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How to prepare for vetting inspection

in the Engine Room?

What are most important subjects vetting inspector checks in Engine Room?

21 Feb '17, 01:26

KnowledgeBase ♦

Vetting inspection is a complex procedure developed to screen all aspects of safe
tanker operation. Major items normally checked by inspectors in Engine Room
listed below:

1. Documents must be correctly maintained and up to date

Engine Log book

Oil Record Book

Inert gas operations log

PMS up to date without overdue maintenance and repairs.

Chief Engineer's standing orders posted posted and signed as read and

Night order book maintained and signed

Documented procedures that address engine room entry requirements

when operating in the UMS mode, and are the personnel on-board aware of
these requirements

Hot work procedure available and followed

Records of critical and emergency equipment regular testing available

Procedures to restart essential equipment i.e. regain power from the

emergency to the main switchboard, charge the air receivers for the main
diesel generators, restart all auxiliaries, restart the main engine and boiler
Detailed bunker transfer instructions

Written instructions provided to control the change from residual to low-

sulphur fuels

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all product being handled on board

Foam system instructions posted

Safety guidelines available for engine room / workshop welding equipment

2. Spares

Critical spare parts on board as per check list.

Sufficient spares on board for routine maintenance. For upcomming major

jobs spares could be on order

Inventory up to date

3. Demonstrate proper operation or good knowledge of operation of

Inert Gas system alarms, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders. Oxygen
content of the inert gas delivery must be at or below 5%.

Hydrocarbon content analysers

Oily water separator. Warning notices posted to safeguard against the

accidental opening of the overboard discharge valve

Fire fighting systems. Clear operating instructions posted

Portable fire extinguishers in good order with operating instructions clearly


Fixed fire detection and alarm systems

Steering gear. Emergency steering procedure posted in SG room.

Emergency steering gear been tested within the past three months and are
the results recorded

Emergency generator. Concise starting instructions displayed. Reserve fuel

tank provided with sufficient fuel

Emergency fire pump. Starting instructions posted

Engine room ventilation shutdowns

Fuel oil cut-off valve

Quick Closing Valves

Dead man alarm system, where fitted

Main engine bearing temperature monitors, or the crankcase oil mist


Bilge high level alarm system. Testing records must be maintained

Generators automatic switch over arrangements and protection devices

such as reverse power relays

4. ER condition

General cleanliness and good housekeeping of all machinery compartments

All machinery should be in good operational condition

No leaks from flanges and seals

No leaks from diesel engines piping, connections shaft oil seals

Sea water pipelines and valves in good order without signs of heavy rust or
damage. Especially outboard valves.

Bilge wells free from oil film and clean

Tank self-closing sounding devices must be in place and in good order

Gauge glass closing devices on oil tanks of a self-closing, fail-safe type and
not inhibited

All moving machinery provided with effective guards

ER machine tools have adequate eye protection

Switchboards free of significant earth faults. Class rules require a minimum

insulation resistance of 1 megohm. Good practice suggests that a much
higher standard, as near to infinity as possible, but not less than 5 megohms
for 440 volt system. On a 220 volt system 2 megohms is acceptable.

Insulation mats in place in front and behind of switch boards

Bunker samples properly stored and accounted

Purifier room ventilation in good order

Electric welding and gas welding/cutting equipment in good order

Spare oxygen and acetylene cylinders segregated in a clearly marked,

ventilated position outside the accommodation and ER

Emergency bilge pumping arrangements must be ready for immediate use,

clearly identified and provided with a notice warning against accidental

Dedicated sludge pumps free from any connection to a direct overboard


Engine room bilge oily water pumping and disposal arrangements in good
order. No direct connection to overboard allowed. Overboard pipework
could be checked for evidence of oil contamination.

Level of lighting in all areas of the engine room satisfactory

Engine room emergency stops for ventilation fans clearly marked

Diesel engine high and low pressure fuel delivery pipes adequately jacketed
or screened

Diesel engine exhausts and other hot surfaces in the vicinity of fuel, diesel,
lubricating and hydraulic oil pipes protected against spray

Hot surfaces free of any evidence of fuel, diesel and lubricating oil

Main switchboard, alternators and other electrical equipment satisfactorily

protected from water spray

All electrical equipment including junction boxes and cable runs in good

In Steering Gear Room arrangements for the provision of heading

information adequate, communications with the bridge satisfactory, rudder
angle indicator clearly visible at the emergency steering position, access to
steering gear unobstructed

permanent link

21 Feb '17, 11:22

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