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cag f; limitations
] d' air
. 'b . t eh blades, type of fan whether axial or radial
4.5.1 Introduction
[ e ans Ictate Its power characteristic).
The automotive industry has gone through many radical changes and one of them
TdhuS'hisuclh load demands have resulted in the need to scale up the
is the present change in the automotive power system. In the first half of the past century,
O n oar ve cu ar power Ie
the 6V electrical system in automobiles served the purpose of ignition, cranking, and a I I' . With the same
voltage ' ve. ncreasmg the power
few lighting loads. Since then, there has been a constant rise in the power requirement, as
Iwould I deveh' hwou
c as mcrease wmng harness and insulation ead to Issues su h'
that d' '
illustrated in Figure 4.9.
po 'bl ea Ito Ig fi er c~st and weight. Also, the system losses would increase. A
The major reason for such a high power system and, hence, a need for a high power SSI e so utlOn or thiS would be to increase the voltage level.
onboard generation system is due to the increasing number of electrical loads [11 ]_[ 13]. fr .Consltenng these aspects, several decades back, the voltage was raised . om It~ ear ler
Performance loads, such as electric steering, that were traditionally driven by mechanical, 6V level to the present day 12V level and, now with an everI~creasmg demand forecasted
pneumatic, and hydraulic systems are now increasingly being replaced by the electrically into the future, there is a need to switch over to t Ie much higher voltage level of 42V.
driven systems to increase the performance and efficiency of operation. When driven The rationale today is however not at
electrically, power is available on demand, which enables reduced and optimal power cearcutasltwasml955 Th' . I' e Issue as pressing today as ignition
. . ere IS no smg
consumption. Luxury loads have also increased over time, imposing a higher demand of failures were back then. If there were, the case for 42V would not be delayed as It IS. and
electrical power. The increasing induction of safety loads such as electrically active ",:,e would have far more 42V vehicles on the highways. Notwlthstandmg these caveats,
suspension and roll-over stability have also imposed high power demands on the vehicular 42V IS appearing in the market place and it will ctru0ntkmflue to make inroads into the
power system. However, a major concern with safety loads is not just the need for high luxury passenger car and sport utility and light
power but a highly reliable source of power. c eets.
Furthermore, loads like electromagnetic valve train (EVT or EVA), whose power , SU~h a cha~ge in the system network voltage and power brings about a
requirements are a function of engine speed would put high stress on the power network in _maJor c, allenge m terms of the alternator, the heart of the network The ~onvent~onal
a different way. Loads such as windshield defrosters, on the other hand, demand power at cla:-v pole synchronous alternators have reached their maximum ttrru~s 0 generatIOn
higher voltage for efficient operation. Electrical loads on the automobile are modeled capacity. An attempt to generate higher power would lead eO eavy losses and
using power law relations for which nominal power coefficient and exponent are unacceptable cooling requirements, resulting in low
laboratory characterized. For example, an EV A system for an internal combustion engine fficlency. Thus, there IS a need for a new alternator system for such high
has approximately a constant torque characteristic, similar to a conventional valve train generatIOn [14]. power
where the nominal power at idle is Po = 275 for V8-4V, 125 for V6-4V and perhaps 80 for The new alternato.r that would be introduced requires higher tor ue demand than
I4-2V and xV represents the number of valves/cylinder: the conventIOnal production alternator in order to generate hig~er power and closely
converges with the torque requirements of the present starter
P£ V
A = p -!2- (W ) (4.6) motor used to crank up the eng'
th me [15] .Th' IS opens the possibility
.. to integrate
e starter and the alternator as a single machine called the inte rated ~~rte~/alternator
o 500
(ISA), which would perform the combined operation ofg both.
IS mtegrated system that Will be designed and developed will be abl t supply high
power of 4-6 kW at 42V in the near future Th h' h e 0 capacity of the system would also
p/o l ld= Po(; )0 (W ) (4.7) enable it to lend itself' to ~thelg p~w~r apphcatlOns that would result in higher
performance better fir mu tip e reduced emissions. ' ue economy, and
In equation (4.6), the EVA actuator power is normalized to idle speed. In all other
4.5.2 Starter
electrical loads, we model the power demand as a function of the distribution system
voltage as a power coefficient and exponent. This power law characteristic captures the The starter motor is d' .
load variability as system voltage changes due to temperature stabilization of the :~~~er :;;oto~s were first de:e~~p:~ :r~t~:O~~I~~ t~~e~l:~~i~e ~:n~I~~~~. ~~~~~
regulation characteristic. The exponent further characterizes the load in terms of its eng; er:en~ ~ter motor has gone through multiple upgrades in terms of wel'gght d ' ethods,
inherent character. For example, for a resistance load such as windshield or mirror gear reductIOn, changing over from 6V to 12V size and
defroster or heated seats, the exponent is 2.0. For electric incandescent lights the exponent re uctlOn and
, impro' vmg 1'ts re laI' Ilty
b'l' and performance [14], [16]. '
becomes 1.6 and for fan motor loads the exponent is 2.3 to 2.7 (theoretically it would be
3.0, but

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