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Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court Notice to the person being sued: You are the defendant if your name is listed in (2) of page 2 of this form ‘The person suing you is the plaintiff, listed in (¥) on page 2. ‘You and the plaintiff must go to court on the trial date listed below. If you 0 not go to court, you may lose the ease. Ifyou lose, the court can order that your wages, money, or property be taken to pay this claim Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need to prove your case. Read this form and all pages attached to understand the claim against you and to protect your rights. Aviso al Demandado: + Usted es el Demandado si su nombre figura en (2) dela pigina 2 de este formulario. La persona que jo demanda es e! Demandante, ia que figura en be. (Ger stamps date here when fom is ed. CLERK [Superior Gourt of California, County of SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 1400 MCALLISTER STREET 194102 SMALL CLAIMS @ deta pagina 2. ‘Court sn ease number when frm Is ed. + Usted y ef Demandante tienen que presentarse en la corte en la fecha del cada a continuacién. Si no se presenta, puede perder el caso. pierde el caso la corte podria ordenar que le quiten de su sueldo, dinero u otros bienes para pagar este reclamo. Lieve testigos, recibos y cualquier otra prueba que necesite para probar su SSN19-862184 case Name: Timo ae os caso. Lea este formulario y todas las paginas adjuntas para entender la demanda en su contra y para proteger sus derechos. Cire korkensas The people in @ and @must go to court: (Clerk ils ou section below, 88 anon Time Department Name and address of cour, if different from above Ne D BZ0PM 506 STH FLOOR 2. Date: _peea.g nig Clerk by FL Deputy Instructions for the person s: ‘You are the plaintiff. The person you are suing is the defendant. Before you fill out this form, read form SC-100-INFO, Information for the Plaintiff. to know your rights. Get ‘SC-100-INFO at any courthouse or county law library, or go to www. Fill out pages 2 and 3 of this form. Then make copies of all pages of this form. (Make one copy for each party named in this case and an extra copy for yourself. Take or mail the original and these copies to the court clerk’s office and pay the filing fee. The clerk will write the date of your trial in the box above. ‘You must have someone at least 18—not you or anyone else listed in this case—give each defendant a court-stamped copy of all five pages of this form and any pages this form tells you to attach, There are special rules for “serving,” or delivering, this form to public entities, associations, and some businesses. See forms SC-104, SC-104B, and SC-104C. Go to court on your trial date listed above. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need to prove your case. S000, Page tof a Stkaaeteare anes eine, eso) Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (Small Claims) Plaintiff (list names). Violin {pr Taney [ase Nomben (4) The plaintiff (t re person, bu Bi or public entity that is suing) is: Name: VL@ ies 0 a YS\SD 5b Street address: q iSO Sireat oy ‘ele Zp Mailing address (if different): ‘Seo! ow Siete 2p If more than one plaintiff, ist next plaintiff here: ‘Name: = Phone: _ Street address: = Steet oy Mailing address (if different): ‘Sweet Le Gi Check here ifmore than two plaintiffs and attach form SC-1004, O Check here if either plaintiff listed above is doing business under a fictitious name. Ifso, attach form SC-103. OI Check here ifany plaintiff isa “licensee” or “deferred deposit originator” (payday lender) under Financial Code sections 23000 et seq. (@) The défendant(the person, business, or public entity being sued) i Name: Phone: Smads 3B [a bac any Sai_Fnoico A QUID iy tae ie Sweet Mailing address (if different) ee ‘sweet oy ‘sete Zp If the defendant is a corporation, limited liability company, or public entity, list the person or agent authorized for service of process here: Name: Deve Job tite, if known: Lor Sguvrce ot Pound Address:_ 4350 7 Sn Tivdyo | Beet oy fae Ze 1 Check here if your case is against more than one defendant, and attach form SC-100. (Check here ifany defendant is on active military duty, and write his or her name here: @) The plaintiff claims the defendant owes $ i B00 __. Explain below) a. Why does the eter plaintiff. re He ld and deste oy, 4g Z m pee onal roper dex When did this happen? (Date): a b. tao specie de, avetheine pond? Detesored b WAY rirow lf 14 ACP Hay ig yap ae te money goer (ously ole ga fr epee), (4) You must ask the defendant (in person, in writing, or by phone) to pay you before you sue. If your claim is for possession of property, you must ask the defendant to give you the property. Have you done this? Bayes (No ifno, explain why not: (©) Why are you filing your claim at this courthouse? ‘This courthouse covers the area (check the one that applies) a AS (1) Where the defendant lives or does business. (4) Where a contract (written or spoken) was made, @) Where the plaintiff's property was damaged. signed, performed, or broken by the defendant or G) Where the plaintiff was injured Where the defendant lived or did business when the defendant made the contract. b. [1 Where the buyer or lessee signed the contract, lives now, or lived when the contract was made, if this claim, is about an offer or contract for personal, family, or household goods, services, or loans. (Code Civ. Proc., $395(0)) c. O] Where the buyer signed the contract, lives now, or lived when the contract was made, if this claim is about a retail installment contract (like a credit card). (Civ Code, § 1812.10.) d. 1 Where the buyer signed the contract, lives now, or lived when the contract was made, or where the vehicle is permanently garaged, if this claim is aboist a vehicle finance sale, (Civ Code, § 2984.4.) e. [) Other (specify): ©) List the zip code of the place checked in ® above (if you know). 94403 © |s your claim about an attorney-client fee dispute? (Yes Bg No Ifyes, and if you have had arbitration, fill out form SC-101, attach it to this form, and check here: [] ©) Are you suing a public entity? [] Yes BW No Af yes, you must file a written claim with the entity first. (]_A claim was filed on (date). Ifthe public entity denies your claim or does not answer within the time allowed by law, you can file this form. @) Have you filed more than 12 other small claims within the last 12 months in California? [Yes BRNo Ifyes, the fing fee for this case will be higher. Is your claim for more than $2,500? -S/Yes [i No Ives, Ihave not fled, and understand that I cannot file, more than two small claims cases for more than $2,500 jn California during this calendar year @) ! understand that by filing a claim in small claims court, | have no right to appegjthis claim. I declare, under penalty of perjury under California State law, that the informati form is true apdgoryect, Date: Vain 0. Vane Plaimiff sypes or prints name here Date: ‘Second plaintiff types or prints name here ‘Second plaintiff signs here Requests for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available if you ask at least five days before the trial. Contact the clerk’s office for form IMC-410, Request for Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response. (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) re eae Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court 80-100, Page 3015, (Small Claims) > Information for the defendant (the person being sued) “Small claims court” isa special court where claims for {$10,000 orless are decided. Individuals, Incuding "natural persons" and sole proprietors, may claim up to $10,000, Corporations, partnerships, pubic enties, and other businesses ate limited to caims of $5,000. (See below fr exceptions.") The process fs quick and cheap. The rules are simple and informal. ‘You are the defendant-—tne person being sued. The person wi Is ‘suing you isthe plant Do I need a lawyer? You may tak to a lawyer before or after the case. But you may not have a lawyer represent you in court (unless this is an appeal from a smell aims case). How do I get ready for court? You don't have to le any papers before your tial unless. you think his isthe wrong court for your case. But bring to your tal any winesses, receipts, and evidence thal supports your case. And read “Be Prepared for Your ‘ial at What if! need an accommodation? ityou have @ disability or are hearing impaired, ll out form MC-410, Request for ‘Accommodations. Give the form to your cour cer or the ADA! ‘Access Coordinator What if | don’t speak English well? Ask the cout clerk {28 s00n as possible if your court has @ cour-provided interpreter ‘avaiable and how to request one. A cour-provided interpreter may not be avaliable. Aeratively, you may bing an adult whois nota witness or an atiomey to interpret for you or ask the court for ast interpreters fr hire. Where can I get the court forms I need? Go to any courthouse or your county law brary, or print forms at wa, courts ca.gow/smalleatsforms. What happens at the trial? The judge wil sten to both sides. The judge may make a decision at your tia or mail the decision to you ater. What if | lose the case? Ifyou ose, you may appeal. You'l hhave to pay a fe. (Plants cannot appeal their own cams.) + Ifyou were at theta, fle form S0-140, Notice of Appeal. You ‘must fle within 30 days after the cerk hands or mails you the judge's decision Gudgment) on form SC-200 or form SC-130, Notice of Entry of Judgment. ‘Motion to Vacate Judgment and Declaration, to ask the judge to Cancel the judgment (decison). Ifthe judge does not give you 2 new til, you have 10 days to appeal the decision. File form SC-140, For more information on appeals, see ww. _smailclaims/appeals. Do | have options? Yes. f you are being sued, you can: + Settle your case before the trial. ifyou and the plaintiff agree on how to settle the case, the plaintiff must fle form CIV-110, Request for Dismissal, with the clerk. Ask the ‘Small Claims Advisor for help you were not at the tal, fil out and fle form SC-195, Notice of + Prove this is the wrong court. Send aletter tothe court ‘bofore your tial explaining why you think thsi the wrong court. [Ask the court to dismiss the claim. You must serve (give) a copy ‘of your letter (by mal or in person) to al partes. (Your letter to the court must say you have done so.) + Go to the trial and try to win your case. Bring wilnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need io prove your cease. To have the court order a witness to go tothe tral, fit out form SC-107 (Small Claims Subpoena) and have it served on the witness, Sue the person who is suing you. Ifyou have a claim against the plaintif, and the claim is appropriate for small claims court as described on this form, you may fle Defendant's Clim (form SC-120) and bring the claim in this action. your eaim is {or more than allowed in smal claims court, you may sil fl itn ‘small claims cour if you give up the amount over the small claims vale amount, or you may file a claim forthe full value of the claim in the eppropriate court If your claim is for more than allowed in small claims court and relates to the same contract, transaction, matter, or event that fs the subject ofthe plaintiffs claim, you may fle your claim inthe appropriate court and fle a ‘motion to transfer the paints 'sciaim to that court to resolve both matters together. You can see a description of the amounts allowed in the paragraph above tiled “Small Claims Court.” + Agree with the plaintiff's claim and pay the money. Oy, if you can't pay the money now, goto your tral and say you want to make payments, + Let the case "default." Ifyou don't setie and do not goto the tral (default), the judge may give the plait what he or she is asking for plus court cost. f this happens, the plaintiff can legally take your money, wages, and property topay the jvdgment. What if | need more time? ‘You can change the trial date if + You cannot goto court on the scheduled date (you will have to pay a fee to postpone the til), or You did not get served (receive this order to go to court) atleast 15 days before the tial (or 20 days if you lve outside the county), oF ‘You need more time to get an interpreter. One postponement is allowed, and you wil not have to pay a fee to delay the trial ‘Ask the Small Claims Clerk about the rules and fees for postponing a trial. Or fil out form SC-150 (or wit letter) and ‘mail itto the court and to all other people listed on your court papers before the deadline. Enclose a check for your court fees, unless a fee waiver was granted, ©) "Or go to www. Need help? ‘Your county's Small Claims Advisor can help for free. 1 _l * Exceptions: Different limits apply in an action against a defendant vino is a guarantor. (See Code Civ. Proc.,§ 116 220(c)) (Small Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claimis Court 36-00, Pages of Claims) > Informacién para ei demandado (la persona demandada) {La “Corte de reclamos menores” es una core especial donde se deciden casos pot $10,000 0 menos. Los ineviduos, 0 sea las “personas fiscas" los propetarios por cuenta propia, pueden soclamar hasta $10,000. Las corporaciones, asociaciones, enidades publcas y otras empresas solo pueden reciamar hasta $5,000. (Vea ‘bajo para las excepciones.”) El proceso es répido y barato. Las aglas son seneilas e informales, Usted es el Dermandado— ia, persona que ee esté demandando. La persona que lo est emandando es el Demandante eNecesito un abogado? Puede hablar con un abogado antes 0 ‘Tespués del caso, Pero no puede tener @ un abogade que lo represente ante fa corte (a menos que se trate de una apelacién de un ‘280 de reclamas menores), {Cémo me preparo para ir ala corte? No tlene que presentar hingunos papeles antes de ico, a menas que piense que éste es Ia ‘ore equlvocada para su caso, Pero leve al juico cualquier testigos, recibos y pruebas que apoyan su caso. Y lea "Esté preparado para su juio" en Qué hago si necesito una adaptacién? Sitiene une diseapaciiag © tiene impedimentos de aueliién, lene e formulae MC-410, Request for Accomodations. Entrogue el formulario al secretatio de i corte 0 al Coordinador de Acceso/ADA de su corte Qué pasa si no hablo bion inglés? Pregéntele al secretaro dela ‘Corte fo més pronto posible si en el jzgado habré un interprete sisponible ycémo soictarlo, No siempre estan disponibles los Itérpretes de la corte. Otraopcién es levar a un adulto que puede Interpretar para usted siempre que esa persona no sea un testigo ni tun abogado, O puede pedi ala corte una Ista de intérprotes particulates disponibles pare contratar, 2Dénde puedo obtener los formularios de a corte que necesito? ‘Vaya a coalquer edi de la cot, la biblioteca legal de su condado, © imprima los formulaios en gow smalllaimetforms (Gagina esta en inal) Qué pasa on el jucio? E!juez escuchard a ambas partes. Eljuez puede tomar su decisién durante la audiencis o envarsola por correo despues. Qué pasa si pierdo el caso? Si pie, puede apelar. Tendr que pagar una cuola, (El Demandante no puede apelar su propio reclamo.) + Slestuvo presente en el juicio, lene el formulario SC-140, Aviso de ‘apolacién (Notice of Appeal), Tone que presentarlo dentro de 30, ‘las después de que el secretri le entregue o envie la decsién (faio} del juez ene! formar $C-200 0 SC-130, Aviso de ‘ublicacién del alo (Notice of Entry of Judgment). + Sino estuve en el uci, lene y presente el formulario SC-135, Aviso do potcién para anular 6 falo y Doctaracién para pedis al Juez que anule el alo (dacisiin). Sia corte no le otorga un nuevo Inicio, ene 10 dias para apelar la decisién. Presente el formuiario Sc-140, Para obtenor més informacion sobre las apelaciones, vea ww, courtsca.gowneclamosmenorespelaciones. Tengo otras opelones? Si Silo estin demandando, puede + Resolver su caso antes del juicio. Si usted y el Dermandante se ponen de acuerdo en cémo resolver el caso, el Demandante tiene {que presentar el formulario CIV-110, Solistud de desestimacion (Request for Dismissal) ante el secretaio de la corte, Pdale al ‘Asezor de Reciamos Menores que lo ayude. "Probar quo os a corta equivocada,Envie ua cra a coe ‘rte dal sc expcano porque cree que esl corta trutvocade, dale ala conte que despia el rexiamo,Tiene que ertega (Ga) una copia desu cara (pr corea en persona) & todas las pats, (Su cata ala crt lene que dec que hizo ta enega) «Ital lel y trata de ganar et caso. Uevetesigns, ecb y cusuir prueba que neces para proba su cso. Si desea gue ta crte emia una orden de comparecenia para que lo estgoe ‘vayan al it, lene elfomularo S¢-107, Claro de reciamos mmenores (Small Claims Subpoena) entroques legate al testoo. « Damandar ata persona que lo demands, Siene un re‘amo contre e! Dement el recamo se puede presenta ena carte de resamos menotes, tl coma se describe esto. formulae, puede presenta fomultio SC-120, Reclamo do! demanded (etendants Clin) y presenta en este mismo ceo, Siu rela excede elle perio ena cote do tedarnos menore, puede guaimente presenta en ln corte de teclaos manoreé esta disput Utarsurelame al trie perio, o puede presenta un regan pore onto {olan ia coteapropiads Sisurecamo exces lite perrlico ena ore de etamos menoesy el relaconado con Elmo contrat, vansacc, acuntooaconiedmiento que el redamo del Demandants, puede presenarsurecamo enla cote ‘spropada y peseniar una macin para rane el reclame del Domandantea cic corte, para poder resoNer lo dos relamos juntos. Puede ver una descipen de los mons permilios one Piao anfriortulado “core de écamos mente «_Aeptar él reclamo del Demandante y pagar el nero, O, sino pusde pagar en ese moment, vaya a flo yapa que que hace bs pages. «Noll julcloy acaptar el fale por falta de comparecenci. Si ne tega un acuerdo con el Demandantey no va 3 Jule (ao pores de comparecenci), el ue e puede olga at ‘Demande lo que ext reciaand mas 10 costs de aca En ese caso, e Demandante eganante ped omar su dinero, $1 suelo o aus blenes para cobra alo, Qué hago si necestio mas tlempo? Puede cami la fecha del iui st +'No puede ia cote ef a fechaprogramada (end que pagar una cuota para apaza elt), 0 + Noe erregaron os documenteslegalmente (no recbi a orden para ira la corte orl menos 18 das antes dl co (620 dias Evie fuera dl condad). 0 + Necesta nts lomo para cohsogul ntrprete (Se permite un aac aptzamitsitione cue pops tp pao Progincle al eecetao de retamos menos sobre ls regis y las tues ata aplazar un jlo, O ane el formula SO-10 fo escba tna cata) envio ane del pazo ala corey todas la oa personas que Agua en sus papeles dea coe Aunt un cheaue fara paue ls cosos dela conto a menos que le hayen dav une ‘Mecesita ayuda? El Asesor de Reclamos Menores de su Condado e puede ayudar sin cago. 0 visi yon courts ca gowheclamosmenores/asessres. Pecans Ca ssn 98 2016). Reclamo de! Demandante y ORDEN ‘30-100, Pago sof Para Ir a la Corte de Reclamos Menores (Reclamos Menores)

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