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ae Kel te) Licyelopedia of L PRIVATE BRSSONS u by Gary Hess ISBN 0-7935-7379-3 Van HALs sL-EONARD® | J ] ] ] ] ] ] | ] | | | | | | | | About the Le Gary Hess began his professional music career in 1971 playing clubs throughout 1 United States and Canada. In September 1980 he became the first enrollee in the Percussion Institute of Technology (P| Upon graduating in September of 1981, ( was offered a teaching position with the ‘school as a staff instructor. As well as having years of extensive hands-on teaching experience, he is also the author of Music Reading for Drums, : sight-reading curriculum that is used as the basis of the drum reading program. H expertise in a wide variety of styles and techniques has made him an invaluable part of the PLT. staff. Gary has conducted drum clinics in Japal and the U.S. and continues to maintain a schedule of free-lance work and teaching, \ weearvaue ges 87 a8 118 19 120 LEicyeclopedia of READING RAVI: MUSIC GRAPHICS NOTES & RESTS TIME SIGNATURE ‘THE PULSE SUBDIVIDING NOTE VALUE RELATIONSHIPS COUNTING THE PLAN NOTES CUT TIME CUT TIME READING TRIPLETS SWING EIGHTHS. NOTES FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME COUNTING SYSTEMS FOUR SOURS. CUT TIME READING THES DOTTED NOTES & RESTS FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME READING THE IMAGINARY BARLINE EIGHTH-QUARTER-EIGHTH RHYTHM STUDY FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME READING. NOTES EIGHTH-QUARTER-EIGHTH RHYTHM STUDY FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME READING NOTES THREE-FOUR COUNTING SYSTEMS. THREE-FOUR READING 126 128 129 130 138 144 145 146 156 157 158 160 162 164 166 174 176 77 178 214 226 228 229 230 268 269 271 ROAD MAPS. SAMPLE ROAD MAP WITH 0.S. ‘SAMPLE ROAD MAP WITH D.C. FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME CHART READING THREE-FOUR CHART READING TRIPLET RELATIONSHIPS EIGHTH NOTE TRIPLET COUNTING SYSTEMS EIGHTH NOTE TRIPLET READING & TRIPLET STUDY NOTES SIXTEENTH NOTE TRIPLET COUNTING SYSTEMS, SIXTEENTH NOTE TRIPLET READING QUARTER NOTE TRIPLET READING HALF NOTE TRIPLET READING EIGHTH, QUARTER, & HALF NOTE TRIPLET READING FOUR-FOUR & CUT TIME CHART READING ‘THREE-FOUR CHART READING ‘SWING OR SHUFFLE SIXTEENTHS SIXTEENTH FIGURE COUNTING SYSTEMS SIXTEENTH NOTE READING & RHYTHMS STUDIES SIXTEENTH NOTE CHART READING MIXED SUBDIVISIONS CHART READING COMPOUND TIME COMPOUND TIME COUNTING SYSTEMS COMPOUND TIME READING AND RHYTHMS STUDIES NOTES MIXED SUBDIVISIONS ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Music Graphics An arrangement of five equidistant, horizontal lines is called a staff. St Vertical lines through the staff are called barlines. ‘The space between two barlines is called a measure or a bar. ‘Two barlines close together, referred to as a double bar, are used to indicate the end of a musical section. A double bar with one thin and one thick line is used to indicate the end of a composition. SSS] Double bars with two dots next to them, in the 2nd and 3rd ‘spaces of the staff, are called repeat signs. The section between these signs is to be repeated. Notes and Rests ‘The characters used to represent rhythm and duration are called notes. Notes consist of one or more of the following : a note head astem one or more flags one or more beams Beams are used to create groupings of two or more notes that are otherwise flagged. Whole notes, half notes and quarter notes have no flags, therefore, they connot be beamed together. The characters used to notate silence are called rests. The various notes and rests in order of their durational value are: Notes Rests Whole ___—_ = Half____ J ~ Quarter J i Eighth + 7 Note: Sixteenth __ J haveibesane Thirty-second __ S Stee tee Ate g 3 : Sixty-fourth } Time Signatures Time signatures are fractions used in music to establish a mathematical framework upon which to notate pulse and rhythm. The numerator (upper numeral) establishes the number of beats per measure. The demominator (lower numeral) establishes the note or rest value receiving one beat The numerator of a time signature can conceivably be any number. The denominator, however, must represent a specific note value. Throughout this text we will refer to the various meters by the note values of their denominators. | Note value Referred to Denominator represented asa(n): 2 Half note meter 4 Quarter note meter. d Eighth note meter 16 d Sixteenth note meter 32 Thirty-second note meter Examples: In four-four time there are four beats per measure and the quarter note or rest gets one beat. In two-two time there are two beats per measure and the half note or rest gets one beat. In seven-eight time there are seven beats per measure and the eighth note or rest gets one beat. on NNO The Pulse In music, the underlying steady beat upon which rhythms are based is called the pulse. The speed of a pulse is called the tempo. Tempi (plural for tempo) are measured in beats per minute (b.p.m.). The mechanical or electronic device used to measure b.p.m. is called a metronome. ‘A metronome marking (m.m.) is notated by using a note value (usually that which is represented in the denominator of the time signature), an equals sign and a number representing the b.p.m. These markings are positioned near the time signature. Examples: J=60 In this example the pulse is 60 b.p.m., there are four beats per measure and the quarter note gets one beat. In this example the pulse is 90, there are two beats per measure and the half note gets ‘one beat. In this example the pulse is 120 b.p.m., there are seven beats per measure and the eighth note gets one beat. Taking the pulse and dividing it into two or more equal parts is called subdividing. Examples: J=60 i eee In this example the quarter note pulse of 60 b.p.m. has been subdivided into two equal parts (eighth notes).The eighth notes are to be played at exactly twice the speed of the quarter notes (120 b.p.m.) In this example the quarter note pulse of 40 b.p.m. has been subdivided into four equal parts (sixteenth notes). The sixteenth notes are to be played at exactly four times the speed of the quarter notes (160 b.p.m.) In this example the half note pulse of 90 b.p.m. has been subdivided into two equal parts (quarter notes). The quarter notes are to be played at exactly twice the speed of the half notes (180 b.p.m.) The following chart of NOTE VALUE RELATIONSHIPS shows how each note can be subdivided into larger groups of smaller note value. Note Value Relationships Whole Sixteenth Thirty-second Sixty-fourth Counting ‘The technique of verbally subdividing is called counting. We will use a combination of numbers and syllables to do this. Each vocal sound will represent one note from its related subdivision. The note value each syllable represents depends on the value of the denominator of the time signature. ‘The numbers are used to indicate the pulse, starting with one and counting up to the number of beats per measure. Counting the pulse is called one part counting. Examples: In a quarter note meter one part counting represents the quarter note: In a half note meter one part counting Tepresents the half note. Iman eighth note meter one part counting represents the eighth note. t —o es 7 | cont i 2 3 4 ~ °«5 \ ws wo Ce ie i ie is ess If we subdivide the pulse into groups of two we add the syllable "an" between each number as we count. This is called two part counting. We will abbreviate the "an" by using a plus sign (+). ‘The "an" is also commonly referred to as the "and". In a quarter note meter two part counting represents the eighth note. Ina half note meter two part counting represents the quarter note. count 1 + 2 + In an eighth note meter two part counting represents the sixteenth note. cout 1 +2434 44+54 12 If we subdivide the pulse into groups of four, we add the syllables "e", “an”, “duh”, evenly between each number as we count, This is called four part counting. We will abbreviate the "duh" by simply using the letter d. The "duh" is also commonly referred to as the "a". In a quarter note meter four part counting represents the sixteenth note. 1 e an duh 2 e an duh 3c an duh 4 e an duh +d 2 e + d3 e€ + d 4 © + d count le In a half note meter four part counting represents the eighth note. In an eighth note meter four part counting represents the thirty-second note. contl1 e+ d2e¢+d3e¢ +d 4er d 5 eu a eel eee ae ee een ere es fe ce ee eee ag eee The Plan In order to achieve optimum results from this text I would Suggest learning this material one page at a time in the order it is presented. Do not skip around. Always; *Use a metronome. *Count out loud. *Tap your foot on the correct pulse. *Master the slowest tempo range of each counting system before going to the next. *Strive for accuracy, not speed. *Master each page to at least the medium tempo ranges before going on to the next page. *Use the check lists. When you can play an entire page flawlessly using a Particular counting system at a specific tempo range put a check mark in the appropriate box and enter the date to keep tack of your progress. 14 mm. Four-Four One Part Counting Date Completed 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 tyfiafen 144-152 — 152-160 V oC 1s 16 Four-Four Two Part Counting mm. Date Completed oo = CC eae ieee ia esi ss es Je 2+ 344+ 1+ 2+3444 14 24344 D+2sa¢ T+ 2+3 444 1 2+ 3+44 1424 34 4+ 1 ey as 6 J+ 2+ 344+ 14 24 3444 1p 243444 18 9 20 Jt 2 + 3+ 44142434 44 1424344 + 14 2434 45 23 24 Js 2+ 344 + 1+ 243444 14 2434 44 1+2+3 4 ay 1+2+3+ 44 1 4 2 + 3444 30 a a2 J+2+ 34 4+ 1+ 2434 4 + 142434 4 + 1424344 34 3s 36 +24 34 4+ 1+ 2434 44 1s 2434 45 a9 40 7 18 Four-Four One Part Counting mm, Date Completed cS SS SS = = — — 19 20 Four-Four Two Part Counting mm. Date Completed 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 ess i ss +24 3444 +2434 44 4 1+ 2+ 34 4+ 2+ 3444 1+ 2+34 44 1+ 2+ 3 4 44 b+ 243 1+ 2434 4a 21 22 Four-Four One Part Counting m.m. Date Completed 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 144-152 152-160 Lae) SS See 24 Four-Four Two Part Counting mn. Date Completed oo 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 oo000 1+ 243444 1+243 +44 1+ 243544 1+ 243444 1+ 24 34 44 a 1+ 243444 fire bec isviy L+2+344 4 10 1+ 243444 Dee 3 + Ale 1s 1+24 3444 2 34 38 142434 44 b+ 2eseay 1+2+ 3444 u as 1+ 2434 Deon gisw Stet are 14+ 243445 142+ 3446 23 1 as 39 1+2+3+44 iced Era ies +2+ 3445 4+ 2 16 20 24 1 36 40 1+ 243444 Heremi2teesteuger 1+ 24 3444 1+ 243444 1+ 24+ 3444 + 2+ 3444 1+2+344 + 26 Four-Four One Part Counting Date Completed 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 144-152 ooo0o00 152-160 27 28 m.m. Four-Four Two Part Counting Date Completed oo 104-112 112-120 120-128 128-136 136-144 ibe Deen sHoerareee insu ote state I+ 243445 14 243444 Ls 24 344+ 142+ 3544 14 24354 142 J+ 243+ 4+ 1424344 4 14 2434 44 18 19 20 1+ _2+3+4 4 14243 + 44 1424 34 45 a 2 23 a M+ 24344 + 14243 4 4 + 142 344s 29 30 a1 2 Jt2+ 3+ 4+ 14243 + 4+ 1425 3444 142434 44 33 a4 as 36 Jit 2+ 3+4+i+243 44 + 1424344 + 14243444 39 40 30 Four-Four One Part Counting m.m. Date Completed oo 31 32 Notes eet ee CUT TIME ¢ The time signatures four-four 4 and two-two § are mathematically the same. As fractions, when reduced, both equal one, which means that any measure with either of these time signatures would contain one whole note, = 1 Notice the similarities between these two bars. Also notice the note values representing the underlying pulses. Identically written rhythms in 4 and 3 sound exactly the same. The difference is in the pulse underlying the rhythms. In four-four there is a pulse of four beats. In two-two there is a pulse of two beats. § is commonly referred to as Cut Time. The symbol for Cut Time is ¢. count Peat se he ts ae aes pulse count berd2 6 + @ 1 er ares a pulse _ is often used in place of the numerical time signature Es] 134 m.m. Cut Time Two Part Counting Date Completed oo gq oono000 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 35 Cut Time One Part Counting Date Completed 36 o0 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 120-124 124-128 oo 128-132 132-136 136-140 37 38 Four Part Counting Cut Time Date Completed 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 SS) e+ d2esd a le+d2esd 39 Cut Time Two Part Counting mm. Date Completed d= 40-44 48-52 oo 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 \ ao cere —_—— ee 41 42 Cut Time One Part Counting Date Completed oO o00000 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 120-124 oo00 124-128 128-132 132-136 136-140 u See 43 Cut Time Four Part Counting mm. Date Completed oo 8 8 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 45 Two Part Counting Cut Time Date Completed 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 47 Cut Time One Part Counting mm. Date Completed oo é O 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 120-124 124.128 128-132 132-136 136-140 oo Cut Time Four Part Counting mm. Date Completed oo g 8 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 ] J ] ] ] ] ] | | | | 51 52 Cut Time Two Part Counting Date Completed oo 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 Cut Time One Part Counting mm. Date Completed 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 120-124 124-128 128-132 132-136 136-140 oo [lis 55 Cut Time Four Part Counting Date Completed 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 4 537 Cut Time Two Part Counting mm, Date Completed 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 oer eS Se eS eC TK eR eR eS eS eS eS lO Cut Time One Part Counting mn. Date Completed oo g 8 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120 120-124 O 124.128 128-132 132-136 136-140 oo 61 Triplets Some subdivisions (3,5,6,7,9,11 etc.) cannot be written using notes and rests in basic form. In order to notate these subdivisions artificial notation is used. This is done by placing any combination of notes or rests in brackets or beamed together above or below the numeral representing that subdivision. ‘There is no note or rest, in basic form, that represents one third of a beat. In order to notate this three part subdivision in a quarter note meter we can place any combination of three eighth notes or rests in brackets or beamed together above or below the numeral three. When counting three part counting we will say the syllables "tuh” "tuh" in between the numbers. We will abbreviate the "tuh" sound by using the letter T. Ina half note meter this is done by placing any combination of three quarter notes or rests in brackets above or below the numeral three. In an eighth note meter this is done by placing any combination of three sixteenth notes or rests in brackets or beamed together above or below the numeral three. i PTT e¢arTarr4arrstt { 3 $3 3 3 38 FSS Fa 62 y ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Swing Eighths In music with a swing or shuffled feel, such as be-bop, jazz, dixieland, big band swing, blues and rock shuffles etc., straight eighth note notation is commonly used. It is understood that all notes falling on the “and” of the beat are to be played as though they were the last note of an eighth note triplet. This eliminates the need to write the rhythms in triplet form. "3p" This symbol is often displayed on charts to indicate that the music is JI = JD wove played with a swing or shutfed feel Written Like: Played Like: bss Ugs tg5 Ugh OR When counting swing eighths use two part counting, saying the "and" of each beat where the last note of the eighth note triplet would fall. DchG 8540 to Hono Written Like: Crtind Sot Sat int ind satan Played Like: “319 gigs Notes Four-Four and Cut Time Counting Systems The time signatures have been intentionally omitted from many of the pages of rhythms in this text. When no time signature is present you should read that Page in four-four and cut time using all of the following counting systems. Important: Use a metronome!!!!! Strive for accuracy.......Not speed Master each counting system before moving on to the next. Master each page before moving on to the next. Use the checklists to keep track of your progress. 1) In four - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting Count Dt 2es eae De 2+ ae ae Play Tap Foot 2) In four - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting Count 1 2 3 4 1 t 34 Play Tap Foot 3) In two - straight and swing eighths - 4 part counting Count be+wd2e+ d bervradres a Play ‘Tap Foot 4) In two - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting Count 1+ 2 4 toe 2g Play Tap Foot 5) In two - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting ‘Count 1 2 1 2 Play Tap Foot 65 66 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting Date Completed oo 67 68 Checklist 4&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2~ straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed 5 & oooooo0 : 69 70 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System 1) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting, 2) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In 2- straight & swing cighths - 4 part counting 4) Im2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed Ses cee mM ee ee aN 72 Checklist 1&3 Counting System mm. 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J = 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 5) In2- straight & swing cighths - 1 partcounting J = Date Completed Checklist 1&%@ Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-60 2) In4- straight & swing eighths- 1 partcounting J = 40-65 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J = 40-48 4) In 2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-54 96-120 [] 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40.60 [] 100-120 120-140 on 76 Checklist 1&%@ Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J 4) In2- straight & swing cighths - 2 part counting J 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J 100-120 (] 10140 (J — & 71 Ties When two or more notes of the same pitch are connected with a curved line, that pitch is sustained for a duration equalling the sum of the note values connected. EXAMPLES: 2 beats 4 beats —— 3 beats ff 1 1/2 beats 3 1/2 beats Using a tie is the only way to notate a pitch sustaining across a barline. EXAMPLES: 2 beats 4 beats 6 beats oc eee es ie ie i i CC Dotted Notes and Rests A single dot placed immediately after a note or rest increases the duration of that note or rest by one half its original value. == - Ee 4 Ce. See Two dots placed immediately after a note or rest increase the duration of that note or rest by three fourths its original value. Checklist 1&3 @ Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-60 80-100 100-120 120-140 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J = 40-65 90-115 115-140 140-165 3) In 2 - straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J = 40-48 4) In2- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-54 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-60 100-120 120-140. £ ao 81 The Imaginary Barline It is a common practice to write four-four and cut-time rhythms in a way that shows the separation between the 2nd and 3rd quarter notes of each measure. This separation is called the imaginary barline. This is the barline that would exist if two bars of two-four were used instead of the one bar of four-four. If any note smaller than a half note is to sustain across the imaginary barline two notes tied together are usually used in its place. 1) No separation between beats 2and3 Actual Barline in 2/4. Imaginary Barline in 4/4 eS GSSsaess No separation between The same rhythm applying the 2) beats 2 and 3. imaginary barline concept te eal 3) SaaS a eS 4 f vo I Important: Many of the rhythms written in this text do not follow the concept of the imaginary barline. This is done intentionally to make this book more challenging and to instill an even deeper understanding of rhythmic notation. Fighth-Quarter- Eighth Rhythm Study ‘Two beat phrase - fess 84 Checklist 1&%© Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In 2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting i 8 & oOoooo0o0o0o0o00 mm. Date Completed ome een pi py lS pm 85 Notes Eighth-Quarter-Eighth (notes and rests) Rhythm Study ‘The following figures are all note and rest combinations that equal two Quarter notes or one half note in value. Therefore they may used starting on beats one, two, or three of any four-four bar. 88 Check t 1&3 Counting System 1) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In 2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed 8 8 oo 89 90 Checklist 4&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting, 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed ox 63 96-120 80-100 100-120 1 120-140 [] 91 92 Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2.- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting m.m. Date Completed 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140 = 4065 65-90 90-115 115-140 140-165 meee Kad Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In 4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting ‘5) In 2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed 95 96 Checklist 1 & 3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 partcounting J 4) In 2 - straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J @) 96-120 80-100 100-120 120-140 Date Completed oo Checklist 1&%@ Counting System m.m. 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 3) In2-straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J = 4) In2- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 98 Date Completed oO oO ooo000 TIIILI Oo Checklist 1&3 Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-60 5 8 oo 2) In 4- straight & swing eighths-1 partcounting J = 40-65 [] 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J = 40-48 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-54 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-60 100 101 102 Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing cighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting Date Completed oo00000 103 104 Check! 1 & 3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 partcounting J 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 partcounting J 4) In 2- straight & swing eighths -2 partcounting J 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J ist @) mm. Date Completed QO 105 hr b 106 Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing cighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 80-100 100-120 120-140 Date Completed 107 108 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting mm. Date Completed . 0 a zy DE | 2 1s ie 110 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J m.m. Date Completed 112 Checklist 1&3 @ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting ‘5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting m.m. Date Completed 80-100 100-120 [1] r0140 1 3 ML Checklist 1&8@ Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths -2 partcounting J = 40-60 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J = 40-65 3) In2- straight & swing cighths -4 part counting J = 40-48 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-54 5) In2- straight & swing eighths- 1 part counting J = 40-60 [] 114 1s 2 mn 30 29 iN, lal 116 Checklist 1&%@ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting m.m. " Date Completed fT 39 38 7 i Notes 118 ee ee ee oe ee ce: Three-Four Counting Systems Important: Use a metronome!!! Strive for accuracy.......Not speed. Master each counting system before moving on to the next. Master each page before moving on to the next. Use the checklists to keep track of your progress. 1) In three - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting Count ace cee sete ez se Play Tap Foot 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting Count 1 2 3 1 2 3 Play Tap Foot 3) In one - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting Count Duliepe bo es eee eet. Play Tap Foot 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting Coun 1 2 3 4 aS Play: Tap Foot 5) In one - straight and swing eighths - count one Count 1 ' Play Tap Foot 119 q Checklist Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In three - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-60 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) In one ~ straight and swing eighths -2 part counting d- = 40-44 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting 5) Imone - straight and swing cighths-count 1... de = 40-50 120 121 122 i Checklist Counting System m.m. 1) In three - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting J 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 3) In one - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting J. = 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting d- = '5)Inone ~ straight and swing eighths - count... = de = Date Completed 123 124 3 Checklist Counting System m.m. 1) In three - straight and swing eighths -2 partcounting J = 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 3) In one - straight and swing eighths -2 part counting d. 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting = 5) In one - straight and swing eighths - count 1... d= Date Completed 125 Section Repeat Signs: Double bars with two dots next to them, in the 2nd and 3rd spaces of the staff, are called repeat signs. The section between these signs is to be repeated. Multiple Section Repeat Signs: If a section is to be played more than twice, the number of times it is to be played and the letter "X" will be placed at the beginning of the repeated section. In this example the four bar phrase is to be played five times. 5X Single Measure Repeats: The symbol in the 2nd,3rd and 4th measures of this example tells you to repeat whatever is notated in the previous measure. Multiple Measure Repeats: The numeral above the multiple measure repeat sign tells you how many of the previous measures are to be repeated. In this example you would repeat the previous two measures, 2 In this example you would repeat the previous four measures. Endings: In this example play bars 1-4. Repeat back to bar 1. Play bars 1-2 again. Skip the Ist ending and play the 2nd ending. Repeat back to bar 1 again. Play bars 1-2 again. Skip the Ist and 2nd endings and play the 3rd ending. Then continue on to the next section. D.C. ‘(da capo) means to return to the very beginning of the composition. D.S. (dal segno) means to return to this Sign :§ which is previously notated. Coda Usually the ending section of a composition which is notated by this symbol €}. fine The end or final note of a composition. D.C, al Coda Retum to the top, play to the Coda Sign which is previously notated and then play the Coda. D.S. al Coda Return to the Sign & play to the Coda Sign which is previously notated and then play the Coda, D.C. al fine Return to the top and play to the fine. DS. al fine Retum to the Sign & and play to the fine. IMPORTANT: On the D.C. or D.S. of a composition a classical rule is that no repeats are to be taken unless otherwise notated, Rehersal Letters and Bar Numbers are used on charts to give the conductor and the players a way to find specific passages quickly. Fermata or Bird's Eye When this symbol > is placed above a note the pulse will be interrupted and that note will be sustained (held out) uuntil you receive the Cut Off / cue from the conductor. 127 128 Sample Road Map with D.S. 1) Play bars 1-12 2) Repeat to letter A (bar 5) 3) Play bars 5-10 4) Skip Ist Ending 5) Play 2nd Ending (bars 13-14) 6) Repeat to letter A again (bar 5) 7) Play bars 5-10 8) Skip 1st and 2nd Endings 9) Play 3rd Ending (bars 15-16) 10) Continue on to letter B 11) Play bars 17-18 12) Play bars 19-20 (repeat of 17-18) 13) Play 21-24 (repeat of 17-20) 14) D.S. to letter A (bar 5) 15) Play bar 5-10 16)Take 3rd Ending (bars 15-16) **4#Remember: no repeats on a D.C. or D.S. unless otherwise noted. 17) Play 17-20 18) Play the Coda (25-28) 1) Play bars 1-4 (Intro) 2) Play bars 5-12 3) Repeat to bar 5 4) Play bars 5-10 5) Skip Ist ending 6) Play 2nd ending (bars 13-14) 7) Play letter B (bars 15-22) 8) Repeat to letter A 9) Repeat steps 2-7 10) D.C.(to the top) 11) The repeats are good so repeat steps 1-6 12) Play letter B to the fine (bars 15 - the last note of bar 21) 129 130 Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 80-100 100-120 120-140 90-115 115-140 140-165 Date Completed St. Valentine's Day Massacre D.C. al Coda 131 132 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 partcounting J 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting Date Completed 00 Escrow Blues 2 8 134 Checklist 1&3 Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting m.m. Date Completed 60th Phase D.S. al fine |(no repeats) 135 i k Checklist 4&3 Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) In 4- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-60 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 partcounting J = 40-48 4) In2- straight & swing eighths -2 partcounting J = 40-54 96-120 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-60 80-100 100-120 120-140 & 136 j Black Belt 29 30 3 @ D.S. al Coda (Take 2nd Ending) 137 ] Checklist Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In three - straight and swing eighths- 2 part counting J = 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120 1] 120-140 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) In one - straight and swing eighths -2 part counting J. = 40-44 4) In one - straight and swing cighths - 1 partcounting d. = 40-48 [] 5) Inone - straight and swing eighths-count 1... d+ = 40-50 Swingin' in da Trees D.C. al Coda (Repeats Good) 139 3 Checklist Counting System m.m. Date Completed 1) In three - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-60 oo 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) Inone - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting d- = 40-44 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting d- = 40-48 f oo 5) Imone - straight and swing eighths-count 1... ds = 40-50 3 8 OOOO! 140 | Ll Val's Kitchen D.S. al Coda (Repeats Good) 141 3 Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) In three - straight and swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-60 2) In three - straight and swing eighths- 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) In one - straight and swing eighths -2 part counting d+ 4) In one - straight and swing eighths- 1 part counting d- = 40-48 5) In one - straight and swing eighths - count 1 142 "4-4-B" D.C. al fine Take Repeats 143 144 Triplet Relationships Counting Exercise 3 3 3 s 3 3 PECACT pects 2 laee Ta Teeter TT3TT+TT4 1tTT+TT2ZTT+ ' T iT: T T T Eighth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Counting Systems 1) Three Part Counting Count Prrarrsgrarg 3 3 3 Play Tap 2) One Part Counting Count 1 Ae 4 3 3 3 Play Tap 145 Eighth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System m.m. Date Completed Three Part Counting J = [] 40-50 0 50-60 ( One Part Counting J = (J 40-50 146 147 sueaiien te seid Eighth Note Triple (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System m.m. Date Completed Three Part Counting J = [J 40-50 One Part Counting J = [J 40-50 UII IIH 148 Notes Rhythm Study = \ Eighth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed Three Part Counting J = [] 40-50 One Part Counting J = [] 40-50 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 140-150 150-160 er 635 685 Eada ass rr 25025 35 8 TF Ss SE rea a5 a a a5 184 5 a Wa Sada IS F3n Sad $a ra re sos A ee san 85 P83 1d ra a4 aa 8a FI Sg Sa Bg Bard Wa aS 2 BSB ST ET ETE IS Pe ee ey re eer 135 153 154 Eighth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System Three Part Counting J = One Part Counting J = m.m. Date Completed 3 So 88 8m sa etm rt 2 Boss 2 «s— 8 2 2 33> 8 zs BB eS oF eB rd dS 134 eS eB ed Zsa $y 8 134 eS et 155 Notes Sixteenth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Counting Systems 1)... Count sixteenth triplets LTT. TT ante nT apr errattet t 6 3 3 3 ey FRSSS_ CES Feo Play Tap quarter notes 2)... ..- Count eighth notes (2 part counting) Play Tap quarter notes Count quarter notes (I part counting) Play ‘Tap quarter notes 157 Sixteenth Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) Six Part Counting j= 40-44 2) Two Part Counting J f 3)(] One Part Counting = J = -—[] 40-55 158 sie aereerg) Z 333 159 Quarter Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed (C1 Three Part Counting J = [) 40-50 One Part Counting J= 0 4050 100-110 110-120 120-130, 130-140 140-150 150-160 160 33) $s Hs 8 PIS pS HI HS i i 161 Half Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed ©] Three Part Counting J = [J 40-50 One Part Counting J= 0 40-50 3 3) 3 3 —3— 13 nd 1S eg I FEN Sm eae —s—_ ss os —3s— 163 Eighth, Quarter & Half Note Triplets (quarter note meters) Counting System (0 Three Part Counting One Part Counting 164 Checklist J= 0 40.50 Date Completed 60-70 60-70 70-80 () 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 140-150 150-160 3 5 165 166 Checklist 1&% © Counting System 1) In4- straight & swing gighths -2 part counting (all triplets - three jirt counting) 2) Im4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting 3) In2- straight & swingeighths - 4 part counting (all triplets - six pat counting) 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting 5) In2-sunight & sng sights 1 part counting 100-120 120-140 Date Completed oo beings Transport to Jupiter D.S. al fine (Repeats Good) 167 168 Checklist 1&3 @ Counting System mm. 1) In4- straight & swing cighths - 2 part counting J (all triplets - three part counting) 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J (€ighth note triplets - six part counting) (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J Date Completed Oo Midnight Oil Checklist 1&3 @ Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J = 40-60 {all triptets - three part counting) 60-80 oo 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 partcounting J = 4048 [J (cighth note triplets - six part counting) 48-56 (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 56-72 4) In2- straight & swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-54 (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 54-68 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J = 4060 [] 170 Mere TS RR A See ee In the Dog House Again 7 RI es DS. al fine (All repeatz good) rn 39 “0 fine 171 172 Checklist 1&3@ Counting System m.m. 1) In4- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J {alltriplets - three part counting) 2) In4- straight & swing eighths - 1 partcounting J 3) In2- straight & swing eighths - 4 part counting J (eighth note triplets - six part counting) (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 4) In2- straight & swing eighths - 2 part counting J (quarter note triplets - three part counting) 5) In2- straight & swing eighths - 1 part counting J Date Completed ooo OO 3 Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) In three - straight and swing eighths -2 part counting J = 40-60 (all triplets - three part counting) 60-80 80-100 100-120 [] 120-140 2) In three - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J = 40-65 90-115 115-140 [J 140-165 [J 3) In one - straight and swing eighths -2 part counting J. = 40-44 (all triplets - three part counting) 44-48 4) In one - straight and swing eighths - 1 part counting J. = 40-48 5) In one - straight and swing eighths-count 1... d- = 40-50 174 Where's Maynard ? 3 4X ¥ 5 Repeat Good on D.S. 6 7 8 Coda Take 3rd Ending 3 9 40 fine ae "Swing" or "Shuffled" Sixteenths The "swing" or "shuffled" sixteenth feel is based on the subdivision created by the sixteenth note triplet. When writing this feel, straight sixteenth notation is commonly used. It is understood that the four sixteenths of every beat are played to coincide with the Ist, 3rd, 4th, and 6th notes of the sixteenth note triplet. Written Like: Played Like: pte apt ttt gins tte gs 176 Counting Systems Sbcteenth Note Figures Quarter Note Meters Important: Use a metronome!!!!! Strive for accuracy.......Not speed. Master each counting system before moving on to the next. Master each page before moving on to the next. Use the checklists to keep track of your progress. 1) 4 part counting - Straight and Shuffled Sixteenths 2) 2 part counting - Straight and Shuffled Sixteenths Count ieee eee 2) + 3 4 4 SSEEer Ss, = Play Tap Foot 3) 1 part counting - Straight and Shuffled Sixteenths Count 1 2 3 4 _—— Play Tap Foot 2 3) 178 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm, ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = Date Completed 90-100 100-110 110-120 100-110 110-120 120-130 © 130-140 Rhythm Study 179 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System m. Date Completed 1) (1) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J 3 8 5 2)(] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J oo 3 3 3)[_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 180 18] Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [| Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = [] 40-50 2)[_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J $ 8 3) [_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 182 Rhythm Study aS. Se sm 183 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) _)Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = $ 8 2)(_] Swaight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 100-110 110-120 3) L] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50. 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 184 185 2) 3) 186 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = Date Completed 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 187 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J 3 8 2)(_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 100-110 110-120 3) [_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 O 100-110 110-120 120-130 0 130-140 188 Rhythm Study Mi. «a4 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 2) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) (_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 0 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 190 FFAG Rb A a Zz4 poo7 pe 36 a ry 191 2) 3) 192 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths -2 Part Counting J = | Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = Date Completed 100-110 110-120 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 Rm * PAS A 3 PaaS: 7 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) C) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting Je 40-50 2) Straight and shuffled sixteenths -2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) [straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 194 eee ia Ao 195 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [| Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting j= 40-50 2) [CT straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) (] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting. d= 40-50. 196 40 AA 39 = a8 7 197 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. 1) LD) Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 4 Part Counting J = 2 3) 198 Date Completed Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = |Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = 199 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [|Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 0 50-60 ( 80-90 2)(_)Swaight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) (Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 200 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System Date Completed 1) J Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 2)[_| Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3)[_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 202 204 Notes Rhythm Study Se — ~ 205 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) L) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 2)|_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 a 130-140 206 cm er er er ee ee ee el 207 2) 3) 208 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = Date Completed ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 209 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) C) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J 8 8 2){_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J 8 8 3)L_| Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 | 100-110 O 110-120 0 120-130 C1 130-140 210 211 1) 2 3) 212 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. (Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = Straight and shuffled sixteenths -2 Part Counting J ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = Date Completed 100-110 O 110-120 120-130 130-140 213 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) L) Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 2)(_] Swaight and shuffled sixteenths -2 Part Counting J = 40-50 3) [] Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = [[] 40-50 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 214 ‘| Phunquey Fo-Fo 215 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm, Date Completed 1) J Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 4 Part Counting J 5 2) ()straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J = $ 8 3) [Straight and shutfted sixteenths - 1 Part Counting Je 40-50 216 u { eee ees i esi ss Cleo & Charlie 217 2» 3) 218 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J 0 Straight and shuffled sixteenths -2 Part Counting J = ‘Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = Date Completed oe Another Rainy Day D.C. al Coda \Repeats Good 219 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System Date Completed 1) [)Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 5 2)[_)Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J a 110-120 3) L_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths- 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 220 D.S. al Coda ( Repeats Good) 221 Sixteenth Note Figures Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) [)Suaight and shuffled sixteenths - 4 Part Counting J = 40-50 2) (_] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 2 Part Counting J S 8 3) (] Straight and shuffled sixteenths - 1 Part Counting J = 40-50 100-110 110-120 120-130 130-140 222 Center Field D.C. al Coda 223 Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 11 Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.. 2)() Count eighths - Tap eighths.. 3) Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters.. 4) 5)() Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. 234 Rhythm Study 235 236 Compound Time Checklist Counting System y Count sixteenths - Tap eighths..... Date Completed 2) 3) 4) Count eighths - Tap eighths. (1) Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters.. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters... Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters.J. = 90-100 237 238 1) 2 3) 4) + Compound Time Checklist Counting System m.m. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.... Date Completed Count eighths - Tap eighths.. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters.. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters... 239 240 2) 3) 4) Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths............ Count eighths - Tap eighths.... Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters... Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. ‘Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. = Date Completed 0 7580 50-60 O 0-70 O 7-80 D 80-90 3 90-100 eee ees i es sk Rhythm Study o 1isi24 3 4 241 242 » 2) 3) 4) Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.... Date Completed Count eighths - Tap eighths.. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. = 243 244 » 2) 3) 4) 5) Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. = Compound Time Checklist Counting System ‘Count sixteenths - Tap eighths. Count eighths - Tap eighths.. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters... mm. Date Completed 100 FRR A AA A AT) 50 ery 47 46 245, 246 a 3) 4) >» Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths. Count eighths - Tap eighths.. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. ‘Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters.J. = Date Completed Oo a ene ee rest es tig Rhythm Study oO 247 248 » a 3) 4) sO Compound Time Checklist Counting System Count sixteenths - Tap eighths........... Date Completed Count eighths - Tap eighths... oa 8 g Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters.J. = [[] 50-60 249 250 y 2 3)) 4) Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths... Count eighths - Tap eighths.. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. Date Completed ee 251 Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1) Count sixteenths - Tap eighths...... 2)1 Count eighths - Tap eighths... 3)(1 Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters... 4) Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters.. 5) (1 Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. 252 Seapets eee melee meee ree eet wee) ee) ee ee ee ee eee Rhythm Study o 1+ 24 3 4 253 Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed 1)C1 Count sixteenths - Tap eighths. 2){] Count eighths - Tap eights. 3) Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters... 4)01 Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters.. 5) Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. O 90-100 254 255 256 2 3) 4) Compound Time Checklist Counting System Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.... Count eighths - Tap eighths. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters.. Date Completed 258 1)(C) Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.. - 20 3) 4 5) Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Date Completed Count eighths - Tap eighths. - Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. ‘Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. = 260 1) 2 3) 4) Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters... Compound Time Checklist Counting System Count sixteenths - Tap eighths........ Count eighths - Tap eighths... Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. mm, Date Completed 5)(] Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. J. = 60-65 65-70 10-75 o0 75-80 60-70 90-100 261 262 2) 3) 4) Ss Compound Time Checklist Counting System Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.. Count eighths - Tap eighths. Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters......J. = Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters.. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. Date Completed pa 40 FR 2B A 22D Ae 263 Compound Time Checklist Counting System Date Completed 1) C1 Count sixteenths - Tap eighths.... 2) Count cighths - Tap eighths..... 3)L1 Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters. 4) Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters... 5) Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters.J. = 50-60 90-100 264 P74) CPS. q ch Tr 10 TS = SS — f-T-4 7 FI4 S| eo 26 265 266 ) 2 3) 4) >» Compound Time Checklist Counting System mm. Count sixteenths - Tap eighths... 80-100 Date Completed 100-120 120-140 140-160 160-180 Count eighths - Tap eighth... 100-120 120-140, 140-160 160-180 ‘Count sixteenths - Tap dotted quarters......J. = Count eighths - Tap dotted quarters. Count dotted quarters - Tap dotted quarters. Bs oe FRR 267 268 a a ia a i ee erry ss estas Hs ar -I4 rs 135 rian ns 269 270 eee aes i ea es ee Acknowledgements I would like to thank the entire faculty and staff of M.1. (Musicians Institute). I consider it an honor and a pleasure to have been associated with these great musicians and educators for the past seventeen years. A special thanks to my first and most influential teacher, Dave Bournazian ("Mr. B"); a great educator, friend and mentor to thousands during his 30 plus years of teaching. For their technical support I would like to thank Alexis Sklarevski, Bobby Gabriele, David Oakes, Ed Zajac, Bruce Buckingham, Jeff Steele and Frank Ayrado. Their phone numbers and willingness to help out the "computer illiterate” were among my most valuable assets during the long hours working on this project. This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife Val, and my terrific son Brandon, who give me love and inspiration on a daily basis. 271 SSS Z_ LLL Srpoves for Elect Bass Advanced Scale Concey + ‘& Licks for Guitar a Lert ‘pon ar Bt oes BoD ik sn Perse eons 1 Es {apse Rok Pack 5295 renga Basic Blues Guitar Socal Coancpe. pases ooos03 $995 ene eons ie {eps Boe Pc 3235 Bmotemenaee Creative Chord Sh: Heil Spomerina PS (0095170 Boo Pack. 95 Praesens 00695172 Book/CD Pack 95, Diminished Scale for Guitar Spon tar tad Ra ons si295 Coops Roa ck 95 GGultar Basis Musicians = Gute ec Ooo Boa ah sags 5 es Institute Press ¢), Salsa Hanon Guitar Hanon roe Den by rier Dom Seer the official series of Southern owsssz1 eee sss Guta soloing oe “bert BSraallan Coordination for Drumset California's renowned music school, 22mmitet tb ats yasmin for (00695190 Book/CD Pack $1795 ‘Master Clase fa $495 Musicians Institute. 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