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Chuck Hull

This article is about the inventor of stereolithography. 3 Commercial rapid prototyping

For the military award winner, see Charles Hull.
In 1986, commercial rapid prototyping was started by
Chuck Hull (Charles W. Hull; born May 12, 1939) is Hull when he founded 3D Systems in Valencia, Califor-
the co-founder, executive vice president and chief tech- nia.[9] Hull realized that his concept was not limited to liq-
nology officer of 3D Systems.[1][2] He is the inventor of uids and therefore gave it the generic name “stereolithog-
the solid imaging process known as stereolithography (3D raphy” (3D printing),[10] and filed broad patent claims
Printing), the first commercial rapid prototyping tech- covering any “material capable of solidification” or “ma-
nology, and the STL file format. He is named on more terial capable of altering its physical state.”
than 60 U.S. patents as well as other patents around the Hull built up a patent portfolio covering many fundamen-
world in the fields of ion optics and rapid prototyping. He tal aspects of today’s additive manufacturing technologies
was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in such as data preparation via triangulated models (STL file
2014.[3] format) and slicing, and exposure strategies such as alter-
nating hatch directions. [11]
The salary for his role as 3D Systems CTO was $307,500
1 Early life in 2011.[12]

Chuck Hull was born on May 12, 1939 in Clifton, Col- 4 Recognition
orado, the son of Lester and Esther Hull. His early life
was spent in Clifton and Gateway, Colorado. He gradu-
• 2014 winner of the European Inventor Award in the
ated from Central High School in Grand Junction, Col-
Non-European countries category [13] awarded by
orado. Chuck received a BS in engineering physics from
the European Patent Office
the University of Colorado in 1961.[4]

5 References
2 Beginnings of stereolithography
[1] “Forbes Profile”. Forbes.

Hull first came up with the idea in 1983 when he [2] Businessweek Executive Profile
was using UV light to harden tabletop coatings.[5]
[3] “Charles Hull: Stereolithography (3D Printing)". In-
Hull coined the term “stereolithography” in his U.S.
[6] ductees. National Inventors Hall of Fame. Retrieved 4
Patent 4,575,330, entitled “Apparatus for Production March 2014.
of Three-Dimensional Objects by Stereolithography” is-
sued on March 11, 1986.[7] He defined stereolithogra- [4] 3DSYSTEMS. “Charles W. Hull Co-Founder and Chief
phy as a method and apparatus for making solid ob- Technology Officer”. Retrieved 17 May 2014.
jects by successively “printing” thin layers of the ultra-
[5] Ponsford, Matthew (14 February 2014). “The night I in-
violet curable material one on top of the other. In Hull’s vented 3D printing'\". Cable News Network. Retrieved 14
patent, a concentrated beam of ultraviolet light is focused February 2014.
onto the surface of a vat filled with liquid photopolymer.
The light beam, moving under computer control, draws [6]
each layer of the object onto the surface of the liquid.
[7] U.S. Patent 4,575,330 (“Apparatus for Production of
Wherever the beam strikes the surface, the photopolymer Three-Dimensional Objects by Stereolithography”)
polymerizes/crosslinks and changes to a solid. An ad-
vanced CAD/CAM/CAE software mathematically slices [8] Stereolithography
the computer model of the object into a large number of
[9] pg 4-1997 NSF JTEC/WTEC Panel Report-RPA http://
thin layers. The process then builds the object layer by
layer starting with the bottom layer, on an elevator that is
lowered slightly after solidification of each layer. [8] [10] History of 3D


[11] Microsoft Word – LANE-2004-EOS-DMLS.doc

[12] “Charles W. Hull Profile”. (Forbes). Re-

trieved 28 October 2011.

[13] Invention: 3D printing (stereolithography)

6 External links
• 3D Systems Web site:
• Forbes Magazine Profile, Charles W. Hull http://
• Executive Profile: Charles W. Hull, http://www.

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
• Chuck Hull Source: Contributors: Edward, Samw, Gene Nygaard, Bg-
white, Wester, Welsh, Livitup, SmackBot, Gilliam, Alaibot, Dawnseeker2000, Postcard Cathy, CommonsDelinker, Kovo138, Jameslwood-
ward, Flyer22, CultureDrone, ImageRemovalBot, Excirial, PotentialDanger, DumZiBoT, Scjules, Yobot, AnomieBOT, Begoon, Rjwilm-
siBot, Leo.Li111, Ὁ οἶστρος, ClueBot NG, Jack Greenmaven, Masssly, Widr, MusikAnimal, Mark Arsten, Autodidaktos, Webclient101,
Lucysnowe1857, Alexandramano, Citrusbowler, Ginsuloft, OccultZone, Sliverpool9, CogitoErgoSum14, Bob=tainted.meat and Anony-
mous: 32

7.2 Images

7.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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