Written Reflective 3

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Written Reflective 3 Jacqueline Burroughs

I need to commit. There is not any more time for me to be consumed in my head. There is no
more time for me to continue to self-doubt myself.

I am enough. I am enough. I am enough. – I need to continue to tell myself this and I will begin
to believe it. Negative self-talk only hinders my progress.

I understand that the exercise is always developing, and that nothing ever really goes away. I
need to stop making excuses. Meisner is all about problem solving without playing the problem.
The only thing you must play is the truth.

I’ve been crafting heavily for my next activity. The questions I need to ask myself are the
What are you doing?
Why are you doing it? (what just happened?)
What are you trying to achieve?
How are you going to achieve it?

Note to self: STOP checking in with Scott during the exercise, this does no service to yourself or
help you in any way

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