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INTRODUCTION Black clouds swirled around the ‘curious, dog shaped peak and loomed over the pass. A flurry of white, hard ground and on the lurk. green nase as he stood at the moutl of the cave shrine. ‘Gooor! I's freezin’ me bits oft ae tha gold maggits and pus- burners, fer spog's sake? | don’ fink 1's propa shrine at all-l ‘This last comment was aimed at the Goblin huddled miserably fn the cave mouth, He turned, spat 2 juicy lump of something. ‘Unmentionable at the mural of Sigmar Hwwwrkk! bet them scumbag Ores found somfink in the stunties place... And I bet its ‘more warmer and stuff in there aan all. Gletch it, if we ‘old out ttl spring we'll be awtrite Across the valley from the Holy Cave."them scumbag Ores) ‘watched from the walls of the captured Dwarven outpost Wosat over there, boss? roerag, or I'l stuff it up yah “The belll The bell! - THE BELL WHAT? “RING ITH Say ‘Please’... Ooofifittit” ‘The sound of the bell drifted across the snow covered ground, to where Caran Crazak urged his Dwarven warriors forward BI@DD ON THI SON “Let them ring their bell, for it marks their passage to Hell ‘There they will be crushed on Geungni's mighty anvil until the ‘end of time “Such isthe deserved fate of filth that dares to attack a Dwarven ‘outpost, We are the instruments of revenge!” Caran glanced backwards to check that the tribal bard had properly noted his epic speech. Then he looked to his lft, “iquinting through the spinning snow for a glimpse of the faster moving human force. There. Good, He made a dramadic gesture for the benefit of the bar's history and lead his troops onward. Sabvine Fiestlenburger, leader of the Human troops, seethed with a steady hatred for those unclean creatures that had profaned one of her Cults holy places, She shifted the warhammer in hes hands. Sova, soon it would taste Goblin blood and stain the snow with red ectrbution! The Format ‘The Outline gives the Gamemaster the background leading up t0 the battle and describes the situation existing atthe start of the confrontation, The Forces are listed in standard War: Dammer Fantasy Battle terms, with any special rules that are needed for specific units. ‘Terrain gives a description of the scenery and other features on the wargames able, while Locations provides details on specific places in the battle area Starting the Game explains the set up procedure and how to begin tte battle. The Vietory Conditions cover the other decisive point of battle= the end and its aftermath, including, the all: Important paint of who actually won! Finally, he Special Rules cover unusual situations in this Scenario. Scenery Inower wo run ths cena you wil nx a selection of scenery to represent woods, hedges and walls, buildings, the river and the hills snow drifts must also he represented. Most of the scenery can be represented by pieces of differemt coloured card or cloth. Hills can easily be made out of polystyrene tiles painted green or brown, Snow drifts are best represented by pieces of white card or cloth. ‘Two of the buildings in this scenario have been released as cand ‘models in the Warhammer Batle Pack, McDeath, Card models have also been released in previous Warhammer Scenario Pucks, Blood Batb at Ore's Drift and the rest. If you own these you shoulda’: have any problems using buildings from tiem 28 they stand or with some suitable adaptation. Buildings can also be Scratch built out of caed of merely represented by small cardboard boxes stich as Tummly sized! oF cook's matchboxes. Ifyou plan to play the part of a commander in this battle, stop reading here - the rest of the information is for the gamemaster only, QUTLINE Ths battle takes place at on the Imperial side of the Black Mountains at the foot of the small Dog Peak Pass. This is tthe west of the much larger and better known Black Fire Pass. ‘Some 2500 years ago Black Fire Pass was the location of one of the most important battles inthe history of the Empire. Here Sigmar Heldenhammer decisively routed the Goblin hordes, ‘ending the Dwarf-Goblin war that had been niging for 1500 years, ‘This victory resulted im the founding of The Empire when all the tubes swore fealty to Sigmar For more details see Warhammer Fantasy Roteplay's The Enemy Within pp8-9 and ppl9-21). ‘When the Cult of Sigmar became popular many shrines commemorating the battle were built in the surrounding area, The -most important of these is in Black Fire Pas itself, but one of the minor shrines was built ina cave at the foot of Dog Peak Pass, Legend has it that Sigmar rested in the very cave where the shring ‘was built before the battle - several other shrines also have equally ‘200d claims t this honour! However, the cave is one of the holy places of the Cult and in the winter months many pilgrims make an anhuous trek to the cave. usually as just one stop on a "merit seeking’ tour ofall the Cults sacted sites Sited near the holy cave isa small outpost garrisoned by detachment of Dwarfs. For many years there had been no trouble {in the area and so the gartison had gradually been allowed to ‘dwindle to minimal levels. The troops became complacent and ‘even started to farm the nearby land to supplement their rations and as 4 more worthwhile and interesting alveenative than keeping ‘watch on tse Pass, Te price for this lax behaviour has now been paid. Some wo ‘months ago, in the middle of the month of Brauzeit, a force of Goblins and Ores swept through Dog Peak Puss, They easily defeated the unprepared outpost and captured the shrine ‘The first snows fell a month ago, and with the snows on Dog Peak Pass came the pilgrims (9 the Holy Cave of Sigmar Heldenhammer The frst group of pilgrims sensed that something. was wrong - perhaps the fare-blackened walls of the outpost and the Dwarven heads mounted on its battlements aleeted them - and they tumed back to raise the alarm, It's now the middle of Ulriczeit and a force has heen raised 10 drive the Goblinoids out of the pass. Although a winter campaign imveans considerable hardship the forees of evil can't be allowed 2 breathing space in which to establish themselves on this side of ihe Pass FORCES ‘The forces involved in the battle have been split into four ‘commands, Ina four player game each player takes one command In a three player game the most experienced player should tke command of both the Ores and the Goblins. The other players should take one of each of the remaining commands, Ina two player game one player commands the Humans and the Dwarves, the other commands both the Ores and the Goblins, In this situation the player should be told not to have the Goblins attack the ex Dwarven outpost. I's hardly fair t expect someone to be objective about attacking their own forces! ach section provides details of the troops belonging to a unit along with details of any leaders and special figures. There is also ‘notes on the aims of the commander of te unit: achieving these és the object ofthe battle anc! will seeure victory points, See the ‘Victory Conditions for further details. 13s important that each player reads only the details of his own foes. All other information is for the GAL only, who can give ‘each player any background from the Outline which is considered appropriate. Permission is granted 10 make photocopies (lor etsonal use only) of the relevant section of this scenario, These fan then be hanced eut to the army commanders ‘The Humans and Dwarfs move in the same turn, as do the Ores and Goblins. Ifthe Ores and Goblins atuck each other they should rolls dice to devermine who moves first each turn. A tied dice roll means thar they move at the same time. giving the possibility of ‘both getting a charge bonus if they change each other atthe same CARAN CRAZAK'S DWARVEN DETACHMENT Commander's Brief When news reached your stronghold that the outpost at Dog Peake Fo Pass had been taken by 2 horde of hated Goblins and Orcs there was an uproar, for your hold supplied the troops to garrison the contpost. ‘The deaths of your comrades must be avenged, the outpost freed from the taint of Goblinoid occupation and, if any remain alive, the Dwarven prisoners and their battle standard taust be liberated, Despite the appalling weather (it s now winter) you set out for Dog Peak Pass. The walls of the outpost are now in sight, after 2 hand journey through the snow covered waste - and deep snow drifts are especially hard on people of Dwarven stature? This isthe frse rime you have been chosen to lead an expedition, and you are anxious to do well. On the way to the Pass you have met up wlth a detachment of Humans going in the ‘ame direction and Oa similar mission. While happy to have thele support (they are lead by a devotee of Sigmar, a God friendly rowards Dwarfs). itis important for your future career thatthe flor goes to you and. In particular, you and your troops should fetake the oupost And now you can sce thatthe battlements of your target are decorated with a gory fil of mangled and bloody heads ~ Dwarven heads! Caran Crazak - Dwarven Minor Hero ‘They have reported that the Dwarven outpost - and the Holy Cave of Sigmar Heldenhammer within the valley - have been over run by foul Ores and Goblins! ‘The Cult of Sigmar (of which you are a Cleric), is incensed by this outrage. You have been chosen to lead a group of Humans on 4 punitive expedition 10 recapture the Holy Cave and punish those guilty of ts desecration. ‘While traveling to the Pass through the foul winter weather you have encountered a detachment of Dwarfs (with whom your Cit ‘maintains friendly relations) bent on recapcuring the overrun Dwarven outpost, You have gone forward together in your desire for revenge! Now the Pass i insight and you can sce the outpost aheid. Soon the Goblins will pay the price for their trespass - the ‘only price for such creatures: death! You are 2 fanatical follower of Sigmar Heldenhammer and are {grateful for this opportunity to prove your worth £6 the Cule. You ‘will lead your troops to glory on the feld of battle and carve a ‘name for yourself in history by your heroic deeds. Glory fo Sigmar! Sabine Heistlenburger - Level 2 Cleric of Sigmar Mlws[as[s [rw] 1 [a [iafine ci[wr] sla lstatate elatate mfws[asls [x [wr [a [talind cal we) sbepstetst2 lst? pops bio) 1 Caran wears chainmail and uses a shield, giving an armour saving throw of $ or 6. This armour also ives a movement penalty of %% ceducing his movement allowance to 2%". Caran wields 4 magic axe which increases his /ttiative by 3 points to 7 ‘while he holds the weapon, Caran isan individually based figuee and can atch himself 10 any unit of Dwaris he desires Dwarfs - 50 warriors ™M [ws[es|s [a fw stats tstati tz “These ate split imto nits as follows: 20 Dwarfs are armed with axes (hand weapon), wearing chain ‘mail and carrying shields. ‘This armour gives an armour saving. throw of $ or 6and a movement penalty of "resulting in a ‘movement allowance of 215" 20 Dwarfs armed with axes and crossbows, wearing chain mail ‘The chain gives an armour saving throw of and no movement penalty 10 Dwarfs armed with spear wearing chain mail and carrying shields, This armour gives an armour saving throw of § or 6 and ‘confers a movement penalty of %", giving movement rate of Dwarven Champions M [ws] Bs! sistapata wit [cil we) apstitetsfere ach of the three units above is led by a Champion armed and. sarmoured in the same fashion as the unit SABINE HEISTLENBURGER'S HUMAN TROOPS Commander's Brief A group of would-be pilgrims has returned from Dog Peak Pass. Constitution Points: 20 Sabine does not wear armour and wields a warhammer (hand weapon). Clerics of Sigmar are dedicated to the unity of the Empire, aiding Dwarls, and killing Goblinoids, Asa Cleric of Sigmar Sabine has the ability 19 make two attacks pet day with her warhammer at an effective Strengib of 10. This, bility is known as ‘the Hammer of Sigmar’ (for more information See The Enemy Wibin) Clerics of Sigmar use Battle magic in exactly the same way 28 ‘Winards, Sabine can cast 1.2 Cause Antmosity (4) US Cue Light Infary 3) LA Fire Ball (1 per Fire Ball) 24 Cause Panic (5) 25 Holet Figbe (4) 27 Mystic Mase 1) ‘The bracketed numbers are the energy costs of each spell Sabine is an individually based figure, and caq be attached to any Human unit Homans - 50 Warriors wm iws[as] s [r[w[r [a ata aha ial “These warriors are split into the following units: 20 Humans wielding swords, wearing chain mail and carrying shields. This armour gives an armour saving throw of § or 6 and a ‘movement penalty of %", Their movement allowance is thus 3%”, 20 Humans with long bows and swonds. They are wearing chain ‘mail, which gives an armour saving threw of 6. Theres 90. ‘movement penalty 10 Humans using two-handed swords and wearing plate mai “This armour gives an armoue saving throw of 5 oF 6. It also gives a 4" movement penalty, resulting in a movement rate of 314" Homan Champions afustasts rte la Ta ltalin a aielatatrstitetitais tis Each of the above units is led by a Champion armed and armoured 10 the same standard as the unit comma S(]})) GRUZK BLOODGOBBLER'S ORC HORDE Commander's Brief You're the most brllist Ore leader ‘wots dunn in the mostest Stunties ever! Mor wt, well, mor'un you id shake et dese rat ‘that's ow many! Coar! Zo, when you came down the Pass - an all on yer oun (apart from a few, some. welll, « borde 0' the lads) the wimpy stunties was plowing a bleedin’ field’ 1 was a piece of sandwich... errr, cake. dat's if, cake capturing tbeir outpost and killin’ mast of ‘em aad lockin” up the otbers, How you laffed and laffed! Stoooptd stunties! Well, awrite, them Gobbos helped a bit - but it was mostly Jou what dun 1 AIl that matters now #8 to keep old of the ‘outpost, and nos le ube stunties ger 1 back Them Gobbos are welcome to the cave wot they capttered as long as they don't try ion. This here outpost 8 ours.” Yours! And they or arty stoopid stunties aint gettin’ tt! Nab! With the stunties wot are locked up in the cellar ts their battle standard fingy Ugly wotsit, all sorta. clean. Lrrk! If ou bas fo run away... retreat... erm, taktikie wifdrall is woe ‘Dosh berks say.. take t wif you! Else the rest of the tribe won't never believe wot sou duns... They's stooopid tool! You are 2 foul and blooutthirsty creature, hence your name. ‘There's nothing you enjoy move than 4 lightly toasted wart Humans are a palatable alternative, althouigh they do tend to be a bie inspid Gruzk Bloodgobbler - Ore Minor Hero GRRE EEE Tips ‘Gruzk is armed with a sword and is wearing plate mail with a shield. This armour gives an armour saving throw of 4, 5 or @ but also gives a movement penalty of 1"; Gruzk therefore has 3 movement rate oF 3 ‘Whilst Gruzk stands on the battlements of the outpost, he can throw a bound Dwarf over the wall during the shooting phase, As the Dwarf rolls down the hill t-will pick up snow and turn into a ‘lant snowball. This can be done only once pet turn. The effects Of these snowballs are detated in the Special Rules section, ask vour GM to explain them (o you. Gruzk has three ready-bound Dwvarts with him on the battlements, and these constitu his, supply for the battle ‘Gruzk is an individually based figure, and can be atached to any. ore unit Orcs - 60 Warriors ‘The Ores ae split io three units 20 Ores with swords, chain mail and shields, This armour gives an armour saving throw of § or 6, and a movement penalty of !s” ‘Theic movement allowance is 34%" 20 Ores with swords and normal bows, wearing chain mail, The chain mail gives an armour suving throw of 6 and no movement penalty. 20 Ores with spears. These wear chain mail and carry shiclds, giving an armo ur saving throw of 5 or 6 and a movement penalty SF 8 thus reducing them to's movement alowance of 3% ‘Ore Champions lw Trlw[1 [a [ialiad cree stata tata tatiteiststs Fach unit is led by a Champion armed and armoured in the same manner as the ordinary tops ‘Ore Level 1 Wizard M [ws[p ala lata T{ wii [alual 4 7 Constitution Points: 10 “The Ore wizard carries a sword and! wears no armour. He can use the following spells: 14 Fire Ball (1 pee Fire Bat?) 18 Stead Mind (4) 110 Wind Brast (2) “The bracketed figure i the enemy cost of the spel ‘wizard is an individually based figure and can be (Ore unit a8 desired, BOGROT SNOTBRUMM'S ‘(GOBLIN SLAUGHTERERS ‘Commander's Brief Yous and your brill’ band of slorterers showed them stunties who was the bestist when you ripped em apart and captured the stinking boly cave ‘The Ore If you can bold out bere til! the weather gets better you'l be able to rampage into the Empire liself and get lots n° lotsa Iluverty toot. Brill All you ve got to do ts fight off anybody wot 4798 £0 shift you. This ‘ere cave might be a beedin’ bote, but 1's ‘ome for the tine bein ! Mind, them stinkén’ Ores wot was with you when the stuntie outpost was captured are bogging tt 10 themselves, mfzrable gits Gabbb! Even worsest than tbat, the big scumbags aren't letting ou eat any of the stunties wot they captured - wif your lp, 0 So, you have decicled that the only way to keep warm and well fed is to try and take over the outpost. Orcs are (ough, $0 you'll have to be clever about No protem at all Goblins fs ded brainy? Bogrot Snotbrumm - Goblin Major Hero fo fustasts tr fwl iT 4 Tialind cil w G stalats 4 1 Bogrot wields 4 two-handed cleaver and is dressed in chain ‘mail. The chain gives an armour saving throw of 6, and 80 ‘movement penalty. Bogrot is an individual model, and ean attach ‘himself to any Goblin unit that he chooses. ‘Goblin Wolf Riders - 12 Warriors Goblins Mm [ws[es] s [Tw] 1 alia wr] Gizistststitetitst ts] The goblins wield swords and are wearing chatomail, This 74 OER EE armour, coupled with the bonus for being mounted troops, gives a Saving throw of Sor 6 volves (aclwslas se Tw Ta Ta alin et eee Se Goblins - 65 Warriors f B tlw Bees a 4 These goblins are spl a lws| LT? {nto units as Follows: 25 Goblins using swords, wearing chain mail and carcying, shields. This gives them an armour saving throw of 5 or 6, but a ‘movement penalty of "This unit has a movement allowance of 3H 20 Goblins equipped with spears, chainmail and shields. They also have an armour saving throw of § of 6 and a movement Atlowance of 3" thanks to the semour's Ys" movement penalty 20 Goblins with normal bows and swords and wearing chainmail. The chainmail gives a saving throw of 6, but m0 ‘movement penalty, Goblin Champions ™ [ws[ps]s [T[ wl 1] asalind ca] wr} ai3tatata tr Lists A Tour of the Orc units are lead by a Champion equipped in the same manner as his unit Goblin Stone Thrower {and Crew) Stone Thrower M [ws] T [wl] A [ial ing! cl we} *Totstetetstotitotororo + 1° per crewman pus maximum of 1 For the full ales on Stone Throwers se¢ the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Combat Book, p50 ‘The Crew M fws[us['s Tr 1 [A fialind cower 2 24 “The crew consist of three Goblins armed with swords, They have no armour, but are lead by a Goblin Minor Hero Goblin Minor Hera o fws[us[s [7 [wl [a [ralind cll we) ititsTatst2 tetatetsteis) The figure is equipped with a sword, chainmail and a shield, This gives an armour saving throw of 5 or 6, but a movement penalty of 4%, hence the Hero's movement allowance of 39: Minor Hero will only supervise the stonethrower wail tis in position. He will then leave it and join the main battle. He ean be stached to any Goblin unit, The TERRAIN ‘The Troutbeck river flows west out of the pass and then curves south, Itis flanked by two hill The northern hill has a wooded top, and half way down its southeast side isthe dark opening of the Holy Cave of Sigmar Across the valley, neat the top of the aorthern flank of the other hill is the Dwarven outpost. The outpost consists ofa basic keep ‘of stone swith creneliated walls. Almost due west of the Outpost f= ‘2 bridge across the Troutbeck. North of this bridge & the walled farm that the Dwarfs were tending. The farm has-a pair of small sod buildings attached to it A-small area of woods to the north ‘west ofthe farm completes the underlying terrain, However, a8 itis winter snow has been falling All che ground is, ‘covered with a layer of snow that has been blown about, forming thick drifts in places. These are marked on the battlefield plan, LOCATIONS The Farm This comprises a walled field and 2 pair of sonall, sod buildings. ‘The stone wall has Toughness 7 and Wounds 5 per 4” section and, ‘counts as hard cover and 3s an obstacle. The buildings each have Tougémess 6 and Wounds 5; both also have light wooden doors ‘whiels can be bolted from the inside. Suitable models for these Dbuildings can he found in the MfcDeath scenario pack The Outpost ‘This stone building is 6" square and the walls are 5” high. The top ‘of the walls are crenellated, and provide hard cover for anything behind! them. There isa walkway around the top of the wall, with ladders up to on either side of gateway: The inside of the ‘outpost an open, cobbled, courtyard with a trapdoor (Unlocked) im the southeast comer. This leads down to two living rooms and 4 stonage cellar The door to the cellar i bolted from the outside ‘The four walls of the outpost each count as a separate building section each with Toughness 7 and Wounds 10. The northwestern, Side of the ourpost has a gateway 2” wide, although the gate inself was destroyed during the Ores’ attack, In the bolted cellar are eight Dwarfs, the survivors from the assault who have yet to be eaten, They have ao armour oF ‘weapons, but will fight if equipped ~ and by the time they are seached there should be plenty of spare weapons around! To simplify the running of any battle in the ourpost the GM. should make up a set of simple floor plans. These can then be placed on another table and the troops involved transferred to them. Only 2 representative model af the outpost i then needed ‘on the table The Holy Cave of Sigmar “The cave mouth is 5" wide and the cave extends into the hillside for 10°, widening to 6” ar ls deepest point. The walls of the cave have now-cefced murals of Sigmar's exploits. Dotted around the floor are assorted broken bits of religious paraphernalia. It is gloomy in the eave and ereatures without night vision (ie the Humans) fight at-1 on their ‘to hit rolls The Troutbeck River ‘The river is 2° wide and fast flowing under its covering of ice. Any eran Ss 75 BL@D ON THE ‘unit chat attempts to eross the ice will fall through on a roll of 1, 2 fr 3 0 a D6. Roll a further D6 to determine how many troops fall nto the river. Any troops who do fall into the Troutheck will be swept away and will either drown or dic of exposure. ‘The only safe way 10 Cross the river is to use the bridge. The Bridge “The stone bridge is 24" wide and has stone walls along its sides, ‘The walls count 28 hard cover and have Toughness 7 and Wounds 5 per 4” section. Woods All woods reduce movement by half and visibility is reduced to 2 Troops wishing to fire missiles out of woods must be Standing at the (recline edge, and are counted 2s being in soft ‘Troops further than 2” into a wood and 2” of more away From enemy troops may be assumed to be hidden and, after consultation with the GM, removed from the table. Figures ‘within 2” of the edge of a wood are only assumed hidden if they do not move during the «ura. Their position will be revealed if they move oF shoot, of if any enemy comes within 6" of the wood's edge, Hills ‘The hills count as difficult ground (half movement) and it is ‘Rot possible to charge up the slope of a hil Snowdrifts ‘These areas of deep snow count as fficult ground and reduce ‘movement by half. This penalty isin addition to any other due to tetriin, For cample, moving up a hill through a snow drift reduces movement ro one quarter of the normal rate STARTING THE GAME After laying out the battlefield as shown on the map the GM ‘Should give the players the details of their respective forces and deal with any queries that arise - in private if this scems necessary ‘The information about individual forces are for the commander Of that force only: Play is now ready to begi, Before the first eurn begins the Ore and Goblin leaders should dice {© see which of them is in contro! of the fara. The win ring player can, if desired, pkice some troops in the buildings oF bochind the farm walls. If they choose not to the farm is left uunoecupiedt SEQUENCE OF ACTION Tum | ‘The Human Commander deploys line marked Aon the map. roops anywhere along the Tom 2 Prior to turn 2 all the Ores are inside the outpost (except for any which may be im the farm), ‘The alarm bell sounds in the outpost atthe start of this turn, and the One leader can thea deploy all Ore troops in the outpost and along the top of the hill as desiced within their mowement allowance. At the end of this turn the Dwarfs can he deployed anywhere along line B, Tom 3 Troops already deployed may move as normal. The Goblins have Ss 76 wT been hudaling in the Cave of Sigmar all trying to find somewhere ‘warm! They and their Stone Thrower may move gut ofthe cave in this turn if their commander so desires, From this point onwards the commanders have complete control oftheir unis VICTORY CONDITIONS ‘Victory points should be awarded to each player according to the lists below Each player should be told what they will receive points for (without revealing anything about the enemy troops) before the start of play. They should be clearly aware of thei ‘objectives, Players are only awarded points for casualties inflicted by their own troops - no points are accrue for driving the enemy into someone else's killing ground. The GM must keep 3 record Of ‘cach side casualties - und who inflicted them - throughout the barete Caran Crazak's Dwarves: VPs +4 Outpost recaptured +4 Grurk Bloodgobbler slain +4 Bogrot Snotbeumm slain 424 On Wizard stain 42° Dwarven suundard recovered +2. Goblin Minor Fiero slain 42, Goblin Stonethrower captured 41% Each Ore Champion slain +1) Fach Goblin Champion slain PM Each Ore slain +¥ ach Goblin slain <# Outpost still in Goblinois hands 4 Caran Crazak slain 2 Dwarven standard lost 2—_Each dwarven champion slain SP ach dwarf sata Sabine Heistlenburger's Humans: WPs +6 Holy Cave recaptured +4 Gruzk Bloodgebbler slain +4, Bogrot Snocbrumm slain 22% Ore Wizard slain +2” Goblin Minor Hero slain +2 Goblin Stonethrower captured, 41M Each Ore Champion slain +L Faeh Goblin Champion slain +% Bach Ore shin +¥ Each Goblin slain “6 Holy Cave still in Goblinoid hands “$ Sabine Hestlenburger slain “% Each Human champion slain Sach Homan slain Gruzk Bloodgobbler's Ores: VPs +5 Sabine Hetstlenburger slain +4 Outpost still in Ore hands +4 Carin Cruzak stain 44° Bogror Snotbramm slain 42 Goblin Stonethrower capeured 42 Dwarven standard reniined +2 Each Dwarven Champion slain 42 Goblin Minor Hero slain 41M Each Human Champion slain G1 Bach Dwarf slatn +1 Each Goblin Champton stain $M Fach Human stain $M Each Goblin slain 4 Ouipost tot “4 Gruzk Bloodgobbler slain 2% Ore Wiaard slain +2, Dwarven standard lost “Iv Each Ore Champion slain SM Fach Ore shin Bogrot Snotbrumm's Goblins: VPs +5 Sabine Heistlenburger slain 24 Canm Cruze slain +4 Grauzk BMloodgobbler slain +3. Cavestill in Goblin hands +3, Hold oecupied by Goblins 42% Ore Wirand slain +2 Bach Dwarven Champion slain 1% Eich Ore sain +1 Fach Ore champion slain +1% Each human Champion slain +1) Each Dwart sla 3% Each Haman slain <4 Bogrot Snotbrumm stain 3 Cavelost “3 Hold not occupied by Goblins 2 lin Minor Hero slain +2 Goblin Stonethrower captured “1 Eich Gablin Champion Sin “He tach Goblin siain ‘These victory point lists are designed for use with a four player game. In a three player batile the Goblins clo not receive points for taking (or falling to take) the outpost. It is unfair and impractical to expecta player to deliberately set troops under his command against eachother However, the Ores and Goblins will eceive points for casualties lnflicted on each ether a8 3 result of Animosity. Once the victory points have been worked ost the Goblinoid commander divides the overall total by two before comparing It 10 those of the other wo players Ina two player game the sime procedure is followed, but each player adds up the points carat by their two commands to give the final total ‘The player with the most points at the end of the batt isthe tactical vitor regardless of the situation on the battlefield SPECIAL RULES Gruzk’s Snowballs AAs detailed above, Gruzk Bloodgobbler can throw bound Dwarfs ver the battlements of the outpost, These unfortun- ates oll down the hill w form huge. deadly snowballs. In order to be effective as a weapon the snowball must travel at least 1" from the base of the outpost wall. The snowball will always coll stright down the hill frog Gruzk’s Dwart-dropping point, The snowball will roll down the hill hopefully sweeping all before it) and run out of momentum and stop 6” away from the base of the hil Any unit in the path of the snowball can elect so dodge the ball by rolling under their (or their leader's) Juitiarive on 2 46+. A successful rol indicates that the uait has scattered to avoid the snowball, but it will be confused until the end of the next tuen, ‘The ball now proveeds to any other unit in its path}. AF the snowball hits a unit it will cause D3 Serengeb 4 hits, Roll to wound 2s normal although there is no saving throw for armour, Just in case you're interested, the Dwatf inside the snowball automatically suffocates. Dwarfs killed in this manner do not count for victory point purposes. Matt Connett TABLETOP PLAN & ‘THE FARM

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