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Why we need to study regional potential analysis



We need to study regional potential analysis because we can

maximize the potential of resources in an area, we can also prepare

for things that can be done to maximize existing resources. this

aims to reduce unnecessary things, waste energy and wasteful in

terms of budget. then we can make policies to make it easier to

maximize potential in an area and make people benefit from doing

daily activities. Because basically policies are made to side with the

community. then this potential can be used as development capital

to improve people's welfare because a potential if used properly can

be a regional income where the income can be allocated to people's

welfare. then the potential that exists in an area if it can be

maximized can be a regional competitiveness to face the increasing

global market so that regions can compete with foreign products.

analysis of regional potential can also be used as accurate

information or data on the potential of a region that can be

developed, explored and can be maximized. with the availability of

accurate data and information can have an impact on decision

making and policy in the private and government sectors in order to

minimize failure in managing potential, creating efficiency and

productivity in accordance with the ability and availability of

existing resources in a region. this analysis is also important to

maintain sustainability, especially tho

in the field of economics, the analysis of the potential of the area

aims to save and make efficient use of the budget that is wasted by

uselessly so that the absorbed budget can be maximized by good

output as well, can improve the development of the economic sector

where people get new jobs and increase economic competitiveness

of a that cannot be renewed

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