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To the Strongest!

Army Lists - Kingdoms of the East

These army lists have been written for use with the To the Strongest! wargames rules;
this booklet includes the armies of Alexander, his Successors and their enemies.

The lists here are what I call "basic" lists to get players going. The use of the lists is
explained more fully in the rules.

The lists are designed to produce armies in the 100-160 point range. Most of the army
lists will include a small number of units drawn from the list's potential allies. If a
larger allied contingent is desired, then the best way to tackle this is to build a
separate contingent from the appropriate army list of the allies. In this case the player
will, in effect, each build their own slightly smaller army, and the total agreed points
value should be adjusted up to around 200 points (or perhaps a little more).

A template has been provided to help you design a list of your own. If you do make a
list up, or have comments on any of the lists I have provided, please mail me as
simonmiller60@gmail .com. I'd be very happy to answer any questions and may be able
to add your list to this sheet for others to use.

These lists are free and can be downloaded from BigRedBat's shop, which can be
found at, where the rules are also sold. To see how I intend
the lists to look like eventually, see the Polybian list in the shop.

Each week I add several new army lists, and the best way to hear about the latest
updates is to like the "To the Strongest!" Facebook site at:

© Simon Miller, 2016

3/10/2016 - Today I retired the old "generic" Successor list and added five new army
lists, coivering the early Successor period - Asiatic , Eumenid , Lysimachid , Antigonid
and Ptolemaic Successors. I also edited some of the other lists to bring them into line.
If you have any suggestions or spot any errors, please email me. I have also extended
the use of the rhomphaia in the Thracian list and in contingents fighting in other
armies. Huge thanks to Justin Vorhis for correcting these lists, especially my Greek!
I've also edited the Indian list, adding extra elephants and reducing the number of raw
To the Strongest! Army Lists - Kingdoms of the East

These army lists have been written for use with the To the Strongest! wargames rules;
this booklet includes the armies of Alexander, his Successors and their enemies.

The lists here are what I call "basic" lists to get players going. The use of the lists is
explained more fully in the rules.

The lists are designed to produce armies in the 100-160 point range. Most of the army
lists will include a small number of units drawn from the list's potential allies. If a
larger allied contingent is desired, then the best way to tackle this is to build a
separate contingent from the appropriate army list of the allies. In this case the player
will, in effect, each build their own slightly smaller army, and the total agreed points
value should be adjusted up to around 200 points (or perhaps a little more).

A template has been provided to help you design a list of your own. If you do make a
list up, or have comments on any of the lists I have provided, please mail me as
simonmiller60@gmail .com. I'd be very happy to answer any questions and may be able
to add your list to this sheet for others to use.

These lists are free and can be downloaded from BigRedBat's shop, which can be
found at, where the rules are also sold. To see how I intend
the lists to look like eventually, see the Polybian list in the shop.

Each week I add several new army lists, and the best way to hear about the latest
updates is to like the "To the Strongest!" Facebook site at:

© Simon Miller, 2016

3/10/2016 - Today I retired the old "generic" Successor list and added five new army
lists, coivering the early Successor period - Asiatic , Eumenid , Lysimachid , Antigonid
and Ptolemaic Successors. I also edited some of the other lists to bring them into line.
If you have any suggestions or spot any errors, please email me. I have also extended
the use of the rhomphaia in the Thracian list and in contingents fighting in other
armies. Huge thanks to Justin Vorhis for correcting these lists, especially my Greek!
I've also edited the Indian list, adding extra elephants and reducing the number of raw
es rules;

ists is

he army
If a

e player

make a
y be able



nto line.
r of raw
Army list template

Unit type Number

Attached general on foot
Upgrade from foot to mounted
Upgrade to detached
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Upgrade to brilliant
Cavalry/chariots/camelry javelin
Cavalry/chariots/camelry bow
Heavy chariots javelin
Mounted Units Knights
Later knights
Light cavalry/chariots/camelry, javelin
Light cavalry/chariots/camelry bow/light xbow
Scythed chariots
Elephants African/Indian 7+/6+
Foot units Light infantry, javelin
Light infantry other,
War wagons
Downgrade a light/standard unit to raw
Downgrade a deep unit to raw
Upgrade a light/standard unit to veteran
Upgrade a deep unit to veteran
Downgrade a standard unit to small
Unit modifiers
Unit modifiers Upgrade a light/standard unit with extra
missile weapons
Upgrade with pavises, boats, stakes,
2HCCW, extra ammo, mounts for infantry
Upgrade a deep unit to extra deep
Upgrade elephants to escorted
Camps 1-3
Fortifications, per 1 box-side length
Allies -
Notes -
Save Cost
2+ 4
- +1
- +1
+1 +1
- +1
- +4
- 1
6+ 11
7+ 9
8+ 9
6+ 11
6+ 11
6+ 14
7+ 5
8+ 5
7+ 5
7+ 7
6+ 8
7+ 7,10
8+ 7
8+ 7
7+/6+ 6,8
6+ 8,12
7+ 7,10
6+ 10
7+ 4

8+ 4
8+ 9
8+ 7
7+ 13
7+ 7,10
7+ 7,10
7+ 13
7+ 10
+1 -1,-2
+1 -3
-1 +1,+2
-1 +3
- -50%
- +1,+2

- +1
- +4
- +4
- 1
- 1
Classical Indian 600 BCE to 185 BCE
This list covers the armies of the Indian subcontinent the kingdom from 600 BC through to the
end of the Mauryan Empire in 185BC, including the armies of Poros and Chandragupta.
Unit type Number
Attached general (mounted on elephant or
chariot) Half or
Generals Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior 0-1
Heroes 4-8
Heavy chariots, javelin, extra longbow 2-4
Heavy chariots
Upgrade chariots to veteran Up to half
Cavalry Cavalry, javelin 2-4
Indian elephants 3-8
Upgrade to escorted Any or all
Up to one
Upgrade elephants to veteran
Javelinmen with extra longbow
Javelinmen 2-4
Upgrade javelinmen or longbowmen to
Infantry 0-1
Upgrade with extra 2HCCW Any or all
Downgrade javelinmen or longbowmen to One third
raw to one half
Light infantry other, longbow 0-2
Light infantry javelin 0-2
Camp Camp 1-3
Allies -
* These must all be taken either as javelinmen with extra longbow or as longbowmen.
Notes - Players have the choice of building their Indian infantry units either with a mixture of
javelin and longbow, or all-longbow units. However I have assumed that many of the Indian
infantry, the least important arm of the army, were poorly trained. The option to upgrade one
unit to veteran represents mercenaries.
BC through to the
Save Cost
2+ 4/5
+1 +1
- +1
- 1
6+ 13
5+ 15
7+ 9
6+ 8
- +4

-1 +3

7+ 9
8+ 9
7+ 7
- +1

+1 -2

8+ 4
7+ 4
- 1

with a mixture of
ny of the Indian
on to upgrade one
Later Kushite 591 BCE - 350 CE
This list covers the Kushite kingdom from the relocation of its capital to Meroe until its
dissolution in the mid 4th century CE.
Unit type Number
Attached general on foot 1-3
Upgrade to mounted on horseback Up to 1
Upgrade to heroic Half or
Upgrade to senior more
Heroes 5-10
Kushite cavalry Cavalry, javelin, raw 1-2
Warriors, raw 5-10
Kushite warriors Upgrade warriors from raw Up to
Upgrade non-raw warriors to fanatics 1/3
Light infantry other, bow 2-5
Kushite archers Upgrade to bowmen, raw Any
Upgrade bowmen, raw to bowmen Up to
Kushite skirmishers Light infantry javelin, raw half
Elephants Elephants, African, raw 0-1
Camp Camp 1-3
Notes - Kushite warriors were evidently poorly equipped; Strabo says of them that "they soon
fled, being badly commanded, and badly armed; for they carried large shields made of raw
hides, and hatchets for defensive weapons; some, however, had pikes, and others swords." I
feel these are best represented by warriors. The option to upgrade warriors to fanatics
reflects the ferocious reputation of the Nubian warrior. It is possible that they may have used
elephants in small numbers.
Meroe until its

Save Cost
2+ 4
- +1
+1 +1
- +1
- 1
7+ 9
8+ 7
7+ 10
8+ 10
8+ 4
9+ 5
8+ 7
7+ 4
8+ 3
- 1

them that "they soon

hields made of raw
nd others swords." I
iors to fanatics
t they may have used
Early Achaemenid Persian 550 BCE to 401 BCE
This list represents the Persian army from Cyrus the Great's defeat of the Medes up until just
before Cyrus the Younger's Cunaxa campaign.
Unit type Number Cost
Attached general 1-4 2+ 4
Upgrade to mounted Half or - +1
Generals more
Upgrade to heroic Half or 3+ +1
Upgrade to senior more
1 - +1
Heroes 4-8 - 1
Persian Guard cavalry Cavalry javelin, veteran, extra bow 1 6+ 13
Persian or Median cavalry Cavalry javelin, extra bow 2-4 7+ 11
Thessalian cavalry Light cavalry javelin 0-2 7+ 5
Ionian or medizing Greek
Cavelry javelin, raw 0-1 8+ 7
Bactrian light cavalry Light cavalry javelin, extra bow 0-1 7+ 6
Skythian or similar horse
Light cavalry bow 0-3 8+ 5
Bedouin camelry Light camelry bow, raw 0-1 9+ 4
Scythed chariots Scythed chariot 0-1 7+ 5
Bowmen, veteran 1-2*/** 7+ 10
Persian Immortals
Upgrade bowmen, veteran with pavise Any - +1
Bowmen 4-8** 8+ 7
Persian sparabara foot
Upgrade bowmen with pavise Any - 8
Parthian, Bactian or similar
Bowmen 1-2 8+ 7
Assyrian or Chaldean archers Bowmen, raw 0-2 9+ 5
Indians Longbow 0-1 8+ 9
Lydian, Ionian or medizing Hoplites, raw 0-2 7+ 9
Greek hoplites Ugpgrade hoplites, raw to hoplites 0-1 6+ 12
Thracian, Armenian, Javelinmen 0-3 7+ 7
Paphlagonian or similar
Persian levies Mob javelins, raw 0-4 9+ 4
Egyptian, Phoenician or Javelinmen 0-1 7+ 7
Lykian marines
Skythian or Kaspian archers Light infantry other, bow 0-2 8+ 4
Syrian or Persian slingers Light infantry other, sling 0-2 8+ 4
Lycian or Pisidian javelimen Light infantry javelin 0-2 7+ 4
Lybian or similar javelimen Light infantry javelin, raw 0-2 8+ 3
Camp Camp 1-3 - 1
Allies - Thebans
* Minmum only applies if any Immortals are taken, in which case the King of Kings must be the
senior general and lead one of these units or the Guard cavalry.
** The best way to represent sparabara is as bowmen with extra pavise. The front rank Persians
armed with spears and holding the pavises may be represented but have no combat effect. Many
gamers will want to use 2 sparabara units, one behind the other, in order to maximuse the rate of
fire, but note that the rearmost unit may only conduct overhead fire at close range.

Notes -
Later Achaemenid Persian 401 BCE to 330 BCE
This list represents the Persian army from the battle of Cunaxa in 401 BCE through to the fall o
the Empire in 330 BCE after Darius' final defeat at Gaugamela.
Unit type
Attached general
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry, javelin, veteran
Persian Royal Guard cavalry Upgrade cavalry, javelin, veteran to cavalry,
lance, veteran
Cavalry, javelin
Persian or Median cavalry Upgrade cavalry, javelin to cavalry, javelin,
veteran as satrapal guard.
Bactrian or Saka cavalry on Cavalry, javelin, veteran
armoured horses Upgrade cavalry, javelin, veteran with extra
Armenian or Kappadocian bow
Cavalry, javelin, veteran
cavalry on armoured horses
Colonist or Indian cavalry Cavalry, javelin, raw
Bactrian light cavalry Light cavalry, javelin, extra bow
Archosians, Paphlagonians &
Light cavalry, javelin
Parthians or Sakai Light cavalry, bow
Scythed chariots Scythed chariots
Persian "Apple-Bearer"
Hoplites, deep, extra bow
Hoplites, deep
Greek or Lykian hoplites Upgrade Theban, Spartan or mercenary
hoplites, deep to hoplites, veteran, deep
Carian or Ionian hoplites Hoplites, deep, raw
Egyptian hoplites Hoplites, deep, raw
Hoplites, deep, raw
Persian kardakes Downgrade hoplites, deep, raw to
javelinmen, extra bow
Persian takabara or Greek Javelinmen
peltastai Upgrade takabara javelinmen with extra
Mardian archers bow
Hill peoples or Thracians Javelinmen
Persian levies Mob, deep, javelins, raw
Persian archers or slingers Light infantry other, bow or sling, raw
Elephants Indian elephants, deep, escorted by
Camp longbows,
Camp raw
Allies - Lykians
* Minima apply only if any such units are selected, in which case the senior general must then
the King of Kings mounted on a horse or in a chariot and attached to the guard cavalry. The ap
bearer guard infantry are likely to have been a mix of spearmen with hoplite shields and arche
note that this unit has extra bows and can fire as if light infantry.
** This represents the army at Gaugamela. Minima apply only if any units marked ** are select
in which case the units marked * must also be selected. Only one unit of Greek hoplites may be
chosen and no Kardakes, Thracians, Carians, Egyptians, Lykians or Ionians.
Notes - Kardakes may have been Persian youths, mercenaries or Kurds, we aren't certain. They
were likely equipped as hoplites but as we can't be absolutely certain I have included the optio
being equipped as peltast types with extra bow. Takabara were garrison troops from modern da
Iraq and Iran, equipped as peltasts (but again possibly with bow). At Gaugamela, the elephants
may have been left in camp, perhaps becuase they were poorly trained or purely ceremonial. F
this reason I have made them both optional and raw.
401 BCE through to the fall of

Number Cost
1-4 2+ 4
Half or
- +1
Half or
3+ +1
1 - +1
4-8 - 1
6+ 11

2-4 7+ 9

0-1 6+ 11

0-1 6+ 11
Any - +2

0-1 6+ 11

2-4 8+ 7
0-2 7+ 6
1-2 7+ 5
0-2 8+ 5
0-2 7+ 5
1* 6+ 14
1-3 6+ 12

0-1 5+ 15

0-2 7+ 9
0-2 7+ 9
0-4 7+ 9

Any 7+ 9

0-2 7+ 7
Any - 9
0-2 8+ 7
0-2 7+ 7
2-4** 9+ 4
1-2 9+ 3
0-1** 7+ 9
1-3 - 1

he senior general must then be

to the guard cavalry. The apple-
ith hoplite shields and archers-
ny units marked ** are selected,
unit of Greek hoplites may be
r Ionians.
Kurds, we aren't certain. They
ain I have included the option of
rrison troops from modern day
At Gaugamela, the elephants
ined or purely ceremonial. For
Alexandrian Imperial 331 BCE - 323 BCE
This list takes the army of Alexander the Great from just after the battle of Gaugamela, through
the invasion of India and until his death in Babylon in 323 BCE.
Unit type Number Save Cost
Attached general on foot 3-5 2+ 4
Upgrade to mounted Any - +1
Upgrade to heroic Half or 3+ +1
Upgrade to senior Upmore
to 1 - +1
Upgrade one general to mounted, senior, Up to 1 - +7
heroic, great leader* representing
Heroes Alexander 3-6 - 1
Hetairoi (Companions) Cavalry, lance, veteran 1-2 6+ 11
Greek, Persian or Indian Cavalry, javelin 0-3**/*** 7+ 9
cavalry Upgrade cavalry to cavalry, veteran 0-1 6+ 11
Thracians, Hippakontistai, Light cavalry javelin 1-2 7+ 5
Arachosians and Upgrade light cavalry javelin to light 0-1 6+ 6
Paropamisadai cavalry javelin, veteran
Light cavalry bow 1-2 8+ 5
Bactians, Sodgians, Sakai or
Uprgade light cavalry bow to light cavalry 0-1 7+ 6
bow, veteran
Hypaspistai Pikemen, veteran, deep, hero 0-1 6+ 17
Pezhetairoi Pikemen, veteran, deep 3-5 6+ 16
Pantodapoi (Persian
Pikemen, raw, deep 0-3*** 8+ 10
Greek allied hoplitai Hoplites, raw, deep 0-1 7+ 9
Indian allied infantry Javelinmen with extra longbow 0-1** 7+ 10
Mercenary peltastai Spearmen 0-2 7+ 7
Elephants Indian elephants, escorted, raw, deep 0-2** 7+ 9
Agrianian javelinmen Light infantry javelin, veteran 1-2 6+ 5
Thracian and Illyrian
Light Infantry javelin 0-2 7+ 4
Cretan and Macedonian Light infantry other, bow 1-2 8+ 4
archers and Rhodian and Light infantry other, sling 0-1 8+ 4
Agrianian slingers Upgrade Cretans, Rhodians or Agrianes to 0-2 7+ 5
Persian archers vet.
Light infantry other, bow, raw 0-4 9+ 3
Stone throwers Artillery (catapult) 0-1 7+ 7
Camp Camp 1-3 - 1
Camp defences Fortifications 0-5 - 1
Allies - Classical Indian
* Great leaders are a sort of special senior attached general. A great leader's exceptional qualities
enable him to play two replacement activation cards or to-hit cards in a single turn, rather than the
usual one. Great leaders are also exceptional warriors and when wounded, play two injury cards
and pick the lowest.
** Indian only after 326BC
*** Persian only after 324BC
Notes - This is the army that pursued Darius, conquered the mountain fastnesses of Afghanistan
and much of India. Had Alexander not died in Babylon, it would have turned westwards against
Rome and Carthage. In recognition of their long period under arms, all of the pezhetairoi are
veteran, making this perhaps the highest-quality army of all the TtS! army lists. During and after
the invasion of India, the hypaspistai would have the silver shields.
Later Thracian 334 BCE to 46 CE
This list covers Thrace during the periods of Successor and Roman dominance until it became
Roman province in 46 CE. There wil be a separate list to cover the Lysimachid Thracian kingd
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic

Upgrade to senior
Cavalry javelin
Thracian cavalry Upgrade cavalry javelin to cavalry javelin,
Light cavalry javelin
Thracian light cavalry Replace light cavalry javelin with light
cavalry bow
Spearmen or javelinmen
Upgrade javelinmen with extra 2HCCW
Thracian warriors Upgrade javelinmen with extra 2HCCW
Upgrade spearmen or javelinmen to veteran
Light infantry javelin
Upgrade light javelin javelin to light infantry
Thracian slirmishers javelin, veteran
Light infantry javelin
Light infantry other, bow or sling
Camp Camp
Allies - Lysimachid Successor
* Before 250 BCE
** From 250 BCE onwards
Notes - Before 250 BCE Thracians can be fielded as either spearmen or javelinmen. From arou
250 CE onwards, the Thracian warriors moved away from the use of the longer spear to javelin
used in conjunction with the thureos shield and the rhomphaia.
The rhomphaia was a long iron cutting weapon, wielded two handed. Roger Calderbank tells m
that in his book 'The Gods of Battle - The Thracians at War 1500BC to AD150', Chris Webber
writes that the earliest dated rhomphaia is from a grave that is no later than 350BCE. There a
also rhomphaia depicted in the paintings in the Kazanlak Tomb which must be before 275BCE
since the nearby city of Seuthopolis was destroyed in 279BCE, and is probably the end of the 4
Century BCE.
n dominance until it became a
e Lysimachid Thracian kingdom.
Number Save Cost
1-3 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
4-8 - 1
7+ 9
6+ 11
3-6 7+
Up to 5
5-10* 7+ 7
Up to
7+ 8
Half or
7+ 8
0-2 6+ +2
5-10* 7+ 4
0-2* 6+ 5
3-6** 7+ 4
1-3 8+ 4
1-3 - 1

en or javelinmen. From around

of the longer spear to javelins

ed. Roger Calderbank tells me

C to AD150', Chris Webber
o later than 350BCE. There are
hich must be before 275BCE
d is probably the end of the 4th
Lysimachid Successor 334 BCE - 281 BCE
This list covers the armies of Alexander's governors of Thrace and those of the Successor gene
Lysimachos from his appointment as regent of Thrace until his death at the battle of Corupediu
281 BCE.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry lance
Xystophoroi Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Cavalry javelin or lance
Greek cavalry Upgrade cavalry javelin or lance to cavalry
javelin or lance, veteran
Thracian, Greek or Paionian
Light cavalry javelin
light cavalry
Pikemen, deep
Phalangitai Pikemen, deep
Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
veteran, deep
Hoplites, deep, raw
Greek mercenary foot Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen,
Spearmen or javelinmen
Upgrade javelinmen with extra 2HCCW
Thracian peltastai (rhomphaia)
Upgrade spearmen or javelinmen with or
without 2HCCW to veteran
Illyrians Spearmen or javelinmen
Spearmen or javelinmen
Lykians Replace all Lykian spearmen with
spearmen, deep
Ex-Antigonid elephants Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Ex-Macedonian elephants Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Paionian javelinmen Light infantry javelin
Mercenary archers or
Light infantry bow or sling
Artillery Artillery
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies - Later Thracians, Macedonian Successors, Eastern Asiatic Successors
* Up to 288 BCE
** From 288 BCE
*** After 301 BCE
Notes - Lysimachos was born a Thessalian but, due to his father's connections with Philip II of
Macedon, grew up with the staus of a Macedonian to become one of Alexander's bodyguards. A
Alexander's reath he was appointed governor of Thracia, where he governed (and fought) the
Thracians. In 306/305 BCE he had himself crowned King of Thrace. He gradually extended his
of control over Macedonia and parts of Asian Minor, before being defeated and killed by Seleuk
the battle of Corupedium in 281 BCE. Lysimachos' army combines a core of Macedonians with
almost unlimited numbers of savage Thracians.
Many thanks to Roger Calderbank who collaborated on these lists, which are loosely based upo
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at Th
notes on his site are fascinating and informative.
those of the Successor general
ath at the battle of Corupedium in

Number Save Cost

3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
2-6 - 1
1-2 7+ 9
Any 6+ 11
0-2 7+ 9

0-1 7+ 11

1-4 7+ 5

1-2* 7+ 13
2-6** 7+ 13
Up to half 6+ 16
0-4 9
At least 7+
1-12 7+ 7
Up to half 7+ 8
0-1 6+
0-2 7+ 7
1-3**** 7+ 7
1-2**** 7+ 10
0-1**** 7+ 9
0-1** 7+ 9
1-2 7+ 4
1-2 8+ 4
0-1 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1

connections with Philip II of

of Alexander's bodyguards. After
e governed (and fought) the
e. He gradually extended his area
defeated and killed by Seleukos at
a core of Macedonians with
, which are loosely based upon
lternativeDBMLists.html. The
Seleucid Successor 323 BCE - 301 BCE
This lists covers Seleukos, founder of the eponymous Empire, and sundry other Eastern Succes
satrapal generals, including Peucestas and Peithon, up to the battle of Ipsos.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Upgrade one general to attached
foot/mounted, senior, heroic, great leader*
Heroes representing Seleukos
Xystophoroi Cavalry lance, veteran
Cavalry javelin
Satrapal or colonist heavy Upgrade cavalry javelin to cavalry javelin,
cavalry veteran or to cavalry lance, veteran, as
Median lonchophoroi and
Light cavalry, javelin
other satrapal light cavalry
Satrapal or other horse
Light cavalry, bow
Scythed chariots Scythed chariots
Pikemen, deep
Macedonian phalangitai Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
veteran, deep as hypaspistai
Thracian peltastai Javelinmen, extra 2HCCW
Pantodapoi phalangitai Pikemen, raw, deep
Hoplites, deep, raw
Greek mercenary foot Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen,
Other satrapal foot Spearmen or javelinmen, raw
Satrapal levy archers Bowmen, raw
Babylonian levies Mobs, deep
Kossaian allies
Bowmen, raw
Eudamos' elephants Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Seleukos' elephants Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Upgrade escorted Indian elephants, raw,
deep to escorted Indian elephants, deep
Light infantry javelin
Light infantry bow or sling
Persian archers and slingers Light infantry bow or sling, raw
Greek akontistai Light infantry javelin, raw
Cretan archers Light infantry bow, veteran
Stone throwers and bolt
Artillery (catapult)
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies -
* Great leaders are a sort of special senior attached general. A great leader's exceptional qual
enable him to play two replacement activation cards or to-hit cards in a single turn, rather tha
usual one. Great leaders are also exceptional warriors and when wounded, play two injury card
and pick the lowest.
** Only Peithon or Seleukos
*** Only Peukestas before 316 BCE
**** Ony Seleukos from 312 BCE.
***** Only between 312 and 308 BCE; the minima only applies during this period. Kossians mu
led by a Kossian general who cannot lead other troops.
****** Only Seleukos from 303 BCE
Notes - Soon after Alexander's death Seleukos was appointed Satrap of Babylon. Unfortunately
him this territory was quickly seized by Antigonus. In 312 BCE Seleukos, with Ptolemaic backi
launched a Blitzkreig-like campaign which not only recovered Babylon but laid the foundation
the eponymous Empire, which, at its height, stretched from Syria to the borders of India. Seleu
and the other Eastern Successors had but limited access to Macedonian manpower, but were a
draw upon the manpower reserves of the former Persian Empire and occasionally accessvast
numbers of Indian elephants. Xystophoroi may fight in wedge.
Many thanks to Roger Calderbank who collaborated on these lists, which are loosely based upo
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at Th
notes on Luke's site are fascinating and informative.
sundry other Eastern Successors
e of Ipsos.
Number Save Cost
3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
Up to 1* - +6/
2-6 - 1
0-1 6+ 11
1-3 7+ 9

0-1 6+ 11

2-5 7+ 5

0-3 8+ 5
0-1**** 7+ 5
1-2** 7+ 13

0-1 6+ 16

0-1** 7+ 8
1-2 8+ 10
1-2 9
1-2 10
0-2 8+ 5
0-1 9+ 5
0-2 8+ 7
1-2***** 7+ 7
1-2***** 8+ 5
0-4*** 7+ 9
2-8****** 7+ 9

Up to 1/3 6+ 12

0-2 7+ 4
0-2 8+ 4
6-18*** 9+ 3
0-4****** 8+ 3
0-1 7+ 5
0-2 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1
eat leader's exceptional qualities
s in a single turn, rather than the
wounded, play two injury cards

ring this period. Kossians must be

ap of Babylon. Unfortunately for

eukos, with Ptolemaic backing,
ylon but laid the foundation for
to the borders of India. Seleukos
donian manpower, but were able
nd occasionally accessvast

, which are loosely based upon

lternativeDBMLists.html. The
Ptolemaic Successor 323 BCE - 250 BCE
This list takes the army of Ptolemaic Egypt from the foundation of the kingdom by Ptolemy I in 323
BCE, until the introduction of African elephants in 250 BCE.
Unit type Number Save Cost
Attached general on foot 3-5 2+ 4
Upgrade to mounted Any - +1
Generals Half or
Upgrade to heroic 3+ +1
Upgrade to senior Up to 1 - +1
Heroes 2-5 - 1
Cavalry lance 2-3 7+ 9
Kleruch (military settler)
xystophoroi (lancers) Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
0-1 6+ 11
veteran as agema (guards)
Greek or Thessalian Cavalry javelin 0-1 7+ 9
mercenary cavalry Upgrade cavalry to veteran 0-1 6+ 11
Light cavalry javelin 0-2 7+ 5
Uprgade light cavalry to veteran 0-1 6+ 6
Bedouin Light camelry javelin 0-1 7+ 5
Agema Pikemen, veteran, deep 0-1 6+ 16
Pikemen, deep 1-3** 7+ 13
Macedonian pezhetairoi Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
Up to 2 6+ 16
veteran, deep
Kleruchoi (military settlers) Pikemen, deep 2-6*** 7+ 13
and mercenary phalangites Downgrade pikemen deep to pikemen, raw,
At least 1/3 8+ 10
Hoplites, deep, raw 2-4** 9
Mercenary hoplitai Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen, At least 7+
deep half
Mercenary thureophoroi Spearmen, deep 1-2*** 7+ 10
Egyptian or Jewish border
Spearmen, deep, raw 0-1 8+ 7
Elephants Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep 0-1* 7+ 9
Cilician, Egyptian, Bedouin,
Jewish, Thracian or similar Light infantry javelin 0-2 7+ 4
Egyptian archers Light infantry other bow, raw 0-4 9+ 3
Cretan archers Light infantry other bow, veteran 0-2 7+ 5
Rhodian slingers Light infantry other sling, veteran 0-1 7+ 5
Stone throwers Artillery (catapult) 0-1 7+ 7
Camp Camp 1-3 - 1
Camp defences Fortifications 0-5 - 1
Allies -
* Only after 312 BCE; representing elephants possibly captured in that year at the battle of Gaza.
** Before 275 BCE
*** From 275 BCE
Notes - Ptolemy Lagides was appointed satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death and founded the a
dynasty that survived for the next three centuries. With only limited access to Macedonian
manpower, Ptolemy recruited the best mercenaries that his substantial treasury could buy.
Numbers of available pikemen increased after the military settler system was introduced, but I
have assumed that the overall quality deteriorated, particularly over time. The optional upgrade to
pikemen represents
Many thanks theCalderbank
to Roger better of the Macedonian,
who collaboratedsettler and lists,
on these mercenary
which pikemen.
are loosely based upon
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at The
notes on his site are fascinating and informative.
Eumenid Successor 322 BCE - 316 BCE
This lists covers the army of Eumenes, Alexander's Greek military secretary, from his appointm
by Perdikkas to hold the Hellespont in 322 BCE though to his execution, after the battle of Gab
in 316 BCE. It also covers all other Successor generals in Western Asia during the same period
including Craterus.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Upgrade one general to an attached
mounted, senior, heroic, great leader*
representing Eumenes
Cavalry lance
Xystophoroi Cavalry lance
Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Grooms Cavalry lance, small unit
Kappadokian, satrapal or Cavalry javelin
other Persian-style cavalry. Upgrade cavalry javelin to cavalry javelin
Pisidian, Paropamisadae or
Light cavalry javelin
other light cavalry
Hippotoxotai Light cavalry bow
Hypaspistai Pikemen, veteran, deep
Pikemen, veteran, deep, heroic general and
Argyraspides "Silver Shields"
Macedonian phalangitai Pikemen, deep
Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
veteran, deep
Pantodapoi phalangitai Pikemen, raw, deep
Hoplites, raw, deep
Greek mercenary foot Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen,
Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Elephants Upgrade escorted Indian elephants, raw,
deep to escorted Indian elephants, deep
Pisidian, Kilikian or other
Light infantry javelin
Psiloi Light infantry bow or sling
Persian archers and slingers Light infantry bow or sling, raw
Cretan archers Light infantry bow, veteran
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies -
* Great leaders are a sort of special senior attached general. A great leader's exceptional qual
enable him to play two replacement activation cards or to-hit cards in a single turn, rather tha
usual one. Great leaders are also exceptional warriors and when wounded, play two injury card
and pick the lowest.
** Only before 319 BCE
*** Only after 319 BCE
**** Only after 318 BCE
***** The Argyraspidai are led by an attached, heroic foot general, Antigenes (who has been co
in) along with 2 heroes. Antigenes can only command this unit.
Notes - Eumenes of Cardia was Alexander's military secretary. After Alexander's death he was
appoined satrap of Cappadocia and Paphlagonia. Although highly talented, his Greek birth
diminished the loyalty of his Macedonian subordinates. He was eventually betrayed and hande
over to Antigonus by the famous Argyraspides. Much of Eumenes' army was drawn from the
Eastern satrapies and so includes numerous Persian-style cavalry and missile men. The small u
of "grooms" represents the forlorn hope of lancers (possibly retainers, scouts or volunteers) th
was positioned in advance of the wings at Paraitakene. They may fight in wedge, as may the
Many thanks to Roger Calderbank who collaborated on these lists, which are loosely based upo
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at Th
notes on his site are fascinating and informative.
secretary, from his appointment
ution, after the battle of Gabiene
Asia during the same period,

Number Save Cost

3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
Up to 1 - +7

2-6 - 1
1 7+ 9
1*** 7+ 9
0-1 6+ 11
0-1 7+ 4.5
1-3 7+ 9
0-1 7+ 11

1-2 7+ 5

0-1*** 8+ 5
0-1*** 6+ 16
0-1***** 6+ 22
1-2** 7+ 13
0-1 6+ 16
1-2 8+ 10
1-2 9
At least 7+
2-3**** 7+ 9

0-1 6+ 12

2-4 7+ 4
0-2 8+ 4
5-10*** 9+ 3
0-1 7+ 5
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1

eat leader's exceptional qualities

s in a single turn, rather than the
wounded, play two injury cards
, Antigenes (who has been costed

er Alexander's death he was

talented, his Greek birth
entually betrayed and handed
army was drawn from the
and missile men. The small unit
ers, scouts or volunteers) that
fight in wedge, as may the

, which are loosely based upon

lternativeDBMLists.html. The
Antigonid Successor 320 BCE - 285 BCE
This lists covers the armies of Antigonos and his son Demetrios from the former's appointment
the Asiatic Royal commander until his death at the battle of Ipsos in 301 BCE and Demetrios
thereafter, until his capture by Seleukos.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Upgrade one general to attached
foot/mounted, senior, heroic, great leader*
Heroes representing Antigonos.
Cavalry lance
Xystophoroi Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Grooms Cavalry lance, small unit
Satrapal heavy cavalry Cavalry javelin
Satrapal light cavalry Light cavalry, javelin
Tarentines Light cavalry javelin, veteran
Hippotoxotai Light cavalry bow
Pikemen, deep
Macedonian phalangitai Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
veteran, deep
Pikemen, deep, raw
Local levies
Hoplites, deep, raw
Pikemen, raw, deep
Pantodapoi phalangitai Upgrade pikemen raw, deep to pikemen,
deep as hypaspistai
Hoplites, deep, raw
Greek mercenary foot Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen,
Lykians, Pamphylians or deep
Spearmen or javelinmen
Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Elephants Upgrade escorted Indian elephants, raw,
deep to escorted Indian elephants, deep
Javelinmen Light infantry javelin
Psiloi Light infantry bow or sling
Persian archers and slingers Light infantry bow or sling, raw
Greek akontistai Light infantry javelin, raw
Cretan archers Light infantry bow, veteran
Stone throwers and bolt
Artillery (catapult)
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies -
* Great leaders are a sort of special senior attached general. A great leader's exceptional qual
enable him to play two replacement activation cards or to-hit cards in a single turn, rather tha
usual one. Great leaders are also exceptional warriors and when wounded, play two injury card
and pick the lowest.
** From 320 BCE to 301 BCE. In 301 BCE he was too unwell to ride and must fight on foot.
*** Only Antigonus before or during 301 BCE
**** Only after 316 BCE
***** Only Demetrios after 307 BCE, after which time his army may not include any Persian ar
or slingers.
Notes - Antigonos Monopthalmos (the one-eyed) was a leading general of Alexander and Satra
Phrygia. Supported by his son Demetrious he rose to become the most powerful of the Success
but hisi successes led the other dynasts to unite against him and he was eventually defeated an
killed at the battle of Ipsos in 301 BCE. The small unit of "grooms" represents the forlorn hope
lancers (possibly retainers, scouts or volunteers) that was positioned in advance of the wings a
Paraitakene. They may fight in wedge, as may the xystophoroi.
Many thanks to Roger Calderbank who collaborated on these lists, which are loosely based upo
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at Th
notes on his site are fascinating and informative.
om the former's appointment as
in 301 BCE and Demetrios

Number Save Cost

3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
Up to 1** - +6/
2-6 - 1
1-2 7+ 9
0-1 6+ 11
0-1 7+ 4.5
0-3 7+ 9
0-2 7+ 5
0-1 6+ 6
0-1 8+ 5
1-4 7+ 13
0-2 6+ 16
8+ 10
7+ 9
0-3*** 8+ 10

0-1 7+ 13

2-6 9
At least 7+
0-2 7+ 7
0-2 7+ 9

0-1 6+ 12

0-2 7+ 4
0-2 8+ 4
0-4**** 9+ 3
0-4***** 8+ 3
0-1 7+ 5
0-2 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1

eat leader's exceptional qualities

s in a single turn, rather than the
wounded, play two injury cards

de and must fight on foot.

ay not include any Persian archers
neral of Alexander and Satrap of
most powerful of the Successors,
e was eventually defeated and
" represents the forlorn hope of
ed in advance of the wings at

, which are loosely based upon

lternativeDBMLists.html. The
Macedonian Successor 319 BCE - 294 BCE
This list covers all the armies of Macedon from the death of Alexander's regent Antipatros, unt
Demetrios' seizure of the Macedonian throne. These include those of Polyperchon, Kassandros
Queen Olympias and Eurydike and any subordinates.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry lance
Xystophoroi Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Cavalry javelin, veteran or cavalry lance,
Thessalians, etc
Light cavalry javelin
Greek cavalry
Cavalry javelin
Pikemen, deep
Phalangitoi Upgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen, veteran
deep as agema/peltastai/agyraspides
Greek hoplites and Hoplites, raw, deep
mercenary foot Replace hoplites, raw, deep with spearmen,
Spearmen or javelinmen
Thracian or Illyrian peltastoi
Upgrade javelinmen with extra 2HCCW
Escorted Indian elephants, raw, deep
Elephants Upgrade escorted Indian elephants, raw,
deep to escorted Indian elephants, deep
Javelinmen Light infantry javelin
Psiloi Light infantry bow or sling
Cretan archers Light infantry bow, veteran
Artillery Artillery
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies - Epeirots (list to be written), Athenians, Eretrians or Boeotians from the Later Hoplite G
list (list to be written), Aitolians from the Hellenistic Greek list (also to be written).
* No more than three mounted units in total may be chosen.
Notes - This list is for the diadochos who loves the pike! The support options are limited, but th
are more pike than any of the other Successor armies. Xystophoroi may fight in wedge.
Many thanks to Roger Calderbank who collaborated on these lists, which are loosely based upo
Luke Ueda-Sarson's excellent lists at Th
notes on his site are fascinating and informative.
nder's regent Antipatros, until
of Polyperchon, Kassandros,

Number Save Cost

3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
2-6 - 1
1-2* 7+ 9
Any 6+ 11
0-1* 6+ 11
7+ 5
7+ 9
2-8 7+ 13

Up to 1/3 6+ 16

2-5 9
At least 7+
0-2 7+ 7
0-1 7+ 8
0-2 7+ 9

0-1 6+ 12

1 7+ 4
1 8+ 4
1 7+ 5
0-1 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1
ans from the Later Hoplite Greek
so to be written).

ort options are limited, but there

i may fight in wedge.
, which are loosely based upon
lternativeDBMLists.html. The
Imperial Seleucid 301 BCE - 162 BCE
This list covers the Seleucid armies from the battle of Ipsos until the Roman destruction of the
elephant herd in 162 BCE.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry lance
Upgrade cavalry lance to cataphracts lance
Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Xystophoroi (lancers)
veteran as hetairoi (companions)
Upgrade cavalry lance or cataphracts lance
to cavalry lance, veteran as agema (guards)
Downgrade cavalry lance to cavalry javelin,
Median longchophoroi raw
Light cavalry javelin
Galatian cavalry Cavalry javelin
Tarentines or politikoi (civic Light cavalry javelin
militia) cavalry Cavalry javelin, raw
Hippotoxotai (horse archers) Light cavalry bow
Bedouin Light camelry bow, raw
Scythed chariots Scythed chariots
Pikemen, deep, veteran
Replace pikemen, deep, veteran with
Argyraspides (Silver Shields)
spearmen, deep, veteran as thorakitai
Replace pikemen, deep, veteran with
Pikemen, deep
Phalangitai (phalangites) Downgrade pikemen, deep to pikemen,
deep, raw
Greek or other mercenaries Spearmen
equipped as thureophoroi or Spearmen, deep
thorakitae (long-shielded Upgrade spearmen, deep to spearmen,
spearmen) veteran deep as thorakitai
Hillmen Javelinmen, raw
Thracians Javelinmen, extra 2HCCW (rhomphaia)
Warriors, deep
Galatian mercenaries
Replace warriors, deep with auxilia
Levies Spearmen, deep, raw
Indian elephants, deep
More Indian elephants, deep
Elephants Upgrade an Indian elephant, deep to Indian
elephant deep, veteran
Upgrade Indian elephants to escorted
Thureophoroi, skirmishing Light infantry javelin
Cretan or neo-Cretan archers Light infantry other bow, veteran
Bowmen, raw
Other archers and slingers
Other archers and slingers
Light infantry bow/sling, raw
Artillery Artillery
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies - Galatians (245 BCE to 228 BCE only), Aitolian allies (192 BCE to 190 BCE only).
* Only before 275 BCE
** Only after 228 BCE
*** Only after 206 BCE
**** After 167 BCE
Notes - I have included an option for the Argyraspides to be equipped as thorakitai, as an
alternative to them being imitation legionaries. The Greek mercenaries at Raphia are likely to
been equipped as thorakitai or thureophoroi, which are best represented as spearmen or
spearmen, veteran respectively. I have included an option to deploy them as skirmishers with
javelin, but assumed that in major battles they would leave their javelins in the camp and fight
close order with longer spears. Xystophoroi may fight in wedge.
With thanks to Luke Ueda-Sarson whose excellent list at provided much inspiration for this list.
he Roman destruction of their

Number Save Cost

3-5 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or
3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
2-5 - 1
0-4 7+ 9
0-3*** 6+ 11

0-1 6+ 11

0-1 6+ 11

Any**** 8+ 7
0-1* 7+ 5
0-1**/**** 7+ 9
0-1 7+ 5
0-1**** 8+ 5
0-1 8+ 5
0-1 9+ 4
0-2 7+ 5
0-2 16

0-1 6+ 13

0-1**** 10
2-6 7+ 13
Up to half 8+ 10
7+ 7
7+ 10

0-1 6+ 13

0-3 8+ 5
0-1 7+ 8
0-1* 7+ 10
0-1*** 6+ 8
0-1 8+ 7
1-2 6+ 8
0-2* 6+ 8

0-1 5+ 11

0-2 - +4
0-2 7+ 4
0-2 7+ 5
0-3 9+ 5
1-3 9+ 3
0-1 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1
BCE to 190 BCE only).

ped as thorakitai, as an
aries at Raphia are likely to have
sented as spearmen or
y them as skirmishers with
avelins in the camp and fight in

ation for this list.

Later Ptolemaic 250 BCE - 55 BCE
This list takes the army of Ptolemaic Egypt from the great Elephant Hunt in 250 BCE until the
intervention of the Romans in 55 BCE.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry lance
Agema and Kleruchs
Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Cavalry javelin or lance
Greek, Galatian or Thessalian
mercenary cavalry Upgrade cavalry javelin or lance to cavalry
javelin or lance, veteran
Light cavalry javelin
Mysians or Tarantines Uprgade light cavalry javelin to light
cavalry javelin, veteran
Bedouin Light camelry javelin
Kleruchoi (military settlers), Pikemen
mercenary and Libyan
phalangites Upgrade pikemen to pikemen, veteran as
Machimoi (native Egyptian agema (guards)
Pikemen, raw
soldiers) Upgrade pikemen, raw to pikemen, raw,
extra deepdeep
Galatian mercenaries
Replace warriors, deep with auxilia
Thracian mercenaries Javelinmen, extra 2HCCW (rhomphaia)
Spearmen, raw
Egyptian and mercenary
thureophoroi (long-shielded Spearmen, deep, raw
Upgrade spearmen, deep, raw to spearmen,
javelinmen) including
Lykians, Syrians, Pisidians, Upgrade spearmen, deep to spearmen,
Kilikians and Judaeans veteran deep as thorakitai
Elephants African elephants, escorted
Cilician, Egyptian, Bedouin, Light infantry javelin, raw
Jewish or Nubian javelinmen
Upgrade light infantry javelin, raw to light
or thureophoroi in skirmish
infantry javelin
Egyptian or Syrian archers Light infantry other bow, raw
Cretan, Egyptian or Syrian
Light infantry other bow, veteran
Rhodian slingers Light infantry other sling, veteran
Stone throwers Artillery (catapult)
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies- Aitolians
* After 190 BCE the maxima for pikemen and pikemen, raw halves to 2 and 1 respectively and
maxima for spearmen, raw doubles to 8.
** Only after 228 BCE
*** Only after 206 BCE
Notes - This list represents the army present at Raphia, Panion and other battles. It seems
probable that the Ptolemies would at least have reduced the size of the phalanx after the Roma
defeat of the Seleucids at Magnesia in 190 BCE reduced the credibility of pike tactics. It can,
therefore, be replaced with the numerous thureophoroi/thorakitai types. Lance-armed cavalry
fight in wedge. Up to one unit of javelin-armed cavalry (representing Thessalians) may fight in
nt Hunt in 250 BCE until the

Number Save Cost

2-4 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or 3+ +1
to 1 - +1
2-5 - 1
2-3 6+ 9
0-1 6+ 11
1-2 7+ 9
0-1 6+ 11

0-1 7+ 5
0-1 6+ 6

0-1 7+ 5
0-4* 7+ 13
0-1 6+ 16
0-2* 8+ 10
Any 8+ 14
0-1** 7+ 10
Any*** 6+ 8
0-1 7+ 8
8+ 5
8+ 7
Up to half 7+ 10

0-1 6+ 13

0-2 7+ 10
0-4 7+ 3
Up to half 6+ 4

1-4 9+ 3
0-2 7+ 5
0-1 7+ 5
0-1 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1

to 2 and 1 respectively and the

d other battles. It seems
of the phalanx after the Roman
bility of pike tactics. It can,
types. Lance-armed cavalry may
ng Thessalians) may fight in
Galatian 279 BCE - 25 BCE
This list covers the Galatians from their invasion of Greece until the kingdom they established
was assimilated into the Roman Empire in 25 BCE.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Galatian chariots Light chariot javelin
Galatian cavalry Cavalry javelin
Scythed chariots Scythed chariots
Warriors, deep
Upgrade warriors, deep to warriors,
Galatian warriors
fanatics, deep
Replace warriors, fanatics, deep with auxilia
Legionaries, raw
Galatian imitation legionaries
Upgrade legionaries, raw to legionaries
Kappadokians or
Galatian skirmishers Light infantry javelin
Camp Camp
Allies- Hellenistic Greeks, Marian Roman*****
* Light chariots before 232 BCE, cavalry from 232 BCE onwards.
** Before 73 BCE
*** Half or more between 279 BCE and 232 BCE. No more than 2 after 232 BCE.
**** Between 232 BCE and 73 BCE.
***** From 73 BCE onwards.
† Between 277 BCE and 232 BCE
Notes - The Galatians were a warlike horde of extrovert Celts who invaded Greece and Asia Mi
early third century BCE. I have assumed that they lost some of their fanaticism after settling in
in Asia Minor from 232 BCE, although many continued to serve naked as mercenaries in the Pt
army. The option to upgrade some warriors to auxilia reflects the heavily armoured swordsmen
served as mercenaries in the Seleucid and other armies. Later, Galatia fell into the Roman sphe
influence and produced competent legionaries, some of whom were subsequently incorporated
Roman army as Legion XXII Deiotariana. The Galatian's lack of effective skirmishers was expos
Romans at Mount Olympus in 129 BCE.
he kingdom they established in Phrygia

Number Save Cost

1-3 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or more 3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
4-8 - 1
1-3* 7+
0-2† 7+ 5
8-16** 7+
Half or 10
Up to 2**** 6+ 8
8-16***** 7+ 8
Up to 1/4 6+ 10
0-1 7+ 7
0-1 7+ 4
1-3 - 1

after 232 BCE.

invaded Greece and Asia Minor in the

eir fanaticism after settling in Phrygia
ked as mercenaries in the Ptolemaic
heavily armoured swordsmen that
latia fell into the Roman sphere of
e subsequently incorporated into the
ective skirmishers was exposed by the
Parthian 238 BCE to 224 CE
This list covers the Parthians from the start of the reign of Arsaces (who expelled the Seleucids
from Parthia) to their final defeat by the Sassanids at the battle of Hormozdgān in 224 CE.
Unit type
Attached mounted general
Generals Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cataphracts lance
Parthian cataphracts
Upgrade cataphracts to veteran
Parthian horse archers Light cavalry bow
Parthian cataphract camelry Camelry lance, veteran
Light cavalry javelin
Arabs Downgrade light cavalry javelin to light
cavalry javelin, raw
Greek city militia or hillmen
Downgrade javelinmen to raw
Light infantry javelin
Light infantry javelin Downgrade light infantry javelin to light
infantry javelin, raw
Light infantry other, bow or sling
Light infantry other bow or
sling Downgrade light infantry other, bow or sling
to light infantry other, bow or sling, raw
Seleucid prisoners of war Phalangites, raw
Camp Camp
Allies- Arab, Armenian, Commagene, Sarmatian, Seleucid
s (who expelled the Seleucids
Hormozdgān in 224 CE.
Number Save Cost
1-4 2+ 5
Half or more +1 +1
0-1 - +1
3-6 - 1
2-5 6+ 11
0-1 5+ 13
7-14 8+ 5
0-1 6+ 11
0-1 7+ 5

0-1 8+ 4

0-4 7+ 7
At least half 8+ 5
0-2 7+ 4

Any 8+ 3

0-4 8+ 4

At least half 9+ 3

0-1 8+ 10
1-3 - 1
Later Seleucid 161 BCE - 63 BCE
This list covers the Seleucid armies from the start of the period of instability and civil wars in 1
BCE until Pompey turned the last remnant of the kingdom into a Roman privince in 63 BCE.
Unit type
Attached general on foot
Upgrade to mounted
Upgrade to heroic
Upgrade to senior
Cavalry lance
Xystophoroi (lancers)
Upgrade cavalry lance to cavalry lance,
Median kataphraktoi veteran
Thracian, Galatian or similar Cavalry javelin
mercenary cavalry
Cavalry javelin, raw
Politikoi (civic militia cavalry)
Light cavalry javelin, raw
Cavalry javelin, extra bow
Bactrian cavalry
Light cavalry javelin, extra bow
Hippotoxotai (horse archers) Light cavalry bow
Bedouin Light camelry bow, raw
Scythed chariots Scythed chariots
Pikemen, veteran
Downgrade pikemen to pikemen, raw
Downgrade pikemen to javelinmen, raw
Downgrade pikemen to legionairies, raw
Greek or other mercenaries Spearmen
equipped as thureophoroi or Spearmen, deep
thorakitai (long-shielded Upgrade spearmen, deep to spearmen,
spearmen) deep, veteran as thorakitai
Thracian mercenaries Javelinmen with extra 2HCCW (rhomphaia)
Galatian mercenaries Auxilia
Indian elephants
African elephants
Upgrade an elephant to veteran
Upgrade elephants to escorted
Asiatic levy archers Bowmen, raw
Asiatic light infantry Light infantry bow/sling, raw
Light infantry bow or sling
Psiloi Light infantry javelin
Upgrade light infantry bow, to light infantry
Artillery bow, veteran
Camp Camp
Camp defences Fortifications
Allies - Parthians***, Later Ptolemaic (124 BCE to 102 BCE only), Pre-Islamic Arabs, Jewish.
* Only before 140 BCE
** Only from 145 BCE to 125 BCE
*** Only after 141 BCE
Notes -

With thanks to Luke Ueda-Sarson whose excellent list at provided much of the inspiration for this lis
instability and civil wars in 161
Roman privince in 63 BCE.
Number Save Cost
1-4 2+ 4
Any - +1
Half or 3+ +1
Up to 1 - +1
2-5 - 1
0-2 7+ 9
0-1 6+ 11
0-1* 6+ 11
0-1 7+ 9

0-1 8+
0-1*** 7+
0-1 8+ 5
0-1 9+ 4
0-1 7+ 5
0-1* 6+
3-8 7+ 13
Half or 8+ 10
Any 8+ 5
Any 7+ 8
7+ 7
7+ 10

0-1 6+ 13

0-1 7+ 8
0-1 6+ 10
0-1* 6+ 8
0-1** 7+ 6
0-1 -1 +3
0-1 - +4
0-1 9+ 5
1-2 9+ 3
0-2 8+ 4
0-1 7+ 4
0-1 7+ 5
0-1 7+ 7
1-3 - 1
0-5 - 1
Pre-Islamic Arabs, Jewish.
of the inspiration for this list.

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