Presentación de Proyecto en Idioma Ingles-Daniela Castillo

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1. Organice un documento en el formato de su preferencia donde
realizara las actividades de esta sección.

2. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “FIVE TIPS

FOR SUCCESFUL 3 FAVA - Formación en Ambientes Virtuales de
Aprendizaje Formato para Desarrollo de Evidencia PROJECT” que
se encuentra en la actividad de Proyecto 14: “Valorar el modelo de
comercialización de productos o servicios”. Observe el video que se
encuentra en la sección “Let’s listen”, Responda las preguntas,
escogiendo T para verdadero o F para falso. Tome capturas de
pantalla en las respuestas dadas, incluyendo al resultado final.
Agregue las capturas al documento.

3. Lea el documento contenido en la seccion “Let’s read” y complete

las preguntas de comprensión del texto.

Questions for the reading "5 tips for successful projects:

1. Why is it important for a successful project to have clear its

main purpose? List the information needed to get that purpose.

For a project to be successful, first of all it is necessary to be clear ab

out the main purpose, to have a direct approach that defines the scop
e of what you want to do, and to be concise and precise,
in the first instance plan actions in the face of an opportunity and eva
luate their feasibility.

 Analyze the industry and the market.

 Define the necessary actions, resources and organization.
 Anticipate and prevent obstacles and risks.
 Establish objectives to evaluate the progress of the project.
 Simulate the financial impact of the actions and resources used to ass
ess the viability of the company.

2. Name the types of stakeholders for a company.

Absolutely all companies have internal and external stakeholders, wit

hout whom the companies could not function.

Internal stakeholders
-Force of work
External stakeholders
-Local communities and general public

3. What are the Project Manager's responsibilities??

The project manager is the person to whom the company's head has a
ssigned the task of leading a team with the function of achieving obje
ctives. It is the person who has full responsibility for the planning an
d execution of any project. You may also be known as a project man
ager, manager, leader or Project manager.

4.What does WBS project mean and how does it work?

is a fundamental tool that consists of the hierarchical decomposition,

oriented to the deliverable, of the work to be executed by the project
team, in order to fulfill the project's objectives and create the require
d deliverables, where each descending level of the WBS represents a
definition with an increased detail of the project's work.

5.What does the following expressions mean "Project

Management is Not a Fire Extinguisher"?

This expression rules out the possibility that

Project management is a lifesaver for an established and declining co
mpany,but with this we can take for granted
which is the most organized way and the most accurate management
for a project, what is fundamental is to know how to implement it in
order to show the expected results.
4. En la sección “Vocabulary”, encuentre las palabras en la sopa de
letras y tome captura de pantalla de todas las palabras encontradas.

 Manager
 Plan
 Execute
 Supplier
 Goal
 Budget
 Sponsor
 Customer
5. Traduzca el proyecto que ha venido desarrollando desde el inicio de este
programa en el formato de su preferencia, mencionando los aspectos que ha
desarrollado hasta el momento. Agregue la traducción al documento.

The need of existence in the market of a mobile veterinary unit that

satisfies those people lacking time and resources when their pet is sick,
they want a service that is available at any time of day and in the comfort
of homes.
At present we are witnessing a growing demand for pet care in our society,
especially among adolescents and young people, which is increasing, as we
consider them as a member of our family
We propose to provide a mobile veterinary service to pets such as dogs and
cats, accessible to the entire population of the city of Bucaramanga,
Santander, Colombia since it is low cost. Taking into account the studies
carried out in previous projects is a viable proposal considering that this
market has increased in the country in recent years, people said that they
acquire it to help their pets as they are considered as members of their
family, this is how we consider that the mobile veterinary unit is an
innovative service, it would be the first in this region, economic and from
the comfort of their homes.
The mechanics would be to purchase insurance which should cancel a
monthly monetary payment between 25,000 and 35,000, this covers
monthly bath, 100% minimum disease, 50% diagnosed disease, 24 hours of
hospitalization, emergency care in the mobile veterinary unit, travel from
the house in the veterinary mobile unit, 50% of surgical procedures, 50% of
medicines acquired in the minimum and diagnosed disease, vaccination
control, routine checkups and 100% in drugs formulated as dewormers and

Veterinary Mobile Unit MI PET is a company focused on the provision of
Veterinary medical services, hairdressing for pets, which will contribute to
innovation, promotion and development of the sector dedicated to animal
welfare in Colombia. With our work team will be offered services based on
values and ethical principles of respect, responsibility and commitment.
Veterinary Mobile Unit MI PET will be a company that more than a service
It will provide an experience, establishing strong ties with our users, a
leader in the provision of veterinary medical services, mobile pet hair
Principles and values
The mobile unit will focus all the services offered, in a series of
Values that generate trust and satisfaction in owners and pets; achieving the
objectives set by the company.

In order to be constant, set goals and fight until you reach them.

Fundamental characteristic of the collaborators, which allows the taking of
actions when a situation occurs, regardless of whether this is positive or

To face the adversities that may arise

Availability to Change
Being willing to change will allow us to adapt to different environments
and situations, achieving beneficial adjustments for the company.

What would generate awareness in acting with the macotas and with the
company, focusing on the established guidelines and rules.

Promote the ability to understand that every day you learn something,
being willing to learn new techniques, knowing trends and being at the

Overall objective
Develop a business plan for the creation of an MI PET dedicated to the
commercialization of products and services for pets belonging to the
tertiary sector - pet subsector.

Specific objectives of the study

Marketing module. Develop market research based on conducting surveys

and ethnographic work to our target market.

Technical and operational module. Design a structured model for the

implementation of the service, the required infrastructure, and the purchase
plan of the MI PET.
Administrative and legal module. Determine the standards and laws
required for the applicability of MI PET and establish the organizational
structure and administrative costs of it.

Financial module. Determine the financial viability and define the costs
and expenses of the MI PET project.

Module related to advertising. Design advertising strategies for proper

brand management when launching, impact, retain and sustain the MI PET.
Create the corporate image of MI PET.

Definition of the sale or distribution system applied.

The form of sale
In this case, the type of distribution used is direct

Marketing channels
And the short channel.

The delegation of functions model

The collaborator in this case the receptionist is the one who will have the
direct contact with the final consumers as appointment schedule, payment
reminder and sale of products in general since we for some products will be
an indirect distribution channel since we will be retailer of their products.

The utility creation model for the consumer

The collaborator in this case the receptionist is the one who will have the
direct contact with the final consumers as appointment schedule, payment
reminder and sale of products in general since we for some products will be
an indirect distribution channel since we will be retailer of their products.

The utility creation model for the consumer

It is mainly the voice to voice for the excellent service provided to our
service, because it is not only providing attention if we do not give a
quality service and take advantage of this service.

Utility of place: it will be 100% for us since this will be done in the same
facilities and the mobile unit.

Utility of time: Efficiency in providing the service offered

Utility of form: to guarantee the efficiency since the owners are the same
administrators and 1 of the possible partners is one of the medical ones.
Usefulness of information: market studies and identification of the need.

The integral physical or logistic distribution

In relation to our veterinary mobile unit, logistics will be developed in
various areas: animal health programs, veterinary management as the
commercial part of veterinary medical products and services in all levels of
complexity and diversity specialties, industry and animal production, for
these services The different agents that act in the logistics of the veterinary
health system are: providers of medical equipment, chemical, therapeutic
and diagnostic products, veterinarians, specialists in health information
systems, clients / patients; etc. and as a strategy to constantly demand and
offer new services.
The highest logistics costs are those that are linked, directly or indirectly; to
stock, transportation and logistics management.
The veterinary clinical hospitals, from being focused on the functions, have
become organizations of welfare processes, and are in the process of being
Virtual organizations of veterinary health (electronic file, electronic
medical record, digital imaging in networks, electronic commerce, etc.),
therefore this situation leads us to conclude that the logistical means will be
more economical.

Proposal: distribution strategy

• Promotion strategies
• Advertising program
• Alliances and agreements
• Positioning of the mobile unit
• Quantify the perception of the service provided.

a) Free review
Give know the professionalism of the services Performing a check
on the pet where the owner can check the treatment given, the means
you have, the facilities, the professionalism of the veterinarians and
assistants that accompany you, the punctuality at the time to access
the query, among other aspects
b) 24-hour service 365 days a year "Emergency"
For those accidents or events that may take place outside the normal
opening hours of the veterinarians.
c) Home service
This with point 2 is a plus for those who are looking for comfort and
efficiency when caring for their macota, have their own vehicle,
proper maintenance and with the necessary equipment.

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