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MANAGEMENT FOUCATION & RESEARCH INSTITUTE MASTERS IN COMPUTER APPLICATION MID-TERM EXAMINATION (SEPTEMBER: 2014) SEMESTER V (BATCH 2012-15) MEA 498) SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT Time: 14 he, ManiMarksi3¢ Attempt all, QLExplain the following concepts in brief uJ a) Zoro Defect software )) Software quality and its attributes ce) Me Call’s Quality Model d) SQA Issues ~ Q2. What is Software Review? Explain various types of Sofware reviews? 4) : Q3. Explain how Software Quality Assurance iy different fron Sofware Quality : (0) (8) Cec¢ed¢se » » » CH INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEAR' Master of Computer Application (MCA) 2" Mid Term Examination-November 2014 Semester V (BATCH 2012-15) MCA 333 Software Quality Management Max. Marks -30 Time-1.5 Hr Q1. Write a short note on: 2x3 a) Configuration Management b) Version Control Q2. Explain the Ishikawa's seven basic tools 8 2+6 Q3. Define software testing and various level of software testing, Q4, Explain the categories of defects and its relationship with software 8 development phases. MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEARCH INSTITUTE MASTERS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SEMESTER V BATCH 2012-2015 _ Reappear Examination — November, 2014 : MCA 333: SQM Time: 1% hr. Max.Marks:30 Attempt all the questions Q1. Differentiate the following: 3*4=12 can be performed on the defect data? 5 ce of defect trend analysis? How will you ressed and closed? (Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Time: 5 pear s Subject: Softwai "Quality Management oe —F— Note: Attempt any Ql Write short notes on the following:- (4x3-12) (a) Types of testing. (b) Error reporting. (c) SQA techniques. Q2 (a) What is SQA? Give the major SQA activities. (6) (b) Give the relationship of assurance to Software life cycle. (6) Q3 (a) Explain Ishikawa’s seven basic quality tools for quality control. _(6) (b) Explain software quality and various view on quality with neat diagram. (6) (a) Describe in brief the steps of defect analysis. (6) {b) Write short note about Regression techniques and its usefulness. (6) Explain configuration management and its components. Why it is required during modification? (6) Explain the defect removal effectiveness. (6) short note on version control. (6) tiate between Software Quality Assurance and Software Control. (6) e various levels of testing? Who does testing? (6) n pet code inspection and walkthrough, and state the (6) “apakes Explain in detail with the help of an (8) matrix? Explain with ae (Pease write your Beam Rett Ne. Beam Roll No. END TERM EXAMINATION Furre Smurstsx [MCA] Decewssn-2012 Paper Code: MCA333 ‘Subject: Software Quality Management Set: S Bows Maximum Marks :60 Note: Attempt any five questions a) What is the use and an example b) Consider the following Library L ‘member retums an overdue book, the LIS software computes the penalty charge and pein a bill towards the fine payable by the i) What ace the various metivities oiflowet ix comdiigunanion crane nt Expats them wi detail ® b) What 1s the se of softer itramses:” @ ¢) Define Cost of Quality. Ditiierentate erween prevention. appeal, ann faihure costs @) 6 4) What is the importance of deticct mend analysis” Perform defect tretnt analysis based on the Sullowing dun using quality wols (make suggestions KY process improvement based on the feillowing dana: = eM) rie Yee Bxam Rott No, exam Roll Mo, ENp TERM EXAMINATION 1TH 8) Paper Code: mcaaag cc a ener cence peda Management | co bs Maximum Marks :60 Not. ] ittempt any five questions. : Q.1 Write short note on: 4x3 r a) Boehm Model b) Regression Testing ©) Version Control Q.2.a) Explain in detail Cyclomatic complexity. Explain how itis used in deriving the logical complexity of a program, 8 b) What is the role of CMM. * Q.3 a) Explain in detail about CASE tools. 6 : b) Explain software quality and various view on quality with neat diagram. 6 . Q.4 a) What does software audit review means, Discuss the objectives and participants. 6 b) Explain structure metrics in detail. Q. 5. a) What is code inspection. What are some important defects that can be detected? 6 b) Explain the defect removal effectiveness. 6 Q6 McCall suggest that simplicity, modularity, instrumentation and self descriptiveness are software quality criteria that is internal characteristics that promote external quality testability. (). Explain each of the above four criteria. 4 (I). Describe the possible measures for each of the criteria, 4 (IID). Describe the possible ways in which the measures could be assessed. 4 Q.7. a) Explain in detail about the Rayleigh model, 6 b) Explain about Software Quality Assurance for a software. 6 premier company namely “ Hi-Tech solution” located in 10 cities in India and 2 in USA. eh ISO certified organization. The product of company is dealing with e-Governance, ; anagement and data back up solutions. Kindly illustrate different MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEARCH Myst tt PAASTERS INN COMPUTER ppPiCeTiON | MID-TERIA EXAMINATION (SEPTEMBER - 2945 SEMESTER Y (BATCH 20; is) IACA 333: SOFTWARE QUALITY (AsauaGtantier _— saath clini Os es Mestre Answer any THREE questions: Q1. Briefly explain the concepts of Quality, Discuss the various attcloutes of software quality. ae, a2. A) What is meant by Zero Defect Software? Disowss, s B) How is software assurance related to the Software (Me Cydia? (5) Q3. Briefly explain Code inspection and Configuration hudas. (S519) (9) Q4, Explain Software Test Planning and conduct. MANAGEMENT EDUCATION & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Master of Computer Application (mca) Ul MID-TERM EXAMINATION (November - 2015) SEMESTER V (BATCH 2013-16) MCA 333 Software Quality Management Max. Marks -30 Time-1.5 Hr Instructions: ‘ion lis AN rest. 1. Explain the following (any two): : a) McCall's Model b) Boehm model <) CMM Model of them with their advantages and 2. st the quality tools and explain any three ae disadvantages. (Please write your Kxam Rott No.) Qi Q4 5 Explain the followin, i i (a) SPICE 2 quality standards in brief: (4x3=12) (b) Mc Call Model (c) Six Sigma (a) Differentiate between Software Quality Assurance and Software Quality Control. (6) (b) Define the cost of quality. (6) (a) What are different views of quality as specified by Gravin? (6) (b) What is the importance of documentation in maintaining the quality of software? (6) (a) Explain the concept of software inspection, walkthrough, review and audit process. (6) (b) Explain different maturity levels of CMM. (6) (a) Differentiate between s-teting and regression testing. What - age What are various way’ n

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