fietion citizen of the United States of Americas ‘~ Affiant states that since conception he is and will always be an Ametican sovereign and NOT a belligerent, AKA United States citizen: not involved in any acts or aetions which ate prohibited by the Insurreetions and Rebellions Acts of 1861 and 1862; NOT involved in and acts or actions which are prohibited by the War Powers Act, Article I see. 8. Clause 11 of March 9, 1933, Executive Order No’s 2039 and 2040; and NOT involved in any acts or actions prohibited inthe Trading withthe Enemy Act Sec, 1-44 of the Appendix of Title 50. Executive Order No, 8389 of December 13, 1941 > Afiant is and always will remain neutral inthe publi 1 Aftiant is NOT a willing Pary to any contract Aftiant to perform of which creates liahilty 9 sshatsoeser at any time adhesion or otherwise that obligates 4 Affiant, oF that waives any 7 Aliant has fied. on or about Sepember 1. 208M, sith the Seeetary ofthe U.S, Treasury Custodian ofthe Mien Property x Declaration of Political Status, signed. sworn to and ‘notarized, establishing the poltiel status of Mant and the diversity of citizenship between James thomas MeBride. American sovervign ind JAMES T. MCBRIDE ens is. 14" Amendment legal ftion, nansmining wility via Ceatiied Mail 7 Affian isthe secured ereditor, 100% stockholder inthe ens ley JAMES T. MCBRIDE as filed in the public domain withthe Seeretary of State forthe Slate of Minnesota. file no 2318986 ereating a priority claim against the ens legs and ny and all ageounts and aecount numbers including the Certificate of Live Birth which was issued by the County of Licking. State of Ohio on February 22. 1984, SS. # 296520781 and Ohio Driver License No.QD376935; transmitting utlty > Alifant has filed an oficial objection tothe Forced use and fraudulent inducement of any all alleged “benefits” as the corporate United States andor its franchised States, Counties and City municipalities have ereated a monopoly on sai utilities; 7 Aliant has filed an official objection to any’all adhesion contracts which AAiant bas been coerced into entering under threat and duress 7 Affiant has filed an official waiver and denial of any/all benefits from the corporate United States and its franchised entities; The use of any alleged benefit is out of necessity and constitutes pitt erating no liability on Affiant > Afiant did cause to have presented a NOTICE OF SURETY ACT AND BONE DOLLAR Silver Bond", UCC File # 678065 to Bond the sovereign American against any and all claims > The United States Marshals Service has an absolute obligation to protect the sovereign American from the agents, agencies, employees andor contractors ofthe corporate United States and/or any other threat. real or perceived. |. James Thomas MeBride, American sovereign, certify and confirm upon my full unlimited commercial liability that the foregoing to be tue. complete and correct. the truth the whole truth and nothing but the tuth, so help me God. wha ares Onthe 2 7“ day of October. 2008, a man apps ientitod himself to my satis wed before me. a notary public, ton fo be James Thomas MeBride, sertifed and affirmed the Tveging toe trac correct and complete and affixed his signature fide Ge _ CCS fog Paula J Kennedy Notary signature Notary Public / - | In And For the State of Ohio MS My Commission Expres Ee May 7, 2013,

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