Looking Back and Looking Ahead Draft 2

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Garrett Simes

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1103

October 9, 2010


I feel much better about my paper after these revisions. I feel better about the paragraphs 3 & 4.
I still feel that my conclusion is a little weak, but my peers didn’t have a problem with it. I have
reworded a few things and worked on paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.
Looking Forward and Looking Back

We have had quite a few writing pieces in English 1103 this semester. We have written

about many topics from choices in our lives to the language we use with different groups people.

Many of my writing practices have been consistent throughout. My last writing to explore

looked into my writing rituals and I learned how comfortable I am with them. I have used those

rituals for all of my different writing pieces so far. All of my papers have been based on MLA

format so far. I write in this form because I understand it and I am comfortable with it. I

brainstorm and outline for all of my papers, in English and in my other classes. I do this

brainstorming and outlining on the same notepad. I always write my papers and read for class in

the same spot. That spot is in the lounge on the third floor of my dorm. It is always a quiet place

that I can free myself from as many distractions as possible. Even right now, I am writing from

the lounge.

All of these practices or rituals make writing easier for me. Another thing that makes it

easier for me to write is when a paper includes my opinion. I know exactly how I feel about

things and I do not have a problem writing those feelings in a paper. One thing I struggle with is

writing papers on things I am not as familiar with. I also have problems with writing objective

papers. I have an opinion on everything and it is very hard for me to exclude my opinions from

my writing. It is also a heck of a lot easier to write about things I know and understand. I also

struggle to write in other forms than I am comfortable. I write all papers and essays the same

and I don’t feel comfortable changing how I write.

I believe that everything we have done inside and outside of class has worked toward the

class goals. We have read and discussed academic texts, including Sponsors of Literacy,

Intertextuality and others. We have used key ideas, terms, and concepts when we applied the

term “sponsors of literacy” and applying it to “Learning to Read,” by Malcolm X and Alexie’s

“The Joy of Reading and Writing.” I still would not call reading academic essays and books a

hobby, but I am not dreading it as much as I originally thought. I am still working on exploring

other modes. I hope to address this as I continue through the semester. I think that the

classroom culture document is being followed and that it is further encouraging the achievement

of the class goals. All the rules help us, as the students; complete our goals and those of the

course. This class makes reading and writing a lot more interesting; it’s by no means fun, but it

is much more bearable.

Editing is a big piece in the puzzle of writing. No one writes a perfect book the first time.

Editing is the way to transition from getting your thoughts out to having a final draft. Peer

workshop is very helpful for the development of my writing. It is really hard to evaluate your

own writing. It is much easier to look at your paper with new eyes by actually using someone

else’s. I also enjoy receiving multiple opinions. I also appreciate that those opinions are those of

my peers. My first drafts are defiantly not ready for the eyes of a professor. Every time we have

a peer workshop, I take all the advice given and it always helps me better my essays.

My inquiry has branched off of the writing I have done so far. My inquiry question is

based off of one of the writing to explore prompts. It was conceived after reading about the

writing log prompt. It made me wonder how technology has influenced the way people read and

write. So much of the information we receive comes from technology. I know that technology

has changed the way I write. Gone are the days of writing and erasing over and over. Here are

the days of digital drafts. Through my research I have decided to focus on the digital language

formed from this new technology. I want to learn how this changes the English language as a

whole, if at all.

We are halfway through the semester and it has gone by extremely quick. One thing has

held true. This class has focused on writing. We have written over 25 pieces of writing so far

and I don’t see the pace letting up any time soon. We are making good progress towards the

accomplishment of our goals. I look forward to the continuation of the class and the semester

and finding out what else we will write in the course.

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