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Understanding the Mechanisms of Senile Osteoporosis: New Facts

for a Major Geriatric Syndrome

Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD, and Bruce R. Troen, MDwz

Knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of osteoporosis strength.3 After the acquisition of peak bone mass during
in older adults has significantly advanced in recent years. the third decade of life, there is a progressive decline of
There is an acute loss of bone mineral density in the approximately 0.5% a year, which is considered a ‘‘phys-
peri-menopausal period, followed by a more gradual and iological’’ age-related change.4 This steady age-related bone
progressive decline, which is also seen in men. Markedly loss alone does not necessarily predispose to osteoporotic
increased bone resorption leads to the initial fall in bone fractures, but in many patients, multiple factors, including
mineral density. With increasing age, there is also a signifi- those mentioned above, in combination with the loss of
cant reduction in bone formation. This is mostly due to a bone, increase the risk of fractures.5
shift from osteoblastogenesis to predominant adipogenesis The skeleton is organized into two compartments:
in the bone marrow. This study reviews new evidence on peripheral and axial. The peripheral (cortical) skeleton
the pathophysiology of senile osteoporosis, with emphasis constitutes 80% of skeletal mass and is composed primarily
upon the mechanism of action of current osteoporosis of compact plates (lamellae) organized around central nu-
treatments. New potential treatments are also considered, trient canals. The shafts of long bones consist almost en-
including therapeutic approaches to osteoporosis in elderly tirely of cortical bone that envelopes the central marrow
people that focus on the pathophysiology and potential re- cavity.6
versal of the adipogenic shift in bone. J Am Geriatr Soc The axial, or central, skeleton is composed of approx-
56:935–941, 2008. imately 70% (by volume) and 35% (by weight) of
trabecular (cancellous) bone. Trabecular bone is a honey-
Key words: osteoporosis; osteoblast; osteoclast; bone comb of vertical and horizontal struts (trabeculae), inside
formation and resorption; adipogenesis which is found bone marrow. The metaphyseal ends of
long bones also contain trabecular bone, but they contain
no red marrow in adults. Because marrow elements are
the source of cells involved in bone turnover, the proximity
to the cellular elements that participate in its turnover
results in an earlier and more intense response by
trabecular bone to whole-body changes in the bone remod-

O steoporosis is defined as a deterioration in bone mass

and microarchitecture, with increasing fragility,
which predisposes the bone to fractures.1 Osteoporosis is
eling rate.7
There are two main pathophysiological processes that
can generate significant bone loss. The first is known as
a major health problem that significantly affects the aging postmenopausal osteoporosis, which results from estrogen
population. Catastrophic effects on disability and mortality deprivation and affects mostly trabecular bone. This type of
accompany the increase in the incidence of osteoporotic osteoporosis is most frequently associated with vertebral
fractures in patients aged 65 and older.2 A combination of and wrist fractures and largely affects women.8 In contrast,
factors, including genetics, nutrition, physical activity, and a second type of osteoporosis, known as senile osteoporosis,
bone turnover, determine bone mass and ultimately bone most frequently affects cortical bone, predisposing older
women and men to hip fractures.9 Although the unitary
From the Aging Bone Research Program, Nepean Clinical School, University model for involutional osteoporosis holds that estrogen de-
of Sydney, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia; wGeriatric Research Edu- ficiency plays an important role in the pathophysiology of
cation and Clinical Center, Research Service, Miami Veterans Affairs Medical both types of osteoporosis, this review will focus on the
Center, Miami, Florida; and zDivision of Gerontology and Geriatric Med-
icine, Department of Medicine, Geriatrics Institute, Miller School of Med- mechanisms underlying senile osteoporosis, which it is hy-
icine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida. pothesized results from a combination of changes in bone
Address correspondence to Bruce R. Troen, MD, Professor of Medicine, 11 cellularity and responses to hormones and nutritional fac-
GRC/Miami VAMC, 1201 NW 16th Street, Miami, FL 33125. E-mail: tors. Current and future therapeutic approaches based on
troen@miami.edu the cellular changes associated with estrogen deprivation
DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2008.01764.x and aging will also be highlighted.

JAGS 56:935–941, 2008

r 2008, Copyright the Authors
Journal compilation r 2008, The American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614/08/$15.00


Bone turnover corresponds to the continuous cycle of
destruction and renewal of bone as a consequence of the
coupled action of bone-resorbing cells (osteoclasts) and
bone-forming cells (osteoblasts). The objectives of this
process are to replace microdamage and to adapt bone
shape and density to patterns of usage and the attendant
forces exerted. Both cell types are present in areas called Figure 2. Cellular changes in senile osteoporosis. Changes in the
bone remodeling units (BMUs). Bone remodeling starts confluence of mesenchymal stem cells accompanied by a reduc-
with the destruction of old bone by osteoclasts, and is tion in osteoblastogenesis result in the formation of fewer active
followed by the deposition of osteoid (unmineralized bone) osteoblasts in the bone multicellular unit. In addition, increasing
by osteoblasts.10 Subsequently, the organic extracellular levels of adipogenic differentiation lead to smaller numbers of
matrix is mineralized. differentiated osteoblasts. Finally, increasing osteoblast apopto-
Osteoclasts are derived from the monocytic hemato- sis reduces the number of active osteoblasts in the bone multi-
poietic lineage and share a common precursor with mac- cellular units.
rophages.11 Bone resorption occurs within a tightly sealed
zone beneath the ruffled border of the osteoclast where it or internal stimuli, producing macrophage colony stimu-
has attached to the bone surface. Acidification of this ex- lating factor (M-CSF) and membrane-bound receptor acti-
tracellular compartment results in the demineralization of vator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL), which are
bone, and cysteine proteases, most notably cathepsin K, critical factors necessary for osteoclastogenesis.12 RANKL
subsequently degrade the organic matrix.12 In contrast, interacts with its cognate receptor (RANK) that osteoclasts
osteoblasts are fibroblastic-like cells that originate from the and their precursors express. The binding between RANK
stromal precursors in the bone marrow. These cells have the and its ligand stimulates osteoclast differentiation and ac-
capacity to form new osteoid and to stimulate its mineral- tivation and prevents osteoclast cell death.14 Concurrently,
ization.13 Multiple factors, including hormones (e.g., a decoy receptor known as osteoprotegerin, which the
estrogens, parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D), inter- osteoblasts produce and inhibits RANK–RANKL signaling,
leukins (e.g., IL-1, IL-6, IL-11), other cytokines (tumor regulates this process.15 Many factors stimulate RANKL
necrosis factor alpha), and growth factors (bone morpho- expression, including PTH, vitamin D, cytokines, ILs, pro-
genetic proteins), regulate bone remodeling.11 This process staglandins, and thiazolidinediones. Conversely, estrogen,
requires a coordinated communication between osteoblasts transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b), and mechanical
and osteoclasts (Figure 1). Osteoblasts respond to external force inhibit RANKL expression. More recently, signaling
by ephrin has been thought to play an important role in
osteoclast–osteoblast coupling.16 This cellular communica-
tion is bidirectional and involves a transmembrane ligand
known as ephrinB2, which osteoclasts express, and its re-
ceptor, EphB4, which osteoblasts express. This signaling
seems to limit osteoclast activity while enhancing osteoblast
differentiation.16 Additional factors released from the bone

Figure 3. Changes in osteoblast–osteoclast interactions with

Figure 1. Osteoblast–osteoclast coupling. Osteoblast produc- aging. Reduced physical activity and mechanical loading and
tion of macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and re- decreased levels of bioavailable estradiol and testosterone exert
ceptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) play diminished effects upon osteoblasts (depicted by the arrows with
critical roles in the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts. the hatches) resulting in decreased osteoblast secretion of
M-CSF acts to maintain monocytic stem cell survival, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) and increased expression and secretion
RANKL subsequently acts to commit the cell to osteoclast of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL),
differentiation, fusion, polarization, and activation. EphB4 and interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-11, and tumor necrosis factor alpha
ephrinB2 interact to limit osteoclast activity and stimulate (TNF-a). In turn, these compounds directly stimulate greater
osteoblast differentiation. Transforming growth factor beta osteoclast formation and activity. The reduced OPG also permits
(TGF-b) acts only upon release from the extracellular matrix greater binding of RANKL to RANK, which further facilitates
after osteoclastic resorption, which is mediated in large part by increased osteoclastogenesis and resorption. Adapted from
the excretion of cathepsin K (CTSK). Troen.11

matrix by osteoclastic resorption and secreted by osteo- stimulation and bone cellularity, a proportion of subjects
clasts modulate osteoblast formation and activity; these lose their bone mass only at a ‘‘physiological basis,’’ where-
include TGF-b, bone morphogenetic proteins, platelet- as a proportion of subjects will suffer ‘‘pathological bone
derived bone factor, and osteoclast inhibitory lectin. loss’’ leading to osteoporosis. Although diet, physical ac-
If the remodeling cycle were completely efficient, bone tivity, and genetics play a role in accelerated bone loss, it is
would never be lost or gained. Each BMU would completely likely that there are additional hormonal and molecular
replace the packet of bone that was initially resorbed. factors that remain to be elucidated.
However, remodeling, like most biological processes, is not
entirely efficient; although this imbalance is minuscule for Aging and Bone
any single normal bone-remodeling event, it leads to a sig-
Although much is known about the potential mechanisms
nificant decline in bone mass of approximately 0.5% per
of age-related bone loss, the link between the normal aging
year, resulting in progressive age-related bone loss.9 After
process and senile osteoporosis remains unclear. A mouse
completing their initial function, bone cells in BMUs un-
model of deficiency in deoxyribonucleic acid repair and
dergo different fates. Osteoclasts die by apoptosis, or pro-
transcription demonstrated that kyphosis and osteoporosis
grammed cell death, and are phagocytosed in situ.17 In
accompany accelerated aging.25 Mice under excessive ox-
contrast, osteoblasts can undergo several possible fates.
idative stress exhibit a similar bone phenotype.26 Further-
They can become lining cells, migrate to a new BMU, be-
more, preservation of telomerase activity, which is usually
come embedded within the osteoid, become osteocytes, or
reduced in aging and in senescent cells, enhances osteoblast
finally die by apoptosis (Figure 2).9 The predominance of
survival and the generation of more lamellar bone.27 Prob-
any of these fates will determine the amount of osteoblasts
ably the most interesting evidence of a link between aging
available in the BMU and thus, ultimately, the differenti-
and senile osteoporosis is the recent description of lamin
ation and activation of osteoclasts.
A/C mutations in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.28
Patients with this syndrome have severe osteoporosis and
Age-Related Bone Loss changes compatible with aging bone,29 which are similar to
mouse models lacking lamin A/C that also have progeroid
The changes in bone mass with aging are the consequence of
features.30 Aging osteoblasts exhibit reduced expression of
two processes: periosteal apposition, which takes place on
lamin A/C,31 and alterations in lamin A/C expression in vivo
the outside of the bone, and endosteal bone resorption,
induce lower osteoblastic and osteocytic activity30 and alter-
which takes place on the inside of the bone. Although men
ations in adipogenesis compatible with lipodistrophy and fat
and women have a similar decline in endosteal bone re-
redistribution.32 Although further research is required, the
sorption, periosteal apposition is less affected in men.18
regulation of lamin A/C expression may become an important
This may explain why spine fractures occur less commonly
research field for the elucidation of some of the molecular
in men than in women.
mechanisms underlying senile osteoporosis.33
Furthermore, age-related bone loss is also the conse-
quence of changes in hormones as well as cell number and
function. As previously described, increasing osteoclast for- Fat and Bone: An Odd Couple
mation and activity, caused by higher levels of RANKL and The predominant feature of senile osteoporosis is the ac-
diminished osteoclast apoptosis, follow the declining estro- cumulation of bone marrow fat at the expense of osteo-
gen levels in men and women (although more significantly blastogenesis.34 This accumulation seems to be independent
in women during perimenopausal years).19 of estrogen, because bone marrow fat appears in bone even
A second hormone closely involved with age-related when estrogen levels are still normal, during the third and
changes in bone is vitamin D. There is widespread vitamin fourth decade of life.35 Additionally, mice lacking estrogen
D insufficiency in elderly people, irrespective of latitude.20 receptors do not display higher levels of adiposity within
Reduction in sunlight exposure and decreased vitamin D– their bone marrow than do wild-type mice.36 Therefore,
rich food intake contribute to hypovitaminosis D.20 In ad- aging per se, independent of hormonal changes, appears to
dition, the capacity to metabolize vitamin D in the skin contribute significantly to bone marrow adipogenesis, rais-
diminishes with aging.21 Hypovitaminosis D often leads to ing the possibility that senile osteoporosis is a type of lypo-
secondary hyperparathyroidism, which subsequently en- toxic disease. The role of bone marrow fat is still unclear.
hances osteoclastic bone resorption.22 In addition to the Although it could just be occupying space that is vacated by
hormonal changes, cellular changes in the bone microen- diminished hematopoiesis and reduced trabecular mass va-
vironment include changes in the mobility and differenti- cate, it could also play an important and maybe patholog-
ation of mesenchymal stem cells, with subsequent ical role. Bone marrow adipocytes appear to exert a toxic
alterations in bone cellularity (Figure 3).23 These changes effect on osteoblasts.37 Cocultures of adipocytes and osteo-
in cellularity include higher levels of adipocytes with lower blasts reveal that adipocytes inhibit osteoblast activity and
number of osteoblasts.9 Osteoblasts and adipocytes share survival, possibly secondary to the release of adipokines
the same precursors within the bone marrow, and therefore and fatty acids by the increased number of adipocytes
adipogenesis increases at the expense of osteoblastogene- within the bone marrow.38 Recent data obtained in humans
sis.24 Additionally, greater apoptosis reduces the life span of treated with thiazolidiones (rosiglitazone) argue for a role
osteoblasts.9 In summary, cellular changes in aging bone for bone marrow fat in senile osteoporosis. Rosiglitazone
reduce the number of osteoblasts available for bone induces the expression of peroxisome proliferator activated
remodeling and formation. Although the process of age- receptor gamma 2 (PPARg2), which is a critical transcrip-
related bone loss is the consequence of changes in hormonal tion factor in the age-related increase in adipogenesis in the

bone marrow.39 Epidemiological studies reveal that sub- yearlong multicomponent exercise regimen in women aged
jects treated with rosiglitazone suffer not only significant 70 to 78, which included jumping, maintained tibial shaft
bone loss,40 but also greater fracture risk.41 Recently, it has structure better than controls, but did not alter proximal
been suggested that age-related bone loss represents the femur bone mineral content.47 Another study in early post-
‘‘obesity of bone.’’34 However, inhibition of PPARg activity menopausal women using jumping exercise demonstrated
in diabetic mice, while reducing the accumulation of bone better bone strength but no change in markers of bone
marrow fat, did not prevent bone loss.42 In summary, bone turnover.48 In both studies, the exercise group exhibited
marrow fat induces changes in bone cellularity, especially in improvements in balance and leg power. Because falls are a
the osteoblastic lineage that could explain some of the major risk factor for fractures, the benefits of exercise to
changes seen in senile osteoporosis. reduce fracture risk is likely to be multifactorial. Low-fre-
quency whole-body vibration can enhance hip bone mineral
density49 and bone mineral density and balance in post-
The Cellular Mechanisms of Osteoporosis Treatment:
menopausal women,50 although studies have not been per-
Present and Future
formed on subjects aged 80 and older.
Based on the cellular changes found with senile osteoporo-
sis, the main goals of treatment should include the regula-
tion of osteoclastic activity and thus bone turnover, a
recovery in the number of osteoblasts available to build new Calcium and Vitamin D
bone, and finally the regulation of bone marrow adipogen- In elderly subjects, diminished absorption of calcium and
esis.43 Although most of the treatments currently available reduced serum levels of vitamin D typically result in high
are antiresorptives that suppress osteoclastic activity, there PTH levels, leading to support of plasma calcium at the
is new evidence that some of them may exert an anabolic expense of bone loss.22 A recent meta-analysis demonstrat-
effect by stimulating osteoblastic activity and, in some ed that vitamin D supplementation of between 700 and
cases, inducing the transdifferentiation of adipocytes into 800 IU/d appears to reduce the risk of hip fractures 26%.51
osteoblasts within the bone marrow (Table 1). Additionally, The classical understanding of the mechanisms of action of
some nonpharmacological approaches have also been vitamin D on bone included the indirect effect on calcium
shown to alter bone cellularity. absorption in the bowel, with a subsequent normalization
of PTH.52 In contrast, recent evidence has demonstrated
Physical Activity that vitamin D has a more-sophisticated action in aging
The mechanisms by which the skeleton responds to activity bone. First, vitamin D has been shown to enhance new bone
remain incompletely understood, although overwhelming formation in senescent animals by inducing osteoblasto-
evidence indicates that bone mass increases in response to genesis and osteoblastic activity.53 Second, vitamin D pre-
the cyclic administration of mechanical loads.44 Not only is vents osteoblast apoptosis in vitro.54 Finally, vitamin D
bone density higher in physically active people, but exercise inhibits bone marrow adipogenesis and PPARg2 expression
also reduces the rate of age-related bone loss.45 Osteocytes in aging mice, while concurrently stimulating osteogenic
and osteoblasts sense mechanical strain, and exercise stim- genes.55 These studies, when correlated with the clinical
ulates osteocyte activity and survival.46 Because the activity evidence, support the importance of vitamin D as a key
of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is tightly coupled, it is likely treatment for senile osteoporosis for the maintenance
that a reduction in osteocyte and osteoblast apoptosis of bone mass and bone quality and as a complement to
would affect osteoclast activity and bone resorption.46 A antiresorptive treatments.

Table 1. Pharmacological Effect of Osteoporosis Medications on Bone Cellularity

Compound Osteoblast Adipocyte Osteoclast

Bisphosphonate differentiation66 differentiation79

activity66 activity66
apoptosis66 apoptosis66
Calcitonin activity80
Parathyroid hormone activity72 differentiation82 activity72
Selective estrogen receptor modulator differentiation83
Strontium ranelate activity75 activity84
differentiation84 survival84
Vitamin D activity53 differentiation55 activity85
differentiation transdifferentiation
to osteoblasts55

Steroid Hormones tures (including hip fractures) in postmenopausal women69

It is known that, in women, loss of estrogen has multiple and significantly reduces nonvertebral fractures (but not
effects. First, there is decreased efficiency of intestinal ab- necessarily hip fracture) in elderly women who have already
sorption of calcium.56 Second, estrogen deficiency directly suffered a hip fractures.70
permits the recruitment of greater numbers of osteoclasts,
which individually also seem to resorb bone with greater Anabolic Treatment of Senile Osteoporosis
efficiency.19 Furthermore, estrogen deficiency leads to en- Anabolic treatments increase the amount of bone laid down
hanced production and secretion of cytokines that stimulate in each remodeling unit by enhancing osteoblastogenesis,
osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast activation, and bone resorp- decreasing adipogenesis, or protecting osteoblasts against
tion.19 Subsequent perforation of trabeculae reduces the apoptosis. Subsequently, more osteoblasts in the BMU will
available scaffold for initiation of new bone formation. form more new bone and induce an increase in the remod-
Therefore, entire trabecular elements may be permanently eling rate (through the activation of osteoclasts), both of
eliminated. Finally, because estrogen inhibits osteocyte ap- which will increase the amount of bone tissue and
optosis, estrogen deficiency results in fewer of the cells that trabecular thickness.71 Currently, PTH and its analog teri-
typically respond to mechanical forces to maintain the paratide (recombinant PTH (1–34)) are the only approved
skeleton.57 Low-dose estradiol can significantly reduce anabolic treatments for osteoporosis.72 Intermittent daily
bone turnover in healthy community-dwelling women aged dosing of PTH induces osteoblast differentiation, inhibits
65 and older, without significant side effects.58 Although adipogenesis, and suppresses osteoblast apoptosis.72 This is
replacement of estrogen at perimenopause and at later ages in marked contrast to the bone resorption that the persistent
protects bone mass and significantly protects against frac- elevation of PTH in disease states such as primary hyper-
ture, concerns about adverse health consequences have sig- parathyroidism and some malignancies causes. Teriparatide
nificantly curtailed their use.59 is indicated in postmenopausal women and in men with
The skeletal role of androgens upon cancellous bone is severe osteoporosis (T-score  3.5, or o  2.5 in the set-
largely mediated by local aromatization into estrogens.60 ting of recurrent fracture) or in patients with established
Androgen deficiency in men induces cancellous bone loss glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis who require long-term
similar to estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women.60 steroid treatment.73,74 Teriparatide is effective in commu-
In elderly men with hypogonadism, the resultant testoster- nity-dwelling ambulatory women aged 75 and older; treat-
one deficiency contributes to osteoporosis. Although treatment ment enhances bone mineral density, reduces vertebral and
of frank androgen deficiency with androgen replacement nonvertebral fractures, and is as safe as in younger wom-
therapy is beneficial for bone,61–63 the effect of androgen en.74 Limitations to the administration of PTH in older
replacement on fracture incidence remains unknown. Al- adults include cost, mode of administration (subcutaneous),
though there has been one comprehensive review of re- and the requirement of a motivated and cognitively intact
placement in hypogonadal men,64 evidence addressing patient or caregiver.
potential benefits of replacement therapy in partially an-
drogen-deficient elderly men is lacking, and the overall Future Perspectives for the Treatment of Senile
effects on all target tissues and quality of life and survival Osteoporosis
need to be further explored. The goals of treatment of osteoporosis in older adults
should include the formation of high-quality new bone (i.e.,
Bisphosphonates higher trabecular thickness and lower cortical porosity that
Bisphosphonates, such as alendronate, risedronate, ibad- will reduce the risk of fracture). This effect is obtained only
ronate, and more recently zoledronate, regulate bone re- if osteoblasts are able to function normally and therefore
sorption by reducing the number of osteoclasts in the BMU regulate the number of active osteoclasts in the BMU. The
and inducing their apoptosis.65 The mechanism of action of toxic effect of bone marrow adipogenesis should also be
bisphosphonates includes suppressing the capacity of managed (or prevented) so that osteoblast formation and
osteoclasts to resorb bone due to the modification of their activity can be maintained and possibly even enhanced.
shape, loss of their enzymatic capacity, and shortened sur- Strontium ranelate, which has been approved for use in
vival.66 This results in a marked reduction in bone turnover Europe and Canada, is a new molecule that inhibits bone
that enhances secondary mineralization of preformed ost- resorption and stimulates bone formation, with proven
eons.66 Despite the reduction in bone turnover, bone mass efficacy to reduce fracture incidence.75 In addition, stron-
increases during treatment with bisphosphonates. A poten- tium ranelate reduces the risk of vertebral and nonvertebral
tial anabolic effect of bisphosphonates might explain this fractures in women aged 80 and older.76 Perhaps strontium
effect. Recently, it has been reported that alendronate stim- in concert with vitamin D will optimize osteoblastogenesis
ulates osteoblastic differentiation while inhibiting adipo- and concurrently minimize adipogenesis. Resveratrol,
genesis in vitro.67 This could explain why, despite the fact which is derived from grape skins and may underlie the
that bisphosphonates decrease the levels of bone turnover, a ‘‘red wine’’ paradox, inhibits adipocyte formation while
gain in bone mass is seen when used in osteoporotic pa- stimulating markers of osteoblast formation in an in vitro
tients. Although this gain in bone mass is associated with mouse model, apparently by antagonizing PPARg action.77
fracture reduction in patients with menopausal osteoporo- In addition, in a rat model, mechanical loading has been
sis,66 evidence of the effect of bisphosphonates on fracture shown to enhance osteoblastogenesis and diminish adipo-
prevention in older populations is limited.68 However, re- genesis by reducing PPARg2,78 raising the possibility that
cent studies have shown that yearly intravenous zoledronic exercise will also play an important role in future studies
acid significantly reduces vertebral and nonvertebral frac- and interventions.

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