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Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

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Heat removal from RBMK reactor core using non-regular means T

Algirdas Kaliatka , Eugenijus Ušpuras
Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos St. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania


Keywords: RBMK type reactor is a boiling light-water-reactor with a graphite moderator. Several important design features
RBMK of RBMK are unique and very complex compared with: the fuel assemblies are located in individual channels
Channel type reactor rather than a single pressure vessel, these fuel channels are placed in a massive graphite moderator block; the
Loss of long term cooling rods of reactor control and protection system are placed in different channels, parallel to the fuel channels in
Heat transfer through graphite blocks
graphite moderator block. Such design provides additional opportunity for heat removal from the reactor in the
cases of beyond design-basis accidents. This paper discusses possibility of heat removal from the RBMK-1500
core using weak heat conduction mechanisms: heat removal from outer surface of drum separators and steam –
water piping using air ventilation means; heat removal from graphite stack using direct water supply into reactor
cavity; heat removal from fuel channels through the core graphite structures by control rods cooling system; heat
removal in loss of long term cooling case using de-pressurisation of the reactor coolant system and water supply
using complex of non-regular means. The provided analyses discuss advantages and capacities of these different

1. Introduction: characteristic of RBMK reactor accident). Units 5 and 6 at Chernobyl NPP were under construction at
the time of the accident; however, further construction was stopped due
RBMK reactor (Russian acronym for: “Large-power channel-type to high contamination level at the site and political pressure. In
reactor”) belongs to the class of graphite-moderated nuclear power Lithuania, two reactors at Ignalina NPP were shut down in 2004 and
reactors that were designed in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Use of 2009. However, at present time, 11 RBMK reactors are still operating in
materials with low neutron absorption in RBMK design allows im- Russia (4 reactors in Saint Petersburg, 3 – in Smolensk and 4 – in
proving the fuel cycle by using cheap low-enriched nuclear fuel. RBMK Kursk).
reactor is a channel-type boiling water reactor. It has a large graphite The fundamental heat cycle of RBMK is identical to the BWR cycle
block structure, which functions as a moderator that slows down neu- and is analogous to the cycle of thermal generating stations. However,
trons produced by fission. compared to BWRs used in Western power plants, the RBMK-1500 and
There are two types of RBMK reactors with different power outputs: RBMK-1000 have a number of unique features. The comparison of
RBMK-1000 and RBMK-1500. The RBMK-1500 reactor type of important parameters of the reactor types is presented in Table 1. As it
1500 MW electrical power output is the only one at Ignalina Nuclear is presented in the table, the values of specific power per fuel quantity
Power Plant (NPP). The RBMK-1000 type reactors were commissioned are very similar for all reactors. The power per fuel rod length of the
in Russia and Ukraine. There was a plan to build RBMKP-2400 type RBMK-1500 has the highest value. To reach such high value, specifi-
reactor, which has rectangular core instead of cylindrical one. It was cally designed additional spacers, which operate like turbulence en-
designed to have a electrical power output of 2400 MW. However, no hancers to improve the heat transfer characteristics, are mounted in the
reactor with this power output has ever been built. Totally 15 RBMK- fuel assemblies of RBMK-1500. Specific power per core volume in
1000 type reactors have been built in Russia, Ukraine and two RBMK- RBMK-1500 is higher than in RBMK-1000 reactor, but in BWR-type
1500 type in Lithuania. The three surviving reactors at Chernobyl NPP reactors this characteristic is approximately 10 times higher. The core
(Ukraine) were shut down (the fourth one was destroyed in the heat capacity in RBMK is high due to a large amount of graphite. These

Abbreviations: ABWR, Advanced Boiling Water Reactor; AHS, Additional Hold-down System; BWR, Boiling Water Reactor; CPS, Control and Protection System; DS,
Drum Separator; ECCS, Emergency Core Cooling System; FC, Fuel Channel; GDH, Group Distribution Header; MCP, Main Circulation Pump; MSV, Main Safety Valve;
NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; PWR, Pressurised Water Reactor; RBMK, Acronym for Russian type graphite moderated boiling water reactor; RCS, Reactor Cooling
System; SDV, Steam Discharge Valve; SWP, Steam Water Piping; VVER, Water-Water Energetic Reactor

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Kaliatka).
Received 29 May 2019; Received in revised form 15 June 2019; Accepted 18 June 2019
Available online 23 June 2019
0029-5493/ © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Table 1
Comparison of BWR and RBMK reactor parameters.
No. Parameter ABWR (Tokyo Electric Power, 2010) RBMK-1000 (Almenas et al., 1998) RBMK-1500 (Almenas et al., 1998)

1. Thermal power, MW 3926 3840 4800

2. Core diameter, m 5.16 11.80 11.80
3. Core height, m 3.71 7.0 7.0
4. Core volume, m3 77.6 765 765
5. Mean specific power per core volume, MW/m3 50.6 5.02 6.27
6. Mean specific power per fuel quantity, MW/t 24.8 20.8 26.0
7. Mean power per fuel rod length, kW/m 19.1 18.3 22.9

parameters have a certain impact on the operation of the reactor during

The feature of RBMK type reactor is that each fuel assembly is
placed in its own vertical fuel channel, which is individually cooled by
boiling water that is intended to remove the heat produced in it. Each
Fuel Channel (FC) is placed in graphite columns, collected from gra-
phite blocks, quadratic in cross section. RBMK reactor core consists of
1660 fuel channels housed in an assembly of graphite columns tightly
packed which forms the graphite stack. The FCs are part of the reactor
cooling system and house two fuel assemblies located in a row, as
shown in Fig. 1.
Active core height in RBMK reactors is 7 m. The complete fuel as-
sembly is made up of two bundles, which are joined by means of a
sleeve at the central plane. The lower bundle of the fuel assembly is
supported by an end grid and ten spacing grids. The central tube and
the end spacer are also made from the zirconium-niobium alloy. The
remaining spacers are made from stainless steel and are rigidly fixed
(welded) to the central tube. Apart from the spacers, the upper bundle
also has intensifying grids, which act as turbulence enhancers to im-
prove the heat transfer characteristics. The fuel rods are mounted so
that axial expansion of the upper or lower bundles takes place in the
direction towards the center of the core. Each fuel bundle has an inside
diameter of 8 cm and is composed of 18 fuel rods which are arranged on
two concentric rings with a carrier rod at the center. The active length
of fuel rods is approximately 3.4 m. The fuel cladding material of the
fuel rod is an alloy of zirconium with one percent niobium. The total
mass of uranium in one fuel assembly is approximately 110 kg,
(Almenas et al., 1998).
Reactor Cooling System (RCS) of RBMK-1500 has two identical
loops, which are interconnected via the steamlines and do not have a Fig. 2. Three-dimensional diagram of one loop of reactor cooling system, with
connection on the water part. This is the difference from the vessel-type schematic of compartments, covering main equipment: 1 – drum separators, 2 –
reactors. The location of the reactor core and its main components in water connecting pipes to connect drum separators, 3 – downcomers, 4 – suc-
reactor cooling loop are shown in Fig. 2. The water is supplied to fuel tion header, 5 – pressure header, 6, 7 – MCP suction pipelines, 8, 10 – MCP
pressure pipelines, 9 – MCP tank, 11, 12 – bypass between suction and pressure
headers, 13 – supply pipeline, connecting pressure header with group dis-
tribution header, 14 – group distribution header, 15 – lower water piping, 16 –
fuel channel, 17 – steam water piping, 18 – drainage pipeline of water con-
necting pipes of drum separators, 19 – drum separator compartments, 20 –
graphite stack, 21 – compartments of group distribution headers and lower
water piping, 22 – compartments, covering MCPs, pressure and suction headers.

channels where it is heated to saturation and partially evaporates. The

steam and water mixture then flows to the drum separators (1, see
Fig. 2) of both loops, where the steam is separated from water and
directed to the turbines. The water from the Drum Separators (DS)
flows via downcomers (2) to the main circulation pumps (there 3 par-
allel pumps working during operation at nominal power) suction
header (4) and then by the pumps (9) is supplied to the main circulation
pumps pressure header (5), which is connected to 20 group distribution
headers (14). There are totally 40 group distribution headers (20
headers in each reactor cooling system loop). Each Group Distribution
Header (GDH) through lower water piping (15) provides water to
41–43 fuel channels (16). The fuel channels are made of Zirconium and
Niobium alloy similar to the one used for the fuel claddings. The steam
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of RBMK reactor core.

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

– water mixture through steam water piping (17) is supplied to the . . . 55 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 54 . . .

drum separators. Drum separators (1), part of downcomers (2) and z


steam water piping (17) are placed in the drum separator compartments z z z z
z 1

(19). The equipment and piping of reactor cooling system filled by

z z z z z z z z 4
z z z z z z z z z z 6

water are placed in compartments covering Main Circulation Pumps z z z z z z z z z 8

z z z z z z z z z z 10

(MCP) and pressure and suction headers (22) and compartments cov- z z † z z z z z z z † z z

ering group distribution headers and lower water piping (21). These z z











compartments are leak tight and form a part of Accident Localisation

z z z z z z z z z z z z 18

z z z z z z z z z z z 20

System. z z z z z z z z z z z z z

Separated in the drum separators, steam is supplied to the turbines. z z z z z z z z z z z 24

z z z z z z z z z z z z 26

After passing turbines, steam is directed to the condensers where it is z z z z z z z z z z z z


condensed. The condensate is supplied to the deaerators from where it z













is directed back to reactor cooling system by the main feedwater z z z z z z z z z z z 34

z CPS channel z z † z z z z z z z † z z

pumps. z z z z z z z z z z

FC with FA z z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z z 42

2. Specifics of heat removal from the RBMK core † Channel with AA z z z z z z z ·

z z z z z 46

Radial reflector z
z 55

The unique design features of reactor, low specific power per core Reflector cooling channel

volume and high heat capacity of core due to a large amount of gra-
phite, have a certain impact on the heat removal from RBMK reactor Fig. 3. Distribution of fuel channels, CPS channels and graphite reflector
core during beyond design-basis accidents. Unfortunately, the detailed cooling channels in the reactor core (Almenas et al., 1998).
knowledge of the RBMK system configuration was not spread in the
Western world till the Chernobyl event in 1986. Afterwards, some in- water supplied by low pressure system totally independent from the
vestigations were performed in Russia, Ukraine, and Lithuania. Very reactor cooling system – this is another specificity of RBMK reactors.
valuable was the project “Software Development for Accident Analysis The graphite columns are located in hermetically sealed cavity (see
of VVER and RBMK Reactors in Russia (2003–2006)” sponsored by Fig. 1), which is filled with a helium and nitrogen mixture, to prevent
European Commission, with the participation of RBMK designers in the oxidation of the graphite (Almenas et al., 1998).
Russia and the supervision of the national utility and the regulatory In this paper the advantages and disadvantages of heat removal by
authority, where safety and acceptability of those reactors were ana- direct water supply into the reactor cavity and heat transfer from fuel
lysed (D’Auria et al., 2005). The long-term investigations of non-regular channels through CPS cooling circuit is discussed in Sections 6 and 7
means showed four possible alternatively paths for the decay heat re- respectively. The complex system of measures (de-pressurisation of the
moval from reactor core, using non-regular means: reactor coolant system and water supply using non-regular means) for
RBMK cooldown in case of long term station blackout are presented in
• by ventilation of drum separators compartments, Section 7.2. The advantage of measures are demonstrated, comparing
• by direct water supply into the reactor cavity, consequences without operators actions (analysis presented in Section
• heat transfer from fuel channels through CPS cooling circuit, 4). The analyses are performed for the RBMK-1500 reactor, but re-
• de-pressurisation of the reactor coolant system and water supply ceived conclusions are valid for RBMK-1000 also.
using non-regular means.

The heat removal from reactor core by ventilation of drum se- 3. Modelling of thermal – hydraulic process in RBMK reactor
parators compartments was proposed because, as it is presented in
Fig. 2, the 830 steam and water pipes (17) in one cooling loop with For the analysis of thermal hydraulic processes in RCS of Ignalina
external diameter 76 mm and approximately length 27.4 m each create NPP with RBMK-1500 reactors the RELAP5 (Fletcher, 1992), RELAP5-
the significant heat transfer area. These pipelines are placed in drum 3D (INEEL, 1998) and RELAP/SCDAPSIM (Allison and Wagner, 2001)
separator compartments (19). Theoretically, by the cooling of steam codes are used. The use of three codes allows to investigate all aspects
water piping, it is possible to remove decay heat form the reactor core. of accident with long-term loss of heat removal from the core: RELAP5
Such approach of reactor cooldown is used during the maintenance, few code allows to perform thermal-hydraulic analysis using detailed
days after the reactor shutdown. The heat from steam water piping is RBMK-1500 model; RELAP/SCDAPSIM code is necessary for modelling
removed by air employing ventilation system of drum separator com- of core damage progression; RELAP5-3D code with special “multi-
partments. Such type of reactor cooldown in technological regulation of dimensional heat conduction” model allows to model heat transfer from
RBMK-1500 is called “cooldown in natural circulation mode” and it hot fuel channels through graphite column in radial direction. The
allows to maintain the temperature of water in RCS below 100 °C. The original RELAP5 computer code (Fletcher, 1992) has been developed by
possibility of heat removal from reactor core by ventilation of drum Idaho National Engineering Laboratory for PWR and BWR reactors. This
separators compartments in case of beyond design-basis accidents is is a one-dimensional non-equilibrium two-phase thermal-hydraulic
discussed in Section 5. system code. In the Lithuanian Energy Institute the models for the si-
The fuel channels, where RBMK fuel assemblies are placed, are mulation of RBMK type reactors using RELAP5 code has been devel-
made of Zirconium and 2.5% Niobium alloy. These fuel channels are oped and RELAP5 code has been used for Ignalina NPP licensing since
placed in graphite stack, which consists of 2488 graphite columns with 1995.
the vertical bore openings. These openings are used for positioning of The general nodalization scheme of the RBMK-1500 model, devel-
the channels, which in turn are used for placing fuel assemblies and oped for RELAP5 code, is presented in Fig. 4. The model of RCS consists
several types of instruments into the core (see Fig. 3) (Almenas et al., of two loops, each of them corresponds to one loop of the actual circuit.
1998). The control rods, which perform the reactor core reactivity Two steam drum separators in each RCS loop are modelled by gen-
keeping during normal operation and reactor scram in a case of emer- eralized “separator” element (1). All downcomers are represented by a
gency, in RBMK reactors are the main part of Control and Protection single equivalent pipe (2), further subdivided into a number of control
System (CPS). These control rods are placed in the individual channels volumes. The pump suction header (3) and the pump pressure header
in the graphite stack, also. The channels for control rods are filled with (8) are represented as RELAP5 “branch” (Fletcher, 1992) elements.

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Fig. 4. Full model of Ignalina NPP for thermal-hydraulic analysis of processes in RCS (for RELAP5-3D code): 1 – DS, 2 – downcomers, 3 – MCP suction header, 4 –
MCP suction piping, 5 – MCP, 6 – MCP discharge piping, 7 – bypass line, 8 – MCP pressure header, 9 – GDH, 10 – lower water piping, 11 – reactor core inlet piping, 12
– FC, 13 – reactor core outlet piping, 14 – steam-water piping, 15 – steam lines, 16 – CPS rods cooling channels, 17 – CPS top storage tank, 18 – radial reflector cooling
channel, 19 – CPS bottom storage tank, 20 – water supply to spray system for air humidification in DS compartments, 21 – water supply directly to the reactor cavity,
22 – water supply from ECCS hydro-accumulators, 23 – city water source, 24 – pipe element for simulation of water level measurement, 25 – deaerators.

Three operating Main Circulation Pumps are represented by one system. The injection of feedwater into the DS and the injection of
equivalent “pump” element (5) with check and throttling-regulating Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) water into the GDHs is simu-
valves. The throttling-regulating valves are used for coolant flow rate lated explicitly using RELAP5 “pipe”, “junction”, “volume” and “pump”
regulation through the core. These valves are modelled by employing elements (not presented in this paper).
“servo valve” elements. The normalized flow area versus normalized In the RELAP5 model of the Ignalina NPP the core is represented by
stem position is described in the RELAP5 model. The bypass line (7) a number of equivalent channels. Heat structures of the equivalent fuel
between the pump suction header and the pump pressure header is channel simulate only the active region in the reactor core (top and
modelled with the manual valves closed. This is in agreement with a bottom reflectors are not modelled). The fuel rod is modelled with an
modification performed at the Ignalina NPP. All fuel channels of the left equivalent eight radial node model. Five of these radial nodes are for
core pass are represented by a few equivalent channels (12) operating the fuel pellet, one for the gap region and two for the cladding. The
at specific power and coolant flow. The group of 20 Group Distribution vertical bundle option is used in heat structure description of fuel as-
Headers (9) with connecting pipelines is modelled by RELAP5 “branch” sembly with 18 fuel rods. The fuel channel and the graphite stack are
component. The pipelines of the lower water piping (10) are connected modelled with an equivalent eight radial node model. Two of these
to each FC. Each of these components represents the quantity of pipes radial nodes are for the fuel channel wall, two for the gap and graphite
appropriate to the number of elements in the corresponding FC in the rings region and four for the graphite blocks. Fuel rod, fuel channel,
core. The vertical parts of the FC (13) above the reactor core are re- graphite rings and graphite blocks are modelled with 14 axial segments,
presented by RELAP5 components “pipes”. The pipelines of the steam- 0.5 m in length each. The square graphite stack is represented by an
water piping (14) are connecting the fuel channels with DS. Compared equivalent cylindrical volume. For the modelling of radiation heat
to the model for the left loop, in the right loop, the MCP system is transfer between outer surface of fuel rods and inner surface of fuel
modelled with three equivalent pumps. The steam separated in the channel the special radiation/conduction model for RELAP5 was used.
separators is directed to turbines via steam lines (15). Two turbine Application of such model allows precisely describe the heat transfer
control valves adjust steam supply to the turbines. The control of these from the fuel rods to the fuel channel wall and to graphite stack for the
valves was modelled by “servo valve” elements based on an algorithm overhead fuel assemblies in case of dry out.
of steam pressure regulators used at Ignalina NPP. There are four Steam In the presented scheme the circuits of the CPS rods cooling and
Discharge Valves (SDV) in each loop of the RCS to direct the steam to radial reflector cooling are modelled explicitly. All 235 CPS rods
the condensers of the turbines (turbine bypass). The pressure of the cooling channels are represented by one equivalent channel (16). The
steam is controlled at nominal level by two SDV. The peaks of pressure elements (18) simulate 156 channels for radial reflector cooling having
are eliminated discharging the steam through 12 main safety valves. a design of “Field’s pipe”. Water passes from CPS top storage tank (17)
The steam through SDVs-A and Main Safety Valves (MSV) is discharged and flows into the bottom storage tank (19).
to the pressure suppression pools of the accident localisation system. All Reactor cavity is formed by a metal structure of the reactor shell
models of steam discharge valves are connected to the “time depen- together with bottom and top metal plates. The fuel and CPS channels
dent” elements, which define boundary conditions in the turbine con- are located inside the holes of graphite columns. There are 2488 gra-
densers or the pressure suppression pools of the accident localisation phite columns, which construct the reactor graphite stack. In the

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

measured plant data (Uspuras et al., 2003; 2004a,b).

4. Consequences of loss of long term cooling for RBMK

The unique design features of RBMK reactor affects the selection of

non-regular means for the reactor cooldown during beyond design-basis
accidents. Usually the means, which could be initiated manually and do
not require regular supply of electricity (passive equipment) are se-
lected. In other words – the selected means should be available in
station blackout case. On the other hand, the failures of core long-term
cooling (station blackout case) dominate above the accidents with loss
of coolant and are the main contributors to core damage frequency for
RBMK reactors. According to the Level 1 probabilistic safety assessment
of the Ignalina NPP, the conditional of Core Damage Frequency for loss
of long-term core cooling is 3.14∙10−6 per year (Uspuras et al., 2007).
Fig. 5. Station blackout. No operator actions are taken into account. Behaviour
Thus, all selected non-regular heat removal means at first should be
of core components temperatures (Urbonavičius and Kaliatka, 2010).
checked for the station blackout case. Below are briefly presented
consequences at loss of long term cooling accident without any addi-
presented RELAP5-3D model the graphite stack is simulated as a tional actions of operators, directed to heat removal from the reactor.
thermal structure. Heat transfer among the equivalent fuel and CPS This analysis allows to compare the influence of operator actions, dis-
channels is approximated by the heat transfer through the graphite cussed further in Section 6.
moderator gaps to the reactor cavity gas. This heat transfer in radial In the station blackout case due to loss of electrical power supply to
direction is shown in Fig. 4 by arrows. This approach considers the MCPs, the pumps of the service water system and feedwater supply are
removal of decay heat from the graphite stack to CPS cooling circuit. switched-off. Station blackout case assumes the failure on start-up of all
Also the heat structures to consider the heat removal from the equip- diesel generators that leads to the unavailability of the ECCS pumps.
ment located in DS compartments and from the pipelines are added to The reactor scram signal is activated due to signal of MCP trip. The
the models of drum separators, steam-water piping and steam lines. water is evaporating in the fuel channels due to decay heat, the gen-
Thick lines mark the elements with the added heat structures. erated steam is removed through main safety valves that keep the
The developed model considers four paths for the decay heat re- nominal pressure in RCS. At the same time, as the coolant is lost by
moval from reactor core: evaporation, the cooling conditions of the fuel assemblies in the core
deteriorate. According RELAP/SCDAPSIM calculation, 3 h after the
• heat removal from steam-water piping and steam drums by air beginning of the accident the failure of fuel channels is expected, be-
ventilation and spray of water (20) in drum separators compart- cause the pressure in RCS is nominal, and the critical temperature for
ments, FC wall 650 °C will be reached (see Fig. 5). At that temperature the
• by direct water supply into the reactor cavity (21), zirconium – niobium alloy begins to deform plastically, what leads to
• heat transfer from fuel channels through CPS cooling circuit (17, failure of FC walls. In the present analysis the opening of one safety
19), relief valve at time moment ∼3.8 h after the accident beginning by an
• water supply in to the reactor cooling circuit (into GDH) from ECCS operator to discharge steam was assumed. Due to pressure decrease
hydro-accumulators (22), deaerators (25) and city water source after valve opening the rest of coolant in pipelines below reactor core
(23). starts to boil and steam cools down the core for a short time span.
However, at time moment 4.3 h the second (repeated) heating-up of
The non-regular sources of water, which could be supplied to RCS in core elements starts. After the depressurisation the accident scenario
case of DBA are listed below. ECCS accumulators contain ∼200 m3. would continue at low pressure in reactor cooling circuit. When the fuel
There are 16 accumulators (pressurised tanks) with total volume of cladding temperatures increase to more than 900 °C (after 7 h from the
25 m3 each, which is just more than half-full with water of ∼30 °C. The beginning of the accident) the failure of fuel claddings due to bal-
remaining part of the volume is filled with nitrogen gas at 9.8 MPa looning occurs. The ballooning occurs because at that time the pressure
pressure. Approximately 170 m3 of water could be used to replenish in RCS (outside fuel rods) is close to atmospheric and the pressure in-
RCS coolant reserves. Because pressure in hydro accumulators is higher side fuel rods is high. At higher temperatures the cladding oxidation
as nominal pressure in RCS, the supply of water can be started even at (steam – zirconium reaction) starts. This process terminates after the
high pressure in RCS. After the depressurisation, the water in deaerators pressure in RCS, decrease down to atmospheric – this indicates that
could be used also. There are four deaerators, which contain 480 m3 of there is no steam in RCS, thus, the steam-zirconium reaction is im-
water in one unit of RBMK-1500. Initial pressure in the deaerators is possible. When the fuel claddings and fuel channels temperatures reach
1.2 MPa, water temperature is ∼190 °C. Also the city water could be 1450 °C (after 20 h from the beginning of the accident), the melting of
used for water supply to reactor cooling circuit. However, this water stainless steel grids starts (see Fig. 5). Probably, the fuel channels will
source can be used only after deep depressurisation of RCS because the fail at the same time. Due to station blackout the cooling of control rods
excessive pressure in city water supply lines is approximately 0.6 MPa channels will be lost, thus the process of heat-up of control rods is in
and water temperature is ∼10 °C. parallel with FCs heat-up. At temperature 1930–2050 °C and 2330 °C
A more detailed description of the model is presented in articles the melting of aluminium oxide (control rods claddings) and boron-
(Kaliatka and Uspuras, 2000). Presented models have been bench- carbide (control rods elements) starts. The formation of ceramic starts
marked against several operational events, such as trip of all MCPs and at 2600 °C. The analysis performed using RELAP5/SCDAPSIM code
spurious opening of three MSVs, inadvertent actuation of ECCS shows that in case of station blackout the fuel melting starts at low
(Uspuras and Kaliatka, 2006; Urbonas et al., 2003), etc. in order to pressure 55 h after the beginning of the accident (Fig. 5).
provide confidence in the ability of the code to represent the plant re-
sponse to the emergency conditions correctly. The calculation results
obtained using Ignalina NPP RELAP5-3D model agree well with the

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

5. Analysis of decay heat removal from the reactor core by steam – water – air mixture to the accident steam release shaft. In the
ventilation of drum separator compartments ceilings of each steam relief shaft there are one or two pipes for air
release in case of accident. There are nine such 1800 mm diameter pipes
The 830 pipes of SWP in one cooling loop with external diameter for each DS compartment. Each pipe is covered with a lid, which opens
76 mm and approximately length 27.4 m each, which are inside drum at the excessive pressure of 1.5 kPa. Each DS compartment has four
separator compartments, create significant heat transfer area. The DS doorways of 1.2 m2. Two doorways in each compartment are located at
compartments are equipped by ventilation system, which is normal the bottom and other two – approximately eight meter higher (Fig. 6).
operation safety-related system. This ventilation system provides air DS compartments are connected with each other via SWP compart-
exchange in the reactor hall, directed air flow from reactor hall via slots ments, where there is a connection to the reactor hall through the gaps
of reactor slab floor, removing possible radioactive pollutions in case of between the biological defence blocks – biological shielding. According
leakage, cooling of servo-drives of control and protection system and to the design, the effective area of gaps is 5 m2.
cooling steam water piping and DSs. Prior to being exhausted to the If mentioned doors, rupture panels and lids of pipe are open, natural
ventilation stack the air is purified at aerosol filters. This exhaust circulation of the air will be created in the DS compartments (it is
ventilation system, removing air with approximately capacity marked by arrows in Fig. 6). This natural circulation will be capable of
48000 m3/h, is capable of maintaining necessary air condition in case removing a part of decay heat, generated in the core. The effect will be
of normal reactor operation, when the air temperature in rooms of higher if the spray system for humidification of air will be installed. The
drum-separators and steam-water piping is reaching 280 °C. The vo- DS compartments ventilation analysis was performed using CONTAIN
lume of air in reactor hall is 37000 m3, in each compartments of DSs code. The results of calculations with 68.6 kg/s water with temperature
(the first and second cooling loop) – 6420 m3. The presented char- of 30 °C through the spray to one DS compartment represents the total
acteristics of compartments and ventilation system ensures that decay heat removal capacity of about 10.5 MW.
heat from the shutdown reactor (no earlier than 1 day after the reactor Analysis of station blackout with DS compartments ventilation was
shutdown) can be removed by employing this ventilation system. Such performed using RELAP5-3D model. It was assumed in the modelling
type of reactor cooldown in technological regulation of RBMK-1500 is that approximately 1.5 h after the beginning of the accident (then the
called “cooldown in natural circulation mode” and it allows to maintain fuel cladding temperature starts to increase) the 10.5 MW of heat starts
the temperature of water in RCS below 100 °C. to be removed from hot outside surface area of DS, steam header, part
The disadvantages of DSs compartments ventilation system are not of the steam lines, part of the downcomers, steam-water piping and part
so high capacity of regular ventilation system and not availability of of the channels, which are above the core. The amount of removed heat
such system in station blackout case. However, there is a possibility to is approximately seven times smaller than heat generated in the core at
organise ventilation in these compartments based on natural circulation that time. The behaviour of fuel cladding temperatures in case of station
of air. As it is presented in Fig. 6, there are two DS compartments (one blackout without operators intervention and in case with ventilation of
for each reactor side) at Ignalina NPP. Equipment and piping in the DS DS compartments is compared in Fig. 7. As it is presented, the decrease
compartments have considerable area of cooling: DS, steam header, of temperatures due to ventilation is negligible.
part of the steam lines, part of the downcomers, steam-water piping and Analyses results show that implementation of this measure would
part of the channels, which are above the core. In nodalization, which is not be expedient because:
showed in Fig. 4, above discussed equipment and pipes are marked by
thick lines. DS compartments are connected by SWP corridor (Fig. 6). • heat removal by means of ventilation is not effective;
Both compartments at the top have five rupture panels, which open at • technically it is complicated to organise such natural ventilation in
the excessive pressure in the compartments of 2 kPa. The area of panels case of station blackout – to equip sprays for air moistening and to
are of 20 m2 in each DS compartment. These panels allow to discharged open mentioned doors, rupture panels and lids for air release in case

Fig. 6. DS compartment ventilation. Schematic view of the DS compartments.

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Fig. 7. DS compartment ventilation. Peak cladding temperature in the FC with

maximum power.

of accident in the case when even emergency diesel-generators are

not operated. Fig. 8. Direct water supply into the reactor cavity. Reactor cavity venting
system: 1 – top steam – gas removal pipes of reactor cavity venting system, 2 –
assumed water supply, 3 – reactor cavity, 4 – bottom steam – gas removal pipes,
5 – membrane safety devices.
6. Analysis of decay heat removal from the reactor core by direct
water supply into the reactor cavity

The influence of direct water supply into the reactor cavity was
analysed for the station blackout case – as presented in previous Section
3. Sequence of the basic events and operating of the systems during first
1.5 h in the below presented case is similar as in the case with DS
compartments ventilation. It was assumed in the analysis that at the
moment of the beginning of core heat-up (1.6 h after the beginning of
the accident) the supply of water into the top part of the reactor cavity
through cavity venting system starts. Flow rate of water was assumed
equal 68.6 kg/s and temperature 30 °C. In this calculation the interac-
tion of cold water and hot graphite, which might lead to the degrada-
tion of the graphite stack, was not analysed. The aim of the performed
analysis was to evaluate the suitability of such kind of core cooling in
order to assess the possibility to remove the heat-up and melting of the Fig. 9. Direct water supply into the reactor cavity. Peak cladding temperature
fuel rods, when other measures do not provide required cooling. This in the FC with maximum power.
kind of cooling is used only in the critical case. Advantage of such way
of accident management is that pressure in the RC is close to atmo- 7. Modelling of heat transfer through the core graphite structures
spheric. It means that for water supply it is possible to use any non- of RBMK
regular water sources at low pressure.
The performed analysis showed that by getting in the top part of As it was already mentioned, the FC, CPS channels, graphite re-
reactor cavity, water flows down along the outer surface of the graphite flector cooling channels and channels for instrumentation in RBMK
stack into ring space between a reactor shell and stack. Gaps between reactor core are housed in an assembly of graphite columns tightly
the graphite columns are very narrow (1.2 mm Almenas et al., 1998), packed and forming the graphite stack (see Fig. 1). A stack of graphite
and the average temperature of the graphite blocks is higher than rings each having a radial slot thermally bridges the annular gap be-
400 °C when water supply starts. Because the pressure in reactor cavity tween FC and graphite block. The graphite columns in stack are sepa-
is close to atmospheric, the boiling of water starts and water cannot rated by a small (∼1 mm) gap. In RBMK reactors, during normal op-
penetrate inside the gaps between graphite columns (water flow eration approximately 95% of nuclear heat is generated in fuel pellets,
downwards along these small gaps is impossible). The calculation while the remaining 5% – in graphite columns.
shows that water flows through outside area of the graphite stack into There is a gas stream passing through the gaps between adjacent
the bottom part of the reactor cavity and through the pipelines is re- graphite columns and the annular gaps between FCs and graphite
moved in to the reinforced leak-tight compartments of Accident Loca- blocks. The gas enters the stack at the reactor cavity inlet and is re-
lisation System (see Fig. 8). moved through the fuel channel integrity monitoring system. During
Injected water cools the metal structures of reactor cavity, bottom normal operation the reactor cavity is filled by the nitrogen–helium
and top graphite moderator blocks, the outer surface of radial graphite mixture at 0.5–2 kPa, that allows to improve heat removal from the
reflector and is released through membrane safety devices. However, graphite stack and protects the graphite stack from oxidation at high
because the water does not reach deep lines of the graphite blocks, the temperatures. The composition of gases could be changed depending on
rate of the fuel cladding heat up decreases insignificantly using this operational regimes – at full power the content of the mixture is ap-
water injection (see Fig. 9). Performed analysis results clearly indicate proximately 40% of helium and 60% of nitrogen by volume fraction
that due to reactor cavity venting system (Fig. 8) design, proposed so- (Almenas et al., 1998). Such design of RBMK core allows to transfer
lution of heat removal by direct water supply in to reactor cavity is not heat from the channels with higher temperature fuel assembly in radial
feasible. direction through graphite blocks and gaps into adjacent channels with
lower temperature.
For modelling of heat transfer in radial direction through graphite

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

equal to the average temperature of the graphite surface 750 K).

Using Eq. (5) we obtain that λgas = 0.1255 W/m K. Then heat
transfer coefficient of the gas gap (according to Eq. (2)) α = 104.6 W/
m2 K. This value of the determined heat transfer coefficient was used in
the “Heat Conductance” model of the RELAP5-3D input, set for the si-
mulation of the problem. Such heat transfer coefficient was calculated
for steady state conditions and may be impacted by change of graphite
temperature. Due to high thermal inertia of graphite, the temperature
of graphite columns changes very slowly, thus the calculated value can
be used also for transients. On the other hand, in long-term loss of heat
removal accidents the graphite columns temperature is increasing. This
leads to increase of heat transfer coefficient of the gas gap between
graphite columns. In below presented RELAP5-3D analysis the constant
value of such coefficient was used, thus the calculated amount of
transferred heat is slightly decreased (in other words the results of
calculations are conservative estimated). In the E. Knoglinger et al.
paper (Knoglinger et al., 2015) more precise calculation of conductive
and combined radiative/conductive gap conductance are presented. It
is demonstrated in Knoglinger et al. (2015) that above presented sim-
plified approach, used in RELAP5-3D calculation, gives similar results
Fig. 10. Heat transfer from FCs to cooled CPS channel: 1 – fuel channel with
as more precise MathCAD calculation.
fuel assembly, 2 – hole in graphite block, 3 – graphite block, 4 – CPS channel
with control rod.
The above described approach for modelling of heat transfer in
radial direction through graphite structures in RBMK reactors using
RELAP5-3D code allows to evaluate the amount of heat which could be
structures in RBMK reactors the “multidimensional heat conduction removed from fuel channels by cooling of CPS channels. On the other
model” in RELAP5-3D code is used (Paik, 1999). Such general lumped hand, the heat removal by employing CPS channels cooling circuit is
heat conduction enclosure model in RELAP5-3D solves the governing possible. 211 CPS channels in RBMK-1500 are distributed evenly in the
equation for the heat conduction, which for the i becomes as follows: reactor core (see Fig. 3). As it was mentioned, control rods channels are
Tin + 1 − Tin
Tin + 1 − Tin filled with water supplied by the low pressure system totally in-
(ρCp V )i + ∑ Ai Fm = Sin dependent from the RCS. Thus, the large break in reactor cooling
Δt m=1
hm (1)
system does not disturb usage of the CPS cooling circuit. The proportion
where: ρ, Cp, and V represents the density, heat capacitance, and vo- between channels with fuel assemblies and channels with control rods
lume of the graphite column respectively, hm represents the gap re- for RBMK-1500 reactor is 1661/211 = 7.87. Thus, we can assume that
sistance between the heat structures and Fm is the fraction of the ad- one CPS channel is environed by 8 FCs. The heat from fuel channels,
jacent heat structure m in contact with the heat structure i. Verification where heat is generated, through graphite blocks is transferred in radial
of the model has been performed by using conceptual problems that direction to cooled CPS channels (see Fig. 10).
have exact solutions (Fedosov et al., 1994; Davis, 1996). To evaluate all possibilities of heat removal by employing CPS
For establishing the gas gap conductance between the adjacent channels cooling circuit, two cases were analysed:
graphite blocks (see Fig. 10) the additional calculation was performed.
The problem consists of two graphite blocks separated by a gap. The gas • When the CPS channels cooling system is in operation;
gap is filled with gas mixture (40% of He and 60% of N2 by volume • In case of long term station blackout.
fraction). The heat transfer coefficient of gas gap (gap conductance) can
be expressed: 7.1. Evaluation of amount of heat which could be removed by employing
cooling through CPS channels if CPS cooling system is in operation
α= e
δ (2)
For the evaluation of amount of heat, which could be removed by
where: employing cooling through CPS channels if CPS cooling system is in
λ e = λ gas ·εk operation, the hypothetical large break loss of coolant accident with
failure of all active emergency core cooling systems was analysed. The
In Eq. (3) λgas is the thermal conductivity coefficient of gas, εk is the maximum design break for RBMK-1500 is the guillotine break of MCP
convection coefficient. pressure header. It is assumed that in this case only two means for re-
Convection coefficient is equal to: actor cool-down are available: injection of ∼180 m3 of water from
ECCS hydro-accumulators and availability of CPS channels cooling
εk = c·(Grδ ·Prδ )n (4)
circuit with capacity of heat removal 28.5 MW. Such heat removal is
where coefficient c and exponent n depend from Grashof number (Grδ) possible only in the case if the circulation pumps and heat exchangers in
and Prandtl number (Prδ) for the gap product. If Grδ·Prδ < 1·103, then CPS cooling system are available.
c = 1.0, n = 0.0. If 1·103 ≤ Grδ·Prδ < 1·106, then c = 0.105, n = 0.3. The pathways of coolant flows in case of this event are presented in
If 1·106 ≤ Grδ·Prδ ≤ 1·1010, then c = 0.4, n = 0.2. Fig. 11. It is assumed in the modelling that before the accident the
Since for He and N2 gas Grδ·Prδ < 1·103, then εk = 1 and λe = λgas. reactor operates at maximum allowed thermal power level 4200 MW.
According to RBMK designers (Krajushkin, 1998), thermal conductivity Because we assumed that CPS cooling system was in operation, the
coefficient can be expressed as follows: supply of water into CPS channels made the coolant to maintain the
λ gas = (a + b·Tav )·10−3, constant temperature in these channels. It was assumed that these
channels were always filled with boiling water.
where coefficients a and b depend on the He concentration (for the gas The amount of heat which is transferred from fuel channels through
mixture 40% of He and 60% of N2 a = 58 and b = 0.09), Tav – average graphite blocks in radial direction to CPS channels, was calculated
gas temperature in the gap (it is assumed that the gas temperature is using RELAP5-3D code. The calculated behaviour of peak temperatures

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Fig. 13. MCP pressure header break with failure of ECCS pumps. CPS cooling
system is in operation. Behaviour of fuel, cladding, FC wall and graphite
column temperatures for fuel channels with the average 2.53 MW power level.

Fig. 11. MCP pressure header break with failure of ECCS (except ECCS hydro-
(the cooling of CPS channels is available), the temperature difference
accumulators): 1 – pressure header break; 2 – discharge of coolant from drum between CPS and FC graphite columns starts to increase. This leads to
separators in the affected loop; 3 – discharge of coolant from bottom part of increasing of amount of removed heat from hot FCs. As it is presented in
reactor cooling circuit in the affected loop; 4, 5 – supply of water from ECCS Fig. 12, in case of accident, the amount of removed heat increases up to
hydro-accumulators; 6 – supply of steam from DSs in the intact loop; 7 – circuit 37 MW. This value was calculated without taking into account the
for cooling of rods in reactor control and protection system. limitation of the capacity of heat exchangers of CPS cooling circuit. The
maximum capacity of these heat exchangers is 28.5 MW.
The analysis of transient in reactor fuel channels in case of above
mentioned beyond design-basis accident, when part of decay heat is
removed by employing the cooling of CPS channels, was performed
using RELAP5 code full RCS model (see Fig. 4). It was assumed in this
calculation that CPS cooling system could remove up to 28.5 MW heat
from CPS cooling circuit. Thus, the heat from hot FC is removed in
radial direction through the complicated system of core components:
the wall of FC, the graphite column which surround this channel, the
gas gap between adjacent graphite columns, the graphite column which
surround the CPS channel and the wall of CPS channel’s. The tem-
perature behaviour of fuel, cladding, FC wall and graphite column
temperatures for the fuel channel with the initial average 2.53 MW
power level is presented in Fig. 13. It is necessary to mention that at
beginning of the accident in the affected loop the coolant flow rate is
affected by water injection from hydro-accumulators. At approximately
20 – 40 min after beginning of accident the dry-out and overheating of
Fig. 12. MCP pressure header break with failure of ECCS pumps. CPS cooling core components is started due to the loss of coolant in both loops of
system is in operation. Behaviour of peak temperatures of fuel, cladding, FC RCS. At this moment the heat removal from CPS channels cooling
wall, graphite columns and CPS channel wall. Amount of heat transferred from system remains the only mean for the reactor cooldown. Because the
fuel channels to 211 CPS channels. decay heat rapidly decreases due to the reactor shutdown, after ap-
proximately 15 h from the beginning of the accident the capacity of CPS
of fuel, cladding, FC wall, graphite columns and CPS channel wall in cooling system exceeds the decay heat (Fig. 14). This explains, while at
this case within the first 16 h is presented in Fig. 12. As it is shown in this moment the temperatures of reactor components are stabilized and
this figure, after the temperature in graphite columns with FC starts later start to be decreased slowly (Fig. 13). The cool down process is
increasing, the temperature of graphite columns with CPS also starts to very slow because after the decrease of graphite columns’ temperature
increase but with some delay. This indicates that the heat from the the temperature gradient from fuel channels to control rods channels is
overheated fuel channels is transferred in radial direction through the decreasing as well and the amount of removed heat is decreasing.
graphite columns and the gas gaps between these graphite columns into As it is presented in Fig. 13, due to the removal of heat from CPS
the cooled CPS channels, as shown schematically in Fig. 11. The heat channels, the peak fuel temperatures are below 1000 °C. Failure of fuel
transfer coefficient in the gas gap was assumed α = 104.6 W/m2•K claddings is possible in some fuel channels. The failures are possible due
based on the calculations above. The temperature of graphite columns to ballooning of claddings at high cladding temperature and high
with CPS channels is always lower than the temperature of graphite pressure difference across the cladding (high pressure of gases inside
columns with FC. Before the accident (during normal reactor opera- fuel rods and low pressure outside – in RCS). The walls of FCs remains
tion), the temperature difference of the graphite columns with CPS intact even at high temperatures, because the pressures in RCS and
channels and the graphite columns containing fuel channels is equal to inside fuel channels is close to the atmospheric pressure. So, the gra-
approximately 100 °C and only approximately 5–6 MW of heat is re- phite stack is an efficient heat sink and slows down the heat-up of the
moved from reactor core by CPS channel cooling system (see Fig. 12). core. Conclusively the heat removal using CPS channels cooling circuit
In case of the accident, after dry-out and overheating of fuel channels prevents melting and serious damage of reactor core. On the contrary, if

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Fig. 16. Station blackout analysis. CPS channels are cooled by water supply
Fig. 14. MCP pressure header break with failure of ECCS pumps. Comparison of from AHS tank. Behaviour of peak temperatures of fuel, cladding, FC wall,
reactor decay heat with capacity of heat removal from core by CPS cooling graphite columns and CPS channel wall.
channels. The water flowing upwards removes the heat from the
channels and starts to boil. The steam from the CPS channel is released
to top distribution header with atmospheric pressure. The heat transfer
from the hot FCs to the cooled CPS channel through the graphite
column and the gas gap in radial direction is modelled by special
“multidimensional heat conduction” model of RELAP5-3D.
In the station blackout case the reactor scram signal is activated due
to signal of MCP trip. All active reactor core cooling and feedwater
supply systems are unavailable. The pressure in RCS remains nominal
after the accident. The water is evaporating in the fuel channels due to
decay heat and the generated steam is removed through partially
opened two SDVs-A, which maintain the nominal pressure in RCS. At
the same time, the water supply in the CPS rods cooling channels is
interrupted due to loss of power to pumps. The control rods will be
cooled during the first 10 min by water flow from the CPS top storage
tank (see element (17) in Fig. 4) because of water resource in this tank.
After emptying this tank the temperature of CPS channels walls is in-
creasing (see Fig. 16). It was assumed that the AHS tank was connected
Fig. 15. MCP pressure header break with failure of ECCS pumps. No operator
to CPS channels 1 h after the beginning of the accident. There is a
actions are taken into account. Behaviour of core components temperatures
possibility to replenish this AHS tank by city water system, which uses
(Urbonavičius and Kaliatka, 2010).
another independent supply of electricity. It takes 10 additional min-
utes for water to enter the bottom part of CPS channels. The supplied
heat from the reactor control rods channels is not removed, melting of water starts to boil and steam will escape through pipelines, connected
fuel starts 45 h after the beginning of such accident (see Fig. 15). to the top part of channels. At the moment the water supply in to CPS
channels is started, the control rods and walls of CPS channels are al-
7.2. Evaluation of amount of heat which could be removed by employing ready hot. As it is presented in Fig. 16, the CPS channel wall tem-
cooling through CPS channels in case of long term station blackout perature in the bottom part reaches approximately 400 °C. It is because
these channels have received heat from the hot graphite stack. The
In the station blackout case all electrical equipment (pumps, elec- temperature of FCs walls is lower (∼300 °C), because the rest of water
trically operated valves, etc.) are not in operation. Station blackout case from RCS cools fuel channels at this period. After the start of water
assumes the failure on start-up of all diesel generators, which leads to supply, the bottom part of CPS channels will be cooled. The water in
the unavailability of the ECCS pumps. Due to station blackout the water CPS channels removes the heat from graphite columns, thus the tem-
supply in the CPS rods cooling channels is interrupted due to loss of perature of the graphite columns of the CPS channel is below the
power to pumps. The control rods will be cooled the first 10 min by temperature of graphite columns of the fuel channels (Fig. 16). The part
water flow from the top distribution tank of CPS because of water re- of heat from FCs is transferred in radial direction through graphite
source in this tank. There is only possibility to supply water into control columns and gaps between graphite columns into the cooled CPS
rods channels from the Additional Hold-down System (AHS), which is channels. However, the flow rate of water from AHS tank is not suffi-
passive system, designed a few years before start of Ignalina NPP de- cient for effective cooling of CPS channels – as it is presented in Fig. 16,
commissioning. the temperature of fuel, FC walls, CPS channels walls and graphite in
For the simulation of heat transfer between fuel channels and CPS the top part is continuously increasing, starting from t = 2 h. In the
channels the RBMK-1500 model (see Fig. 4), developed by using present analysis the opening of one SDV-A on full capacity (full
RELAP5-3D code (Almenas et al., 1998) was used. The CPS channels opening) at the moment of ∼3.8 h after the accident beginning by an
(16) with surrounding graphite column is modelled by “pipe” element operator to discharge steam was assumed. This is necessary de-
with heat structure. The water is supplied from Additional Hold-down pressurisation means, which prevents rupture of fuel channels (see
System water tank, which is elevated 30 m up to the bottom of reactor Section 3).
core, through bottom distribution header into the bottom part of CPS 17 h after the beginning of the accident the peak CPS channel wall

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

at the beginning of the accidents the fuel channels are cooled better and
the temperature of graphite columns with fuel channels are less as
graphite columns with CPS channels. In case of station blackout the
operators can recognize several symptoms indicating loss of power.
There is a developed procedure at Ignalina NPP for operator actions in
case of station blackout. The first signal for operators’ actions is water
level decrease in DSs. This signal indicates the absence of feed water
supply. Thus, it was assumed that shortly after water level decrease in
DSs up to value “–1000 mm” (t = 16 min.), the operator connected
ECCS hydro-accumulators to both loops of RCS. Because of pressure
difference between ECCS hydro-accumulators and GDH, approximately
50 m3 of water from hydro-accumulators is supplied into FC. It was
assumed that at the moment of t = 1 h, operator connected AHS system
tank with the bottom header of PS channels for control rods and
channels cooling. Unfortunately, these measures are not effective en-
ough and the water level in RCS (see element (24) in Fig. 4) is decreased
Fig. 17. Station blackout analysis. CPS channels are cooled by water supply below the middle of reactor core after approximately 80 min (t = 1.4 h)
from AHS tank. Heat transferred from fuel channels to 211 CPS channels.
from the beginning of accident. As it is presented in Fig. 19, at this time
the temperatures of fuel, fuel rod cladding and FC walls start to in-
temperature reaches 1000 °C (see Fig. 16). To prevent generation of crease. The heat up of channels leads to the beginning of slow increase
huge amount of hydrogen, the operator should stop the water supply of graphite columns’ temperature (Fig. 19). Pressure of the coolant in
into CPS channels at this moment. As it is shown in Fig. 17, the max- the main circulation circuit at this time is equal about 7 MPa (see
imum capacity of heat removal in such way is equal to 15 MW (the Fig. 20). The increase of fuel rod cladding temperature up to 400 °C is
water is supplied into 211 CPS channels). The decay heat, generated in the signal for operators, indicating inadequate cooling of fuel assem-
the reactor, is decreased down to such power level only approximately blies. There are two special thermocouples for measuring of fuel rod
100 h after the beginning of the accident (see Fig. 14). Thus, the eva- cladding temperature in the core of RBMK-1500. Thus, it was assumed
luation of such so called “Weak Heat Conduction Mechanism” (the at the modelling that after exceeding of this 400 °C temperature
water supply from AHS tank into CPS channels) in case of station (t = 1.5 h after the beginning of accident), the operator opens one
blackout is not effective enough and cannot remove all heat from re- steam discharge valve manually. This operator action allows to start
actor core, but such restoration of water supply into CPS channels al- depressurization of RCS and prevents further increase of temperature
lows to slowdown the core heat-up process and may be used in parallel and multiple failures of fuel channels. After opening of steam discharge
with other measures. valve RCS pressure is decreased, which is favourable conditions for
Below is presented an example, how the complex non-regular means further water supply from ECCS hydro-accumulators (Fig. 20). Totally
could be used to cooldown the RBMK-1500 reactor in case of station approximately 177 m3 of water is supplied from ECCS hydro-accumu-
blackout. Under the non-regular means the water injection into fuel lators. Additionally, pressure decrease in RCS leads to boiling up of
channels from ECCS hydro-accumulators, deaerators and city water water in lower water pipelines. Steam is supplied into FC that improves
system is assumed. These non-regular means are modelled in the conditions of cooling. Thus, pressure decrease and water inflow from
Ignalina NPP model of for thermal-hydraulic analysis of processes in ECCS hydro-accumulators for some time period improves the cooling of
RCS (see elements (22, 25 and 23) in Fig. 4). core components (Fig. 19). During modelling it was assumed that ap-
Variation of key parameters is presented in Figs. 18–20. The se- proximately 3 h after beginning of accident the operators connected
quence of events is presented in Table 2. Change of temperatures of the deaerators to GDH of both RCS loops. Deaerators are connected through
core components and heat removal from the reactor core through 211 the check valves and water supply from deaerators is started right after
CPS channels of cooling circuit is presented in Figs. 18 and 19. As it is pressure decrease in RCS below the pressure in deaerators. At modelling
presented, the heat removal from FC during normal operation is was assumed, that initial pressure in deaerators was 1.29 MPa and
5–6 MW and depends on the temperatures difference between graphite water temperature is close to temperature of saturation – 190 °C. These
columns of FC and CPS channels. At the moment CPS channels are dry parameters keep constants by the beginning of water supply from
out and heated up, the heat removal becomes negative – the heat from deaerators. As it is presented in Figs. 19 and 20, the water inflow from
graphite columns of CPS channels is transferred into FC. This is because deaerators starts later, approximately 4 h after the beginning of acci-
dent. Water inflow from deaerators stabilizes pressure in RCS. The
water flow rate from deaerators into one RCS loop is about 8.5 kg/s.
Such flow rate of hot water does not sufficiently cool the fuel channels.
The operator knows that the connection of deaerators do not leads to
the fuel temperature decrease. Therefore, for improvement of cooling
conditions it is necessary to increase the flow rate of water from
deaerators by opening of second steam discharge valve. At modelling
was assumed that the operator undertakes such action later about 5 h
after the beginning of accident. The operator is obliged to undertake
such action because the temperature of fuel rod cladding during long-
term period increases above 500 °C (Fig. 19). Opening of second steam
discharge valve leads to increase of water supply from deaerators and to
reduction of temperatures (Fig. 19). Totally approximately 480 m3 of
water is supplied from deaerators in to RCS. At modelling was assumed
that water supply from city water system in fuel channels through GDH
Fig. 18. Station blackout case. Heat removal using CPS channels, Water supply was connected after pressure decrease in RCS up to 0.59 MPa (Fig. 20).
from ECCS hydro-accumulators, deaerators and city water system. Heat trans- The big difference of pressure between a water source and GDH is
ferred from fuel channels to 211 CPS channels. undesirable because of a possibility of water hammer occurrence. As it

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Fig. 19. Station blackout case. Heat removal using CPS channels, Water supply from ECCS hydro-accumulators, deaerators and city water system. Behaviour of core
components temperatures.

is presented in the figures, water supply from city water system starts heat removal from RBMK reactor core during beyond design-basis ac-
after approximately 9 h from the beginning of accident and it results cidents. Four possible paths for the decay heat removal from reactor
into decrease of temperatures of the core components (Fig. 19). At the core were analysed:
time moment t = 10 h, the ECCS hydro-accumulators and deaerators
are already empty and city water supply system remains only available • by air ventilation in drum separators compartments,
non-regular mean for RCS cooling. Later, approximately 12 h after the • by direct water supply into the reactor cavity,
beginning of the accident, steam condensation in RCS occurs due to • heat transfer from fuel channels through CPS cooling circuit,
pressure decrease in RCS (Fig. 20). Due to cooldown of reactor com- • de-pressurisation of the reactor coolant system and water supply
ponent, the flow rate of inflowing city water considerably exceeds the using complex of non-regular means.
steam flow rate discharge through two steam discharge valves. This
leads to the beginning of RCS filling by water and this means that re- The analysis required employment of a few computer codes: use of
actor is cooldown successfully. This clearly shows the suitability of RELAP5 code allowed to perform thermal-hydraulic analysis using de-
selected measures to prevent the core damage (see Section 3). In more tailed reactor cooling system model; RELAP/SCDAPSIM code was ne-
detail these accidents management measures are analysed in Uspuras cessary for modelling of core damage progression; RELAP5-3D code
et al. (2006), Urbonavičius et al. (2010). with special “multidimensional heat conduction” model allowed to
model heat transfer from hot fuel channels through graphite column in
8. Conclusions radial direction. CONTAIN code was used for the analysis of DS com-
partments ventilation to evaluate the possibility to remove the heat
In this paper the unique design features of boiling, graphite mod- from outer surface of drum separators and steam – water piping.
erator, light water, channel type RBMK reactors are presented. It is The performed analyses showed that decay heat removal from the
shown that low specific power per core volume and high heat capacity core by ventilation of DS compartments and decay heat removal from
of core due to a large amount of graphite, have a certain impact on the the core by direct water supply into the reactor cavity are inexpedient

Fig. 20. Station blackout case. Heat removal using CPS channels, Water supply from ECCS hydro-accumulators, deaerators and city water system. Behaviour of
pressure in reactor components.

A. Kaliatka and E. Ušpuras Nuclear Engineering and Design 354 (2019) 110165

Table 2
The sequence of events at station blackout.
Time Event Notes in Fig. 19

0.0 Station blackout occurs;

10 min. CPS channels are completely dry out;
16 min. The water level in DS from initial decreases to value “–1000 mm”;
17 min. The operator connects ECCS hydro-accumulators to both RCS loops; 1
1h Water supply from city water system into CPS channels through pipelines of AHS starts. Value of 0.03 kg/s through one channel is reached in 10 min; 2
1.53 h The peak temperature of fuel rod cladding reaches 400 °C;
1.65 h The operator opens one steam discharge valve manually; 3
2.58 h The water level in ECCS hydro-accumulators drops on 0.5 m according indication – the operator starts closing valves on the lines of water supply from 4
ECCS hydro-accumulators into GDH;
2.75 h Pressure in RCS decreases up to 3 MPa;
4h The start of water inflow from deaerators; 5
5.3 h Opening of second steam discharge valve; 6
9.1 h The start of water inflow from city water system into FC; 7
9.3 h Emptying of deaerators; 8
12.1 h Temperature of graphite decreases down to 200 °C;

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The results of performed analyses were used in preparation of mi- Urbonas, R., Uspuras, E., Kaliatka, A., 2003. State-of-the-art computer code RELAP5 va-
lidation with RBMK-related separate phenomena data. Nucl. Eng. Des. 225, 65–81
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gramme. The analyses are performed for the RBMK-1500 reactor, but Urbonavičius, E., Kaliatka, A., Ušpuras, E., 2010. Accident management for NPPs with
received conclusions are valid for RBMK-1000 also. RBMK reactors. Begell House Inc., New York, pp. 205 Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy
Institute, ISBN 978-1-56700-267-6.
Uspuras, E., Kaliatka, A., Bubelis, E., 2004b. Validation of RELAP5-3D RBMK-1500 re-
Funding actor model. Nucl. Energy 43 (5), 257–264 ISSN 0140-4067.
Uspuras, E., Kaliatka, A., Bubelis, E., 2004a. Validation of coupled neutronic/thermal-
This research was funded by the Lithuanian Energy Institute. hydraulic code RELAP5-3D for RBMK-1500 reactor analysis application. Ann. Nucl.
Energy 31, 1667–1708 ISSN 0306-4549.
Uspuras, E., Kaliatka, A., Vileiniskis, V., 2006. Development of accident management
Declaration of Competing Interest measures for RBMK-1500 in the case of loss of long-term core cooling. Nucl. Eng. Des.
236, 47–56.
Uspuras, E., Kaliatka, A., 2006. Accident and Transient Processes at NPPs with Channel-
None. type Reactors: Monograph. Lithuanian Energy Institute, Kaunas, pp. 298
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