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Ramaswamy V.S.


139, DIN Apartments, Sector 4

Plot 7, Dwarka, New Delhi



His Excellency The President of India,

Rashtrapati Bhavan

New Delhi-110004

Respected His Excellency,

I am constrained to move this petition before you as a patriotic citizen of India. The Supreme Court
which is mandated under the Constitution of India with interpreting the efficacy of laws their
Constitutional iterations etc, has off late repeatedly over stepping its brief. IN this context, on earlier
occasions also I had been petitioning your Excellency to kindly call upon the incumbent Chief Justice of
India so that the sanctity of Constitution of India are upheld and protected

But in its recent order on Shaheen Bagh the Honorable Supreme Court judges have not just exceed their
mandate but have gone on to implement the unholy agenda being designed from outside the country
who are inimical to Indian interest especially from across our borders.

Repeated reports are all over that these Shaheen Bagh protests are engineered by an organization called
PFI and is funded and financed by anti India forces. The intelligence and security agencies would
corroborate and confirm this. Besides the very fact that it has sustained itself for nearly 60 days where
the daily needs of the protestors like food, compensation for loss of wages etc are provided for. Any
agency report will give the estimates that may run into huge comes of money running into crores.
Furthermore the protests have spread into different parts of the country.

Coming to the substance of the protest, they are allegedly protesting against a legislation duly passed
by the Parliament of India and kindly assented by your Excellency. That is as per the provisions of the
Constitution. Further, this legislation commonly denoted as CAA in itself applicability does not in any
manner affect those who are already citizens of India. I do not want to overstate my case but I am sure
Your Excellency had already been briefed on the legal iterations of the Bill passed by Parliament before
your Excellency had kindly assented. Notwithstanding the same the citizens of India who might
apprehend any transgression of their rights are entitled to approaching the Supreme Court not hold the
country to ransom by holding up movement on roads in National Capital Region and other parts of the
country, causing irreparable injury to nation’s image, social fabric and economic activity which is precise
what is the agenda of our inimical neighbouring country.

It is further well established that the said inimical neighboring country had on several occasions through
its agencies inflicted injury to our Nation on many occasions in the past, through its past. Further its
institution is running several sleeper cells in our country in this pursuit and has penetrated into many
institutions . Hence nature and content of the order of the Honorable Surpeme Court exposes that this
august and apex institution of the Nation including itself Constitutional functionaries dispensing with
justice have also been recruited by this agency popularly known as ISI.

The exposure further gets reinforced that in the list of interlocutors include a former officer who had on
many occasion been on the radar of the agencies, a fact you may corroborate. As an alternative if the
direction had gone to Government to appoint interlocutors instead Honorable Court itself taking the
mantle, would have ensured a balanced view. Hence the Honorable Supreme Court had by virtue its
overarching action of naming the interlocutors pandered to the ISI agenda. Supra I have already
recalled how the protests in itself and the funding and financing behind is being fuelled and funneled
though ISI sponsored organization like PFI etc.

Also Your Excellency, I would like to highlight my concern on the contingent Constitutional crisis that
may arise on account of this order. In the event the interlocutors and protestors reach a settlement that
may lead to any condition that CAA will withdrawn for withdrawal of protest. Will that not undermining
the authority of the Parliament? In the same vein in case the protestors continue the protests on
counseling from the interlocutors shift their protest venue. Does it mean a stamp of approval to the
protest by Supreme Court including illegal occupation of public spaces, disruption of normal life etc.

In the second contingency, in case the interlocutors and protestors fail to reach a settlement either with
regard to the substance or with regard to shifting to another venue to protest.. Will the illegal
occupation Road and protests continue indefinitely with Supreme Courts protection.

There are several challenging contingencies and emergencies that can potentially arise as result of the
directions of the Supreme Court. This disorder that can result in the Country is exactly what the ISI is
seeking to trigger in the country through its non state actors (how ever unfortunately they may be
Indian State Actors).

In this context, the citizens have no recourse but to approach Your Excellency. Any attempt to apprise
the judiciary of its mistakes will trigger invocation of Contempt of Court Proceedings against its own
citizens under the Contempt of Court Act, which in itself is violation of principles of Natural justice. The
attendant consequences could be grave in the instant case for the reason that inspite of inferences
being drawn on pure merit and past trends that this time some members of this august Judiciary appear
to have been compromised by the ISI or any such agency as an inference from this order. However, the
Judiciary will only proceed against the applicant will threaten to arrest the petitioner for drawing logical
inferences, while giving long rope and additional opportunities to people against whom adequate
information on their antecedents like of the interlocutors is available.
It is there kindly prayed before Your Excellency that kindly intervene in the matter, requesting the Chief
Justice of India to kindly conduct a positive vetting of all his companion judges that this order seconding
the ISI agenda is not out of motivation. Further, till the positive vetting of the judges who gave the order
may be asked to recuse themselves of adjudication matters.

With warm personal regards.

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